SSH Tutorial (Linux) (2024)

SSH is a secure protocol used as the primary means of connecting to Linux servers remotely. It provides a text-based interface by spawning a remote shell. After connecting, all commands you type in your local terminal are sent to the remote server and executed there.

In this cheat sheet-style guide, we will cover some common ways of connecting with SSH to achieve your objectives. This can be used as a quick reference when you need to know how to do connect to.

How To Use This Guide

  • Read the SSH Overview section first if you are unfamiliar with SSH in general or are just getting started.
  • Use whichever subsequent sections are applicable to what you are trying to achieve. Most sections are not predicated on any other, so you can use the examples below independently.
  • Copy and paste the command-line examples given, substituting the values in red with your own values.

SSH Overview

The most common way of connecting to a remote Linux server is through SSH. SSH stands for Secure Shell and provides a safe and secure way of executing commands, making changes, and configuring services remotely. When you connect through SSH, you log in using an account that exists on the remote server.

How SSH Works

When you connect through SSH, you will be dropped into a shell session, which is a text-based interface where you can interact with your server. For the duration of your SSH session, any commands that you type into your local terminal are sent through an encrypted SSH tunnel and executed on your server.

The SSH connection is implemented using a client-server model. This means that for an SSH connection to be established, the remote machine must be running a piece of software called an SSH daemon. This software listens for connections on a specific network port, authenticates connection requests, and spawns the appropriate environment if the user provides the correct credentials.

The user's computer must have an SSH client. This is a piece of software that knows how to communicate using the SSH protocol and can be given information about the remote host to connect to, the username to use, and the credentials that should be passed to authenticate. The client can also specify certain details about the connection type they would like to establish.

How SSH Authenticates Users

Clients generally authenticate either using passwords (less secure and not recommended) or SSH keys, which are very secure.

Password logins are encrypted and are easy to understand for new users. However, automated bots and malicious users will often repeatedly try to authenticate to accounts that allow password-based logins, which can lead to security compromises. For this reason, we recommend always setting up SSH key-based authentication for most configurations.

SSH keys are a matching set of cryptographic keys which can be used for authentication. Each set contains a public and a private key. The public key can be shared freely without concern, while the private key must be vigilantly guarded and never exposed to anyone.

To authenticate using SSH keys, a user must have an SSH key pair on their local computer. On the remote server, the public key must be copied to a file within the user's home directory at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. This file contains a list of public keys, one-per-line, that are authorized to log into this account.

When a client connects to the host, wishing to use SSH key authentication, it will inform the server of this intent and will tell the server which public key to use. The server then check its authorized_keys file for the public key, generate a random string and encrypts it using the public key. This encrypted message can only be decrypted with the associated private key. The server will send this encrypted message to the client to test whether they actually have the associated private key.

Upon receipt of this message, the client will decrypt it using the private key and combine the random string that is revealed with a previously negotiated session ID. It then generates an MD5 hash of this value and transmits it back to the server. The server already had the original message and the session ID, so it can compare an MD5 hash generated by those values and determine that the client must have the private key.

Now that you know how SSH works, we can begin to discuss some examples to demonstrate different ways of working with SSH

Generating and Working with SSH Keys

This section will cover how to generate SSH keys on a client machine and distribute the public key to servers where they should be used. This is a good section to start with if you have not previously generated keys due to the increased security that it allows for future connections.

Generating an SSH Key Pair

Generating a new SSH public and private key pair on your local computer (not at ARI) is the first step towards authenticating with the ARI gateway using SSH keys.

A number of cryptographic algorithms can be used to generate SSH keys, including RSA, ECDSA, and ED25519. RSA keys are generally preferred and are the default key type.

To generate an RSA key pair on your local computer, type:

Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa): 

This prompt allows you to choose the location to store your RSA private key. Press ENTER to leave this as the default, which will store them in the .ssh hidden directory in your user's home directory. Leaving the default location selected will allow your SSH client to find the keys automatically.

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: 

The next prompt allows you to enter a passphrase of an arbitrary length to secure your private key. Encrypting your secrect key with a passpharase is strictly recommended. By default, you will have to enter any passphrase you set here every time you use the private key, as an additional security measure. But you can use an ssh agent to avoid this inconvenience. While entering a passphrase, nothing will be displayed as you type. This is a security precaution.

Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.

Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/

The key fingerprint is: 8c:e9:7c:fa:bf:c4:e5:9c:c9:b8:60:1f:fe:1c:d3:8a root@here

The key's randomart image ...

This procedure has generated an RSA SSH key pair, located in the .ssh hidden directory within your user's home directory. These files are:

  • ~/.ssh/id_rsa: The private key. DO NOT SHARE THIS FILE!
  • ~/.ssh/ The associated public key. This can be shared freely without consequence.

Removing or Changing the Passphrase on a Private Key

If you have generated a passphrase for your private key and wish to change or remove it, you can do so easily.

Note: To change or remove the passphrase, you must know the original passphrase. If you have lost the passphrase to the key, there is no recourse and you will have to generate a new key pair.

To change or remove the passphrase, simply type:

ssh-keygen -p 
Enter file in which the key is (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): 

You can type the location of the key you wish to modify or press ENTER to accept the default value:

Enter old passphrase: 

Enter the old passphrase that you wish to change. You will then be prompted for a new passphrase:

Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: 

Here, enter your new passphrase or press ENTER to remove the passphrase.

Displaying the SSH Key Fingerprint

Each SSH key pair share a single cryptographic "fingerprint" which can be used to uniquely identify the keys. This can be useful in a variety of situations.

To find out the fingerprint of an SSH key, type:

ssh-keygen -l 
Enter file in which the key is (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): 

You can press ENTER if that is the correct location of the key, else enter the revised location. You will be given a string which contains the bit-length of the key, the fingerprint, and account and host it was created for, and the algorithm used:

4096 8e:c4:82:47:87:c2:26:4b:68:ff:96:1a:39:62:9e:4e demo@test (RSA) 

Copying your Public SSH Key to the remote machine at ARI

You do not have password-based SSH access available, so you will have to transport and add your public key to the ARI server manually.

Send the ssh public key from your local machine by email to your own mail account containing your public key as an attachment.

Next time when you are at ARI, fetch your public public key from your mail attachment and create the ~/.ssh directory in your home folder if it does not already exist:

mkdir -p ~/.ssh 

Afterwards, you can create or append the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file by typing:

cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 

You should now be able to log into the gateway machine with your ssh-key from every machine where you have installed your ssh secret key.

The IT-admins can install your public key for you at ARI if you cannot go there.

Basic Connection Instructions

The following section will cover some of the basics about how to connect to a server with SSH.

Connecting to a Remote Server

To connect to a remote server and open a shell session there, you can use the ssh command.

The simplest form assumes that your username on your local machine is the same as that on the remote server. If this is true, you can connect using:

ssh remote_host 

If your username is different on the remoter server, you need to pass the remote user's name like this:

ssh username@remote_host 

Your first time connecting to a new host, you will see a message that looks like this:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is fd:fd:d4:f9:77:fe:73:84:e1:55:00:ad:d6:6d:22:fe. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes 

Type "yes" to accept the authenticity of the remote host.

You will be prompted for your private key's passphrase.

GrahicalConnecting to a Remote Server

If your local host is running an X-Server (a Linux GUI) you can connect using the -X option

 ssh -X username@remote_host

You are now able to start graphical applications from the command line opening new windows on your screen.

Running a Single Command on a Remote Server

To run a single command on a remote server instead of spawning a shell session, you can add the command after the connection information, like this:

ssh username@remote_host command_to_run 

This will connect to the remote host, authenticate with your credentials, and execute the command you specified. The connection will immediately close afterwards.

Adding your SSH Keys to an SSH Agent to Avoid Typing the Passphrase

If you have an passphrase on your private SSH key, you will be prompted to enter the passphrase every time you use it to connect to a remote host.

To avoid having to repeatedly do this, you can run an SSH agent. This small utility stores your private key after you have entered the passphrase for the first time. It will be available for the duration of your terminal session, allowing you to connect in the future without re-entering the passphrase.

This is also important if you need to forward your SSH credentials (shown below).

