Rotating Shift: A Strategy for Workforce Flexibility and Efficiency- Shiftbase (2024)

This article will discuss rotating shifts, their benefits, and how to create one in your business.

Table of contents

  1. Rotating shift meaning
  2. How does rotating shift work?
  3. Types of rotating shifts
  4. Who uses rotating shifts?
  5. Benefits of a rotating shedule
  6. Drawbacks of rotating schedule
  7. Steps for creating a rotating schedule
  8. How to handle rotating shifts effectively?
  9. Tools for creating a rotating shift schedule
  10. Examples of rotating shift schedules
  11. Conclusion
  12. Frequently Asked Questions

Rotating shift meaning

A rotating shift is a work schedule in which employees work different shifts on different days. For example, an employee may work the day shift one day, the evening shifts the next day, and the night shifts the third day.

The shifts may rotate daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on the employer's needs and employee preferences. Rotating shifts can be challenging for workers because they often disrupt sleep patterns and can be difficult to adjust.

Useful Read:Schedule Rotation Generator + FREE Template

How does rotating shift work?

Rotating shifts typically involve a group of employees who work different shifts regularly.For example,

  • One group of employees may work the day shift (usually from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm)
  • Another group may work the evening shift (3:00 pm to 11:00 pm)
  • The third group may work the night shift (11:00 pm to 7:00 am)

The shifts may rotate on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

For example,an employee works the day shift one day, the afternoon shifts the next day, and the night shift the following day. This pattern may repeat itself every week, or the shifts may rotate monthly.

Types of rotating shifts

Several types of rotating shifts can be used in the workplace. Some common examples include:

Fixed shifts

Fixed shifts refer to work schedules where employees work the same hours every day or every week. This type of shift does not change and is consistent from week to week.

Swing shifts

Swing shifts refer to work schedules where the hours of work change from one day to the next, often with one week of day shifts followed by one week of night shifts.

Three night shifts

Rotating Shift: A Strategy for Workforce Flexibility and Efficiency- Shiftbase (1)

Three-night shifts refer to a work schedule where an employee works three consecutive night shifts, followed by several days off before starting the cycle again. This shift is often used in industries that operate 24/7, such as healthcare or manufacturing.

Pitman shift schedule

The Pitman shift schedule is a rotating shift schedule that involves four teams of employees working in a pattern of two 12-hour day shifts and two 12-hour night shifts. This schedule allows for a full day off every other week and is often used in industries that require 24/7 coverage.

Dupont shift schedule

The Dupont shift schedule is a rotating shift schedule that involves three teams of employees working in a pattern of two 12-hour day shifts and two 12-hour night shifts. This schedule allows for a full weekend off every other week and is often used in industries that require 24/7 coverage.

These are just a few of the many rotating shifts that can be used in the workplace. Employers should consider their industry, staffing needs, and employee preferences when choosing which type of shift is best for their business.

Who uses rotating shifts?

Organizations that require 24/7 staffing, or continuous operation, often use rotating shift schedules to ensure that there is always a sufficient number of employees on hand to keep the business running smoothly.

Industries commonly implement rotating shift schedules include:

  • Doctors, nurses, lab technicians, and administrators may work on shift schedules in the healthcare industry, particularly in hospitals and other medical facilities open for extended hours.
  • Manufacturing companies may use shift schedules to increase output, with factory employees such as assemblers and production managers working on rotating shifts.
  • Emergency responderssuch as firefighters, police officers, and medical technicians also often work rotating shifts to ensure they are available to respond to emergencies at any time.
  • Transportation employees,including bus drivers, rideshare operators, and rental car company employees, may also work rotating shifts to meet the demand for their services at all hours.
  • Retail workers,including sales associates at stores, gas stations, and convenience stores, may also follow rotating shift schedules to accommodate customer needs.
  • In the hospitality industry,hotels and resorts may use rotating shifts to ensure that there is always a sufficient number of employees available to meet guests' needs.
  • The military also incorporates rotating shifts for active duty service members and reserves to ensure that there is always a sufficient number of personnel available to meet the organization's needs.

Benefits of a rotating shedule

There are several potential benefits of a rotating schedule:

Improved work-life balance

A rotating schedule allows employees to have a more flexible schedule, which can improve their work-life balance. For example, if employees work one week on days and the next week on nights, they can have a week off to spend with their family or pursue other interests.

