The One And Only Reason Your Blog Isn't Making Money - Return to Daydreams (2024)

The One And Only Reason Your Blog Isn't Making Money - Return to Daydreams (1)

That’s some title huh? Well, I’m convinced it’s necessary because what I’m about to say has the potential to change your business and your life and clarify why you’re not making money blogging.

When I first started blogging I was obsessed with finding THE way to success. The way that would bring in traffic. The perfect Pinterest strategy to get clicks. The perfect recipe for a blog post.

I had a small budget but I stretched it as thin as I could to buy affiliate courses, Pinterest courses, e-books, anything I could find that would get me to THE path to making a full time income blogging.

I wanted the Monday mornings curled up on my couch with my laptop I had always dreamed of. I wanted the freedom to travel whenever I felt like to wherever I felt like for as long as I felt like it. I daydreamed long and hard about the money that would put me at ease that I would earn doing something I loved.

What I’m about to say I am saying because I want to save you a whole lot of time blogging

Your blog doesn’t need anymore strategy. THE strategy doesn’t exist.

The one that’s going to make you a ton of money.

The one that’s going to let you quit your job.

The one that’s going to teach you to make the perfect product that makes thousands in passive income.

I know you’ve been told over and over again that it’s because your Pinterest boards aren’t SEO’d or that you aren’t posting enough consistently or that it’s normal not to make money in your first year of blogging, but I’m here to say a big fat NOPE to all of that.

If you are looking to blog and make money, your blog is not just a blog, it is a business.

In business there are so many different ways to be successful.

What do almost all successful business owners have in common?


There, I said it.

I really contemplating saying this. I thought about how there would be a lot of people that would not agree and even thinking about that conflict made me reconsider and keep my thoughts to myself.

Not anymore.

Let me explain.

I’ve had this blog for a bit. If you don’t know my story, I took two months to get up the courage, pay for my hosting, and write content. I launched and was live officially October 1st, 2018. I made money my first month blogging. You can read that income report here. Before that, I made money blogging on a free platform while I was in college. I am now set to quadruple my income in my second month (spoiler alert, I did.)

Basically I’ve been at this internet thing for a while.

When I first started my blog, I was eager to learn everything I could get my hands on and I knew Facebook groups was a way to do that. I applied to many different blogging Facebook groups and have learned so much in each one of them. But there was a trend that didn’t set right with me.

Many new bloggers would ask the same questions about blogging.

“How long does it take to make money blogging?”

“Can you make money blogging your first month?”

“Can you make any money blogging ever?”

I would read through these answers and instantly feel defeated. Most, if not everyone, said it was impossible. Not until six months. Not even in the first year. It was rare at best, and impossible most likely.

I decided that all of that was bullsh*t. Also that I was going to make money blogging my first month.

So I did. It really was that simple.

I could break down exactly what I did, which I have in other post like this one and this one. And these strategies are great! But in the end, strategy is only half of what got me there.

I made money blogging because I expected to. Because I decided I was going to. That’s It

Now, the rest of this post is going to be diving into things like law of attraction and money mindset, so if you’re not interested and want to continue to “work hard” , and waste a lot of time before you reach blog/biz success, you can go ahead but I’m gonna break down exactly what I’m talking about and exactly how you can stop wasting time and money on your 20th Pinterest course.

Before I start, I do want to say that I believe strategy is great! Seriously, strategy has it’s place in the world and is valuable! I’m not dissing a great strategy.

But strategy can only take you so far.

Have you ever noticed that successful bloggers have some strategic things in common like SEO, email lists, and long form content? But not others.

Some use Pinterest, some don’t, some swear by manual pinning, some swear by Tailwind.

I think you’re getting my drift.

There is way more than one strategy that will drive you to success. But there is one thing that you NEED for success and that’s the expectation you will succeed. Not hope, not belief, not even a desire, but an unshakeable expectation that your blog will become a thriving business in whatever time you decide.

Success is a choice.

Making money is also a choice.

This is all called mindset work. A lot of people who start a blog expect it to take a long time, so it does. Some bloggers, me included, expect it to work quickly because ithasto work. There is no other option. So it does.

This subtle shift can be done within hours. And you can see results. In hours.

