What are some alternatives to Vim? - StackShare (2024)

Vim alternatives & related posts

What are some alternatives to Vim? - StackShare (1)





The extensible self-documenting text editor.



+ 1




  • 65

    Vast array of extensions

  • 44

    Have all you can imagine

  • 40

    Everything i need in one place

  • 39


  • 32

    Customer config

  • 16

    Your config works on any platform

  • 13

    Low memory consumption

  • 11

    Perfect for monsters

  • 10

    All life inside one program

  • 8

    Extendable, portable, fast - all at your fingertips

  • 6

    Enables extremely rapid keyboard-only navigation

  • 5

    Widely-used keybindings (e.g. by bash)

  • 5

    Extensible in Lisp

  • 5

    Runs everywhere important

  • 4

    FOSS Software

  • 4

    Powerful multilanguage IDE

  • 4

    Git integration

  • 4

    May be old but always reliable

  • 3


  • 3

    Powerful UI

  • 1

    Huge ecosystem



  • 4

    So good and extensible, that one can get sidetracked

  • 4

    Hard to learn for beginners

  • 1

    Not default preinstalled in GNU/linux

related Emacs posts

What are some alternatives to Vim? - StackShare (4)





Vim's rebirth for the 21st century



+ 1




  • 31

    Modern and more powerful Vim

  • 27


  • 22

    Asynchronous plugins

  • 20


  • 18

    Edit text fast

  • 15

    Great community

  • 15

    Vim plugins work out of the box

  • 9


  • 8


  • 8

    Built-in terminal support

  • 4

    Plugins in any language

  • 2

    External GUIs

  • 2

    Great Colorschemes

  • 2

    Extremely customizable



    Be the first to leave a con

    related Neovim posts

    Rogério R. Alcântara

    For a Visual Studio Code/Atom developer that works mostly with Node.js/TypeScript/Ruby/Go and wants to get rid of graphic-text-editors-IDE-like at once, which one is worthy of investing time to pick up?

    I'm a total n00b on the subject, but I've read good things about Neovim's Lua support, and I wonder what would be the VIM response/approach for it?

    See more

    Hi, so I have been contracted by a peer to create a website using React with Java as the backend for server-side applications. I have the project listed on GitHub, and you can find it by searching for my username. The question I have is what is the fastest way to correctly learn all the necessary technologies needed to host the website? I'm also learning Neovim because I used Visual Studio Code for a bit and hated it, so if anyone has advice relating to Neovim that would also be appreciated. Thanks for providing some advice, I have little idea of where I need to go and some direction would be well appreciated.Cheers!Jls

    See more

    What are some alternatives to Vim? - StackShare (17)





    A hackable text editor for the 21st Century



    + 1




    • 529


    • 449

      Open source

    • 343

      Modular design

    • 321


    • 316

      Beautiful UI

    • 170

      Github integration

    • 147

      Backed by github

    • 119

      Built with node.js

    • 113

      Web native

    • 107


    • 35


    • 18

      Cross platform

    • 5

      Multicursor support

    • 5

      Nice UI

    • 5

      TypeScript editor

    • 3


    • 3

      Simple but powerful

    • 3

      Open source, lots of packages, and so configurable

    • 3

      cli start

    • 3

      Chrome Inspector works IN EDITOR

    • 2


    • 2

      Smart TypeScript code completion

    • 2

      Well documented

    • 2

      It's powerful

    • 2

      Code readability

    • 1

      works with GitLab

    • 1

      User friendly

    • 1

      vim support

    • 1

      Split-Tab Layout

    • 1

      "Free", "Hackable", "Open Source", The Awesomness

    • 1

      Apm publish minor

    • 1

      Hackable and Open Source

    • 1

      Consistent UI on all platforms

    • Publish



    • 19

      Slow with large files

    • 7

      Slow startup

    • 2

      Most of the time packages are hard to find.

