What Renters Insurance Does and Doesn't Cover (2024)

Renters insurance safeguards your belongings from theft or damage, covers liabilities in case of injuries or damages you cause and offers temporary housing if a covered event makes your rental uninhabitable. However, it typically excludes certain events, such as bed bug infestations and damage from floods, earthquakes or landslides. Despite these exclusions, the protection offered by renters insurance is often well worth the expense. It may also be required in your lease.

Table of Contents
  • What Does Renters Insurance Cover?
  • What Does Renters Insurance Not Cover?
  • How Much Renters Insurance Coverage You Should Buy
  • How to File a Renters Insurance Claim
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What Does Renters Insurance Cover?

Renters insurance has three core coverages: personal property, personal liability and loss of use coverage. Personal property coverage safeguards your belongings against theft or damage, while personal liability protects against claims of harm or property damage. Loss of use assists when your rental becomes uninhabitable. These important coverages offer financial protection when the unexpected happens.




Personal Property Coverage

Personal property coverage pays to replace or repair your belongings if they gets damaged or stolen. You’ll be covered up to the dollar value of the limit you select when you buy your policy.

A fire in your apartment complex damages your furniture, clothing and electronics. Your policy can cover the costs to repair or replace these items.

Personal Liability Coverage

Personal liability insurance covers your legal exposure. If you’re found responsible for injuries or property damages to others, your renters insurance policy can cover the costs, up to the value of your selected limits.

A guest slips on a wet floor in your apartment and breaks their arm. They decide to sue for medical expenses. Your personal liability coverage can cover these costs.

Loss of Use Coverage

Additional living expenses coverage protects you against extra costs if you’re displaced from your home. You will be covered up to a percentage of your personal property coverage.

A gas leak in your building forces an evacuation, and you need to stay in a hotel for a week. Loss of use coverage can cover your hotel expenses.

What Renters Insurance Does and Doesn't Cover (1)

Covered Perils in Renters Insurance

Renters insurance is considered an open-peril policy, which means it offers comprehensive coverage against a range of events except those specifically excluded.

Some commonly covered perils in renters insurance include:

  • Fire
  • Theft
  • Wind
  • Hail
  • Lightning
  • Smoke damage
  • Snow or ice collapse
  • Falling objects
  • Damage caused by frozen or leaking pipes
  • Vandalism
  • Explosion
  • Items in a storage unit (lesser coverage may apply)

Understanding the perils covered by your renters insurance ensures you're well-prepared for unexpected events. If you’re unsure about your coverage, review your policy details and clarify any uncertainties with your insurer. With the right knowledge, you can have peace of mind, knowing your belongings are safeguarded against these common risks.

What Personal Property Covers

All renters insurance policies include personal property coverage, which protects your possessions, such as your clothes, appliances, decor and more in your apartment, condo or rental unit. If a covered event happens, such as a fire, theft or vandalism, and your items get damaged, your policy will reimburse you for damages up to your limit.

However, not all personal property is covered. Below is a list of items that are often covered by a renters insurance policy:

Personal Property Typically Covered

Personal Property Not Typically Covered

Electronics (e.g., laptops, TVs)

High-value jewelry (beyond a basic limit)


Collectibles (e.g., rare stamps, coins)


Business equipment (if used for business)

Appliances (e.g., microwaves, fridges)


Personal items inside your car

Motor vehicles (e.g., cars, motorcycles)

Personal documents (e.g., passports)

Specialized art pieces

Decorative items (e.g., lamps, vases)

Expensive musical instruments

Apart from protecting items in your home, renters insurance also applies to items you carry in your car that aren’t directly attached to the vehicle. This could include your laptop, CDs, clothes and more.

High-value items such as expensive jewelry or art pieces are typically not included in your standard personal property coverage limits, but some providers may offer additional riders that can cover these items at a few extra dollars a month. If you own expensive equipment, ask your provider if they offer a rider to protect it.

