Next Top Blockchain Startup (2024)


Blockchain is transforming the world. It has revolutionized industries large and small and is redefining the way humans interact and do business. In order for blockchain technology to be adopted by the mainstream, which we are confident that it will be, it requires brilliant, creative and determined individuals creating new use cases and improving already existing products.

The Next Top Blockchain Startup is a global hackathon and startup competition that aims to spotlight the next wave of blockchain entrepreneurs. Prepare for a summer full of educational workshops and Q&A's with leaders in blockchain. Compete to win crypto bounties, token design & mentorship, listing opportunities, entrance into incubators and grant programs, and a virtual pitch day!


  • Do it solo or create a team of up to 8 members.
  • Review the prize categories and opt-in to the ones that you want to compete in. If your idea encompasses multiple prize categories, make sure to apply for all of them!
  • Work on building a prototype and/or feasible proof of concept (white paper). See submission requirements for details.
  • Take part in the developer workshops, start-up seminars, networking & mentorship opportunites.
  • Submit your idea by August 8th - Winners announced August 20th.
  • Own your ideas and continue developing them after the hackathon!
  • Select teams are invited to participate in TDeFi's virtual pitch day & win the opportunity to join their accelerator program. More below.


  • Students in computer science, engineering, business or other applicable fields.
  • Developers (prior experience in crypto is not required).
  • UI/UX and visual designers.
  • Individuals with an interest in blockchain and tokenomics.


After the hackathon, select winning teams that display the best business use cases will get an opportunity to present at the Virtual Pitch Day hosted by TDeFi, a crypto accelerator, and potentially recieve up to $100,000 in grants and entrance into their extensive acceleration program that will assist with: company setup & regulation, token consturction and listing advisory, and mentorship for fundraising.

Do you have what it takes to come up with the leading blockchain organization of tomorrow?


You can build any project that leverages blockchain technology. Eligible submissions must meet/include the following criteria:

  1. A White Paper*, Prototype** and/or Proof-of-Concept*** (e.g., MVPs) + Description. Some prizes require just a white paper, whereas others require protoypes and multiple submissions. See below for the criteria.
  2. A link to a short (max 5 minutes) video introducing the project, it's use case and functionality.
  3. Meet the requirements for each applicable prize category. Head over to the Submission Requirements tab on Devpost to learn more.
  4. Submissions and their content must be in English
  5. Meet the Devpost deadline.

Note: some ideas take longer to build then others. A working prototype and/or Proof-of-Concept is usually preffered, but if you cannot build it by the deadline then we encourage you to still submit the detailed white paper as it will often be considered. Just make sure to blow the judges away!

*White Paper: An eligible white paper submission must include the following: an introduction, analysis of the market, project description, technical architecture and features, token information (if applicable), business model and user acquisition plan, team information, roadmap and future goals.

**Prototype + Description: An eligible prototype + description submission must include a link to the projects GitHub/Repository with source code and a link to a live demo. You must also include a description (on Devpost)or a white paper/light paper PDF to introduce the project. If your repository is private, please share the access details with the event organizer.

***POC + Description: An eligible POC + Description must include a link to the MVP and a description (on Devpost) or white paper/light paper PDF to introduce the project. If the MVP is private, please share access with the hackathon's organizer. If the MVP is private, please share access details with the event organizer.

Hackathon Sponsors

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Next Top Blockchain Startup (1)

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Virtual Pitch Day Partner

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$140,600 in prizes

Open Innovation Grand Prize - Hosted by BitMart, Future Tech & GDA Ventures (2)

The open innovation category considers any project regardless of scope. Every project is automatically considered.

1st place:
• $15,000 in USDT
• Requirements & Token Advisory meeting with leading technology company Future Tech (valued at $30,000)
• 3 month long incubation program with GDA Ventures,
• Direct listing opportunity, or even Initial Exchange Offering opportunity if deemed appropriate by BitMart.