To start the SSH Agent, type the following into your local terminal session:

eval $(ssh-agent) 
Agent pid 10891 

This will start the agent program and place it into the background. Now, you need to add your private key to the agent, so that it can manage your key:

Enter passphrase for /home/demo/.ssh/id_rsa: Identity added: /home/demo/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/demo/.ssh/id_rsa) 

You will have to enter your passphrase (if one is set). Afterwards, your identity file is added to the agent, allowing you to use your key to sign in without having re-enter the passphrase again.

Forwarding your SSH Credentials to Use on a Server

If you wish to be able to connect without a password to one server from within another server, you will need to forward your SSH key information. This will allow you to authenticate to another server through the server you are connected to, using the credentials on your local computer.

To start, you must have your SSH agent started and your SSH key added to the agent (see above). After this is done, you need to connect to your first server using the -A option. This forwards your credentials to the server for this session:

ssh -A username@remote_host 

From here, you can SSH into any other host that your SSH key is authorized to access. You will connect as if your private SSH key were located on this server.

Client-Side Configuration Options (Advanced)

In the next section, we'll focus on some adjustments that you can make on the client side of the connection.

Defining Server-Specific Connection Information

On your local computer, you can define individual configurations for some or all of the servers you connect to. These can be stored in the ~/.ssh/config file, which is read by your SSH client each time it is called.

Create or open this file in your text editor on your local computer:

nano ~/.ssh/config 

Inside, you can define individual configuration options by introducing each with a Host keyword, followed by an alias. Beneath this and indented, you can define any of the directives found in the ssh_config man page:

man ssh_config 

An example configuration would be:

Host testhost HostName Port 4444 User demo 

You could then connect to on port 4444 using the username "demo" by simply typing:

ssh testhost 

You can also use wildcards to match more than one host. Keep in mind that later matches can override earlier ones. Because of this, you should put your most general matches at the top. For instance, you could default all connections to not allow X forwarding, with an override for by having this in your file:

Host * ForwardX11 no Host testhost HostName ForwardX11 yes Port 4444 User demo 

Save and close the file when you are finished.

Keeping Connections Alive to Avoid Timeout

If you find yourself being disconnected from SSH sessions before you are ready, it is possible that your connection is timing out.

You can configure your client to send a packet to the server every so often in order to avoid this situation:

On your local computer, you can configure this for every connection by editing your ~/.ssh/config file. Open it now:

nano ~/.ssh/config 

If one does not already exist, at the top of the file, define a section that will match all hosts. Set the ServerAliveInterval to "120" to send a packet to the server every two minutes. This should be enough to notify the server not to close the connection:

Host * ServerAliveInterval 120 

Save and close the file when you are finished.

Disabling Host Checking

By default, whenever you connect to a new server, you will be shown the remote SSH daemon's host key fingerprint.

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is fd:fd:d4:f9:77:fe:73:84:e1:55:00:ad:d6:6d:22:fe. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes 

This is configured so that you can verify the authenticity of the host you are attempting to connect to and spot instances where a malicious user may be trying to masquerade as the remote host.

In certain circ*mstances, you may wish to disable this feature. Note: This can be a big security risk, so make sure you know what you are doing if you set your system up like this.

To make the change, the open the ~/.ssh/config file on your local computer:

nano ~/.ssh/config 

If one does not already exist, at the top of the file, define a section that will match all hosts. Set the StrictHostKeyChecking directive to "no" to add new hosts automatically to the known_hosts file. Set the UserKnownHostsFile to /dev/null to not warn on new or changed hosts:

Host * StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null 

You can enable the checking on a case-by-case basis by reversing those options for other hosts. The default for StrictHostKeyChecking is "ask":

Host * StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null Host testhost HostName StrictHostKeyChecking ask UserKnownHostsFile /home/demo/.ssh/known_hosts 

Multiplexing SSH Over a Single TCP Connection

There are situations where establishing a new TCP connection can take longer than you would like. If you are making multiple connections to the same machine, you can take advantage of multiplexing.

SSH multiplexing re-uses the same TCP connection for multiple SSH sessions. This removes some of the work necessary to establish a new session, possibly speeding things up. Limiting the number of connections may also be helpful for other reasons.

