How To short a stock on Webull (2024)

If you want to short a stock on Webull, this step-by-step guide will take you through everything you need to know.

From leveraging margin, to the risks associated with shorting stocks, you will be better prepared to this shorting strategy.

Table of Contents

CAN You Short Stocks on Webull?

The strategy of shorting stocks used to be reserved to just a few elite specialists.

Nowadays, even beginner traders are becoming well versed with this method of trading stocks.

Let’s explore what shorting stocks consist of ?

Basics of Shorting

In contrast to buying a stock to open a position, shorting a stock is all about selling the stock to open the position.

However, the obvious question is why would someone want to sell a stock to they own to open a position?

The answer is: short sellers do not own the stocks they are shorting.

The adjective “short” needs to be translated into “do not have it”.

Like in the sentence “I am short 5 dollars” which means I am $5 dollars short of what is needed, or I am lacking $5.

How Does Shorting a Stock on Webull Work?

So, the scenario for shorting a stock on Webull is the following.

You want to sell 100 shares of stock “XYZ” on the open market but you do not own those shares.

Luckily for you, Webull owns plenty of shares of company “XYZ”.

Webull is willing to lend you borrow those 100 shares of XYZ.

Why is Webull (or any other broker doing this ?) ?

Because, in return they will charge you interest until you return the 100 shares you borrowed.

Therefore, Webull and other brokers actions on shorting stocks are strictly business motivated.

From this description, you can see that initiating a short sell of a stock is simply a loan origination from your broker.

Sometimes, if may be transparent to you but your broker itself can be borrowing these shares from other brokers !

Should this be the case, the characterization “Hard to borrow” is added to such shares.

How do you Make Money Short-Selling Stocks

After you get the shares from a loan from your broker, you immediately sell them in the open market at the current market price.

Let’s say Company XYZ in our example is trading at $90.

Your account will immediately be credited for 100 multiplied by the current price of company XYZ stock ($90) so you get $9000.

Great for you.

You will start making money as soon as the stock price of company XYZ stays below you shorting price of $90.

This is the illustration on the chart above with the stock going all the way to $80 in just 4 days.

How To Close your Short position on Webull

To close a short position, you need to buy the shares of company XYZ and return them to you broker who loaned them to you initially when you opened the position.

In our example, at the current price of $80, you will use $8000 from the $9000 you receive to buy 100 shares of XYZ in the open market.

Hence, you broker will get the 100 shares you borrowed.

You will also pay your broker interest for this short-term loan (it took 4 days on our graph for the stock to go from $90 to $80).

We will reveal in the next paragraph how much is the interest rate on that loan but you will stand to cash over $950 from this transaction.

How Much Money Can You Make shorting a stock?

Short selling is a bearish strategy as you can derive meaning that you make money when the price of the stock goes down.

The maximum amount you can make on a short sell of a stock is when /if that stock goes to $0.

Therefore, if we take our previous example, the maximum potential gain is $90 per share. This equates to the initial money in your account $9000 non withstanding the fees.

It is great when a trader short a stock and it all work out beautifully as depicted above.

However, the outcome is not always that rosy.

Can You lose money shorting stocks?

Yes, you can lose a great deal of money when you short a stock.

Why and how

If the stock starts going up instead of down, every dollar XYZ stock goes upby equates $100 of loss for you assuming you shorted the 100 shares.

You can decide to limit your losses by buying back at your predefined stop loss.

But often, short sellers tend to play mind games since time is often in their favor.

The rational is just to wait it out until the stock comes back down.

Should you decide to go with this method, you need to be aware of two things:

  • Every day that passes by you are paying interest on the borrowed shares
  • A short Squeeze may kick in anytime

What Is a Short Squeeze?

A short squeeze is when too many short sellers of a stock try to close their short positions at once.

This creates a buying frenzy of that stock and thus a rapid spike in its price that can last several days or weeks.

Such was the case in 2021 with stocks such as GME, AMC and the meme stocks frenzy that ensued.

My best recommendation is to respect your stoploss in order to avoid losing more money than you have in your account.

Yes, trading horror stories often come from short selling when a stock goes out of control.

