VCTs (Venture Capital Trusts) (2024)

What is a VCT?

A VCT is a company whose shares trade on the London stock market, just like Barclays or Vodafone. However, rather than banking or telecoms, a VCT aims to make money by investing in other companies. These are typically very small companies which are looking for further investment to help develop their business.

This is a vital area of the economy, and without funding from venture capitalists many companies we consider household names would never have been able to grow their businesses.

A VCT typically invests in around 20 such businesses. These are chosen by the VCT manager – an expert in identifying opportunities amongst fledgling companies, and negotiating attractive deals for investors.

To encourage investment in this crucial area, the government offers generous tax benefits to investors, including tax relief of up to 30% when investing. Tax rules can change and any benefits depend on personal circ*mstances.

Profits are generally paid to VCT investors as tax-free dividends, which are the primary source of return for VCT investors. The VCT manager will also provide expertise to help their chosen firms expand and provide better returns for their investors. They normally look to sell their share of the business three to seven years after investing and reinvest the capital in the next opportunity.

Investing in this dynamic area makes VCTs an exciting investment proposition, but it also means they are inherently higher risk, as smaller companies can be prone to failure. VCT shares are difficult to buy and sell – the market price may not reflect the value of the underlying investments. The value of the shares will fluctuate, income is not guaranteed and you could get back less than you invest. VCTs are therefore aimed at wealthier, sophisticated investors who can afford to take a long-term view. The prospectus of each VCT will give full details of the risks and should be read thoroughly before making an investment.

  • Changes to VCT legislation

    To ensure VCTs achieve their objectives; are compliant with European and UK legislation; and remain eligible for tax relief, VCT managers must adhere to a number of rules, some of which were amended in 2015.

  • What do the companies look like?

    VCTs invest in small, fledgling companies in need of capital. HMRC rules require that, from 6 April 2019, at least 80% of a VCT's assets are invested in 'qualifying holdings'. There are a number of rules surrounding what constitutes a qualifying holding, but the main ones are that the company must not have net assets of more than £15m, and must have fewer than 250 employees.

    A number of companies which have benefited from VCT investment have grown to become household names.

  • Different types of VCT

    There are a number of different types of VCT.

    Generalist VCTs are the most common, and the most popular with investors. They invest in a broad range of companies in different sectors and at different stages of development.

    AIM VCTs invest predominantly in companies listed on AIM, or those which are about to list on AIM.

    Specialist VCTs tend to invest in just one sector, such as technology. Specialist VCTs are becoming less common.

    Limited Life VCTs are designed to be lower risk and lower return than other VCTs and aim to wind up and distribute assets to shareholder five to seven years after launch, although there are no guarantees.

  • What kind of returns can I expect?

    It's a common misconception that because VCTs invest in smaller companies, the returns are likely to come in the form of capital growth. In fact, the majority of returns are paid as tax-free dividends during the life of the VCT.

    In order to achieve a steady flow of dividends, VCT managers often structure investments in the underlying companies in a way that emphasises income generation. They do this by providing a proportion of the investment as a loan with the remainder in shares. The repayments on the loan provide a regular income to the VCT while loans also rank ahead of equity in the event the business fails, making the deal less risky if the business has assets which can be sold.

    The capital value of their investment should be a secondary concern for investors. We suggest holding VCTs for the long term – a 10-year plus time horizon is ideal – in order to benefit from the tax-free dividends as the portfolio matures.

    How do I sell?

    If you sell your VCT shares in the first five years you will have to repay any tax relief you have received. Furthermore, because there are very few buyers and sellers of VCT shares in the secondary market, liquidity is poor. This means that the price you can obtain often doesn't reflect the value of the underlying assets.

    To realise their investment many investors wait for the VCT manager to offer to buy back their shares (a frequent occurrence) or simply wind up the VCT and return the capital as a final tax-free dividend.

What are the risks?

Although some VCTs may be viewed as less speculative than others, investors should remember that as a whole they are exposed to substantially higher risks than mainstream equities.

VCTs should only be considered by sophisticated investors with significant investment portfolios who can take a long-term view and are comfortable with higher risks. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) suggests a sophisticated investor is somebody with an annual income in excess of £100,000 or investable assets of more than £250,000. Even then we feel VCTs should account for no more than 10% of a well-diversified portfolio.