    • 1

      No longer maintained

    • 1

      Cannot Run code with F5

    • 1

      Can be easily Modified

    related Atom posts

    Jerome Dalbert

    Principal Backend Software Engineer

    at StackShare


    | 13 upvotes · 874.9K views

    I liked Sublime Text for its speed, simplicity and keyboard shortcuts which synergize well when working on scripting languages like Ruby and JavaScript. I extended the editor with custom Python scripts that improved keyboard navigability such as autofocusing the sidebar when no files are open, or changing tab closing behavior.

    But customization can only get you so far, and there were little things that I still had to use the mouse for, such as scrolling, repositioning lines on the screen, selecting the line number of a failing test stack trace from a separate plugin pane, etc. After 3 years of wearily moving my arm and hand to perform the same repetitive tasks, I decided to switch to Vim for 3 reasons:

    • your fingers literally don’t ever need to leave the keyboard home row (I had to remap the escape key though)
    • it is a reliable tool that has been around for more than 30 years and will still be around for the next 30 years
    • I wanted to "look like a hacker" by doing everything inside my terminal and by becoming a better Unix citizen

    The learning curve is very steep and it took me a year to master it, but investing time to be truly comfortable with my #TextEditor was more than worth it. To me, Vim comes close to being the perfect editor and I probably won’t need to switch ever again. It feels good to ignore new editors that come out every few years, like Atom and Visual Studio Code.

    See more

    Julian Sanchez

    Lead Developer

    at Chore Champion


    | 9 upvotes · 754.5K views

    We use Visual Studio Code because it allows us to easily and quickly integrate with Git, much like Sublime Merge ,but it is integrated into the IDE. Another cool part about VS Code is the ability collaborate with each other with Visual Studio Live Share which allows our whole team to get more done together. It brings the convenience of the Google Suite to programming, offering something that works more smoothly than anything found on Atom or Sublime Text

    See more

    What are some alternatives to Vim? - StackShare (29)





    Free source code editor and Notepad replacement



    + 1




    • 103

      Syntax for all languages that i use

    • 59

      Tabbed ui

    • 56

      Great code editor

    • 53

      Fast and lightweight

    • 38


    • 28

      Nice GUI

    • 26

      Regex & Special Character Search & Replace

    • 16

      Fast startup

    • 9

      Application is free, and plugins are too

    • 9


    • 6


    • 4

      Very Lightweight

    • 3

      100% Free

    • 2

      Column selection

    • 1

      Awesome autocomplete

    • 1

      Easy edit on FTP servers (NppFTP)

    • 1

      Cos it's seck

    • 1

      Nice gui. are you kidding me?

    • 1

      Open Sourced



    • 3

      No default plugin manager

    • 2

      Can't install more advanced packets

    related Notepad++ posts

    Hey there, I am using Visual Studio for C++ and Notepad++ for web development. Should I switch to Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code for web development?

    See more

    Gustavo Muñoz

    Senior Software Engineer

    at JOOR


    | 3 upvotes · 308.1K views

    I have chosen Visual Studio Code after testing a lot of other editors like Atom, Sublime Text (with legal license), Vim or even Notepad++ because it is the sum of all their virtues and none of their defects. It's fast, it has all the tools and plugins I need to work, and it's pretty and very good optimized. It has what I need to work and nothing more. And the main plugins works like a charm. Developing for React or Flutter is amazing. Even the TypeScript plugin works great. I like how IntelliSense works, and all the extra tools to code remotely using #ssh, access #RESTfulAPI or event manage projects or collaborating remotely. Thanks #Microsoft for Visual Studio Code.

    See more

    What are some alternatives to Vim? - StackShare (41)

    Sublime Text




    A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.



    + 1




    • 720


    • 652


    • 641

      Super fast

    • 468

      Great code editor

    • 442

      Cross platform

    • 280

      Nice UI

    • 260

      Unlimited trial

    • 153

      Cmd + d is the best command ever

    • 92

      Great community

    • 46

      Package control, modules

    • 26

      Mac OS X support

    • 23

      Easy to get started with

    • 22


    • 21

      Everything you need without the bloat

    • 21

      Built in Python

    • 18


    • 14


    • 12

      Session & edit resuming

    • 10

      Package Control

    • 9

      Well Designed

    • 8

      Multiple selections

    • 7

      ALT + CMD + DOWN is the best command ever

    • 7


    • 7

      Fast, simple and lightweight

    • 5

      It's easy to use, beautiful, simple, and plugins rule

    • 5

      So futuristic and convenient

    • 5

      ALT + F3 the best command ever

    • 5


    • 4

      See Also
      Emacs vs Vim

      Find anything fast within entire project

    • 4

      Easy to use

    • 4


    • 4

      Simple and clean design

    • 3


    • 3


    • 3

      UI + plugins

    • 3

      Sublime Merge (Git Integration)

