Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (2024)

Many of us are keen to make planet-friendly and ethical choices when it comes to how and what we consume. This is more important than ever given the devastating impacts consumption, and particularly overconsumption, can have on our climate, ecosystems, habitats and communities.

Governments and companies around the world need to do much more to prevent environmental and human rights violations in global supply chains. But we as individuals can also make a difference through our purchasing habits and lifestyle choices.

Check out our top tips for small, everyday changes that can help make the world a better place.

1. Eat less (andbetter) meat and dairy

You might be surprised to discover that farming animals is one of the biggest contributors to climate change.

Meat and dairy production causes 14.5% of planet-warming gases.

Rainforests are being felled to make way for soya, most of which is being used to feed factory-farmed pigs and poultry.

Learn more about eco-friendly eatingby heading to our food pages, including our guide to better meat and dairy.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (1)

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Eating less meat and dairy can free up land for more tree planting and forests – good for nature and for tackling climate change.

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Eating less meat and dairy can free up land for more tree planting and forests – good for nature and for tackling climate change.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (2)

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Eating more plants and less meat is good for your health. Processed and red meat is linked to heart disease, bowel cancer and other illnesses.

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Eating more plants and less meat is good for your health. Processed and red meat is linked to heart disease, bowel cancer and other illnesses.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (3)

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Shops now have a great range of milk alternatives. Find your perfect match, like an oat milk cappuccino.

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Shops now have a great range of milk alternatives. Find your perfect match, like an oat milk cappuccino.

2. Avoid palm oil

Palm oil is cheap to cultivate, which is why it’s used in so many of the products we buy.

When David Attenborough recently returned to Indonesia he wasshocked at how much forest had been replaced by oil-palm plantations.

12.5% of Southeast Asian forest has been destroyed to make way for palm oil and other commodities.The iconic orangutan lives in these forests. As its habitat disappears, so too does its chances of survival.

Discover palm-free products in Ethical Consumer magazine.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (4)

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Palm oil is widely used in lots of products, including cosmetics, shampoos, margarines, bread, crisps, ice cream and cleaning products.

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Palm oil is widely used in lots of products, including cosmetics, shampoos, margarines, bread, crisps, ice cream and cleaning products.

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Some products say they contain sustainably-sourced palm oil – inferring that they aren't linked to deforestation. But at the moment we can't be sure that these claims are reliable.

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Some products say they contain sustainably-sourced palm oil – inferring that they aren't linked to deforestation. But at the moment we can't be sure that these claims are reliable.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (6)

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Search for palm-oil free products and brands. Image © Marco Verch (

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Search for palm-oil free products and brands. Image © Marco Verch (

3. Reduce food waste

That feeling you getwhen you throw food out. Not good, right?

10 million tonnes of food goes to waste in the UK every year. That's as weighty as about 790,000 double-decker buses.

Stop the guilt trip. Discover easy tricksand recipes for making the most of your food with the experts atLove Food Hate Waste.And we’ve got some tips to help you reduce your food waste, including waste-busting apps.

4. Buy less stuff

Most of us could probably do with less stuff in our lives.

Unfortunately we're hardwired to feel good about getting something new. Retailers feast on this weakness, tempting our pleasure receptors with upgrades and sales.

Rising demands for raw materials to make these things –like oil, metals and water –are damaging the environment.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (7)

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Buy better-made clothes and shoes. They may cost more upfront, but they’ll be cheaper in the long-run.

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Buy better-made clothes and shoes. They may cost more upfront, but they’ll be cheaper in the long-run.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (8)

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Repairing rather than replacing can also lessen the load on your wallet and the planet.

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Repairing rather than replacing can also lessen the load on your wallet and the planet.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (9)

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Buy and sell unwanted goods using websites like Shpock, Gumtree and Ebay.

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Buy and sell unwanted goods using websites like Shpock, Gumtree and Ebay.

5. Use good wood

Our country imports a lotof products made from wood – like paper and furniture. It takes an area of land almost 3 times the size of Wales to grow all that wood.

