The Largest Class Action Lawsuits & Settlements [Biggest In History] (2024)

[Note: GJEL Accident Attorneys Does Not Handle Class Action Lawsuit Cases]

The Largest Class Action Lawsuits & Settlements [Biggest In History] (1)

It’s not every day that companies agree to pay $2 billion or more to compensate the victims of irresponsible corporate behavior. But of course, this is one of the biggest class action settlements.

Class action settlements of this magnitude are historic. They are also a matter of huge public interest. These significant legal cases, often referred to as class action suits, involve various defendants such as the federal government, corporations like Volkswagen and Google, and government agencies like the USDA. They result in substantial payments to the plaintiffs, often numbering in the billions of dollars, and may also involve debt relief, vehicle buybacks, or compensation for affected individuals. And yet, it’s not easy to compile a complete list of these cases.

The Largest Class Action Lawsuits & Settlements [Biggest In History] (2)

This is partly because class action settlement amounts are a moving target until payments are made, long after the parties strike a deal. To make matters even more complicated, defendants sometimes reach separate settlements during litigation. Even if all parties agree to settle, the court must review and approve distribution plans, and the court of appeals can review them too.

In March 2017, for example, the US Supreme Court closed the book on a $7.5 billion settlement with Visa and MasterCard, resolving claims that retailers had overpaid on credit and debit card fees.

The Supreme Court declined to review a lower court ruling that the settlement was unfair to some retailers who stood to receive little or no benefit from the case.

In 2008, the Supreme Court squashed another multibillion-dollar settlement, cutting total damages in litigation over the Exxon Valdez oil spill, originally pegged at $5 billion, down to $1.5 billion.

There have been many class action lawsuits that have reached billions of dollars of settlements and verdicts.


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What was the largest lawsuit in History?

The largest lawsuit in history was the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement in November 1998. This lawsuit resulted in a record-breaking settlement of $206 billion, paid by major tobacco companies (Brown & Williamson, Lorillard, Phillip Morris Inc., and R J Reynolds) to 46 US states to cover public health-care costs related to tobacco-induced illnesses. It remains the most substantial legal settlement to date as of 2024.

We’ve done our best to include all of the largest class action settlements of $2 billion or more, at this time. Do you know of a case that should be added? Let us know by posting a comment here or on one of our social media pages.

1. Tobacco master settlement agreement for **$206 billion** [The Largest Ever]

In 1998, Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, and two other tobacco companies agreed to a $206 billion settlement, at a minimum, covering medical costs for smoking-related illnesses. Attorneys general for 46 states participated in the settlement, providing annual payments over 25 years. This is not a traditional class action due to the involvement of public prosecutors, but the agreement resolved longstanding liability in class action litigation for the tobacco industry. Many participating states have been criticized for using the settlement funds as collateral for bond financing, putting money into public accounts sooner but reducing the overall settlement value after bonds are repaid with interest.

2. BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill$20 billion

In 2016, a federal judge in New Orleans granted final approval to an estimated $20 billion settlement resolving civil claims over environmental damage from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Most of the funds cover federal claims and penalties, while approximately $5 billion to $6 billion provides payments to state and local governments. Like the tobacco settlements above, this is not a traditional class action because it was led by public prosecutors rather than the plaintiff’s bar. Some legal observers criticized the settlement for allowing BP to claim $15 billion of the settlement cost as a tax write off.

3. Volkswagen emissions scandal$14.7 billion

In 2016, a federal judge in San Francisco federal judge approved a $14.7 billion settlement resulting from a Volkswagen scheme to cheat emission tests on its diesel cars. The settlement provides funds for vehicle buybacks at market values prior to the scandal, plus additional cash payments for 475,000 diesel car owners.

4. Enron securities fraud$7.2 billion

In 2008, a federal judge in Houston approved a $7.2 billion settlement resolving claims that the energy trading company Enron defrauded shareholders prior to declaring bankruptcy. JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce provided over 90 percent of the settlement funds. About 1.5 million individual and institutional investors were expected to receive payments.

