Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (2024)


Phishing attempts are targeting Ledger customers.

Phishing attacks are unfortunately an all too common threat when using the internet. This page aims to make a list of some examples of phishing attacks we have received at Ledger targeting our customers. If you have any doubts about the authenticity of a communication from Ledger, you can refer to the list below highlighting some recent phishing campaigns.

Phishing websites shutdown since October 22nd: 527
Social networks : 172 = 39 Twitter, 43 telegram, 2 facebook, 2 youtube
Latest update: March 8th, 2022

Report a phishing attempt

Consult ongoing phishing campaigns

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (1)

Never share the 24 words of your recovery phrase with anyone under any circ*mstances.

Even with Ledger or what you would think is coming from Ledger. Ledger willneverask for them. You should never enter your 24 words anywhere else than into your device.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (2)

Only use the official download page for Ledger Live.

The Ledger Nanois not a USB device. It does not contain any application to download and install on your computer.
The only way to download the Ledger Live app is by usingthe official download page here.

How to prevent being scammed from phishing?

Never validate a transaction on your Nano if you are not the author of this transaction.

Scammers will ask you to download a fake Ledger Live application that will trigger a transaction on your Nano. You must absolutely reject that transaction.

Ledger cannot and will not deactivate your device.

Some phishing attempts are pretending Ledger 'deactivate' or 'block' your device for KYC reasons. Ledger is not in a position to 'block' or 'deactivate' your device. Any request asking you to do this is bogus.

Always make sure that you interact through Ledger’s official channels

Be cautious, fake domain names are sometimes very close with a subtle spelling difference such as "legder", "leqder", "ledqer", "lèdger" or "ledgёr".

Please also be aware of what you may think is a domain name but is in fact not!
See for example: (dot) cloud

Authentic Ledger domain names are:

Ledger will never contact you via text messages or phone call.

As soon as you receive a so-called Ledger communication via text message, WhatsApp, Telegram, phone call or postal letter, assume that It is a phishing attempt, report it as spam, and block the sender.

Ledger will only communicate via email and official social media channels :

Ongoing phishing campaigns

Latest update: June 17th, 2021

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (3)

March 1st, 2022

The scammer is pretending to be working in a law firm in contact with Ledger. They are claiming that We have noticed someone tried to log in on your Ledger account from a location you have never used before. So we have blocked your account and wallet. and asking you to click on a link for a 2FA verification.
The link provided by the scammers is not legitimate.
Language : Dutch

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (4)

June 8th, 2021

Ledger do not have telegram channel and do not use the former logo anymore. Scammers will attempt to get your 24-words contacting you over private messages and inviting you to visit a phishing website

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (5) Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (6)

June 17th, 2021

The fake device comes in authentic-looking packaging with the Ledger logo.
The package includes a fake letter and a tampered Ledger hardware wallet. It is shrink-wrapped as if the box has never been opened.
The fake letter explains that you need to replace your existing hardware wallet to secure your funds.
This is a scam. The Ledger Nano is fake. A flash drive implant has been connected to the printed circuit board. It contains a file with a fake Ledger Live app.
There are enclosed instructions in the Nano box which ask the user to connect the device to their computer, open a drive and run the fake Ledger Live app.
To initialize the device, the user is asked to enter his 24 words in the fake Ledger Live app.
This is a scam. A Ledger Nano is not a USB device. It does not contain any application to download and install on your computer. The only way to download the Ledger Live app is by using the official download page.
Plus, Ledger and Ledger Live will never ask you to share your 24-word recovery phrase.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (7) Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (8)

May 10th, 2021

A fake letter claiming to be signed by the CEO of Ledger is sent to a Ledger user along with a faulty Ledger device in his box as if it were new.
In the fake letter, it is stated that you need to change your device to secure your funds. You are asked to initialize the device sent with the letter and to follow the user guide in the box.
This is a scam. The Ledger Nano is faulty and the user guide is a fake.
The fake user guide in the Nano's box asks the user to connect the device to a computer. To initialize the device, the user is then asked to enter his 24 words in a fake Ledger Live application.
This is a scam. Do not connect the device to your computer and never share your 24 words. Ledger will never ask you to share your 24-word recovery phrase.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (9) Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (10)

March 22nd, 2021

One of our user got recently scammed on Amazon. The user bought a Ledger Nano S which had already been initialized by a malicious seller. The malicious seller sent a Nano already initialized to the user with a recovery sheet filled with the 24 words.
When a user receives its Ledger wallet, whether it is a Nano S or X, she/he must always initialize first it by following this process:
- Powering on the device
- Generating a pin code by himself/herself
- Generating the 24 words (seed phrase) by himself

IMPORTANT: no pin code or seed phrase should ever be given to the user by anybody else prior to the initializatio

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (11)