First, try to buy reclaimed or pre-loved wooden furniture wherever possible, and recycled paper products. Next best is to buy wood and wood products from UK or EU sources. If that fails, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) logo is your next option,but the scheme has not been without its troubles.

Check how good retailers are at ensuring their wood comes from sustainable sources by using WWF’s timber scorecard, and take a look at our Good Wood Guide.

Why trees are great

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (11)

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Tropical rainforests are one of the most wildlife-rich habitats in the world.

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Tropical rainforests are one of the most wildlife-rich habitats in the world.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (12)

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Trees give us shade, clean up air pollution, and provide wildlife habitats.

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Trees give us shade, clean up air pollution, and provide wildlife habitats.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (13)

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In rural areas trees can hold back flood waters and prevent soil erosion.

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In rural areas trees can hold back flood waters and prevent soil erosion.

What's so good about trees?

6. Reduce plastic pollution

It’s impossible to go for a walk without findingplastic waste: from crisp packets tobottles and bags.

But some forms of plastic aren't even visible to the naked eye. Around a third of our clothes contain tiny plastic threads. When washed they can escape into the sea and end up in the stomachs of fish.

The problem of plastic pollution is now big news. Images of sea life entangled in our plastic waste are being broadcast around the world.Check out our guide to living without plastic.

7. Eat less (andbetter) fish

Our seas are much emptier than they used to be because of overfishing.

Some types of fishing are particularly harmful. Mangrove forests are cut down to make way for farming prawns, and dynamite fishing damages coral reefs.

Buy sustainable fish– and eat less of it to help lower the demand for fishing. Look out forcertification by theAquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) or the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). For help choosingsustainable seafood, see the Good Fish Guide.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (14)

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Fish farming is rapidly increasing, leading to serious environmental harm. For example, mangrove forests are being cleared to farm prawns. Mangrove forests are huge wildlife-rich carbon stores.

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Fish farming is rapidly increasing, leading to serious environmental harm. For example, mangrove forests are being cleared to farm prawns. Mangrove forests are huge wildlife-rich carbon stores.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (15)

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Coral reefs are also being overfished. Dynamite fishing damages the coral and kills all the fish in the area – including juvenile fish which then get discarded.

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Coral reefs are also being overfished. Dynamite fishing damages the coral and kills all the fish in the area – including juvenile fish which then get discarded.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (16)

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Choose fish that is fished sustainably. Look out for the Marine Stewardship Council logo. The Aquaculture Stewardship Council is a similar certification scheme for farmed fish.

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Choose fish that is fished sustainably. Look out for the Marine Stewardship Council logo. The Aquaculture Stewardship Council is a similar certification scheme for farmed fish.

Help reduce plastics in our oceans

Avoid single-use plastics Steer clear of bottled drinks, disposable cups and throwaway packaging. Sign up for a glass milk-bottle delivery to avoid plastic cartons. Avoid single-use plastics Steer clear of bottled drinks, disposable cups and throwaway packaging. Sign up for a glass milk-bottle delivery to avoid plastic cartons.
Beauty and the beast: plastic-free bathroom Plastic cotton buds may be a thing of the past, but plastic waste is still a problem in the bathroom – from toothpaste tubes to shampoo bottles. Can you ditch plastic without sacrificing your beauty regimen? Beauty and the beast: plastic-free bathroom Plastic cotton buds may be a thing of the past, but plastic waste is still a problem in the bathroom – from toothpaste tubes to shampoo bottles. Can you ditch plastic without sacrificing your beauty regimen?

9. Buy from sustainable businesses

As manufacturers and retailers strive to provide us with the cheapest possible products, they cut corners – harming people and the planet.

It’s often the poorest in the world who bear the main brunt.

So when you do buy new, look for brands that are transparent about the materials they use and the working conditions of their employees. Get more informed with our partner Ethical Consumer magazine, which provides 130 detailed product guides which subscribers can customise according to personal concerns.

