What is RESTful APIs? Benefits and Examples (2024)

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March 10, 2022

8 min read

What is RESTful APIs? Benefits and Examples (1)


A RESTful API is an application programming interface that adheres to the constraints and architectural style of Representational State Transfer (REST). RESTful APsI aims to expose data models and functionality in a standardized way following REST guidelines and leveraging common web technologies for greater interoperability across platforms. These APIs have been widely embraced for modern APIs powering web and mobile apps due to these factors. The simplicity yet scalability make it an ideal architecture! In this article we will dive further into the ins and outs of RESTFul APIs, how to use them and much more!

What is REST API design?

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing APIs that relies on using standard HTTP methods to access resources via URLs. Some key principles of REST API design include:

  • Resources are identified by URLs, allowing clients to easily locate and modify them using HTTP GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests. Resources can be documents, images, or any object managed by the service.
  • Representations of resources are transferred, most commonly JSON or XML. The representation contains data about the resource's state at the point when the request is made.
  • Communication is stateless - no client context is stored on the server between requests. Each request has all necessary information to process it without relying on previous exchanges. This improves scalability and resilience.
  • Standard HTTP methods are used to manipulate resources (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) in a predefined way, easing implementation.
  • Self-descriptive error messages allow clients to resolve issues themselves without needing out-of-band information.

How is a RESTful API different from other APIs?

Architectural Style - REST is an architectural style with constraints around having a uniform interface, being stateless, using resources & representations, etc. Other API approaches like RPC or SOAP are more freeform without a defined style.

HTTP as Interface - REST uses the building blocks of web architecture like HTTP methods, URIs, headers, body and status codes as the interface to access resources. RPC APIs expose a large number of custom methods more tailored to app internals.

Resources as Nouns - In REST, every entity exposed is modeled as a resource represented by URIs. Resources represent nouns and collections of nouns. In RPC, the calls focus more on exposing verbs or functions directly to manipulate data.

Statelessness - REST treats each request as independent without managing session state between messages. This improves scalability and resilience. RPC protocols track state across multiple requests, not as horizontally scalable.

Caching Support - Built-in HTTP caching mechanisms can be applied to improve REST performance since requests are independent. Custom RPC protocols require proprietary caching to optimize.

Self-Descriptive Messages - REST uses status codes, MIME types and headers so responses contain metadata describing payload format, errors, etc. RPC protocols embed this metadata within message arguments requiring custom parsing.

In summary, REST enforces architectural constraints that embraces and leverages key web technologies to simplify distributed client-server interactions at scale while RPC focuses less on a uniform style and more on exposing application internals.

What are some real-world applications of RESTful APIs?

RESTful APIs are commonly used in web and mobile applications to retrieve or modify resources and data on remote systems. Some examples include:

  • Social media sites like Twitter, Facebook use REST APIs to integrate with third-party applications and allow posting updates.
  • Ridesharing apps like Uber and Lyft use REST APIs to coordinate cars, obtain maps, fares and location data.
  • Video, music streaming through Netflix, Spotify use REST APIs to get info on media files from servers.
  • Banking apps utilize REST APIs to retrieve your account data and initiate transactions with remote servers.
  • IoT apps interface with sensors and devices via REST APIs to monitor them and send commands.

Overall, REST integrates modern applications with web services due to its simplicity and scalability.

How do RESTful APIs work?

RESTful principles - RESTful APIs adhere to constraints around having a uniform interface, being stateless, exposing directory structure-like URIs, and transferring XML, JSON or other representations of resources.

Resource Identification - Every entity that can be manipulated or accessed in the API is represented as an HTTP resource exposed at a URI endpoint. URIs identify collections, elements, attributes etc.

HTTP Methods - REST uses standard HTTP methods to define interaction with resources. GET retrieves representations, POST creates resources, PUT updates them, DELETE deletes them.

Request Messages - Clients send requests to REST API endpoints with HTTP headers containing metadata like authorization tokens, content-type, accept headers etc. Parameters help filter result sets or bind data.

Response Messages - Servers return HTTP response codes indicating outcomes along with response headers describing the content. The message body contains representations of resources or data payloads.

Statelessness - Each RESTful request is stateless and self-contained without reliance on server context or previous interactions. Sessions maintained via tokens.

Caching Support - REST APIs improve performance by caching repetitive resource representations on the server or client, as HTTP is cacheable.

Self-documentation - REST APIs use HTTP conventions for response codes, verbs, and media types so APIs self-document how they are supposed to be used by clients.

What is an example of a RESTful endpoint?

A typical REST endpoint would look like:

GET https://api.example.com/users/1234

Here the endpoint resource is the user with id 1234. The base URL section identifies the REST API server while users path indicates it is a user resource.

Common patterns for REST endpoint URLs:

  • /users - Manage user accounts

  • /posts - Access blog posts

  • /devices/{deviceId} - Handle individual IoT devices

  • /reports?type=sales - Filter report collection

So endpoints leverage URL paths and queries to model data access in an intuitive way.