To set up multiplexing, you can manually set up the connections, or you can configure your client to automatically use multiplexing when available. We will demonstrate the second option here.

To configure multiplexing, edit your SSH client's configuration file on your local machine:

nano ~/.ssh/config 

If you do not already have a wildcard host definition at the top of the file, add one now (as Host *). We will be setting the ControlMaster, ControlPath, and ControlPersist values to establish our multiplexing configuration.

The ControlMaster should be set to "auto" in able to automatically allow multiplexing if possible. The ControlPath will establish the path to control socket. The first session will create this socket and subsequent sessions will be able to find it because it is labeled by username, host, and port.

Setting the ControlPersist option to "1" will allow the initial master connection to be backgrounded. The "1" specifies that the TCP connection should automatically terminate one second after the last SSH session is closed:

Host * ControlMaster auto ControlPath ~/.ssh/multiplex/%r@%h:%p ControlPersist 1 

Save and close the file when you are finished. Now, we need to actually create the directory we specified in the control path:

mkdir ~/.ssh/multiplex 

Now, any sessions that are established with the same machine will attempt to use the existing socket and TCP connection. When the last session exists, the connection will be torn down after one second.

If for some reason you need to bypass the multiplexing configuration temporarily, you can do so by passing the -S flag with "none":

ssh -S none username@remote_host 

Setting Up SSH Tunnels (Advanced)

Tunneling other traffic through a secure SSH tunnel is an excellent way to work around restrictive firewall settings. It is also a great way to encrypt otherwise unencrypted network traffic.

Configuring Local Tunneling to a Server

SSH connections can be used to tunnel traffic from ports on the local host to ports on a remote host.

A local connection is a way of accessing a network location from your local computer through your remote host. First, an SSH connection is established to your remote host. On the remote server, a connection is made to an external (or internal) network address provided by the user and traffic to this location is tunneled to your local computer on a specified port.

This is often used to tunnel to a less restricted networking environment by bypassing a firewall. Another common use is to access a "localhost-only" web interface from a remote location.

To establish a local tunnel to your remote server, you need to use the -L parameter when connecting and you must supply three pieces of additional information:

  • The local port where you wish to access the tunneled connection.
  • The host that you want your remote host to connect to.
  • The port that you want your remote host to connect on.

These are given, in the order above (separated by colons), as arguments to the -L flag. We will also use the -f flag, which causes SSH to go into the background before executing and the -N flag, which does not open a shell or execute a program on the remote side.

For instance, to connect to on port 80 on your remote host, making the connection available on your local machine on port 8888, you could type:

ssh -f -N -L username@remote_host 

Now, if you point your local web browser to, you should see whatever content is at on port 80.

A more general guide to the syntax is:

ssh -L your_port:site_or_IP_to_access:site_port username@host 

Since the connection is in the background, you will have to find its PID to kill it. You can do so by searching for the port you forwarded:

ps aux | grep 8888 
1001 5965 0.0 0.0 48168 1136 ? Ss 12:28 0:00 ssh -f -N -L username@remote_host 1001 6113 0.0 0.0 13648 952 pts/2 S+ 12:37 0:00 grep --colour=auto 8888 

You can then kill the process by targeting the PID, which is the number in the second column of the line that matches your SSH command:

kill 5965 

Another option is to start the connection without the -f flag. This will keep the connection in the foreground, preventing you from using the terminal window for the duration of the forwarding. The benefit of this is that you can easily kill the tunnel by typing "CTRL-C".

Configuring Remote Tunneling to a Server

SSH connections can be used to tunnel traffic from ports on the local host to ports on a remote host.

In a remote tunnel, a connection is made to a remote host. During the creation of the tunnel, a remote port is specified. This port, on the remote host, will then be tunneled to a host and port combination that is connected to from the local computer. This will allow the remote computer to access a host through your local computer.

This can be useful if you need to allow access to an internal network that is locked down to external connections. If the firewall allows connections out of the network, this will allow you to connect out to a remote machine and tunnel traffic from that machine to a location on the internal network.

To establish a remote tunnel to your remote server, you need to use the -R parameter when connecting and you must supply three pieces of additional information:

  • The port where the remote host can access the tunneled connection.
  • The host that you want your local computer to connect to.
  • The port that you want your local computer to connect to.