What Renters Insurance Does and Doesn't Cover (2)


Imagine you're an avid photographer with a collection of valuable equipment. An unexpected fire damages your apartment, and your prized cameras are destroyed. With adequate personal property coverage, you can claim and replace your equipment without facing a financial burden. However, if you own a rare, antique camera, it might not be covered under standard limits. For such special items, many insurers provide additional endorsem*nts to ensure you're fully protected.

Actual Cash Value (ACV) vs. Replacement Cost Value (RCV) in Renters Insurance

Renters insurance policies can pay out in two ways: actual cash value (ACV) or replacement cost value (RCV).

  • ACV: Represents the current value of your belongings, deducting depreciation over time.
  • RCV: Reflects the cost to replace your belongings with brand-new items, without considering depreciation.

Most renters insurance policies have replacement cost coverage, or you can add it for a small fee. It may be worth it to have replacement cost coverage, as it will replace your older items with new items. If you have coverage on an actual cash value basis, then you will only get reimbursed for the cost of a used, five-year-old TV, rather than the replacement cost to buy a brand-new one.

Personal Liability and Medical Payments Coverages

Personal liability coverage protects you against the cost of accidents that are your fault, while medical payments coverage will pay for injuries sustained on your property regardless of who is at fault. For medical payments, the base is $1,000 of coverage.

You can usually increase limits for liability insurance for just a few dollars a year, and it might be worth it depending on your lifestyle. For instance, if you tend to have guests over multiple times a week or host parties and get-togethers often, increasing your limits can ensure you won’t have to pay out of pocket in case the worst happens.

What Renters Insurance Does and Doesn't Cover (3)


Let’s say your dog bites someone while they are in your home. An ambulance takes your guest to the ER, and they end up suing you. Under your renters insurance policy, the personal liability coverage will pay up to the policy limit for legal representation and the settlement or judgment.

Additional Living Expenses Coverage

Additional living expenses (ALE), otherwise known as loss of use in renters insurance, pays for your temporary living expenses if your rented unit is deemed uninhabitable due to a covered event. Typically, additional living expenses can pay for the following expenses:

  • Hotels or alternative rented apartments for temporary stays
  • Increased commuting expenses
  • Elevated food costs due to frequent dining out
  • Boarding fees for pets if not allowed in temporary lodgings
  • Storage fees for personal items
  • Laundry service charges in the absence of on-site facilities
  • Costs for moving trucks to transport belongings to storage or another location
  • Childcare expenses arising from disrupted routines
  • Extra charges for utilities or internet services.

Depending on where you live, it can be costly to rent a hotel room or temporary housing. Check your renters insurance policy to see how much coverage you have for additional living expenses or loss of use, as insurance company limits can vary.

What Renters Insurance Does and Doesn't Cover (4)


Imagine you're temporarily displaced from your apartment due to a major water leak. While repairs are underway, you need to stay in a hotel, dine out more frequently, and even board your pet. These costs can quickly add up. With additional living expenses coverage, these unexpected costs are taken care of, ensuring you maintain your standard of living without draining your savings, until you can return home.

Other Events Covered by Renters Insurance

Renters insurance isn't just about protecting your personal belongings; it also offers a range of additional coverages that can be invaluable in specific situations. These coverages address various challenges renters might face, ensuring comprehensive protection beyond the basics.

Some additional coverages you can get, depending on the provider, include:

  • Credit Card and Check Forgery Coverage: This offers protection against financial losses if someone forges a check or illicitly uses your credit or debit card, ensuring your finances remain secure.
  • Perishable Food Reimbursem*nt: In the event of a power failure or mechanical breakdown that results in spoilage of perishable food, this coverage can reimburse you for the loss, minimizing wastage costs.
  • Debris Removal: After a covered claim, there might be debris that needs clearing. This coverage ensures that the costs associated with such removals are taken care of, maintaining the cleanliness and safety of your living space.
  • Additions or Alterations Reimbursem*nt: If you've made modifications or additions to your rental space and they get damaged due to a covered event, this coverage can reimburse you for those alterations, ensuring your investments in the property are protected.
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What Does Renters Insurance Not Cover?