I started this blog because I wanted to help people break financial generational curses. I wanted to get more people out of their cubicles and into a life that they woke up to everyday thankful to live. I wanted to be apart of igniting a fire inside of hearts all over the world to take leaps of faith until they found themselves living bigger than they thought was possible.

I wanted to redefine what was possible.

And I can’t do that if I’m not sharing my whole truth.

I can’t do that sharing blogging biz tips that a hundred other people have already written just repackaged in my own words. I can’t do that by playing it safe.

The truth is that strategy isn’t going to reframe what you think is possible. So many of us who start a blog do it because we can imagine a different life for ourselves. Whether that is laying on a Bali beach with four hour work weeks or staying home and getting to see our babies first steps, help with math homework, and connect with our spouse.

We all come in search of something. Something that makes work feel easy. Something we love. Something that is purpose filled.

I will only tell you that you have to do one thing in your blogging business to make it a success and that’s believe in it.

This was my main motivation for creating my signature blogging courseBroke Bloggers Be Gone.

It is designed for new bloggers, is one of the few courses on the market that is a complete guide to making money in your first month blogging or within a month of taking the course.

I did a lot hands on research before creating this course

I was very active in the blogging community at one point. I was in tons of Facebook groups, I chatted on live calls, I participated in Twitter chats, it was a lot of fun.

A lot of the issues that people would bring up for their blog were all the same.

“I can’t get enough traffic to my blog. How do I increase my traffic?”

“No matter what I do no one will click on my affiliate links! What do I do?”

“I can’t make Pinterest work for me. What am I doing wrong?”

And yes, these are very common problems which I dealt with too, but there was a bigger problem that no one seemed to be addressing.

The way bloggers talked about blogging.

Seriously even bigger bloggers would say stuff to newer bloggers like “Don’t expect to make a cent until it’s been at least a year and you have at least 50 posts” and “Blogging is extremely difficult to make money from” and “Blogging traffic is always inconsistent in the Winter so don’t try to sell anything then.”

I remember feeling so small. I wasterrifiedthat blogging would never work for me because if the ones who had “made it” said stuff like this it must be true.


After a while I stopped engaging on stuff as much because I was so tired of the fear-based conversations. I thought about those conversations a lot until one day I asked myself

What if that didn’t have to be true for me?

What if I could make money blogging simply because I am choosing to and nothing or no one will stop me?

What if I could figure out simple money making activities to do everyday to make money?

That is when I promised myself I would make money blogging my first month.

Not only to show others what was possible, but to prove to myself that I created my own reality and my own results.

That’s how Broke Bloggers Be Gone was born.

It is a complete course for beginners that answer all those questions like above, but is not intimidating at all and it doesn’t make you afraid.

In the course you will learn:

  • How to start a profitable blog and set it up to make money from the beginning.
  • How to monetize a brand new blog with no following or a very small audience.
  • How to use social media including Pinterest to drive traffic to your website so you can make money.
  • An exact list of the things I did every single day to make money blogging my first month with my brand new blog.

I take out all the guesswork about blogging and not only teach you an easy step by step way to make money with your blog but I also teach you how to think like a successful blogger something I think is missing from any blogging course I’ve taken.

I have built two blogging businesses from the ground up. I created this course with the intention of getting you to your blogging goals faster as well as helping you build a successful foundation that will serve you all throughout your blog journey.

You canclick here if you’d like to check it out for $97. $97 for a blogging course that will kickstart your success and keep you focused on the important stuff.

It is an easy PDF document that you will be able to download and take with you on the go for easy learning!

Leave a comment if this resonated or shoot me a message on any of my social medias. I believe in you so deeply. You decide the future of your blog. You decide how successful you get to be and how long it gets to take.

Don’t give up on your daydream! You CAN make money blogging and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

The One And Only Reason Your Blog Isn't Making Money - Return to Daydreams (2)
The One And Only Reason Your Blog Isn't Making Money - Return to Daydreams (2024)


Why is my blog not making money? ›

If you blog isn't making enough money yet, it's most probably because you don't have enough blog traffic. The more visitors you get, the better opportunities you have to generate revenue. More people means: More clicks on your ads.