These are given, in the order above (separated by colons), as arguments to the -R flag. We will also use the -f flag, which causes SSH to go into the background before executing and the -N flag, which does not open a shell or execute a program on the remote side.

For instance, to connect to on port 80 on our local computer, making the connection available on our remote host on port 8888, you could type:

ssh -f -N -R username@remote_host 

Now, on the remote host, opening a web browser to would allow you to see whatever content is at on port 80.

A more general guide to the syntax is:

ssh -R remote_port:site_or_IP_to_access:site_port username@host 

Since the connection is in the background, you will have to find its PID to kill it. You can do so by searching for the port you forwarded:

ps aux | grep 8888 
1001 5965 0.0 0.0 48168 1136 ? Ss 12:28 0:00 ssh -f -N -R username@remote_host 1001 6113 0.0 0.0 13648 952 pts/2 S+ 12:37 0:00 grep --colour=auto 8888 

You can then kill the process by targeting the PID, which is the number in the second column, of the line that matches your SSH command:

kill 5965 

Another option is to start the connection without the -f flag. This will keep the connection in the foreground, preventing you from using the terminal window for the duration of the forwarding. The benefit of this is that you can easily kill the tunnel by typing "CTRL-C".

Configuring Dynamic Tunneling to a Remote Server

SSH connections can be used to tunnel traffic from ports on the local host to ports on a remote host.

A dynamic tunnel is similar to a local tunnel in that it allows the local computer to connect to other resources through a remote host. A dynamic tunnel does this by simply specifying a single local port. Applications that wish to take advantage of this port for tunneling must be able to communicate using the SOCKS protocol so that the packets can be correctly redirected at the other side of the tunnel.

Traffic that is passed to this local port will be sent to the remote host. From there, the SOCKS protocol will be interpreted to establish a connection to the desired end location. This set up allows a SOCKS-capable application to connect to any number of locations through the remote server, without multiple static tunnels.

To establish the connection, we will pass the -D flag along with the local port where we wish to access the tunnel. We will also use the -f flag, which causes SSH to go into the background before executing and the -N flag, which does not open a shell or execute a program on the remote side.

For instance, to establish a tunnel on port "7777", you can type:

ssh -f -N -D 7777 username@remote_host 

From here, you can start pointing your SOCKS-aware application (like a web browser), to the port you selected. The application will send its information into a socket associated with the port.

The method of directing traffic to the SOCKS port will differ depending on application. For instance, in Firefox, the general location is Preferences > Advanced > Settings > Manual proxy configurations. In Chrome, you can start the application with the --proxy-server= flag set. You will want to use the localhost interface and the port you forwarded.

Since the connection is in the background, you will have to find its PID to kill it. You can do so by searching for the port you forwarded:

ps aux | grep 8888 
1001 5965 0.0 0.0 48168 1136 ? Ss 12:28 0:00 ssh -f -N -D 7777 username@remote_host 1001 6113 0.0 0.0 13648 952 pts/2 S+ 12:37 0:00 grep --colour=auto 8888 

You can then kill the process by targeting the PID, which is the number in the second column, of the line that matches your SSH command:

kill 5965 

Another option is to start the connection without the -f flag. This will keep the connection in the foreground, preventing you from using the terminal window for the duration of the forwarding. The benefit of this is that you can easily kill the tunnel by typing "CTRL-C".

Using SSH Escape Codes to Control Connections (Advanced)

Even after establishing an SSH session, it is possible to exercise control over the connection from within the terminal. We can do this with something called SSH escape codes, which allow us to interact with our local SSH software from within a session.

Forcing a Disconnect from the Client-Side (How to Exit Out of a Stuck or Frozen Session)

One of the most useful feature of OpenSSH that goes largely unnoticed is the ability to control certain aspects of the session from within.

These commands can be executed starting with the ~ control character within an SSH session. Control commands will only be interpreted if they are the first thing that is typed after a newline, so always press ENTER one or two times prior to using one.

One of the most useful controls is the ability to initiate a disconnect from the client. SSH connections are typically closed by the server, but this can be a problem if the server is suffering from issues or if the connection has been broken. By using a client-side disconnect, the connection can be cleanly closed from the client.