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What is RESTful APIs? Benefits and Examples (2)

What are RESTful API authentication methods?

There are a few common methods used to implement authentication and authorization in RESTful APIs:

  • API keys - Pass API key string in request header which identifies the caller. Easy to implement but less secure.
  • Basic auth - Encode username & password into an Authorization header which the server decodes and verifies. Transmitted unencrypted so weak security.
  • OAuth 2.0 - An open standard where access tokens indicate user identity and permissions. Provides secure delegated access.
  • OpenID Connect - An identity layer built on OAuth 2.0 which allows third-party login using federated identity providers like Google, Facebook etc. Provides convenience and security.

Additionally certificate based systems like mutual TLS authentication both client and server machines through digital certificates.


SOAP and REST take fundamentally different approaches for building web services. SOAP is a protocol with many built-in specifications around XML messaging formats, service descriptions, transactions, security mechanisms, and more. It allows exposing operations that can be called via strongly-typed XML requests and responses. SOAP services are formally defined via WSDL documents that describe each operation in detail. This provides robust tooling but also more complexity.

In contrast, REST is an architectural style focused on principles like having a uniform interface, stateless interactions, manipulation of resources via URIs, and transfer of resource representations like JSON/XML between clients and servers. Rather than exposing operations, REST accesses named resources in a manner similar to accessing files in a directory structure. By focusing on architectural constraints for scalability rather than specifications, REST aims for simpler and lighter-weight integrations.

Due to lower complexity and easier internet-friendly JSON integrations, REST has seen higher adoption for mobile and web applications connecting to microservices. Development is faster and bandwidth needs lower. SOAP's sophisticated tooling can still suit complex enterprise integration scenarios and workflows better. But for productivity and reach, REST delivers what modern applications need. It emphasizes simplicity in a manner that scales to internet-sized audiences.

What are the benefits of RESTful APIs?

REST APIs build on top of HTTP using its standard methods and error codes. This allows very simple client implementations to access web services without complex libraries or tools. The stateless request model further simplifies scaling on the server side. The end result is simplicity across client, server and network for integration.

REST does not enforce or favor any particular data format like XML or JSON. Different representations can be used for transferring resource representations. Developers have great flexibility in modeling resources and leveraging various serialization formats appropriately. This facilitates evolution over time as well.

The stateless request model where each request has all the necessary information makes REST interactions highly scalable. Adding more servers is easy since no state needs replicating across nodes. This scale-out nature is essential for large internet audiences and mobile devices.

Built-in support for caching of resources boosts performance while reducing server loads. Content delivery networks can cache data closer to clients also. And multiple domains can serve REST APIs independently for better resilience.

REST uses ubiquitous HTTP and JSON making it portable across programming languages/platforms like JavaScript, Java, .NET, Android, iOS etc. This simplifies building polyglot systems where various components are implemented in different languages.

RESTful API Design and Architecture Constraints

When creating REST APIs, developers should follow certain standard constraints to ensure RESTful design:

  • Client-Server - Clear separation of concerns between API client and server. Helps modularize the interface.
  • Statelessness - No client context preserved on server between requests. Each request has complete details needed to service it without relying on stored state data. Boosts scalability through horizontal scaling while easing server updates. Requests should be atomic operations when possible.
  • Cacheability - REST responses should ideally have cache directives to identify cacheable resources. Caching improves performance and resiliency. Versioning also avoids client breaking changes.
  • Uniform Interface - Utilizing standard HTTP operations (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc.) on resources keeps the API interface consistent across services. Resources uniquely identified using URIs.
  • Layered System - REST allows layered network topology with components like firewalls, load balancers without affecting the interface between clients and servers. Improves scalability.

How to Build and Implement RESTful APIs

A typical workflow for building a new RESTful API service involves:

  1. Identifying key resources the API needs to expose based on the target application use cases. Resources are real-world entities like accounts, products catalogs etc.
  2. Assigning unique resource identifiers to each resource. Usually done by modeling resources into URL routes like /users, /accounts. Resources can have nested hierarchy via routes like /customers/1234/orders
  3. Choosing common HTTP methods for operating on resources - e.g. GET, POST for retrieval and creation of resources respectively. DELETE can remove resources.
  4. Selecting a data representation format like JSON or XML for transferring resource state back and forth. JSON is most popular choice.
  5. Designing API request and response schemas, typically for JSON payloads. Can utilize schemas like OpenAPI Specification to formally define schemas.
  6. Implementing resource route handlers in chosen language like Node.js, Java for operations like fetching data from database and returning formatted responses.
  7. Adding authentication, rate limits, caching and documentation for API.
  8. Testing the API interface thoroughly before release. Gather user feedback for future iteration.


