Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (2024)

In digital marketing strategy and constant connectivity, search engines have become our guides to the vast expanse of the web. But have you ever wondered if Google is the only option?Well, the answer is a resounding no!

From privacy-focused alternatives to eco-friendly choices, global giants to AI-powered tools, the digital landscape is brimming with diverse search engines waiting to be discovered. Explore with us as we uncover the best search engines and these hidden gems.

Key Takeaways

  • Introduction of AI Chat: Discover how AI-powered search engines like Perplexity, Bing Chat, Arc Search, Bagoodex, Phind, and iAsk revolutionize search experiences with interactive, chat-style interfaces.

  • Google’s Market Share: Despite a decline, Google remains the dominant search engine with an 83.49% market share. It continuously innovates with features like “AI Overviews and more” in Search Labs. Bing has seen growth, now holding 9.19% of the market.

  • Focus on Privacy: Privacy-conscious search engines such as DuckDuckGo, Startpage, and Brave Search are gaining attention for their commitment to not tracking user data, offering a secure search experience.


AI Search Engines

In 2024, integrating AI into search engines led to innovative tools beyond traditional search functionalities. These AI-powered search engines use chat-style interfaces, offering users an interactive and intelligent way to search for information. Below, we review some of the most notable AI search engines available today.


Perplexity stands out as one of the best alternative search engines, focusing on providing direct answers to user queries. Unlike traditional search engines, Perplexity uses AI to understand the context of a question and deliver precise, concise responses. This web search engine empowers users to learn and discover information naturally and intuitively.


Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (2)


Bagoodex is an AI-powered search engine that prioritizes delivering high-quality and relevant results. Its unique algorithm scans the internet for the most accurate information, presenting it in a user-friendly format. Bagoodex aims to improve the user experience by providing instant, precise, and high-quality search results, making it a notable contender in the web search engine market.

Try Bagoodex

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (3)

Microsoft Copilot (Bing Chat)

Microsoft’s Copilot, integrated with Bing Chat, leverages advanced AI to enhance the search experience. This AI search engine provides detailed responses, integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office tools, and offers a chat-based interface that helps users get more comprehensive answers quickly. With features like AI-powered chat and daily updates, Bing remains a strong competitor among the largest search engines.

Try Microsoft Copilot

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (4)

Arc Search

Arc Search is a new player focusing on delivering fast, distraction-free search results. Designed for mobile browsing, It offers a clean and intuitive interface, ensuring users can find what they need quickly. This alternative search engine is tailored to those who seek efficiency and speed in their daily searches.

Try Arc Browser + Search

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (5)


Phind is an intelligent answer engine designed specifically for developers. It uses generative AI to help users solve complex problems, transforming ideas into working products. By maintaining the right context and being connected to the internet, Phind offers valuable support directly to code editors, making it a practical tool for developers.

Try Phind

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (6)

Ask AI (iAsk)

Ask AI combines advanced AI with traditional search functionalities to provide users with relevant information quickly. By leveraging transformer neural networks, iAsk comprehends complex queries and delivers precise results, making it a robust choice for those looking for an efficient web search engine.

Try Ask AI

Honorable Mentions

  • Morphic: Still in development, Morphic shows promise but has yet to reach the functionality of the leading AI search engines.

  • Andi: An emerging search tool that provides decent results but lacks some of the advanced features of its competitors.

  • Offers a unique approach to search but still needs improvements to compete with the top AI search engines.

Search Engines vs. AI Chatbots

While AI-powered search engines and AI chatbots share some similarities, they serve different purposes and offer distinct functionalities. Understanding these differences is crucial when choosing the right tool for your needs.

Search Engines: AI search engines like Perplexity, Bing Chat, Arc Search, Bagoodex, Phind, and iAsk are designed to provide users with accurate and relevant search results.

They use AI to enhance traditional search functionalities, offering context-aware responses, real-time data integration, and specialized tools for different user needs. These search engines are excellent for finding information quickly, researching, and solving specific problems.

