The 3 Fund Portfolio – A Simple Investment Strategy That Works (2024)

The 3 Fund Portfolio is a simple investment portfolio that only contains 3 assets, which are typically equity (stocks) and fixed income (bonds) mutual funds. A three fund portfolio is considered a ‘lazy portfolio’ because it requires very little maintenance. This investment strategy is also simple to implement and is viewed favorably by the investment community which often recommends them as a solid introduction to long term investing.

If you’ve read our guide on asset allocation then you might recognize the phrase 3 Fund Portfolio.

This investment strategy may seem simple, but the underlying principles are solid. It helps you easily create a well-diversified portfolio with low fees (expense ratio).

Let’s jump into what the 3 Fund Portfolio actually is, how it works, and how you can make your own. But first, let’s make sure we are all on the same page.

What’s an investment portfolio anyway? Your portfolio is the collection of assets that you own. If you have all of your investments at Vanguard, then that’s where you’d go to see your portfolio. Yours might even be spread amongst a few different financial institutions.

This is pretty common if you have a 401K from work with one brokerage and your IRA with another one. In that case, you’d want to take a step back and look at your overall investments to see your entire investment portfolio.

Why Investors Love 3 Fund Portfolios

The beauty of the Three Fund Portfolio lies in its simplicity and efficiency. The typical 3 Fund Portfolio contains a U.S. ‘total market’ index fund, an international ‘total market’ index fund, and a bond ‘total market’ index fund.

Investors don’t need to necessarily use mutual funds to construct their portfolio either, as an ETF portfolio offers the same benefits. As a result, the asset classes included in these portfolios are skewed to stocks and bonds. This provides diversified exposure to the stock market. The bond fund adds additional asset diversification and lowers the expected volatility of your simple portfolio.

The weight of each asset will depend on the risk appetite of the investor.

As a refresher, equity index funds are simply investments that are comprised of many different stocks. So by buying a piece of an index, you are actually purchasing small chunks of many different companies. It takes the guesswork out of having to pick individual stocks or trying to beat the market. Even the average professional on Wall Street can’t consistently beat the market, so it’s foolish to think you’ll be able to.

Where Can I Invest?

If you are ready to start investing, but aren’t sure how to get started, the first step is to open an investment account. If you have a job with a retirement plan like a 401k or 403b, you might even already have one.

Another popular retirement account is the IRA. If you prefer, you can also open a standard investment account or taxable account. Common companies where you can open investment accounts include M1 Finance, Robinhood, Webull, and Fidelity.

Once you have the account open and funded, you can select your investments based on your risk tolerance.

Is The 3 Fund Portfolio The Simplest Way To Invest?

If you are looking for the absolute easiest way to invest, you might be interested in learning more about Facet Wealth. They are a fee-only digital financial advisory company. For a fixed monthly fee, they match you with one of their certified financial planners to handle your money for you.

If you want to manage your own investments but want to have an even simpler investment plan, you can invest everything in a single target date fund or target retirement fund. Target date funds automatically adjust their asset allocation to increase the number of bonds that they contain as you approach retirement age. This is simply to lower the risk.

The dirty little secret is that many target date funds are simply the 3 Fund Portfolio masked with a clever name. The nice thing about creating your own 3 Fund Portfolio is that you will have more control and better tax-efficiency than you’d get in a target date fund.

Target date funds also tend to have very conservative allocations, so many people will prefer to have more exposure to stocks (and less to bonds) in order to have a higher chance of generating higher returns over time. Just remember that the market is unpredictable and that historical performance is not an indicator of future performance.

Your Asset Allocation Determines How ‘Risky’ Your 3 Fund Portfolio Will be

Your split between domestic stocks, international stocks, and bonds will determine how risky your portfolio is. The more bonds you have, the less risk you’ll be taking.

We love the advice shared by John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, in his incredible book, with regards to this topic. For younger investors, he recommends investing 80% in stocks and 20% in bonds. He drops this down to 70% stocks for older investors (45yrs +). For those already retired, a split of 60% stocks to 40% bonds might make more sense.

