What is PNL — How to Calculate When Trading on Binance Crypto Exchange (2024)

What is PNL — How to Calculate When Trading on Binance Crypto Exchange (1)

Trading cryptocurrencies on the exchange provides an opportunity for regular profit, but also carries high risks of losses. Therefore, experienced traders use a variety of tools to build their strategies and calculate their profitability. And PNL is one of the most important indicators that allows you to measure profit and loss in order to correctly evaluate the results of a trade.

What is PNL — How to Calculate When Trading on Binance Crypto Exchange (3)

PNL (Profit and Loss) is a certain value that shows the difference between profit and loss in trading. To calculate it, you can use different initial data:

  • one deal or open position;
  • a series of executed deals (5, 10, 20, 100);
  • all transactions for a certain period of time (week, month, year);
  • deals opened according to one strategy.

Special PNL report is drawn up with such calculations, thanks to which a trader can determine the effectiveness of his trading, as well as the ability to make a profit.

You need to know the size of the open position and the market value of the price change to calculate the PNL of a trade. The actual profit or loss will be equal to the size of the position multiplied by the movement in points. And this calculation shows the results very accurately.

You can calculate PNL on the Binance exchange using one of two formulas:

  • If the trade was opened in Long: unrealized PNL = (Marking price — Initial buy rate) * Position size.
  • If the deal is opened in Short: unrealized PNL = (Initial Sell Rate — Marking Price) * Position Size.

The tagging price is the value of the asset at the time of the close of the trade (or at the time of the PNL calculation).

Unrealized PNL means that the calculation is based on the current market rate of the asset (and not the actual closing rate of the position). It is such a floating indicator for an open position, which demonstrates how much you will earn (or lose) if you close the position right now. It is based on real-time value and does not include exchange fees.

The profit or loss will remain unrealized until you close the trade. If you have a long position, then the market price will be considered the price at which you can sell. In the case of a short position, this is the price at which you can buy to close the position. Accordingly, for a more accurate calculation, you need to take into account the exchange spread.

As soon as you close the position, the profit or loss is realized. That is, realized profit (realized PNL) is a metric that shows the profit or loss for a closed position. And it takes into account the commission of the exchange.

The principle of such calculations is easiest to understand in the context of spot trading on the Binance crypto exchange.

For example, take the situation when you buy 10 BTC at the rate of $ 30,000 and sell them for $ 40,000.

Then the unrealized PNL = (40,000–30,000) * 10 = $ 100,000. This is the profit that you can get if you close the position.

To calculate the realized PNL, you need to subtract the commission from the actual transaction value. If you have a Standard account (VIP 0) on Binance, then the exchange will charge a commission of 0.1%. Then the calculation will look like this:

(30,000 * 10 * 0.1%) + (40,000 * 10 * 0.1%) = 300 + 400 = 700.

This means that the realized PNL = $ 100,000 — $ 700 = $ 99,300.

This is the net profit from the trade minus the commission. This value is sometimes referred to as “private PNL”. Also realized PNL means that it is calculated based on the actual closing price of the position (and not the current market rate).

The loss from a trade can be calculated in the same way. For example, you buy 10 bitcoins at $ 30,000 and sell them for $ 20,000.

Then the unrealized PNL = (20,000–30,000) * 10 = — $ 100,000. This is the loss that you get after closing such a deal.

In this case, the commission will be calculated as follows:

(30 000 * 10 * 0,1%) + (20 000 * 10 * 0,1%) = 300+200 = 500.

And this amount will be added to the loss.

This means that the realized PNL = $ 100,000 + $ 500 = $ 100,500. This is the net loss from the deal, taking into account the commission.

Profit and loss are calculated in the same way when opening positions in Short.

Important! This section will only discuss how PNL is calculated when trading on Binance margin. You should first study the corresponding guide if you do not know what the peculiarity of such trading is, .

In the case of margin trading, the realized and unrealized PNL is multiplied by the leverage.

If you have $ 1000 in your account, and you invest $ 100 in a margin trade with X10 leverage, then with such an investment ($ 100), you buy assets worth $ 1000. Therefore, instead of the PNL value, you need to substitute P & L * 10 in the basic formula.

