How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (2024)

Table of Contents

  • Understanding MLS Specifications and Standards
  • Requirements for Uploading Photos to MLS
  • File Format Requirements
  • Preparing Your Real Estate Photos for Printing
  • Best Resolution for Online and Printed Real Estate Photos
  • Enhancing Your Photos to Look Their Best
  • FAQ

Real estate photographers know that capturing and editing stunning images of a property is only part of the job – you also need to make sure those photos are properly prepared for use on MLS platforms and other marketing outlets.

With so many layers to consider, from size requirements to pixel density, it can be challenging to fully understand what’s needed when preparing your real estate photos correctly.

Fortunately, taking an informed approach and ensuring you have all the necessary elements in place will maximize the potential for top-quality results across multiple mediums.

In this blog post, we’ll provide essential information about how to prepare your real estate photos for MLS upload as well as printing purposes.

Understanding MLS Specifications and Standards

How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (1)

If you’re new to the world of real estate, you may have heard the term “MLS specifications” being thrown around. But what does it actually mean?

MLS stands for Multiple Listing Service, which is essentially a database where real estate agents can share information about properties that are currently on the market.

However, in order for this system to work effectively, everyone has to be operating off of the same set of guidelines. That’s where MLS specifications come in.

Overall, the MLS rules and standards dictate how a property listing should be presented, including everything from the number of photos that should be included to the specific fields that must be filled out.

While it may seem like a lot of technical jargon, having a solid understanding of MLS specifications is crucial if you want to succeed as a real estate agent or investor.

Requirements for Uploading Photos to MLS

If you’re looking to upload photos to MLS, there are a few requirements you need to meet.

First, the photos must be in JPEG format and have a resolution of at least 640×480 pixels. The recommended photo size is 1024px x 768px or larger but should not exceed 15MB in file size. Your images will be of high quality and you can easily view them on various devices.

Second, your listing photos should be clear and well-lit, showcasing the property in its best light. It’s important to avoid any blurry or distorted images that could discourage potential buyers.

How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (2)
How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (3)

We recommend that you use a professional real estate photo editing service to ensure that your images will live up to MLS standards.

You should also avoid including any personal information or branding in the photos, as they need to be strictly property-focused.

Lastly, make sure that you have the appropriate rights to use the images you want to upload. By following these minimum requirements, you can ensure that your property listing stands out and attracts interested buyers.

File Format Requirements

When it comes to uploading listings onto the MLS, having the right file format is key.

The main types of file formats you’ll need are great property photos and any documents, such as property disclosures or floor plans.

How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (5)

For photos, the most common file types are JPEG or PNG. Both offer high-quality images without taking up too much storage space.

As for documents, PDFs are the way to go. They’re easy to create and view, and most importantly, they preserve the formatting of the original file.

With the right file formats, you’ll ensure that your listings look professional and attract potential buyers.

Now, that we know the MLS requirements, let’s take a look at how to prepare your photos for printing next.

Preparing Your Real Estate Photos for Printing

Have you ever wondered why your printed photos don’t look quite as vibrant and sharp as they do on your computer screen?

Well, preparing your photos for printing involves a bit more than simply hitting the print button. To ensure that your photos turn out just the way you want them, you’ll need to take a few extra steps.

How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (6)
How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (7)

First, make sure your photo is in the correct color space for printing. Then, adjust the contrast and brightness to ensure that your image doesn’t look washed out or too dark.

Finally, make sure the resolution is suitable for the size of your print. In most cases, the best resolution for printing is 300 PPI. At 300 pixels per inch (which roughly translates to 300 DPI, or dots per inch, on a printing press), an image will look sharp and crisp.

By following these simple steps, you can be sure that your photos will look just as beautiful in print as they do on your screen.

Best Resolution for Online and Printed Real Estate Photos

How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (8)
How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (9)

Regarding real estate photos, there’s a lot to consider. You want your images to look great whether they’re viewed online or in print.

So, what resolution should you use?

Ideally, you want something that will look sharp and clear no matter where it’s seen. A resolution of at least 72 dpi should be good enough for online use.

But if you’re printing your photos, you’ll want to bump that number up to 300 dpi.This ensures that your images will be crisp and detailed, even when blown up to larger sizes.