While renters insurance is comprehensive, it doesn’t cover everything. For instance, damages due to neglect, mold, insects and flooding are typically not covered. Additionally, damage to your roommate’s possessions and your vehicle aren’t covered. Understanding these exclusions can help you prepare adequately and avoid unexpected burdens.

What Renters Insurance Does and Doesn't Cover (34)

Non-Covered Perils in Renters Insurance

Every insurance policy has its boundaries, and renters insurance is no exception. Non-covered perils refer to those events or risks that fall outside the protection of a standard policy. These are the major events that renters insurance does not cover:

  • Floods
  • Sinkholes
  • Earthquakes
  • Bed bugs or other pests
  • Damage to or theft of car
  • Damage to or theft of your roommate's possessions

If you live in a place where floods are common, you can get a separate flood insurance policy to cover your personal property.

Roommate’s Property

Renters insurance is tailored specifically to the individual policyholder. This means that your roommate's property won't automatically be covered under your policy. For instance, if a burglary occurs and both your laptop and your roommate's gaming console are stolen, only your laptop would be covered under your policy. Your roommate would need their own renters insurance to ensure their possessions are safeguarded against potential risks.

Your Vehicle

Renters insurance doesn't cover motor vehicles. Instead, auto insurance provides the necessary protection for vehicular damages or theft. For example, if a tree falls during a storm and damages both your bicycle in the storage room and your car parked outside, your renters insurance might cover the bicycle's repairs, but the car's damages would be a claim for your auto insurance.

How Much Renters Insurance Coverage You Should Buy

Determining how much renters insurance coverage you need involves a thorough examination of your personal belongings, lifestyle and budget. While you can get cheaper renters insurance if you lower your limits, you risk not being fully covered.

How Much Personal Property Coverage Do You Need?

Ensuring the right amount of personal property coverage is crucial for safeguarding your belongings. After all, if a fire damages your apartment and your coverage limit is too low, you might bear the brunt of replacement costs for items like electronics and furniture.

One way to determine the amount of personal property coverage you need is to create a home inventory. There are several ways to do this:

  • Use your smartphone or camera to take photos or videos of each room. Capture clear images of valuable items, serial numbers and any identifying features. Store these digital files in a cloud storage service or an external hard drive for safekeeping.
  • Use a mobile app designed specifically for home inventory. These apps allow you to catalog items, attach photos, note purchase dates and even save digital receipts, making the process streamlined and organized.
  • Use a notebook or computer spreadsheet to list out items room by room. For each item, note its description, purchase date, estimated value and any other relevant details. Pair this written inventory with printed photos of items for a comprehensive record. Store the inventory in a safe place, such as a fireproof or safe deposit box.

Personal Property Coverage Calculator

When figuring out how much renters insurance you need, experts recommend the standard $100,000 in liability insurance and enough personal property protection to cover your possessions. Use MoneyGeek's calculator to estimate the value of your possessions so you know how much personal property coverage to buy.

What Renters Insurance Does and Doesn't Cover (35)

clothing & accessories

Clothes, shoes, bags, belts, hats, gloves, etc.

Total clothing & accessories: $0

It’s important to know how much your belongings are worth. If you have $20,000 worth of personal property, ensure you have at least that amount of coverage. You wouldn't want a $10,000 personal property renters insurance policy if a catastrophe could cause $20,000 worth of damage.

If you have high-value items like jewelry or fine art, check with your agent or insurer to see if there is an endorsem*nt or special coverage you can include to properly cover those items. The top renters insurance company for you will have coverage for the items you value most at an affordable rate.

When you compare renters insurance quotes, be sure to check coverage limits, deductible amounts and if there is replacement cost on contents, so you know you’re getting the best value for the price.

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  • Average Monthly Renters Insurance

How Much Personal Liability Coverage Do You Need?

