What's the Difference Between a Sandbox and a Virtual Machine? (2024)

Sandbox versus virtual machine: can you provide a brief overview on the differences, advantages, and disadvantages?

Sandboxes and virtual machines are two different technologies that share enough characteristics to make them easily confused.

One could confuse matters further by referring to a virtual machine as the ultimate sandbox. That would be an accurate statement, but it really only stirs up the mud in what is already muddy water.

Let’s look at the three scenarios: the default case without either, a sandbox, and a virtual machine.

First, a caveat for the knowledgeable: this is, of necessity, an over-simplification. I’m not trying to define exactly how these technologies work at a bits-and-bytes level. This is a high-level overview meant to convey the concepts for a basic understanding, nothing more.1

Windows on its own

Let’s start with a conceptual view on how Windows and Windows applications operate (at a very high level).

What's the Difference Between a Sandbox and a Virtual Machine? (1)

Applications running in Windows interact with the machine (and with you) through Windows.

Windows manages access to the files and on-disk resources; it also manages access to the hardware through the device drivers that are installed for your machine’s specific hardware configuration.

A sandbox under Windows

In a sense, a sandbox is a container placed around an application running within Windows.

What's the Difference Between a Sandbox and a Virtual Machine? (2)

One of the three applications in this example is drawn as being within a sandbox, including a portion of the “Files & Settings” used by that application.

Therein lies the magic.

When you run an application inside a sandbox, it continues to have access to everything that it would were it not sandboxed. The primary difference is that anything created or changed by the sandboxed application is:

  • Not visible outside of the sandbox; other Windows applications don’t see it.
  • Not saved when the sandboxed application exits.2

The best example is simply that any malware that might have been downloaded and “installed” by the sandboxed application is discarded when the application exits.

A virtual machine under Windows

A virtual machine, or VM, is an application running under Windows that creates an environment simulating a completely separate computer.

What's the Difference Between a Sandbox and a Virtual Machine? (3)

In this diagram, the application on the left is a VM running a completely separate copy of Windows. In a sense, it’s a “machine within a machine.” Windows running on the actual PC is often referred to as the “host” operating system, while any VMs running on it are referred to as “guest” operating systems.

Within a VM, applications continue to access the world around them through that VM’s copy of Windows. That “world” includes that VM’s own virtual hard disk, on which files and settings are stored.

The VM also includes its own set of virtual device drivers that behave as if they’re interfacing to actual hardware. In reality, they’re mimicking the presence of actual hardware and talking to the host copy of Windows to gain access to the real hardware.

Everything that happens in the VM stays within the VM. It behaves exactly as if it were a completely separate physical machine.

That implies that any downloads, changes, updates, installations created or saved within the virtual machine is only accessible from within the VM in some way.

And if you delete the VM, it’s like getting rid of a PC. Everything on the virtual hard disk is erased.

Multiple virtual machines

One of the best ways to demonstrate virtual machine technology is a scenario such as this one.

What's the Difference Between a Sandbox and a Virtual Machine? (4)

This illustrates a single PC running three virtual machines.

  • The PC itself is running Windows 7
  • One VM is running Windows XP, and would appear as a window within the host Windows 7 machine.
  • One VM is running another copy of Windows 7, and would appear as a window within the host Windows 7 machine.
  • One VM is running Ubuntu Linux, and would appear as a window within the host Windows 7 machine.

One physical machine runs three different virtual machines simultaneously.

Each virtual machine is completely separate — as if it was on completely separate hardware — except that it’s not.

This is actually more common than you might imagine. For example, so-called “cloud servers” are nothing more than virtual machines. As I write this, the Ask Leo! website is hosted on a modest virtual machine on a virtual hosting provider. I have no idea what the underlying hardware actually is; the virtual machine can’t look “out” to its host. My assumption is that it’s a fairly beefy piece of hardware on which several virtual machines are hosted.