To close a connection from the client, use the control character (~), with a dot. If your connection is having problems, you will likely be in what appears to be a stuck terminal session. Type the commands despite the lack of feedback to perform a client-side disconnect:

[ENTER] ~. 

The connection should immediately close, returning you to your local shell session.

Placing an SSH Session into the Background

One of the most useful feature of OpenSSH that goes largely unnoticed is the ability to control certain aspects of the session from within the connection.

These commands can be executed starting with the ~ control character from within an SSH connection. Control commands will only be interpreted if they are the first thing that is typed after a newline, so always press ENTER one or two times prior to using one.

One capability that this provides is to put an SSH session into the background. To do this, we need to supply the control character (~) and then execute the conventional keyboard shortcut to background a task (CTRL-z):

[ENTER] ~[CTRL-z] 

This will place the connection into the background, returning you to your local shell session. To return to your SSH session, you can use the conventional job control mechanisms.

You can immediately re-activate your most recent backgrounded task by typing:


If you have multiple backgrounded tasks, you can see the available jobs by typing:

[1]+ Stopped ssh username@some_host [2] Stopped ssh username@another_host 

You can then bring any of the tasks to the foreground by using the index in the first column with a percentage sign:

fg %2 

Changing Port Forwarding Options on an Existing SSH Connection

One of the most useful feature of OpenSSH that goes largely unnoticed is the ability to control certain aspects of the session from within the connection.

These commands can be executed starting with the ~ control character from within an SSH connection. Control commands will only be interpreted if they are the first thing that is typed after a newline, so always press ENTER one or two times prior to using one.

One thing that this allows is for a user to alter the port forwarding configuration after the connection has already been established. This allows you to create or tear down port forwarding rules on-the-fly.

These capabilities are part of the SSH command line interface, which can be accessed during a session by using the control character (~) and "C":


You will be given an SSH command prompt, which has a very limited set of valid commands. To see the available options, you can type -h from this prompt. If nothing is returned, you may have to increase the verbosity of your SSH output by using ~v a few times:

[ENTER] ~v ~v ~v ~C -h 
Commands: -L[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request local forward -R[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request remote forward -D[bind_address:]port Request dynamic forward -KL[bind_address:]port Cancel local forward -KR[bind_address:]port Cancel remote forward -KD[bind_address:]port Cancel dynamic forward 

As you can see, you can easily implement any of the forwarding options using the appropriate options (see the forwarding section for more information). You can also destroy a tunnel with the associated "kill" command specified with a "K" before the forwarding type letter. For instance, to kill a local forward (-L), you could use the -KL command. You will only need to provide the port for this.

So, to set up a local port forward, you may type:

[ENTER] ~C -L 8888: 

Port 8888 on your local computer will now be able to communicate with the web server on the host you are connecting to. When you are finished, you can tear down that forward by typing:

[ENTER] ~C -KL 8888 


The above instructions should cover the majority of the information most users will need about SSH on a day-to-day basis.


DigitalOcean™ Inc.

SSH Tutorial (Linux) (2024)


How to SSH in Linux for beginners? ›

For Linux
  1. Connect via SSH Command. Open a terminal and enter the following command: ssh @ . For example, if the IP address is 192.168. ...
  2. Enter Yes to Continue. When prompted with a warning message that says "The authenticity of host 'xxx' can't be established", enter "yes" to continue with the connection.
Feb 21, 2023

How to do SSH to a server? ›

In the PuTTY configuration window, do the following:
  1. Go to Connection -> SSH -> Tunnels.
  2. Type in the source port number in the Source port field.
  3. Type the VNC server address and port in the Destination field.
  4. Start the SSH session as you normally would.
  5. Connect to your server with a VNC client of your choice.
Nov 23, 2023

How to connect from one server to another server in Linux? ›

Connect to a Linux server by using a key pair
  1. Bind a key pair to the Linux server. For more information, see Create or import a key pair. ...
  2. Download and install PuTTYgen and PuTTY.
  3. Convert the . ...
  4. Configure the Linux server to which you want to connect. ...
  5. Configure the private key file used for authentication. ...
  6. Click Open.
Aug 12, 2024

How does SSH work step by step? ›

How Does SSH Work?
  1. Connection Setup. SSH uses a port for communication. ...
  2. Version Negotiation. SSH has two versions: SSH1. ...
  3. Algorithm Negotiation. ...
  4. Key Exchange. ...
  5. User Authentication. ...
  6. Session Request. ...
  7. Session Interaction.