February, 16th, 2021

In this phishing email, scammers ask you to update your device to secure your crypto.
This is a scam. Your funds are not at risk despite the data breach. Moreover, device updates should always be done directly in the Live Ledger application on your computer or phone.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (12)

February, 16th, 2021

In this phishing email, scammers ask you to directly update your 24 words giving access to your crypto.
This is a scam. Your funds are not at risk despite the data breach. Ledger will never ask you to share your 24-word recovery phrase.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (13)

February, 7th, 2021

In this phishing email, scammers ask you to update your device to secure your crypto.
This is a scam. Your funds are not at risk despite the data breach. Moreover, device updates should always be done directly in the Live Ledger application on your computer or phone.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (14)

January, 24th, 2021

Scammers ask you to click on a link to confirm that you are indeed the person who tried to connect to your device. This is a scam. Do not click on this link.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (15)

January, 14th, 2021

In this phishing email scammers are blackmailing: they are asking you to send some BTC in exchange for deleting your personal data.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (16)

January, 12th, 2021

The scammer is pretending to be working in a law firm in contact with Ledger. They are claiming that your data have been hacked and that Ledger has authorized them to send you a new Ledger device. In order to set up this new device, they are asking for your 24 words.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (17)

January, 2nd, 2021

This phishing email simulates a transaction that did not take place. Ledger will never contact you about your transactions.
This phishing email directs you to a fake website that mimicks Ledger Live and will ask for the 24 words of your recovery seed.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (18)

December 27th, 2020

This phishing email is asking you to install a security patch to fix vulnerabilities and keep your data secure. This redirect you to a website and ask you for your 24 words.
This email is not legit. Never share your 24 words.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (19)

December 24th, 2020

Scammers pretend to have collected personal information through a security breach such as compromising pictures, internet history or family contact information. They are asking you to pay in exchange for deleting these data.
This email is a scam. We do not have information such as files, pictures, internet history...

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (20)

December 22nd, 2020

This phishing alert sends you to a fake website which asks you the 24 words of your recovery phrase.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (21) Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (22)

December 22nd, 2020

Cette stratégie de hameçonnage consiste à menacer le client pour lui demander une rançon. Nous vous conseillons de ne pas répondre et de contacter la police locale pour porter plainte si vous vous sentez en danger.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (23)

December 22nd, 2020

This French text message claims that your funds are at risk, which is not true. It asks you to share the 24 words of your recovery phrase to solve security issues.
Your funds are not in danger, do not share your 24 words of your recovery phrase with anyone, Ledger will never ask you for them.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (24)

December 22nd, 2020

This phishing email uses Ledger's data theft as a pretext, to trick you into giving out the 24 words of your recovery phrase.
This is not a legit email, your funds are not at risk despite the data breach.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (25)

December 21st, 2020

Scammers pretend to know your address and demand a ransom to not invade your home.

As you can see these are 'generic' threatening emails playing on your fear to steal your crypto assets.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (26)

December 9th, 2020

This scam pretends that due to new KYC rules, Ledger was obliged to deactivate your hardware wallet. First of all, It’s not possible, Ledger is not able to deactivate your Nano.

The link invites you to enter your recovery phrase for KYC purposes. Private keys / recovery phrase are not part of any KYC procedures.

Ledger is not an Exchange, you don’t need a KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure to use your Ledger Nano or Ledger Live.

Only the “buy” features on Ledger Live needs a KYC procedure.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (27)

December 6th, 2020

The phishing attempt claims there is an outgoing transaction being made to empty your wallet to encourage you to click on the cancel button. This is fake, Ledger is not able to know what you are doing with your Nano.

Then you would be invited to enter your recovery phrase in a fake version of Ledger Live to cancel the non existing transaction.

The scammers play on your legitimate fear (someone would have access to your accounts) to encourage you to give the 24 words of your recovery phrase.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (28)

December 5th, 2020

This phishing attempt pretends your hardware wallet has been deactivated, which is not technically possible.

The link invites you to enter your recovery phrase for KYC purposes. Private keys / recovery phrase are not part of any KYC procedures. The link provided by the scammers is not legitimate.

Ledger is not an Exchange, you don’t need a KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure to use your Ledger Nano or Ledger Live.

Only the “buy” feature on Ledger Live needs a KYC procedure.

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (29) Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (30)

December 4th, 2020

This phishing scam pretends that a security breach affects you and your funds are at risk to encourage you to download a fake version of the Ledger Live app.

This fake version of Ledger Live will ask that you enter your recovery phrase in order to fix a security issue that does not exist. There is no security breach that requires you to download a new version of the Ledger Live app, nor will the app ever ask you for your 24 word recovery phrase.

Learn more about phishing campaigns

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (31)

The Battleground Against Phishing Attempts

Read the article

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (32)

Anatomy of a Phishing Attack

Read the article

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (33)

How to keep your crypto safe against scams

Read the article

Want to help us or report a phishing campaign?

