Monthly Income Plan - MIP Full Form, Meaning and Types (2024)

Monthly income plans, abbreviated as MIPs, are hybrid mutual funds with a debt orientation, offering investors a fixed monthly return. While the equity investment proportion is relatively low, it provides an incremental advantage to the stability of the fund's debt component.

In this article, we are going to explore what a monthly income plan is, the key features of MIP, the benefits of MIP, the types of MIP, and much more.

What is a Monthly Income Plan (MIP)?

A monthly income plan (MIP) is atype of mutual fund that invests mainly in debt and equity securities with a mandate of producing cash flows and preserving capital. MIPs are designed for investors who want to receive a regular income from their investments while taking moderate risks. It is important to note that regular income is not guaranteed as it is subject to availability of surplus funds generated by the fund manager. The aim of an MIP is to provide a steady stream of income in dividends and interest payments.

How do monthly income mutual funds work?

Now that you know the meaning of a monthly income plan in mutual funds, let’s focus on understanding how these plans work to generate returns:

How do monthly payouts occur?

When you invest in a mutual fund scheme, you can choose between two options. The first is the growth option, where the returns earned on the principal investment get reinvested to benefit from the power of compounding. The second option available is the dividend option. In theory, this dividend option offers a regular income to the investor instead of reinvesting the returns.

However, the dividend option is unreliable since dividends are paid to investors only when fund managers declare the same. Fund managers declare dividends only when the fund has accumulated a distributable surplus. Therefore, dividends may be declared and distributed only on a quarterly, bi-annual, or annual basis. In some cases, no dividends may be declared if the fund underperforms and does not accumulate a distributable surplus. Additionally, the dividends declared can vary depending on market conditions and the fund’s performance. In simple words, neither the amount nor the frequency of dividend payments are guaranteed. Therefore, financial experts often advise investors to avoid relying solely on dividend payments from mutual funds as their source of regular income.

How to use systematic withdrawal plans (SWPs) to generate monthly income?

A systematic withdrawal plan, or SWP, presents a more reliable alternative when it comes to earning regular income from your mutual fund investments. The SWP is the polar opposite of an SIP. An SIP, or systematic investment plan, allows you to invest in mutual funds through consistent periodic contributions. An SWP, on the other hand, allows you to regularly withdraw a specific sum of money from your mutual fund investments. Just like SIPs, SWPs can also be automated to ensure the withdrawn sum gets credited to your bank account at the frequency of your choosing. In other words, you can choose the amount you wish to withdraw as well as the frequency of withdrawal based on your needs and requirements.

Let’s take an example to understand how SWPs work. Suppose you are a retiree and have invested a lump-sum amount of Rs. 20 lakhs in mutual funds. To ensure a steady monthly cash flow, you set up an SWP to withdraw Rs. 10,000 on the 3rd of every month. Based on the NAV of the fund, the AMC calculates the number of MF units that must be redeemed to meet your withdrawal amount. The formula used to calculate the number of units is as follows:

Number of units to be redeemed = Withdrawal/NAV

Let’s assume the NAV for the first month is Rs. 20 per unit. In this case, 500 units of the fund must be redeemed to meet your monthly target of Rs. 10,000. The AMC will sell 500 units to deposit the funds in your bank account. Since NAV is subject to change, the number of units to be redeemed next month will be calculated on the updated NAV.

Key features of monthly income plans

Monthly income plans are investment options designed for conservative, risk-averse investors seeking a steady source of income. Let us explore their key features and benefits:

  • MIPs invest around 70% to 80% of their portfolio in debt instruments such as bonds, debentures, and money market instruments, and the remaining in equity and equity-related instruments.
  • MIPs offer two options to investors: Dividend and Growth. In the dividend option, investors receive periodic pay-outs from the fund, whereas in the growth option, the returns are reinvested in the fund and reflected in the net asset value (NAV).
  • MIPs do not guarantee a fixed or regular income, as the dividends are declared only when the fund has distributable surplus and the NAV is above the face value. The income may also vary depending on the market conditions and the fund performance.
  • MIPs are suitable for investors who have a low to moderate risk appetite and a medium to long-term investment horizon. They can provide higher returns than fixed deposits and post office monthly income schemes, but lower than pureequity funds.

