What You Need to Know About Closing Credit Cards (2024)

Thinking of closing your credit cards? They can be HARD to give up. For many people, they’re a bit like a security blanket.

Still, some people want to close a single card for various reasons. Some want to close all their cards so they aren’t tempted any longer. Others just want their debt GONE!

That explains why some of the most commonly asked questions when people first start getting out of debt are:

  • Should I close my credit cards?
  • Does it hurt your credit to close a credit card?
  • What about cancelling my oldest credit card – is it true you should never do that?
  • How do you cancel a credit card?

I’ll answer all of those questions and more below.

But before I do, there’s one thing you need to know about closing credit cards. When your focus is on getting out of debt, you have to do what’s best for you.

So, should you close your credit cards?

Let’s start with this, especially if you’re wondering about the pros and cons of closing a credit card. The short answer is: it depends on your goals, your situation, and how you’re currently using them.

You know your situation best.

If you just want to close a single credit card because you hate the annual fee, read on to that section. But if you’re in credit card debt and struggling to get out, chances are the answer is yes. Especially if you continue to add to their balance, despite your goal of paying them off.

(Unless you’re about to borrow for a big ticket item like a house. You typically shouldn’t open or close any accounts or make any major purchases or unusual transactions in that case.)

If you’re struggling with credit card debt, at a minimum you should consider cutting them up. And if the thought of even just cutting up your credit cards fills you with anxiety, that’s a sign that you really should consider doing so.

People commonly want to keep at least one card for emergencies, but you need family/friends and MONEY in an emergency. Credit cards are not money. They’re a means of payment that creates debt. So make building an emergency fund the priority if you don’t have a good sized one already.

Nail down your real goal first

Still using your the cards after cutting them up or freezing them? (You know, because you know the numbers or have them pre-populated online?) That’s a sign you should strongly consider closing your credit cards if you want to be debt free. (And you’re not about to borrow large amounts of money, like by getting a mortgage.)

Most people worry about the impact on their credit score of closing credit cards. That’s because they’ve been taught to hold their credit score in high regard so they can take out loans at lower interest rates. But if your goal is to get out of debt and stay out of debt forever, being able to borrow money at the best rates probably won’t matter all that much to you. (You know, since you don’t intend to borrow money again.)

If you’re going to be tempted to use your credit cards — even after you’ve cut them up — you’re probably better off just closing them altogether. You know yourself best.

If that’s the case for you, put your focus on actually getting out of debt. Stop stressing out about how closing credit cards might impact your credit score.

But does it hurt your credit to close a single credit card?

Usually at least a tiny bit. Closing a single credit card can hurt because the credit limit on that card is a factor in your score, and you’ll lose that impact. But I can tell you that closing one card of several generally just dings your score a little. (If you’ve got good or excellent credit.) That ding is usually temporary, so not typically anything to worry about.

Some exceptions would be:

  • if it’s your ONLY type of debt,
  • if it changes your credit utilization ratio for the worse,
  • or if you were right on the border between a good and not-so-good score.

Even then, the impact is usually temporary.

What about closing all your credit cards?

Closing ALL of your credit cards will likely hurt your credit more. It could hurt quite a bit, especially if any of the exceptions listed above apply to you. (For example, if they’re the only type of loan on your report — meaning you don’t have a car loan, student loan, mortgage, etc. on there too.)

However, there are plenty of good reasons for closing credit cards anyway, such as if…

  • You’re worried about possible identity theft issues.
  • You’re getting divorced and the cards are held jointly. (This is a biggie, because your ex could continue to use them otherwise.)
  • You got a notice that your interest rate will be increasing, and you want to opt out of the increase by the deadline.
  • You’ve learned that credit cards are not for you. (By carrying a balance, incurring late fees, drowning in debt, or experiencing other issues with them.)
  • You’re tired of annual fees or dealing with customer service issues.
  • Most importantly, you’re DONE with debt for good. (You probably already know that paying a ton of interest and being stuck in debt can hurt your wallet and ability to sleep.)

On a personal note, I cancelled all my credit cards back when my first husband and I got divorced, and didn’t reopen any again for years. While my score definitely went down a lot, it wasn’t permanent.

Closing all my credit cards was not the end of the world

I’m not one to monitor my credit score heavily or try to join the 800 credit club, but I checked mine for this article and it’s 824 as of this month:

What You Need to Know About Closing Credit Cards (1)

(If you don’t have Wells Fargo, you can get a free credit score with Credit Karma.)

I do use a couple of credit cards again now though, without ever carrying a balance. But I didn’t have any credit cards open for years prior to that, and we paid off all our debt years ago.

There are many people out there (like me) who’ve ended up closing all of their accounts at once due to things like divorce, and doing so is not the end of the world.