If you have any doubt about the authenticity of the communication you received or the domain name or the sending address you received the communication from, you can always contact our Customer Support.

If you think you have received a fake communication from a third party impersonating Ledger, you can report it here.

NB: This will be reviewed by our team and help us flag more phishing examples on this page. However please note that there won’t be an individualised response to emails sent to this address. If your query requires a response from Ledger, please contact our Customer Support.

If you have received a phishing attempt or if you are aware of an illegal website, please report it to Google Safebrowsing. The more we report these illegal websites to Google, the more difficult it will be for scammers to deceive our Ledger users.

Stay in touch

Announcements can be found in our blog. Press contact:

Ongoing phishing campaigns | Ledger (2024)


What is the most effective solution to the phishing attacks? ›

Anti-spyware and firewall settings should be used to prevent phishing attacks and users should update the programs regularly. Firewall protection prevents access to malicious files by blocking the attacks. Antivirus software scans every file which comes through the Internet to your computer.

How can you identify a phishing email there are multiple answers correct? ›

7 Ways to Spot Phishing Email
  • Emails with Bad Grammar and Spelling Mistakes.
  • Emails with an Unfamiliar Greeting or Salutation.
  • Inconsistencies in Email Addresses, Links & Domain Names.
  • Suspicious Attachments.
  • Emails Requesting Login Credentials, Payment Information or Sensitive Data.
  • Too Good to Be True Emails.

What is phishing questions and answers? ›

Phishing is a type of attack carried out in order to steal information or money. Phishing attacks can occur through email, phone calls, texts, instant messaging, or social media. Attackers are after your personal information: usernames, passwords, credit card information, Social Security numbers.

What is the most widely used type of phishing method? ›

Email phishing is the most common type of phishing, and it has been in use since the 1990s. Hackers send these emails to any email addresses they can obtain. The email usually informs you that there has been a compromise to your account and that you need to respond immediately by clicking on a provided link.

What is the most common delivery method used in phishing attacks? ›


Using the most common phishing technique, the same email is sent to millions of users with a request to fill in personal details. These details will be used by the phishers for their illegal activities.

How can phishing awareness be improved? ›

Customize phishing campaigns for each employee. Localize messages for global employees. Apply interactive or gamification techniques in your phishing simulations to improve retention rates. Report phishing attempts with the click of a button.

What is phishing multiple choice questions? ›

The correct answer is D. Phishing is a type of social engineering attack that aims to gain sensitive information. Malicious impersonators send these emails intending for them to look legit with the goal to trick you into clicking on a malicious link or opening a malicious attachment.

What are three indicators than an email is a phishing attempt? ›

What is a common indicator of a phishing attack? Requests for personal information, generic greetings or lack of greetings, misspellings, unofficial "from" email addresses, unfamiliar webpages, and misleading hyperlinks are the most common indicators of a phishing attack.

What are the 4 types of phishing? ›

Types of Phishing Attacks
  • Spear Phishing.
  • Whaling.
  • Smishing.
  • Vishing.

What is a good example of phishing? ›

An email from PayPal arrives telling the victim that their account has been compromised and will be deactivated unless they confirm their credit card details. The link in the phishing email takes the victim to a fake PayPal website and the stolen credit card information is used to commit further crimes.

What is a famous example of phishing? ›

The Nordea Bank Incident

Dubbed the "biggest ever online bank heist" by digital security company McAfee, Nordea customers were hit with phishing emails containing Trojan viruses that installed a keylogger into the victims' computers and directed them to a fake bank website where hackers intercepted login credentials.

What is a common example of a phishing attempt? ›

For example: The user is redirected to, a bogus page appearing exactly like the real renewal page, where both new and existing passwords are requested. The attacker, monitoring the page, hijacks the original password to gain access to secured areas on the university network.

Which is the common red flags of phishing emails? ›

Incorrect (but maybe similar) sender email addresses. Links that don't go to official websites. Spelling or grammar errors, beyond the odd typo, that a legitimate organization wouldn't miss.

Who is the target of phishing? ›

Phishing may target every industry and individual, from a business executive to a home social network member or an online banking customer. This is why it's imperative to take preventive measures against phishing and be very careful about what you do online.

What are the three phases of phishing? ›

A spear phishing attack begins with the cyber criminal finding information about the target, then using that target to build a connection, and thirdly using that connection to make the target perform an action.

What are the latest phishing trends? ›

The classic email phishing attack technique has increased slightly, while other significant phishing trends include: Impersonation scams through social media. Dark web threats, such as credit card fraud. Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks.

