How to store coins - full guide (2024)

are required`, WishListEmailMessage: `Check out my wish list at Preservation Equipment Ltd`, CancellationFormDate: `Date`, TopProductsItemsPerPageValue: `10`, ContactThankYouMessage: `Your message has been sent to`, ProductStockOutKeyTextNoNotify: `The item is out of stock & is not available to order.`, DeliveryMethodDisplayFormat: `DropDownList`, ProductThumbImageWidth: `300`, ProductImagesLineImageOptions: `IncludeSkuAndLine`, ProductStockInKeyTextQty: `There are X of this item in stock & available to order.`, CancellationFormConsumerName: `Name of Consumer(s)`, TitleCancellationForm: `Cancellation Form`, RequiredMarker: `*`, ProductPageExcludedFeatures: ``, SearchPageShowFilterKey: `polyester-pockets-sleeves-products`, RetailSagePayDirectPaymentButtonText: `Pay by PayPal`, TradeRegisterEmailSubject: `New Account Request`, DepartmentThumbNoImagePath: `~/images/no-image-120x120.png`, PrintButtonText: `Print Page`, FooterContentDepartmentName: `Footer Content`, SearchResultsLoadingText: `Loading the next set of products...`, SearchResultsBar: ``, RegistrationContactDetails: `Contact Details`, BadCreditEmailBody: `Account \'{0}\' has placed an order and their account has gone over its credit limit.`, ProductGalleryImageWidth: `600`, RedirectAfterLoginPath: `~/retail/account/default.aspx`, ContactFormEmail: `Email`, NavigationMenuImageKey: `Menu`, ClearButtonText: `Clear Value`, CSVOrderUpload: `CSV Order Upload`, Register: `Register`, AccountLogoHeight: `200`, OrderCustomerReferenceMaxLength: `30`, V12MinDepositPercent: `0`, ContactFormRequired: `Required`, BooleanFeatureFalseText: `False`, CompanyEmail: ``, ProductGalleryImageHeight: `600`, WishListButtonRemove: `Remove`, HomeWelcome: `Welcome to`, RecentlyViewedIcon: ``, ProductThumbNoImagePath: `~/images/no-image-120x120.png`, TradeSagePayDirectPaymentButtonText: `Pay by PayPal`, OfflinePaymentMethodEmailOrderText: `Payment Method: Pending`, CancellationFormOrderedOn: `Ordered On`, EmailLogoImagePath: `~/images/blank.gif`, ProductStockInIcon: ``, ProductStockInText: `In Stock`, UniqueUser: `User must be unique:`, DefaultLogoImagePath: `~/images/logo-gob2b.png`, FooterLinkPoweredByUrlTitle: `Integrated b2b ecommerce for Wholesalers, Distributors and Manufacturers`, ContactFormErrorMessageSenderInvalid: `Sender is not a valid email address \'{0}\'`, BalancePaymentPaymentMethod: `Sage Pay`, AxisImageSwatchWidth: `40`, VoucherPaymentHeader: `Pay by Gift Voucher`, ProductImagesExcludeKeys: ``, Reviews: `Reviews`, TitleCompanyName: `Edit Password`, CSVTickIfContainsHeaderRow: `Tick if contains a header row`, ContactFormMessageRequired: `Message is required`, SiteDomain: ``, AxisImageSwatchPartialKey: ` Swatch`, RepeaterPageSizeOptions: `24, 48, 72, 96`, AccountSelectButtonURL: `~/trade/cart/default.aspx`, AccountOnHoldEmail: `Account on hold`, CSVInstructionsHeader: `CSV Order Upload Instructions`, V12RetailerId: ``, DefaultPaymentMethodEmailOrderText: ``, ProductStockOutKeyText: `The item is out of stock, \'notify when back in stock\' will send you an email notification once the item is available to order.`, ProductTabsExcludeKeys: `Page Title,Keywords,Short Description,BaseUnitName,Intro,Ribbon Text,Videos`, MinOrderValueError: `Your order does not meet our minimum order value`, ProductStockLowText: `Low Stock`, ProductStockLowIcon: ``, USPsDepartmentName: `USPs`, AxisImageSwatchHeight: `40`, ContactFormNameRequired: `Name is required`, RootUrl: ``, AllRightsReserved: `All Rights Reserved`, CancellationFormPrint: `Print Cancellation Form`, FiltersLoadingMessage: `Loading filters for {0} products`, CancellationFormTo: `To`, ContactFormSendMessage: `Send Message`, CancellationFormHeader: `Cancellation Form`, TradeCheckoutAllowManualDeliveryAddress: `True`, FooterLinkShopfront: `Powered by GOb2b`, ConfirmEmailQuotedHeader: `Your Order has been quoted.`, V12ProductsAvailable: ``, V12MaxDepositPercent: `100`, V12EmailHeader: `Your Details have been passed to V12 for processing.`, RegistrationYourAccount: `Your Account`, NoStockMessage: `No stock available for {0}. Item removed from order.`, HeaderContactDepartmentName: `Header Contact`, FullLinkText: `Full Site`, RegistrationInvoiceAddress: `Invoice Address`, FlagImage: `~/images/flags/uk_sm.gif`, ProductStockBackKeyText: `This item is available to order but not currently in stock. You will be charged at the time of ordering.`, NavigationMobileLabel: `Categories`, BreadcrumbsExcludeRoot: `True`, }, Catalogue: { ProductSearchNoProducts: `No products found.`, ProductCodeLabel: `Code`, SearchMobileLabel: `Search`, ProductSelectorFeatureStepNote: `Please make a selction below.`, ProductStockNotifyConfirmHeader: `Thank You`, ProductQuantity: `Quantity`, ReviewConfirmationTitle: `Review Confirmation`, ReturnToProductLabel: `Return to Product`, ProductAddToBasket: `Add to Basket`, TellAFriendNameLabel: `Your Name`, ProductStockCodeLabel: `Stock Code`, ReviewLabel: `Review`, EnlargeImageLabel: `Click to enlarge`, QuoteRequestMessage: `Please fill in the form below to request a quote.`, TellAFriendConfirmHeader: `Thank You`, NoResultsFoundText: `No results found for`, MultiProductAddToBasket: `Add All To Basket`, TellAFriendTitle: `Tell A Friend`, ProductBuyOptionsTitle: `Buy Now`, CustomVoucherText: `Enter voucher value`, ClearSearchButtonText: `Clear Search`, ProductSearchNext: `Next page`, ProductFeatureTableTitle: `Specifications`, TellAFriendConfirmMessage: `Your message has been sent.`, ProductNameLabel: `Name`, NoResultsFoundLabel: `No Results Found`, CreateReviewHeader: `Create review for`, YourPrice: `Your Price`, NoShippingMethodTitle: `Shipping Price Not Available`, GoLabel: `Go`, ProductCurrentlyOutStock: `This item is currently out of stock`, NoShippingMethodMessagePart1: `There is no shipping method available for your order. Please`, NoShippingMethodMessagePart2: `with your requirements and we will send you a quote for delivery.