    • 2

      Totally customizable

    • 2

      Color schemes and cmd+d

    • 2

      Material theme best theme forever

    • Const



    • 8

      Steep learning curve

    • 6


    • 4

      Flexibility to move file

    • 4

      Number of plugins doing the same thing

    • 4

      Doesn't act like a Mac app

    • 3

      Not open sourced

    • 2

      Don't have flutter integration

    • 2

      Forces you to buy license

    related Sublime Text posts

    Johnny Bell

    I've been in the #frontend game for about 7 years now. I started coding in Sublime Text because all of the tutorials I was doing back then everyone was using it. I found the speed amazing compared to some other tools at the time. I kept using Sublime Text for about 4-5 years.

    I find Sublime Text lacks some functionality, after all it is just a text editor rather than a full fledged IDE. I finally converted over to PhpStorm as I was working with Magento and Magento as you know is mainly #PHP based.

    This was amazing all the features in PhpStorm I loved, the debugging features, and the control click feature when you click on a dependency or linked file it will take you to that file. It was great.

    PhpStorm is kind of slow, I found that Prettier was taking a long time to format my code, and it just was lagging a lot so I was looking for alternatives. After watching some more tutorial videos I noticed that everyone was using Visual Studio Code. So I gave it a go, and its amazing.

    It has support for everything I need with the plugins and the integration with Git is amazing. The speed of this IDE is blazing fast, and I wouldn't go back to using PhpStorm anymore. I highly recommend giving Visual Studio Code a try!

    See more

    Labinator Team

    At labinator.com, we use HTML5, CSS 3, Sass, Vanilla.JS and PHP when building our premium WordPress themes and plugins. When writing our codes, we use Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code depending on the project. We run Manjaro and Debian operating systems in our office. Manjaro is a great desktop operating system for all range of tasks while Debian is a solid choice for servers.

    WordPress became a very popular choice when it comes to content management systems and building websites. It is easy to learn and has a great community behind it. The high number of plugins as well that are available for WordPress allows any user to customize it depending on his/her needs.

    For development, HTML5 with Sass is our go-to choice when building our themes.

    Main Advantages Of Sass:

    • It's CSS syntax friendly
    • It offers variables
    • It uses a nested syntax
    • It includes mixins
    • Great community and online support.
    • Great documentation that is easy to read and follow.

    As for PHP, we always thrive to use PHP 7.3+. After the introduction of PHP 7, the WordPress development process became more stable and reliable than before. If you a developer considering PHP 7.3+ for your project, it would be good to note the following benefits.

    The Benefits Of Using PHP:

    • Open Source.
    • Highly Extendible.
    • Easy to learn and read.
    • Platform independent.
    • Compatible with APACHE.
    • Low development and maintenance cost.
    • Great community and support.
    • Detailed documentation that has everything you need!

    Why PHP 7.3+?

    • Flexible Heredoc & Nowdoc Syntaxes - Two key methods for defining strings within PHP. They also became easier to read and more reliable.
    • A good boost in performance speed which is extremely important when it comes to WordPress development.

