Revamp Your Q&A Sessions With These 12 Easy Tips (2024)

Revamp Your Q&A Sessions With These 12 Easy Tips (1)

Hosting a Q&A session can be a powerful way to bring people together, break down barriers, and make your audience feel truly listened to. These interactive moments not only serve a practical purpose, but they’re great for employee engagement. With them, you can give people a voice, uncover fresh ideas, and promote greater connections between people and teams.

In this guide, we’ll take a look at Q&A sessions and why they’re a great internal communication tool. Plus, we’ll share our best tips to help you host a meaningful and successful Q&A session.

What is a Q&A Session?

Revamp Your Q&A Sessions With These 12 Easy Tips (2)

A question and answer session (known as a Q&A session) is an opportunity for an audience to directly question the speaker. They’re often found at corporate events and conferences, but you can also host an internal Q&A just for your employees.

Q&A sessions work well at events like:

  • 🎤 Conferences and workshops
  • 🎯 Strategy and roadmap presentations
  • 🌴 Company retreats
  • 👋 All hands meetings

Sometimes, Q&A sessions are standalone meetings designed to give everyone the chance to ask questions on a certain topic, like a new company policy. Other times, they’re found at the end of a presentation or workshop. It’s a time for questions on a specific topic or a wider range of areas, depending on the context.

Why internal Q&A sessions are useful for organizations

Q&A sessions bring huge value to the table for internal events and meetings. They give people an unrivalled opportunity to answer questions in real-time or bring up an exciting idea that they’d love to discuss. Here are some of the other reasons why internal Q&A sessions are worth hosting.

👔 Better access to the leadership team

It can be tough to coordinate calendars to set up personal meetings, but a one-to-many event can help speed up the dialogue process. Company events like Q&A sessions are essential in helping build connections between your leadership team and everyone else.

🎤 Platform for discussion

Q&A sessions give you a simple way to empower your employees by encouraging them to speak up. It’s also a time for you to listen and learn from them. This can also be an opportunity for inclusivity and a time to make sure that diverse voices are heard.

📋 Easy way to dispel rumors or share information

Sometimes rumors will spread about news at your company. Whether people think you’re planning a headcount reduction or moving into a risky new market, these stories can quickly build momentum. If the rumors become disruptive, a Q&A session can help dispel them in a clear, open way. People can ask direct, specific questions and get the answer right from the source.

12 tips to help you run a successful Q&A session

Revamp Your Q&A Sessions With These 12 Easy Tips (3)

Ready to turn your planned Q&A session into the best one you’ve hosted yet? Here’s how to level up your Q&A session so that it gives everyone the best experience possible.

1. Do a practice run

Get the best possible start by making sure you’re prepared for your Q&A session. Test your equipment, sound, and approach before the event happens. It’s the perfect time to practice your public speaking before your live Q&A session. Say your intro and answers to expected questions out loud. You can get a couple team members involved too. Let them know how to support the person leading the event, whether it’s managing the chat window of the video call or asking people to mute themselves when they aren’t speaking.

2. Promote your Q&A session

Q&A sessions are often people’s favorite type of meeting, as it’s an opportunity to ask that question they’ve been wondering about. Let people know when your session is happening so they can come, ready and prepared. Whether your Q&A session is at the end of a webinar, town hall meeting, or a standalone event, list the details in an email, or message in the channel so people don’t miss out.

3. Be welcoming and approachable

People won’t ask questions if they feel under pressure. It’s hard to gather your confidence if you’re facing a speaker that looks like they don’t want to be there, will immediately challenge you, or isn’t engaged. Put everyone at ease by adopting a warm, welcoming tone and greeting as many people by name as possible. You could also use one of our icebreakers for Zoom to warm up your audience.

4. Set some ground rules

Every event should have some ground rules so that everyone knows what to expect. Tell people how they can submit or ask a question. Maybe you want them to raise their virtual hands, or maybe you want them to send questions through Slack, Teams, or the meeting chat (more on this in a bit). Always ask people to be mindful and thoughtful towards others — whether they’re asking or listening along.

