Trading Psychology: 4 Dangerous Emotions Traders Must Avoid (2024)

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Trading Psychology: 4 Dangerous Emotions Traders Must Avoid (1)

When I was a naive, newbie trader, I didn’t pay much attention to my trading psychology. I was more focused on the technical chart patterns and trade setups.

However, I soon found out the hard way that…

Ignoring the psychology of trading was destroying my trading results.

That’s when I began making a serious effort to master my personal trading psychology.

I started reading trading psychology books, and even worked with a personal trading coach.

I was definitely on the right path to mastering trading psychology, but wished I would have started learning sooner.

That’s why NOW is the perfect time to start getting your trading psychology edge.

But why is it important to understand stock market psychology?

Understanding stock market psychology paves the way for your long-term trading success.

That’s why this exclusive new mini-lesson of top trading psychology tips is just for you.


How do you develop trading psychology?

Some trading sites advise new stock and crypto traders to gain experience by paper trading with a simulated account.

This can be helpful to learn the basics of trading, but it’s a much different ball game when real money is on the line.

Your true emotions in trading will only be revealed when risking your own money with actual trades.

Therefore, the best way to develop your trading psychology is simply by working your way through hundreds of live trades with real capital.

Keep a basic journal and note when you feel the dangerous emotions below start creeping in.

This is the only way to truly identify your personal strengths and weaknesses in trading psychology.

4 Most Dangerous Emotions to Avoid:
Fear, Greed, Hope, and Regret

Investing decisions in any market in the world are driven by 4 powerful emotions of Fear, Greed, Hope, and Regret.

Left uncontrolled, these emotions can have a seriously negative impact on your trading account—but only if you let them.

Your personal ability to master these key emotions directly determines your long-term trading success.

So here’s a quick rundown of how fear, greed, hope, and regret can harm your trading results.

Most importantly, I have also included actionable ways to avoid these emotions in your trading.

Trading Psychology: 4 Dangerous Emotions Traders Must Avoid (2)

FEAR – The most powerful human emotion that affects your trading

Fearis a distressing emotion caused by a feeling of impending danger.

This results in a survival response, regardless of whether the threat is real or imagined.

Traders consistently report fear as the emotion they struggle with the most. Fear has even caused people to jump off buildings during market panics.

FEAR is the reason markets typically fall much faster than they rise.

It took the Dow Jones Industrial Average 24 years (1983 until 2007) to rally from 1,000 to 14,200…BUT it only took 2 years (2007-2009) to lose HALF of that multi-decade gain.


Uncontrolled fear rapidly leads to panicwhich leads to poor decision making in the markets.

When traders become driven by panic, they often sell their positions at any price. That’s why stocks frequently cliff dive when group fear starts kicking in.

Fear can also rear its ugly head after you experience a string of losing trades. After suffering many losses, fear of “yet another loss” can make it mentally challenging to enter new swing trade setups.

When paralyzed by fear, you miss out on profitable trading opportunities.

If it’s a quality trade setup, then don’t let fear prevent you from buying (be careful not to confuse this with revenge trading).

Remember that each trade you enter is completely independent of the previous trade.

Therefore, losing money on a prior trade does not necessarily mean you will lose on the next trade.

Fear is not always bad, as it can help keep losses small.

For example, fear of a bigger loss can get you out of a bad trade you should no longer be in.

If you immediately sell your stock or crypto when it hits your preset stop price, then the fear of a bigger loss protects you from major losses.

When there is fear, steer clear!

If the market is in a state of panic, don’t fight the downtrend. If you’re in doubt, get out!

Don’t try to rationalize or come up with excuses to stay in losing positions beyond their stop prices.

HINT: Ignore the news and internet forums to prevent lame rationalizations for staying in losing trades.

When there is too much fear in the markets, our flagship swing trade alerts service simply shifts to cash until a new buy signal is received. This prevents fighting strong downtrends in unfavorable conditions.

Trading Psychology: 4 Dangerous Emotions Traders Must Avoid (3)

GREED – Too much greed decreases your trading profits

Greed is an excessive desire for money and wealth, but is a natural human emotion.

A healthy amount of greed can help drive your trading profits, but too much greed will have the opposite effect.

How to know when it’s too much greed

Greed is when you have already made a large profit on a trade, BUT are still obsessed with how much more you could have made if you stayed in the trade longer.

The mistake with this reasoning is that all gains are not real until the position is closed. Until then, a winning trade is only a profit on paper.

Greed can also cause traders to make bad trades by ignoring solid risk management rules, which signals a lack of discipline in your trading or investing.

To keep greed at bay on a winning trade, sell partial share size to lock in profits, then trail a stop higher on the rest.

Proactive trade management like this is why our exclusive Wagner Daily stock picks have been consistently profitable over the past 20 years.

HOPE – A fake friend who will take your money (but only if you let it)

Hope, a feeling of anticipation and desire for a certain event to happen, may be the most dangerous emotion for traders.