    See more

    What are some alternatives to Vim? - StackShare (54)

    Visual Studio Code




    Build and debug modern web and cloud applications, by Microsoft



    + 1




    • 339

      Powerful multilanguage IDE

    • 308


    • 193

      Front-end develop out of the box

    • 158

      Support TypeScript IntelliSense

    • 142

      Very basic but free

    • 126

      Git integration

    • 106


    • 78

      Faster than Atom

    • 53

      Better ui, easy plugins, and nice git integration

    • 45

      Great Refactoring Tools

    • 44

      Good Plugins

    • 42


    • 38

      Superb markdown support

    • 36

      Open Source

    • 34


    • 26

      Awesome UI

    • 26

      Large & up-to-date extension community

    • 24

      Powerful and fast

    • 22


    • 18

      Best editor

    • 18

      Best code editor

    • 17

      Easy to get started with

    • 15

      Lots of extensions

    • 15

      Built on Electron

    • 15


    • 15

      Good for begginers

    • 14

      Extensions for everything

    • 14

      Open, cross-platform, fast, monthly updates

    • 14

      All Languages Support

    • 13

      Easy to use and learn

    • 12


    • 12

      "fast, stable & easy to use"

    • 11

      Totally customizable

    • 11

      Git out of the box

    • 11

      Faster edit for slow computer

    • 11

      Ui design is great

    • 11

      Useful for begginer

    • 10

      Great community

    • 10

      SSH support

    • 10

      Fast Startup

    • 9

      It has terminal and there are lots of shortcuts in it

    • 9

      Powerful Debugger

    • 9

      Great language support

    • 9

      Works With Almost EveryThing You Need

    • 8

      Python extension is fast

    • 8

      Can compile and run .py files

    • 7

      Great document formater

    • 7

      Features rich

    • 6

      He is not Michael

    • 6

      Awesome multi cursor support

    • 6

      Extension Echosystem

    • 6

      She is not Rachel

    • 5

      Language server client

    • 5

      Easy azure

    • 5

      SFTP Workspace

    • 5

      VSCode.pro Course makes it easy to learn

    • 5

      Very proffesional

    • 4

      Supports lots of operating systems

    • 4

      Has better support and more extentions for debugging

    • 4

      Excellent as git difftool and mergetool

    • 4

      Virtualenv integration

    • 3

      Has more than enough languages for any developer

    • 3

      Better autocompletes than Atom

    • 3

      Emmet preinstalled

    • 3

      'batteries included'

    • 3

      More tools to integrate with vs

    • 2

      VS Code Server: Browser version of VS Code

    • 2

      Big extension marketplace

    • 2


    • 2


    • 2


    • 2

      Fast and ruby is built right in

    • 2

      CMake support with autocomplete



    • 46

      Slow startup

    • 29

      Resource hog at times

    • 20

      Poor refactoring

    • 16


    • 13

      Poor UI Designer

    • 11

      Weak Ui design tools

    • 10

      Poor autocomplete

    • 8

      Super Slow

    • 8

      Microsoft sends telemetry data

    • 7

      Poor in PHP

    • 7

      Huge cpu usage with few installed extension

    • 6

      It's MicroSoft

    • 3

      No built in live Preview

    • 3

      No Built in Browser Preview

    • 3

      Poor in Python

    • 3


    • 3

      No color Intergrator

    • 3

      Very basic for java development and buggy at times

    • 2

      Powered by Electron

    • 2

      Bad Plugin Architecture

    • 1

      Terminal does not identify path vars sometimes

    • 1

      Slow C++ Language Server

    related Visual Studio Code posts

    Simon Reymann

    Senior Fullstack Developer

    at QUANTUSflow Software GmbH


    | 30 upvotes · 7.8M views

    Our whole DevOps stack consists of the following tools:

    • GitHub (incl. GitHub Pages/Markdown for Documentation, GettingStarted and HowTo's) for collaborative review and code management tool
    • Respectively Git as revision control system
    • SourceTree as Git GUI
    • Visual Studio Code as IDE
    • CircleCI for continuous integration (automatize development process)
    • Prettier / TSLint / ESLint as code linter
    • SonarQube as quality gate
    • Docker as container management (incl. Docker Compose for multi-container application management)
    • VirtualBox for operating system simulation tests
    • Kubernetes as cluster management for docker containers
    • Heroku for deploying in test environments
    • nginx as web server (preferably used as facade server in production environment)
    • SSLMate (using OpenSSL) for certificate management
    • Amazon EC2 (incl. Amazon S3) for deploying in stage (production-like) and production environments
    • PostgreSQL as preferred database system
    • Redis as preferred in-memory database/store (great for caching)