That’s because your credit score is based on your credit history — history which continues on as time goes by. Recent history counts for more than ancient history.

So remember that one thing and do what’s best for your situation, without being a slave to the credit industry.

About closing credit cards and your credit in general…

Closing them and then paying off debt could help your credit too.

Also, you don’t just have one credit score. There are many scores that are used for various things — including multiple types of FICOs and the VantageScore. They’re all only snapshots in time; ones that are constantly changing.

More importantly, anything you do that’s related to debt or potential debt can have an impact on them. So if you’re afraid of closing a credit card, you should be afraid of the following things too:

  • Opening a credit card
  • Using a high percentage of your available credit limit
  • Paying late on a credit card
  • Having someone check your credit-worthiness with a hard inquiry
  • Applying for a card, or applying for a whole bunch of credit cards
  • and much more…

No one can tell you ahead of time exactly how doing any of those things will impact your credit score. Just remember that generally speaking, doing anything credit-related can change your score at least slightly, either positively OR negatively.

If you’re concerned about your credit…

If you’re concerned about your credit score overall, you may want to keep one revolving account (such as a credit card) open when possible. Or you could get a new one at some point in the future before the last revolving account you had in the past drops off your credit reports.

Dropping off your credit reports could take a while, because according to Equifax, “the account would stay on your…credit report for up to 10 years from the date it was reported by the lender as closed”. So you probably have some time before you’d need to be concerned about that.

Speaking of which, let’s debunk the common the “Never Close Your Oldest Credit Card” myth next.

Is cancelling my oldest credit card a bad idea?

You’ll often hear that you should never close your oldest credit card. Never is a strong word, and people are often mistaken about the reason behind keeping your oldest card open.

Nationally recognized credit expert John Ulzheimer discusses closing your oldest credit card in the video here. You can watch what he has to say, and I’ll summarize it the main points below too in case video isn’t your thing.

John explains that the myth is that “closing a credit card causes you to lose the value of the age of that card in your credit score, and that is absolutely not true.”

He adds:

“As long as the card is still on the credit report, not only does the credit scoring system still see the age of the card, but the card actually still continues to age, even when it’s closed.

So for example if you have an American Express card that you close today, it’s still going to be on your credit report, it’s still going to be considered in your score, the age of the card is still going to count, and a year from now that card is actually going to be a year older and all of that is going to still count.”

The bottom line? If you’re closing a single credit card, do so for other reasons like:

  • disliking it
  • getting rid of an annual fee
  • wanting to have fewer cards open
  • etc

John ends with this: “Don’t worry about the age of the card because it’s not a consideration you should focus on vis-à-vis your credit score and closing cards.”

Note: Don’t confuse leaving a card open with leaving debt on a card

You don’t have to keep carrying a balance on your credit cards just because they’re open. It’s OK to just cut them up and pay off the balance! (And you don’t have to carry a balance in order to improve your score.)

I repeat, you do not have to carry a balance. There’s no good reason to do that!

If you want to keep an unused credit card open and the company is threatening to close it if you don’t use it, you can always charge a tank of gas or something on it and then go right home and pay it off immediately so that you don’t build up a balance.

Finally, let’s cover this: How do you cancel a credit card?

How to cancel a credit card

Once you’ve decided to close a credit card, the right time to cancel it is usually whenever you feel like it. (Unless you’re planning to take out a mortgage in the next few months that does not use manual underwriting. In that case, you basically shouldn’t do anything that might negatively impact your credit scores.)

You can cancel a credit card even if it has a balance, so you don’t have to pay it off first. But if you can pay it off first, you probably should.

If you close a credit card when it still has a balance, your credit utilization rate will increase. (That’s not a good thing.) You will probably also lose any promotional interest rates, so the amount of interest you’re charged each month could go up.

So how do you cancel a credit card?

The steps to cancel a credit card are pretty simple:

  1. Cancel any recurring charges to the card
  2. Use any reward points associated with the card (unless you’ll be transferring those somewhere else)
  3. Cut up the card
  4. Pay the balance in full if possible
  5. Notify the credit card company’s customer service department that you’d like the card canceled at your request. You can do this on the phone by calling their customer service number, and then follow up with a letter. Keep a copy of any letters you send.
  6. Review your next statement to make sure the card is really closed.
  7. If you still have a balance, make on-time monthly payments until it is gone.
  8. The next time you review your credit reports, make sure the account shows as closed at customer request. (Be sure at least 2 months have passed first.)

I hope this guide on closing credit cards has been helpful. If you have additional questions, please leave them in the comments below and I’ll update it from time to time. And if you want to get out of debt, definitely fill out the form below!

