Self-made millionaires who retired in their 30s didn't factor a pandemic into their financial planning. Here's what they're doing with their money now. (2024)

Executive Lifestyle

Written by Hillary Hoffower and Natasha Solo-Lyons



Self-made millionaires who retired in their 30s didn't factor a pandemic into their financial planning. Here's what they're doing with their money now. (1)

Soonthorn Kittikarnjanakorn/EyeEm
  • The coronavirus pandemic has changed the calculus for people who retired, sending the economy into a recession as well as a surprisingly booming stock market.
  • But self-made millionaire early retirees who largely rely on investments to fund their lifestyle told Business Insider they're not worried about their money.
  • Some are relying on cash cushions and others are investing during the downturn.
  • It shows the importance of having smart savings strategies.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.


The coronavirus pandemic has the stock market surging despite terrible news about the coronavirus pandemic.

But there is still a lot of uncertainty about what is coming next, after almost six months of worsening headlines about the spread of the pandemic.

It can be scary news for everyone, especially those who have taken on an alternative lifestyle. Consider early retirees; the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement has grown in popularity over the past 20 years among those seeking financial freedom. But many of these early retirees rely on investments, especially in the stock market, to fund their living.

Business Insider spoke to several people who retired before age 40 as self-made millionaires to see how they feel about the current economic situation. Will they still be able to fund their lifestyle? Or will they need to return to work?


Turns out, most aren't very worried for themselves, and it's because they planned for their early retirement anticipating economic downturns. It all shows the power of a smart savings strategy.

Here's how they're handling it — and what they're doing with their money right now.

Note that this is not investing advice.


Chris Reining is gradually investing in stocks.

Self-made millionaires who retired in their 30s didn't factor a pandemic into their financial planning. Here's what they're doing with their money now. (2)

Courtesy of Chris Reining

Chris Reining retired at age 37 as a self-made millionaire. He told Business Insider the stock market drop earlier this year was a "quick, scary fall."

"What I've been doing is staying fully invested," he said. "Any extra money generated by my portfolio, I'm using to buy stock. But I'm investing in stages, knowing the market could fall further."

He said he anticipates a "horrible economic fallout" in the near term. "But there will be a point when investors stop selling," he said. "A point when people go back to work. A point when life returns to normal. Someday it will all be in the rearview mirror. So my long-term bet is the economy recovers and the market moves higher."

He added: "The timeline is anyone's guess. So, as for how to play the uncertainty? I'm old-fashioned. I don't try. I stay invested."

Still fully invested five months into the pandemic, Reining's approach has stayed the same. "I haven't changed my strategy," he said. "Haven't pulled out of the market. Haven't freaked out."


Justin McCurry is counting on his seven years' worth of living expenses that he's saved in bonds and cash.

Self-made millionaires who retired in their 30s didn't factor a pandemic into their financial planning. Here's what they're doing with their money now. (3)

Courtesy of Justin McCurry

Justin McCurry of Root of Good retired at age 33 in 2013 with an investment portfolio of $1.3 million, which he built with his wife. He told Business Insider he was fortunate to retire early, during a bull market. "We watched our portfolio roughly double in value by the peak in February 2020 and it's still about 50% higher than when we started this early retirement journey," he said.

Because they have about six years of living expenses in bonds and another year's worth saved in cash, he said they won't have to sell stocks for "quite some time."

"I shifted from a 100% stock portfolio back in 2017 and 2018 by selling some equities and buying those bonds just so that I wouldn't have to worry during the next big recession," he added. "Very smart move in hindsight because I'm sleeping well at night!"

He said they can survive a very prolonged recession for two reasons: They paid off their mortgage in 2015 so their core monthly expenses are very low, and the bulk of their discretionary spending is on travel — which they won't be doing during the pandemic.

"We have the short- and intermediate-term spending needs covered right now," he said. "Long-term, I think we will be okay as our current spending is much lower than the classic 4% rule would allow us from our portfolio."

Not a lot has changed for McCurry's investment strategy through the ups and downs of the pandemic market. "We are still at a 90% stock allocation with 10% in bonds/cash," he said. "All the investments are in index funds and I don't try to jump in or out of the market."