Accordingly, the calculation for a Long position will look like this: unrealized PNL * 10 = (Marking price — Initial buy rate) * Position size.

As an example, you can take a situation when you buy 10 LTC at the rate of $ 100, and sell them at $ 110.

Then the unrealized PNL * 10 = (110–100) * 10 = $ 100. This is the profit that you get when you close the deal. Thus, when the LTC rate rises to $ 110, you double the amount invested in this transaction.

A losing trade is calculated in the same way. For example, you buy 10 LTC at the rate of $ 100, and sell them for $ 90.

Then the unrealized PNL * 10 = (90–100) * 10 = –100 $.

This is the loss you will receive when you close the trade. And here you need to take into account that you have invested only $ 100 in this margin position, that is, your loss has reached the collateral amount. This means that when the LTC rate drops to $ 90, the exchange will automatically liquidate your position.

Important! This section will only talk about how to calculate PNL for futures contracts. You should first study the corresponding guide if you do not know what futures are and how they work on Binance.

When calculating the PNL for futures contracts, keep in mind that the label price is a more accurate representation of the contract value than the futures market price. Therefore, the Binance exchange uses precisely the labeling price to protect traders from accidental liquidations, as well as to avoid market manipulation.

Therefore, the unrealized PNL for futures is calculated using similar formulas:

  1. For a Long position: Unrealized PNL = (Futures Marking Price — Initial Futures Buy Rate) * Position Size.
  2. For a Short position: Unrealized PNL = (Futures Initial Sell Rate — Futures Marking Price) * Position Size.

In addition, when trading futures, it is important to consider total margin collateral and liquidation threshold:

Collateral = initial collateral + realized PNL + unrealized PNL. If the sum of these three indicators exceeds the collateral amount, the position will be liquidated forcibly.

Given that the unrealized P&L is dependent on market movements, it continues to fluctuate due to constant fluctuations in prices. Accordingly, the margin balance also continues to fluctuate.

Only that part of the collateral that exceeds the initial loan amount + initial margin can be withdrawn from the account.

What is PNL — How to Calculate When Trading on Binance Crypto Exchange (4)
What is PNL — How to Calculate When Trading on Binance Crypto Exchange (5)

To simplify the work of traders, the Binance exchange has created a special calculator that allows you to calculate the profit and loss (PNL) values, as well as the profitability of the transaction in % (ROE), even before opening orders. To use it, you need to click on the corresponding icon on the margin trading page.

In the window that opens, you need to enter the following data:

  • Starting price;
  • The final price;
  • Initial amount;
  • Borrow the amount (loan amount).

Then you can click the “Calculate” button to find out the PNL and ROE values.

What is PNL — How to Calculate When Trading on Binance Crypto Exchange (6)

The Binance futures trading page also has a calculator function that calculates PNL and ROE, as well as initial margin.

To make calculations, you need to enter the following data:

  • choose the type of position (long or short);
  • enter entry and exit prices;
  • indicate the number of assets in the transaction;
  • select the size of the leverage (by moving the special slider).

After that, you need to click the “Calculate” button to find out the values of the initial margin, PNL and ROE.

Also, using this calculator, you can calculate the following indicators:

  1. target price — the rate, upon reaching which the planned profit will be received;
  2. liquidation price — the rate, upon reaching which the position will be liquidated forcibly;
  3. maximum opening — the amount for which a position can be opened;
  4. open price — the amount of funds that you need to have on the balance sheet to open a deal.

If you have multiple open trades on Binance, then all of them will reflect the total unrealized PNL. As with a single trade, the term “unrealized” means that this is the amount at which you can close your trades at the moment.

This calculation allows you to easily determine how effective your trading strategy is and how much profit (or loss) you have made over a certain period of time. To do this, you need to calculate the arithmetic average of the realized PNLs for all trades.

For example, in a month you have made 5 trades with different PNL ratios: $ 10,000, — $ 12,000, $ 7000, — $ 3000, $ 5000.

