How To Retire On 2 Million Dollars Without Running Out Of Money (2024)

Can I Retire On $2 Million? Is It Enough Money?

Retiring with $2 million can offer a comfortable and secure future if managed properly. You can ensure a steady, guaranteed income for life by using annuities. Here’s a breakdown of how annuities can maximize your retirement income:

  • Starting at Age 62: With a $2 million annuity, you can expect an annual income of approximately $151,000.
  • Starting at Age 65: The annual income increases to about $158,600.
  • Starting at Age 70: You would receive around $171,000 annually.

These figures do not include potential Social Security benefits, which can further enhance your retirement income. Use our calculator to see the exact payout you would receive for $2 million.

Note: You can purchase an annuity (with no tax penalties) with your 401k, IRAs, retirement accounts, investments, and cash.

How Long Will $2 Million Last?

The duration of your $2 million in retirement depends on several factors, including your annual expenses, lifestyle, and inflation:

  • Basic Living Expenses: If your annual expenses are $80,000, your $2 million could last around 25 years without considering inflation.
  • Inflation Impact: With a 3% annual inflation rate, the money would last about 20 years.
  • Luxurious Lifestyle: The funds could be depleted in as little as ten years if you prefer a more luxurious lifestyle with frequent travel and premium accommodations.

You can guarantee a lifetime income by choosing an annuity, mitigating the risk of outliving your savings.

How To Make $2 Million Last a Lifetime

To ensure your $2 million lasts a lifetime, consider purchasing an annuity with a lifetime income rider. For example:

  • Age 55 Annuity Purchase: If you purchase a $2 million annuity with a lifetime income rider at age 55 and retire at 65, you could receive about $23,803 monthly for life. This amount is guaranteed; any remaining funds will go to your beneficiaries as a lump sum after your death.

Social Security Integration

Social Security benefits can significantly supplement your retirement income. The average monthly Social Security income in 2024 is $1,907 per person. Here’s how combining Social Security with an annuity can enhance your financial stability:

  • Couples: With combined Social Security benefits of $3,814 and an annuity, your total monthly income can provide a solid foundation for your retirement.

How To Retire On $2 Million Immediately

The table below illustrates how muchmonthly income can be generated immediatelywith annuity payments and Social Security Income (SSI).


Can You Retire With $2 Million In 5 Years?

The table below illustrates how muchmonthly income can be generated in 5 yearswith a combination of annuity payments and Social Security Income (SSI). If you retire in 5 years on a $2,000,000 annuity, yourmonthly incomefor life would be:


Living Off the Monthly Interest On $2 Million

Some retirees like to withdraw interest from a fixed-interest savings account like afixed annuity or CD. For example, the interest on two million dollarsis$501,845.11 over seven yearswith afixed annuity,guaranteeing 3.25% annually.

How To Retire at 50 with $2 Million.

The following are guaranteed income amounts for the rest of your life if you purchase an annuity with a lifetime rider at age 50. These amounts do not include Social Security.

Annuity Purchase DateAnnual Income At 50
Age 40$239,641
Age 45$167,200
Age 50$125,000

How To Retire at 55 with $2 Million.

The following are guaranteed income amounts for the rest of your life if you purchase an annuity with a lifetime rider at age 55. These amounts do not include Social Security.

Annuity Purchase DateAnnual Income At 55
Age 40$273,272
Age 45$240,508
Age 50$176,400
Age 55$130,000

How To Retire at 60 with $2 Million.

The following are guaranteed income amounts for the rest of your life if you purchase an annuity with a lifetime rider at age 60. These amounts do not include Social Security.

Annuity Purchase DateAnnual Income At 60
Age 40$315,655
Age 45$310,129
Age 50$277,600
Age 55$193,386

How Much Does a $2 Million Payout?

The following table will estimate how much guaranteedincome a $2,000,000 annuity will pay outannually for the rest of a person’s life.

AgeImmediatelyIn 5 YearsIn 10 yearsIn 20 Years

How We Can Help

At The Annuity Expert, we understand that planning for retirement can be overwhelming. With 15 years of experience as an insurance agency, annuity broker, and retirement planner, we are committed to finding the best solutions at the lowest costs for our clients.

Understanding Your Goals

Your goal is to ensure that your $2 million lasts throughout your retirement, providing a comfortable and secure future. The core problem many face is the fear of outliving their savings. This fear is compounded by market volatility, inflation, and unforeseen expenses, which can erode retirement funds faster than anticipated.