Why blogs are dying? ›

Why Do People Say Blogging Is Dead? The online landscape is constantly changing, with more platforms and competition every day. Some people believe that blogging is being left behind as better alternatives come along. For example, there has been phenomenal growth in social networks in the last decade.

Why is my blog getting no views? ›

Low page views don't always means your content is poor, but it means your readers are not interested in other content on your blog or you are not giving a proper way to navigate your blog. Fewer page views per view also indicates poor user experience. Read: How to make a User-friendly Blog.

Why blogging is a waste of time? ›

If you abandon your blog after a few months or years, blogging is a waste of time. Surveys have shown that bloggers who invest more money experience better results. You should be willing to invest at least five hours a week into your blog, but more is better.

How long does it take to make $1000 per month blogging? ›

In most cases, you should expect it to take at least 6 to 12 months (minimum) of consistent blogging & promoting your content to start earning something from your blog. When it comes to making $1,000/mo in blog income, expect that to take 1 to 2 years of consistent effort for most people.

Why do many bloggers fail? ›

Some bloggers fail because they don't research their audience, they don't tailor their content accordingly, they blog inconsistently, they don't use SEO best practices, or they don't promote their content. Let's take a closer look at the reasons why blogs fail, and what you can do to overcome these hurdles and success.

Are blogs dead in 2024? ›

But while the internet has transformed significantly in recent years, we're here to debunk the myth. Blogging isn't dying. In fact, blogging is thriving in 2024 - and remains a relevant and profitable content marketing channel for the foreseeable future.

How do you revive a dead blog? ›

To revive an old blog post, you should:
  1. Target new keywords.
  2. Update the on-page SEO.
  3. Update the body content.
  4. Internally link to new content.
  5. Add and optimize new images and videos.
  6. Fix the format.
  7. Correct typos and improve readability.
  8. Update the blog post with a new date.
Nov 19, 2021

Is blogging still profitable in 2024? ›

So yes, blogging is still profitable. I started my blog in 2022 and I started making money after about a year and a half. Many people start making money sooner.

Why is nobody reading my blog? ›

You're not promoting your content. It doesn't matter how amazing your blog content is if people can't discover it. To make your blog discoverable, you have to promote it. This includes consistently promoting your blog posts through your social media channels.

What percentage of blogs fail? ›

80% of blogs will likely fail within 18 months

There are several things bloggers can do to set themselves up for success, including setting clear targets, producing high-quality content, staying consistent, and using an SEO strategy.

Does anyone read blogs anymore? ›

In fact, a whopping 77% of internet users regularly read blogs to gain valuable information and insights, while 60% of businesses use blogs as a key marketing strategy to drive traffic and sales. These statistics demonstrate the enduring appeal of blogs, which continue to thrive in today's digital age.

Why do most blogs not make money? ›

A major stumbling block for many bloggers is not having a well-defined niche. Often, bloggers attempt to cover topics that are too broad, such as wellness, travel, or cooking. These areas are vast and highly competitive, making it difficult for new bloggers to stand out and establish authority.

What are the 2 disadvantages of blogging? ›

Advantages and Disadvantages of Blogging Summary
Advantages of BloggingDisadvantages of Blogging
More ExposureExposure
Creative OutletTime-Consuming
Making Money from HomeA Lot of Writing
1 more row

Why is blogging so hard? ›

From coming up with engaging content to managing your website's technical aspects, promoting your blog on social media, and dealing with the ups and downs of building an audience, blogging is an art that requires persistence, creativity, and above all, hard work.

How long does it take the average blog to make money? ›

According to recent research, it takes an average of 21 months to start making money with a blog. However, that is just the average. The statistics show that 28% of bloggers start earning money from blogging within 6 months and 34% are making a full-time income within 2 years of starting their blog.

How many followers does a blog need to make money? ›

Blog owners with 10,000 to 100,000 monthly page views often earn between 2 cents and 10 cents for each page view from advertising, equating to $200 to $10,000 per month. Sponsored articles range in price from $25 to $750 for each post, depending on the size of the audience, genre, and individual sponsorship agreement.

How much do bloggers make per 1,000 views? ›

How Much Do Bloggers Make Per 1,000 Views? While the amount of money that bloggers can make varies widely depending on the niche, industry, and quality of the website, bloggers with 1,000 views usually make an RPM of $20-35 on average.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.