The settlement includes a $2 billion deal between Citigroup and the University of California, the lead plaintiff that represented Enron investors as lead counsel. Former Enron executives Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling were convicted of conspiracy and fraud for their roles in the scandal.

5. WorldCom accounting scandal$6.1 billion

In 2005, a federal judge in New York concluded settlements totaling approximately $6.1 billion in a securities class action against the telecommunications company WorldCom, involving shareholder fraud litigation. New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi led the case on behalf of WorldCom stock and bondholders, including New York State’s public pension fund. JP Morgan Chase agreed to pay $2 billion of the total. Other banks involved in the settlement include Bank of America and Citigroup. Former WorldCom CEO Bernie Ebbers and CFO Scott Sullivan have served jail time for their part in the WorldCom accounting scandal.

6. Fen-Phen diet drugs$3.8 billion

In 2000, a federal judge in Philadelphia approved a $3.75 billion settlement over a diet drug known as fen-phen that had been associated with potentially fatal heart valve damage. Six million people reportedly used fen-phen, sold by American Home Products, before it was pulled from the market in 1997. The settlement provides up to $1.5 million to users, depending on their injuries and how long they used the drug.

7. American Indian Trust$3.4 billion

In 2011, a federal judge in the District of Columbia granted final approval for a $3.4 billion settlement over American Indian claims that the federal government had mismanaged funds in land trust accounts dating back to the 19th century. The case stems from a government practice of leasing out tribal lands for agriculture, mining, and other extractive industries, then distributing revenues to American Indians. The court authorized $1,000 payments to about 325,000 members of the class starting in 2012.

8. Silicone breast implants$3.4 billion

In the mid-1990s, producers of silicone gel breast implants agreed to resolve claims that they had exposed women to autoimmune and connective tissue disorders. The manufacturer’s group, led by Dow Corning, initially settled for $4.75 billion, but the settlement collapsed because the number of claims exceeded expectations, according to California Law Review. The remaining manufacturers, including Bristol-Myers Squibb, ultimately settled for $3.4 billion, and Dow Corning resolved its claims in bankruptcy court.

9. Cendant accounting fraud$3.2 billion

In 2000, a federal judge in New Jersey approved a $3.2 billion settlement based on shareholder claims that a merger had inflated the value of Cendant Corp., a travel and real estate company that owned Ramada Inns and other well-known brands. Once investors discovered accounting irregularities, the company’s stock price plummeted, causing Cendant stock to lose $14 billion in a single day.

Pension funds for California state employees, New York state employees, and New York City employees represented Cendant shareholders as lead plaintiffs. Cendant chairman Walter Forbes and vice chairman Kirk Shelton were both imprisoned on conspiracy charges and ordered to pay over $3 billion each in restitution.

10. Tyco accounting scandal$3.2 billion

In 2007, a federal judge in New Hampshire approved federal judge approved settlements worth $3.2 billion to resolve claims that Tyco International executives enriched themselves at shareholders’ expense. Tyco agreed to pay nearly $3 billion while its former auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers paid the rest. Tyco’s former CEO Dennis Kozlowski served six and a half years in prison and paid $167 million in restitution and fines for his role in the scandal. Former CFO Mark Swartz also served prison time and paid $72 million in restitution and fines.

11. AOL Time Warner accounting fraud$2.5 billion

In 2006, a federal judge in New York approved a $2.5 billion settlement over an America Online practice of inflating advertising revenue before and after its merger with Time Warner. This federal judge approved settlement was crucial in finalizing the case. The Minnesota State Board of Investment led a group of 625,000 shareholders, bondholders, and institutions in the case against AOL Time Warner and the auditing firm Ernst & Young.