2nd place:
• $7,500 in USDT,
• Direct listing opportunity, or even Initial Exchange Offering opportunity if deemed appropriate by BitMart.
• Virtual coffee with the CEO of GDA Capital

Build a Polkadot Parachain - Hosted by the Web3 Foundation (3)

The Web3 Foundation is awarding the top 3 teams to build a custom blockchain that could one day become a parachain on Polkadot or Kusama. Utilise Substrate and build your specialised chain from the ground up.

1st Place - Prototype Required
• $5000 USD (cash or stablecoin)
• Expedited pitch session for Substrate Builders Program (if applicable)
• 1x Polkadot engraved Ledger Nano X & Polkadot Swag
• Virtual meeting with Advanced Blockchain AG

2nd Place - Prototype required
• $3000 USD (cash or stablecoin)
• Expedited pitch session for Substrate Builders Program (if applicable)
• 1x Polkadot engraved Ledger Nano X & Polkadot Swag
• Virtual meeting with Advanced Blockchain AG

3rd Place - No prototype required
• $2000 USD (cash or stablecoin)
• 1x Polkadot engraved Ledger Nano X & Polkadot Swag
• Virtual meeting with Advanced Blockchain AG

Building DeFi for the Masses - Hosted by Terra powered by LUNA (2)

Terra will be rewarding the top 2 teams who use the Terra blockchain to create a POC or prototype in the 2 categories of Interoperability & DeFi. Teams will need to create innovative products building on Terra or utilizing Terra-based assets from Mirror, Anchor, or stablecoins like UST in a meaningful way. Winners will receive a cash prize and be accepted into Terraform Capital, where Terra utilizes its extensive resources in networking, investors, PR/comms, and other areas to help projects maximize success.

1st Place:
• $5,000 worth of LUNA
• Acceptance into Terraform Capital
• Preferred application for Terra Ecosystem Grant

2nd Place:
• $5,000 worth of LUNA
• Acceptance into Terraform Capital
• Preferred application for Terra Ecosystem Grant

Climate Neutral NFTs on NEAR - Hosted by NEAR Protocol (4)

Want to create your own NFT Platform where you can mint tons of NFTs, have complex business logic and lots of on-chain metadata, without having to worry about the environment? NEAR Protocol is a fast, low cost and climate neutral blockchain where you can set up a fully featured NFT Marketplace and React App in 5 minutes! From the quickstart repositories, you can follow additional tutorials, adding bespoke business logic, decentralized storage and custom features to make your NFTs pop!

1st Place
• $6,000 USD in NEAR
• Fast track into NEAR Grant program.

2nd Place x 4
• $2,000 USD in NEAR

Oracles | Decentralized Data, External Computation, and Empowering your Smart Contracts Beyond the Chain - Hosted by Chainlink (3)

Chainlink is awarding the top 5 teams with $1,000 worth of LINK that use Chainlink in a meaningful way to empower their smart contracts. See requirements tab for what the judges are looking for.

Build for Scalability Using Polygon - Hosted by Polygon (3)

Polygon will be awarding the top three teams who deploy and scale their decentralized application on the Polygon Network. A working POC + Description is preferred.

1st Place - $3,000 worth of MATIC
2nd Place - $2,000 worth of MATIC
3rd Place - $1,000 worth of MATIC

The XDB Foundation is awarding the top 3 teams who build a custom application that integrates consumer digital assets that could one day become a pillar of the DigitalBits network.

1st Place - Prototype Required
• $10,000 in XDB
• Preferred application for the DigitalBits grant program
• DigitalBits swag

2nd Place - Prototype required
• $7,500 in XDB
• Preferred application for the DigitalBits grant program
• DigitalBits swag

3rd Place - No prototype required
• $2,500 in XDB

Tokens and beyond on Tezos - Hosted by Tezos (2)

Tezos is awarding the top 2 teams to use create projects on the Tezos blockchain using one of the Tezos token contracts (FA1.2 and FA2). Where FA1.2 refers to a fungible token standard for Tezos, FA2 aspires to offer wide expressivity to create novel implementations beyond NFTs and even invent token types while maintaining a common interface standard for wallet integrators and external developers. Your token might represent a physical asset, digital asset, a governance mechanism, or a certain utility or service. Working prototypes are preferred but White Papers will also be considered.

