Security Clearance Information and Jobs (2024)

Title:Application Procedures

Date:January 2021


In general process of obtaining Security Clearance consists of these phases

  1. Questionnaire

    The U.S. Government conducts background investigations to determine if applicants or employees meet the suitability or fitness requirements for:

    • employment as a federal employee or contractor;
    • military service;
    • eligibility for access to Federal facilities, automated systems, or classified information; and/or
    • eligibility for issuance of a credential.
  2. Submission

    Once you fill out your form and provide all necessary documentation to your sponsoring agency, your sponsoring agency will review it for accuracy and complete documentation. Your agency may send the electronic questionnaire back to you to correct any missing or inaccurate information.

  3. Investigation

    During your investigation, an Investigations Service Provider (like DCSA), may conduct searches at police departments, sheriff's offices, courts, creditors and other record repositories. Your friends, co-workers, landlords, family and neighbors may be contacted to verify where you lived, worked or went to school. Additionally, an investigator may interview you to verify, expand upon and/or clarify the information you provided on your investigative questionnaire.

  4. Completion and Adjudication

    When your sponsoring agency receives your completed background investigation, they will review all contents of the investigation and make a suitability, fitness and/or security decision based on the position you are applying for, or are currently holding. This decision determines whether you are eligible for employment with, or on behalf of the federal government, and/or eligible for access to classified information. If your position also requires a security clearance

  5. Clearance Decision

    If your position requires access to classified information or facilities, your sponsoring agency will also make a decision as to whether you will be granted a security clearance based on the results of your background investigation. The decision to grant you a clearance (although technically separate from the decision made on your eligibility based on your investigation) is often made at the same time and in conjunction with the decision made based on your investigation.

  6. Continuous Vetting

    Investigations policy and procedures have evolved considerably since 2016. The entire investigations community is in the midst of transitioning from a periodic reinvestigation procedure to a continuous evaluation (CE) model, also known as continuous vetting, to ensure Federal, military and contractors' continued eligibility for employment and/or access to classified information

* for more detailed information on process of obtaining Security Clearance visit DCSA


Once it is determined that a military member requires a Security Clearance because of assignment or job, the individual is instructed to complete a Security Clearance Background Investigation Questionnaire. The Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing system (e-QIP) is part of an e-government initiative sponsored by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). e-QIP allows applicants to electronically enter, update, and transmit their personal investigative data over a secure Internet connection to their employing agency or security management office for review and approval of the personnel security investigation request.

The e-QIP is accessible from a secure website at that is designed to house all personnel security investigative forms.

Through an interface with the Joint Clearance Access and Verification System (JCAVS), e-QIP allows authorized requesters to electronically transmit requests for investigation (SF 86) electronically versus mailing, but only if the JCAVS e-QIP requester is a JCAVS user level 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 and has requester permission granted by the account manager for their Security Management Office (SMO).

e-QIP replaces the Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire (EPSQ).

When completing the questionnaire, for CONFIDENTIAL and SECRET Clearances, it's necessary to provide information for the previous five years. For TOP SECRET Clearances, one must provide information for the previous ten years. It's important to note here that giving false information on a Security Document constitutes a violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 101, and Article 107 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Under the United States Code, one may be fined as well as imprisoned for a period of five years. Under the UCMJ, the maximum punishment includes reduction to the lowest enlisted grade, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, confinement for a period of five years and a dishonorable discharge.

You may wish to note that page 10 of the SF-86 contains a statement which you sign authorizing release of ANY information about you to Security Clearance Investigators. This means that investigators can access any and all information about you, including sealed records, juvenile records, expunged records and medical records.

Once you complete the the questionnaire, the document is sent to the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) DCSA is responsible for verifying the information and performing the actual background investigation. The level of investigation depends upon the level of access to be granted.

For CONFIDENTIAL and SECRET clearances:

  • A National Agency Check (NAC)-A computerized search of investigative files and other records held by federal agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
  • A Local Agency Check (LAC)-A review of appropriate criminal history records held by local law enforcement agencies, such as police departments or sheriffs, with jurisdiction over the areas where you have resided, gone to school, or worked.
  • Financial checks - A review of your Credit Record.

For TOP SECRET clearances:

A Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) is performed which includes all of the above, plus:

  • Field interviews of references to include coworkers, employers, personal friends, educators, neighbors and other appropriate individuals.
  • Checks of records held by employers, courts and rental offices.
  • A subject interview - An interview with you by an investigator.

These inquiries are performed by one or more investigators who work in the geographic area where the information is to be obtained. NACs, however, may be performed electronically from a central location.

The DCSA uses two types of investigators to conduct these investigations; DCSA Agents and Contractors. DCSA uses a number of contractors to help support DCSA's mission, with which you may come into contact.