AI Chatbots: AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Grok, Google Gemini, Llama AI, and Claude, on the other hand, are built to engage in natural language conversations with users. They excel at generating human-like responses, providing customer support, and automating tasks that require interaction.

While they can answer questions and provide information, their primary function is to simulate conversation rather than search the web for the most relevant results.

Top 3 Search Engines: Market Leaders

These 3 titans, Google, Bing, and Yahoo!, have made a lasting impression in search engines by becoming pioneers. No overnight success was achieved. They laid strong foundations to build their empires, which can now be seen everywhere in cyberspace.

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (7)


Google, the ruler of online search engine territory, has made its name so well known that ‘Google’ is now part of our vocabulary. The company’s skyrocketing success can be attributed to high-quality outputs and numerous images and news articles.

The emergence of Google Lens and Search Generative Experience has further boosted innovation. Google’s recent feature, “AI Overviews and more” previously known as SGE (Search Generative Experience) in Search Labs, allows users to see an AI overview on more Google searches and offers access to additional generative AI features in Search.

This ongoing emphasis on AI-assisted navigation and improved security measures regarding personal information protection could keep Google at the pole position among competitors.

Despite mixed reactions regarding their data-gathering methods and privacy concerns, Google owns an impressive 83.49% global market share. However, this has fallen from 89.95% in the past three years.

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (8)


Microsoft’s Bing comes in second place, with a market share of roughly 9.19%, up from 6.43% three years ago. Its search capabilities resemble the most popular search engine, Google, displaying related articles, videos, and images. Bing distinguishes itself with unique visuals, such as daily background photos and large thumbnails for video results.

The AI-powered chat feature integrated with Microsoft Copilot has reached an impressive 100 million active users daily, further solidifying Bing’s position as the second-largest search engine in the market. Copilot and the reward program make Bing more than just another search engine.

The competition between Bing and Google is intense. Each strives to differentiate itself and gain market share. Bing’s focus on site speed, visual appeal, and AI-driven functionalities makes it a viable alternative for those seeking something different from Google.

Try Bing

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (9)


Tahoo!, a prominent digital service provider with a 3% market share, offers more than just your average search engine. By collaborating with Bing to power its web index, Yahoo! can provide an extensive selection of services, including emailing, online shopping, and gaming – creating an all-encompassing virtual experience for users around the globe.

Rather than relying solely on its web index as other popular search engines do, this veteran in the industry has chosen to partner up with Microsoft’s Bing platform as another way to stand out from competitors. So, if you’re looking for something beyond what traditional searches offer, maybe it’s time to try Yahoo Search.

One thing that sets the bar is the things that set the bar. Yahoo apart is how much it puts into its user experience by focusing heavily on varied services such as news updates alongside searching capabilities – which makes it the perfect choice for those seeking comprehensive results rather than simply using one limited source or tool at hand.

Try Yahoo! Search

Privacy-Conscious Alternatives

Search engine users are increasingly worried about data privacy and have discovered a new type of search engine. DuckDuckGo, Startpage, and Brave Search are prominent examples of search websites that preserve users’ privacy rights by not tracking or saving their queries or search history.

People worldwide now ponder these options when considering using them for their default browser searches. In this section, we will evaluate what distinguishes these tailored search tools from others in terms of protecting customers’ confidentiality while searching online.

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (10)


For those concerned about their online privacy, a search site from DuckDuckGo can be the answer. Unlike other search engines that collect and store individual user data, this private search engine does not keep any information.

Getting its query results from various sources such as Yelp, Bing, Yahoo, or StackOverflow makes it unique among others in the search engine market share, with a share of 0.58%.

When we look at these numbers, it’s clear why users care so much about their privacy. DuckDuckGo establishes itself as leading by example in safeguarding one’s right to anonymity on internet searches, even if users remain a minority within its industry sector.

Try DuckDuckGo

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (11)


Search engines have made great strides in offering users the best search experience. Startpage is a privacy-focused search engine that prioritizes privacy and provides features that ensure this.

It does not keep any tracking information or user data while searching with Google’s results without being tracked by them simultaneously. They offer an anonymous browsing proxy service to their URL generator, allowing cookie-free navigation.