`, FilterBrandsLabel: `Brands`, ProductAvailabilityKey: `Key to Availability`, ProductFeaturesTitle: `Product Features`, AttachmentText: `Click here to download`, CSVSubmitButtonText: `Submit`, ProductButtonTextLow: `Low`, ProductButtonTextBuy: `Buy`, ProductButtonTextOut: `Out`, EnlargedImageTitle: `Enlarged Image`, ProductStockLow: `Low Stock`, ProductStockOut: `Out Of Stock`, ProductStockMed: `Med Stock`, NoReviewsBeTheFirstText: `Be the first to write a review for this product`, SitemapHeader: `Sitemap`, CustomVoucherThumbPriceLabel: `Customizable`, ProductMinimumQuantity: `Minimum Quantity `, ViewSwitcherGridLabel: `Grid`, ProductChangeOptions: `Change Colour or Size`, ProductAvailabilityKeyBackOrder: `Out of stock (place a back order) `, ResetFilters: `Reset Filters`, TellAFriendEmailMessage: `sent you the following message from`, ProductReviewTitle: `Product Review`, SearchLabel: `Search`, ProductStockNotifyConfirmMessage: `You will be automatically informed when the product is back in stock.`, NavigationCatalogueTitle: `Products`, ToggleNavigationHeader: `Toggle navigation`, ProductSelectorPreviousButton: ` Back`, BackToOrderItemsText: `Back to order items`, TellAFriendEmailLabel: `Friend\'s Email`, ProductStockLabel: `Stock`, ProductStockLevel: `Stock Level`, ExplodedViewItemNumber: `Item No.`, SupplierPartNumberLabel: `Supplier Part Number`, ProductStockNotifyHeader: `Notify Me`, HeadlineLabel: `Headline`, ProductSizeLabel: `Size`, ProductStockBackInKeyText: `The estimated date in which the item will be back in stock.`, ProductDimensionsWeightTitle: `Weight (kg)`, QuoteRequestConfrimMessage: `Your quote request has been sent to`, TellAFriendHeader: `Tell a friend about`, ViewSwitcherListLabel: `List`, BrandLabel: `Brand :`, ProductRRPLabel: `RRP`, ProductNext: `next`, ProductStockBackInLabel: `Due In`, LineNameLabel: `Product`, ModifyReviewMessage: `You can modify/approve this review in the admin secion.`, ProductSearchLabel: `Product Search`, ProductColour: `Options`, ProductDimensionsBreadthTitle: `Breadth (cm)`, ProductMoreInfo: `More`, ListPrice: `List Price`, RatingLabel: `Rating`, QuoteRequestEmailSubject: `Quote Requested for {0}`, ExplodedViewBuyBtn: `View Options`, ProductStockHigh: `High Stock`, ProductStockBack: `Back Order`, ProductButtonTextAddWishList: `Add to Wish List`, NoShippingQuoteButtonText: `Please Send Me a Shipping Quotation`, PanelsViewItemsLabel: `View items`, ProductPageSoldInMultiplesOf: `Sold in Multiples of:`, NoReviewsProductText: `There are currently no reviews for this product`, ProductStockIn: `In Stock`, NoShippingQuoteExplanation: `We do not have a standard price to ship this oder with this particular basket of goods to your requested delivery address. Please click the button if you want us to provide you with a quotation for shipping this order.`, ProductReviewsLabel: `Reviews`, AboutUsHeader: `About Us`, ReviewThisProduct: `Review this Product`, QuoteRequestBtnText: `Request a Quote`, ReviewCustomBooleanTrue: `True`, SuggestedProductsHeader: `Are you looking for this?`, SearchResultsButtonPreCount: `View All`, CustomerReviewsText: `Customer reviews for`, ProductSelectOptionGrid: `Select option from the grid below`, TellAFriendButtonText: `Submit`, AndText: `And`, SortByLabel: `Sort By`, NotAvailableLabel: `Not Available`, ViewCustomisations: `View Customisations`, RecommendConfirmationTitle: `Recommend Confirmation`, TellAFriendEmailClickHereText: `Click here to see`, ProductSelect: `Select Your Item`, ViewProductText: `View Product`, QuoteRequestProductDetailsTitle: `Product Details`, ProductStockNotifyMessagePart1: `Please notify me when`, ProductStockNotifyMessagePart2: `is in stock.`, CSVUploadButtonText: `Browse`, FeatureFilterTitle: `Filter By`, ModalCloseBtnText: `Close`, ProductStockNotify: `Stock Notification`, SearchHeading: `Search our shop`, ProductEnlargeImage: `See larger image`, ProductDescriptionLabel: `Description`, SearchResultsLoginMessage: `Please Login to see results.`, SpecificationTitle: `Specification`, ProductMinimumQuantityLabel: `Minimum Quantity: `, ProductSearchResults: `Search Results`, Categories: `Categories`, VolumeText: `Volume`, RRPLabel: `RRP:`, BrandsPageTitle: `Our Brands`, ProductStockCodeBoldLabel: `Stock Code: `, ProductIncludingPostage: `Including 1st class UK postage`, ProductPrevious: `previous`, QuoteRequestTitle: `Quote Request Form`, RepeaterPosition: `Items {0} - {1}`, NoShippingQuoteText: `Currently there is no shipping available for your order. Please click Previous Step to change your delivery address, Send Me a Shipping Quotation or Empty Basket to continue.`, NoShippingQuoteSent: `We have recieved your request and will contact you shortly with a quotation. Your basket has been emptied for now but we have a record of what you require.`, MessageReceivedLabel: `Your message has been received and will be approved by a moderator shortly`, AppliedFiltersTitle: `Applied Filters`, NoShippingMethodHeading: `No Shipping Method`, CSVHelp: `CSV Order Upload Help`, ProductButtonTextAddToBasket: `Add to Basket`, ProductDimensionsWidthTitle: `Width (cm)`, ViewOptions: `View Options`, ProductSelectorNextButton: `Next `, AvailabilityLabel: `Availability`, BackOrderText: `Back order`, LineStockCodeLabel: `Item Number`, ProductSearchPrevious: `Previous page`, ProductDimensionsLengthTitle: `Length (cm)`, ProductSelectorStartButton: `Start `, TellAFriendMessageLabel: `Your Message`, ProductOtherRecommendations: `Other Recommendations`, CreateReviewTitle: `Create Review`, ProductStockNotifyConfirmReturnText: `« Return to product`, NewReviewMessage: `A new review has been submitted for`, ProductAvailabilityKeyLow: `Low stock (limited items)`, ProductAvailabilityKeyOut: `Out of stock`, SearchResultsButtonPostCount: `Results`, ProductPrice: `Price`, QuoteRequestProductLabel: `Product Name`, ProductAvailabilityKeyIn: `In stock (buy now)`, BarcodeLabel: `Barcode`, ExplodedViewItemDetails: `Item Details`, ProductFileTabTitle: `Downloads`, DimensionsText: `Dimensions (mm) W x D x H`, ReviewCustomBooleanFalse: `False`, NoShippingClearButtonText: `Empty Basket`, WeightText: `Weight`, ProductFilesLabel: `Product Files`, ProductPageMinimumQuantityLabel: `