The one most notable change in the family's budget, however, has been the shift in travel spending, which, now zero, was once an $8,000 to $10,000 yearly allocation. To make up for it, McCurry says, the family has taken on a number of DIY home improvement projects.


Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung are relying on a cash cushion and plan to cut back on living expenses.

Self-made millionaires who retired in their 30s didn't factor a pandemic into their financial planning. Here's what they're doing with their money now. (4)

Courtesy of Kristy Shen

Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung of Millennial Revolution retired from their computer engineering jobs at age 31 as self-made millionaires. They recently wrote the book, "Quit Like a Millionaire."

Leung told Business Insider they started investing in 2008, but even though earlier this year he saw "Dow drops like I've never seen before," he said the couple is "not scared at all, and we're probably the most pessimistic, cautious people." Leung explained this is because they don't rely on just the stock market.

Instead, they have a cash cushion — a reserve fund in a savings account to pay for living expenses to avoid a full stock portfolio withdrawal during down years — to act as a buffer during a declining stock market. This cushion allows them to last four to eight years without selling stock, he said.

Shen added: "In the worst-case scenario, we're projecting we'll be able to drop living expenses so that we won't need to withdraw from the cash cushion at all."

Five months into the pandemic, nothing has changed in the pair's investment strategy.


Like Shen and Leung, Tanja Hester is also relying on a three-year cash cushion.

Self-made millionaires who retired in their 30s didn't factor a pandemic into their financial planning. Here's what they're doing with their money now. (5)

Mark Bunge

Hester, blogger of Our Next Lifeand author of "Work Optional," saved about 37 times her annual spending with her husband to retire early at age 38.

She told Business Insider she suspects the US is in the beginning of a real recession. "Given how long the bull market was, we always knew there was a virtual guarantee that it would end and we'd see a recession in the first few years of our early retirement," she said, adding that their financial plan is built to withstand such downturns. "We use a much more conservative safe withdrawal rate than the oft-quoted '4% rule.'"

A big component of their plan is the three-year cash cushion that she said gives them the ability to go years without selling shares: having three years worth of expenses in a high-yield savings account.

"Depending how long we all end up socially distancing and isolating ourselves, that money could stretch a lot longer because we're spending very little right now, with no travel happening," she said. "But we'll aim to keep spending a bit lower as long as the markets are dramatically down, something our budget allows because it's not a rock bottom budget with every fun thing already scrubbed out of it."

Now, months into the pandemic, Hester said her money management strategy has gone largely unchanged.


Steve Adco*ck is reinvesting his dividends and living off a high-interest savings account.

Self-made millionaires who retired in their 30s didn't factor a pandemic into their financial planning. Here's what they're doing with their money now. (6)

Steve Adco*ck

Adco*ck, who retired with his wife at age 35 as a self-made millionaire, is a bit optimistic about the economy. He told Business Insider he doesn't think the fallout the coronavirus pandemic has caused will create a "long-term devastating change."

"I believe we will pull out of this and march forward as we slowly get back to normal," he said. And even if it does last long-term, he said, he and his wife wouldn't need to pull from their stocks in a down market for three years.

At the start of the pandemic, they were reinvesting their dividends and living entirely off their high-interest Ally savings account. "Before retiring, we accumulated three years of living expenses in our savings account," he said. "Most people thought that we were keeping way too much in cash, but we definitely appreciate all that cash right now."

Now, five months into the pandemic, Adco*ck said he's made some slight changes to how he manages his money. "We are beginning to spend a little bit more money now," since they had curbed spending before the stock market rally, on fears of how bad the recession would be.

"We aren't going wild or anything, but we've increased our spending by about 20% in the last month or so, mainly on discretionary items. As early retirees who are tied to the stock market, this is very typical," he said. "When the market is down, we cut back. But when it's doing well, we feel a little freer to extend our lifestyle a bit. The key is to not go overboard. But, we've been retired long enough now to recognize when we are being reckless with our spending."


Grant Sabatier has diversified his stock portfolio, and he's moved.