What tactics are used in phishing emails? ›

Below are some of the most common phishing techniques attackers will employ to try to steal information or gain access to your devices.
  • Invoice phishing. ...
  • Payment/delivery scam. ...
  • Tax-themed phishing scams. ...
  • Downloads. ...
  • Phishing emails that deliver other threats. ...
  • Spear phishing. ...
  • Whaling. ...
  • Business email compromise.
Dec 14, 2022

How does a phisher typically contact a victim? ›

Phishing attacks typically rely on social networking techniques applied to email or other electronic communication methods. Some methods include direct messages sent over social networks and SMS text messages.

Which is the best security method to protect against phishing? ›

Use security best practices
  • Use a unique password for each of your online accounts. Many people reuse a favorite password for multiple accounts, but if one of these accounts is compromised, they will all be at risk of data breach.
  • Run a full virus scan of your computer every month.

What are the 6 common features of phishing emails? ›

10 Most Common Signs of a Phishing Email
  • An Unfamiliar Tone or Greeting. ...
  • Grammar and Spelling Errors. ...
  • Inconsistencies in Email Addresses, Links & Domain Names. ...
  • Threats or a Sense of Urgency. ...
  • Suspicious Attachments. ...
  • Unusual Request. ...
  • Short and Sweet. ...
  • Recipient Did Not Initiate the Conversation.

Why is phishing still successful? ›

For cyber criminals, whaling and spear-phishing are the perfect means for performing a broad array of damaging attacks.
Features for phishing detection.
Phishing FeaturesDescription
Length of URLSpoofed subdomains or long URLs are used to hide the spoofed phishing sites.
14 more rows

Why is it important to be aware of phishing? ›

Successful Phishing attacks can: Cause financial loss for victims. Put their personal information at risk. Put university data and systems at risk.

How often should you conduct active phishing campaigns? ›

Sending one email campaign per month reduces your risks

At Symbol, we recommend conducting one phishing campaign per month for those that can approve this in their business. It would result in 96 emails per year, depending on whether you opted for 2 emails or 4 emails per campaign.

What are phishing clues? ›

Spelling mistakes and poor grammar are common indicators of phishing emails. Most companies use professional copywriters, or at least a spelling checker, to review official emails before sending them. Therefore, emails sent from professional sources should be free of grammar and spelling errors.

What are 5 features of phishing? ›

5 Characteristics of a Phishing Email
  • The email makes unrealistic threats or demands. Intimidation has become a popular tactic for phishing scams. ...
  • There's a catch. ...
  • Poor spelling and grammar. ...
  • A mismatched or dodgy URL. ...
  • You are asked for sensitive information.

How many phishing methods are there? ›

19 Types of Phishing Attacks with Examples | Fortinet.

What are two different types of phishing methods? ›

8 Types of Phishing Attacks
  • Email Phishing. Email is the most popular phishing medium. ...
  • Spear Phishing. Spear phishing works like common phishing attacks, using communications from a seemingly trusted source to trick victims. ...
  • Vishing and Smishing. ...
  • Clone Phishing. ...
  • Pharming. ...
  • HTTPS Phishing. ...
  • Pop-up Phishing. ...
  • Evil Twin Phishing.

What is phishing give any 2 methods to protect yourself from phishing? ›

Phishing (pronounced: fishing) is an attack that attempts to steal your money, or your identity, by getting you to reveal personal information -- such as credit card numbers, bank information, or passwords -- on websites that pretend to be legitimate.

What is a common indicator of a phishing attempt? ›

Unusually-worded Subject Lines. The most obvious indicator of a phishing email is a subject line that contains a word or phrase that doesn't sound right. There are three specific types of phishing emails that are very common, and they all have the same telltale subject lines: “FWD: FWD: FWD: Important Message From…”

Where is phishing most common? ›

CISCO's 2021 data suggests that financial services firms are the most likely to be targeted by phishing attacks, having been targeted by 60% more phishing attacks than the next-highest sector (which CISCO identifies as higher education).

How common is phishing today? ›

Roughly 15 billion spam emails make their way across the internet everyday, which means that spam filters are “working overtime” and are liable to permit malicious phishing attack emails to slip through. In 2021, 83% of organizations reported experiencing phishing attacks.

Which tool is used for phishing? ›

rubikproxy / rubikphish. It is an automated phishing tool that includes more than 30 phishing templates.

How do phishers target their victims? ›

Sometimes referred to as a “phishing scam,” attackers target users' login credentials, financial information (such as credit cards or bank accounts), company data, and anything that could potentially be of value.

What is a more complicated way of phishing? ›

Spear phishing is more advanced than a regular phishing message and aims at specific groups or even particular individuals.

What is the best protection against phishing? ›

Use a firewall

Firewalls are an effective way to help block any outsiders from gaining access to your private data. While using a firewall may not stop phishing messages from coming into your inbox, it can provide an additional layer of protection between your personal information and a hacker.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 6267

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.