Minimum Quantity: `, AlternativeProductsLabel: `Alternative Products`, UnitOfSale: `Unit of Sale`, ViewMoreResultsText: `View More Results`, FilterTitle: `Filters`, GTINLabel: `GTIN`, ProductDimensionsTableTitle: `Dimensions`, RelatedProductsLabel: `Related Products`, ProductColourOptions: `Colour Options`, }, Ecommerce: { AddNoteToOrderLabel: `Add Note`, AddressState: `State (US only)`, AddressLine3Label: `Address Line 3`, InvalidPhoneNumberMessage: `Phone numbers in this format will not be accepted by the payment provider.`, AddressLine3Required: `Address Line 3 is required`, TradeVATNumberLabel: `VAT Number`, PersonEmailLabel: `Email Address`, SaveAndEmailPurchaser: `Save Changes and Email the Purchaser`, TradeCompanyNameRequired: `Company Name is required`, FullNameRequired: `Full Name is required`, MessageRequired: `Message is required`, AddressPostcodeLabel: `Postcode`, AddressCountyRequired: `County is required`, PersonPhoneLabel: `Phone`, AddressEditHeading: `Edit Address`, PersonFullNameLabel: `Name`, TradeRegisterButtonText: `Send`, TradeAccountcodeRequired: `Account Code is required`, PersonEmailRequired: `Email Address is required`, PersonSalutationLabelRequired: `Title is required`, PersonEmailConfirmRequired: `Confirm Email Address is required`, PersonPhone1Required: `Telephone is required`, AddressLine4Required: `Town/City is required`, CurrencyISOLabel: `Currency`, TradeRegisterCompanyWebsite: `Website`, PersonFaxLabel: `Fax`, RequestTradeLoginDetailsTitle: `Request Trade Login Details`, PoweredByShopfrontLabel: `Powered by Shopfront `, TradeCompanyNameLabel: `Company Name`, AddressPostalName: `Postal Name`, AuthorisationText: `Authorisation`, AddressLine1Required: `Address Line 1 is required`, PersonLastNameLabel: `Last Name`, TradeAccountCodeLabel: `Account Code`, ContactUsTitle: `Contact Us`, ConsignmentNumber: `Consignment Number`, DeliveryAddressesEmptyMessage: `Account has no delivery addresses`, AddressCountyLabel: `County`, AddressPostcodeRequired: `Postcode is required`, TradeCompanyNumberLabel: `Company Number`, PersonSalutationLabel: `Title`, AddressPostcodeInvalidMessage: `your postcode is invalid`, TradeCompanyDetails: `Company Details`, TradeRegisterTitle: `Trade Register`, AddressLine2Required: `Address Line 2 is required`, PersonLastNameRequired: `Last Name is required`, AddressLegend: `Edit Address`, TradeVATNumberRequired: `VAT Number is required`, AddressStateRequiredMessage: `Two-letter state code is required`, AddressPostalNameRequired: `Postal Name is required`, PersonPhone1Label: `Telephone Number`, PersonPhone2Label: `Mobile`, AddressEditRequestFormButton: `Submit Request`, PersonNameRequired: `Name is required`, AddressNewHeading: `Add New Address`, TradeEORINumberLabel: `EORI Number`, AddressAddButtonText: `Add New Address`, PersonFirstNameRequired: `First Name is required`, PersonFirstNameLabel: `First Name`, PersonEmailConfirmLabel: `Confirm Email Address`, AddressEditRequestButton: `Request Address Change`, NoPreviouslyStoredPaymentDetailsMessage: `You have no previously stored payment details.`, FullNameLabel: `Full Name`, AddressEditRequestHeading: `Edit Address Request`, PersonEmailConfirmMismatch: `Email addresses do not match`, AddressCountryRequired: `Country is required`, ContactNameLabel: `Contact Name`, TradeCompanyNumberRequired: `Company Number is required`, AddressCountryLabel: `Country`, AddressPostcodeRequiredMessage: `Please enter your full postcode.`, CreditLimitLabel: `Credit Limit`, AddressLine1Label: `Address Line 1`, AddressLine4Label: `Town/City`, AddressLine2Label: `Address Line 2`, }, Accounts: { YourTopProductsHeader: `Your Top Products`, CreditNoteDateLabel: `Credit Note Date`, FetchingOrders: `Fetching Orders`, PurchaserAccountManagerLabel: `Account Manager`, DealerSearchTitle: `Dealer Search`, AccountSearchAll: `All`, AccountLegend: `Account Details`, CreditNoteListHeading: `Credit Notes`, PurchaserDefaultAddress: `Default Delivery Address`, EditContactDetailsLink: `Edit contact details`, AccountSearchDisplaying: `Currently Displaying`, SplitOrderHeader: `Split Order?`, TrackOrderHeader: `Track Order`, ThankYouHeader: `Thank You`, AvailableCredit: `Available Credit`, CreditNoteNumberLabel: `Credit Note Number`, DefaultHeading: `Account Overview`, SavedOrder: `Saved Order`, SavedOrders: `Saved Orders`, NoMoreStatementLinesText: `No more Statement Lines`, AccountBookmarks: `Bookmarks`, NewAccountTitle: `Add New Account`, PriceListHeading: `Download Price List`, PurchaserNameLabel: `Purchaser Name`, NameLabel: `name`, AccountTypeLabel: `Account Type`, InvoicePaymentAmountLabel: `Payment Amount`, FetchingProducts: `Fetching Products`, FavouritesRemove: ``, OrderHistoryReOrderTitle: `Re-Order`, OrderTrackingHeading: `Tracking Information`, FavouritesAdd: ``, FavouriteIcon: ``, OrderHistoryReOrderLabel: `Re-Order Qty`, AccountPaymentIcon: ``, AgentSelectAccountButtonText: `Change Account`, AccountOnHoldNote: `Please Note: your account is on hold, you cannot place any orders`, DiscountBandLabel: `Discount Band`, AccountSpindleStatement: `Download Statement`, CreditNotesLinkLabel: `View Outstanding Credit Notes`, UserEditHeading: `Change Password`, SavedOrderUnavailable: `Saved orders are not available.