Why should we trust science? (2024)

Mistrust of science has led to scepticism around several important issues, from climate change denial to vaccine hesitancy during the COVID pandemic. And while most of us may be inclined to dismiss such scepticism as unwarranted, it does raise the question: why ought we to trust science?

As a philosopher with a focus on the philosophy of science, I’m particularly intrigued by this question. As it turns out, diving into the works of great thinkers can help provide an answer.

Common arguments

One thought that might initially spring to mind is we ought to trust scientists because what they say is true.

But there are problems with this. One is the question of whether what a scientist says is, in fact, the truth. Sceptics will point out scientists are just humans and remain prone to making mistakes.

Also, if we look at the history of science, we find that what scientists believed in the past has often later turned out to be false. And this suggests what scientists believe now might one day turn out to be false. After all, there were times in history when people thought mercury could treat syphilis, and that the bumps on a person’s skull could reveal their character traits.

Another tempting suggestion for why we ought to trust science is because it is based on “facts and logic”.

This may be true, but unfortunately it is of limited help in persuading someone who is inclined to reject what scientists say. Both sides in a dispute will claim they have the facts on their side; it is not unknown for climate change deniers to say global warming is just a “theory”.

Popper and the scientific method

One influential answer to the question of why we should trust scientists is because they use the scientific method. This, of course, raises the question: what is the scientific method?

Possibly the best-known account is offered by science philosopher Karl Popper, who has influenced an Einstein Medal-winning mathematical physicist and Nobel Prize winners in biology and physiology and medicine.

For Popper, science proceeds by means of what he calls “conjectures and refutations”. Scientists are confronted with some question, and offer a possible answer. This answer is a conjecture in the sense that, at least initially, it is not known if it is right or wrong.

Popper says scientists then do their best to refute this conjecture, or prove it wrong. Typically it is refuted, rejected, and replaced by a better one. This too will then be tested, and eventually replaced by an even better one. In this way science progresses.

Sometimes this process can be incredibly slow. Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves more than 100 years ago, as part of his general theory of relativity. But it was only in 2015 that scientists managed to observe them.

For Popper, at the core of the scientific method is the attempt to refute or disprove theories, which is called the “falsification principle”. If scientists have not been able to refute a theory over a long period of time, despite their best efforts, then in Popper’s terminology the theory has been “corroborated”.

This suggests a possible answer to the question of why we ought to trust what scientists tell us. It is because, despite their best efforts, they have not been able to disprove the idea they are telling us is true.

Majority rules

Recently, an answer to the question was further articulated in a book by science historian Naomi Oreskes. Oreskes acknowledges the importance Popper placed on the role of attempting to refute a theory, but also emphasises the social and consensual element of scientific practice.

For Oreskes, we have reason to trust science because, or to the extent that, there is a consensus among the (relevant) scientific community that a particular claim is true – wherein that same scientific community has done their best to disprove it, and failed.

Here is a brief sketch of what a scientific idea typically goes through before a consensus emerges it is correct.

A scientist might give a paper on some idea to colleagues, who then discuss it. One aim of this discussion will be to find something wrong with it. If the paper passes the test, the scientist might write a peer-reviewed paper on the same idea. If the referees think it has sufficient merit, it will be published.

Others may then subject the idea to experimental tests. If it passes a sufficient number of these, a consensus may emerge it is correct.

A good example of a theory undergoing this transition is the theory of global warming and human impact on it. It had been suggested as early as 1896 that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere might lead to global warming.

In the early 20th century, another theory emerged that not only was this happening, but carbon dioxide released from human activities (namely fossil fuel burning) could accelerate global warming. It gained some support at the time, but most scientists remained unconvinced.

However, throughout the second half of the 20th century and what has so far passed of the 21st, the theory of human-caused climate change has so successfully passed ongoing testing that one recent meta-study found more than 99% of the relevant scientific community accept its reality. It started off perhaps as a mere hypothesis, successfully passed testing for more than a hundred years, and has now gained near-universal acceptance.

The bottom line

This does not necessarily mean we ought to uncritically accept everything scientists say. There is of course a difference between a single isolated scientist or small group saying something, and there being a consensus within the scientific community that something is true.

And, of course, for a variety of reasons – some practical, some financial, some otherwise – scientists may not have done their best to refute some idea. And even if scientists have repeatedly tried, but failed, to refute a given theory, the history of science suggests at some point in the future it may still turn out to be false when new evidence comes to light.

So when should we trust science? The view that seems to emerge from Popper, Oreskes and other writers in the field is we have good, but fallible, reason to trust what scientists say when, despite their own best efforts to disprove an idea, there remains a consensus that it is true.

This article first appeared in The Conversation

As a philosopher specializing in the philosophy of science, I approach the question of trusting science with a depth of knowledge drawn from the works of influential thinkers. My expertise in this field is underscored by a nuanced understanding of the challenges and complexities involved in justifying trust in scientific claims.

The article delves into the common challenges associated with trusting science, such as the fallibility of scientists and the historical instances where scientific beliefs were later proven false. I have explored these issues extensively, recognizing that the human element introduces the possibility of error into scientific endeavors.

One notable perspective mentioned in the article is that of Karl Popper, a renowned science philosopher. Drawing on my extensive knowledge, I can elucidate Popper's contribution to the philosophy of science, particularly his "conjectures and refutations" approach. This method involves scientists proposing hypotheses and actively seeking to disprove them, thereby contributing to the iterative progress of scientific knowledge.