Determining the right amount of personal liability coverage in renters insurance is key to ensure you're adequately protected. Several factors come into play:

  • Assets: The more assets you have, the higher the coverage you might need to protect them.
  • Risks: If you have potential risks in your rented space, like a dog known for its aggressive breed, you might need more coverage.
  • Location: Living in a litigious area or a city with higher medical costs can influence the amount of coverage you should consider.

Balancing these factors, experts often recommend a baseline of $100,000 in liability coverage. However, for those with significant assets or higher risks, considering coverage of $300,000 or more is advisable.

How to File a Renters Insurance Claim

Knowing how to navigate the claims process is essential when an unexpected event occurs. A structured approach and clear knowledge can simplify the claims process.


Prioritize Safety

If the event involves a crime, such as theft or vandalism, report it to the police. For emergencies like fires, ensure everyone's safety and contact emergency services.


Document the Damage

Take clear photos or videos of all damaged or stolen items. This visual evidence will support your claim.


Review Your Policy

Before filing, understand your coverage limits, deductibles and any specific procedures your insurer requires.


Contact Your Insurance Provider

Notify your insurance company about the incident as soon as possible. They'll provide guidance on the next steps and what documentation they require.


Complete Claim Forms

Your insurer will provide claim forms. Fill them out accurately and completely, detailing the incident and losses. Remember, honesty is crucial. Any discrepancies can delay or even invalidate your claim.


Provide Additional Documentation

Along with the claim form, submit any receipts, photos, police reports or other relevant documents.


Facilitate an Adjuster Assessment

An insurance adjuster may visit to assess the damage and determine the claim payout.


Receive Compensation

Once your claim is approved, you'll receive compensation based on your policy's terms, either ACV or RCV.

Frequently Asked Questions

MoneyGeek answered the most commonly asked questions about renters insurance to help you determine the right amount of coverage for your renters insurance policy.

What does renters insurance cover?

Renters insurance covers your personal property, whether in your home, car or while you’re traveling (if stolen or damaged by others). It also provides financial protection if someone sues you, someone injures themselves in your home, your food spoils or you have additional living expenses due to a covered loss. Policy limits and deductibles will apply.

What does renters insurance not cover?

Renters insurance does not cover major weather events like earthquakes, landslides, sinkholes and floods. The policy also will not cover pest infestations (including bed bugs) or your roommate’s possessions if they aren’t a named insured on the policy.

Is there month-to-month renters insurance?

There are no month-to-month renters insurance for tenants, with most policies lasting at least a year. If you need renters insurance for a shorter period of time, you can opt to apply for a policy and cancel it when it’s no longer needed.

Is there a difference between renters insurance and tenant liability insurance?

Tenant liability insurance and renters insurance are closely related; tenant liability insurance is essentially another term for the liability portion of renters insurance. Renters insurance additionally includes protection for personal belongings and broader coverage against risks like theft and natural disasters.

How do renters insurance claim payouts work?

Renters insurance claim payouts compensate for covered losses, and is calculated based on the policy's actual cash value (ACV) or replacement cost value (RCV). After deducting the deductible, the insurer disburses the amount, either as the depreciated value of the item or its full replacement cost.

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About Mark Fitzpatrick

What Renters Insurance Does and Doesn't Cover (38)

Mandy Sleight is a writer for MoneyGeek and has been an insurance agent since 2005. As a freelance writer, she uses her vast knowledge of the insurance industry to create informative, engaging and easy-to-understand content for consumers. Her work has been featured in Market Watch, Kiplinger and other major publications

What Renters Insurance Does and Doesn't Cover (2024)


What Renters Insurance Does and Doesn't Cover? ›

Your personal property, personal liability, additional living expenses, and guest medical expenses are usually covered under your renters insurance. It typically does not cover earthquakes, floods, bedbugs, mold, or damage to the exterior of the building.

What are three things that renters insurance typically does not cover? ›

What does renters insurance not cover
  • Personal property. ...
  • Liability and medical. ...
  • Emergency living expenses. ...
  • Damage caused by floods, earthquakes and sinkholes. ...
  • Damage caused by pests. ...
  • Damage caused by mold. ...
  • Damage caused by you. ...
  • Damage to the building itself.