12. Nortel accounting fraud$2.5 billion

In 2006, two federal judges in New York approved a $2.45 billion settlement involving the alleged recording of phony sales at the telecommunications company Nortel Networks. The federal judge approved deal provides a combination of cash and equity from a new issuance of company shares to a group of investors led by public pension funds in New Jersey and Ontario.

13. Actos diabetes drugs$2.4 billion

In 2015, a federal judge in Louisiana reported that a Japanese drug company, Takeda Pharmaceutical, had agreed to pay $2.4 billion over claims that Takeda concealed the safety risks of its Actos diabetes drug before regulators warned that extended use could cause bladder cancer. A Minnesota labor union health care fund and individual consumers from around the US led the case against Takeda. The settlement administrator has reported that 9,820 people filed qualifying claims for the Actos fund.

14. Bank of America acquisition of Merrill Lynch$2.4 billion

In 2013, a federal judge in New York issued final approval to a $2.4 billion settlement stemming from the failure of mortgage-backed securities and Bank of America’s acquisition of Merrill Lynch & Co. This federal judge approved settlement was crucial for finalizing the agreement reached in the class action lawsuit. Public pension funds in Ohio and Texas were among the lead plaintiffs in the case. An estimated 4 to 5 million investors were due to receive shares of the settlement.

15. Foreign exchange price fixing$2.3 billion

In 2015, the parties in federal court in New York reported a $2.3 billion settlement over price fixing in foreign exchange markets. The settlement was part of a wider action in the US and Europe netting over $10 billion from banks including Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, and Morgan Stanley. A large group of pension funds and private investment funds represented the plaintiffs in the case. Federal prosecutors also extracted guilty pleas and additional fines from some of the banks involved in the civil settlement.

16. USDA racial discrimination$2.3 billion

In 2010, the US Department of Justice and the US Department of Agriculture announced a settlement over claims of racial discrimination in the administration of federal farm loan programs. Combined with an earlier partial resolution in the case, Pigford v. Glickman, the total settlement had reached $2.3 billion. The settlement provides cash payments and debt relief for approximately 20,000 black farmers.

Massive Class Action Cases not included in the list

This post does not include the $3.4 billion Toyota corrosion warranty settlement, because the settlement amount is based on projected future expenses for Toyota rather than up-front cash payments.

Many other multibillion-dollar settlements, like those for the victims of Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, are not included because they were obtained outside of class action proceedings. Additionally, significant settlements involving shareholder class actions related to issues such as accounting fraud, financial crisis disclosures, illegal promotions, and compliance practices in countries like South Africa, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, and Australia are also not listed.

Do you know of a class action lawsuit that should be added to the list? Let us know!

Popular Class Action Lawsuits in Popular Culture

Some well-known examples of class action lawsuits include:

  1. The tobacco industry settlement: In the 1990s, tobacco companies agreed to a settlement in which they paid billions of dollars to the states to reimburse them for the medical costs of treating smoking-related illnesses. This settlement was the result of a class action lawsuit brought on behalf of the states.

  2. The Enron settlement: In 2003, the collapsed energy company Enron, which was significantly impacted by the financial crisis, agreed to pay $40 billion to settle a class action lawsuit brought by shareholders who had lost money when the company’s stock price plummeted.

  3. The Toyota unintended acceleration settlement: In 2014, Toyota agreed to pay up to $1.6 billion to settle a class action lawsuit brought by owners of Toyota vehicles who claimed that the vehicles’ acceleration systems were defective and caused accidents.

  4. The Google search bias settlement: In 2019, Google agreed to pay $11 million to settle a class action lawsuit brought by consumers who claimed that the company’s search algorithms were biased against smaller websites.

  5. The Facebook data breach settlement: In 2021, Facebook agreed to pay $650 million to settle a class action lawsuit brought by users whose personal data had been accessed by the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Have a Case? Talk to an Attorney

At GJEL Accident Attorneys, our focus is on auto crash cases, serious injury and wrongful death cases. However, we understand the complexities involved in larger legal issues such as class action suits. Class actions are among the largest and most challenging legal proceedings, involving some of the highest settlements in history. Take the Steinhoff settlement or the case against the Enron Corporation, for example, both representing landmark moments in class action history, with the latter culminating in one of the highest settlements at $7.2 billion.