Increased productivity

Rotating schedules can help employees avoid burnout, as they are not working the same schedule every week. This can increase productivity as employees are more energized and motivated to work.

Increased employee satisfaction

A rotating schedule can also increase employee satisfaction, allowing them more control over their schedule and making their work more interesting and varied.

Better coverage

Rotating schedules can also provide better coverage for a business, as employees are always working different shifts. This can be especially beneficial for businesses that operate 24/7, as it ensures that there is always someone available to meet customers' needs.

Better use of resources

Rotating schedules can also help businesses make better use of their resources, as employees can cover different shifts, and there is less need for overtime pay.

Improved communication

Rotating schedules can also improve communication within a team, as employees are exposed to different colleagues and can learn from each other's experiences and perspectives.

Related:The Power of Internal Communication in a Modern Business World

These are just some of the potential benefits of a rotating shift schedule. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages, businesses can decide if this type of schedule is right for their organization.

Drawbacks of rotating schedule

Rotating Shift: A Strategy for Workforce Flexibility and Efficiency- Shiftbase (2)As with any working arrangement, rotating shift work also has its drawbacks:

Decreased predictability and stability

Rotating schedules can make it difficult for individuals to plan their personal and professional lives, as the days and times they work may change frequently. This can lead to a lack of stability and predictability in their schedules, which can be stressful and disruptive.

Increased fatigue and burnout

Working on a rotating schedule can lead to increased fatigue, as the body must constantly adjust to changing sleep patterns and work times. This can result in a higher risk of burnout, as individuals may not have enough time to rest and recover between shifts.

Negative impact on social and family life

Rotating schedules can also hurt social and family life, as individuals may not have a consistent schedule and may have difficulty making plans with friends and loved ones. This can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection.

Negative impact on health

Research has shown that working on a rotating schedule can negatively affect health, including an increased risk of sleep disorders, cardiovascular disease, and other health problems. This is likely due to the constant disruption of the body's natural sleep-wake cycle and the increased fatigue resulting from working irregular hours.

Difficulty finding childcare and other support services

Individuals with rotating schedules may also have difficulty finding childcare and other support services, as these may not be available when needed. This can be especially challenging for parents with young children, as they may need to make arrangements for childcare on a week-to-week basis.

Steps for creating a rotating schedule

Here are some points to consider when creating a rotating shift schedule:

See Also
6-On, 4-Off

Step #1: Determine the hours of operation

Next, you need to decide on the length of each shift. Some common options include 8, 10, or 12-hour shifts. You also need to determine the start and end times for each shift.

Step #3: Decide on the number of shifts

Based on the hours of operation and shift length, you can determine how many shifts you need to cover the necessary hours. For example, if your business is open 24 hours a day, you may need three 8-hour shifts or two 12-hour shifts.

Step #4: Determine the number of employees per shift

Next, you need to decide how many employees you need to staff each shift. This will depend on the workload and the number of tasks completed during each shift.

Step #5: Determine the shift rotation pattern

Once you have determined the number of shifts and employees per shift, you can create a shift rotation pattern. This is the schedule that determines which employees work which shifts. There are many different patterns you can use, such as:

  • Two 12-hour shifts followed by two days off
  • Four 10-hour shifts, followed by three days off
  • Seven 8-hour night shifts, followed by three days off
  • Three 8-hour shifts, followed by one day off

Step #6: Allow for adjustments and flexibility

It is important to allow flexibility in the schedule to account for unexpected absences or changes in workload. This may involve having some employees work extra shifts or swapping shifts with coworkers.

Step #7: Communicate the schedule to employees

Finally, it is important to communicate the schedule to all employees. This can be done through a printed schedule or scheduling software. It is also important to ensure that all employees understand the shift rotation pattern and any policies related to shifting changes or requests for time off.

By following these steps, you can create an effective rotating shift schedule that meets the needs of your business or organization.

Rotating Shift: A Strategy for Workforce Flexibility and Efficiency- Shiftbase (3)

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Rotating Shift: A Strategy for Workforce Flexibility and Efficiency- Shiftbase (4)

How to handle rotating shifts effectively?