Ultimately, these are only rough guidelines, and you will need to decide what works best for you. If you have a long investment horizon and are less risk-averse, having 95% of your investments in stocks might be right for you. It’s a personal decision that must be made with your investment goals in mind. Think about how you’d react if you were to lose 40% of your portfolio in a short period of time due to a market downturn like in 2008 / 2009. If you think you might panic and sell everything then perhaps having more bonds would help settle your mind (and stomach).

Asset Allocation Pro-Tip: If you decide to invest using only 1 target-date fund, don’t just choose a fund based on your retirement date. Look into the % of the fund allocated to bonds and decide if that’s the mix you feel comfortable with. If you have a target-retirement date of 2045, but like the allocation of the 2055 retirement-date fund better, then go with that.

They are usually pretty good at picking the right year, but it’s always best to double-check. After all, this is your future we are talking about.

Sample Three Fund Allocation

Sample 3 Fund Portfolio 1

AssetAllocation %
U.S. Stock ‘Total Market’ Index Fund60%
International Stock ‘Total Market’ Index Fund30%
Bond ‘Total Market’ Index Fund 10%

Sample 3 Fund Portfolio 2

AssetAllocation %
U.S. Stock ‘Total Market’ Index Fund45%
International Stock ‘Total Market’ Index Fund35%
Bond ‘Total Market’ Index Fund 20%

Sample 3 Fund Portfolio 3

AssetAllocation %
U.S. Stock ‘Total Market’ Index Fund50%
International Stock ‘Total Market’ Index Fund35%
Bond ‘Total Market’ Index Fund 15%

Sample 3 Fund Portfolio 4

AssetAllocation %
U.S. Stock ‘Total Market’ Index Fund55%
International Stock ‘Total Market’ Index Fund25%
Bond ‘Total Market’ Index Fund 20%

Example Index Funds For A 3 Fund Portfolio

Vanguard Index Funds

Fund Name

InvestmentsFund Ticker
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund *U.S. StocksVTSAX
Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund *International StocksVTIAX
Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund *U.S. BondsVBTLX

*Admiral Funds Require a $3K Minimum Investment

Fidelity Index Funds

Fund NameInvestmentsFund Ticker
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index FundU.S. StocksFZROX
Fidelity Total Market Index FundU.S. StocksFSTMX
Fidelity ZERO International Index FundInternational StocksFZILX
Fidelity Total International Index FundInternational StocksFTIHX
Fidelity U.S. Bond Index FundU.S. BondsFXNAX
Fidelity U.S. Bond Index FundU.S. BondsFBIDX

Charles Schwab Index Funds

Fund NameInvestmentsFund Ticker
Schwab Total Stock Market Index FundU.S. StocksSWTSX
Schwab International Index FundInternational StocksSWISX
Schwab U.S. Aggregate Bond Index FundU.S. BondsSWAGX

Example ETFs In A Three Fund Portfolio

Vanguard ETFs

Fund NameInvestmentsFund Ticker
Vanguard Total Stock ETFU.S. StocksVTI
Vanguard Total International Stock ETFInternational StocksVXUS
Vanguard Total Bond Market ETFU.S. BondsBND

Blackrock iShares ETFs

Fund NameInvestmentsFund Ticker
iShares Core S&P Total Market ETFU.S. StocksITOT
iShares Core MSCI Total International Stock ETFInternational StocksIXUS
iShares Core Total U.S. Bond Market ETFU.S. BondsAGG

Charles Schwab ETFs

Fund NameInvestmentsFund Ticker
US Broad Market ETFU.S. StocksSCHB
International Equity Index ETF (SCHF)International StocksSCHF
U.S. Aggregate Bond Index ETFU.S. BondsSCHZ

Is A 3 Portfolio Great For Everyone?