1st Place
• $7,500 in tez (XTZ)
• Follow-up mentor session from Tezos developers

2nd Place
• $5,000 in tez (XTZ)
• Follow-up mentor session from Tezos developers

Social Impact - Hosted by Bybit (2)

Bybit is looking for the best projects to implement blockchain technology for social good. White Papers, Working Prototypes & MVPs will be considered.

1st Place
• $5,000 in USDT
• Virtual coffee with the head of financial product

2nd Place
• $2,500 in USDT
• A virtual coffee with the head of financial product

Blockchain Gaming - Hosted by Animoca Brands

Animoca Brands is awarding $3000 in crypto to the best team to implement blockchain technology into gaming. This could mean starting a completely new game from scratch, or improving current use cases for the global blockchain gaming ecosystem. A working prototype isn't required, but visuals in addition to a solid technical concept/white paper is encouraged.

Build an Treasury Supported Currency Application - Hosted by AXIA Network (3)

The AXIA Network is awarding the top 3 teams to build a custom application that leverages the AXIA currency. Utilise AXC into your application from the ground up.

1st Place - Prototype Required
• $7,500 AXC
• Expedited pitch session with AXIA Private Equity

2nd Place - Prototype required
• $5,000 AXC
• Expedited pitch session with AXIA Private Equity

3rd Place - No prototype required
• $2,500 AXC
• AXIA swag

Metaverse Build Competition - Hosted by Decentraland

Decentraland is looking for the top decentraland build or the best application to leverage Decentraland’s native currency MANA.

1st Place
• 1 parcel of land (approx value $7,000)
• Meeting with DCL core team

Best Netbox.Browser Extension - Hosted by Netbox Global

The Netbox.Browser is the first truly decentralized web browser that carries the blockchain node and pays rewards to the users just for running this node while surfing the web and doing what they got used to in Netbox.Browser. Netbox is looking to award the best idea to build an extension for Netbox.Browser that would contribute additional value to it and provide its users with some useful crypto related experience.

1st Place - Prototype Required
•$5,000 in NBX
•Distribution of the extension to all the Netbox.Browser users and including this extension to the setup bundle

Devpost Achievements

Submitting to this hackathon could earn you:

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Next Top Blockchain Startup (33)

Michael Gord
CEO / GDA Capital

Next Top Blockchain Startup (34)

Nick Plante
Director & Partner / dlab

Next Top Blockchain Startup (35)

Erikan Obotetukudo
Founder & Partner / Audacity Fund

Next Top Blockchain Startup (36)

Bill Laboon
Head of Technical Education / Web3 Foundation

Next Top Blockchain Startup (37)

Simon Telian
Managing Director / Advanced Blockchain AG

Next Top Blockchain Startup (38)

Gaurav Dubey
Angel Investor / TDeFi

Next Top Blockchain Startup (39)

Rebecca L. Batterman
Harvard Ventures

Next Top Blockchain Startup (40)

Joel Dietz
MIT Fellow / Founding Member, Ethereum Foundation

Next Top Blockchain Startup (41)

Tobias Bauer
Principal / Blockchain Founders Fund

Next Top Blockchain Startup (42)

Simon Yu
CEO & Co-founder / StormX

Next Top Blockchain Startup (43)

Aidan Hyman
CEO & Co-founder / ChainSafe

Next Top Blockchain Startup (44)

Enzo Villani
Alpha Sigma Capital

Next Top Blockchain Startup (45)

Carlos Santiago Roldán
Core Engineer / Terraform Labs

Next Top Blockchain Startup (46)

Christy Maclear
Artist Digital Ventures

Next Top Blockchain Startup (47)

Brian Mosoff
CEO / Ether Capital

Next Top Blockchain Startup (48)