Self-made millionaires who retired in their 30s didn't factor a pandemic into their financial planning. Here's what they're doing with their money now. (7)

Courtesy of Grant Sabatier

Sabatier, blogger of Millennial Money and author of "Financial Freedom," retired at age 30 after building up a $1.25 million net worth in just five years. "I've always recommended saving one to two years of living expenses in a high interest savings account," he told Business Insider. With a little over two years saved in cash, he was living off that and not touching my investments."

After the first 8% drop, he said he reduced his exposure to Amazon and diversified his portfolio a bit more. Before that drop and the onset of the pandemic, he said he was looking at investing beyond stocks and savings accounts and at investing in real estate and in another website "in an always-in-demand niche to diversify and create more passive income."

Five months into the pandemic, Sabatier said a lot has changed."I moved from New York to Ohio, where my cost of living is 60% less! I have also started investing more aggressively and diversified more into individual equities."

"While most of my portfolio has been in VTI/VTSAX, I've been acquiring more individual companies that I believe will outperform the market over the next five years," he said. While not a big advocate of individual stock investing, he said he feels he can have a higher risk profile as his net worth has grown. "I've also been looking at investing in a home in an area that will be less impact by climate change over the next 10-plus years."


Sam Dogen was using the downturn to fund his children's college savings at first. Now he's buying a house in San Francisco.

Self-made millionaires who retired in their 30s didn't factor a pandemic into their financial planning. Here's what they're doing with their money now. (8)

Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Dogen, of The Financial Samurai, retired from his Wall Street job eight years ago at age 34 with $3 million. He told Business Insider in March that he thought an economic recession was "all but a certainty" at that point. "Hopefully, we'll see a V-shaped recovery in the second half of the year as the coronavirus gets better contained. But it's going to be really tough going for a while."

Planning to make use of the downturn to fund both of his children's 529 college savings plans and build a larger dividend stock portfolio, he told Business Insider in August that he had superfunded his daughter's 529 plan with $75,000, meaning five years worth of funding is done. He and his wife also contributed $15,000 each to their son's 529 plan and plan to contribute at least a combined $20,000 per year. (He referenced a related Financial Samurai post.)

In March, he said he has a conservative portfolio, with just 20% of his net worth in equities, but that's now risen to about 25%. "We are no longer actively buying equities now that the Nasdaq and S&P 500 are at record highs," he said.

Dogen's plan instead is to build up cash to buy "a nicer home on the west side of San Francisco with panoramic ocean views and nice decks. We're spending so much more time at home now that the value of a home, at least to us, has gone way up. We want more space for a home office and home school."

"We also love decks where we can relax and watch the sunset. With mortgage rates at all-time lows, we want to take advantage and live our best lives now. As we all know by now, tomorrow is not guaranteed. The pandemic has made us want to spend more of our hard-earned money today."

Hillary Hoffower

Economics Correspondent, Millennial Wealth

Hillary focuses on the intersection of youth culture and wealth, reporting on the lifestyles and economics of millennials and Gen Z. She covers trends in how these generations are living and spending and examines how the economy is shaping them and their financial behaviors. She also reports on consumer spending and New York City's economy, and previously wrote about the ultrarich and personal finance at Insider before joining its economy team. Basically, she's written about money from every angle you can imagine. Inside the epicenter of America's Great Resignation: Kentuckians lay out the 4 forces driving the state's labor shortage — and explain why it's here to stay Millennial New Yorkers are ditching basem*nts and roommates for luxury apartments at $1,000-plus discounts The world's youngest self-made billionaire hopes to power every future self-driving car with a technology that Elon Musk says is 'doomed' Tiffany and the Trumps: Insiders describe how the president's younger daughter has charted what they say is a distant relationship with her father and come to terms with having America's most divisive last name Inside the French Riviera's pandemic party problem Yachting insiders detail the rampant sexual harassment aboard million-dollar ships, where crew members are promised a glamorous lifestyle and can instead find themselves trapped at sea with no one to turn to Millennials came limping out of the Great Recession with massive student debt and crippled finances. Here's what the generation is up against if the coronavirus triggers another recession.

