Hobbies to Do After Work That Will Help Clear Your Head (2024)

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What’s a hobby?

The importance of hobbies: 7 benefits

How to uncover your new hobby: Factors to consider

20 hobbies to do after work

Shape your hobbies around the things you love

But sometimes, your important tasks overshadow your free time. And being constantly reachable after-hours can also make it feel near-impossible to set boundaries and dedicate time to yourself.

Pursuing interests outside of work plays an important role in rounding out your day-to-day life, whether it’s producing a regular podcast with a friend or playing word games with your loved ones. Hobbies clear your mind, help you connect with your social circle, and nourish your identity.

If you’re looking for a new way to relax or an activity that builds new skills, here are some of the best hobbies to do after work.

What’s a hobby?

A hobby is an activity or interest you pursue in your free time. Unlike professional development or at-home responsibilities, the simple pursuit of pleasure drives your hobbies. They’re your opportunity to relax and be yourself.

That being said, your hobbies may loosely relate to your career pursuits, and that isn’t a bad thing. Examining your professional goals is actually a great way to uncover other interests. If you’re a graphic designer, you may seek creative hobbies like painting or making collages at home. The difference is that personal joy intrinsically motivates your choice to do so, not work —even if there are extrinsic motivations like a raise or better job roles.

The importance of hobbies: 7 benefits

Hobbies do more than just relax you in the moment. People who participate in leisure activities regularly have better moods and lower stress levels overall, and they experience health benefits like lower heart rates. Setting aside time for your work-life balance won’t just destress you after a long day — it forms an integral role in your personal wellness.

Here are some more ways that taking up a hobby can improve your life:

  1. Boosts mental health: Engaging in leisure activities actually builds your resilience to depression. Science explains this effect through the broaden-and-build theory, which suggests that hobbies fill you with positive emotions that provide you with the mental resources to cope with stress. The joy you feel from a morning swim or a regular painting class may put you in a state of mind that lets you handle work challenges with more ease.

  2. Feel a sense of purpose: Many hobbies require goal-setting and progress-tracking. As you see a garden grow or advance your crochet technique, you’ll feel a sense of achievement that motivates you to keep improving. Plus, studies of cancer patients have found leisure satisfaction was the strongest predictor of a greater sense of purpose in life, including frequent participation in hobbies and physical activities.

  3. Provide you with a new challenge: A hobby is an opportunity for personal growth and self-learning. Even something like jogging can teach you technical skills and soft skills, like how to pace your breathing and persevere.

  4. Improves your work-life balance: Taking a break from your workday or week helps you regain focus when you feel your productivity is waning. Walking through the park while you listen to a podcast, doing a crossword in the breakroom, or taking a midday trip to the gym can fill you with good vibes and a clear head.

  5. Makes you happier: Studies show that people who regularly engage in a hobby report higher levels of happiness, specifically those who absorb themselves and commit to it. While an occasional Netflix binge or daily sudoku might bring you joy, you may want to choose another hobby that requires more effort and more reward, like a rock climbing workshop, to maximize your happiness.

  6. Creates a sense of belonging: Bonding with others over an activity you love is an easy way to make friends and build a sense of community. And a supportive social network can reduce stress and improve well-being, even if it isn’t directly providing emotional support. Knowing you belong to a group that respects and shares your personal values is enough to reap the benefits.

  7. Builds healthy habits: Getting stuck in a social media loop is easy when you want to turn off your brain and unwind. But a regular hobby can replace that habit, offering a healthier and more productive activity. Something as simple as playing board games with your roommates or doing a jigsaw puzzle before bed can help you take breaks from bad habits.

Hobbies to Do After Work That Will Help Clear Your Head (3)

How to uncover your new hobby: Factors to consider

A great hobby should fulfill you — and just you. Take some time to reflect on the things that bring you joy, without thinking about what other people think you should do or want you to participate in.

Try looking for a hobby that makes you feel:

  • Relaxed: Find an activity that helps you unwind and temporarily forget about your problems. This might be something hands-on, like gardening, yoga, or filling in a coloring book.

  • Accomplished: Choose a hobby that encourages outcomes or progress, like martial arts or learning a new language. Something like knitting also gives you a physical end product that you can share and keep forever.