Then the average realized PNL over this time period is calculated as follows:

(10,000–12,000 + 7000–3000 + 5000) / 5 = 1400.

Your net profit for the month was $ 1400.

Profit and Loss is an important indicator, thanks to which you can clearly determine your efficiency when working in the cryptocurrency market. It can be used for different types of trading on Binance (spot, margin, futures). At the same time, you can calculate your profit or loss both from one position and from a series of transactions over a long distance. Only a clear understanding of your results will allow you to effectively manage your own capital.

And if you don’t already have an account on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, then you can create one for free right now. To do this, you just need to follow the link and fill in the required information.

Disclaimer: This article is not investment advice. Assess the risks yourself before making any investment decisions.

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I'm an expert in cryptocurrency trading, and my in-depth knowledge of the subject allows me to provide valuable insights into the concepts discussed in the Monetka Blog article dated November 23, 2021. My expertise is backed by hands-on experience and a comprehensive understanding of various tools and strategies used by experienced traders in the crypto market.

The article primarily focuses on Profit and Loss (PNL), a crucial indicator in cryptocurrency trading. PNL is the key metric that enables traders to measure the success of their strategies and assess the profitability of their trades. Here are the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. PNL (Profit and Loss):

    • PNL is a value that reflects the difference between profit and loss in trading.
    • It can be calculated for a single deal, a series of executed deals, or all transactions within a specific time period or strategy.
  2. Calculation of PNL on Binance:

    • Two formulas are provided for calculating PNL based on whether the trade was opened in Long or Short.
    • For Long positions: unrealized PNL = (Marking price — Initial buy rate) * Position size.
    • For Short positions: unrealized PNL = (Initial Sell Rate — Marking Price) * Position Size.
  3. Realized PNL:

    • Realized PNL is the profit or loss for a closed position, taking into account exchange fees and commissions.
    • It is calculated based on the actual closing price of the position and includes the exchange commission.
    • The article provides examples of calculating realized PNL for both profitable and losing trades.
  4. Margin Trading on Binance:

    • In margin trading, both realized and unrealized PNL are multiplied by the leverage.
    • The article offers examples of calculating PNL for Long and Short positions in margin trading.
  5. Futures Contracts:

    • PNL for futures contracts is calculated using labeling price, providing a more accurate representation of the contract value.
    • Total margin collateral and liquidation threshold are crucial considerations in futures trading.
  6. Binance Calculators:

    • Binance offers specialized calculators for spot, margin, and futures trading to help traders calculate PNL, ROE (Return on Equity), initial margin, and other relevant values.
    • These calculators take into account factors such as entry and exit prices, leverage, and the number of assets in the transaction.
  7. Performance Evaluation:

    • Traders can evaluate the effectiveness of their trading strategy by calculating the average realized PNL over a specific period.
    • This average helps determine the overall efficiency and profitability of trading activities.

In conclusion, the Profit and Loss indicator is crucial for effective risk management and strategy evaluation in cryptocurrency trading, whether in spot, margin, or futures markets. Understanding these concepts is essential for traders looking to navigate the complexities of the cryptocurrency market successfully.

What is PNL — How to Calculate When Trading on Binance Crypto Exchange (2024)


What is PNL — How to Calculate When Trading on Binance Crypto Exchange? ›

Multiply the current market price per unit by the number of units sold. 4) To determine PnL, subtract the average cost per unit from the current market value.

How is PNL calculated in crypto? ›

Once the cost basis, quantity, and price of the cryptocurrency have been determined, the trader can proceed to calculate the PnL. This involves subtracting the cost basis from the selling price of the cryptocurrency and multiplying this difference by the quantity of the cryptocurrency purchased.

How is trading PNL calculated? ›

The general formula for PnL is PnL = Value today minus value yesterday. So if you are a trader and your positions were worth $100 yesterday and today they are worth $105, then your PnL for the day was $5.

How do you find the overall P&L on a Binance? ›

If you're using the Binance website, log in to your Binance account and go to [Wallet] - [Margin]. Select [Cross] or [Isolated] and choose a period to view your PNL.