Natasha Solo-Lyons

Wealth Reporter

Natasha is the wealth reporter at Business Insider. She writes and edits articles on real estate, investing, and lifestyle, with a focus on the luxury sector and its trends. Prior to joining Insider she was an intern at CNN and Hearst Magazines. A native New Yorker, she is a graduate of New York University, where she earned a Masters degree in business and economic reporting.

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Self-made millionaires who retired in their 30s didn't factor a pandemic into their financial planning. Here's what they're doing with their money now. (2024)


Do people who retire early regret it? ›

Quitting Too Soon

Leaving the workforce too soon was the No. 1 financial regret uncovered by researchers who compiled data for the National Bureau of Economic Research working paper. Of those surveyed, 34% wished they had worked longer, while only 6% said they regretted working too long.

How to retire in your 30s with $1 million in the bank? ›

For example, if you have retirement savings of $1 million, the 4% rule says that you can safely withdraw $40,000 per year during the first year — increasing this number for inflation each subsequent year — without running out of money within the next 30 years.

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According to the Federal Reserve's latest Survey of Consumer Finances, only about 10% of American retirees have managed to save $1 million or more.

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By age 35, aim to save one to one-and-a-half times your current salary for retirement. By age 50, that goal is three-and-a-half to six times your salary. By age 60, your retirement savings goal may be six to 11-times your salary. Ranges increase with age to account for a wide variety of incomes and situations.

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Putting off saving for retirement

The single biggest financial regret of Americans surveyed by Forbes was waiting too long to start saving for retirement. Not surprisingly, baby boomers expressed this regret at a much higher rate than younger respondents.

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The early retiree then experiences peak levels of happiness from ages 55-to-75 until their health starts to fade. Early retirees may also experience a greater level of happiness during the end of life due to having less regret.

What does a $5 million retirement look like in America? ›

Is $5 million enough to achieve your goal? While the cost of living varies from place to place, a nest egg this size would likely give more than enough money for decades of comfortable living. Even if you live another 50 years, $5 million in savings would allow you to live on $100,000 per year.

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The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) estimates that 3.2% of retirees have over $1 million, and a mere 0.1% have $5 million or more, based on data from the Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances. 2. What is the estimated amount of money needed to retire at age 60?

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The Reality of Million-Dollar Retirements

According to estimates based on the Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances, only 3.2% of retirees have over $1 million in their retirement accounts. This percentage drops even further when considering those with $5 million or more, accounting for a mere 0.1% of retirees.

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By those standards, the five jobs with the most millionaires are engineer, accountant, teacher, people in management, and lawyer.

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The top 10 degrees that millionaires earn:
  • Economics.
  • Law.
  • Business Administration.
  • Commerce.
  • Accounting.
  • Computer Science.
  • Finance.
  • Politics.

How much is considered rich in retirement? ›

To be considered wealthy at age 65 or older, you need a household net worth of $3.2 million, according to finance expert Geoffrey Schmidt, CPA, who used data from the 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) to determine the household net worth needed at age 65 or older to determine the various percentiles of wealth in ...

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According to the $1,000 per month rule, retirees can receive $1,000 per month if they withdraw 5% annually for every $240,000 they have set aside. For example, if you aim to take out $2,000 per month, you'll need to set aside $480,000. For $3,000 per month, you would need to save $720,000, and so on.

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This money will need to last around 40 years to comfortably ensure that you won't outlive your savings. This means you can probably boost your total withdrawals (principal and yield) to around $20,000 per year. This will give you a pre-tax income of almost $36,000 per year.

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Pros of retiring early include health benefits, opportunities to travel, and starting a new career or business venture. Cons of retiring early include a strain on savings, and a depressing effect on mental health.

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Early retirement may also affect your spending in surprising ways. You may jump at the chance to travel widely, but you could also face lingering expenses you thought you'd be done with by now. “Debt payments are often a problem for those who retire early,” says Lisa Kent, a Merrill financial advisor.

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Those retiring at age 65 or greater have an 11-percentage-point greater probability of surviving to age 80 than those retiring at exactly age 62.

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Age may be just a number, but that number matters when it comes to retiring. The common definition of early retirement is any age before 65 — that's when you may qualify for Medicare benefits. Currently, men retire at an average age of 64, while for women the average retirement age is 62.

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