`, PleaseContact: `Please contact`, EditAddressButtonText: `Edit`, AgentSearchForLabel: `Search for`, AccountStatusClosed: `Closed`, AccountNotApprovedMessage: `Our product catalogue will be available once your account has been approved.`, EditAccountTitle: `Edit Account`, BalanceLabel: `Balance`, AccountStatusApproved: `Approved`, EditPurchaserDetails: `Edit User Details`, CreditNoteCopyHeading: `Copy Credit Note`, ShippingQuoteRequiredLabel: `Shipping Quote Required`, SubscribeLabel: `Subscribe`, PurchaserListHeading: `Edit Purchasers`, ViewOrderDetailsButtonText: `View Details`, AddressListHeading: `Edit Address Book`, AccountStatusLabel: `Account Status`, CreditNoteNothingToDisplayLabel: `No Credit Notes to Display`, DocumentNotFound: `Document Not Found`, AgentAccountSelectTitle: `Agent account select`, RootDepartmentLabel: `Root Department`, PurchaserEditLoggedInHeading: `Edit Your Contact Details`, EditOrderButtonText: `Edit Order`, PurchaserLegend: `Purchaser Details`, AccountSelectButtonText: `Select`, AccountRegistrationPinRequired: `Registration PIN is required`, AccountStatusOnHold: `On Hold`, DealerLabel: `Dealer`, ManagerText: `Manager`, FavouritesTradeOverviewIcon: ``, PurchaserNewHeading: `Add New Purchaser`, AccountTopProducts: `Your Top Products`, AccountPaymentLabel: `Account Payment`, AccountDetailsUnavailableMessage: `Unavailable`, EditAccountHeader: `Edit Account`, AccountLinkSelectAccountIcon: ``, AdminIcon: ``, UsernameLabel: `Username`, AccountAccountNameLabel: `Company Name`, AccountRequestSuccessMessage: `Your request has been submitted, a member of our staff will contact you shortly.`, InvoiceTotal: `Total Amount`, AccountAccountCodeRequired: `Account Code is required`, PasswordLabel: `Password`, RegistrationDetailsText: `Registration Details`, AccountLinkSelectAccount: `Select Account`, RepeatOrderButtonText: `Repeat Order`, AccountNotApprovedHeading: `Account Awaiting Approval`, CreditNotesIcon: ``, NewAccountHeader: `Add New Account`, QuotedOrdersLabel: `Quoted Orders`, DisplayOrderHeader: `Display Order?`, AgentCartInterceptIcon: ``, AccountOverCreditLimitText: `Please Note: your account has exceeded the credit limit, your order has been accepted.`, AddressListIcon: ``, FavouritesTitle: `Favourites`, AccountTopProductsIcon: ``, EmailLabel: `email`, InvoiceEMailAddressLabel: `Invoice Email Address`, RequestAccountStatus: `Request Status`, AddressEditMessage: `Please contact us to modify your invoice address.`, DownloadProductStockReportLink: `Download Product Levels`, DownloadProductStockReportIcon: ``, SectionHeading: `Your Account`, ViewInvoiceButtonText: `View Invoice`, InvoicePaymentAmount: `Amount to Pay`, AccountStatusNew: `New`, TrackYourOrderText: `Track Your Order`, DeliveryAddressLegend: `Delivery Address`, InvoiceNumberLabel: `Invoice Number`, BalanceHeading: `Pay Outstanding Balance by Credit Card`, AccountMenuTitle: `My Account`, PurchaserEditLoggedInIcon: ``, OrderListIcon: ``, PurchaserEditHeading: `Edit Contact Details`, AccessPageIcon: ``, DeliveryPostcodeLabel: `Delivery Postcode`, TopProductsItemsPerPageLabel: `Items per page`, AccountBookmarkRemove: `Remove`, InvoiceOutstandingLabel: `Outstanding Amount`, SavedOrdersIcon: ``, InvoiceDateLabel: `Invoice Date`, AccountDiscountPercentage: `Discount Percentage`, OrderListHeading: `Order History`, AgentCanOverridePricesText: `Agent Can Override Prices`, SelectAnAccountLabel: `Select an account`, CreateAnAccountHeader: `Create An Account`, SpecialDiscountBandLabel: `Special Discount Band`, RequestAnAccountTitle: `Request An Account`, ShippingQuotesText: `Shipping Quotes`, ShippingQuotesIcon: ``, SpindleInvoiceButtonText: `View Invoice`, InvoiceListIcon: ``, AccountRegistrationPinUnrecognised: `Incorrect Registration PIN`, UserDetailsText: `User Details:`, AccessPageLabel: `to access this page.`, AdminLinkText: `Site Admin`, OrderListBackButton: `Back to Order History`, AgentSelectAccountBarLabel: `Purchasing for:`, AccountVatRegistrationNumberLabel: `Vat Registration Number`, PriceListLabel: `PriceList`, OnlyAllowDefaultDeliveryAddress: `Only Allow Default Delivery Address`, CreditNoteViewPdfLabel: `Copy`, DocumentNotFoundPleaseContact: `Document Not Found please contact `, DisplayOrderInformation: `Display Order Information`, YourFriendsDetailsHeader: `Your Friend\'s Details`, InvoiceAddressLegend: `Invoice Address`, UnsubscribeLabel: `Unsubscribe`, ManagerEmailText: `Manager Email`, EditDetailsText: `Edit Details`, OrderTrackingBackButton: `Back to Orders`, AccountFavourites: `Favourites`, DeliveryContactLabel: `Delivery Contact`, AddOrderToBasket: `Add Order To Basket`, OrderDeliveryAddressLabel: `Select Address`, AccountRequestSuccessTitle: `Account request successful`, AccountSpindleStatementIcon: ``, AccountNameLabel: `Account Name`, SpecialPriceListLabel: `Special Price List`, DeliveryAddressCollectionLegend: `Delivery Addresses`, PurchasersEmptyMessage: `Account has no purchasers`, NoMoreOrders: `No more orders to display`, AccountRegistrationPinLabel: `Registration PIN`, TopProductsSortLabel: `Sort By`, AccountAccountCodeLabel: `Account Code`, AgentCartInterceptLabel: `Agent Cart Intercept`, CreditNoteNotFoundMessage: `This Credit Note is not currently available to view online.