How do I SSH into my own computer Linux? ›

  1. Open a terminal (e.g. xterm).
  2. In the terminal, type the following command: ssh root@<IP ADDRESS OF THE SERVER> When you log in for the first time, the following prompt appears: Are you sure you want to continue connecting?
  3. Optional: Enter the command yes.
  4. Enter your password.

How do I communicate between two Linux servers? ›

1.1. SSH and OpenSSH Copy link
  1. ssh is a remote login program (SSH client).
  2. sshd is an OpenSSH SSH daemon.
  3. scp is a secure remote file copy program.
  4. sftp is a secure file transfer program.
  5. ssh-agent is an authentication agent for caching private keys.
  6. ssh-add adds private key identities to ssh-agent .

How do I connect to another computer on my network Linux? ›

TL;DR Use SSH. Install openssh-server , set the computers IP addresses to static (something outside the DHCP pool of your router/modem), then from you computer, open a terminal and type ssh USER@IP.ADD.RESS.HERE accept the warning, type your password. You now have a terminal of the remote computer at your computer.

How to check connectivity between two servers in Linux? ›

  1. Overview. In Linux, we can test an internet connection by checking whether a particular website loads up in a browser. ...
  2. Using the ping Command. ...
  3. Using a Combination of cat and echo. ...
  4. Using the nslookup Command. ...
  5. Using the curl Command. ...
  6. The telnet Command. ...
  7. The nmap Command. ...
  8. The nc Command.
Aug 7, 2024

Why is SSH so good? ›

SSH is "secure" because it incorporates encryption and authentication via a process called public key cryptography. Public key cryptography is a way to encrypt data, or sign data, with two different keys. One of the keys, the public key, is available for anyone to use.

Why use PuTTY for SSH? ›

PuTTY remains a viable alternative to OpenSSH today because its GUI might be easier for admins to customize. Managing multiple SSH profiles is also simpler in PuTTY, as are other customizations, such as selecting encryption keys.

What is the L flag in SSH? ›

The -L option maps a port on the local host to a port on the server. ssh -L 9090:localhost:9090 oracle@<ip_address> You can use optional arguments in the command syntax, such as the following: -N prevents the execution of remote commands.

How do I start SSH on Linux? ›

Linux start sshd command
  1. Open the terminal application.
  2. You must log in as root.
  3. Use the following commands to start the sshd service: /etc/init.d/sshd start. OR (for modern Linux distro with systemd) ...
  4. In some cases, the actual script name is different. For example, it is ssh.service on a Debian/Ubuntu Linux.
Mar 31, 2024

How do I run SSH commands in Linux? ›

25 Common SSH Commands in Linux With Examples
  1. Specify a Username for SSH Connection.
  2. Use Custom Port Number for SSH Connection.
  3. Disconnect from Remote Server.
  4. Generate SSH Keys Using SSH Keygen.
  5. Copy Public SSH Key.
  6. Copy File From Local to Remote Machine with SCP.
  7. Copy File From Remote to Local Machine with SCP.
Sep 5, 2024

How to SSH to a user in Linux? ›

4. Establishing an SSH Connection
  1. On the SSH host (the server), make sure the SSH service is running. ...
  2. On the remote machine (the client), open the terminal and enter the following command to establish an SSH connection: $ ssh username@host.
Mar 18, 2024

How to allow SSH in Linux? ›

To enable it, you need to follow these steps:
  1. Step 1: Install the OpenSSH Server.
  2. Step 2: Start the SSH Service.
  3. Step 3: Enable SSH to Start on Boot.
  4. Step 4: Verify SSH is Running.
  5. Step 5: Configure SSH (Optional)
  6. Step 1: Find Your Kali Linux System's IP Address.
  7. Step 2: Connect to Your Kali Linux System.
Feb 29, 2024

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.