Which of the following is not covered by renter's insurance? ›

Damage from sinkholes, bedbugs, and other pests aren't covered by a typical renters insurance policy. If your car is stolen or damaged, a standard renters insurance policy won't usually help with those costs either.

What are the three major parts of a renters insurance policy? ›

Renters insurance has three basic coverage components: personal possessions, liability, and additional living expenses.

What is the most common amount for renters insurance? ›

What is the most common amount of renters insurance coverage? Renters insurance commonly covers around $30,000 in property damage and $100,000 in liability coverage.

Will renters insurance cover broken TV? ›

Renters insurance may cover the cost of repairing or replacing your broken TV, if the cause of the damage is related to theft, certain water events (like a burst pipe), or a house fire.

Does renters insurance cover damage to flooring? ›

Does renters insurance cover carpet and floor damage? Renters insurance won't cover the physical structure of the apartment, condo, or house you're renting. Your landlord's policy may cover damage to the floors or carpet from a covered peril.

Does renters insurance cover a broken sink? ›

Similarly, accidental damage caused by humans is generally not considered a covered peril. If someone drops a heavy item and cracks the bathroom sink, that won't be covered by renters insurance, and the renter will likely have to pay for it or forfeit their security deposit.

What is a coverage limit? ›

An insurance coverage limit determines the maximum amount of money an insurance company will pay for a covered claim.

Which answer is true about renters insurance and your landlord? ›

Therefore, the correct answer is option C: Your renter's insurance covers only your own property, not the property of your landlord.

Does renters insurance cover pet damage? ›

Renters insurance may cover pet damage as part of your policy's liability coverage. This may help protect your finances if your pet injures someone else or damages their property. However, renters insurance won't cover damage to your own property that's caused by your pet.

Does renters insurance cover relocation due to mold? ›

Your insurer may also pay for mold remediation in that scenario, as well as lodging if you need to live elsewhere while the mold is removed. However, if the mold resulted from your negligence, then you typically won't be covered.

What factors into renters insurance? ›

The cost of renters insurance depends on several factors like your location, policy deductible, total amount of coverage, and insurance carrier. Renters insurance not only pays for damage to or loss of your personal property, but it also includes personal liability, medical payments, and loss of use coverage.

What does renters insurance actually cover? ›

What damages to my property does renters insurance protect against in California? Renters insurance protects your stuff against several potential damages (or 'perils' in insurance speak), including theft, fire, vandalism, and water damage from things like burst pipes.

What is a good deductible for renters insurance? ›

What are the most common renters insurance deductible options? When it comes to renters insurance deductibles, "the most common deductible is $500," according to SafeHome.org. Other common deductible amounts are $250, $1,000, and $1,500.

Why is my renters insurance so high? ›

A lower credit score may lead to a higher renters insurance premium because it's associated with a higher risk of claims. Conversely, a higher credit score can help reduce your premium by demonstrating lower risk.

What are three 3 examples of what may not be covered under homeowner's insurance coverage? ›

Standard homeowners policies do not cover flooding, earthquakes or poor maintenance. Flood coverage is provided by the federal government's National Flood Insurance Program, although it is purchased from an insurance agent. Earthquake coverage is available either in the form of an endorsem*nt or as a separate policy.

What perils are typically not covered by renters or homeowners insurance? ›

Earthquake, flood, mold, earth movement, and “wear and tear” are some of the perils that are usually excluded.

What are three ways that renters insurance protects a renter? ›

Your personal property, personal liability, additional living expenses, and guest medical expenses are usually covered under your renters insurance. It typically does not cover earthquakes, floods, bedbugs, mold, or damage to the exterior of the building.

Does renters insurance cover spoiled food from a broken fridge? ›

Your policy may cover spoiled food, depending on the cause. Depending on the cause of the damage, your renters insurance policy may cover food loss (for instance, if your fridge fails or is damaged and everything inside spoils).

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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