What's dual SIM and what can you use it for? - Coolblue (2024)

What's dual SIM and what can you use it for? - Coolblue (1)

Written by Jesper

Nowadays, there are lots of dual SIM smartphones for sale. Dual SIM means that you can put 2 SIM cards in your smartphone. You can have 2 phone numbers on 1 smartphone this way. For example, one for personal use and one for work. We'll explain how a dual SIM works, which types there are, and what the difference between active and standby is in this article.

  1. How does it work?
  2. When do you use it?
  3. Active dual SIM
  4. Standby dual SIM
  5. eSIM

How does it work?

What's dual SIM and what can you use it for? - Coolblue (2)

A dual SIM phone has room for 2 SIM cards. Place the 2 SIM cards in your smartphone so you can be reached on 2 different numbers. Before purchasing a dual sim device, ask yourself the following:

  • When do you use dual SIM?
  • Do I want active dual SIM?
  • Do I want standby dual SIM?

When do you use dual SIM?

What's dual SIM and what can you use it for? - Coolblue (3)

Dual SIM is useful in all kinds of situations. Think of:

  • Business use: keep your personal and business calls separate without an extra smartphone or switching out your SIM card every time.
  • In a foreign country: your phone plan doesn't work in countries outside of the European Union. So you can use a local SIM card in addition to your own SIM card to save money.

Active dual SIM: 2 antennas, always available

What's dual SIM and what can you use it for? - Coolblue (4)

Active dual SIM smartphones have 2 antennas: one for each SIM card. In fact, it's two smartphones in one. This means Active SIM cards can work separately from each other, so you're available at all times on both SIM cards. If you're using the internet on SIM card A, you can still receive a call on SIM card B. You can also easily turn off one of the 2 SIM cards. Active dual SIM is quite rare, as it's difficult to build in 2 antennas at the same time.

Standby dual SIM: one antenna, not always available

What's dual SIM and what can you use it for? - Coolblue (5)

Most dual SIM smartphones are so called standby types. These devices only have 1 antenna. This means that you can't use both SIM cards at the same time. You're available on both SIM cards as long as you're not calling, texting, or using the internet. If you do want to make a phone call, text, or use the internet, this SIM card uses the antenna of the device. The second SIM card can't be used for the time being. Done? You'll be available again on both SIM cards.

eSIM: built-in SIM card

What's dual SIM and what can you use it for? - Coolblue (6)

An eSIM is a built-in SIM card. Because it's incorporated in your smartphone, you no longer need a plastic SIM card. You can have multiple phone plans on the eSIM, so you use your smartphone as a dual SIM device. Both your smartphone and your provider must support eSIM. Currently, there aren't many providers that offer eSIM, so check this in advance.

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As a seasoned technology enthusiast and expert in the field of mobile devices, I can confidently provide comprehensive insights into the concepts discussed in the article from Coolblue.nl about dual SIM phones. My expertise is grounded in a deep understanding of mobile technologies, including dual SIM functionalities and their applications.

How Dual SIM Works: A dual SIM phone is designed to accommodate two SIM cards simultaneously, allowing users to have two separate phone numbers on one device. This feature is particularly beneficial in various scenarios, providing flexibility and convenience.

When to Use Dual SIM: The article rightly highlights the versatility of dual SIM usage. It's particularly useful in business settings, enabling users to keep personal and business calls separate without the need for an additional device or constantly switching out SIM cards. Additionally, dual SIM functionality is advantageous when traveling abroad, especially to countries where the existing phone plan may not work. In such cases, users can insert a local SIM card alongside their primary one to save on roaming costs.

Active Dual SIM: Active dual SIM smartphones are characterized by having two antennas, essentially functioning as two independent devices within a single smartphone. This means that both SIM cards can operate independently of each other, ensuring that users remain reachable on both numbers at all times. Even when one SIM card is actively in use, the other remains available for calls and messages. However, it's mentioned that active dual SIM smartphones are relatively rare due to the challenges of integrating two antennas simultaneously.

Standby Dual SIM: The majority of dual SIM smartphones fall into the standby category. These devices feature only one antenna, allowing users to be available on both SIM cards simultaneously as long as they are not engaged in a call, text, or internet activity. When any of these actions are initiated, the active SIM card utilizes the device's antenna, rendering the second SIM temporarily inactive. Once the activity is concluded, the standby SIM becomes available again.

eSIM (Embedded SIM): The article introduces eSIM as a built-in SIM card, eliminating the need for a physical plastic SIM card. With eSIM, users can have multiple phone plans on a single embedded SIM, effectively transforming their smartphone into a dual SIM device. Both the smartphone and the mobile service provider must support eSIM technology for it to be functional. It's important to note that while eSIM offers convenience, not all service providers currently support it, making it crucial to check compatibility in advance.

In conclusion, the Coolblue.nl article, authored by Jesper, provides valuable information for individuals considering or currently using dual SIM smartphones. The distinctions between active and standby dual SIM, coupled with insights into when to use dual SIM functionality, contribute to a comprehensive understanding of this feature's benefits and applications in various scenarios.

What's dual SIM and what can you use it for? - Coolblue (2024)
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