Pros and Cons


Sandboxing doesn’t require much in the way of additional RAM or disk space, and is fairly easy to set up and use. I say “fairly” because there are complexities, most notably about how to preserve desired changes outside of the sandbox.

For example, if your browser is sandboxed (the most common scenario), getting a downloaded file that you want to use outside the sandbox may take a few extra steps. Other changes you might want to preserve while you’re in the sandbox can also be slightly complicated to retain.

Virtual Machine

Virtual machines can be resource hungry. Among other things, you’ll need to allocate disk space to the virtual hard drive and choose how much of your computer’s RAM to dedicate to the VM while it’s running.

When discussing the characteristics of a virtual machine, the phrase that keeps coming up is “just as if it were a separate physical machine”. And when looking at what a VM can and cannot do, and what it takes to set one up, that’s the best rule of thumb to remember.

Setting up a VM typically involves installing an OS from scratch. In the multiple-VM example above, each virtual machine would need to be set up — just as if they were separate physical machines.

A virtual machine and its host are effectively isolated from each other. A common way to copy files to and from the virtual machine is to set up network access on that machine — just as if it was separate physical machine.

As you can see, a VM is perfect if you want a completely isolated “virtual” second (or third, or fourth) machine. It’s also perfect if you want that machine to run a different operating system than its host. For example, I no longer have a physical machine that has Windows XP installed on it, but I have a virtual machine I can fire up at will on my primary desktop (currently running Windows 10) that provides me a copy of Windows XP to work with.

Specific Tools

One of the most popular sandboxing tools is called “Sandboxie“. Originally developed as a Sandbox for IE (hence the name), it’s grown into a powerful and flexible general purpose sandboxing solution. Unfortunately, it’s not free.

These days I useVirtualBox, a free and open-source VM solution for both Windows and Mac. I have clean installs of Windows 10 Home, Pro, Windows 7, and as mentioned above, Windows XP, that I can run as needed on my primary machine (which itself runs Windows 10 pro).

For many years, I used Parallels Desktop to run many of those same incarnations of Windows on my Mac Pro.

Finally, VMWare is another popular VM provider. There are many pre-configured VMWare “appliances” you can download and run. For example, you can download a ready-to-run VMWare appliance that is Ubuntu Linux without having to go through the steps of setting up the operating system.

Microsoft confuses terminology — again

Some editions of Windows 10 now include a feature called a “sandbox”. Naturally, it’s not a sandbox as I’ve described above. While not a full-fledged virtual machine, it’s close. When you run the Windows 10 sandbox, you’re running a lightweight but separate instance of Windows itself.

It’s convenient, since other than enabling the feature in Windows and running the tool, there’s little to set up.3 It can be a quick way to set up a safe environment to test items in isolation from your primary operating system.

Next steps

Full-blown virtual machines such as VirtualBox aren’t for everyone. However, if you know it’s what you need and you have the hardware to support it, it’s incredibly cool technology. I use it almost every day.

Sandboxing tools are easier to use, and many people swear by them. Particularly if your Windows 10 edition supports it and your computer meets the hardware requirements, the Windows 10 sandbox might be worth investigating as an additional tool in your security toolbox.

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What's the Difference Between a Sandbox and a Virtual Machine? (5)

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Footnotes & References

1: In other words, no nit-picking, please.

2: Specific sandbox implementations may provide mechanisms to transfer or save data out of the sandbox, but the important concept here is that, unless such steps are taken, any changes made by the sandboxed application are lost.

3: Unfortunately, it does seem to conflict with VirtualBox.

What's the Difference Between a Sandbox and a Virtual Machine? (2024)


What is the difference between sandbox and virtual machine? ›

With a virtual machine, the sandbox is isolated from the underlying physical hardware but has access to the installed operating system. Virtualized environment. Usually, a sandbox is on a virtual machine so that it has no access to physical resources but can access virtualized hardware.

What is the difference between sandboxing and virtualization? ›

The most significant difference between full virtualization and sandboxing / application virtualization is that the target applications run in a dedicated OS, known as the guest, on the host. As a result, the exploitation of the kernel in the guest is isolated from the host OS kernel.