5. Stay within your scheduled time

Unless you’re hosting a standalone event, Q&A sessions tend to be held at the end of another event. This means that people are often mindful of the time and may need to leave quickly afterwards. Let your audience know when the session is due to end, and let everyone know when you only have a few minutes left. Then, tell them how many more questions you can answer and how people who you couldn’t get to can get their questions answered.

6. Use technology to empower your audience

Encouraging your employees to ask questions in advance is a great way to not only help your Q&A session run smoothly but offer a layer of anonymity. Not everyone feels comfortable speaking out in a group call, but with Polly they can get their question in front of the right people.

Revamp Your Q&A Sessions With These 12 Easy Tips (4)

Use Polly’s Ask Me Anything (AMA) template to help people ask their questions before the event kicks off, or our if you’re hosting the call on the platform. You can use Polly for other great Q&A session features, too. Get your audience to upvote suggestions in real time, so you know which question to answer next based on crowdsourced excitement.

7. Get a moderator involved

You may not need a moderator for a smaller Q&A session, but this can be a helpful addition for a large group. Your moderator can help you field and prioritize incoming questions, keep the audience settled, and step in if there’s an issue. Look for someone with strong people skills and the ability to solve problems quickly.

8. Prepare answers for likely questions

You might already have some idea what your audience is likely to ask — especially if you’re hosting a Q&A session to address rumors, a press release, or major company news. Prepare an answer for these likely questions so you’re not caught off guard. This also works if you’ve asked your audience to send their thoughts in advance, as you can have the perfect response ready for submitted questions.

9. Have some questions ready if the audience falls silent

Even with the most engaged audience, your real time Q&A session can still fall silent. Have a list of potential questions on hand that your moderator can prompt you with. Great questions to include here might be around the company’s plans for the next quarter or if there are any new projects on the horizon. They’re easy to respond to and could prompt new questions from the group.

10. Respond to criticism respectfully

Not every question you field at a Q&A session is going to be positive, and that’s okay. It’s important to recognize the value of constructive criticism and negative questions and see them as an opportunity. Answer questions like this in a thoughtful, respectful way. If there’s no great way to answer them at the moment, suggest you continue the conversation at a later time. Just follow up after so your employees know you aren’t just avoiding the question.

11. Have a follow-up ready to send to your audience

If you’re hosting your Q&A session with a certain theme, have some materials ready to send to your audience afterwards. Maybe you’ve brought everyone together to discuss a change in your bonus structure or the way you manage personal development. Take that conversation further, or provide answers with a prepared guide or PowerPoint presentation. Send it to everyone after the event. This is also a great opportunity to promote your next Q&A and get the date in people’s calendars.

12. Be available after the Q&A session if possible

Sometimes, people won’t want to ask their question in front of others. That’s true whether you’re on stage at the end of your presentation or hosting a remote Q&A session on a video call. Give people the chance to approach you afterwards to ask a question. Ask people to send you a polly to schedule a one-to-one meeting if they have a question that needs your attention.

Lead Q&A sessions that make your team feel heard

Revamp Your Q&A Sessions With These 12 Easy Tips (5)

The best Q&A sessions are the ones where your audience walks away feeling like they’ve been heard and that you’ve addressed confusing or concerning issues. They also leave the host and the wider company with a new appreciation for connection, debate, and transparency.

Hosting an impactful Q&A session doesn’t always come easy, but with these ideas, you can take your event from average to impactful. Take advantage of tools like Polly to help you bring a new layer of excitement and connectivity to your Q&A session, with engaging real time activities that bring people together. Check out how can help you streamline your sessions and make them more engaging for everyone involved.

Learn more about Polly's Q&A here

Revamp Your Q&A Sessions With These 12 Easy Tips (6)

Revamp Your Q&A Sessions With These 12 Easy Tips (7)

Written by Nicola Scoon

Nicola Scoon is a freelance writer that's passionate about employee engagement and better workplace experiences. She draws on her experience in internal communications to help companies create content that empowers, encourages, and motivates people to create better experiences for all.

