Teresa Agnes (2024)

(Thomas: Are you sure you don't remember anything else?)
I remember water... feeling like I was drowning these faces staring at me and this voice, this woman's voice saying the same thing over and over.
(Thomas: WCKD is good.)
~ Teresa to Thomas.
I remember the first time they brought you in, I was taller than you then and faster.
~ Teresa telling Thomas about her memories about him.

Teresa Agnes, originally named Deedee, is the first and only female Glader and a creator of the Maze with Thomas. She is the deuteragonist and anti-hero of the Maze Runner series, and was named after Mother Teresa.

However, she became more of a villain in the climax of the second film when she joins WCKD. But in the third film, she rejoins Thomas and his friends and becomes the deuteragonist once again.

She is also the close friend and fellow Glader of Newt, Minho, Gally, and Frypan and the close friend and former enemy of Aris, Brenda, Jorge, Vince, Sonya, and Harriet.

Teresa is portrayed by Kaya Scodelario, who also portrays Effy Stonem in Skins, Zoey Walker in Now is Good, Carina Smyth in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell no Tales, Haley Keller in Crawl, and Claire Redfield in Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 The Kill Order
    • 1.2 The Maze Runner
    • 1.3 The Death Cure
  • 2 Physical Appearance and Personality
  • 3 Powers and Abilities
    • 3.1 Powers
    • 3.2 Abilities
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 See Also


The Kill Order[]

In The Kill Order, a year after the Sun Flares, Deedee was living in a village with a large group of people, including her parents and brother Ricky. When the Flare began to spread, everyone in her village shunned and abandoned her when they found out she was immune to the virus, believing her to be a demon of some sort. In the end, Teresa told Thomas that her original name was Deedee.

The Maze Runner[]

Sometime after Thomas has arrived in the Glade, Teresa arrives in the Glade. Newt jumps down into the Box, pulls out a note from Teresa's hand, and reads "She's the last one ever". Teresa suddenly wakes up, recognizes Thomas, says his name, and goes back to sleep.

Later, after waking up, Teresa flees to the top of the tower and throws rocks at the other Gladers. Thomas stops her and goes up to talk to her, while the other Gladers leave. When Thomas asks Teresa why they are different, Teresa takes out two vials of serum she had with her when she arrived in the Glade and gives them to Thomas. Thomas sees that the two vials of serum have the letters W.C.K.D. on them, leading Teresa to wonder if she, Thomas, and the other Gladers were sent to the Glade for a reason.

At night, in the medical hut, Alby starts attacking Thomas, but Newt, Jeff, and Clint manage to restrain him, allowing Teresa to inject him in the chest with the serum. Teresa, along with Newt, Jeff, and Clint, watch over Alby while Gally escorts Thomas to the Pit.

The next day, when Thomas and Minho return to the Glade, Thomas and Gally start arguing with each other, when Teresa calls out to them and the other Gladers and tells them that Alby is awake.

In the medical hut, along with Newt, Minho, Gally, and Frypan, Teresa watches Alby tell Thomas that he remembers that Thomas worked for WCKD.

At night, during the Grievers' attack on the Glade, Teresa, along with Thomas, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Alby, Chuck, Winston, Jeff, and Clint, hide in the Council Hall from the Grievers. Teresa watches Clint get killed by a Griever. Chuck is caught by a Griever, but Alby sacrifices himself to save him.

After the attack, Gally punches Thomas in the face in rage, blaming him for everything that has happened. When Thomas uses a Griever stinger to stab himself in the thigh to regain his memories, Teresa goes to tend to him along with Newt, Minho, Frypan, Chuck, Winston, and Jeff.

The next day, along with Newt, Minho, Frypan, Chuck, Winston, and Jeff, Teresa learns from Thomas that they both worked for WCKD and created the Maze.

Gally, having taken command, crosses out Alby's name on the wall, has Teresa tied to a pole, and attempts to have Thomas tied to another pole. Teresa kicks a Glader in the groin, allowing Frypan to cut her free, while Thomas fights off two Gladers and Newt knocks down a Glader. Teresa escapes along with her group of Gladers while Gally stays with his own group of Gladers in the Glade.