Is Windows sandbox the same as a virtual machine? ›

Technically, Windows Sandbox is a lightweight virtual machine, a tool often used by developers and researchers to test new software within a controlled environment. Virtualization creates an entire virtual computer, complete with operating system, storage, and memory, within your existing Windows PC.

What is a sandbox for dummies? ›

A sandbox is an isolated testing environment that enables users to run programs or open files without affecting the application, system or platform on which they run.

Why is it called sandbox? ›

Android sandbox

The Android platform isolates apps from each other and protects them -- and the overall system -- from malicious apps and intruders. Android assigns a unique user ID (UID) to each application to create a kernel-level sandbox. This kernel ensures security between apps and the system at the process level.

Are virtual machines Sandboxed? ›

Virtual machines emulate a complete host computer, on which a conventional operating system may boot and run as on actual hardware. The guest operating system runs sandboxed in the sense that it does not function natively on the host and can only access host resources through the emulator.

What is sandboxing in simple words? ›

Sandboxing is a cybersecurity practice where you run code, observe and analyze and code in a safe, isolated environment on a network that mimics end-user operating environments. Sandboxing is designed to prevent threats from getting on the network and is frequently used to inspect untested or untrusted code.

What is sandbox and its different types? ›

A sandbox is a copy of your organization in a separate environment that you can use for a variety of purposes, such as testing and training. Sandboxes are completely isolated from your Salesforce production organization. The operations you perform in your sandboxes don't affect your Salesforce production organization.

What is the advantage of sandboxing? ›

Employing this sandbox approach to threat detection has a number of important benefits, including: Protecting host systems from risks: Isolating programmes to test them helps protect the host operating system or devices from exposure to possible threats.

Is VMware a sandbox? ›

Leading the industry in network sandboxing, VMware NSX Advanced Threat Analyzer™ provides unrivaled visibility into unknown threats.

What is the purpose of Windows sandbox? ›

Windows Sandbox provides a lightweight desktop environment to safely run applications in isolation. Software installed inside the Windows Sandbox environment remains "sandboxed" and runs separately from the host machine. A sandbox is temporary. When it's closed, all the software and files and the state are deleted.

Is Windows sandbox a container? ›

Windows Sandbox is built based on Windows Container technology, which allows you to spin up an isolated, temporary, desktop environment where you can run untrusted software.

What's another word for sandbox? ›

In North America, this common plaything is called a sandbox, while in the U.K. you'll hear it called a sandpit.

What does sandbox mean in system? ›


A system that allows an untrusted application to run in a highly controlled environment where the application's permissions are restricted to an essential set of computer permissions. In particular, an application in a sandbox is usually restricted from accessing the file system or the network.

Is sandbox good or bad? ›

Sandboxes are great fun for young children. Unfortunately, they also pose several safety hazards, including exposure to germs and bacteria, scratches from foreign materials, chemical exposure, and splinters.

Who owns sandbox? ›

The Sandbox, a subsidiary of Hong Kong–based Web3 investing behemoth Animoca Brands, is one of the most popular metaverse platforms despite still being in development.

Who invented sandbox? ›

The idea came from Germany, where such “sand gardens” were introduced in Berlin's public parks in 1850 as an offshoot of Friedrich Froebel's emphasis on the garden part of kindergarten.

Who is behind sandbox? ›

Who founded The Sandbox? The Sandbox was founded by Arthur Madrid, who is the company's CEO, and Sébastien Borget, who is the COO.

What is another name for virtual machines? ›

A hypervisor, also known as a virtual machine monitor or VMM, is software that creates and runs virtual machines (VMs).

What is considered a virtual machine? ›

A virtual machine is a computer file, typically called an image, that behaves like an actual computer. It can run in a window as a separate computing environment, often to run a different operating system—or even to function as the user's entire computer experience—as is common on many people's work computers.