As a seasoned expert in the field of internal communications and employee engagement, I've had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the transformative power of Q&A sessions within organizational settings. My extensive experience in internal communications has allowed me to understand the nuanced dynamics of corporate events, conferences, and workshops, where Q&A sessions serve as invaluable tools for fostering connection and breaking down communication barriers.

The article you've shared eloquently highlights the significance of hosting Q&A sessions within organizations. Let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Definition of Q&A Session: The article defines a Q&A session as a question and answer opportunity where the audience can directly engage with the speaker. These sessions commonly occur at corporate events, conferences, and internal meetings, providing a platform for interactive communication.

  2. Purpose of Q&A Sessions: Q&A sessions are presented as a powerful internal communication tool, offering practical benefits such as giving employees a voice, uncovering fresh ideas, and fostering connections between individuals and teams.

  3. Applicability of Q&A Sessions: The article suggests that Q&A sessions are suitable for various occasions, including conferences, workshops, strategy presentations, company retreats, and all-hands meetings. They can either be standalone events or integrated into larger presentations.

  4. Benefits of Internal Q&A Sessions: The article underscores the value of Q&A sessions for organizations. They provide better access to leadership teams, offer a platform for open discussion, empower employees to speak up, and serve as a means to dispel rumors or share information transparently.

  5. Tips for Hosting a Successful Q&A Session: The article provides 12 practical tips for hosting a successful Q&A session, ranging from doing a practice run, promoting the session, and being welcoming to setting ground rules, using technology to empower the audience, and having a moderator involved. It emphasizes the importance of preparation, responsiveness to criticism, and post-session follow-ups.

  6. Use of Technology in Q&A Sessions: The article advocates for the use of technology, such as tools like Polly, to facilitate Q&A sessions. These tools enable employees to submit questions in advance, offering a layer of anonymity and making the session more inclusive. Additionally, technology can be employed to upvote questions in real time, enhancing audience engagement.

  7. Post-Q&A Session Engagement: The article suggests being available after the Q&A session for one-on-one interactions, acknowledging that some individuals may prefer to ask questions privately. It also recommends having follow-up materials ready to provide further information on the discussed topics.

  8. Author Expertise: The article is authored by Nicola Scoon, a freelance writer with a focus on employee engagement and workplace experiences. Scoon draws on her experience in internal communications to guide companies in creating content that empowers and motivates individuals for better overall experiences.

In conclusion, the article serves as a comprehensive guide for organizations looking to leverage the benefits of Q&A sessions for effective internal communication and employee engagement. The insights provided by Nicola Scoon reflect a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in hosting impactful Q&A sessions within corporate settings.

Revamp Your Q&A Sessions With These 12 Easy Tips (2024)


How can I make my Q&A more interesting? ›

Here's a step-by-step guide to help ensure your Q&A sessions are as smooth-sailing as possible:
  1. 1) Q&A Objectives. ...
  2. 2) Hold a briefing session before the event. ...
  3. 3) Dedicate enough time. ...
  4. 4) Prepare questions beforehand. ...
  5. 5) Engage a strong moderator. ...
  6. 6) Collect Questions Ahead of the Event. ...
  7. 7) Use the right tools and equipment.

How do you run a successful Q&A session? ›

12 tips to help you run a successful Q&A session
  1. Do a practice run. ...
  2. Promote your Q&A session. ...
  3. Be welcoming and approachable. ...
  4. Set some ground rules. ...
  5. Stay within your scheduled time. ...
  6. Use technology to empower your audience. ...
  7. Get a moderator involved. ...
  8. Prepare answers for likely questions.

How do you structure a Q&A session? ›

10 Simple Ways to Get The Most Out of Your Q&A Session
  1. Know why and what you're doing. ...
  2. Timing, timing, timing. ...
  3. Make a list of potential questions (and answers) ...
  4. Keep some slides in reserve specifically for Q&A. ...
  5. Neutralize trouble with openness. ...
  6. Use software to revolutionize Q&A. ...
  7. Democratizing discussion. ...
  8. Gain control.