  • Inspired: Even though it’s supposed to be fun, a hobby can also resonate deeply with you, like regularly seeing live music or getting back into a hobby you enjoyed in high school.

  • Socially fulfilled: Choose a hobby that gives you a sense of belonging and helps you find a new community, like a bowling league or a regular trivia meetup.

20 hobbies to do after work

Whether you’re a homebody or an adventure enthusiast, there’s a hobby for everyone. Here are 20 ideas:

Outdoor hobbies

When you’re outside, your body absorbs sunlight and pumps you with serotonin, which can increase your mood, make you more resistant to depression, and help you maintain a healthy sleep schedule. This may be why enjoying fresh air feels so rejuvenating. Here are six ways to appreciate the great outdoors:

1. Geocaching

Geocaching mixes treasure-hunting, problem-solving, and exploration. To play, you need a GPS device or smartphone to find hidden containers called geocaches, which other players hide for you. Geocaching is global, which means you can explore your area or turn the game into a weekend getaway with your friends or family. You can even plant your own geocaches.

2. Fishing

Fishing is a wonderful outdoor activity for people who want to enjoy fresh air and nature without exerting too much physical energy. It can be incredibly calming, as it requires patience, stillness, and quiet. Plus, it offers an opportunity to learn a new recipe with your catch or explore the natural habitats of your local area.

3. Nature watching

Learning to identify plants or forage for wild food sources can make you feel more in touch with nature. Observing and identifying wildlife is relaxing and mentally stimulating for curious people who love to learn. And it’s perfect for both introverts and extroverts, as nature-watching activities can be solitary or in the company of a local club.

4. Gardening

Whether you’re building a rose garden or growing your own produce, gardening can stimulate positive physical and mental health. Gardening is a diverse, low-expense activity that can you can do anywhere from an apartment window to a large backyard. Likewise, the satisfaction of keeping a garden alive and watching it flourish because of your care and attention can fulfill and motivate you.

5. Hiking

Exploring different trails and natural landscapes is a wonderful way to exercise and get a good dose of fresh air, and you can spend valuable quality time with your family, friends, or pets. Plus, studies show that walking in nature calms the mind and body, leaving you rejuvenated and ready to visit other activities with a clear head.

6. Aerobics

Exercise boosts your focus and concentration, makes you more resilient to anxiety, and can be a natural treatment for depression. This is because regular physical activity signals your body to release happy hormones like dopamine and endorphins. Aerobic activities like swimming, jogging, or biking are great ways to jump into physical exercise because you can begin at any level. You can also exercise with a team or individually.

Relaxing hobbies

Sometimes, life feels so busy that you just want to tune out. Here are six activities to relax your body and mind:

7. Reading

Immersing yourself in a story is a great way to understand new perspectives, expand your understanding of the world, and engage with stories that inspire or entertain you. And studies show that bibliotherapy improves mental health and reduces symptoms of depression, making it a great self-care practice.

8. Puzzles

Problem-solving games come in all shapes and sizes, from sudoku to word games to logic puzzles. They’re a great way to engage your mind and power up your imagination. Plus, gaming apps and old-school booklets are portable. You can play on your work commute, in the breakroom, or at your favorite outdoor hangout.

9. Meditation

Practicing meditation can help you relax and feel more in touch with your mind and body. Whether you want to kickstart your morning or wind down after a long day, pick a quiet spot, get comfortable, and focus on your breathing. You can choose from different meditation methods with online tutorials, or seek out a new community in group classes.

Hobbies to Do After Work That Will Help Clear Your Head (4)

10. Yoga

Yoga has a wealth of physical and mental benefits. Regular practice can improve muscular strength, respiratory function, and flexibility. It can also enhance your sleep hygiene and overall sense of well-being. While yoga can be an intense physical activity, there are tons of beginner classes (and even YouTube videos) out there to ease you into it.

11. Knitting

Knitting is about more than making a beautiful garment. It can contribute to your overall well-being, as it provides you with both physical and mental stimulation and a creative outlet. As well, joining an in-person crafting group can improve your social connections and self-esteem.

12. Bonsai

Bonsai is a hobby and art form that dates back 2,000 years. It’s the process of shaping and tending plants into miniature sizes, which requires patience and attention to detail. Some bonsai trees can live for centuries, meaning that your nurturing hobby can turn into a lifelong activity.