The scope of these cases underscores the importance of hiring an attorney that specializes in class actions. In these larger lawsuits, the stakes are high, often involving billions of dollars, as demonstrated by the collective total of over $63 billion paid out in some of the greatest class action settlements. Therefore, if you need a class action lawyer, consider hiring a specialist who understands the nuances and magnitude of these cases.

Other Notable Class Action Settlements

Below is a list of other notable class action settlements in the United States including some of the largest lawsuits in history.

State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio$5.5 BillionNew York State Common Retirement Fund$11.3 BillionWorldCom, Inc.$6.1 BillionOhio Public Employees Retirement System$4.4 BillionTeachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana$4.3 BillionCendant Corp.$3.3 BillionTyco International, Ltd.$3.2 BillionBank of America Corporation$2.4 BillionBank of America Corporation$2.4 BillionPublic Employees’ Retirement System of Mississippi$2.3 BillionMerck & Co., Inc.$1 BillionMcKesson HBOC Inc.$1 BillionAmerican International Group, Inc.$1 BillionAmerican International Group, Inc.$1 BillionPfizer, Inc.$486 MillionMerrill Lynch & Co., Inc.$475 MillionSchering-Plough Corp.$473 MillionRaytheon Company$460 MillionGlobal Crossing, Ltd.$447 MillionGlobal Crossing, Ltd.$447 MillionFederal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (Freddie Mac)$410 MillionFederal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (Freddie Mac)$410,000,000

GJEL Accident Attorneys does not handle class action lawsuits.

Last Updated on 4/5/24 by Andy Gillin

Andy Gillin received his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of California at Berkeley and his law degree from the University of Chicago. He is the managing partner of GJEL Accident Attorneys and has written and lectured in the field of plaintiffs’ personal injury law for numerous organizations. Since 1972 he has been helping seriously injured victims throughout northern California fight & win their personal injury cases. Andy is .

The Largest Class Action Lawsuits & Settlements [Biggest In History] (3)

Andy Gillin

Andy Gillin received his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of California at Berkeley and his law degree from the University of Chicago. He is the managing partner of GJEL Accident Attorneys and has written and lectured in the field of plaintiffs’ personal injury law for numerous organizations. Since 1972 he has been helping seriously injured victims throughout northern California fight & win their personal injury cases. Andy is .

The Largest Class Action Lawsuits & Settlements [Biggest In History] (2024)


The Largest Class Action Lawsuits & Settlements [Biggest In History]? ›

The largest-ever class action settlement was agreed upon in 1998 by Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, and two other tobacco companies. Paid out annually over 25 years, the settlement covered the medical costs for smoking-related injuries for individuals in 46 US states.

What was the biggest class action lawsuit ever? ›

1. Tobacco master settlement agreement for **$206 billion** [The Largest Ever] In 1998, Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, and two other tobacco companies agreed to a $206 billion settlement, at a minimum, covering medical costs for smoking-related illnesses.

What is the biggest settlement in U.S. history? ›

What is the largest settlement in US history? The largest settlement in US history is the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement at $206 billion, making it not just the largest personal injury settlement but the largest legal settlement overall.

What is the largest individual lawsuit ever? ›

The family of a young man in San Mateo recently won a $47.5 million settlement—the largest personal injury settlement for a single plaintiff in the state of California's history. The utility company PG&E and the County of San Mateo reached the settlement with Zachary Rowe and his family the week of June 25, 2018.

Who gets paid the most in a class action lawsuit? ›

The lead class plaintiff or plaintiffs typically receive a more significant share of a class settlement. The reason is that the lead plaintiff does most of the work before, during, and after legal proceedings, playing an active role in hearings, trials, and other court proceedings.