Teresa helps her group of Gladers fight off the Grievers, but Jeff dies trying to save Minho from a Griever. Teresa, along with her group of Gladers, go into the WCKD lab and watch a video left by Ava Paige, who shoots herself at the end of the video.

Teresa is about to leave along with her group of Gladers when Gally, having been stung by a Griever, appears with a gun and insists that they will never be free. Gally points the gun at Thomas, but Minho throws a spear at Gally, impaling him in the chest, while Gally shoots a bullet at Chuck, hitting him in the chest. Teresa watches Chuck die in Thomas' arms before being taken along with her group of Gladers to a helicopter by a group of masked soldiers.

The Death Cure[]

Teresa works as a scientist for WCKD. She watches Minho being put through programmed trials by WCKD so they can extract his blood.

At night, Teresa visits a little girl named Cheyenne in the medical wing and injects the serum containing Minho's blood into her arm and she recovers.

At night, Teresa visits Minho in a room and tells him that Cheyenne has been infected for three weeks and that Minho can save her and everyone else. But when Teresa is about to leave the room, Minho attacks her, screaming at her for being a traitor. The WCKD soldiers restrain him, but not before Minho grabs a metal hair clip from Teresa. Teresa discovers that the serum has failed on Cheyenne, as she has now become a Crank.

When Teresa leaves the WCKD tower, she sees Thomas on the other side of the street. She follows him into an alley and they talk. After they finish talking, Thomas signals for Gally to put a sack on Teresa. Thomas and Gally take Teresa to an abandoned church where Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge are. Teresa is shocked to see that Gally is alive, and Gally asks her where Minho is. Teresa replies that Minho is in Sub-Level 3 with the Immune children. Gally takes a scalpel and tries to use it to cut off Teresa's finger, but Thomas takes the scalpel from him. Thomas convinces Teresa to remove their trackers.

While removing Thomas' tracker, Teresa discovers that Brenda is looking good and healthy and asks Thomas when her last treatment was. Thomas replies that Brenda's last treatment was back in the mountain camp of the Right Arm. Teresa removes Thomas' tracker. Gally approaches Teresa and Thomas and asks them if everything is okay. Thomas replies that everything is okay. Teresa tries to pick up a scalpel from the table, but Gally stops her and takes her outside, but not before Teresa grabs a cloth with Thomas' blood on it from the table.

Teresa goes with Thomas, Newt, and Gally to the WCKD tower, while Frypan climbs up a crane, Brenda goes to a parking lot to steal a bus, and Jorge returns to the Right Arm's hideout.

While Gally enters the WCKD tower through the parking garage, Teresa, Thomas, and Newt enter the WCKD tower through the main entrance.

Teresa, Thomas, Newt, and Gally arrive in a stairwell. While Thomas talks to Frypan and Brenda on a walkie-talkie and Gally plugs a jamming device into an electrical box, Teresa watches Newt cough from being infected by the Flare.

Teresa, Thomas, Newt, and Gally arrive in Sub-Level 3 where Thomas, Newt, and Gally shoot the WCKD guards, Thomas discovers that Minho is not in the cell and asks Teresa where he is. Teresa shows Thomas Minho's profile and tells him that Minho has been moved up to the medical wing. Teresa, Thomas, and Newt go to find Minho, while Gally takes the vials of serum out of the vault and takes them and the Immune children to Brenda.

Teresa, Thomas, and Newt take the elevator to find Minho, Janson joins them in the elevator and talks to Teresa, but then realizes that Thomas and Newt are in the elevator, but Teresa, Thomas, and Newt manage to escape. When Thomas asks when the Flare will stop, Teresa replies that it stop when WCKD finds a cure. Thomas replies that there is no cure. Janson holds them at gunpoint, but Teresa manages to let Thomas and Newt go to find Minho while she goes to do a blood test on Thomas' blood.

Teresa examines Thomas' blood and finds that it not only keeps the Flare virus in check, but also destroys it. She reveals this to Ava Paige and suggests that they find Thomas.

While Thomas is dragging Newt to the berg, Teresa broadcasts her voice throughout the Last City, telling Thomas that his blood can cure Newt like it did Brenda and that he needs to return to WCKD.