Creative hobbies

Creativity keeps your cognitive and emotional motors running, and it can build up important soft skills like openness and playfulness. Here are eight hobbies to get your creative juices flowing:

13. Writing

Reflecting on your inner thoughts and exploring your imagination is always a good idea, and writing stories is one way to do it. Short stories in particular are a great way to express your creativity without committing to a long project. Writing and storytelling are valuable transferable skills that tie into other areas of your personal and professional life. You can also try journaling for a more introspective practice.

14. Cooking

Cooking has the dual benefit of stimulating your individual creativity and gathering friends and family to share valuable 1:1 time. Try creating a habit of making a new recipe every week, or join a cooking class if you really need a boost to improve your skills.

Hobbies to Do After Work That Will Help Clear Your Head (5)

15. Photography

Most people walk around with a camera in their pocket all day long, but how many actually know how to use it? Photography is a great way to make you a more keen observer and find the beauty in everything. And on the technical side, great photography requires an understanding of composition, color theory, and light, which is helpful for other creative pursuits.

16. Arts and crafts

Crafts like woodworking and sewing let you use your hands to transform raw materials into a personal creation. They’re a great way to develop patience, flexibility, and personal commitment because you have to trust the process and maintain your creative vision. Before diving headfirst, consider taking a class to test your DIY skills and slowly invest in your new hobby.

17. Painting

Unlike photography, painting doesn’t limit the images you can capture. It’s a wonderful way to pursue your creative ideas to the fullest, whether you try your hand at painting hyper-realistic portraits or exploring free-flowing abstract forms.

18. Music

Music is so soothing that some hospitals play music to reduce heart rate, blood pressure, and emotional anxiety. Going to live shows and filling your time with music that relaxes you can welcome both creativity and calm into your life.

19. Learn an instrument

Learning to play an instrument has a positive impact on cognitive abilities and academic performance, which makes it a great choice if you want to boost your brainpower. And whether you’re learning the piano or flute, developing a new skill helps build patience and dedication.

Hobbies to Do After Work That Will Help Clear Your Head (6)

20. Dancing

There’s a dance style for everyone, from loose interpretive dance to fast-paced hip-hop or salsa. Dancing is a great way to socialize, get in your aerobic exercise, and tune into your body. You can take a class or just turn on some music in your living room when you need to unwind.

Shape your hobbies around the things you love

Professional goals should hold an important place in your life, but it’s even more vital to strike a balance with other things you love. Personal pursuits let you clear your mind, spend time with loved ones, and embrace your creativity when the workday ends.

The best hobbies to do after work are the ones that make you feel most fulfilled and full of joy, whether you’re crossing something off your bucket list or learning a new skill. And when you give hobbies the attention and care they deserve, you’ll see the positive side effects manifest back into your work life. It’s time to reinvent yourself.

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Published September 13, 2023

Hobbies to Do After Work That Will Help Clear Your Head (2024)


Do you think that your hobbies can help you to perform well at work? ›

Dedicating time to a hobby can enhance your self-esteem and self-belief as you learn to express yourself and discover how much you can achieve. That renewed faith in yourself ultimately translates into how you present yourself at work, giving you greater confidence and a positive presence.

How to find a hobby after work? ›

20 hobbies to do after work
  1. Geocaching. Geocaching mixes treasure-hunting, problem-solving, and exploration. ...
  2. Fishing. Fishing is a wonderful outdoor activity for people who want to enjoy fresh air and nature without exerting too much physical energy. ...
  3. Nature watching. ...
  4. Gardening. ...
  5. Hiking. ...
  6. Aerobics. ...
  7. Reading. ...
  8. Puzzles.
Sep 13, 2023

What is the best answer for what are your hobbies? ›

While there is no right on wrong answer to this question, here are some examples of hobbies you can mention if you are asked:
  • Puzzles.
  • Reading.
  • Woodworking.
  • Running.
  • Pottery/Sculpting.
  • Technology.
  • Volunteering.
  • Spending time with friends and family.
Oct 4, 2023

What is the best hobby for your brain? ›

Growing Research Shows Hobbies Can Slow Cognitive Decline

“Many patients I know with cognitive decline who do have a hobby that requires hand-eye coordination, like fishing, gardening, or knitting, definitely improve and slow the process of cognitive decline,” said Hatchett.