Benefits of monthly income plans

Looking for a reliable income source? MIPs might be the answer. They offer several advantages for investors seeking stability:

  • Regular paychecks:MIPs are designed to distribute dividends regularly, acting like a monthly salary from your investments.
  • Spread the risk:MIPs invest in both debt (bonds) and equity (stocks), creating adiversified portfolio. This reduces overall risk while aiming for consistent returns.
  • Focus on stability:A larger portion of MIPs goes towards debt, known for lower risk compared to stocks. This makes them a more conservative option withinmutual funds.
  • Tax perks:MIPs can be tax-friendly for those in higher tax brackets. There's a limit on how much tax you pay on dividends received. This translates to more money in your pocket.

Types of monthly income plans

Monthly income plans are investment options designed for conservative, risk-averse investors seeking a steady source of income. Let us explore their key features and benefits:

  • MIPs can be classified into two broad categories based on their equity exposure: Conservative and Aggressive.
  • Conservative MIPs invest up to 15% of their portfolio in equity and equity-related instruments, while aggressive MIPs invest up to 25% or more.
  • Conservative MIPs are less volatile and more stable than aggressive MIPs, but they also offer lower returns potential. Aggressive MIPs are more risky and volatile, but they can also generate higher returns in the long run.
  • Investors can choose the type of MIP that suits their risk profile and return expectations.

Taxes on monthly income plans

Let us explore the tax implications of Monthly income plans:

  • MIPs are taxed as debt-oriented funds, as they invest more than 65% of their portfolio in debt instruments.
  • The capital gains from MIPs are taxed depending on the holding period of the investment. If the units are sold within two years of purchase, the gains are treated as short-term capital gains (STCG) and taxed at the investor’s slab rate. If the units are sold after two years of purchase, the gains are treated as long-term capital gains(LTCG) and taxed at 12.5% without indexation benefit (following the Budget 2024 announcement).

Ideal investors for monthly income plans

  • Monthly income plans are best suited for investors who want to gain returns higher than they can get from other fixed-income investment sources with low risks associated with them.Retirees and people with a low-risk appetite and a lower budget fit this category well.
  • MIPs are also ideal for investors who want to have some exposure to the equity markets without taking high risks. MIPs can provide the benefits of diversification, capital appreciation, and regular income.
  • MIPs are also suitable for first-time mutual fund investors who want to experience the market with a low-risk investment option.

Ways to invest in monthly income plans online

Investors can invest in monthly income plans online through the following ways:

  • Through online platforms, that offer various MIPs from different fund houses and allow investors to compare, select, and invest in them easily and conveniently.
  • Through the websites or apps of the Asset Management Companies (AMCs) that offer the MIPs and allow investors to invest directly without any intermediaries or commissions.
  • Through the websites or apps of online brokers or distributors that offer MIPs along with othermutual fund schemes and charge a nominal fee or commission for their services.

How to analyse MIP returns?

MIPs have the potential to yield greater returns compared to pure debt funds owing to their equity exposure. Historically, they have provided returns ranging from 10% to 12%, surpassing the offerings of fixed deposits. Nonetheless, dividend distributions are subject to the discretion of the fund company and are not assured.

How to choose the best monthly income mutual funds?

The process of selecting mutual funds for monthly income is not very different from the process of choosing MFs for long-term investment. The investment objective, risk tolerance, and time horizon remain the three crucial factors to consider. If you’re still unsure about how to choose mutual funds for monthly income, here’s a quick guide to help you:

  • Identify your financial objectives: Setting clear goals and objectives is the first step in every sound financial plan. Understand whether you’re investing for steady income, long-term growth, or both. Think about your investment objective carefully to outline it.
  • Evaluate your risk appetite: Different types of mutual funds carry different risk exposures. For instance, equity funds have a high risk exposure but also offer potentially higher returns. Debt funds are relatively low-risk options but also offer comparatively lower returns. You should choose mutual funds that align with your risk tolerance.
  • Check for diversification: Diversification is the cornerstone of mutual fund investment. It can help balance your investment risks and optimise returns. Apart from investing in diverse MF schemes, look for funds that offer diversified portfolios instead of focusing on a single sector or asset. A diversified fund portfolio spreads risk to ensure potentially stable returns.
  • Review the past performance of the fund: Before investing in a mutual fund scheme, remember to carefully examine the fund's historical performance. While past performance doesn’t guarantee future returns, it can still help you evaluate the fund’s returns.
  • Check expense ratios: Expense ratios play an important role in your net returns over time. Consider choosing funds with low expense ratios to ensure higher returns in the long run.
  • Assess distribution policies: As per SEBI’s mandate, dividends in MFs have been renamed as distribution starting 1st April 2021. As an investor looking for monthly income, you should carefully assess the distribution policies of the fund to check if the fund has clauses regarding skipping payments under specific conditions.

Risks involved in monthly income plans

Here is a breakdown of the potential pitfalls to consider when investing in MIPs:

  • Market volatility: Do not be fooled by the "low-risk" label. MIPs are still exposed to ups and downs in both the stock and bond markets, impacting the overall value of your investment.
  • Interest rate rollercoaster: Since MIPs heavily rely on debt instruments, rising interest rates can cause their value to take a tumble.
  • Credit woes: There's always a chance that companies or governments issuing the debt securities in the MIP might default, meaning you could lose some of your invested money.
  • Inflation erosion: Inflation can outpace the returns offered by MIPs, silently eating away at the purchasing power of your investment over time.

Recommended monthly income mutual funds to invest in India

  • ICICI Pru PSU Equity Fund
  • Quant Infrastructure Fund
  • Quant Value Fund
  • Quant Momentum Fund
  • Mirae Asset NYSE FANG+ETF FoF
  • Quant Multi Asset Fund
  • Kotak Gold Fund
  • SBI Gold Fund
  • HDFC Gold Fund
  • Nippon India Gold Savings Fund

Do MIPS add value for investors seeking regular income?

As an investor, you must be wondering if investing in monthly income plans actually makes sense since a regular dividend income is not guaranteed. While dividends are not technically assured, most MIPs tend to pay out regular dividends to investors to meet the existing market expectations. It is more of an unwritten principle for MIPs. So, if you are a retiree or just an investor who requires regular income, monthly income plans are prudent investment options. That said, you should avoid buying into MIPs that preach the misconception of assured returns. For stable and regular earnings, you can opt for the SWP or systematic withdrawal plan route, whereby a specific sum of money is regularly withdrawn from your investment to generate a steady cash flow.

Things to consider before investing in monthly income schemes

Before investing in a monthly income scheme, investors should consider the following factors:

  • Their risk tolerance level, as different MIPs have different levels of risk and volatility.
  • Their investment objectives and time horizon, as MIPs are meant for medium to long-term investments.
  • The market conditions and interest rate scenario, as they affect the performance and returns of MIPs.
  • Thefund manager’s expertise and track record, as they determine the fund’s portfolio composition and asset allocation.

The expense ratio and exit load of the fund, as they affect the net returns of the investment.


Monthly Income Plans (MIPs) offer investors a balanced approach to generating regular income while preserving capital. By investing in a mix of debt and equity instruments, MIPs aim to provide stable returns with lower volatility. However, it is essential for investors to assess their risk tolerance and investment objectives before considering MIPs as part of their portfolio.

After you have performed the required analysis and identified the funds you want to invest in, you can visit the Bajaj Finserv Mutual Funds Platform and start your lump sum orSIP investment. With over 1,000 funds available to choose from, you are bound to find the funds that align with your risk preferences and financial goals.

Essential tools for all mutual fund investors

Mutual Fund Calculator

Lumpsum Calculator

Systematic Investment Plan Calculator

Step Up SIP Calculator

SBI SIP Calculator

HDFC SIP Calculator

Nippon India SIP Calculator

ABSL SIP Calculator

Monthly Income Plan - MIP Full Form, Meaning and Types (2024)


Monthly Income Plan - MIP Full Form, Meaning and Types? ›

Monthly Income Plan (MIP) is a type of investment scheme that provides a steady income to investors on a monthly basis. Two types of MIPs are available: Vanilla MIPs and MIPs with Insurance.

