Why LIFO Is Banned Under IFRS (2024)

The last in, first out (LIFO) method of inventory valuation is prohibited under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), though it is permitted in the United States, which uses generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

IFRS prohibits LIFO due to potential distortions it may have on a company's profitability and financial statements. For example, LIFO can understate a company's earnings for the purposes of keeping taxable income low. It can also result in inventory valuations that are outdated and obsolete. Finally, in a LIFO liquidation, unscrupulous managers may be tempted to artificially inflate earnings by selling off inventory with low carrying costs.

Understated Net Income

LIFO is based on the principle that the latest inventory purchased will be the first to be sold. Let's examine how LIFO vs. first in, first out (FIFO) accounting impacts a hypothetical company, Firm A.

Firm A Inventory Transactions
Purchase YearUnits PurchasedCost Per UnitTotal Cost of Inventory
Year 11,000$1.00$1,000
Year 21,000$1.15$1,150
Year 31,000$1.20$1,200
Year 41,000$1.25$1,250
Year 51,000$1.30$1,300

Now assume Firm A sells 3,500 units in Year 5 at $2.00 per unit. This gives the company $7,000 in revenue. Under FIFO, the total cost of goods sold (COGS) would be caclulated as follows:

Year 11,000x $1.00$1,000
Year 21,000x $1.15$1,150
Year 31,000x $1.20$1,200
Year 4500x $1.25$625
Total Cost of Goods Sold$3,975

Total gross profit would be $3,025, or $7,000 in revenue – $3,975 cost of goods sold. The value of the remaining inventory is $1,925. That's 500 units from Year 4 ($625), plus 1,000 units from Year 5 ($1,300).

Under LIFO, however, the total cost of goods would be calculated this way:

Year 51,000x $1.30$1,300
Year 41,000x $1.25$1,250
Year 31,000x $1.20$1,200
Year 2500x $1.15$575
Total Cost of Goods Sold$4,325

Total gross profit would be $2,675, or $7,000 in revenue – $4,325 cost of goods sold. The value of the remaining inventory would be $1,575. That's 1,000 units from Year 1 ($1,000), plus 500 units from Year 2 ($575).

As you can see, Firm A appears more profitable under FIFO, even though the company has sold the exact same number of units, purchased at the exact same prices. It may seem counterproductive for management to seemingly underreport profit, but the benefit of LIFO stems from the tax benefits. Because the higher COGS has the effect of lowering gross profits, companies that use LIFO are able to lessen their tax bill. But this decrease in tax liability comes at a price: a heavily outdated inventory value.

Outdated Balance Sheet

The other thing that happens with LIFO is the inventory value as reflected on the balance sheet becomes outdated. For example, imagine that Firm A buys 1,500 units of inventory in Year 6 at a cost of $1.40.

Under FIFO, the company's inventory would be valued as follows:

Year 4500x $1.25$625
Year 51,000x $1.30$1,300
Year 61,500x $1.40$2,100

But under LIFO, the inventory situation looks like this:

Year 11,000x $1.00$1,000
Year 2500x $1.15$575
Year 61,500x $1.40$2,100

Now let's say Firm A then sells 1,500 units in Year 6. Under FIFO, Firm A doesn't touch any of the inventory it added in Year 6. It still has units remaining from Years 4 and 5. Therefore, its COGS would be $1,925 (or $625 + $1,300). The value of its remaining inventory is $2,100 (i.e., all the units added in Year 6).

However, under LIFO, Firm A pulls directly from Year 6 inventory. Its COGS is $2,100. The value of its remaining inventory is $1,575 (i.e., old stock from Years 1 and 2).

The balance sheet under LIFO clearly represents outdated inventory that is four years old. Furthermore, if Firm A buys and sells the same amount of inventory every year, leaving the residual value from Year 1 and Year 2 untouched, its balance sheet would continue to deteriorate in reliability.

LIFO Example: ExxonMobil

This scenario occurs in the 2010 financial statements of ExxonMobil (XOM), which reported $13 billion in inventory based on a LIFO assumption. In the notes to its statements, Exxon disclosed the actual cost to replace its inventory exceeded its LIFO value by $21.3 billion. As you can imagine, under-reporting an asset's value by $21.3 billion can raise serious questions about LIFO's validity.

LIFO Liquidations

Outdated inventory valuations can seriously distort a company's true financial picture when the assets are finally sold. This brings to light another contentious point towards LIFO: LIFO liquidations. Let's go back to our earlier example of Firm A. In Year 6, it manages to sell out all 3,000 units of inventory at $2 each, for $6,000 in revenue.

Under FIFO, its COGS would look like this:

Year 4500x $1.25$625
Year 51,000x $1.30$1,300
Year 61,500x $1.40$2,100

Therefore, its gross profit from selling out its inventory would be $1,975, or $6,000 in revenue – $4,025 in COGS.

Under LIFO, Firm A's COGS would be calculated like this:

Year 11,000x $1.00$1,000
Year 2500x $1.15$575
Year 61,500x $1.40$2,100

Therefore, its gross profit would be markedly higher at $2,325, or $6,000 in revenue – $3,675 in COGS.

When a LIFO liquidation has occurred, Firm A looks far more profitable than it would under FIFO. This is because old inventory costs are matched with current revenue. However, it's a one-off situation and unsustainable because the seemingly high profit cannot be repeated.

In tough times, management could be tempted to liquidate old LIFO layers in order to temporarily artificially inflate profitability. As an investor, you can tell whether a LIFO liquidation has occurred by examining the footnotes of a company's financial statements. A tell-tale sign is a decrease in the company's LIFO reserves (i.e., the difference in inventory between LIFO and the amount if FIFO was used).