Jantine Derksen
Director / Tz Connect GmbH

Next Top Blockchain Startup (49)

Erick Pinos
President / Blockchain Education Network

Next Top Blockchain Startup (50)

James Haft

Next Top Blockchain Startup (51)

John Newby
Director / Tz Connect GmbH

Next Top Blockchain Startup (52)

Patrick Collins
Developer Advocate / Chainlink

Next Top Blockchain Startup (53)

Tzahi Kansa
CEO / FutureBlock

Next Top Blockchain Startup (54)

Tatiana Koffman
Angel Investor

Next Top Blockchain Startup (55)

Ecosystem Development / Terraform Labs

Next Top Blockchain Startup (56)

Muskan Kalra
Lead Developer Relations / Polygon

Next Top Blockchain Startup (57)

Daniel Sloan
Co-Founder & Chief Investment Officer / Future Tech

Next Top Blockchain Startup (58)

John Kenny
Head of Technology / DLTx

Next Top Blockchain Startup (59)

Matt Lockyer
Developer Relations Director / NEAR Protocol

Next Top Blockchain Startup (60)

Ezaan Mangaliji
Smart Contract Developer / Terraform Labs

Next Top Blockchain Startup (61)

Pradeep Aswal
CEO / Blockchain Council

Next Top Blockchain Startup (62)

Chad Liang
Head of Listing / BitMart

Next Top Blockchain Startup (63)

Sandipan Kundu
Developer Evangelist / Polygon

Next Top Blockchain Startup (64)

Howe Fai
Core Developer / 0xVentures

Next Top Blockchain Startup (65)

Sam Hamilton
Community Lead / Decentraland Foundation

Next Top Blockchain Startup (66)

Joaquim Miro
SVP of Growth / GDA Capital

Next Top Blockchain Startup (67)

Bill Xing
Head of Financial Product / Bybit

Next Top Blockchain Startup (68)

Gaurav Bansal
Investment Lead / Holt Accelerator

Judging Criteria

  • Originality & Creativity
    How novel and innovative is the idea? Does it set out to do something completely different or at least improve existing models?
  • Technicality & Design
    What is the tech like? Does it have comprehensive and efficient features? Is the code understandable and usable by others? Is it designed to scale?
  • Business Model & Feasibility
    What is the value proposition and how does it set out to differentiate itself? How will it capture value, new users and/or generate revenue? Is the project positioned to succeed?
  • Usability
    What is the user experience like? Is it clean and intuitive? How will you implement UX/UI?
  • Practicality & Use Case
    Is this something people would actually use and want? Will the idea have an impact on people, revolutionize some aspect of human life, or disrupt the status quo?
  • Contribution to the Global Blockchain Ecosystem
    How does your idea increase global blockchain adoption, value for its users, and innovation in the field of Open Source technology? Does it welcome new users and help existing users?
Next Top Blockchain Startup (2024)


What is blockchain select the best answer? ›

What is blockchain? Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. An asset can be tangible (a house, car, cash, land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding).

Which crypto will boom in 2030? ›

Cryptocurrency Frenzy: BlockDAG Set to Skyrocket to $30 by 2030 After Piccadilly Circus Hype; Dogecoin & Litecoin Surge
  • Dogecoin Enjoys a Bullish Surge.
  • Litecoin Maintains Steady Market Performance.
  • BlockDAG Dominates as a Top Investment Choice for 2024.
  • Why BlockDAG, Dogecoin, and Litecoin Stand Out in 2024.
1 day ago

Which coin will pump in 2024? ›

Best Altcoins for Next Bull Run
CoinMarket CapitalizationCurrent Price
Ethereum (ETH)$352.50 billion$2987.52
Solana (SOL)$59.55 billion$143.65
Dogecoin (DOGE)$0.1294$0.147
Cosmos (ATOM-USD)$8.94 billion$9.02
3 more rows
6 days ago

Which coin will reach $1 in 2024? ›

What's more, DOGE has also introduced Ordinals on the Dogecoin blockchain. These developments could push the DOGE price further, hitting the $1 milestone, especially now that bulls are taking charge. Zilliqa, with the ticker ZIL, is another cryptocurrency that's seen as a potential candidate to reach the $1 threshold.