Is a browser a sandbox? ›

For example, a web browser essentially runs web pages we visit in a sandbox. They're restricted to running in our browser and accessing a limited set of resources — they can't view our webcam without permission or read our computer's local files.

What are the major drawbacks of sandbox? ›

How safe is sandboxing?
No unauthorized data access to the host systemComplex sandbox tools are costly and require lots of resources
No conflict between programs or operating system and programs
Secure online browser by protecting against malware
2 more rows
Sep 29, 2020

What happens when you destroy a sandbox? ›

The data inside Sandboxie is destroyed when a sandbox is closed, but it is possible to configure Sandboxie to leave important data unaltered. Folders containing emails and web browser bookmarks are examples of data that can survive a sandbox deletion.

Is sandboxing more secure? ›

The major advantage of sandbox-based security testing is that it can reliably detect unknown threats. Other methods of testing, both traditional signature-based methods, and modern behavioral analysis based on machine learning (known as featureless detection), are limited in their ability to detect unknown threats.

What are the two types of sandboxes? ›

In fact, there are 4 different Sandbox types and each of them have different levels of functions and features.
  • Developer Sandbox. A Developer Sandbox is the simplest and smallest Sandbox. ...
  • Developer Pro Sandbox. ...
  • Partial Copy Sandbox. ...
  • Full Sandbox.
Jan 17, 2022

How many types of sandbox are there? ›

There are four types of sandbox, each with its own set of characteristics that make it fit for a specific purpose.

Is Android a sandbox? ›

The Android platform uses the concept of app sandboxing to maintain robust execution and security boundaries for app code, along process boundaries. It's a common practice for apps to include third party code in their apps, often in the form of SDKs such as ads SDKs or analytics SDKs.

Does sandbox protect against viruses? ›

Sandboxes analyze the behavior of an object as it executes, which makes them effective against malware that escapes static analysis. At the same time, compared to other behavior analysis designs, a sandbox is safer as it doesn't risk running a suspicious object in the real business infrastructure.

Is sandbox a database? ›

A data sandbox is a place where you can test and experiment with data. You can create your database, import data from an existing database or third party, or use the pre-existing sample databases provided by DataSandbox.io. There are two types of sandboxes: private and public.

Is Azure a sandbox? ›

Azure Sandbox is a collection of interdependent cloud computing configurations for implementing common Azure services on a single subscription. This collection provides a flexible and cost effective sandbox environment for experimenting with Azure services and capabilities.

Does AWS have a sandbox? ›

The Sandbox OU contains accounts in which your builders are generally free to explore and experiment with AWS services and other tools and services subject to your acceptable use policies. These environments are typically disconnected from your internal networks and internal services.

Where are Windows sandbox files stored? ›

wsb configuration file, all the Windows Sandbox shared folders are instantly available on the desktop or at this location: C:\Users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Desktop. That's it: you can now access the Windows Sandbox shared folders from both Windows and Windows Sandbox.

Can I run malware in Windows sandbox? ›

Using a sandbox can protect your machine from malware. If you were to run a piece of ransomware in a sandbox, the files inside the sandbox would probably be encrypted but your primary operating system would remain untouched.

Is sandbox cloud based? ›

Sandbox software is available as a cloud-based or appliance-based solution and offers different advantages depending on your business needs.

Is Docker a sandbox? ›

Diagram: Docker Container. Source Docker. Sandbox containers are a virtualization technology that provides a secure environment for applications and services to run in. A sandbox container is a lightweight, isolated environment that runs applications and services safely without impacting the underlying host.

Does Windows sandbox save data? ›

The Sandbox environment is ephemeral, meaning that it is automatically discarded when the Sandbox is closed, and all changes made to the Sandbox are lost. There is no way to persist the data or installed programs within a Windows Sandbox.

What is a virtual sandbox? ›

What Is a Sandbox Virtual Machine? A sandbox is a virtual machine used to run software in a testing environment. Executing the code in a sandbox keeps it separate from an actual production environment so that any potential issues that come up don't impact the business.