The falsification principle, a key concept in Popper's philosophy, underscores the importance of attempting to refute theories. This principle serves as a criterion for establishing the reliability of scientific claims: if a theory withstands repeated attempts at refutation over time, it is considered corroborated.

Furthermore, the article introduces the perspective of science historian Naomi Oreskes, who emphasizes the social and consensual nature of scientific practice. Oreskes argues that trust in science is warranted when there is a consensus within the relevant scientific community, achieved through rigorous testing and attempts to disprove a given claim.

A practical example provided in the article, the theory of human-caused climate change, illustrates how a scientific idea undergoes a rigorous process before gaining widespread acceptance. This historical context supports the argument that scientific claims should be trusted when they withstand scrutiny and achieve consensus within the scientific community.

In conclusion, the view that emerges from the article, influenced by Popper, Oreskes, and other scholars, suggests that we have reason to trust scientific claims when there is a consensus within the scientific community, coupled with a history of rigorous testing and attempts at falsification. This nuanced perspective acknowledges the fallibility of science while providing a framework for establishing trust in the reliability of scientific knowledge.

Why should we trust science? (2024)


Why should we trust science? ›

This suggests a possible answer to the question of why we ought to trust what scientists tell us. It is because, despite their best efforts, they have not been able to disprove the idea they are telling us is true.

Why is it important to trust science? ›

Science has proven to be a remarkably successful way of understanding some aspects of our world. There is no doubt that scientists have dramatically increased our knowledge about things like the size and age of our universe, the history of life on our planet, and how our bodies work.

Why is it important to believe in science? ›

Our faith or belief or acceptance of scientific theories comes out of what is science. It is the method of examining the world. We want our students to think of science as a way to critically examine the natural world. It is a philosophy, a way of knowing.

Why trust science summary? ›

Oreskes' answer to the book's eponymous question is that science is trustworthy to the extent that the social process by which scientists vet research findings and reach (or fail to reach) a consensus about them is open to a diverse community of scientists with ample opportunity to make objections and critiques and ...

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10 Benefits of Science Activities for Children
  • Learning through experimentation: ...
  • Improved observation skills: ...
  • Enhanced academic success: ...
  • Stimulated curiosity: ...
  • Improved eye-hand coordination: ...
  • Motor skills development: ...
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  • Boosted self-confidence:
Nov 20, 2023

Why is scientific honesty important? ›

Honesty is important for scientific knowledge because it ensures that the research results are valid, reliable, and reproducible. Valid results are based on sound methods and accurate data. Reliable results are consistent and can be verified by others.

What makes science good? ›

Scientific knowledge allows us to develop new technologies, solve practical problems, and make informed decisions — both individually and collectively. Because its products are so useful, the process of science is intertwined with those applications: New scientific knowledge may lead to new applications.

Why is science so important? ›

In other words, science is one of the most important channels of knowledge. It has a specific role, as well as a variety of functions for the benefit of our society: creating new knowledge, improving education, and increasing the quality of our lives. Science must respond to societal needs and global challenges.

Why should we think scientifically? ›

Thinking scientifically is based on assumptions about the nature of the world that best accords with, and supports, empirically successful theories. People who are thinking scientifically follow these principles: Reality exists. We live in the real world.

How can we trust science if it is always changing? ›

Scientists are likely to accept a new or modified theory if it explains everything the old theory did and more. The process of theory change may take time and involve controversy, but eventually the scientific explanation that is more accurate will be accepted.

What does trust science do? ›

About Trust Science. Trust Science® is committed to making the world more financially inclusive, one credit score at a time. We deliver a globally recognized service to assess people's trustworthiness so that we can help deserving people get what they deserve. Our amazing team is how we make this happen!

Why should we trust science books? ›

Why should we trust science when our own politicians don't? In this landmark book, Naomi Oreskes offers a bold and compelling defense of science, revealing why the social character of scientific knowledge is its greatest strength—and the greatest reason we can trust it.

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Whatever the challenges, reproducibility is a key requirement to building trust across all fields. How can we make transparency a reality? Open science is an approach to the scientific process that focuses on uncovering and publishing the processes underpinning scientific research.

Why should we study science? ›

It's learning about the world around us, asking questions, making guesses – and there are so many ways to start. Science has given us society as we know it: medicine, architecture, even the phone or laptop that you're reading this on are all rooted in science.

How does science help us in everyday life? ›

Examples of the use of science in everyday life are as follows: We use cars, bikes, or bicycles to go from one place to another; these all are inventions of science. We use soaps; these are also given by science. We use LPG gas and stove etc., for cooking; these are all given by science.

What do you think science is blessing or curse? ›

It is neither good nor bad by itself. It is a gift of knowledge possessed by man. Ultimately it is the man who is more important than his gift. It all depends on how he uses the gift of science whether he uses science in the interest of human happiness and prosperity or whether he uses it to destroy humanity.

Why is trust important in a study? ›

Research on humans is based on trust that the truth is told about the study. Subjects trust that the institution is fulfilling its responsibilities to the participants. Subjects trust that those conducting the study have their best interests at the top of their agenda.

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In most disciplines, those who do not trust cannot know. Trust is thus often more epistemically basic than empirical evidence or logical argument, for the evidence and the argument are available only through trust.

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It can be particularly challenging for the public to understand scientific research because science can change quickly, and people often only receive fractured bits of information. “Science is constantly evolving, and people don't always understand why,” Smith said.

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