    The main reason we have chosen Kubernetes over Docker Swarm is related to the following artifacts:

    • Key features: Easy and flexible installation, Clear dashboard, Great scaling operations, Monitoring is an integral part, Great load balancing concepts, Monitors the condition and ensures compensation in the event of failure.
    • Applications: An application can be deployed using a combination of pods, deployments, and services (or micro-services).
    • Functionality: Kubernetes as a complex installation and setup process, but it not as limited as Docker Swarm.
    • Monitoring: It supports multiple versions of logging and monitoring when the services are deployed within the cluster (Elasticsearch/Kibana (ELK), Heapster/Grafana, Sysdig cloud integration).
    • Scalability: All-in-one framework for distributed systems.
    • Other Benefits: Kubernetes is backed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), huge community among container orchestration tools, it is an open source and modular tool that works with any OS.

    See more

    Johnny Bell

    I've been in the #frontend game for about 7 years now. I started coding in Sublime Text because all of the tutorials I was doing back then everyone was using it. I found the speed amazing compared to some other tools at the time. I kept using Sublime Text for about 4-5 years.

    I find Sublime Text lacks some functionality, after all it is just a text editor rather than a full fledged IDE. I finally converted over to PhpStorm as I was working with Magento and Magento as you know is mainly #PHP based.

    This was amazing all the features in PhpStorm I loved, the debugging features, and the control click feature when you click on a dependency or linked file it will take you to that file. It was great.

    PhpStorm is kind of slow, I found that Prettier was taking a long time to format my code, and it just was lagging a lot so I was looking for alternatives. After watching some more tutorial videos I noticed that everyone was using Visual Studio Code. So I gave it a go, and its amazing.

    It has support for everything I need with the plugins and the integration with Git is amazing. The speed of this IDE is blazing fast, and I wouldn't go back to using PhpStorm anymore. I highly recommend giving Visual Studio Code a try!

    See more

    What are some alternatives to Vim? - StackShare (67)





    A versatile text editor implemented in JavaScript for the browser



    + 1




    • 6

      Integrable in your application

    • 4

      Better content manipulation methods

    • 3

      Easy Custom Mode

    • 1

      JavaScript based

    • 1

      Easy setup



      Be the first to leave a con

      related CodeMirror posts

      What are some alternatives to Vim? - StackShare (70)





      A modern, open source text editor that understands web design



      + 1


      PROS OF


      • 51

        Beautiful UI

      • 40


      • 25

        Extremely customizable

      • 20

        Free plugins

      • 14

        Live Preview

      • 13

        Free themes

      • 8


      • 7


      • 6

        Integration with photoshop

      • 4

        Perfect for web development

      • 4


      • 4


      • 2

        Awesome UI

      • 2

        Clean UI

      • 2

        Code suggestions

      CONS OF


      • 3

        Not good for backend developer

      • 1

        You have to edit json file to set your settings.

      • 1

        Bad node.js support

      related Brackets posts

      Chidumebi Ifemena

      UI/UX Designer, Web Developer


      | 2 upvotes · 83.9K views

      For a beginner developer, what tool is most suitable for coding, Brackets or Visual Studio Code?

      I am having some issues doing some inline CSS coding using Vscode but it is possible with Brackets. Polls have it saying Vscode is the most suitable for web development, so which is the best?

      See more

      As an enthusiast with in-depth knowledge of text editors, especially Vim, Emacs, Neovim, Atom, Notepad++, Sublime Text, and Visual Studio Code, I can provide insights into the concepts mentioned in the article about Vim alternatives and related posts.

