What to Do When a Bill Goes to Collections (It Happened to Me!) - Advice for Millennials (2024)

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No one ever wants a bill to go to a collections agency. But what happens if it does…and you had NO idea you even owed a debt?

Yep, that happened to me.

Disclaimer: I am NOT a financial advisor and the following is not financial advice. I am just sharing my personal experience. Always seek advice from a qualified professional before making major financial decisions.

Here’s the story: Back in May 2019, I moved out of my apartment in Florida. At the time, my power company was Duke Energy, and since I was moving out, I had to cancel my account. That was an easy phone call that took a couple of minutes. I thought that was the end of it, and I moved out without looking back.

Big mistake.

One year later, in June 2020, I decided to check my credit report on MyFICO.com. I do this on occasion to ensure there are no suspicious or fraudulent items and ensure my credit score is looking healthy.

As background, I’m extremely conscientious about my finances, especially my credit score, since it can dictate whether you can rent an apartment or get the best mortgage rate. My credit score is typically around 780.

So imagine my shock when I logged into MyFICO and saw that my Equifax score was 677!

Cue the panic.

I went to the Reports tab of MyFICO and checked the credit report. Sure enough, there was a notice on the Collections tab.

What to Do When a Bill Goes to Collections (It Happened to Me!) - Advice for Millennials (1)
What to Do When a Bill Goes to Collections (It Happened to Me!) - Advice for Millennials (2)

It looked like I hadn’t paid a Duke Energy bill (even though I thought my account was paid off when I closed it a year ago). It also looked like my debt had been assigned to a collections agency named Helvey & Associates.

Over the past year, I never received ANY mail or phone calls from Duke Energy nor Helvey & Associates.

I immediately searched my emails for notices from Duke Energy. I had been signed up for online bill pay, and they always sent me an email when a bill was due. But when I tried to log into my old Duke Energy account, it said it no longer existed.

Here’s what I was able to piece together: Apparently, when I closed my account with Duke Energy, I still had money due on it, and I failed to pay it. I assumed Duke Energy would’ve made me pay off the remaining balance BEFORE I canceled the account, but they didn’t. Then, once the account was closed, Duke Energy stopped sending me email notices of a balance due.

Further, when I moved out of that apartment, I failed to notify Duke Energy of my NEW mailing address. So…if they had been sending notices, they had gone to my OLD apartment address, so of course, I never got them.

As for the phone calls, I guess neither Duke Energy nor the collections agency is required to call you. They are required to at least notify you by mail, but again, they had my old address.

In fact, according to The Balance, a debt collector is only required to make “initial communication” with you—whether that’s via phone call or snail mail is up to the debt collector:

However the collector chooses to contact you about the debt for the first time is the initial communication. It can be a phone call, a letter, or even a summons to appear in court. The initial communication should include how much you owe, to whom, and other pertinent information. The debt collector must also notify you, in writing, of your debt validation rights within five days of its initial communication to you

The Balance

Trying to Get Rid of a Collections on My Credit Report

At this point, I was DESPERATE to get the collections item removed from my credit report, so I started Googling.

How to dispute collections with a credit bureau

I came across SO much advice saying that under no circ*mstances should I contact the collections agency myself. I also read that I could dispute the debt with the credit bureau.

However, here’s the rub: I was pretty sure I owed the debt. It was my mistake. So I had no right to dispute something that was correct, even if I felt it was unfair that no one ever called me. So, I decided not to go this route.

Duke Energy collections pay to delete/goodwill deletion

I also read that I could call Duke Energy myself and ask them if they’d offer a “pay to delete” or “Goodwill deletion.” This means that if I pay off the debt, they will delete the item from my credit report.

I tried this. But here’s the problem: At the point at which your debt has been sold to a collections agency, Duke Energy no longer owns it. You don’t pay Duke Energy. You pay the collections agency. Duke Energy also told me that they do NOT delete items from your credit report. So this was useless.

Contact a consumer advocacy group to help you with debt collections

Did you know that there are consumer advocacy groups out there who help you with debt collectors and give general financial advice for FREE? This option was useful because they offered me expert advice without me paying a dime.

I filled out this contact form on the Financial Counseling Association of America (FCAA), and a credit counselor contacted me by phone and gave me free advice on what to do about my debt in collections. Her advice? Just pay it off in full as soon as possible.

What to Do When a Bill Goes to Collections (It Happened to Me!) - Advice for Millennials (3)

However, your situation may be different! Before you do ANYTHING, I recommend talking to a consumer advocate to get advice pertaining to your unique situation.

How long does a collection stay on your credit report?

According to Experian, “seven years from the original delinquency date of the original debt, or the date of the first missed payment after which the account was no longer brought current.“ When you pay off your debt with a collections agency, they report to the credit bureaus that the collection status is now “paid” (instead of “unpaid”), but the collection will remain on your report for up to seven years.

Calling Helvey & Associates to Pay My Debt

I called Helvey & Associates and was greeted with “This communication is from a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.”