How do I make my Q&A more interactive? ›

Make it a true discussion by engaging the audience and inviting them to participate. Regularly turn the tables and ask the audience for their thoughts on how to best address the question asked.

What are good Q&A questions? ›

Getting to know you questions to ask anyone
  • What's your latest guilty pleasure?
  • What was your favorite subject in school?
  • If you could choose a superpower, what would you pick?
  • What's your favorite holiday?
  • When was the last time you went to a concert?
  • What was your least favorite food as a kid?

How to facilitate Q&A session script? ›

8 Tips to Help You Run a Successful Q&A Session
  1. Hold a briefing session.
  2. Plan the time.
  3. Stick to the limit.
  4. Get a great moderator.
  5. Prepared questions.
  6. Notify the audience.
  7. Collect questions throughout.
  8. Don't start a debate.
Apr 27, 2023

How do you encourage Q&A? ›

8 tips for encouraging questions in your presentation
  1. Pitch your presentation at the right level for your audience. ...
  2. Don't cover every aspect of your topic in the presentation. ...
  3. Let your audience know you would like questions and when to ask them. ...
  4. Let them ask a question as soon as they have one.

How to end a Q&A session? ›

  1. 1 Plan ahead. Before you start your presentation, decide how long you want to allocate for the Q&A session and announce it to your audience. ...
  2. 2 Choose the last question wisely. Not all questions are created equal. ...
  3. 3 Signal the end. ...
  4. 4 Thank the audience. ...
  5. 5 Follow up. ...
  6. 6 Here's what else to consider.
Sep 20, 2023

How do you ace a Q&A? ›

Want to ace any Q&A? This technique can help
  1. Step 1: Connect with the questioner. Begin by connecting with the person who asked the question. ...
  2. Step 2: Get to your point. The main purpose of an answer is to respond to the question, and this requires getting to your point. ...
  3. Step 3: Develop it. ...
  4. Step 4: End with a call to action.
May 2, 2024

What does a Q&A format look like? ›

You can put the letter Q at the beginning of the question and the letter A before the answer. There is no need to bold or differentiate the questions and answers in any other way unless specified. List each new question under the previous one in a new line using a numerical order.

How do you chair a Q&A session? ›

Establish eye contact with whoever you are talking to (primarily the audience). When not speaking, be invisible if you can: Sit down or stand at the back of the room while speakers are presenting. If you are standing to manage questions and answers, move out of the way when speakers are answering questions.

How do I host a good Q&A? ›

Top Tips for Successful Conference Q&A Sessions
  1. Conduct a Pre-Conference Briefing. ...
  2. Build Clear Q&A Time Constraints. ...
  3. Promote the Q&A Session. ...
  4. Prepare Questions (and Answers) Ahead of Time. ...
  5. Explain Q&A Ground Rules. ...
  6. Provide Post-Q&A Support.

What is the alternative to Q&A session? ›

Below is a fun, creative alternative to the dreaded Q&A session: To disrupt the pattern Q&A, we invented the “Q&Q.” The Question & Question format goes like this: invite people to ask a question that must begin with “HOW” or “WHAT” – not “why” the speaker responds with another question or two to clarify or dig deeper.

What are the benefits of Q&A sessions? ›

Engagement and Interaction: Q&A sessions allow attendees to ask questions, share their thoughts, and interact with speakers and fellow participants. This interaction is a key driver of engagement. Personalization: Q&A sessions enable you to address specific concerns or interests of your audience.

How do you make an answer interesting? ›

Use open questions which don't require a yes/no or short answer - questions that require thought. Think about their interests and experience. What is something they know well that you don't but would like to?

How do you write a good Q&A? ›

  1. Make it short. Even shorter. ...
  2. Focus, focus, focus. The easiest way to keep things short is to concentrate on one particular aspect of the subject at hand. ...
  3. Ask unexpected questions. The focus of the piece is not you, but the person you are talking to. ...
  4. Vary the pace. ...
  5. Edit the heck out of it.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.