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What You Need to Know About Closing Credit Cards (2)

What You Need to Know About Closing Credit Cards (2024)


What You Need to Know About Closing Credit Cards? ›

If you close a credit card with a balance, you'll still be responsible for that debt. Card issuers will continue to send statements in the mail, and interest will still be applied to that balance. It's best to leave your account open, as there can be negative impacts on your credit score if you close a card.

How many points will my credit score drop if I close a credit card? ›

While there's truth to the idea that closing a credit account can lower your score, the magnitude of the effect depends on various factors, such as how many other credit accounts you have and how old those accounts are. Sometimes the impact is minimal and your score drops just a few points.

What are the risks of closing a credit card? ›

Credit Utilization Ratio

When you close a credit card, you lose the available credit limit on that account. This increases your overall credit utilization ratio, or the percentage of your total revolving credit you're using at any given time.

Is it better to close a credit card or leave it open with a zero balance? ›

If you pay off all your credit card accounts (not just the one you're canceling) to $0 before canceling your card, you can avoid a decrease in your credit score. Typically, leaving your credit card accounts open is the best option, even if you're not using them.

Does closing a credit card always hurt your credit? ›

The average age of your accounts will decrease

The longer you've had credit, the better it is for your credit score. Your score is based on the average age of all your accounts, so closing the one that's been open the longest could lower your score the most. Closing a new account will have less of an impact.

What is the best way to close a credit card without hurting your credit? ›

Pay off your credit card debt

“Ideally, if you want to protect yourself, pay every balance down to zero before picking the card you want to close,” says McClary. If your CUR is 0%, it's still going to be 0% when you close a card. No jump in CUR or late payments means no credit score penalty.

Why did my credit score drop 100 points after paying off credit card? ›

Why did my credit score drop 100 points after paying off debt? This could be due to changes in your credit utilization ratio or credit mix. It's also possible that the drop in your credit score was unrelated to the debt payoff. Why did my credit score go down after paying off my credit card?

How long does it take for credit score to go up after closing a credit card? ›

"While your scores may decrease initially after closing a credit card, they typically rebound in a few months if you continue to make your payments on time," Griffin says. The primary reason your score may decrease is through losing a credit limit and increasing your utilization rate.

Why did my credit score drop 50 points after paying off credit card? ›

It's possible that you could see your credit scores drop after fulfilling your payment obligations on a loan or credit card debt. Paying off debt might lower your credit scores if removing the debt affects certain factors like your credit mix, the length of your credit history or your credit utilization ratio.

Why should you avoid closing credit card accounts? ›

Canceling or closing a credit card account can also average the length of credit history, also known as the average age of accounts. When you close an account, the average age of accounts decreases, potentially harming your score.

How many credit cards are too many? ›

Owning more than two or three credit cards can become unmanageable for many people. However, your credit needs and financial situation are unique, so there's no hard and fast rule about how many credit cards are too many. The important thing is to make sure that you use your credit cards responsibly.

What is a perfect FICO credit score? ›

A perfect credit score of 850 is hard to get, but an excellent credit score is more achievable. If you want to get the best credit cards, mortgages and competitive loan rates — which can save you money over time — excellent credit can help you qualify.

What happens if you get a credit card and never use it? ›

Credit card inactivity will eventually result in your account being closed. A closed account can have a negative impact on your credit score, so consider keeping your cards open and active whenever possible.

What is the highest credit score? ›

If you've ever wondered what the highest credit score you can have is, it's 850. That's at the top end of the most common FICO® and VantageScore® credit scores. And these two companies provide some of the most popular credit-scoring models in America. But do you need a perfect credit score?

What are three things that should be done when closing a credit card? ›

How to close a credit card account the right way
  • Check your credit report. ...
  • Pay off or transfer your outstanding balance. ...
  • Redeem any existing rewards. ...
  • Transfer automatic payments to a new card. ...
  • Call the credit card company. ...
  • For extra protection, send a letter of cancellation. ...
  • Safely dispose of your card.
Nov 2, 2023

Is there a proper way to close a credit card? ›

In general, you should be able to close your account by calling the credit card company and following up with a written notice. If you still have a balance when you close your account, you are required to pay off any balance on schedule. The card company is allowed to charge interest on the amount you still owe.

Is it better to close a credit card or have them close it? ›

When possible, avoid closing your credit cards and look for alternative options to reign in your spending. If you are trying to save on interest, consider a balance transfer or 0% APR credit card. “In general, it's a good idea to keep all of your credit cards open, even if you aren't using them,” advises Tayne.

Will cancelling a credit card stop recurring payments? ›

And yes, cancelling a credit card will stop recurring payments. However, it will also prevent you from using your credit card altogether. If you cancel your credit card to stop a payment, you will want to make other payment arrangements with whomever you've given that pre-authorization to.

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