The interface offers great customizability, including Night Mode options, making everything look even sleeker! These combined features give people looking for private internet experiences just what they need. Whether from ease of use or simple design functionality, Startpage has you covered every step along your journey on both fronts!

Try Startpage

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (12)

Brave Search

We have the final piece in our trio of privacy-oriented alternatives: Brave Search. This search engine prioritizes users’ privacy and runs on an independent index to ensure better search control. It does not collect search data for money or track user information as many major search engines do.

Brave Search is a breath of fresh air compared to other privacy-minded options available due to its laser-sharp emphasis on security and freedom from tracking technologies employed by the most popular search engines and brands nowadays.

Try Brave Browser + Search

Eco-Friendly and Socially Responsible Options

Recently, search engines such as Ecosia and Yep have taken proactive steps to help the environment and promote social causes. These platforms help look up information online and work towards positive change through their initiatives. So, how exactly do they aid our planet?


Ecosia, a search engine based in Berlin, may look like any ordinary one, but it has hidden depths. Thanks to Ecosia’s use of its profits from advertisem*nt clicks on its search results page, over 180 million trees have been planted worldwide.

As you type your queries into this eco-friendly platform, you not only receive information back, but you’re also contributing to global reforestation efforts!

Try Ecosia

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (14)


Yep is an innovative search engine with a unique spin on its business model. Instead of pocketing all the proceeds from advertising, they promise to send 90% directly back to creators and publishers who contribute content online – eliminating the need for paywalls or affiliate links and creating more freedom in web use.

So, by using Yep as your go-to search option, you’re supporting this site and those behind it who are making valuable contributions!

Try Yep

International Search Engines

The most widely-used search engines worldwide are Google, Bing, and Yahoo!, yet there are a few popular non-English-speaking alternatives like Yandex in Russia and Baidu from China. Let’s investigate these international leaders of the online search scene further.

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (15)


Yandex, a popular search engine native to Russia and responsible for approximately 65% of the market share, has many features such as maps, voice assistant services, ride-hailing options, and music streaming.

Despite facing challenges when its code was leaked in 2023, which divulged all ranking factors it used algorithmically, Yandex remains one of the main players among global search engines.

This Russian provider can be an ideal choice for those looking beyond mainstream alternatives from other countries due to its vast array of products available across different areas, such as navigation assistance, transportation solutions, and entertainment streams, including soundtracks, via its platform.

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (16)


Heading east, we arrive in China – the home of Baidu, which stands tall as the nation’s top search engine. Similar to Google in design and generating revenue via ads, this platform offers various services ranging from maps to news and an encyclopedia through its cloud storage service.

While these options are only accessible under strict government censorship protocols that ban images or pro-democracy websites, they remain unrivaled when considering the strength within the Chinese market for businesses looking to make their mark here. This is why experts highly recommend utilizing Baidu with understanding!

Niche Search Engines: Specialized Tools for Specific Needs

Search engines have been created for a variety of specialized purposes. Here are some examples:

  • CC Search is used to locate copyright-free material;

  • Boardreader searches forums for discussions and information;

  • WolframAlpha can compute complex questions effectively.

These best alternative search engine engines provide customized tools catered specifically to individual needs, which gives them an edge over more popular search engine applications. This focused approach to optimizing searching via these specific alternatives gives them an edge over more popular search engine applications.

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (17)

CC Search

CC Search is your best option if you’re looking for content free from copyright restrictions. This tool searches various sources for materials under the Creative Commons licensing system, so you can confidently use and remix resources without fear of violating any rights. Thanks to CC Search, access to reusable media with no strings attached awaits!

Try CC Search

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (18)


Our ultimate search engine option is WolframAlpha, a computational intelligence powerhouse ideal for students, teachers, and researchers. It offers answers from experts and is incredibly helpful in academic and scientific studies.

Its broad range of capabilities makes this an invaluable tool for tackling complex equations or accessing data-driven insights—making WolframAlpha the go-to source for online searches!