Of course, there are other factors to keep in mind, like lighting and composition. But, with the right resolution, you’re well on your way to creating compelling real estate photos that will wow potential buyers.

Enhancing Your Photos to Look Their Best

How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (10)

Nothing beats the feeling of capturing a stunning photo, only to realize it could use some tweaking to really make it pop.

Luckily, there are a variety of tools and techniques available to help enhance your photos and make them look their best.

Whether it’s adjusting brightness and contrast, playing with color saturation, or using filters and effects, there’s no shortage of ways to get creative and really bring your photos to life.

If you lack the skill or don’t have time to do the editing yourself, PhotoUp can help you transform your photos into true masterpieces that you’ll be proud to share and display.

We have over a decade of experience in the real estate industry and have employed hundreds of editors worldwide to work their magic on your images.

All you need to do is sign up for a free PhotoUp account and let us know how you want your images edited.

It's Never Been Easier To

Promote Your Listings

Photos. Floor Plans. Virtual Staging. Home Tours. Listing Websites.

How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (11)Join PhotoUpLearn More


What to think of when adjusting color, brightness, and contrast levels in post-production editing software?

When it comes to real estate photo editing, adjusting color, brightness, and contrast levels can make a huge difference in the final product. There are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind to ensure your adjustments are effective.

First, avoid over-saturating the colors. While it may look vibrant on your screen, it can come across as garish on other devices. Secondly, when adjusting brightness and contrast, make sure to not lose any details in the shadows or highlights.

Finally, don’t be afraid to play around with the levels until you find what looks best. It’s important to remember that these adjustments should enhance the image, not completely alter it.

How to avoid image optimization mistakes for web?

When it comes to showcasing your real estate property online, high-quality photos are an absolute must. But just having great photos isn’t enough – you also need to make sure they’re optimized for viewing on the web.

This means avoiding common mistakes like using low-resolution images, over- or under-exposing the shots, or failing to properly frame the shots.

You also want to ensure that your images are sized appropriately for online viewing, so they load quickly and don’t slow down your website.

By taking the time to optimize your real estate photos, you’ll not only impress potential buyers but also improve your website’s user experience overall.

How to ensure your photos look the same online as they do in print?

The key to ensuring your photos look consistent across all mediums is to pay attention to the colors. Make sure the colors are accurate and look the same on your computer screen as they do in print.

Additionally, consider calibrating your computer screen and using a high-quality printer to achieve the best results.

What types of touchups should be avoided when processing real estate photos?

When it comes to processing real estate photos, it’s important to know what types of touchups to avoid in order to ensure the final product truly represents the property.

Firstly, it’s important to avoid overly brightening or darkening the images as this can make the space appear different from its actual condition.

Similarly, avoid oversaturating colors or altering the white balance. It’s also important to resist the urge to use wide-angle lenses that make the space appear larger than it is.

You should never manipulate your photos. Instead, keep them as accurate and true-to-life as possible in order to attract the right buyers and maintain the trust of your clients.

How to ensure your images load quickly without losing quality?

We live in a fast-paced world, and when it comes to images on a website or app, speed is a crucial factor. Slow images can put off visitors and even harm your website’s Google ranking.

So, how can you ensure fast load times without compromising the visuals?

Firstly, choose the correct file format. For example, JPEG is suitable for photographs, while PNG works best for graphics with transparent backgrounds.

Secondly, reduce the image size by compressing it. Thirdly, use a content delivery network (CDN) to serve images from servers closer to your visitor’s location to improve load times.

Lastly, optimize images for mobile devices to ensure your website or app loads quickly on smartphones and tablets.

Wrapping Up

How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (12)
How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (13)

In summary, optimizing real estate photos for MLS upload and printing takes time and effort, but it can be worth it in the end.

Be sure to know the minimum specifications for MLS uploads in your local area before you begin shooting, and then resume with post-processing to adjust color, brightness, and contrast levels.

Whenever possible, try to ensure that your online images look the same as their printed counterparts – without any heavy touchups or photo manipulations that could ‘fool’ potential customers or agents.