How to answer a hobbies and interests question? ›

Use an example to show skills, qualities or values in action. You can make your answer even more specific by providing a brief example of your hobby or interest. Try using the STAR method to identify a situation and the task you needed to complete. Then, outline your actions, and present the results.

How hobbies will help one to develop creativity at workplace? ›

However, an analysis suggests that having hobbies stimulates your mind to come up with innovative ideas. You might experience something while doing a hobby that gives you an alternative perspective on a task at work or makes you realize a difficult responsibility at work is not as hard as it seemed at first.

What is the 5 hobby rule? ›

To recap: find five hobbies that you love: one to make you money, one to keep you in shape, one to be creative, one to build knowledge, and one to evolve your mindset.

What are hobbies and interests? ›

Hobbies vs. interests. Hobbies and interests are closely related but may not always be the same. Hobbies are activities that you engage in, while interests are passive ideas or topics. For example, you might list “international travel” as a hobby if it's something you do regularly.

Which hobby is best for me? ›

Fun and games hobbies

Board games: Getting friends and family together to play your favorite board games. Card games: Playing your favorite card games, such as poker, rummy or Liverpool. Chess: Playing online or in-person chess, either against someone else or a computer.

What is a hobby short answer? ›

A hobby is an activity that you enjoy doing in your spare time. My hobbies are letter writing, football, music, photography, and tennis. Synonyms: pastime, relaxation, leisure pursuit, sideline More Synonyms of hobby.

Why do interviewers ask about hobbies? ›

Shows that you're well-rounded

Today, employers seek more than just specialised skills on a video CV; they prefer to hire individuals who possess a range of experiences and interests, whether it's hiking through the mountains, writing stories, or learning to play a musical instrument.

What are your three weaknesses? ›

Some skills that you can use as weaknesses include impatience, multitasking, self-criticism, and procrastination.

What activities raise IQ? ›

15 hobbies that will raise your IQ, according to science
  • Learning a new instrument (9.71% IQ increase)
  • Knitting (9.68%)
  • Exercising (7.37%)
  • Reading (7.07%)
  • Practising meditation (6.38%)
  • Learning a new language (5.88%)
  • Gardening (5.10%)
  • Joining an online video game group (4.81%)
Feb 3, 2021

How can I sharpen my brain everyday? ›

How to Sharpen Your Brain
  1. Challenge Your Brain with Mental Exercises. One of the main ways to sharpen your mind is by doing mental exercises. ...
  2. Repeat Information. ...
  3. Read More Books. ...
  4. Engage More with People in Challenging Games. ...
  5. Make Schedules. ...
  6. Get Quality Sleep.

What hobbies require critical thinking? ›

Some analytical hobbies I have:
  • Learn to play chess, go, or arimaa.
  • Learn to solve a rubik's cube (and variants). Then learn the mathematical theory behind it.
  • Play turn-based or real-time strategy computer games.
  • Read philosophy, if you can stand it. Or get into philosophical discussions online.
Jul 23, 2014

What are the benefits of having your hobby to be your job? ›

Benefits of Making Your Job Your Hobby

A better work-life balance since chasing your hobby as your job kinda blurs the line between work and play, making it easier to juggle both aspects of your life and leading to a healthier balance overall.

How does your hobby help you improve yourself? ›

Hobbies can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost your self-esteem. Working on a project or activity that you enjoy and see progress in can be very fulfilling and help you feel good about yourself. Hobbies can help you relax and reduce stress.

Do hobbies make you more productive? ›

According to a study at San Francisco State University, those who pursue passions outside of work showcased better creative problem-solving. An out-of-office outlet also helped them recover from job demands, increased their sense of control, and encouraged them to learn skills to apply at work.

How do your hobbies benefit you? ›

There are several benefits to pursuing a hobby:
  • Stress Buster. Doing something non-routine is a good way to deal with the stress. ...
  • Makes you Happy. ...
  • Builds Confidence. ...
  • Makes you a more Interesting Person. ...
  • Helps you deal with boredom. ...
  • Makes you waste less time. ...
  • Good for your mental health. ...
  • Good for your physical health.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Job: District Marketing Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.