Try WolframAlpha

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (19)


Boardreader is a great resource for those who like to tap into the collective wisdom of people online. It’s an efficient search engine that focuses on scouring numerous forums and message boards to give you relevant content without being drowned by ads or corporate sites, which often appear first when searching with other mainstream search engines alone.

Try Boardreader

Metasearch Engines: Aggregating Results from Multiple Sources

While metasearch engines like Dogpile and SearX are not as prominent as they once were for general web searches, they continue to exist and serve specific purposes, particularly in specialized sectors like travel.

Aggregating search results from multiple sources has also influenced the development of newer search alternatives and AI-powered search engines. By combining results from various sources, metasearch engines offer a comprehensive view of information, which has inspired the innovation seen in today’s AI-driven search tools.


The digital search space constantly evolves, with AI-powered search engines leading the charge. Options range from Google and Bing to innovative tools like Perplexity, Copilot, Arc Search, Bagoodex, Phind, and iAsk. These engines utilize advanced AI to provide interactive, chat-style search experiences, enhancing how we find information online.

Don’t be afraid to try multiple search engines. Combining AI tools like Perplexity with traditional giants like Google can yield the best results. Bing, growing its market share, offers unique visual appeals and AI-driven functionalities through Microsoft Copilot.

For those prioritizing privacy, alternatives like DuckDuckGo, Startpage, and Brave Search—now featuring AI capabilities—offer secure browsing without tracking user data. Eco-friendly options like Ecosia and Yep contribute to positive environmental and social impacts.

Recommended Reading:

  • The Beginner’s Guide to B2B Content Marketing Strategy
  • Go-to-Market Glossary: Terms and Definitions You Should Know
  • The Ultimate Guide to Demand Generation: Boosting Your Business Growth

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a better search engine than Google?

Google remains the most popular search engine worldwide due to its extensive features and high-quality search results. However, AI-powered alternatives like Perplexity and Microsoft Copilot (Bing Chat) offer unique benefits and may be better for specific needs.

What is the best and most accurate search engine?

Overall, Google is considered the most accurate search engine due to its advanced algorithms and vast database. For AI-driven precision, Perplexity and Bagoodex are excellent options.

What is as good as Google?

Bing, with its growing market share and AI features like Microsoft Copilot, provides a search experience comparable to Google's. DuckDuckGo offers strong privacy protections and is a viable alternative for those concerned about data security.

What is the top 1 search engine in the world?

Google holds the top position as the most popular search engine globally, commanding a significant market share.

What is the best, most secure search engine?

DuckDuckGo, Startpage, and Brave Search are top choices for those prioritizing security, as they do not track user data and offer enhanced privacy features.

Who is better than Google?

While Google leads overall functionality, Bing, with its unique visuals, AI-powered chat, and privacy-focused search engines like DuckDuckGo, provides strong competition in their respective areas.

Which search engine is most accurate?

Google is known for its accuracy due to its sophisticated algorithms. AI-powered search engines like Perplexity and Phind also deliver highly accurate results, especially for complex queries.

What is the #1 search engine used today?

Google is the most widely used search engine, dominating the market with its extensive features and user-friendly interface.

Which is better, Google or DuckDuckGo?

Google excels in providing comprehensive search results and advanced features. DuckDuckGo is better for users who prioritize privacy and want a search engine that does not track their activity.

How does AI enhance search engines?

AI enhances search engines by providing more context-aware responses, real-time data integration, and interactive chat interfaces. AI-powered engines like Perplexity, Microsoft Copilot, and Arc Search offer personalized and efficient search experiences.

Are AI-powered search engines more accurate?

AI-powered search engines like Bagoodex and Phind can be more accurate for specific, complex search queries due to their advanced algorithms and ability to understand context and nuance.

Can AI search engines improve over time?

Yes, AI search engines continuously learn and improve from user interactions and data, making them increasingly efficient and accurate.

How do AI chat features in search engines work?

AI chat features in search engines, like those in Microsoft Copilot (Bing Chat) and Perplexity, use natural language processing to engage users conversationally and provide more detailed and context-aware answers.