`, InvoiceListHeading: `View Outstanding Invoices`, PurchaserDetailsLabel: `User Details`, SavedOrderAddOrderToBasket: `Add Order To Basket`, EmailNotificationAcceptedAgreements: ` accepted the following Agreements:`, RegisterCompleteButtonText: `Complete`, CancelOrderButtonText: `Cancel Order`, CreditLabel: `Credit Limit`, RegisterHeading: `Register`, AccountRepresentativeEmail: `Account Representative Email`, NextOrderButtonText: `Next »`, RemoveAddressButtonText: `Remove`, NoMoreInvoices: `No invoices to display`, AccountAccountNameRequired: `Account Name is required`, CreditNoteTotalAmountLabel: `Total Amount`, CSVOrderUploadLink: `CSV Order Upload`, CSVOrderUploadIcon: ``, UserEditLoggedInHeading: `Change Your Password`, FavouriteAccountOverviewIcon: ``, ProfileText: `Profile`, SelectAccountLabel: `Select Account`, AccountOverviewCustomBlockIcon: ``, QuotedShippingText: `Quote Shipping`, AccountContactNameLabel: `Contact Name`, AccountBalanceLabel: `Account Balance`, SettlementDiscoutLabel: `Early Settlement Discount`, AccountStatementHeading: `Account Statement`, CreditNoteNotFoundMessagePt2: `accounts for a copy Credit Note.`, CreditNoteBalanceLabel: `Balance`, EditCartLabel: `Edit Cart`, AccountRepresentative: `Account Representative`, PurchaserListIcon: ``, UserEditLoggedInIcon: ``, AccountCreatedLabel: `Account Created`, FindInvoiceButton: `Find Invoice`, PurchaserIsManagerYes: `Yes`, PriceListIcon: ``, PreviousOrderButtonText: `« Previous`, TrackTitle: `Track`, PurchaserIsManagerNo: `No`, }, Sales: { CheckoutTableName: `Name`, CheckoutTablePrice: `Price`, VoucherMessageRequiredMessage: `Please enter your message`, CheckoutPaymentDeclined: `Payment Declined`, CardNameRequired: `Card Holder Name is required`, DealerSearchBlurb: `Use the map below to find a dealer near you.`, CheckoutVATStepCheckBoxLabel: `I would like this order to be treated as a business to business sale within the European Community excluding VAT`, V12BDDeposit: `Deposit`, BasketMessageUpsellTitle: `You May Also Like`, InvoicePaymentErrorPaymentInvoiceListHeader: `Invoice Allocations`, OrderQuotedEmailHeader: `Your Order has been quoted. `, OrderSubmittedForQuotingMessagePart2: `for quoting. Once this has been done, you will be able to accept or reject the quote on the website by visiting \'the My Account\' section`, OrderSubmittedForQuotingMessagePart1: `Your Order has been sent to `, OrderPlacedText: `Placed`, QuoteThankYouMessage: `Your quote has been sent to the account manager. Following approval, the order will be placed with `, OrderDeleted: `Order Deleted`, BarcodeScannerModalReloadBtn: `Reload Basket`, AlternativeAddressLinkText: `Enter new delivery address`, ReceiptDelivery: `Delivery`, OrderInProgress: `In Progress`, SavedOrderTotalLabel: `Order Amount`, OrderOnAccountButtonText: `Place Order on Account`, ConfirmOrderMessage: `Your order total may have been updated to include VAT and delivery costs. Please check the order total below before proceeding with your order.`, BasketMessageTitle: `Added to Basket`, BundleItemName: `Product Name`, ProductAddedToBasketMessage: `Your Product have been added to Basket. View Basket?`, ThisAddressLinkText: `Deliver to this address`, V12SelectionLabel: `Click to select the finance product with the lowest monthly repayment`, NextCheckoutStepButtonText: `Next Step`, MiniBasketMenuTitle: `Your Basket`, VoucherNameRequiredMessage: `Please enter your name`, PurchaserToNotifyEmailLabel: `Notification Email`, CheckoutCardDetails: `Card Details`, CheckoutTableDiscount: `Discount`, CardNumberRequired: `Card Number is required`, CheckoutTableQuantity: `Quantity`, WishListEmailAddress: `Email Address`, OrderDispatchedText: `Dispatched`, CheckoutErrorHeading: `Transaction Error`, ViewQuotedShipping: `View & Confirm Your Shipping Quotes`, ComplaintsReturnsHeading: `Complaints & Returns`, OrderAllocatedText: `Allocated`, OrderHeld: `Order Held`, BundleItemQuantity: `Qty`, CheckoutSidebarConfirmOrder: `Confirm Order`, WebOrderNumberLabel: `Web Number`, AddressSearchLabel: `Search for an address`, EnterPostcodeText: `Enter your Postcode:`, QuickOrderInputText: `Enter Stock Code`, AccountOrderTrackingDetails: `Tracking Details`, CardIssueSmallPrint: `(if available)`, ShippingQuoteEmailAddQuoteText: `To Add a Shipping Quote to the order. Please click here: `, GiftVoucherBalanceTitle: `Gift Voucher Balance`, QuickOrderButtonText: `Add to Order`, AddToOrderButtonText: `Add to Order`, WishListPageTitle: `My Wishlist`, AccountViewOrderTracking: `Order Tracking`, VoucherEmailLabel: `Recepient E-Mail address`, V12BDCashPrice: `Cash Price`, ReturnItemLabel: `Return Item`, CartPromotionText: `If you have a promotional code, please enter it here:`, BarcodeScannerShowBtn: `Show Barcode Scanner`, GiftVoucherExpireText: `This gift voucher will expire on`, VoucherNameLabel: `Your name`, PriceExVATLabel: `ex VAT`, BundleOptionsLabel: `Options`, CheckoutReceiptMessage: `Your order has been placed. We have emailed you with confirmation of your order.`, PaymentAmountText: `Payment Amount :`, ViewDetailsLabel: `View Details`, CartHeading: `Your Shopping Basket`, RemoveAllButton: `Remove All`, CheckoutVATStepVATNumberLabel: `Please provide valid VAT No. here:`, CheckoutVATStepVATNumberError: `Your VAT number was not recognised`, CheckoutVATStepTitle: `EU VAT Number`, OrderCustomerReferenceLabel: `Your Order Reference`, CheckoutVATStepNotes: `