Companies working to do better

Good Energy and Ecotricity Discover Friends of the Earth's recommended 100% renewable energy suppliers, Ecotricity and Good Energy. Good Energy and Ecotricity Discover Friends of the Earth's recommended 100% renewable energy suppliers, Ecotricity and Good Energy.
Patagonia Friends of the Earth is pleased to work with Patagonia – a business which aims to use its position as a global outdoor clothing brand to inspire and create solutions to the environmental crisis. Patagonia Friends of the Earth is pleased to work with Patagonia – a business which aims to use its position as a global outdoor clothing brand to inspire and create solutions to the environmental crisis.
Triodos Bank Triodos Bank only lends money to organisations making a positive impact, culturally, socially or environmentally. Triodos Bank Triodos Bank only lends money to organisations making a positive impact, culturally, socially or environmentally.

10. Recycle and compost your waste

What has waste got to do with global warming?

More than 50% of our waste gets sent to landfill or burnt in incinerators. Both release planet-warming gases into the atmosphere.

It’s much better to recycle and compost. For example, 20 times more energy is used to make a new can than one from recycled sources.

Though buying less stuff or buying second-hand is even better.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (24)

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Mining materials to make new products causes climate pollution.Recycling lowers the demand for these damaging materials.

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Mining materials to make new products causes climate pollution.Recycling lowers the demand for these damaging materials.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (25)

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Methane is a climate change gas. Composting reduces methane emissions from landfilland enriches soil for growing plants and food.

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Methane is a climate change gas. Composting reduces methane emissions from landfilland enriches soil for growing plants and food.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (26)

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Some local authorities have food collections for composting, and separate ones for garden waste.

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Some local authorities have food collections for composting, and separate ones for garden waste.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (27)

11. Bank and invest ethically

The most destructive projects don't get off the ground without finance from banks or investors.

Shun planet-wrecking practices by switching to an ethical bank.

There’s a growing movement to stop investing pensions in coal, oil and gas. Ask your employer where your pension money is invested.

Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (28)

Useful? Try these too

Saving the planet: top tips to help climate and nature Discover the most effective ways to help the environment - including actions to curb climate change and help protect nature. Saving the planet: top tips to help climate and nature Discover the most effective ways to help the environment - including actions to curb climate change and help protect nature.
Be an active citizen5 ways to do your bit Stopping the climate emergency means exercising our democratic rights as well as supporting environmental causes. Be an active citizen5 ways to do your bit Stopping the climate emergency means exercising our democratic rights as well as supporting environmental causes.
Responsible travel:eco tips for getting around Lower your environmental impact – and reduce air pollution – by changing the way you get around. Responsible travel:eco tips for getting around Lower your environmental impact – and reduce air pollution – by changing the way you get around.
Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth (2024)


Live sustainably: how to be a conscious consumer | Friends of the Earth? ›

Sustainable Product Offerings

This involves using ethically sourced materials, minimizing waste, employing renewable energy sources, and reducing carbon emissions. Organizations can also explore product lifecycle management, encouraging recycling, repurposing, or responsible disposal.

How to be an environmentally conscious consumer? ›

Sustainable Product Offerings

This involves using ethically sourced materials, minimizing waste, employing renewable energy sources, and reducing carbon emissions. Organizations can also explore product lifecycle management, encouraging recycling, repurposing, or responsible disposal.

How can you be more conscious of sustainability? ›

Even if you can recycle or compost a product at the end of its life, the upstream damage has already been done. So before you buy, ask yourself if you really need it. If you do, consider buying secondhand instead of new, and look for products made from lower-impact materials and with minimal packaging and shipping.