What is the number 1 blockchain? ›

Top Blockchains
1BNB Chain BNB5,315 +8
2Ethereum ETH4,576 +9
3Polygon MATIC2,087 +8
4TRON TRX1,380 0
21 more rows

What is blockchain simple answer? ›

A blockchain is “a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of ordered records, called blocks.” These blocks “are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data.

What will $1000 of Bitcoin be worth in 2030? ›

If Bitcoin continues this pattern into 2030, the price could peak around 2029 or 2030. If Wood is correct and Bitcoin reaches $3.8 million, if you invested $1,000 in Bitcoin now, it would be worth $54,280 in 2030. This would result in a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of nearly 95%.

Which crypto has potential to reach $1000? ›

Here are three crypto moonshot opportunities with the potential to turn a small investment into life-changing wealth in the next bull cycle. ChainGPT (CGPT-USD): Offers AI trading tools, an NFT generator, and more tools tailored for crypto applications.

Which crypto will make you rich in 2025? ›

It's been a strange year for Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH). The world's second-largest crypto exploded out of the gate early, soaring from $2,200 in January to $4,000 by mid-March.

Which crypto will give 1000x? ›

Which crypto can give 1000x in 2024? There are several 1000x potential cryptos today, and all of them are on our list. Some of the top contenders are Dogeverse, Sealana, WienerAI, Mega Dice, 99Bitcoins, 5th Scape, Sponge V2, etc.

Which crypto can give 1000x in 2024? ›

Best 1000x Crypto to Watch in 2024:
  • DogeVerse.
  • wienerdogai.
  • 99Bitcoin.
  • Mega Dice token - Presale.
  • TG Casino.
  • Sponge V2.
  • 5thscape.
6 days ago

How to find the next 100x crypto? ›

Search for reputable funds like “Binance Labs” who have a good track record of wins. Then filter their portfolio to find coins with less than a 100 million market cap. This will ensure you are early and can do 100x. Make sure they are active and are developing their product.

Which coin will make me a millionaire in future? ›


With institutional adoption on the rise and growing mainstream acceptance, Bitcoin remains a staple in any crypto portfolio. As a store of value and hedge against inflation, Bitcoin's scarcity and deflationary nature make it a compelling long-term investment for millionaire hopefuls.

Which crypto is next bitcoin? ›

Top 10 Cryptos in 2024
CoinMarket CapitalizationCurrent Price
Bitcoin (BTC)$1.2 trillion$62,245
Ethereum (ETH)$360 billion$3000
Binance Coin (BNB)$85 billion$581
Solana (SOL)$65 billion$146
6 more rows
May 8, 2024

Which crypto will explode soon? ›

Top 7 Cryptos to Explode in 2024: BlockDAG, Bitcoin, ADA, XRP, AVAX, MATIC and TRX. The crypto market is set for a transformative phase, with BlockDAG at the forefront, having raised a significant $23.4 million in its latest presale.

What is the blockchain? ›

A blockchain is a distributed ledger with growing lists of records (blocks) that are securely linked together via cryptographic hashes.

What is the best way to explain blockchain? ›

Blockchain is an immutable digital ledger that enables secure transactions across a peer-to-peer network. It records, stores and verifies data using decentralized techniques to eliminate the need for third parties, like banks or governments.

What is a blockchain quizlet? ›

Blockchain is an encrypted, distributed database shared across multiple computers or nodes that are part of a community or system.

Which of the following best describes a blockchain? ›

Blockchain technology is most simply defined as a decentralized, distributed ledger that records the provenance of a digital asset. Merkle tree: A Merkle tree stores all the transactions in a block by producing a digital fingerprint of the entire set of transactions.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 5870

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.