      1. Emacs:

        • Pros of Emacs:

          • Vast array of extensions: Emacs boasts an extensive collection of extensions, enhancing its functionality.
          • Portability: Emacs configurations are portable and can be used across different platforms.
          • Low memory consumption: Emacs is known for its efficient use of system resources.
          • Powerful multilanguage IDE: Emacs serves as a powerful integrated development environment for multiple programming languages.
          • Git integration: Emacs seamlessly integrates with Git for version control.
          • Extensible in Lisp: The extensibility of Emacs through the Lisp programming language allows users to customize and extend its features.
        • Cons of Emacs:

          • Hard to learn for beginners: Emacs has a steep learning curve, which may pose a challenge for new users.
      2. Neovim:

        • Pros of Neovim:

          • Modern and more powerful Vim: Neovim is an updated and enhanced version of Vim for the 21st century.
          • Asynchronous plugins: Neovim supports asynchronous plugins, improving performance.
          • Built-in terminal support: Neovim includes built-in terminal support, eliminating the need for external terminals.
          • Fast and stable: Neovim is known for its speed and stability.
          • Great community: Neovim has a supportive and active user community.
        • Cons of Neovim:

          • The article doesn't explicitly mention any cons, but it encourages readers to contribute their thoughts.
      3. Atom:

        • Pros of Atom:

          • Hackable: Atom is a hackable text editor, allowing users to customize and extend its features.
          • Open source: Atom is an open-source text editor.
          • GitHub integration: Atom is backed by GitHub and seamlessly integrates with Git.
          • Modular design: Atom's modular design allows users to add functionality through packages.
          • Beautiful UI: Atom is known for its aesthetically pleasing user interface.
        • Cons of Atom:

          • Slow with large files: Atom may experience slowdowns when handling large files.
          • Slow startup: Atom's startup time can be sluggish, affecting user experience.
      4. Notepad++:

        • Pros of Notepad++:

          • Syntax for all languages: Notepad++ supports syntax highlighting for a wide range of programming languages.
          • Tabbed UI: Notepad++ features a tabbed user interface for easy navigation.
          • Lightweight: Notepad++ is a lightweight and fast code editor.
          • Plugins: Notepad++ supports plugins, enhancing its functionality.
        • Cons of Notepad++:

          • No default plugin manager: Notepad++ lacks a default plugin manager.
      5. Sublime Text:

        • Pros of Sublime Text:

          • Lightweight: Sublime Text is a lightweight and fast text editor.
          • Super fast: Sublime Text is known for its quick performance.
          • Great code editor: Sublime Text provides a great environment for coding.
          • Unlimited trial: Sublime Text offers an unlimited trial period for users to evaluate its features.
        • Cons of Sublime Text:

          • Steep learning curve: Sublime Text may have a learning curve for some users.
      6. Visual Studio Code:

        • Pros of Visual Studio Code:

          • Powerful multilanguage IDE: Visual Studio Code serves as a powerful integrated development environment.
          • Fast: Visual Studio Code is known for its speed.
          • Git integration: Visual Studio Code seamlessly integrates with Git for version control.
          • Extensions: Visual Studio Code has a large and up-to-date extension community.
          • Cross-platform: Visual Studio Code is a cross-platform code editor.
        • Cons of Visual Studio Code:

          • Slow startup: Visual Studio Code may have a slow startup time.
          • Resource hog at times: It may consume significant system resources.
          • Microsoft sends telemetry data: Some users may be concerned about data telemetry by Microsoft.

      These insights demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the features, strengths, and weaknesses of various text editors, providing a basis for users to make informed decisions based on their preferences and requirements.

      What are some alternatives to Vim? - StackShare (2024)


      What is the best alternative to Vim? ›

      Emacs, Neovim, Atom, Notepad++, and Sublime Text are the most popular alternatives and competitors to Vim. Powerful collaboration, review, and code management for open ... Powerful collaboration, review, and code management for open ...

      What is the editor instead of Vim? ›

      Notepad++ is often preferred over Vim as the default Git editor for commit text.

      Is Vim still the best? ›

      Vim is still the most efficient way to edit text.

      Another reason to come back to Vim, even in 2023, is that it's still one of the most efficient available options to edit text. While sophisticated editors like Visual Studio Code (VS Code) have come a long way, there's still no great replacement for Vim.

      Which is better, Vim or emacs? ›

      Emacs, with its extensive features, is ideal for those who prefer a single, integrated development environment. Since Vim is more, it's preferred by those who need a powerful editor that integrates seamlessly into different environments and workflows.