If you are an active trader or investor, the feeling of “hope” in your day to day trading activities must be avoided at all costs.

Why is hope so dangerous for traders?

Hope may prevent you from immediately selling a losing trade that hits its stop price—which is the top rule with most trading strategies.

When you blow a stop, you will usually wind up with a much bigger loss than you planned to risk.

You may get lucky with a second chance to exit (especially in a forgiving bull market). However, this is definitely not a situation you want to be in.

A weak stock typically continues much lower before bouncing, which is why you must always honor your stops.

Otherwise, that’s when hope can really sneak up on you!

Hope will convince you to just “hang in there a little longer” because:

  • “Big news is coming soon”
  • “This stock will surely rally after their next earnings report”
  • [Insert your favorite bullsh*t excuse here]

Meanwhile, while you’re busy hoping, the price plummets and has a catastrophic effect on your entire trading account.

Rest assured, the market will eventually punish you by taking your money when you slip into “hope mode.”

But the good news is that YOU alone can easily prevent this scenario from happening.

Simply always set protective stops to pre-define your maximum risk per trade.

Be rigidly disciplined to follow your trading plan, and hope will never become an issue in your trading.

Plan your trades, and trade your plan.

Trading Psychology: 4 Dangerous Emotions Traders Must Avoid (4)

REGRET – Remember the next opportunity is always just around the corner

Regret is defined as a feeling of sadness or disappointment over something that has happened—especially when it involves a loss or a missed opportunity.

It is only natural for a stock trader to regret entering a losing trade or missing out on a winning trade.

But to master your trading psychology, do not hyper-focus on losing trades or missed opportunities.

If you lose money on a trade, then simply evaluate what went wrong, learn from it, and move on.

Don’t waste time regretting your original decision to enter the trade. What’s done is done.

Conversely, you may feel regret when you miss an opportunity. This is human nature.

However, you must train your mind to simply move on to the next trading opportunity—which is always just around the corner.

When you allow this type of regret to control you, it becomes too easy to “chase trades” with risky entry prices.

If you chase, yourrisk/reward ratio of the setup no longer meets the parameters of healthy trade management.

Let’s say you plan to buy $DUDE stock at a $60 buy trigger price, with a swing trade target around $70. If you buy it, you plan your initial stop at $55.

This gives you a 1:2 risk/reward ratio (risking $5 to gain $10).

$DUDE stock rallies, but you miss your original $60 buy and instead chase the price to an entry at $65.

If you don’t significantly raise your initial stop, you now have a negative risk-reward (risking $10 to gain $5).

In this case, your regret of missing the $60 entry caused you to chase it to $65 (next time, just wait for a pullback). Avoid feelings of regret to ensure the math of trading is always in your favor.

We always target a bare minimum risk/reward ratio of 1:2 for swing trades in our stock alerts and crypto alerts services.

Successful traders keep their minds disciplined to avoid remorseful thinking.

How much of trading is psychological?

Any individual emotion above can negatively affect your trading performance—but only if you let it.

One way to maintain a healthy trading psychology is to understand market cycles that predict exactly when fear, greed, hope, and regret may arise.

Fortunately, human psychology is quite predictable and hasn’t changed much in thousands of years. As such, any financial market in the world follows the same cycle of emotions.

This predictability of human behavior in the stock market creates a roller coaster cycle that continually repeats.

Take a few moments to study the chart below and you’ll see what I mean:

Trading Psychology: 4 Dangerous Emotions Traders Must Avoid (5)

Action plan to improve your trading psychology

When you feel fear may be getting the best of you, it’s crucial to immediately take some time away from the market (set stops first). Don’t risk your hard-earned money when your trading decisions are driven by fear.

Keep greed in the backseat by locking in partial profits of winning stock trades along the way. Never let greed be the reason that a big winning trade turns into a loser.

Stay disciplined by ALWAYS following your trading plan to keep losses within acceptable limits. By honoring your stops, you don’t need to worry about hope (your imaginary friend) tricking you into stupid rationalizations.

Every swing trader hopes that a losing trade will somehow become a winning trade, but stock markets are not a charity. Remember that any market is a group, which could not care less about what you as an individual “hope” for.

Avoid regret in your trading by having a “no chase” rule. The temptation to chase goes away if you have a rule preventing it, and feelings of regret will quickly fade.

Simply knowing these 4 emotions are always lurking in the dark is a fantastic first step to gain your trading psychology edge.

Focus on trading psychology exercises to master your discipline and ensure your best possible trading psychology.

Above all, slow down and trade with a clear head. Remember the markets will always be around to present you with the next opportunity.

You’re now armed with powerful, actionable steps to improve your trading psychology—the rest is up to YOU!

Yours in success,

Deron Wagner, PhD (h.c.)
founder | MorpheusTrading

Ready to take your trading to the next level?