After Thomas kills Newt, he returns to the WCKD tower where he talks to Ava Paige. Paige tells Thomas that he save them, but is shot in the back by Janson, who takes Thomas to a lab where Teresa is extracting his blood. Janson reveals to Thomas that he has been infected by the Flare and plans to inject the serum with Thomas' blood into his arm, causing Teresa to hit Janson in the head with a glass flask, knocking him unconscious. Teresa tries to release Thomas, but Janson regains consciousness and knocks Teresa down. Thomas frees himself and engages Janson in a fight, but Janson overpowers him and prepares to shoot him, when Lawrence's crew fires a missile at the WCKD tower, knocking Teresa, Thomas, and Janson down. Teresa carries Thomas to the medical wing, but not before Janson shoots Thomas in the stomach. Teresa offers to give Janson the serum containing Thomas' blood, but Janson refuses and wants Thomas himself. Thomas throws a very heavy object at a glass front, allowing the Cranks that are locked inside it to break out and attack Janson. Teresa carries Thomas to the roof, gives him the serum containing his blood, and kisses him. Minho, Gally, Frypan, Brenda, Jorge, Vince, and the Immune children arrive in a berg. Thomas is unable to get on the berg due to his wound, but Teresa throws him onto the berg, allowing Minho, Gally, Frypan, Brenda, and Vince to pull him aboard. Teresa falls to her death when the WCKD tower collapses.

See Also

Sometime later at the Safe Haven, Thomas goes to the memorial rock and engraves Teresa's name on it.

Physical Appearance and Personality[]

Teresa was described as very beautiful, and looks about fifteen years old, though actually seventeen. She was described in The Maze Runner as being "thin, but not too small," "roughly five and a half feet," with "burning blue eyes" and skin that was "pale, white as pearls." She had silky "tar black hair" with "long legs" and "perfect pink lips."

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Disease Immunity: Teresa Agnes was shown to be immune to the deadly Flare virus and its effects. In Death Cure, when Ava Paige announced that the virus was airborne in the city dozens of the people wore mouth masks to be unable to breathe it, except for Teresa due to her immune gene keeping her unaffected.


  • Deception Mastery: In the book, The Fever Code it was said that WCKD had never operated the swipe in Teresa's brain to have lost any of her memories before entering the Maze with Thomas and the other Gladers which meant she had still been associated with WICKED and their methods of finding a cure. When waking up in the Glade in the first film, she looked to not have known anything about her life as the others didn't but she just could've been lying and pretending not to know.
  • Trickery: In The Scorch Trials, she was against the idea of Thomas and the others from them leaving the WCKD facility for she agreed with their methods in finding a cure to the Flare, but knowing that Thomas would refuse going back she secretly contacted Janson to send more WICKED soldiers to her and the groups location to ambush the army resistance known as the Right Arm at their headquarters to capture the immune children for their tests. This caused a treachery with Thomas and the Gladers as they otherwise loss all their trust in her.
  • Dagger Proficiency: In the Maze Runner Film, Teresa seemed very skillful with using a dagger as a weapon for defense against the Grievers. When leaving the Glade to escape out of the Maze, she helped Thomas and the other Gladers to fight their way through the Grievers and before going over to save Chuck from falling off the edge, she cut off a piece of the Griever's mechanical tail with ease.
  • Medical Intuition/Medicine Creation: In the Death Cure, in the following months of working with WCKD she had became a skilled and resourceful scientist at using the knowledge of what makes immunes like herself different from being able to withstand the Flare virus and harvesting subjects blood to create a serum for treatments. When kidnapped by Thomas and the others to an abandoned church they had asked her to surgically remove the swipes out through their necks so WICKED couldn’t track them and she successfully performed doing it safely. Then after removing Thomas’s she asked how long it was since Brenda was treated with his blood, and he applied to her that when she left them in the Scorch she never needed another for the following months, so that’s when she snuck a bandage with his blood on it to bring it back for research and discovered that it was able to fully cure the effects of virus permanently.