VCTs are unlikely to be suitable for mainstream investors who may need access to their money in the short term, or for whom loss of the investment will cause financial hardship. This website does not constitute personal advice. We assume investors will make their own assessment of their expertise and the suitability of VCTs for their circ*mstances. Those with any doubts should seek expert advice.

They invest in smaller, sometimes fledgling, companies, some of which could struggle or fail altogether, meaning losses for investors. The VCT manager may also have trouble selling the underlying investments. Investors should also be aware that VCT shares are illiquid. This means they can be difficult to sell (and buy) on the secondary market. Although shares are fully listed on the London Stock Exchange, there might be only one ‘market maker’ for the shares, which means investors may have difficulty selling at a price that fairly reflects the value of the underlying holdings or, in extreme circ*mstances, at any price.

Often the VCT manager will offer to buy back investors’ shares at a target discount to the value of the underlying holdings. Details of any such buyback schemes can be found in the prospectus. They are subject to conditions and not guaranteed.

A long-term horizon is essential with VCT investing. Aside from ‘limited life’ VCTs that look to wind up after a 5-7 year time period, a ten-year time horizon is desirable. This is because it takes time for expanding businesses to fully realise their potential.

Investors should also be aware of risks affecting specific VCTs and VCT types. For instance, a further issue arises from smaller VCT funds who fail to raise sufficient money at launch. The resulting portfolio of investments may be more concentrated and it could increase the risks and charges. It is also worth noting that all VCTs tend to have higher charges than other types of fund and usually have performance fees.

As well as investment risks, it is possible that HMRC could withdraw the tax status of the VCT if it fails to meet the qualifying requirements. If this happens any tax rebate may have to be repaid. Each VCT will issue a prospectus at launch which gives details of specific risks and it should be read thoroughly before considering an investment. If you are at all unsure of the suitability of VCTs for your circ*mstances, please seek personal advice.

  • Who invests in VCTs?

    VCTs aren't for everyone.

    They are high risk, and difficult to sell, meaning they are only really appropriate for investors who already have significant portfolios of more conventional investments. In short, you need to accept the risk of losses, and also take a very long-term view. We therefore feel that at most they should account for 5 to 10% of your equity portfolio.

    Nevertheless, for those who can accept the risks, they can be a rewarding investment, especially for those who need their capital to generate an income – perhaps to supplement their pension in retirement. Indeed they can appeal to a variety of investors.

    Remember that if you have any doubts as to whether VCTs are right for you, you should seek expert advice.

What are the tax benefits?

To encourage investment in an area vital to the economy, and in recognition of the risks and complexities of VCTs, the government offers certain tax benefits to VCT investors.

This makes them particularly attractive to those seeking to reduce their tax bill and generate income from their capital.

  • Up to 30% income tax relief for subscriptions in new VCT fund raisings
  • Dividends paid by VCTs are free of tax
  • No capital gains tax (CGT) to pay when you dispose of the VCT

The income tax relief means if you invest £10,000, and have paid sufficient income tax, you could either receive a cheque from the taxman for £3,000 or an adjustment in the income tax you pay. This applies to anyone, regardless of the rate of tax you currently pay.

You can invest up to £200,000 in VCTs each tax year and benefit from this tax relief. However, the maximum tax rebate is the amount of income tax you pay (see examples below).

Example 1:
Mr Smith invests £50,000 in a VCT. He will pay £20,000 in income tax this tax year, so he is entitled to the full 30% tax rebate of £15,000.

Example 2:
Mrs Smith invests £50,000 in a VCT. She will pay £10,000 in income tax this tax year, so the maximum tax rebate to which she is entitled is £10,000.

You must hold the shares for five years to keep the tax rebate. The rebate is only available when you invest in a new issue of shares in a VCT or a top-up, not on any VCTs you buy on the open market. However, VCTs bought on the secondary market count towards the £200,000 allowance for the tax year in which you buy them, despite the fact you don't get the income tax break. All tax treatments are subject to change and any benefits depend on personal circ*mstances. If the VCT manager fails to meet the relevant investment rules the tax benefits could be withdrawn retrospectively.