What is a full sandbox? ›

Full Sandbox. A Full sandbox is intended to be used as a testing environment. Only Full sandboxes support performance testing, load testing, and staging. Full sandboxes are a replica of your production org, including all data, such as object records and attachments, and metadata.

What is the difference between sandbox and antivirus? ›

A little simplified: An AV is a piece of software that can (among other things?) scan your system to identify and attempt to isolate and remove threats like viruses or other malware. A sandbox on the other hand, is basically a context in which a piece of software can be run isolated from the rest of the world.

What does sandbox mean in firewall? ›

Sandboxing is a security practice in which you use an isolated environment, or a “sandbox,” for testing. Within the sandbox you run code, analyze the code in a safe, isolated environment without affecting the application, system or platform.

How long does sandbox last? ›

Because the Google sandbox is an unconfirmed filter, there isn't any hard data on how long it lasts. It is widely believed that the sandbox effect will last for the first few months of a website's existence, and can potentially last up to 2 years.

What is the safest sandbox? ›

Like beach sand, river sand is also some of the best sand for sandboxes because it's produced by nature and doesn't contain harmful particles like silica, limestone, quartz, or tremolite.

What are the disadvantages of sandbox? ›

How safe is sandboxing?
No unauthorized data access to the host systemComplex sandbox tools are costly and require lots of resources
No conflict between programs or operating system and programs
Secure online browser by protecting against malware
2 more rows
Sep 29, 2020

Is sandbox only for metaverse? ›

The Sandbox is an Ethereum-based metaverse and gaming ecosystem where users can create, share, and monetize in-world assets and gaming experiences.

What is sandbox good for? ›

Sandboxes are a classic way to occupy kids with amazing hands-on activities and sensory stimulation. In addition to sparking their active imaginations, kids' sandboxes offer the opportunity for pretend play and strengthen problem-solving and motor skills.

Is sandbox safe or not? ›

No, sandboxing is not a type of malware. On the contrary, it may protect you from malware. It is an environment where you can run software or access files without letting it affect the OS. That means you can test any suspicious program in a sandbox to ensure it's safe.

What programming language is used in Sandbox metaverse? ›

JavaScript is a go-to programming language for modern AR and VR web-based applications. Whether you're building a digital product on the blockchain or if you are coding directly for new metaverse experiences, like VR games, JavaScript is a good choice.

Who owns Sandbox? ›

The Sandbox, a subsidiary of Hong Kong–based Web3 investing behemoth Animoca Brands, is one of the most popular metaverse platforms despite still being in development.

Who is behind Sandbox? ›

Who founded The Sandbox? The Sandbox was founded by Arthur Madrid, who is the company's CEO, and Sébastien Borget, who is the COO.

Does Apple use a sandbox? ›

Your development-signed app uses the sandbox environment when you sign in to the App Store using a Sandbox Apple ID. To create a Sandbox Apple ID or a test account in App Store Connect, see Create a sandbox tester account.

Is Windows a sandbox? ›

Windows Sandbox is a built-in lightweight virtual machine that enables you to run applications and programs in an isolated environment. It acts as a temporary desktop environment, allowing you to test potentially harmful or untrusted software without putting your actual operating system at risk.

What are two types of virtual machines? ›

Users can choose from two different types of virtual machines—process VMs and system VMs: A process virtual machine allows a single process to run as an application on a host machine, providing a platform-independent programming environment by masking the information of the underlying hardware or operating system.

What is virtual machine in simple words? ›

A virtual machine (VM) is a digital version of a physical computer. Virtual machine software can run programs and operating systems, store data, connect to networks, and do other computing functions, and requires maintenance such as updates and system monitoring.

What is an example of a virtual machine? ›

Examples of virtualization platforms adapted to such hardware include KVM, VMware Workstation, VMware Fusion, Hyper-V, Windows Virtual PC, Xen, Parallels Desktop for Mac, Oracle VM Server for SPARC, VirtualBox and Parallels Workstation.

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