Here are some tips for handling rotating shifts effectively:

  1. Plan for disruptions to your sleep schedule: Rotating shifts can make it difficult to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, leading to fatigue and difficulty concentrating. One way to mitigate this is to plan for disruptions to your sleep schedule by setting aside time for rest and trying to maintain a consistent bedtime routine as much as possible.
  2. Use natural light: Exposure to natural light can help regulate your body's internal clock and improve sleep quality. If possible, try to spend time outside during the day, and consider using a light therapy lamp during the early morning or late afternoon to help you adjust to your new schedule.
  3. Stay hydrated and eat well: It can be tempting to rely on caffeine and sugary foods to stay awake during late shifts, but this can lead to a crash later on. Instead, try to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and eating well-balanced meals that include fruits, vegetables, and protein.
  4. Take breaks as needed: Working long or irregular hours can be demanding, so taking breaks as needed is important to rest and recharge. Step away from your workstation for a few minutes every hour to stretch, take a walk, or take a few deep breaths.
  5. Communicate with your coworkers: If you're working a rotating shift, it's important to communicate about your schedule and any challenges you face. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and can work together to support each other.

Tools for creating a rotating shift schedule

Several tools can be used to create a rotating shift schedule, including:


Spreadsheets can be used to create and manage a rotating shift schedule. They allow you to input employee availability and preferences and create a schedule that meets your organization's needs.

Shift scheduling software

There are many software programs available that can help you create and manage a rotating shift schedule. These programs often offer employee availability tracking, shift swapping, and notification alerts.

Online shift scheduling tools

There are also several online tools available that can help you create and manage a rotating shift schedule. These tools are often web-based and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.


Some organizations use physical whiteboards to create and manage shift schedules. This can be a simple and effective way to visualize and track employee schedules.

Paper-based systems

Some organizations use paper-based systems, such as printed schedules or bulletin boards, to create and manage their shift schedules.

Regardless of the tool you choose, it is important to ensure that it is easy to use and meets the needs of your organization and your employees.

Examples of rotating shift schedules

Rotating Shift: A Strategy for Workforce Flexibility and Efficiency- Shiftbase (5)Here are a few examples of rotating shift schedules:

  • 2-2-3 schedule - This schedule involves working 2 consecutive days, 2 days off, 2 consecutive days, and 3 days off. This pattern repeats itself over a while.
  • 3-4-4-3 schedule - This schedule involves working 3 consecutive days, 4 days off, 4 consecutive days, and 3 days off. This pattern repeats itself over a while.
  • 3-3-4-4 schedule - This schedule involves working 3 consecutive days, 3 days off, 4 consecutive days, and 4 days off. This pattern repeats itself over a while.
  • 4-3-3-4 schedule - This schedule involves working 4 consecutive days, 3 days off, 3 consecutive days, and 4 days off. This pattern repeats itself over a while.
  • 5-2 Schedule - This schedule involves working 5 consecutive days, followed by 2 days off. This pattern repeats itself over a while.
  • 7 on/7 off schedule - This schedule involves working 7 consecutive days, followed by 7 days off. This pattern repeats itself over a while.

It is important to note that these are just a few examples of rotating shift schedules. The schedule may vary depending on the organization's needs and employee preferences.

Useful Read:The 4-day work week schedule - An Implementation Guide


Rotating shifts can offer organizations and employees many benefits, but they must be managed properly to minimize potential risks. Employers should ensure their staff is well-supported with clear communication, breaks, and flexibility in scheduling time off.

Employees should also take steps to manage rotating shifts by establishing a consistent sleep schedule, eating healthy meals, and exercising regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • It depends on the individual and their preferences. Some people may enjoy the variety and change those rotating shifts offer, while others may prefer a more consistent schedule.

  • It can be unhealthy if it disrupts an individual's natural sleep patterns and leads to sleep deprivation. It can also increase the risk of certain health problems, such as digestive issues and cardiovascular disease.

  • The healthiest shift pattern likely allows an individual to get enough sleep and maintain a consistent sleep schedule. This may vary depending on the individual and their specific needs.

  • 4 3 3 4 work schedules involve working 4 consecutive days, 3 days off, 3 consecutive days, and 4 days off. This pattern repeats itself over a while.

Rotating Shift: A Strategy for Workforce Flexibility and Efficiency- Shiftbase (2024)


Are rotating shifts worth it? ›

A well-structured rotating schedule can enhance job satisfaction and employee engagement. The varying shifts can help to reduce boredom and keep employees engaged in the process, which boosts overall morale.