When conducting field interviews, the investigators normally begin with individuals you list as references in the questionnaire. They then use those references to develop names of additional references, etc., ad infidium. These references will be asked questions about your honesty, reliability and trustworthiness and their opinion on whether you should be given access to classified information or assigned to a sensitive position or position of trust. Your references will also be asked questions about your past and present activities, employment history, education, family background, neighborhood activities and finances. During the investigation the investigator(s) will try to determine if you have had any involvement with drugs, encounters with the police, or problem drinking habits and other facts about your personal history. The investigator(s) will attempt to obtain both favorable and unfavorable information about your background so an adjudicator can make an appropriate determination.

The objective of the subject interview is to obtain a complete picture of you as an individual so that an adjudicator can determine whether you will be able to cope with having access to classified or sensitive information without becoming a security risk. Therefore, the interview will be wide-ranging and cover most aspects of your life. During the subject interview, expect to be questioned about your family background, past experiences, health, use of alcohol or drugs, financial affairs, foreign travel and other pertinent matters.

What determines approval or disapproval?

It's important to note that he Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) does not make any security clearance determinations or recommendations. DCSA simply gathers information. Once the information has been verified, and the investigations completed, DCSA presents the information to the sponsoring federal agency's adjudicator authority (each military service has their own), who determine whether or not to grant the security clearance, using standards set by that particular military service.

It's impossible to say if any particular thing will result in denial of a security clearance. The adjudicators use the Adjudicator Guidelines to determine whether or not the individual can be trusted with our nation's secrets. Primarily, adjudicators look for honesty, trustworthiness, character, loyalty, financial responsibility and reliability. On cases that contain significant derogatory information warranting additional action, the adjudicator may draft a request for additional investigation/information, or request psychiatric or alcohol and drug evaluation. Even so, adjudicators are not the final authority. All denials of clearances must be personally reviewed by a branch chief, or higher.

Because of a recent change in the law, there are some factors which will positively result in the denial of a clearance. As a result of the Smith Amendment, the FY01 Defense Authorization Act amended Chapter 49 of Title 10, United States Code, and precluded the initial granting or renewal of a security clearance by (DoD) under the following four specific circ*mstances:

  1. (1) An individual has been convicted in any court of the U.S. of a crime and sentenced to imprisonment for a term exceeding one year.
  2. (2) An individual is (currently) an unlawful user of, or is addicted to, a controlled substance (as defined in section 102 or the Controlled Substances Act (21U.S.C. 802))
  3. (3) An individual is mentally incompetent, as determined by a mental health professional approved by the DoD
  4. (4) An individual has been discharged or dismissed from the armed forces under dishonorable conditions.

The statute also provides that the Secretary of Defense and the secretary of the military department concerned may authorize an exception to the provisions concerning convictions, dismissals and discharges from the armed force in meritorious cases.

How long does the process take?

It depends on several factors, and the type of investigation. In the past DoD has had a significant backlog of security clearances and reinvestigations pending, most especially for TOP SECRET level access. In general, expect a CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET clearance to take between 1 and 3 months. A TOP SECRET will probably take between 4 and 8 months. However, some individuals have been waiting for the results of their TOP SECRET investigation for more than one year. In general, the more there is to investigate, the longer the investigation will take. Expect the investigation to take longer if you have:

  • Lived or worked in several geographic locations or overseas.
  • Traveled outside of the United States.
  • Relatives who have lived outside of the United States.
  • Background information that is difficult to obtain or involves issues that require an expansion of your case.

If your technical training (AIT/Tech School/A-School) requires access to classified information, you may be assigned to do details (such as answering the phone in an office) while waiting for your Security Clearance to be granted. In some cases, you may be authorized to attend non-classified portions of the training while awaiting the results of your security clearance application.

Can I appeal a clearance denial or revocation?

If you are denied a security clearance, or an assignment to a sensitive position or a position of trust, or your current clearance or access is revoked, you have the right to appeal the adjudicative decision. Under such circ*mstances you will be provided a statement on the reason(s) why you are ineligible for the clearance and the procedures for filing an appeal. If you believe the information gathered about you during the investigation is misleading or inaccurate, you will be given the opportunity to correct or clarify the situation.

DoD maintains a web site which gives a good overview about past Security Clearance Appeal Decisions for DoD contractor personnel.

Are polygraph (lie detector) tests required?

The use of the polygraph for any Department of Defense program is governed by DoD Directive 5210.48 and DoD Regulation 5320.48R.

A polygraph examination is mandatory for employment by or assignment to the DCSA and the National Security Agency (NSA) and for assignment (or loan) of DoD personnel to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It is also mandatory for some SCI and SAP access programs.

Additionally, the polygraph may be used for any other personnel security investigations to resolve serious credible derogatory information and then only with consent. No adverse action may be taken solely on the basis of a polygraph examination that indicates deception, except upon the written finding by the Secretary or Under Secretary of Defense, or a Secretary of one of the military departments, that the classified information in question is of such extreme sensitivity that access under the circ*mstances poses an unacceptable risk to the national security.