No, but it would work well for most people. Especially if you want to keep your investments simple. It won’t work well for someone who has absolutely no desire to manage their own investments (nothing other than having someone else take care of it for them will).

It also won’t work for someone who would like to pick individual stocks. A portfolio made up of just 3 individual stocks is considered extremely risky since you’re putting all of your eggs in just three baskets.

The main advantages of the Three Fund Portfolio are its simplicity, low costs, broad diversification, ease of rebalancing, and the fact that it won’t underperform the market (since it’ll track the broader market). If these characteristics are attractive to you as you think about your investments, it’s certainly worth looking into!

You also need to have to be aware of any investment minimums for the funds. Some Vanguard Funds have an investment minimum of $3,000, which means might need $9,000 to invest in order to start with a Vanguard 3 fund portfolio. Alternatively, you can just use ETFs since those don’t have minimums and are traded directly on the exchanges.

Do you want to invest but simply don’t have enough money yet? If you aren’t sure how to save enough to get there, you’ll want to read our step-by-step guide to budgeting. It’ll be your first line of defense when it comes to saving and investing more of your money.


What Is A 3 Fund Portfolio?

A simple investment portfolio that uses only 3 assets. Most commonly, these simple portfolios include a US “total stock market” index fund, an international “total stock market” index fund, and a “total bond market” index fund.

Can I Use A 3 Fund Portfolio If My Investments Are Spread Across Different Accounts?

Yes! You have a couple of options. You can create an overall portfolio so that across all of the accounts you only own the 3 assets. Or you can duplicate your 3 Fund Portfolio in each of your investment accounts. It’s common to have your 401K or 403B and IRAs in different accounts, so you aren’t alone.

Can I Use More Than 3 Assets In My 3 Fund Portfolio?

You can use more investments, but remember that part of the benefit of this strategy is its simplicity.

Can I Include Individual Stock In My Three Fund Portfolio?

Traditional 3 fund portfolios don’t include individual stocks. Instead they include mutual fund or ETF investments which include many different stocks and bonds.

The 3 Fund Portfolio – A Simple Investment Strategy That Works (1)

Camilo Maldonado

Camilo is a personal finance expert and the Co-Founder and CEO of The Finance Twins. I was raised in poverty by a single mother and had to learn everything about personal finance on my own. I have been featured on Forbes, Business Insider, CNBC, and US News. Earlier in my career, I worked as an investment banking analyst on Wall Street at JPMorgan Chase & Co., and I have an M.B.A. from Harvard University and a B.S.E. in finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

The 3 Fund Portfolio – A Simple Investment Strategy That Works (2024)


The 3 Fund Portfolio – A Simple Investment Strategy That Works? ›

A three-fund portfolio is an investment strategy that involves holding mutual funds or ETFs that invest in U.S. stocks, international stocks and bonds. The strategy is popular with followers of the late Vanguard founder John Bogle, who valued simplicity in investing and keeping investment costs low.

What is the 3 fund portfolio strategy? ›

With the three-fund approach, you allocate a certain percentage of your portfolio to one of three asset types: U.S. stocks, international stocks, and bonds. Older investors, including those near or in retirement, tend to prioritize capital preservation.

What are the disadvantages of a 3 fund portfolio? ›

There are some cons, in that you will have less control over what you're investing in, but most people who choose to use the three fund portfolio are okay with that.

What is the 3 fund strategy of Fidelity? ›

The 3 Fund Portfolio is a lazy portfolio that allows investors to save big on both time and fees with its simplicity using 3 broadly diversified index funds: a total U.S. stock market fund, a total international stock market fund, and a total U.S. bond market fund.

What are the 3 major types of investment styles? ›

The major investment styles can be broken down into three dimensions: active vs. passive management, growth vs. value investing, and small cap vs. large cap companies.

What are the 3 types of portfolio and how are they use? ›

There are different types of portfolios, including working, documentary, and showcase portfolios, that serve different purposes and contain various materials. Effective portfolio assessment involves collaboration between teachers, students, and parents using clear criteria.