What is an example of a rotating shift? ›

Rotating shifts are scheduled shifts that change over time. An example might be a customer service rep who works six weeks of day shifts, followed by six weeks of night shifts. In another example, a first responder might work from 7 AM to 3 PM one day, from 3 PM to 11 PM the next, and 11 PM to 7 AM the day after that.

What are the benefits of shift rotation? ›

Benefits of rotating shifts
  • Increased productivity.
  • Equal share of unpopular shifts.
  • Distribution of skill sets among various shifts.
  • Increased customer convenience.
  • Improved relationships among employees working with different teams.
  • Enhanced skill development as employees perform different tasks during different shifts.
Jul 31, 2023

What are the effects of rotational shift work? ›

Rotational shift work is associated with sleep disturbances, increased risk of cardiovascular and psychological disorders, and may negatively impact work–life balance. The direction of shift rotation (Clockwise, CW or counterclockwise, CCW) and its role in these disorders are poorly understood.

What are the cons of rotating shifts? ›

Increased Fatigue and Burnout:

Adhering to rotating schedules can result in heightened fatigue, as employees must continuously adjust to changing sleep patterns and work hours.

How hard is rotating shifts? ›

Frequent rotating shifts: Weekly changes to the shifts mean an employee might go from working the day shift to the night shift within the week. This can be hard for people to adjust to both physically, as well as in planning personal time. Slow rotating shift schedule: Changes to the shifts happen over several months.

What is the best rotating shift schedule? ›

Optimal scheduling would use a clockwise (morning-afternoon-night) rotational schedule: limiting night shifts to blocks of 3, limiting shift duration to 8 hours, and allowing 3 days of recuperation after night shifts.

How to make a rotating shift schedule? ›

Creating a rotating schedule requires a step-by step-approach:
  1. Divide the entire workday into shifts. To create a rotating schedule, you must create time slots or shifts that you can rotate employees through. ...
  2. Determine the employee coverage needed. ...
  3. Create teams* ...
  4. Design the rotation. ...
  5. Monitor and adjust.
Jul 26, 2022

How to manage rotating shifts? ›

5 Ways to Adjust to Shift Changes
  1. Adjust Sleep Schedule 3-5 Days in Advance. Back when I was a lieutenant at Tigard PD, I was finding that many of my officers would try to adjust to shift changes cold turkey. ...
  2. Make Exercise a Habit. ...
  3. Moderate Caffeine and Alcohol Intake. ...
  4. Forward Clock Rotations. ...
  5. Avoid Blue Light.

What is a major advantage of job rotation to employees? ›

Job rotation encourages employee flexibility, lower turnover rates, and help alleviate stress for employees who work in manual labor roles. A rotating job work environment can also boost new ideas and perspectives on the company's work and may increase job satisfaction.

Are you willing to work in rotating shift? ›

Your answer should reflect your flexibility and desire to engage in a rotating work schedule format. Example: "I personally enjoy alternating shift schedules because it gives me the chance to change up my routine, maintain my productivity levels due to new work environments and meet coworkers I wouldn't otherwise."

What is the healthiest shift pattern to work? ›

It is recommended that shifts rotate forward from day to afternoon to night because circadian rhythms adjust better when moving ahead than back. Start and Finish Times. Early morning shifts are associated with shorter sleep and greater fatigue.

Are you OK with rotational shifts? ›

I am adaptable and can easily adj... Yes sir, I am perfectly comfortable in rotational shifts and if there will be any requirement to work in rotational shifts like day time/night time shifts I am completely fine with that sir.

What is the healthiest shift work schedule? ›

In general, clockwise shift rotations should be used (day–evening–night). Ideally, a rotational schedule should include no more than 3 night shifts in a block, with 3 days of recuperation after the night shift work.

Are 12 hour rotating shifts hard? ›

Cons: This shift requires workers to switch back and forth between day and night shifts, which can lead to fatigue. Also, while employees never work more than three days in a row, they also never have more than three days in a row off.

What is the healthiest shift work rotation? ›

Try to have shifts rotate clockwise. For example, it's better to rotate from a day shift, to an evening shift, to a night shift. This is easier for your body to adjust to than random shift changes.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.