Fast track your trading psychology with The Wagner Daily, our flagship service that provides you with explosive stock picks and educational chatroom based on our proven, rule-based trading system.

We have helped more than 70,000 traders since 2002. Here’s what long-time member Stacy R. has to say:

“The Morpheus Team has taught me to not stray away from my discipline. Also, keeping losses small and proper position sizing is key.”

Learn more about how The Wagner Daily can help improve YOUR trading psychology too.

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Trading Psychology: 4 Dangerous Emotions Traders Must Avoid (2024)


Trading Psychology: 4 Dangerous Emotions Traders Must Avoid? ›

4 Most Dangerous Emotions to Avoid: Fear, Greed, Hope, and Regret. Investing decisions in any market in the world are driven by 4 powerful emotions of Fear, Greed, Hope, and Regret.

What are the psychological mistakes traders make? ›

9 psychological trading mistakes
  • The impulse to over trade. ...
  • Emotional trading. ...
  • Confirmation bias and marrying the trade. ...
  • Trying to recover from losing trades quickly. ...
  • Loss aversion or trading scared. ...
  • Unrealistic trading goals. ...
  • Limited real trading experience. ...
  • Not holding yourself accountable.

Why emotions mess with your trading? ›

How emotions affect your trading decisions. Cognitive biases: Emotional trading could lead to a number of cognitive biases such as overconfidence and excessive risk-taking, or on the contrary, loss aversion and giving up on trading, just to name a few.

What is the psychology quote for trading? ›

Confidence is not "I will profit on this trade." Confidence is "I will be fine if I don't profit from this trade. In order to succeed, you first have to be willing to experience failure. Fear, inherently, is not meant to limit you. Fear is the brain's way of saying that there is something important for you to overcome.

What is the psychology of trading rules? ›

Discipline and risk-taking are two of the most critical aspects of trading psychology since a trader's implementation of these aspects is critical to the success of their trading plan. Fear and greed are commonly associated with trading psychology, while things like hope and regret also play roles in trading behavior.

What's the hardest mistake to avoid while trading? ›

Biggest trading mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Over-reliance on software. ...
  • Failing to cut losses. ...
  • Overexposing a position. ...
  • Overdiversifying a portfolio too quickly. ...
  • Not understanding leverage. ...
  • Not understanding the risk-reward ratio. ...
  • Overconfidence after a profit. ...
  • Letting emotions impair decision making.

What is the number one mistake traders make? ›

Studies show that the number one mistake that losing traders make is not getting the balance right between risk and reward. Many let a losing trade continue in the hope that the market will reverse and turn that loss into a profit.

How to master trading psychology? ›

Basics of Trading Psychology
  1. Managing Emotions. ...
  2. Understanding FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) ...
  3. Overcoming Greed. ...
  4. Implementing Risk Management. ...
  5. Avoiding Trading Mistakes. ...
  6. Confirmation Bias. ...
  7. How Confirmation Bias Affect Traders. ...
  8. Avoiding Confirmation Bias.

What is the best mindset for trading? ›

Key Characteristics of a Winning Trader
  • They are all comfortable with taking risks. ...
  • They are capable of quickly adjusting to changing market conditions. ...
  • They are disciplined in their trading and can view the market objectively, regardless of how current market action is affecting their account balance.

What is the golden rule of traders? ›

Trade with the trend: Follow the market's direction. Do not trade every day: Only trade when the market conditions are favorable. Follow a trading plan: Stick to your strategy without deviating based on emotions. Never average down: Avoid adding to a losing position.

What is No 1 rule of trading? ›

Rule 1: Always Use a Trading Plan

You need a trading plan because it can assist you with making coherent trading decisions and define the boundaries of your optimal trade.

What are the 4 rules of psychology? ›

To sum up, the four major objectives of psychology are to describe, explain, predict, and change or control behaviors. These goals are the foundation of most theories and studies in an attempt to understand the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes that people face in their daily lives.

What mistakes do traders make? ›

Top 10 trading mistakes
  • Not researching the markets properly.
  • Trading without a plan.
  • Over-reliance on software.
  • Failing to cut losses.
  • Overexposing a position.
  • Overdiversifying a portfolio too quickly.
  • Not understanding leverage.
  • Not understanding the risk-reward ratio.

What is the psychology of trading losses? ›

Experiencing a losing trade can be emotionally challenging—a blow to the ego—which sometimes leads a trader to take the loss personally. This type of emotional attachment frequently results in revenge trading, where traders aim to recoup losses impulsively.

What is the psychological aspect of trading? ›

Trading psychology refers to the emotional component of a trader's decision-making process that determines the success or failure of a trade. It is associated with specific emotions and behaviors, such as fear and greed among traders.

What is the psychology of a stock trader? ›

Basics of Trading Psychology

Fear, greed, excitement, overconfidence, and nervousness are all typical emotions experienced by traders at some point or another while trading. Managing the emotions of trading can prove to be the difference between growing your equity account or going bust.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.