  • We can consider this order excluding VAT subject to validation.
  • For security reasons, we can only ship goods to the VAT Registered name and address.
  • Validation checks can only take place after receipt of order. If we are unable to validate the VAT Registered name and address for delivery, we will be unable to consider this order excluding VAT, and it will be cancelled automatically.
`, CardNumberSmallPrint: ``, CartSaveText: `If you wish to repeat your order in the future, then you can enter a memorable name for your order here:`, OrderItemsCountLabel: `Total Items`, CardExpiredLabel: `Expired`, OrderHistoryInvoiceLabel: `Invoice`, CartSmallPrint: ``, InvoiceCustomerReferenceLabel: `Invoice Reference`, CheckoutErrorMessage: `An error occurred while processing your order.`, VoucherAmountMessage: `Please enter the voucher amount`, CheckoutRegPasswordConfirm: `Confirm`, CartProductDiscount: `Discount`, V12BDMonthlyPayment: `Monthly Payments`, ProcessingOrderMessage: `Your order is being processed. You will shortly receive a second email your order number.`, QuickOrderExample: `(e.g. XXXX)`, ReceivedGiftVoucherPart1: `Congratulations, you have received a `, ReceivedGiftVoucherPart2: `gift voucher from`, NotAvailableOnlineText: `Not Available Online`, OrderDispatchedEmailHeader: `Order Dispatched`, V12BDLoanAmount: `Loan Amount`, String: `BundleItemSelectNote`, WishListMessage: `Your message has been sent.`, ViewCartText: `View Cart`, CartText: `Cart`, BarcodeScanningHeading: `Barcode Scanning`, AgentNotificationEmailLabel: `Notification Email:`, BundleOptionsHeader: `Bundle Includes`, CheckoutConfirmOrder: `Confirm Order`, CheckoutBillingAddress: `Billing Address`, QuickOrderHeading: `Quick Order`, V12BDTotalRepayable: `Total amount repayable`, CheckoutDeclinedHeading: `Payment Declined`, DeleteCardText: `Delete Card`, ViewQuotedShippingIcon: ``, OrderDateLabel: `Order Date`, CardStartDateLabel: `Start Date`, QuickOrderStockCodeLabel: `Item No.`, TitleViewOrderHistory: `Order History`, OrderItemCommitButtonText: `Update`, OfflinePaymentBtnText: `Pay by Bank Transfer`, Alternatives: `Alternatives`, ReturnToCheckout: `Return to Checkout`, StatusQuotedLabel: `Quoted`, V12BDARP: `Representative APR`, QuickOrderSubmitButtonText: `Submit`, CancelOrderText: `Click to cancel order`, PleaseSelectDeliveryDateText: `Please select a delivery date`, QuickOrderInputLabel: `Add to cart using stockcode`, CartSaveLabel: `Your Order Name`, InvoiceTotalNetLabel: `Invoice Total`, AccountChangePassword: `Change your password`, PaymentMethodsEmptyText: `No payment methods configured.`, ChangeText: `Change`, SavedOrderHeading: `Saved Order`, CartSaveButton: `Save Order`, CartSaveHeading: `Save Basket`, QuickOrderNoProductText: `WARNING: The product with the following stock code could not be found`, ShipmentText: `Shipment`, DispatchEmailColumnHeading: `Dispatch Email`, BarcodeScannerTitle: `Barcode Scanner`, RecommendAFriendProductInformation: `Product Information`, CheckoutPaidCard: `Paid using Credit/Debit card`, OrderRequiredDeliveryDateLabel: `Required Delivery Date`, CustomerReferenceRequiredField: `Required field`, CardCV2Required: `Security Code is required`, VoucherEmailInvalidMessage: `Please enter recepient\'s email address`, V12BDAnnualRate: `Annual rate of interest`, PaymentSurchargeLabel: `Payment Surcharge`, CheckoutDeliveryAddress: `Delivery Address`, CheckoutLoggedInMessage: `You are logged in as`, DealerSearchTextPlaceholder: `Enter city or postcode`, CheckoutButtonTextContinueShopping: `Continue Shopping`, VoucherRecepientFormText: `Please fill in the recepient details for the below voucher(s)`, NoPromotionsText: `No promotions`, YourCreditCardsHeading: `Your Credit Cards`, WishListFriendDetails: `Your Friend\'s Details`, FinanceAtText: `at`, V12BDSettlementFee: `Settlement fee`, CheckoutCheckoutHeader: `Checkout`, AddressBookLinkText: `Edit address book`, InvoicePaymentErrorPaymentTitle: `Invoice Payment Allocation Error`, CheckoutDeclinedMessage: `The payment was not authorised. 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How to store coins – the full guide