The woman who answered the phone was cordial. I explained my situation and asked her why I never received any notice about my debt. She informed me that they didn’t have a forwarding address on file, so the collections notice went to my old address (which explains why I never got it).

She also told me, “We’re not required to do phonecalls.” Which explains why I never received a phone call about it.

At this point, I decided to try to negotiate with Helvey & Associates to see if they would delete the debt from my credit report.

Can I Negotiate with Helvey & Associates to “Pay for Deletion”?

No. Everything I have read from other people says Helvey & Associates will not remove the collections from your credit report—and it was true for me too.

When I asked the woman on the phone if they’d remove the debt from my credit report if I paid in full today, she told me, “We don’t remove an item from a credit history because we are required to report accurate info to credit bureaus.”

This seems fair, in my case. I failed to pay my debt, and the debt reported on my credit report from the collections agency was accurate. It stinks, but it was accurate.

I decided to go ahead and pay the debt off in full, since there was no point in disputing an accurate debt that I failed to pay. It would just keep hurting my credit score. The sooner I paid it off, the sooner the 7-year countdown to getting it removed from my report could begin. 😭

What Happens When I Pay Helvey & Associates?

To pay off your debt with Helvey & Associates, you have four options:

  • Mail a check – No fee
  • Mail a money order – No fee
  • Pay over the phone with a credit/debit card – This incurs a $4.95 transaction fee from the third-party processor that Helvey & Associates uses: PaymentVision.
  • Pay online – This incurs a $4.95 transaction fee from the third-party processor that Helvey & Associates uses: PaymentVision.

Important note about paying with credit card: The Helvey & Associates employee told me that if I paid over the phone with my credit card, my credit card company would likely charge me a cash advance fee. (It’s just a weird thing that happens because of the way the credit card company categorizes Helvey & Associates.)

The credit card I paid with was a Chase Sapphire Reserve card, and Chase has excellent customer service, so I wasn’t worried about getting the fee refunded. Sure enough, a few days later, the payment to Helvey & Associates showed up on my Chase statement as a cash advance, and I was charged a $10 cash advance fee by Chase. I called Chase customer service, and they instantly refunded me the fee!

So just be aware that this might happen, and depending on your credit card company, it may or may not be refunded.

When I gave the employee my credit card details, she very professionally read off the amount of the charge to my credit card and informed me that it would occur on the date June 24, 2020. She also said if I had any questions or wanted to revoke the authorization, I could call Helvey & Associates Monday-Friday from 8am to 9pm or Saturday 8am to 5pm. She also gave me a tracking number for my payment.

What Happened to My Credit Report and Credit Score After I Paid Off My Delinquent Debt with Helvey & Associates

I paid Helvey & Associates on June 24, 2020.

On July 9, 2020, MyFICO.com notified me that TransUnion had updated a collection listed on my credit report.

What to Do When a Bill Goes to Collections (It Happened to Me!) - Advice for Millennials (4)

On July 10, 2020, Experian updated my credit reported and changed the status of my collection from “unpaid” to “paid.” As you can see below, that instantly boosted by credit score by 4 points.

What to Do When a Bill Goes to Collections (It Happened to Me!) - Advice for Millennials (5)

On July 10, 2020, Equifax updated my collection status from “unpaid” to “paid” as well.

What to Do When a Bill Goes to Collections (It Happened to Me!) - Advice for Millennials (6)

Also, when I called Helvey & Associates, I gave them my updated address and they mailed me the notice about my debt to my new address (even though I had already paid it off). It was nice to have a physical record of the notice.

How soon after I pay a collections agency will my credit score recover?

Well, for me, it’s been two months since I paid off my debt with the collections agency, and my credit score has risen by about 15 points with Equifax, 6 points with Transunion, and 4 points with Experian. So, it’s slow. 🙁 I’m hoping to get back into the 700s by the end of the year.

Remember, the collections history has not been removed from my credit report. It’s still there. It’s just now showing up as “paid” instead of “unpaid.” It may be seven years before it’s deleted from my report entirely.

Wrapping It Up: What to Do When a Bill Goes to Collections

Step 1: Determine if it’s legitimate and accurate.

Review your payment history with the creditor and see if you genuinely did forget to pay the bill. If the collection is accurate, then there’s probably no use disputing it. But if it is inaccurate, you might be able to successfully dispute it.

Step 2: Talk to a free credit counselor or consumer advocate.

Contact a consumer advocacy group that gives free advice regarding delinquent accounts.

Step 3: Even if the debt is accurate, it never hurts to ask both the creditor and the collections agency to delete it from your credit report.

Even though doing so did NOT work in my case, maybe it will work in your case. It’s worth a try!

Step 4: If you can, pay off that debt in full as soon as possible.

If the debt is accurate, you’ll likely want to pay it off as soon as you can to change the status from “unpaid” to “paid” on your credit report.