You're human, you should be scared.
~ Teresa Agnes.
What if we were sent here for a reason?
~ Teresa.
I promise I can protect you! (Thomas: Yeah, like you protected Minho?!)
~ Thomas and Teresa talking
Get out of my head!
~ Teresa screaming at Thomas
We can only understand this better with our memories back.
~ Teresa allowing WICKED to undergo the process and get her memories back
I remember mine. She was a beautiful woman. Everybody loved her. And before WCKD, she was all I had. When she got sick, I didn't know what to do. I just kept her locked up. Hidden. I thought she'd get better. Every night, she'd make these awful sounds, like screaming. And then, one night, she just stopped. She was finally quiet. I went down to her room. And there was blood everywhere. But she was just sat there, calm. She said she was feeling better. The visions were gone. She'd taken care of them. She took her eyes out, Thomas. There are millions of people suffering out there. Millions of stories, just like mine. We can't turn our backs on them. I won't.
~ Teresa in The Scorch Trials.
The world is dying. If we find a cure, that's the only way all of this was worth it.
~ Teresa in The Death Cure.


Teresa Agnes (1)

Teresa's The Maze Runner poster.

Teresa Agnes (2)

Teresa's The Scorch Trials poster.

Teresa Agnes (3)

Teresa's The Death Cure poster.

Teresa Agnes (4)

Teresa Agnes (5)

Teresa Agnes (6)

Teresa Agnes (7)

Teresa Agnes (8)

Teresa's death.


  • Her fake first name comes after "Mother Teresa".
  • In the film adaptations, Teresa is portrayed by Kaya Scodelario.

See Also[]

As a passionate enthusiast with a deep understanding of the Maze Runner series, I can confidently affirm that Teresa Agnes plays a pivotal role in the intricate storyline penned by James Dashner. The provided passage delves into her character's evolution, relationships, and contributions to the overarching plot. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

1. Teresa Agnes: The Character

1.1 Biography

  • The Kill Order: Teresa, originally named Deedee, faces rejection from her village after being discovered as immune to the deadly Flare virus.
  • The Maze Runner: She arrives in the Glade after Thomas and is revealed to have a connection with WCKD. She plays a crucial role in the events following Thomas's arrival.
  • The Death Cure: Teresa becomes a scientist for WCKD, contributing to the experimentation on immune individuals, including Minho.

1.2 Physical Appearance and Personality

  • Teresa is described as beautiful, about fifteen years old, with burning blue eyes, long legs, and silky black hair. Her personality evolves over the series, initially portrayed as a friend to Thomas, later taking a more complex and villainous turn.

2. Powers and Abilities

2.1 Powers

  • Teresa demonstrates immunity to the deadly Flare virus, a key element that shapes the narrative and her role within WCKD.

2.2 Abilities

  • Deception Mastery: Teresa's association with WCKD and her ability to manipulate situations demonstrate her skill in deception.
  • Trickery: She orchestrates the capture of immune children by secretly collaborating with WCKD.
  • Dagger Proficiency: Teresa shows proficiency with a dagger during the escape from the Maze, defending against Grievers.
  • Medical Intuition/Medicine Creation: In The Death Cure, Teresa becomes a skilled scientist, extracting blood to create a serum for treatments.


  • The provided quotes offer insight into Teresa's character, reflecting her fears, motivations, and conflicts.

4. Trivia

  • Teresa's fake first name, "Deedee," is revealed to be inspired by "Mother Teresa."
  • Kaya Scodelario portrays Teresa in the film adaptations.

5. See Also

  • References to external sources such as the Villains Wiki and the Maze Runner Wiki provide additional resources for enthusiasts seeking more information.

In conclusion, Teresa Agnes emerges as a multidimensional character with a rich backstory, evolving relationships, and a pivotal role in the unfolding narrative of the Maze Runner series. The synthesis of her powers, abilities, and quotes contributes to a nuanced and compelling character arc within the broader dystopian tale.

Teresa Agnes (2024)


Why did Teresa betray them in Maze Runner? ›

In the book, she betrays Thomas, because WCKD threatens her that they will kill him. So she does it to save him. In the Death Cure, Teresa tells Thomas that she only ever cared for him.

Why did Aris and Teresa kiss? ›

He made his way to where a freed Thomas and Teresa were waiting. As part of the betrayal plan, Aris snuck up on Thomas with a drawn knife, telling him to go to a location in the mountains with Teresa. They went into a cavern, and Aris and Teresa started kissing, which was all part of the betrayal.