GME stock (see chart below) went from $40 to $483 in just 7 days between January 20 20221 and January 28, 2021.

GME managed to come back down after 3 weeks to 40’s again.

I do not know about you but what an emotional Rollo coaster for those involved in this trade during those 3 weeks.

When Should You short a Stock on Webull

Technical analysis is the most reliable source from trading.

May that be shorting stocks on buying them.

You can use reliable scanners and screeners to indicate when a stock is in a bearish pattern.

E*TRADE scanners and screeners can help you with your short strategy..

Otherwise, you can leverage this step-by-step tutorial on Webull Screeners to achieve great results.

Can You Short on Webull with a Cash Account

In order to short a stock on Webull, you will need a margin account that has a net value higher than $2,000.

Webull will then give you up to 4 times level on your current balance hence your buying power will become $10,000.

How To short a stock on Webull (3)

What can you short with $10,000 ?

You cand short of to 100 shares of stocks that are worth up to $100.

100 shares of a stock XYZ worth $90 with qualify because that represent $9,000 which is much lower than your buying power= Net account +Margin.

Webull Short Selling Fees

You will pay for margin on a daily basis on Webull.

For long positions, Webull is kind enough to give us the daily interest rate = Borrowed Cash x Margin rate/360.

The margin rate varies as a function of how much money you borrow (leverage).

Here is the most recent table as a guide showing Margin rate between 3.99% and 6.99%.

Margin Loan in $USDAnnual Margin Rate
$0 to $25k6.99%
$25k to $100k6.49%
$100k to $250k5.99%
$250k to $500k5.49%
$500k to $1 Million4.99%
$1Millin to $3 Million4.49%
Over $3 Million3.99%

How To Short Stocks on Webull?

On the Webull App, there is an indicator to let you know which stocks you can short sell.

How To short a stock on Webull (4)

In the image above, I circled the green arrow icon that lets you know if you can short a stock.

QQQ is a shortable stock with 50% leverage.

In case you are wondering, you cannot short GME or AMC stocks on Webull.

That is one issue I have with Webull. In their attempt to curb the risk for traders, any stock that displays the slightest increased volatility is removed from trading.

How to short the Market with an ETF

Several ETFs have inverse ETFs associated with them.

This means that when the main ETFs such as QQQ or SPY go up, their inverse SQQQ goes down and vice versa.

Consequently, a clever way to short the market with these ETFs in to buy their inverses.

How To Short Sell on Webull in 2022

Before you can cab short sell on Webull, you first must find shortable stocks.

  1. Find Shortable stocks on Finviz
  2. Use Finviz Powerful Screener to find Stocks to trade on the short side

Alternatives to Shorting Stocks on Webull

I show you how it is possible to lose more money than you have with the short sell strategy.

How about using options to mirror a bearish strategy?

If I am bearish on a stock, I would rather buy puts because the maximum I can lose should the position goes against me is my initial investment.

In the video below, I teach you how I take a very small, limited risk on Options on QQQ and make big profit consistently.

I could even argue that I can structure my bearish position with some hedge (calls) so that I am always in a great position to make money even if the bearish thesis is negated.

Check out how I trade Puts vs Calls in 2022 and beyond.

FINAL THOUGHTS On How to Short Stocks on Webull

We answered the question on how to short stocks on Webull by leveraging the margin.

You can use this technique as a day trading strategy and a swing trade depending on your Risk profile.


How To short a stock on Webull (5)


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How To short a stock on Webull (2024)


How To short a stock on Webull? ›

1) Go to the "Watchlist" tab on the main screen of the mobile app. 3) Check for a blue downward arrow icon on the top right of the stock page. 4) If the icon is there, you can short sell this stock. 5) Tap the "Trade" button on the bottom left.

How do I short a stock in Webull? ›

1) Go to the "Watchlist" tab on the main screen of the mobile app. 3) Check for a blue downward arrow icon on the top right of the stock page. 4) If the icon is there, you can short sell this stock. 5) Tap the "Trade" button on the bottom left.