Polygraph examinations may also be used to supplement investigations of federal felonies, of unauthorized disclosure of classified information or of alleged acts of terrorism, or when requested by the subject of a personnel security investigation, for exculpation with respect to allegations arising in the investigation.

The DoD regulation details the exact manner in which the examination must be conducted. No relevant question may be asked during the polygraph examination that has not been reviewed with the person to be examined before the examination, and all questions must have a special relevance to the inquiry. Certain "validating" questions may be asked without prior disclosure to establish a baseline from which the examiners can judge the validity of the answers to the relevant questions. The probing of a person's thoughts or beliefs, or questions on subjects that are not directly relevant to the investigation, such as religious or political beliefs or beliefs and opinions about racial matters, are prohibited.

Security Clearance Information and Jobs (2024)


Does having a security clearance help you get a job? ›

If you currently possess or have ever had a security clearance, make sure you indicate your “clearable” status in a prominent place on your resume or application. It will give you a real competitive edge in your job search.

What is security clearance level for jobs? ›

The four main types of security clearances for national security positions are: confidential, secret, top secret and sensitive compartmented information. This type of security clearance provides access to information that could cause damage to national security if disclosed without authorization.

What disqualifies you from a security clearance? ›

What can disqualify you?
  • You are not a U.S. citizen.
  • You were dishonorably discharged from the military.
  • You are currently involved in illegal drug use.
  • You have been judged as mentally incompetent or mentally incapacitated by a mental health professional.
  • You have had a clearance revoked for security reasons.

What does a security clearance allow you to do? ›

A security clearance is like a background check. It is required for individuals who are hired for US government jobs or any organization that handles information pertaining to national security. The security clearance process ensures your ability to securely access, manage, and protect classified information.

How much does a secret security clearance add to salary? ›

Based on survey data, on average, a security clearance generates 10-20% salary premium with higher clearances commanding the largest increases.

Is it OK to say you have a security clearance? ›

It's acceptable and often advisable to include your security clearance on your resume, but it's also a good idea to familiarize yourself with regulations so you don't compromise yourself or others.

What is the hardest security clearance to get? ›

The process of obtaining a Top Secret clearance involves an extensive background investigation. Confidential and Secret investigations are thorough, but the Top Secret version is the most intensive.

How much does it cost to get a secret clearance? ›

The average cost to process a SECRET clearance can run from several hundred dollars to $3,000, depending upon individual factors.

How long do security clearances last? ›

A security clearance remains “current” for two years after it is terminated as long as the underlying PSI is not out-of-date. Previously PSIs went out-of-date after 5, 10, or 15 years depending on the level of clearance.

What percent of people fail security clearance? ›

Unfortunately, these clearance documents are not quite as easy to get as you might have perceived them to be. Just under 10% of applicants are denied by the National Security Agency.

How often do security clearances get denied? ›

Security Clearance Denial Appeals

Approximately 1% of applicants are denied a security clearance.

Do they tell you why you fail security clearance? ›

Fortunately, there is an appeal process that you can follow when you're denied. But first, they will most often tell you why you are being rejected. The appeal process is done in two steps. The first is an internal appeal, and as soon as you hear back from them, you can decide what to do next.

Do security clearances check internet history? ›

While the security clearance process is rigorous and comprehensive, your personal browser history is not typically a factor considered during the investigation.

How do you pass a security clearance? ›

Our process
  1. Receive a conditional offer of employment. ...
  2. Complete Standard Form 86 (SF-86) ...
  3. Take a polygraph. ...
  4. Get a psychological or medical evaluation. ...
  5. Perform credit check and National Agency Check (NAC) ...
  6. Conduct background investigation. ...
  7. Adjudicate and final job offer.

What is the difference between secret clearance and security clearance? ›

Getting a security clearance means you've been investigated and found to have nothing in your past conducts or character that shows you are untrustworthy or vulnerable to blackmail. Having a secret clearance means your are cleared on a need-to-know basis for intelligence classified no higher than secret.

How does security clearance affect salary? ›

ClearanceJobs found that cleared employees received an average boost of six percent in compensation in 2023, bringing their average salary to a record $114,946. For the second consecutive year, 67 percent of workers reported an increase in base pay.

What are the benefits of having a secret clearance? ›

A clearance will exponentially increase your chances of getting a job in specific sectors where non-cleared personnel's cannot be hired. If you do have a clearance, there are hundreds and thousands of job opportunities available in the defense sector and government agencies.

Do you get a security clearance before or after a job offer? ›

You can only start the process after you receive a conditional offer. You will need to complete SF-86. Once you submit the SF-86, the security team will review it and contact you for more information. Some agencies require you to take a polygraph test.

What job requires the highest security clearance? ›

National Security Positions, Public Trust Positions, and Non-Sensitive Positions. If you work for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), for example, you will hold a national security position and require the highest level of security clearance.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.