Our Expertise and Commitment

We believe in delivering personalized solutions that align with your unique needs and preferences. Our expertise allows us to provide tailored annuity plans that guarantee lifetime income, ensuring you never have to worry about running out of money. We stand against high fees and hidden costs, striving to offer transparent and affordable options.

What We Recommend

Step 1: Initial Consultation

The first step is to schedule a free consultation with our team. During this meeting, we will discuss your financial goals, current assets, and retirement plans. The main benefit of this step is gaining a clear understanding of your retirement needs and the potential strategies to achieve them.

Step 2: Customized Annuity Plan

Based on our consultation, we will create a customized annuity plan tailored to your specific situation. This plan will outline the guaranteed income you can expect, how it integrates with other income sources like Social Security, and the benefits of different annuity options. The main benefit is having a clear, actionable plan that ensures financial security.

Step 3: Implementation and Ongoing Support

Once you approve the plan, we will assist you in implementing it, ensuring all paperwork and processes are completed smoothly. We also offer ongoing support to adjust your plan as needed, ensuring it continues to meet your needs. The main benefit is the peace of mind that comes with knowing your retirement plan is managed by experts.

Features and Benefits

  • Guaranteed Income: Provides financial security and peace of mind.
  • Lifetime Income Riders: Ensures income for life, regardless of market conditions.
  • Personalized Plans: Tailored to your unique needs and preferences.
  • Transparent Costs: No hidden fees, ensuring you get the best value.

Addressing Common Objections

  • High Fees: Our plans are designed to be cost-effective with transparent pricing.
  • Complexity: We simplify the process, providing clear explanations and ongoing support.
  • Market Volatility: Annuities offer guaranteed income, protecting you from market fluctuations.

Without our expertise, you risk choosing the wrong financial products, facing high fees, and potentially running out of money in retirement. Working with us ensures you have a reliable plan that guarantees income for life, providing security and peace of mind.

By working with us, you will experience the confidence and relief of knowing your retirement is financially secure. Our personalized approach ensures you feel valued and understood, creating a retirement plan that truly meets your needs.

Contact us today for free advice or a quote, and let’s start planning your secure and comfortable retirement.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I retire at 40 with $2 million?

Yes, you can retire at 40 with 2 million dollars. At age 40, an immediate annuity will provide a guaranteed income of $110,052 annually for a life-only payout, $107,484 annually for life with ten years certain payout, and $106,548 annually for life with 20 years certain payout. Payouts change frequently and vary by state.

Can I retire at 45 with $2 million?

Yes, you can retire at 45 with 2 million dollars. At age 45, animmediate annuity will provide a guaranteedincome of $114,360 annually for a life-only payout, $112,104 annually for life with ten years certain payout, and $110,544 annually for life with 20 years certain payout. Payouts change frequently and vary by state.

Can I retire at 50 with $2 million?

You can retire at 50 with $2 million, receiving a guaranteed $125,000 annually for life through an annuity. Alternatively, by choosing the increasing income option, you’d start with $87,000 annually, which would rise with inflation. Both options ensure payment even after depleting the annuity funds, and upon the annuitant’s death, any remaining amount goes to a designated beneficiary.

Can I retire at 55 with $2 million?

If you retire at 55 with $2 million, an annuity offers a fixed $130,000 annual income for life. Alternatively, an increasing income option starts at $93,000 annually and adjusts with inflation. Both choices ensure lifetime payments even after the annuity is exhausted, and any leftover amount is inherited by a designated beneficiary upon the annuitant’s death.

Can a couple retire on $2 million?

Yes, a couple can retire on $2 million. Annuities can provide a guaranteed income for both spouse’s lifetimes. After researching 326 annuity products from 57 insurance companies, our data calculated that $2,000,000 would generate $115,750 annually starting immediately if both spouses were age 60, $132,000 if both were age 65, and $144,000 if both were age 70.

What percentage of retirees have $2 million?

While it’s difficult to determine an exact figure, it is estimated that less than 10% of retirees have retired with $2 million.

How To Retire On 2 Million Dollars Without Running Out Of Money (2024)


How much income can 2 million dollars generate in retirement? ›

You retire at 40 – With an estimated life expectancy of 90, you need 50 years of income. Across those years, $2 million could equate to approximately $40,000 annually or $3,333 monthly.

