Types of evaluation (2024)

Many types of evaluation exist, consequently evaluation methods need to be customised according to what is being evaluated and the purpose of the evaluation.1,2 It is important to understand the different types of evaluation that can be conducted over a program’s life-cycle and when they should be used. The main types of evaluation are process, impact, outcome and summative evaluation.1

Before you are able to measure the effectiveness of your project, you need to determine if the project is being run as intended and if it is reaching the intended audience.3 It is futile to try and determine how effective your program is if you are not certain of the objective, structure, programing and audience of the project. This is why process evaluation should be done prior to any other type of evaluation.3

Process evaluation

Process evaluation is used to “measure the activities of the program, program quality and who it is reaching”3 Process evaluation, as outlined by Hawe and colleagues3 will help answer questions about your program such as:

  • Has the project reached the target group?
  • Are all project activities reaching all parts of the target group?
  • Are participants and other key stakeholders satisfied with all aspects of the project?
  • Are all activities being implemented as intended? If not why?
  • What if any changes have been made to intended activities?
  • Are all materials, information and presentations suitable for the target audience?

Impact evaluation

Impact evaluation is used to measure the immediate effect of the program and is aligned with the programs objectives. Impact evaluation measures how well the programs objectives (and sub-objectives) have been achieved.1,3

Impact evaluation will help answer questions such as:

  • How well has the project achieved its objectives (and sub-objectives)?
  • How well have the desired short term changes been achieved?

For example, one of the objectives of the My-Peer project is to provide a safe space and learning environment for young people, without fear of judgment, misunderstanding, harassment or abuse. Impact evaluation will assess the attitudes of young people towards the learning environment and how they perceived it. It may also assess changes in participants’ self esteem, confidence and social connectedness.

Impact evaluation measures the program effectiveness immediate after the completion of the program and up to six months after the completion of the program.

Outcome evaluation

Outcome evaluation is concerned with the long term effects of the program and is generally used to measure the program goal. Consequently, outcome evaluation measures how well the program goal has been achieved.1,3

Outcome evaluation will help answer questions such as:

  • Has the overall program goal been achieved?
  • What, if any factors outside the program have contributed or hindered the desired change?
  • What, if any unintended change has occurred as a result of the program?

In peer-based youth programs outcome evaluation may measure changes to: mental and physical wellbeing, education and employment and help-seeking behaviours.

Outcome evaluation measures changes at least six months after the implementation of the program (longer term). Although outcome evaluation measures the main goal of the program, it can also be used to assess program objectives over time. It should be noted that it is not always possible or appropriate to conduct outcome evaluation in peer-based programs.

Summative evaluation

At the completion of the program it may also be valuable to conduct summative evaluation. This considers the entire program cycle and assists in decisions such as:

  • Do you continue the program?
  • If so, do you continue it in its entirety?
  • Is it possible to implement the program in other settings?
  • How sustainable is the program?
  • What elements could have helped or hindered the program?
  • What recommendations have evolved out of the program?3,4

Types of evaluation (1)References

  1. Nutbeam & Bauman 2006
  2. Trochim 2006
  3. Hawe, P., Degeling, D., Hall, J. (1990) Evaluating Health Promotion: A Health Worker’s Guide, MacLennan & Petty, Sydney.
  4. South Australian Community Health Research Unit n.d.c

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importance of tailoring evaluation methods according to the nature of the program and its objectives. Let's break down the key concepts covered in the article:

1 of tailoring evaluation methods according to the nature of the program and its objectives. Let's break down the key concepts covered in the article:

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  5. **Types of Evaluationmethods according to the nature of the program and its objectives. Let's break down the key concepts covered in the article:

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  11. Types of Evaluation:

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  12. Types of Evaluation:

    • **Process Evaluationm and its objectives. Let's break down the key concepts covered in the article:
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    • Process Evaluation: Focusesectives. Let's break down the key concepts covered in the article:
  16. Types of Evaluation:

    • Process Evaluation: Focuses onctives. Let's break down the key concepts covered in the article:
  17. Types of Evaluation:

    • Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing break down the key concepts covered in the article:
  18. Types of Evaluation:

    • Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing programown the key concepts covered in the article:
  19. Types of Evaluation:

    • Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing program activitieshe key concepts covered in the article:
  20. Types of Evaluation:

    • Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing program activities,ey concepts covered in the article:
  21. Types of Evaluation:

    • Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing program activities, their quality.covered in the article:
  22. Types of Evaluation:

    • Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing program activities, their quality, andered in the article:
  23. Types of Evaluation:

    • Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing program activities, their quality, and audiencehe article:
  24. Types of Evaluation:

    • Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing program activities, their quality, and audience reachrticle:
  25. Types of Evaluation:

    • Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing program activities, their quality, and audience reach.e:
  26. Types of Evaluation:

    • Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing program activities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program's goals haveion:**
    • Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing program activities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program*
    • Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing program activities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation - Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing program activities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation,- Process Evaluation: Focuses on assessing program activities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, theluation: Focuses on assessing program activities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, andn: Focuses on assessing program activities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitabilityFocuses on assessing program activities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability foron assessing program activities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for theing program activities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intendedng program activities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience assess activities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience.ctivities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience. Processities, their quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience. Process evaluationtheir quality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience. Process evaluation isuality, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience. Process evaluation is crucial asity, and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience. Process evaluation is crucial as it and audience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience. Process evaluation is crucial as it setsience reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience. Process evaluation is crucial as it sets theence reach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience. Process evaluation is crucial as it sets the foundation forreach. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience. Process evaluation is crucial as it sets the foundation for furtherh. It answers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience. Process evaluation is crucial as it sets the foundation for further evaluationswers critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience. Process evaluation is crucial as it sets the foundation for further evaluation typesrs critical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience. Process evaluation is crucial as it sets the foundation for further evaluation types. ritical questions about program implementation, satisfaction, and suitability for the intended audience. Process evaluation is crucial as it sets the foundation for further evaluation types.

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  • Impact Evaluation: Measures the immediate effects of aor the intended audience. Process evaluation is crucial as it sets the foundation for further evaluation types.

  • Impact Evaluation: Measures the immediate effects of a programded audience. Process evaluation is crucial as it sets the foundation for further evaluation types.

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  • Impact Evaluation: Measures the immediate effects of a program in alignmentce. Process evaluation is crucial as it sets the foundation for further evaluation types.

  • Impact Evaluation: Measures the immediate effects of a program in alignment with its changes is crucial as it sets the foundation for further evaluation types.

  • Impact Evaluation: Measures the immediate effects of a program in alignment with its objectivesis crucial as it sets the foundation for further evaluation types.

  • Impact Evaluation: Measures the immediate effects of a program in alignment with its objectives.ial as it sets the foundation for further evaluation types.

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  • Impact Evaluation: Measures the immediate effects of a program in alignment with its objectives. It assesses the achievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program'sypes.

  • Impact Evaluation: Measures the immediate effects of a program in alignment with its objectives. It assesses the achievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation - Impact Evaluation: Measures the immediate effects of a program in alignment with its objectives. It assesses the achievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly - Impact Evaluation: Measures the immediate effects of a program in alignment with its objectives. It assesses the achievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly aftert Evaluation: Measures the immediate effects of a program in alignment with its objectives. It assesses the achievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after thevaluation: Measures the immediate effects of a program in alignment with its objectives. It assesses the achievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the programuation: Measures the immediate effects of a program in alignment with its objectives. It assesses the achievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program andon: Measures the immediate effects of a program in alignment with its objectives. It assesses the achievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program and upeasures the immediate effects of a program in alignment with its objectives. It assesses the achievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program and up to six.

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in alignment with its objectives. It assesses the achievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program and up to six months afterward.

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  • **Outcome Evaluationves. It assesses the achievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program and up to six months afterward.

  • Outcome Evaluation:ses the achievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program and up to six months afterward.

  • Outcome Evaluation: Concent the achievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program and up to six months afterward.

  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentratesachievement of short-term goals and immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program and up to six months afterward.

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  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentrates on long-term effects and achievementnd immediate changes resulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program and up to six months afterward.

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  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentrates on long-term effects and measures if the programsulting from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program and up to six months afterward.

  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentrates on long-term effects and measures if the programg from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program and up to six months afterward.

  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentrates on long-term effects and measures if the program's from the program's implementation. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program and up to six months afterward.