How do you successfully short a stock? ›

The process of how to short a stock
  1. Open a brokerage account and fund it. From here, you must take several actions.
  2. Apply for margin trading. ...
  3. Borrow the stock to short-sell. ...
  4. Monitor your account equity. ...
  5. Mind, then close your position.
Apr 24, 2024

How do you short a stock for dummies? ›

Short selling a stock is when a trader borrows shares from a broker and immediately sells them with the expectation that the share price will fall shortly after. If it does, the trader can buy the shares back at the lower price, return them to the broker, and keep the difference, minus any loan interest, as profit.

Does Webull charge for short selling? ›

Margin and short selling fees are calculated on a daily basis and deducted from the cash balance of the Webull account on a regular basis. Financing fees are deducted monthly, and short selling fees are deducted daily.

Why can't I short a stock on Webull? ›

Please make sure that you meet the following requirements: 1) You are using a margin account. 2) Your margin equity is at least $2000. 3) The stock itself is shortable (has a blue icon with a downward arrow).

Why can't I short a stock? ›

The short answer is because your broker can't find shares for you to borrow. There's several reasons for why this can happen, which we'll detail in this article. To fully understand why you can't short some penny stocks, we need to understand the mechanism of short selling in the stock market.

What happens if I short a stock and it goes to 0? ›

For instance, say you sell 100 shares of stock short at a price of $10 per share. Your proceeds from the sale will be $1,000. If the stock goes to zero, you'll get to keep the full $1,000. However, if the stock soars to $100 per share, you'll have to spend $10,000 to buy the 100 shares back.

How does shorting work for dummies? ›

Short selling is—in short—when you bet against a stock. You first borrow shares of stock from a lender, sell the borrowed stock, and then buy back the shares at a lower price assuming your speculation is correct. You then pocket the difference between the sale of the borrowed shares and the repurchase at a lower price.

Who loses money when you short a stock? ›

Put simply, a short sale involves the sale of a stock an investor does not own. When an investor engages in short selling, two things can happen. If the price of the stock drops, the short seller can buy the stock at the lower price and make a profit. If the price of the stock rises, the short seller will lose money.

Is it easy to short a stock? ›

To short a stock, you'll need to have margin trading enabled on your account, allowing you to borrow money. The total value of the stock you short will count as a margin loan from your account, meaning you'll pay interest on the borrowing. So you'll need to have enough margin capacity, or equity, to support the loan.

Is short selling legal? ›

Short selling is legal because investors and regulators say it plays an important role in market efficiency and liquidity. By permitting short selling, a strategy that speculates that a security will go down in price, regulators are, in effect, allowing investors to bet against what they see as overvalued stocks.

What is short selling for beginners? ›

Short selling (also known as going short or shorting the market) means that you're selling the market first and then attempting to buy it later at a lower price. It's exactly the same principle of “buy low, sell high,” just in the reverse order — you sell high and then buy low.

How much money do you need to day trade on Webull? ›

As a PDT, you must maintain a minimum equity of $25,000 to be eligible for unlimited day trades.

How much margin do I need to short sell? ›

It requires short trades to have 150% of the value of the position at the time the short is created and be held in a margin account. This 150% is made up of the full value, or 100% of the short plus an additional margin requirement of 50% or half the value of the position.

How much money do I need to start day trading on Webull? ›

You need to maintain a minimum of $2,000 of cash and/or marginable equity in a margin account to access the leverage (2X & 4X buying power). If your account value is $25,000 or more, you meet the criteria to be a pattern day trader. This means that you have unlimited day trades.

How much margin do I need to short a stock? ›

It requires short trades to have 150% of the value of the position at the time the short is created and be held in a margin account. This 150% is made up of the full value, or 100% of the short plus an additional margin requirement of 50% or half the value of the position.

What app can I short a stock? ›

Key features of the best brokers for short selling
BrokerStock fee classMinimum deposit
Interactive BrokersLow$0
6 more rows
Mar 28, 2024

Can you short a new stock? ›

Any stock can be shorted. When a private company goes public and sells its stock on an exchange for the first time, the process is known as an initial public offering (IPO). Stocks hitting the exchange after an IPO can be shorted upon initial trading, but it is not an easy thing to do at the start of the offering.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.