Can you live off interest of $2 million dollars? ›

Can you live off of $2 million in assets? The answer is yes, if you manage your investment portfolio smartly. One common option is to invest $2 million in an index fund. But you will still need to make absolutely sure that you have a rainy day fund since the market can be reliable over decades but fickle over years.

How do I ensure I don't run out of money in retirement? ›

To avoid this, it's crucial to establish a sustainable withdrawal rate. We recommend doing this with the help of a professional, who can use cashflow modelling for greater accuracy. It's also important to review your forecast at least once a year to ensure you have plenty left.

How much do I need to retire and never run out of money? ›

If you are looking for a quick way to get a ballpark figure of how much you'll need, the rule of 25 times is helpful. The 25 times rule states that you need to save 25 times your annual expenses to retire.

How many people have $3000000 in savings in the USA? ›

According to a report by CNBC , only about 1.4 % of households in the USA have a net worth of $ 3,000,000 or more in savings . This equates to approximately 1.8 million households out of the total 129 million households in the country .

How much does a $2 million dollar annuity pay per month? ›

The amount a $2 million annuity pays depends on factors such as whether you want your monthly lifetime income payments to start immediately or, say, 10 years from now. Currently, a $2 million annuity will likely pay between $10,000 to $20,000 a month for the rest of your life.

Are you rich if your net worth is $2 million? ›

According to Schwab's 2022 Modern Wealth Survey, the average American thinks being rich means having a net worth of $2.2 million. However, wealth has no universal definition.

How much interest does $2 million dollars earn per year? ›

A $2 million nest egg can provide $80,000 of annual income when the principal gives a return of 4%. This estimate is on the conservative side, making $80,000 a solid benchmark for retirement income with this sum of money.

What percentage of retirees have $3 million dollars? ›

Specifically, those with over $1 million in retirement accounts are in the top 3% of retirees. The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) estimates that 3.2% of retirees have over $1 million, and a mere 0.1% have $5 million or more, based on data from the Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances.

How do retired people not run out of money? ›

Having multiple sources of income — such as Social Security, rental property income, retirement savings, pension and after-tax investments — ensures that you're not solely reliant on one source of income and can weather various market conditions,” she said.

How many people run out of money in retirement? ›

The average retiree doesn't have anywhere close to $1 million saved. Most retirees have just $142,500 in savings, according to Clever's study. Almost half (46%) of retirees are unprepared for the possibility of running out of retirement savings.

What do people do when they don t have enough money to retire? ›

Many retirees with little to no savings rely solely on Social Security as their main source of income. You can claim Social Security benefits as early as age 62, but your benefit amount will depend on when you start filing for the benefit. You get less than your full benefit if you file before your full retirement age.

What percentage of retirees have $2 million dollars? ›

According to EBRI estimates based on the latest Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances, 3.2% of retirees have over $1 million in their retirement accounts, while just 0.1% have $5 million or more.

What is the average 401k balance for a 65 year old? ›

Average and median 401(k) balances by age
Age rangeAverage balanceMedian balance
2 more rows
Jun 24, 2024

What is a good monthly retirement income? ›

Average Monthly Retirement Income

According to data from the BLS, average 2022 incomes after taxes were as follows for older households: 65-74 years: $63,187 per year or $5,266 per month. 75 and older: $47,928 per year or $3,994 per month.

How to retire with $2 million if you make $100000 per year? ›

If you want to retire with $2 million, you'll need to invest about 12% of a salary of $100,000 starting in your 20s. Waiting until you're older will require a larger portion of your pay. If you wait until your 30s, then that number is closer to 17% of your salary.

Is $2 million a good retirement goal? ›

Retiring at 65 seems like a typical target, but it takes careful planning and a sufficient nest egg to pull off. If you accrue $2 million during your career, you can pay yourself $80,000 annually without touching your principal, which translates to a healthy monthly budget.

How much retirement income will $3 million generate? ›

For a $3 million retirement fund, anticipate a monthly income of $6,250 over 40 years, barring investment growth or loss. Factors such as lifestyle choices, inflation, and healthcare costs will influence how long your savings last.

What percentage of retirees have 5 million dollars? ›

Data from the Employee Benefit Research Institute, based on the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances, reveals that a mere 0.1% of retirees manage to accumulate over $5 million in their retirement accounts, whereas only 3.2% amass over $1 million.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.