Believe me, I know how stressful and disheartening having a bill go to collections can be—especially when you had good credit before or when you were hoping to buy a home soon. But the sooner you can get it resolved, the sooner you can start building that credit back up again. I believe in you!

What to Do When a Bill Goes to Collections (It Happened to Me!) - Advice for Millennials (2024)


What to do when a bill goes to collections? ›

How to deal with debt collection
  1. Verify the debt. You have the right to demand debt validation and debt verification letters; use it. ...
  2. Know your consumer rights. ...
  3. Choose a debt payoff method or dispute debt collection. ...
  4. Never ignore a court summons for debt collection. ...
  5. 5 Ways the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Protects You.
Nov 16, 2023

How do you deal with being sent to collections? ›

Here are six steps to deal with collection agencies.
  1. Be Willing to Communicate. Communicating with debt collectors can make it easier to resolve your debt. ...
  2. Organize Your Information. ...
  3. Know Your Rights. ...
  4. Know the Statute of Limitations. ...
  5. Go to Court. ...
  6. Settle the Debt.

Should I pay a bill that went to collections? ›

If you don't pay off a debt in collections, in the best-case scenario, you'll have your credit score dinged for seven years and continue to be contacted by collectors until the debt falls off. The best-case scenario is only likely if your debt is too small to be worth the collection company's time.

What happens if you don't answer bill collectors? ›

If you receive a notice from a debt collector, it's important to respond as soon as possible—even if you do not owe the debt—because otherwise the collector may continue trying to collect the debt, report negative information to credit reporting companies, and even sue you.

What is the 11 word phrase to stop debt collectors? ›

If you are struggling with debt and debt collectors, Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC can help. As soon as you use the 11-word phrase “please cease and desist all calls and contact with me immediately” to stop the harassment, call us for a free consultation about what you can do to resolve your debt problems for good.

What happens if you never pay a bill in collections? ›

If you don't pay, the collection agency can sue you to try to collect the debt. If successful, the court may grant them the authority to garnish your wages or bank account or place a lien on your property. You can defend yourself in a debt collection lawsuit or file bankruptcy to stop collection actions.

What not to say to debt collectors? ›

Don't provide personal or sensitive financial information

Never give out or confirm personal or sensitive financial information – such as your bank account, credit card, or full Social Security number – unless you know the company or person you are talking with is a real debt collector.

How to get out of collections without paying? ›

You cannot remove collections from your credit report without paying if the information is accurate, but a collection account will fall off your credit report after 7 years whether you pay the balance or not.

Can I pay the creditor instead of collection agency? ›

Your original creditor may be most willing to take your debt back if you have already worked out a plan with your debt collector and begun repaying what you owe. So, if you want to bypass a debt collector, contact your original creditor's customer service department and request a payment plan.

Should I pay off a 3 year old collection? ›

If you have the means to pay off old debt, it will help your overall credit — both your score and your report. Remember that even if debt is time-barred, creditors and debt collectors can still reach out to collect debts.

Can you refuse to pay collections? ›

If you refuse to pay a debt collection agency, they may file a lawsuit against you. Debt collection lawsuits are no joke. You can't just ignore them in the hopes that they'll go away. If you receive a Complaint from a debt collector, you must respond within a time frame determined by your jurisdiction.

Is it better to pay off collections or let them go? ›

Paying off collections could increase scores from the latest credit scoring models, but if your lender uses an older version, your score might not change. Regardless of whether it will raise your score quickly, paying off collection accounts is usually a good idea.

How long before a debt is uncollectible? ›

The statute of limitations on debt in California is four years, as stated in the state's Code of Civil Procedure § 337, with the clock starting to tick as soon as you miss a payment.

Will a debt collector sue me for $500? ›

Collection agencies usually won't sue you for a debt of less than $500. While every collection agency has a different policy regarding debt lawsuits, you should feel reasonably safe from a legal claim if you owe less than $500 on a debt. However, if you receive a court summons from a collection agency, don't ignore it.

What's the worst collection can do? ›

The worst thing they can do

If you fail to pay it off, the collection agency could file a suit. If you were to fail to show up for your court date, the debt collector could get a summary judgment. If you make an appearance, the collector might still get a judgment.

Can a bill be removed from collections? ›

Once you've paid off an account in collections, it will eventually fall off your credit report. If you'd like to expedite the process, you can request a goodwill removal. Removing a paid collection account is up to the discretion of your original creditor, who doesn't have to agree to your request.

Do bills in collections ever go away? ›

While an account in collection can have a significant negative impact on your credit, it won't stay on your credit reports forever. Accounts in collection generally remain on your credit reports for seven years, plus 180 days from whenever the account first became past due.

Can I pay the original creditor instead of the collection agency? ›

Generally, paying the original creditor rather than a debt collector is better. The creditor has more discretion and flexibility in negotiating payment terms with you. And because that company might see you as a former and possibly future customer, it might be more willing to offer you a deal.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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