What is the largest punitive damage ever awarded? ›

$145 Billion Jury Award Against Big Tobacco

In 2000, the tobacco industry was shaken after a jury awarded $144 billion in punitive damages against the nation's biggest cigarette manufacturers including Phillip Morris, Lorillard, and R.J. Reynolds.

What is the longest lawsuit in U.S. history? ›

Introduction. Myra Clark Gaines' 19th century fight over an enormous inheritance is still the longest-running civil lawsuit in American history, taking over 60 years to finally find some kind of resolution. The United States Supreme Court called her case "the most remarkable in the records."

What is the largest compensation in U.S. history? ›

1. Tobacco settlement: $206 Billion. In 1998, one of the most significant legal battles in U.S. history culminated in the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement, where 46 states collectively took on the four largest tobacco companies.

What is the highest wrongful death settlement? ›


What is the highest permanent settlement in the world? ›

Tucked away in the eastern Andes Mountains, about 5,000 meters (3 miles) above sea level, the town of La Rinconada is the highest permanent settlement in the world. The Peruvian town does not have running water, a sewage system, or garbage disposal.

What is the most expensive lawsuit ever won? ›

1998 – The Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement – $206 Billion. The Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement was entered in November 1998 and is still the largest lawsuit settlement in history.

What is the highest paid slip and fall settlement? ›

7 Largest Slip and Fall Lawsuit Settlements
  • $18 Million for Fall in Manhole. ...
  • $12.2 Million for Slip Outside Miller Mart. ...
  • $11 Million Slip and Fall at Gas Station. ...
  • $11.1 Million for Falling Off a Ladder. ...
  • $10 Million For Slipping on Wet Floor at Grocery Store. ...
  • $2 Million for a Fatal Fall at Wilson College.

What is the largest mass tort settlement? ›

Manufacturing giant 3M has agreed to a $6 billion deal with plaintiffs counsel to settle the largest mass tort case ever, the company has announced. Under the agreement, 3M will contribute $6 billion between 2023 and 2029, which is structured to include $5 billion in cash and $1 billion in 3M common stock.

What type of lawsuits pay the most? ›

According to the U.S. Justice Department, product liability cases pay the most at a median payout of over $700,000. The defense teams in these cases tend to be effective, though, with less than 25% of all cases that go to verdict resulting in decisions for the plaintiff.

Should I cash a check from a class action lawsuit? ›

People have mixed feelings about class-action suits, and whether you cash class-action refund checks is up to you. Generally, if you get one, you probably paid a lot more in wrongful fees than you're getting back in the settlement. If you don't cash the check, the money may go back to the company.

What happens if I do nothing in a class action lawsuit? ›

You usually have the right to “opt out” of class actions or proposed settlements in California. The opt-out procedure will be explained in the legal notice sent by the court. By opting out, you retain the right to file an individual lawsuit. If you do nothing, you will be bound by any settlement or verdict.

What is the largest award lawsuit? ›

The Largest Settlements and Verdicts in U.S. History, and Why...
  • Tobacco Settlement — $206 Billion. ...
  • BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill — $20 Billion. ...
  • Volkswagen Emissions Scandal — $14.7 Billion. ...
  • General Motors Auto Defect Case — $4.9 Billion. ...
  • Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer Case — $4.69 Billion.
Dec 1, 2022

What is the largest jury award in history? ›

A Look at the Record-Breaking $150 Billion Verdict:

However, one award stands head and shoulders above the rest in terms of its sheer size. The largest jury award in history is a staggering $150 billion, handed down by a Texas jury in 2011 in a civil lawsuit involving a horrific assault on a young boy.

What is the biggest lawsuit in medical history? ›

GlaxoSmithKline holds the dubious distinction of being forced to pay the largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history. The criminal fine was $956,814,400 with a forfeiture of $43,185,600. $2 billion was paid to resolve civil liabilities under the False Claims Act.

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