RESTful APIs offer an easy yet powerful method for building scalable web service interfaces. By constraining architecture around central resources accessed using standard HTTP methods, REST eases connected application development for mobile and web programming. Robust tooling combined with scalability make comprehensive RESTful design central to modern APIs. As needs evolve, REST’s flexibility helps sustain API usability over time.

Tags:API Gateway

What is RESTful APIs? Benefits and Examples (2024)


What is REST API and its benefits? ›

RESTful API is an interface that two computer systems use to exchange information securely over the internet. Most business applications have to communicate with other internal and third-party applications to perform various tasks.

What are RESTful APIs with an example? ›

RESTful APIs are commonly used in web and mobile applications to retrieve or modify resources and data on remote systems. Some examples include: Social media sites like Twitter, Facebook use REST APIs to integrate with third-party applications and allow posting updates.

What is REST API easily explained? ›

A RESTful API is an architectural style for an application programming interface that uses HTTP requests to access and use data. That data can be used to GET , PUT , POST and DELETE data types, which refers to reading, updating, creating and deleting operations related to resources.

What is an API and what are the benefits of using an API? ›

An API is either an endpoint or a collection of endpoints that an application provides. A client application can access one of these endpoints by making an API call to the application's server; if successful, the client application receives the requested data or functionality in near real-time.

When should REST API be used? ›

They are designed for communication between any two pieces of software, regardless of size or capability. As a web application grows and adds more resources, its REST API will be able to quickly handle the increasing amount and variety of requests.

What is the difference between REST API and RESTful API? ›

RESTful API vs REST API at a Glance

In REST applications, the URL works based on the request and response, whereas RESTful APIs totally rely on REST apps. REST is used to develop API, which enables interaction between the server and client, whereas RESTful is a web app that follows the REST infrastructure.

What is the best example of an API? ›

Weather apps gather real-time weather data through APIs provided by weather services. When you check the weather through a smart device or search engine, the app sends an API request to the weather service, which responds with the current weather conditions and forecasts.

What is an API with an example? ›

API integrations are software components that automatically update data between clients and servers. Some examples of API integrations are when automatic data sync to the cloud from your phone image gallery, or the time and date automatically sync on your laptop when you travel to another time zone.

What are the 3 types of APIs and give examples for each? ›

There are also three common types of API architectures:
  • REST, a collection of guidelines for lightweight, scalable web APIs.
  • SOAP, a stricter protocol for more secure APIs.
  • RPC, a protocol for invoking processes that can be written with XML (XML-RPC) or JSON (JSON-RPC).
Jan 16, 2023

What are the 4 most common REST API operations? ›

For REST APIs built on HTTP, the uniform interface includes using standard HTTP verbs to perform operations on resources. The most common operations are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. REST APIs use a stateless request model.

Is REST API frontend or backend? ›

As you probably know, a typical modern application consists of 2 main parts: Frontend and Backend. If you want to create a web or mobile app, you need to have at least a basic understanding of REST API which is commonly used on backend development.

What is REST in simple words? ›

: to cease from action or motion : refrain from labor or exertion. 3. : to be free from anxiety or disturbance. 4. : to sit or lie fixed or supported.

What is the main goal of an API? ›

APIs allow for the sharing of only the information necessary, keeping other internal system details hidden, which helps with system security. Servers or devices do not have to fully expose data—APIs enable the sharing of small packets of data, relevant to the specific request.

What are three business benefits of APIs? ›

Some of the benefits of using API are:
  • Ease of integration. An API is a component that allows different platforms, applications and systems to connect and share information with each other and carry out diverse types of tasks. ...
  • Better integration. ...
  • Automating tasks. ...
  • Improved services.

What is the most important in API? ›

The Importance of APIs

With a focus on modern B2B usage, an application programming interface can be a critical component to integrating data flows with customers and partner systems. It can even add increased flexibility to traditional types of robust exchange such as managed file transfer (MFT) and EDI.

Why is REST API most popular? ›

REST is a form of architectural pattern frequently used to create modern web-based applications. Being very useful, easy to maintain, easy to integrate and lightweight have made it one of the most preferred API types. A REST client can interact with each resource by sending an HTTP request.

What are the benefits of REST API vs SOAP? ›

SOAP messages are larger, which makes communication slower. REST has faster performance due to smaller messages and caching support. SOAP is difficult to scale. The server maintains state by storing all previous messages exchanged with a client.

What is the disadvantage of REST API? ›

There are some limitations of the REST architecture design. These include multiplexing several requests over a single TCP connection, having different resource requests for each resource file, server request uploads and long HTTP request headers, which cause delays in webpage loading.

What are the different types of REST API? ›

The main types of APIs include Open, Partner, Private, and Composite APIs. RESTful API is an architectural style characterized by client-server separation, HTTP interface, and statelessness. SOAP, XML-RPC, JSON-RPC, and Thrift are other popular API protocols with unique features and use cases.

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