What is the full form of MIP plan? ›

Monthly Income Plan (MIP) : Features. The Monthly Income Plan is designed for those individuals who regularly need money to supplement their income i.e. each month. Under this scheme Interest on Deposit is paid on monthly basis. Interest earned on deposit becomes another source of income.

How does MIP work? ›

MIPs offer two options to investors: Dividend and Growth. In the dividend option, investors receive periodic pay-outs from the fund, whereas in the growth option, the returns are reinvested in the fund and reflected in the net asset value (NAV).

What is the meaning of MIP and SIP? ›

A monthly Income Plan (MIP) SIP( Systematic Investment Plan) Method Of Investing. Ways To Invest In Mutual Funds in 2024.

What is the full form of MIP in a company? ›

The goal of the Management Incentive Plan (“MIP”) is to drive performance by the Company's management.

What does MIP stand for? ›

What is MIP (Mortgage Insurance Premium)? MIP is mortgage insurance required for Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insured loans. When closing on a home using an FHA loan, all debtors are subjected to an upfront charge of the MIP in a percentage amount of the sales price of the home.

What is a MIP plan? ›

A monthly income plan (MIP) is a type of mutual fund that invests primarily in debt and equity securities with a mandate of producing cash flows and preserving capital. The aim of an MIP is to provide a steady stream of income in dividends and interest payments.

Is MIP paid monthly? ›

If you have an FHA loan, you will need to pay the same MIP payment each month throughout the life of your loan or until it is no longer required (if your loan is eligible).

What is the purpose of MIP insurance? ›

Mortgage insurance premium (MIP) is paid by homeowners who take out loans backed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). FHA-backed lenders use MIPs to protect themselves against higher-risk borrowers who are more likely to default on loans. FHA mortgages require every borrower to have mortgage insurance.

How are MIP payments calculated? ›

Annual FHA MIP

Lenders calculate your annual payment as a percentage of your base loan value. If you make at least a 10% down payment on an FHA loan, you'll only need to pay MIP for the first 11 years of the loan term. If you put less than 10% down, you'll pay MIP for the entire life of your loan.

What is the use of MIP? ›

Maximum intensity projection (MIP) is a simple three-dimensional visualization tool that can be used to display computed tomographic angiography data sets. MIP images are not threshold dependent and preserve attenuation information.

What is an MIP bonus? ›

MIP Bonus means the bonus earned by the CEO under the MIP for the Fiscal Year for which the CEO's performance is being evaluated for purposes of the Plan as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion.

Which is the best MIP mutual fund? ›

Best Monthly Income Funds (MIPs) to Invest in 2024
Funds NameReturns(%)
ICICI Prudential MIP 254.77.7
ICICI Prudential Monthly Income Plan5.59.1
Invesco India Regular Savings Fund5.76.9
Reliance Hybrid Bond Fund-16.491.65
6 more rows

What is MIP in workplace? ›

Management Incentive Plans (MIPs), also known as an executive incentive compensation plan, are compensation plans designed specifically for a company's senior leadership and executives.

What is MIP systems? ›

MIP is a leading global fintech that provides world-class technology solutions and software services to the umbrella of industries that exist within financial services- Healthcare, Risk & Insurance; Wealth Management; Employee Benefits and Lending, as well as the Business Process Outsourcing industry. Request a Demo.

What does MIP stand for in accounting? ›

MIP Fund Accounting FAQs

The "MIP" in MIP Fund Accounting stands for Micro Information Products. The popular fund accounting software was originally developed by a couple of Texas-based accountants back in 1982.

What is MIP insurance? ›

Mortgage insurance premium (MIP) is paid by homeowners who take out loans backed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). FHA-backed lenders use MIPs to protect themselves against higher-risk borrowers who are more likely to default on loans. FHA mortgages require every borrower to have mortgage insurance. 1.

What does 7% MIP mean? ›

The 2012 reform created the MIP 7% plan as an election option for MIP members. Members who elected the MIP 7% plan pay an increased, flat DB contribution rate (7%, beginning Feb. 1, 2013) and retain their 1.5% pension factor.

What is MIP in healthcare? ›

Maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) is a measure of the strength of inspiratory muscles, primarily the diaphragm, and allows for the assessment of ventilatory failure, restrictive lung disease and respiratory muscle strength.

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