Read our complete guide on how to protect and store your coin collection to prevent future damage and preserve them for centuries to come. Whether you have a small collection at home or need to store them in bulk, the principles are the same and we’ll start right at the beginning.

Should you clean your coins before storing them?

How to store coins - full guide (15) Generally, the advice for amateur collectors is not to clean coins. The action of cleaning can actually devalue the coin due to damage caused as a result (scratches, coatings applied etc). However, surface greases from handling can cause further tarnishing while in storage. For coins that are generally clean, with no soil or heavy deposits, grease can be safely cleaned away gently using a lint free cloth like the Arcare Dust Bunny cloths. It is always best to consult a specialist conservator before commencing any work.
If you do wish to clean your collection and you are not concerned about any associated risks of devaluation, you could use pre-lim surface cleaner and finish with a coat of renaissance wax to restore that freshly minted lustre.
You can prevent depositing oils from your fingers onto the coins surface by wearing nitrile finger cots.

Should coins be put into envelopes or pockets?

Envelopes and pockets protect coins when being handled and when in storage protect from dust and scratches. Coins that are not enclosed in a pocket or envelope are far more susceptible to damage, so the answer is yes.
How do you choose the right envelope or pocket for your coins?
First things first. Whatever enclosure you select to place your coins into, the material must be acid free, and here’s why.
How to store coins - full guide (16) There are a number of plastics used to make coin storage. Polypropylene, Polyester and PVC are the common types. PVC is generally not acid free, PVC will eventually break down and become acidic - it is not 'inert'. As it degrades, PVC will become yellow, cloudy and brittle, off-gassing acids into the storage environment. This may lead to a green, sometimes sticky residue on coins, with possible permanent staining and corrosion making the coin's value reduce considerably. Due to PVC being unsuitable and unstable, some collectors believe that all plastics are unsuitable, this is not the case. It's important to remove coins from any PVC 'flips', pockets or wallets immediately.

So, some plastic storage is OK for coins, what should you choose?

How to store coins - full guide (17) Archival polyester (boPET) is inert, strong and acid-free, it will not degrade like PVC. Our coin pockets are made from archival polyester, sometimes known by the brand names ‘Mylar’ or ‘Melinex’. Our polyester coin pockets are completely glass clear, will remain glass clear, and ideal for storing coins and maintaining visibility. Because the pockets are perfectly clear the need for handling is reduced as the coin can be seen without removing it from the pocket. Polyester is a stiffer material and retains contents more firmly than other films. Our pockets are welded on the edges forming a very strong tear-resistant seam.

View coin storage pockets here

Acid free polypropylene is also suitable and available as binder storage pages which can be seen here. Polypropylene is less clear than polyester and is generally softer.
But what about paper coin envelopes?
Paper coin envelopes, like ours which can be seen here, are perfectly acceptable for coin storage provided the material is acid-free and sulphur free. This also needs to apply to any glues present in the envelope. Sulphur can attack silver and copper in coins causing them to turn black. Paper envelopes can be easily written upon for identification. For obvious reasons, paper envelopes prevent coins from being viewed without being removed, this could lead to additional risks when handling i.e. being dropped!

Storing coins in a box

How to store coins - full guide (18) Once your coins are enclosed in an envelope or pocket (wallet, sleeve etc.) they should be stored somewhere that they are safe from accidental damage. Damage can be caused by handling and external factors such as pollution, leaks and floods, or theft and vandalism.

  • Storing your coins in an acid free box is the next step in providing the collection a good level of protection from damage. The material the box is made from is also important, PVC can off-gas acids into the stored environment, the same can also happen with wood and painted surfaces like enamel.
  • If using a flocked finish in a drawer or tray, this also needs to be inert and free from acid and should not off-gas. Pacific silver cloth is an ideal material to prevent silver coins from tarnishing. Plastazote is an acid free foam that can line drawers.
  • It’s important you can organise your collection and using indexing cards can help prevent damage by reducing the amount of handling your coins will experience. An unorganised collection will be handled more and therefore risks are higher.
  • Coin collections can become quite heavy and large boxes can become difficult and awkward to lift. Our coin collection box will hold up to around 250 coins and is of a size that can easily be placed into a normal sized safe. It is better to bulk store coins in multiple boxes than placing into a single box. You can use Plastazote acid free pads to make sure your collection is packed securely and won't move inside the box. When storing a valuable coin collection at home it’s important that you can easily secure them in a standard sized safe, not everyone has access to a strong room!

Where should you store your coins?

How to store coins - full guide (19) As with almost all collections the storage area you choose can influence the condition of your collection. Here are a few tips to try and help you select the most suitable place to store your collection.