How to be a conscious consumer? ›

The good news is that you do not have to embrace the full breadth of a minimalist lifestyle to change your shopping habits for the better.
  1. Think Before You Buy. ...
  2. Quality Over Quantity. ...
  3. Look Local First. ...
  4. Cheap Is Rarely Fair. ...
  5. Avoid Excessive Packaging. ...
  6. Think Circular.
May 19, 2022

What is an example of sustainable consumer behavior? ›

Post-purchase behavior may also include disposal where consumers can keep, reuse (for example by selling, trading, or giving a product to others), or dispose of a product. Some materials such as paper, glass, or metal can be recycled or reused in the production process.

What is an example of consumer consciousness? ›

Conscious consumerism manifests in many ways, like: Shopping for green cleaning products and fair-trade coffee. Opting for a small electric vehicle instead of a gas-guzzling truck.

What are five eco-friendly habits? ›

Make it count: easy to adopt eco-friendly habits for the whole family
  • Reduce your electricity use.
  • Conserve water.
  • Recycle as a family.
  • Skip single-use items; reuse instead.
  • Buy used goods.
  • Go meatless one day a week.
  • Small changes; big impact.

What are the three pillars of sustainability? ›

Sustainability is an essential part of facing current and future global challenges, not only those related to the environment.

Do Gen Z care about sustainability? ›

Gen Z is a highly eco-conscious generation that values sustainability in their purchasing decisions and expects brands to take the lead on environmental issues.

What are the 3 C's of sustainability? ›

It can be a key driver of long-term competitiveness and of resilience in an increasingly resource-constrained and more environmentally conscious world. The essence of real innovation in corporate settings can be defined by three pivotal elements: constraints, context, and commitment.

What are 7 ways we can live more sustainably? ›

7 Ways to Live More Sustainably
  • Recycle with the Your Rubbish app. ...
  • Try more veggie meals. ...
  • Bring reusable coffee cups and water bottles. ...
  • Shop local at your local market. ...
  • Make sure to take reusable shopping bags. ...
  • Save energy and water. ...
  • Donate unwanted items.
Mar 11, 2022

What is a sustainable lifestyle? ›

Sustainable Lifestyles are considered as ways of living, social behaviors and choices, that minimize environmental degradation (use of natural resources, CO2 emissions, waste and pollution) while supporting equitable socio-economic development and better quality of life for all.

What are 4 ways to be a wise consumer? ›

Tips on how to be a Smart Consumer

Buy products that have long life spans – avoid disposable items. Buy products that have minimal packaging. Buy products in their concentrated form. Buy only what you need.

How to be an eco-conscious consumer? ›

Avoid single-use plastics
  1. Invest in reusable containers for food storage.
  2. Use a water bottle instead of buying drinks in plastic bottles.
  3. Purchase food in bulk instead of individually packaged containers.
  4. Properly recycle consumer packaging.
  5. Buy products from companies that use non-plastic packaging.
Mar 13, 2023

What drives eco conscious consumer behavior? ›

Consequently, many studies have investigated the factors that impact consumer behavior to purchase eco-friendly products—mainly, consumers' environmental values, attitude, knowledge, product prices, and awareness [2,3,4,5].

What is an eco conscious consumer? ›

Environmentally conscious consumers use more eco-friendly products than less environmentally friendly consumers [41]. Consumers' high concern in environmental and social issues and the functional and eco-friendly characteristics of products are the main motivators for inducing eco-friendly purchasing behavior [7].

How can you become responsible consumer for environment? ›

Best practices and examples of responsible consumption
  1. Local products. Proximity or zero-mile products avoid emissions from refrigeration or transportation and contribute to boosting the local economy. ...
  2. Renewable energy. ...
  3. Sustainable mobility. ...
  4. Eco-label.

How do you target eco-friendly consumers? ›

The first step to target eco-friendly customers is to understand who they are, what they want, and how they behave. You can use market research, customer feedback, and data analysis to create buyer personas that reflect their demographics, psychographics, motivations, and pain points.

How can you be an environmentally conscious citizen? ›

Collect waste water from and laundry or Kitchen and reuse it in activities like gardening or floor cleaning. Repair, reuse and recycle household waste as much as possible, and encourage other household members to do so too.

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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.