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  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentrates on long-term effects and measures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved.on. Impact evaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program and up to six months afterward.

  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentrates on long-term effects and measures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It achievedaluation measures effectiveness shortly after the program and up to six months afterward.

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  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentrates on long-term effects and measures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factorsures effectiveness shortly after the program and up to six months afterward.

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  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentrates on long-term effects and measures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to ors shortly after the program and up to six months afterward.

  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentrates on long-term effects and measures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hind after the program and up to six months afterward.

  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentrates on long-term effects and measures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hinderinghe program and up to six months afterward.

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  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentrates on long-term effects and measures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences.fterward.

  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentrates on long-term effects and measures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at-program

  • Outcome Evaluation: Concentrates on long-term effects and measures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least. Itluation:** Concentrates on long-term effects and measures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least sixoncentrates on long-term effects and measures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months beyond the programfects and measures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation,cts and measures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing onmeasures if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustainedres if the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changesif the program's overarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

    influenced therarching goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • goals have been achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • ** andbeen achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • **Sum achieved. It assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • **SummIt assesses factors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • **Summativeactors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • **Summative Evaluationors contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation:s contributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conductontributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conductedntributing to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted atuting to or hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the hindering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusionndering desired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion ofdesired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of asired changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a programed changes and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program,hanges and unintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, itunintended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates thentended consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entireded consequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire programequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cyclequences. Outcome evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. evaluation evaluation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. Itation occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aidson occurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids inccurs at least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determiningt least six months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining thesix months after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the programnths after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuationths after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, after program implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, itsrogram implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicram implementation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicabilitytation, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability inon, focusing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in othersing on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settingsng on sustained changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings,ed changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainabilityd changes.

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability,

  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, andSummative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and providesative Evaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendationsEvaluation: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations basedn: Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on:** Conducted at the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on thet the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program the conclusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program'slusion of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomesn of a program, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

am, it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

2 it evaluates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

2.luates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

  1. **ates the entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

  2. **Purpose entire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

  3. **Purpose ofentire program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

  4. **Purpose of Eachre program cycle. It aids in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

  5. **Purpose of Each Evaluation Type arisings in determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

  6. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type: determining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

  7. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type: rmining the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

  8. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type: -the program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

  9. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • **Processe program's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  10. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • **Process Evaluation's continuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  11. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluationcontinuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  12. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helpstinuation, its replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  13. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensureits replicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  14. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that thereplicability in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  15. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program mentioned in other settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  16. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program isther settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  17. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being settings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  18. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executedtings, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  19. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intendedngs, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  20. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended,, sustainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  21. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reachingstainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  22. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching thetainability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  23. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intendednability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  24. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audienceability, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  25. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, andity, and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  26. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining and provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  27. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining qualitynd provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  28. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout provides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  29. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout itsprovides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  30. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activitiesvides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.
  31. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

ides recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

  1. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    recommendations based on the program's outcomes.

  2. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • works in thethe program's outcomes.

  3. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • **Impactogram's outcomes.

  4. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • **Impact Evaluationam's outcomes.

  5. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluationes.

  6. Purpose of Each Evaluation Type:

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measuresose of Each Evaluation Type:**

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures howse of Each Evaluation Type:**

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well, the Haweype:**

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediatepe:**

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have*

    • Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been- Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met Process Evaluation helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met andocess Evaluation** helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assessess Evaluation** helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses Evaluation** helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses shortEvaluation** helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-termvaluation** helps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changeshelps ensure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resultingnsure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting fromure that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from there that the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the programhat the program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program. he program is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

    • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

ram is being executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

    ng executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

    -g executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • **executed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • **Outcomed as intended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • **Outcome Evaluationtended, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluationnded, reaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examinesreaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines theeaching the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the longhing the intended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-termtended audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effectsed audience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects ofudience, and maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of theand maintaining quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall healthing quality throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall programy throughout its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goalt its activities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal hasvities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has beenities.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieveds.