Top 19 Best Search Engines of 2024 for B2Bs (2024)


What are the search engines for b2b? ›

Summary. The digital search space constantly evolves, with AI-powered search engines leading the charge. Options range from Google and Bing to innovative tools like Perplexity, Copilot, Arc Search, Bagoodex, Phind, and iAsk.

What is the best search engine for unbiased results? ›

This will not surprise you, but DuckDuckGo and Brave top the list again. Between the two, DuckDuckGo takes the edge. While neither browser uses tracking data to influence your search results, Brave does have more personalization features. DuckDuckGo is designed to provide a completely anonymized user experience.

What is the most trusted search engine? ›

Table Of Contents
  • Google.
  • Bing.
  • Yahoo.
  • Brave.
  • Yandex.
  • DuckDuckGo.
  • Baidu.
  • Startpage.

Which search engine has the most results? ›

Google. Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Capturing nearly 92 percent of the search market, it's no wonder why SEO specialists seek out any available piece of information about Google's ranking algorithm. Google can search for news, images, videos and scholarly articles.

Is DuckDuckGo better than Google? ›

In conclusion, the choice between DuckDuckGo and Google ultimately hinges on your priorities. If you value privacy and a more streamlined search experience free from targeted ads, DuckDuckGo is a compelling alternative to Google.

Is there an honest search engine? ›


Unlike Google, which collects extensive user data to personalize search results and advertisem*nts, DuckDuckGo does not track or profile its users. This means that when you search on DuckDuckGo, your activity remains anonymous.

What are 5 best search engines? ›

Top Search Engines
  • Google.
  • Microsoft Bing.
  • Yahoo!
  • Yandex.
  • DuckDuckGo.
  • Baidu.
  • Naver.
Jul 1, 2024

What search engines don't filter results? ›

Are there any search engines that don't censor content? Search engines like StartPage, DuckDuckGo, Swisscows, Qwant, Infinity Search, Gibiru, and BoardReader do not censor data and give you unbiased, and unfiltered search results.

What is the most intelligent search engine? ›

So, if you're ever stuck on something, Phind is your go-to intelligent answer engine that uses generative AI to streamline the idea-to-product process. It's a tool that provides scientific answers to every question, always making sure to provide the right information.

Is there a better search engine than Google? ›

Yahoo!: A simple alternative to Google. Offers Bing-powered search plus email, news, and shopping features. DuckDuckGo: Privacy-focused and doesn't track users, making it a top Google alternative for secure browsing. Ask: Ideal for users who prefer question-based searches.

What is the best and safest search engine? ›

8 best private search engines
  1. DuckDuckGo. DuckDuckGo allows you to search the web without being tracked by its search engine. ...
  2. Startpage. Based in the Netherlands, Startpage hosts a locked cabinet full of servers that act as your first defense against trackers and snooping. ...
  3. Searx. ...
  4. Swisscows. ...
  5. Qwant. ...
  6. MetaGer. ...
  7. Mojeek. ...
  8. Ecosia.

What search engine is better than Google? ›

16 Alternative Search Engines Better Than Google
Search EngineCensorship of InformationEnvironmental Impact
BingResults influenced by Microsoft's policies and government restrictionsNo
Yahoo!Relies on Bing's indexed results, potentially subject to censorshipNo
DuckDuckGoUnfiltered results, known for avoiding censorshipNo
13 more rows
6 days ago

Is Yahoo better than Google? ›

However, users may find that the search results in Yahoo are not as comprehensive or accurate as those in Google. This can sometimes lead to a less satisfactory search experience. Therefore, if you value highly relevant and accurate search results, Google may be a better choice for you when compared to Yahoo.

Which search engine would be the best? ›

11 Best Search Engines to Use Instead of Google
  • Bing: Best for Searching with Microsoft Copilot.
  • Yahoo!: Best for Discovering Rich Media Results.
  • DuckDuckGo: Best for Maintaining Anonymity.
  • Wayback Machine: Best for Searching Through the Internet Archives.
  • Brave Search: Best for Conducting Search on an Independent Platform.
Aug 20, 2024

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