Which portfolio strategy is best? ›

8 Portfolio Strategy Tips To Grow & Protect Your Investment
  • Invest in Alternative Assets Like Fine Wine.
  • Invest in Dividends.
  • Invest in Non-Correlating Assets.
  • Invest in Principal-Protected Notes.
  • Diversify Your Portfolio.
  • Buy Put Options.
  • Use Stop-Loss Orders.
  • Find a Financial Advisor.

What is the best portfolio mix for retirement? ›

Some financial advisors recommend a mix of 60% stocks, 35% fixed income, and 5% cash when an investor is in their 60s. So, at age 55, and if you're still working and investing, you might consider that allocation or something with even more growth potential.

What is the best retirement portfolio for a 60 year old? ›

At age 60–69, consider a moderate portfolio (60% stock, 35% bonds, 5% cash/cash investments); 70–79, moderately conservative (40% stock, 50% bonds, 10% cash/cash investments); 80 and above, conservative (20% stock, 50% bonds, 30% cash/cash investments).

What is the average return of the 3 fund portfolio? ›

Returns By Period

As of Jul 31, 2024, the Bogleheads Three-fund Portfolio returned 9.13% Year-To-Date and 8.21% of annualized return in the last 10 years.

What is the difference between 3 fund portfolio and S&P 500? ›

3 Fund Portfolio vs S&P 500

A 3 fund portfolio is an asset allocation mix comprising three asset classes, domestic stocks, international stocks, and domestic bonds. Standard & Poor's 500 is a market index that tracks the market value and performance of the top 500 US large-cap stocks.

What is a lazy portfolio? ›

The key principles of a lazy portfolio are diversification, low fees, and patience. Instead of actively building and managing a portfolio, you invest in a handful of low-cost index funds and hold onto them for the long term.

Why is Fidelity investments the best? ›

Fidelity distinguishes itself with professional-grade research, screening and trading tools. With zero commissions being the norm, its lack of account management fees nudges the platform ahead. This is an exceptional platform for investors who ascribe to fundamental investment research.

What is the 3 investment strategy? ›

A three-fund portfolio is an investment strategy that involves holding mutual funds or ETFs that invest in U.S. stocks, international stocks and bonds. The strategy is popular with followers of the late Vanguard founder John Bogle, who valued simplicity in investing and keeping investment costs low.

What is aggressive investing? ›

An aggressive investment strategy is a high-risk, high-reward approach to investing. Such a kind of strategy is appropriate for younger investors or those with higher risk tolerance. The focus of aggressive investing is capital appreciation instead of capital preservation or generating regular cash flows.

What are the 3 A's of investing? ›

Remember the 3 A's for retirement saving: amount, account, and asset mix.

What are the three elements of portfolio strategy? ›

Synopsis. Asset allocation is the concept of dividing investment money among different asset classes such as equity, debt, gold, and real estate. The appropriate allocation for a client is determined by considering three Ts: time, tolerance to declines, and trade-off in long-term returns.

What are the three pillars of portfolio? ›

The Three Pillars of a Custom Portfolio
  • Pillar 1: Personalized Portfolio Management. One of the cornerstones of a custom strategy is the ability to personalize a portfolio. ...
  • Pillar 2: Active Tax Management. ...
  • Pillar 3: Customized Risk Management. ...
  • LEVEL I: Strategic Asset Allocation. ...
Jan 15, 2019

What are the 3 main investment categories? ›

Historically, the three main asset classes are considered to be equities (stocks), debt (bonds), and money market instruments. Today, many investors may consider real estate, commodities, futures, derivatives, or even cryptocurrencies to be separate asset classes.

What is the Triple A portfolio? ›

The S&P and Fitch AAA ratings are the highest assigned to any debt issuer. An AAA rating is the equivalent of the Aaa rating issued by Moody's. AAA ratings are issued to investment-grade debt that has a high level of creditworthiness with the strongest capacity to repay investors.

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