VCTs (Venture Capital Trusts) (2024)


Are VCTs still worth it? ›

Being a high-risk investment, VCTs can easily underperform other investments, but thanks to the income tax relief, “investment returns do not need to be stellar to make this worthwhile, providing you at least get out what you originally subscribed through dividends and capital”, says Hollands.

How risky are Venture Capital Trusts? ›

VCTs are considered high-risk because they invest in companies that are not well established. They are considered long-term holdings, and you should be prepared to stay invested in the shares for at least five years. Investors can buy shares in VCTs through a stockbroker or specialist investment platforms.

How many VCTs fail? ›

Investors need to be mindful of the risk associated with investment in venture capital trusts (VCTs) as failures are not uncommon among start ups. Seneca Partners investment director Matt Currie estimates that 20% to 30% of investments in a VCT will not bring the expected returns.

Why might a manager merge two Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) under their control? ›

According to the group, the mergers of Quester VCT, Quester VCT 2 and Quester VCT 3 into one enlarged vehicle is beneficial as it increases the range and diversity of the investment portfolio and spreads the risk.

What is the 5 year rule for VCT? ›

Investors must hold VCT shares for at least five years to benefit from tax relief (if shares are sold before then, any upfront income tax relief that has been claimed must be repaid).

Should I sell VCT after 5 years? ›

As any VCT investor will know, VCTs are long-term investments. However, once five years (the minimum holding period) are up, there should be no tax penalties for selling. That might leave you considering what to do next.

What are the disadvantages of VCTs? ›

Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) are considered to be specialist, high-risk investments as they invest in small companies with shares that are illiquid and can be hard to sell. As you must remain invested for at least five years to keep the tax credit, VCT shares are also long-term investments.

What are typical returns on VCTs? ›

In the 10 years to March 2024, the 10 largest generalist VCT managers have delivered an average NAV total return of 74.1% (assuming dividends are reinvested) – compared to 75.3% for the UK main market. Meanwhile, AIM VCTs have on average fared better than AIM, up 12.8%, outperforming the market by 12.9%.

Are VCTs exempt from inheritance tax? ›

Are VCTs subject to inheritance tax? We are sometimes asked whether Venture Capital Trusts, particularly AIM VCTs, qualify for inheritance tax relief in the same way that an AIM ISA does. AIM VCTs do not qualify for IHT relief, even though their underlying holdings might.

What is the VCT 15% rule? ›

VCT conditions for HMRC approval

the holding in any company must not represent more than 15% (by value) of its investments. its ordinary shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. it must not retain more than 15% of the income it derives from shares or securities.

Do VCTs invest in AIM? ›

This is the most common form of VCT. AIM VCTs invest in new shares issued by AIM-quoted companies.

Can you sell VCTs? ›

VCT shares trade on the London Stock Exchange, so you can buy or sell them at any time through a stockbroker. Be aware though that the share price offered in the secondary market is usually less than the NAV of the shares.

What is the 6 month rule for VCT? ›

There are some things to consider when reinvesting:

If you sell shares in a VCT within six months of buying new shares in the same VCT, you will not be able to claim any income tax relief on these shares.

Are venture capital trusts a good investment? ›

Investing in VCTs

Yes, it's an investment that comes with risk. But with great risk comes great reward, and VCT investment can offer enormous growth potential. Investing in smaller companies can be volatile, but they tend to grow much faster than larger, listed companies.

What happens to VCTs on death? ›

After death (as a bequest) VCT shares valued as part of the estate. Any deferred capital gains are extinguished on death.

Is octopus titan vct a good investment? ›

Performance and dividends. In the 10 years to December 2023, Octopus Titan VCT has generated a NAV total return (including dividends) of 35.0% – past performance is not a guide to the future. In that period, it has paid 59.5p per share in cumulative dividends, equivalent to a yield of 62.5% of starting NAV.

What is the average return of VCT? ›

In the 10 years to March 2024, the 10 largest generalist VCT managers have delivered an average NAV total return of 74.1% (assuming dividends are reinvested) – compared to 75.3% for the UK main market. Meanwhile, AIM VCTs have on average fared better than AIM, up 12.8%, outperforming the market by 12.9%.

What are the benefits of VCTs? ›

Investors in all forms of VCT can receive tax benefits like income tax relief on their investment, tax-free dividends, and exemption from capital gains tax on realised profits.

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