Bottom Line

While some might argue that LIFO better reflects actual existing costs to purchase inventory, it is evident that LIFO has several shortcomings. LIFO understates profits for the purposes of minimizing taxable income, results in outdated and obsolete inventory numbers, and can create opportunities for management to manipulate earnings through a LIFO liquidation. Due to these concerns, LIFO is prohibited under IFRS.

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  1. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. "Is IFRS That Different From U.S. GAAP?"

  2. Exxon Mobil. "2010 10-K," Pages 72, 82.

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Why LIFO Is Banned Under IFRS (2024)


Why LIFO Is Banned Under IFRS? ›

LIFO understates profits for the purposes of minimizing taxable income, results in outdated and obsolete inventory numbers, and can create opportunities for management to manipulate earnings through a LIFO liquidation. Due to these concerns, LIFO is prohibited under IFRS.

Why is LIFO not allowed in other countries? ›

New costs always get transferred to cost of goods sold leaving the first costs ($1 per gallon) in inventory. The tendency to report this asset at a cost expended many years in the past is the single biggest reason that LIFO is viewed as an illegitimate method in many countries.

Why is LIFO controversial? ›

Criticism of LIFO

Opponents of LIFO say that it distorts inventory figures on the balance sheet in times of high inflation. They also point out that LIFO gives its users an unfair tax break because it can lower net income, and subsequently, lower the taxes a firm faces.

Why is LIFO allowed under US GAAP? ›

While the majority of US GAAP companies choose FIFO or weighted average for measuring their inventory, some use LIFO for tax reasons. Companies using LIFO often disclose information using another cost formula; such disclosure reflects the actual flow of goods through inventory for the benefit of investors.

Does IFRS allow FIFO or LIFO? ›

The International Financial Reporting Standards – IFRS – only allows FIFO accounting, while the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles – GAAP – in the U.S. allows companies to choose between LIFO or FIFO accounting.

Why is LIFO prohibited by IFRS? ›

LIFO understates profits for the purposes of minimizing taxable income, results in outdated and obsolete inventory numbers, and can create opportunities for management to manipulate earnings through a LIFO liquidation. Due to these concerns, LIFO is prohibited under IFRS.

Is LIFO legal in the US? ›

This means that LIFO is only legal in the United States, as much of the remainder of the world primarily utilizes IFRS, which is focused on a first-in, first-out (FIFO) approach. Inventory cost goes a long way toward determining what kind of taxable income a company will report to the IRS.

What are the major disadvantages to using LIFO? ›

Disadvantages of LIFO

The main disadvantage of using the LIFO valuation method is that it is incompatible with International Financial Reporting Standards and not accepted under the tax laws of many countries. There is also the risk that older inventory items will get damaged or become obsolete.

Why is LIFO banned in India? ›

The International financial reporting standards are followed by most of the businesses. Depending on these standards, LIFO is banned in most parts of the world as it will lower the taxable income. The Governments are not favourable even if there is no inflation.

When was LIFO banned? ›

LIFO in Accounting Standards

The revision of IAS Inventories in 2003 prohibited LIFO from being used to prepare and present financial statements. One of the reasons is that it can reduce the tax burden in the case of inflating prices.

Does IRS allow LIFO? ›

LIFO method and all subsequent years it uses the LIFO method. Once adopted, a taxpayer must use the LIFO method unless the IRS Commissioner consents to termination. A taxpayer must maintain adequate records to enable verification of its inventory computation and compliance with the regulations.

What is the IFRS standard for inventory? ›

IFRS requires that inventory is carried at the lower of cost or net realizable value; U.S. GAAP requires that inventory is carried at the lower of cost or market value. IFRS allows for some inventory reversal write-downs; GAAP does not.

Does SEC allow LIFO? ›

Since IFRS does not allow use of the LIFO method for financial reporting purposes, any requirement by the SEC that U.S. issuers adopt IFRS for such purposes means that issuers will be forced to violate the Conformity Requirement.

What is the biggest difference between IFRS and US GAAP? ›

The two main distinctions are: Enforcement. GAAP is rule-based, meaning publicly traded US companies are lawfully required to follow its directives. On the other hand, IFRS is standard-based, meaning no one is required to follow its guideline—though it's recommended.

Which inventory method is not allowed in IFRS? ›

The Last-In, First-Out method of inventory valuation is prohibited by the IFRS. The reason for the prohibition is that the LIFO method of inventory valuation understates the earnings of the entity for the period which results in low payment of taxes and also affects the profitability and the image of the company.

Is standard costing allowed under IFRS? ›

Yes, both Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), used primarily in the United States, and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), used in many other countries around the world, allow the use of standard costing. Standard costing is a method of estimating the expected costs of production.

Why is LIFO banned in Australia? ›

LIFO is prohibited by the IFRS because it can misrepresent a business's financial statements – particularly its income statement and balance sheet. One of the main reasons for this 'ban' is the concern that LIFO can result in the understatement of income taxes in periods of inflation.

Why is last in first out not allowed? ›

LIFO in Accounting Standards

The inventory valuation method is prohibited under IFRS and ASPE due to potential distortions on a company's profitability and financial statements. The revision of IAS Inventories in 2003 prohibited LIFO from being used to prepare and present financial statements.

Is LIFO banned in Canada? ›

This means the amount recorded as COGS is lower because it reflects the cost of older inventory. LIFO isn't allowed by the Canada Revenue Agency or under the International Financial Reporting Standards. This is because the most recently acquired or produced items are assumed to be sold first.

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