What is the formula for PnL ratio? ›

The PnL Ratio is also a measure of a trader's performance that takes into account the size of their profits and losses relative to their trading capital. It is calculated by dividing the total profits by the total losses.

What is PnL percentage formula? ›

Profit Percentage and Loss Percentage
Profit and Loss TermsFormulas in Percentage
Profit percentage (%)Profit=(SP) – (CP) Profit percentage%=(ProfitCost Price)×100
Loss percentage (%)Loss= (CP) – (SP) Loss percentage%=(LossCost Price)×100
Discount (%)(DiscountMarked Price)×100
1 more row
Jun 28, 2024

What is the formula for profit in crypto trading? ›

How do you calculate crypto profit? You calculate crypto profit by subtracting the selling price from the cost price of the cryptocurrency. That is one of the simplest ways to calculate your profit and loss.

How is the daily P&L calculated? ›

Daily P&L calculation: (current price - prior day's closing price) x (total number of outstanding shares) plus New Position calculation for all new positions.

How do you calculate gains and losses on crypto? ›

We take the proceeds (what you got for your crypto when you sold) and subtract your cost-basis (what you paid for it) to determine the difference. This will either be a capital gain or a capital loss that you'll see on your Gain/loss report (PDF).

What is a good PNL ratio? ›

Many trading books call for at least a 2:1 ratio. For example, if a system had a winning average of $750 per trade and an average loss over the same time of $250 per trade, then the profit/loss ratio would be 3:1.

How do I set up a PNL? ›

Here's a general step-by-step guide to creating a profit and loss statement:
  1. Choose a reporting period. ...
  2. Gather financial statements and information. ...
  3. Add up revenue. ...
  4. List your COGS. ...
  5. Record your expenses. ...
  6. Figure your EBITDA. ...
  7. Calculate interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. ...
  8. Determine net income.
Apr 25, 2024

What is the formula for profit and loss in trading? ›

Add up all revenue earned over the accounting period. Add up all expenditures made throughout the accounting period. Subtract total expenses from total revenue to find the difference. If the value is positive, it represents profit; if it is negative, it represents a loss.

What is the PNL formula in Binance? ›

Cumulative PNL = Ending Assets (At the Time of Calculation) - Beginning Assets (00:00 on Day 1) - Net Inflow. For example, User A held 1 BTC at 00:00 on Day 1, and the BTC market price was 25,000 USDT. User A deposited 1 BTC on Day 8, the market price of BTC was 25,500 USDT. On Day 10, User A sold 1 BTC for 26,000 USDT ...

How to get profit in Binance trading? ›

Here are some tips on how to make more profit on Binance P2P:
  1. Set competitive prices. When you post a buy or sell ad, make sure to set a competitive price. ...
  2. Offer multiple payment methods. ...
  3. Complete trades quickly and efficiently. ...
  4. Take advantage of price fluctuations. ...
  5. Use a trading bot.
Oct 26, 2023

What is today PNL in Binance? ›

Price of PNL today
Date ComparisonAmount Change% Change
Today$ -0.000042-0.2%
30 Days$ -0.009523-31.84%
60 Days$ -0.008635-29.75%
90 Days$ -0.014249-41.14%

What is ROI and PNL in Binance? ›

Portfolio Performance Indicators in Binance Futures Copy Trading
Return on Investment (ROI)A ratio or percentage that reflects the profitability or efficiency of the portfolio.
PNLRealized + Unrealized Profit/Loss
7 more rows
Aug 21, 2023

How do you calculate PNL for options? ›

P&L = [Difference between buying and selling price of premium] * Lot size * Number of lots. If I purchase two lots of Reliance 2500 CE at 76 and then, a few hours later, sell them at 79, I have realized a profit. Of course, 1500 minus all the applicable charges.

How to calculate 100x? ›

A 100x return refers to multiplying your investment by 100, resulting in a whopping 10,000% return. For example, turning $10,000 into $1 million or $1,000 into $100,000 would be considered a 100x return.

How do you calculate gross profit from PNL? ›

Gross profit is calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from net revenue. Net income is calculated by subtracting all operating expenses from gross profit.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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