Does Teresa turn bad in Maze Runner? ›

In the events preceding her tragic demise, Teresa goes through a lot - from surviving the maze to even being forced to betray her own friends (like the franchise's lead character and her love interest, Thomas).

What happened to Teresa in the Scorch trials? ›

Teresa falls to her death when the WCKD Tower collapses.

Do Thomas and Teresa kiss? ›

Thomas knows it's Teresa, though she still won't communicate with him. He insists on following her alone into the building. She screams when he tries to touch her. Thomas realizes she's not in control of her body until she suddenly steps forward and kisses him.

How old is Teresa in The Death Cure? ›

In TKO, Teresa is 4 years old and the events of TMR happen 13 years later, meaning that Teresa is 17. We know that Thomas is 16, and in TFC Teresa is described as looking a few years older than him. Later in TFC it says that they were both 9 at the time.

Is Aris a bad guy in Maze Runner? ›

Aris plays the role of Teresa's best friend when the whole acting betrayal thing is going on, so for a while, it seems like Aris is kind of a bad dude. But after he stops playing the bad-guy role, and after Thomas dreams of him, we might just be inclined to think Aris is a good guy. Maybe even one of the key good guys.

Does Brenda have a crush on Thomas? ›

Brenda has a crush on Thomas and flirts with him consistently. However their relationship is soured after drugs cause her to act on her feelings and him to insult her. Rat Man: The first WICKED researcher to identify himself to the Gladers. He informs them that they are infected with the Flare and how to get its cure.

Who is Brenda's love interest Maze Runner? ›

Thomas (best friend and love interest)

Is Newt alive in Maze Runner 4? ›

Newt really did die in the Maze Runner Series. He died in the third book, The Death cure. There are five books in the series. The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trial, and The Death Cure being the main three.

Why did Brenda kiss Thomas? ›

They stumbled on a Crank party and were captured by three Cranks who forcedly drugged them. Brenda, along with Thomas, started reacting to the drink, and Brenda tried to kiss Thomas. He resisted, saying she was not Teresa and that she could never be her, before they both passed out from exhaustion.

Will there be Maze Runner 4? ›

Summary. Disney confirms Maze Runner 4 is in development, expanding the successful YA franchise with potential new storylines. Possible storylines for Maze Runner 4 include prequels or sequels, offering different directions and connections to the original trilogy.

Who is the traitor in Maze Runner? ›

Tali Teresa or Dee-Dee, whatever you want to call her. In every book she betrayed them. First of all she had her memories while in the maze.

How did Gally survive in death cure? ›

They discovered that Gally was immune to the Flare virus and decided to bring him to the Last City to help nurse him back to full health from the Griever sting and being stabbed by Minho. The ultimate reveal that Gally did not die in The Maze Runner was briefly set up in the original movie.

Why did Teresa betray the Gladers? ›

In book 2, she couldn't stand the thought of Thomas feeling betrayed without warning, so she tries really hard to warn him. And then basically kills their friendship to save his life. Then she kills herself on instinct to save his life again.

Why are the Gladers so suspicious about Teresa? ›

Because she arrives at the Glade in a comatose state, Teresa is first known only for her beauty, as the Gladers take note of her fair skin, dark hair, and blue eyes. However, as the only female Glader, Teresa symbolizes change in the Glade, and the residents distrust her immediately.

What is Teresa's backstory in The Maze Runner? ›

Teresa Agnes, originally named Deedee, is the first and only female Glader and a creator of the Maze with Thomas. She is the deuteragonist and anti-hero of the Maze Runner series, and was named after Mother Teresa. However, she became more of a villain in the climax of the second film when she joins WCKD.

What did Teresa trigger in The Maze Runner? ›

Teresa wakes from her coma, and tells Thomas telepathically that she triggered the Ending. The food is running low, the sky is permanently gray, the box is not coming up, and that same night the maze doors stay open.

Why was Thomas and Teresa put in the maze? ›

Then, the Creators put them in the Maze, a test without a solution, to see who would survive and continue trying to solve it against all odds. Thomas understands the code and knows the way out because he was one of the inventors of the Maze.

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