  • Impact Evaluation measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, outlinedct Evaluation** measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors thesetion** measures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintendedures how well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes well the program's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes. rogram's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

ram's immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

    s immediate objectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

    -jectives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • **ives have been met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • **Sumen met and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • **Summmet and assesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • **Summativeesses short-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation-term changes resulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists variousesulting from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making from the program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisionsthe program.

  • Outcome Evaluation examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding including peer-based youthome Evaluation** examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replicationation** examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication,on** examines the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability the long-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability,ong-term effects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, andfects of the program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws andhe program, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendationsgram, aiming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based oniming to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on theng to determine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entiretermine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire programmine if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cyclee if the overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

    overall program goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

Theam goal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The referencesgoal has been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references citedas been achieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited inachieved, considering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in theidering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the articledering external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the article,g external factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the article, such asl factors and unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the article, such as Nutand unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the article, such as Nutbeamnd unintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the article, such as Nutbeam &nintended changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the article, such as Nutbeam & Bad changes.

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the article, such as Nutbeam & Bauman

  • Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the article, such as Nutbeam & Bauman (- Summative Evaluation assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the article, such as Nutbeam & Bauman (200mative Evaluation** assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the article, such as Nutbeam & Bauman (2006aluation** assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the article, such as Nutbeam & Bauman (2006), Troluation** assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the article, such as Nutbeam & Bauman (2006), Trochluation** assists in making decisions regarding the program's continuation, replication, sustainability, and draws recommendations based on the entire program cycle.

The references cited in the article, such as Nutbeam & Bauman (2006), Trochim (2006), and Hawe, Degeling, & Hall (1990), provide valuable insights and frameworks for understanding program evaluation methodologies.

Understanding these evaluation types and their purposes is crucial for conducting comprehensive assessments of programs across diverse sectors, ensuring effectiveness, and facilitating informed decision-making for program improvement and sustainability.

Types of evaluation (2024)


What are the 4 types of evaluation? ›

Evaluation Types. There are four main types of evaluation: Formative Evaluation, Summative Evaluation, Process Evaluation, and Outcome evaluation. The sections below detail what those are and how to choose the best evaluation type for your project.

What are the 3 types of evaluation in education? ›

Specifically there are three types of evaluation used in the classroom. These are summative evaluation, formative evaluation and diagnostic evaluation. Summative Evaluation is the commonly known type of evaluation.

What are the two 2 basic types of evaluation? ›

Evaluation strategies can be classified into two primary types depending on the information needed – Formative and Summative – and each can play important roles in our efforts to evaluate community engagement.

What are the 3 methods of evaluation? ›

The three main types of evaluation methods are goal-based, process-based and outcomes-based. Goal-based evaluations measure if objectives have been achieved (We highly recommend S.M.A.R.T. Goals). Process-based evaluations analyze strengths and weaknesses.

What are the 4 C's of evaluation? ›

The 4Cs - Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity - support and integrate assessment strategies into teaching and learning systems. Click below for the 4Cs evaluation rubrics by grade level: Critical Thinking.

What are the most common types of evaluation? ›

The main types of evaluation are process, impact, outcome and summative evaluation. Before you are able to measure the effectiveness of your project, you need to determine if the project is being run as intended and if it is reaching the intended audience.

What are 3 basic evaluation activities? ›

The strategy-evaluation process includes three basic activities:
  • Examine the underlying bases of a firm's strategy.
  • Compare expected results with actual results.
  • Take corrective actions to ensure that performance conforms to plans.

What are the two basic evaluation approaches? ›

The goal of formative evaluation is to provide immediate feedback to ensure the quality and consistency of the process. Summative evaluation is performed at the end of the process. The primary purpose of a summative evaluation is to determine the impact of the intervention on the individual or organization.

What are the 4 levels of evaluation? ›

It breaks down the evaluation process into four distinct levels: Reaction, Learning, Transfer, and Results. Each level provides a step-by-step framework to assess the impact of training from the initial participant reaction to the final results that affect the organization.

What are the 4 performance categories? ›

Your performance is measured across 4 areas – quality, improvement activities, Promoting Interoperability, and cost.

What are the 4 evaluation processes? ›

In general, evaluation processes go through four distinct phases: planning, implementation, completion, and reporting. While these mirror common program development steps, it is important to remember that your evaluation efforts may not always be linear, depending on where you are in your program or intervention.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.