  • Keep away from potential sources of leaks such as pipes, windows, roof spaces etc. An undetected leak could cause irreversible damage.
  • Protect from extremes of temperature. The surface of a metal coin could encourage condensation to form when the temperature moves quickly from cold to warm. This means roof spaces, unheated outhouses/rooms etc. are not suitable.
  • Avoid areas of high humidity such as conservatories, cellars/basem*nts, bathrooms, kitchens etc. Don't store against a cold wall.
  • Physical protection should be offered for valuable collections. Valuable collections should be placed into boxes that can be easily stored in a safe.
  • Keep away from sources of air pollution such as paint fumes, exhaust fumes etc. High levels of airborne pollutants such as sulphur can affect collections.

How to store coins - full guide (20)

Our coin storage system has been designed to offer the best-in-class coin storage, completely acid free and perfect for placing in a a safe or on a shelf. You can see the coin storage system here.

View the coin storage box system here

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How to store coins - full guide (2024)


How to store coins - full guide? ›

For high-value coins, use hard plastic holders. Professional coin grading services use sealed holders called slabs to protect authenticated and graded coins. Use acid-free cardboard and plastic holders free from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Acid and PVC can ruin a coin's surface.

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What is the best method of storing coins? ›

For high-value coins, use hard plastic holders. Professional coin grading services use sealed holders called slabs to protect authenticated and graded coins. Use acid-free cardboard and plastic holders free from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Acid and PVC can ruin a coin's surface.

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How to store large amounts of coins? ›

Avoid areas of high humidity such as conservatories, cellars/basem*nts, bathrooms, kitchens etc. Don't store against a cold wall. Physical protection should be offered for valuable collections. Valuable collections should be placed into boxes that can be easily stored in a safe.

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What is the cheapest way to store coins? ›

A very inexpensive way for you to be able to store your coins is through these cardboard flips. These cardboard flips really just cost pennies on the dollar, and if you go to a coin show you're going to see a lot of dealers who have raw coins for sale who store their coins in these slips.

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What is the best way to catalog a coin collection? ›

Cataloging Methods

Some people choose to record their coin collection transactions on 3x5 cards stored in a cigar box. Others use sophisticated computer software that interfaces with coin collecting databases for valuation purposes. There is no single best way to catalog your collection.

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Are Ziploc bags safe for coins? ›

Soft PVC and cardboard contain sulfur and other acidic or oxidizing materials. For expensive coins that can be tarnished, collectors should avoid using cardboard folders, paper or plastic bags, certain plastic tubes, and any other storage container that is not chemically inert.

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What not to store coins in? ›

Avoid damaging chemicals. Some cardboard and paper contain sulfur which causes discoloration. And some plastics are made with PVC (polyvinyl chloride), which can ruin coin surfaces and coat them in a sticky, green residue. Keep your coins cool and dry.

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Where is the best place to keep loose change? ›

Keep a jar or bottle — or an actual piggy bank — in or near places where loose change tends to collect: on your desk, the drawer of your nightstand, on top of the clothes dryer, and in your car's center console. That way, when you find yourself with change in hand, you'll have a designated spot waiting to stash it.

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Where to keep coins at home? ›

According to Vastu Shastra, one should keep a glass bowl in the north direction of the home. Also, a silver coin should be kept in this bowl. By doing this, the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi always remain in the house.

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How do you cash in a lot of coins? ›

To exchange coins for bills, try taking them to a local bank or retailer that offers coin-counting services. With some coin-counting machines, like Coinstar, you can also exchange coins for gift cards for free or donate your spare change to charity.

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How to store copper pennies? ›

A decent, modern coin album or Air-Tite coin holders are all you need. Older coin albums were made of a type of plastic that attacked copper coins and made them green. If you have an old album, throw it out! Keeping the coins away from oxygen and other gases is all you need to stop oxidation.

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Where is the cheapest place to exchange coins for cash? ›

9 Places To Cash Coins For Free (Or Cheap!)
  • Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo is a popular bank that allows you to cash your coins for free if you are a customer. ...
  • Credit unions. ...
  • Bank of America. ...
  • Chase. ...
  • US Bank. ...
  • QuikTrip. ...
  • Target. ...
  • Citi Bank.
May 3, 2024

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Is it worth keeping coin collections? ›

With coin collecting, as with collecting other items, the more rare the coin, the more valuable it is. investing in rare coins has the advantage of potentially providing significant profits. However, it also has downsides to consider, including the fact that earning money investing in rare coins takes time.

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How to store coins in bulk? ›

Groups of Coins, or Collections are best stored in plastic coin boxes, such as sold by PCGS, NGC and Whitman, and which will hold 20, separated, “slabbed” coins, of any size. Another alternative is a cardboard coin storage box (single and double; red, blue or black), which stack easily on each other.

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How to make coin inventory? ›

You can create your inventory by simply taking a small notebook and entering your holdings by pen or pencil. Start with coins of the lowest denomination and list them in order of dates, with the oldest first, and so on.

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How to organize a coin collection for beginners? ›

The first step to having a beautifully organized inventory is sorting the coins by type. This will make the later task of cataloging each individual coin much easier. Separating gold coins from silver ones is an easy place to begin, followed by organizing each coin in the collection by series.

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What is the best way to carry coins to the bank? ›

You can also deposit coins into a bank account at a branch, but you'll need to put them into rolls yourself. Many banks and credit unions offer free coin wrappers. Coinstar. Coinstar machines are automated kiosks that let you exchange your coins for cash or digital gift cards.

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Does PVC damage coins? ›

The interactions between a coin and PVC can have ghastly consequences. Damage presents on coins as green, gray, or milky streaks, and sometimes it also appears as spots, splotches, and blobs. Copper coins are most susceptible to the acidic effects of PVC, followed by silver, gold, then platinum.

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How do you keep coins clean? ›

Soak coins in warm water mixed with liquid dish detergent to clean off light dirt and grime. Wash each coin gently with a soft toothbrush before rinsing and drying it. Scrub low-value coins with baking soda and vinegar, lemon juice and salt, or ketchup to break apart tarnish.

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Article information

Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6222

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.