      Do professionals use Vim? ›

      A lot of best developers use VIM or Emacs, but also a lot use any other popular code editor. I know many great developers that don't bother with VIM or Emacs at all. They say that an editor is only a tool and like any other tool, it should be easy to use and easy to replace when better will appear in the market.

      Does people still use Vim? ›

      You don't really need to know any of that to effectively use “Vim” or “vi”. Vim and vi are installed on virtually every Unix system out there, including Mac OS X, and yes, it is still used nowadays by many many people.

      Why is NeoVim better than Vim? ›

      Vim's plugin API is restrictive and cumbersome. The plugin architecture of NeoVim is a lot better than Vim. Apart from plugin implementation in Vimscript (VimL), we can also use the Lua programming language. In addition, NeoVim has a lot more powerful plugins, which are not compatible with Vim.

      How do I replace Vim? ›

      Q. How can I perform a basic search and replace in Vim? To perform a basic search and replace in Vim, you can use the :s command followed by the pattern to search for and the replacement string. For example, to replace all occurrences of “foo” with “bar” in the entire file, you can use the command :%s/foo/bar/g.

      What is the modern Vim like editor? ›

      Neovim. A modern Vim editor that started out in 2014, Neovim is a direct fork of Vim that comes with improved features and performance benefits. With Neovim, you get all the standard Vim features you are familiar with and more.

      Is Vim overhyped? ›

      It might be overhyped as a programming tool (you won't write 2x the same amount of lines in a day; you will not be 5x more productive), but as an editor, it deserves every single bit of hype that it has. No other editor stands next to vim.

      Why use Vim in 2024? ›

      With the right plugins and configurations, VIM transcends its text editor origins to become a full-fledged IDE. This versatility ensures that whether you're coding, compiling, or debugging, everything you need is just a command away.

      Do people use Vim at Google? ›

      There are a lot of VSCode users in the company too so it's not exclusive to one tool (it's really just a personal preference, but vast majority of software engineers use VSCode or Vim there). Google also has a lot of Vim users (Bram aka Vim's creator also works there).

      Is there a better version of Vim? ›

      Vim is simply an improved version of Vi with more features. Today there is even a newer version of Vim called Neovim. This version is super popular, and I've started using Neovim as well. Compared to Vim, Neovim uses Lua, an actual programming language, to configure and extend the editor.

      Why did I switch from Vim to Emacs? ›

      Note-taking. Since I was using Emacs for time tracking and planning, it became kind of strange to switch over to Vim for note-taking and writing. So I started to create and open my notes files directly in Emacs; no surprise, it was quite handy because it was easier to switch between my notes and my to-do file.

      Is nano better than Vim? ›

      Unlike Vim, which boasts a vast array of customization options, Nano offers limited extensibility, leaving power users craving for more advanced features. Additionally, its lack of modal editing can be a drawback for those accustomed to Vim's efficient editing workflow.

      Why is Neovim better than Vim? ›

      Vim's plugin API is restrictive and cumbersome. The plugin architecture of NeoVim is a lot better than Vim. Apart from plugin implementation in Vimscript (VimL), we can also use the Lua programming language. In addition, NeoVim has a lot more powerful plugins, which are not compatible with Vim.

      Does Windows have a Vim equivalent? ›

      The vi editor, or the original Vi, is a text editor that was developed primarily for Unix-like operating systems. The orginal Vi editor is not available for Windows operating system out of the box so as an alternative, the most commonly used Vi implementation for Windows is called as “Vim”, short for “Vi IMproved”.

      Which is better vi or Vim? ›

      For simple text editing tasks, both vi and vim will behave similarly. However, vi is preferred because we can expect it to be on POSIX compliant (or at least mostly compliant) systems. Moreover, regarding the performance, vim requires a little more resources than vi due to its more extensive features.

      Is Notepad++ better than Vim? ›

      In Summary, Notepad++ offers a user-friendly interface and customization options, while Vim provides powerful command-line editing, multi-platform support, and high extensibility. For a Visual Studio Code/Atom developer that works mostly with Node.

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      Author: Delena Feil

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      Author information

      Name: Delena Feil

      Birthday: 1998-08-29

      Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

      Phone: +99513241752844

      Job: Design Supervisor

      Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

      Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.