If you want to ensure MLS-compliant real estate images, sign up for a free PhotoUp account and let our editors take care of that for you! For a limited time, you even get 10 free edits when signing up for an account.

So why wait? Let PhotoUp’s expert team of editors help edit your photos to perfection!

We hope this post helped you learn how to prepare your real estate photos for MLS and printing. If you found this post useful, you may also want to check out the following resources:

  • Best Real Estate Photo Editing Companies of 2024
  • How to Edit Real Estate Photos (Top 11 Techniques)
  • Best Real Estate Photo Editing App in 2024
  • How to Color Correct in Photoshop – Real Estate Photo Editing
  • How to Change Exposure in Photoshop (3 Simple Ways)

Stina Pettersson

Professional Blogger

Stina is an entrepreneur, digital marketer, and professional blogger who's passionate about real estate photo editing, being outdoors with her pup, and sweaty gym sessions. She loves the written word and has been writing for publications like Forbes and Thrive Global. Originally from Sweden, she's called South Florida her home since 2013.

Connect with Stina

How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing (2024)


How to Prepare Your Real Estate Photos for MLS and Printing? ›

Preparing Your Real Estate Photos for Printing

How to prepare a home for real estate photos? ›

  1. Park vehicles away from the house or in the garage.
  2. Freshen up landscaping.
  3. Remove trash, branches, leaves, etc.
  4. Remove dead plants, trees, etc.
  5. Sweep outdoor space and walkways.
  6. Remove visible foliage from the roof and gutters.
  7. Spread fresh mulch.
  8. Remove debris, hose, and toys from the pool.
Aug 9, 2024

How to take MLS photos? ›

Real Estate Photography Tips
  1. Ensure the Property is Clean Before the Shoot. ...
  2. Find a Good Home Stager. ...
  3. Choose the Right Time to Shoot. ...
  4. Use a Tripod. ...
  5. Choose the Right Lens. ...
  6. Use Ambient Light When Possible. ...
  7. Be Careful Mixing Color Temperatures. ...
  8. Choose the Best Perspective.
Nov 22, 2022

What ratio are MLS photos taken in? ›

As we all know our DSLRs typically use a 3:2 aspect ratio by default. However the MLS system we use utilizes a 4:3 aspect ratio for pictures.

What is an MLS ready photo? ›

For MLS and online listings, an image with a resolution of 72 dpi is often adequate because screen resolutions typically do not require higher dpi to display an image clearly. On the other hand, when it comes to print materials such as flyers and brochures, 300 dpi is the gold standard.

Should you watermark real estate photos? ›

One of the best methods to protect your original photos is to visually watermark them. This way it will be clearly visible to which agency/realtor those property photos belong. Moreover, in the situation that someone will still copy them, it will basically do you a favor by advertising your services!

What is the best order for real estate photos? ›

Tell a story with your real estate photos

Expert agent Kathleen Caponigro recommends putting the photos in the order you would enter the home. The order should be: the exterior, then the entryway, kitchen, dining room, living room, master, and then any additional bedrooms.

How to format photos for MLS? ›

If you're looking to upload photos to MLS, there are a few requirements you need to meet. First, the photos must be in JPEG format and have a resolution of at least 640×480 pixels. The recommended photo size is 1024px x 768px or larger but should not exceed 15MB in file size.

What type of photography best helps sell homes on the MLS? ›

8. Take Multiple Shots Of Each Room From Different Angles
  • Corner Shots: Position yourself where the windows are on the side or at a 45-degree angle. You should avoid having the window in front or behind your camera. ...
  • Straight-On Shots: These shots are ideal for showcasing kitchens, windows, stairways, and bathrooms.

What is the best time of day for real estate photos? ›

It's usually around 5-6 in the morning and around 6 to 7 in the afternoon. This time of day offers the perfect lighting for exterior real estate photography. Shadows are longer, textures are more pronounced, and colors are more vibrant. This is especially true for landscapes and exterior real estate photography.

How do I upload photos on MLS? ›

Locate your listing by MLS #, and go to Add/Edit Media. Once you click on “Add/Edit Media”, there will be a Media Manager button. Click the Media Manager button. There will either be an “Upload Photos” button, or “Add Photos” button near the top.

What size photos are best for Zillow? ›

Home Details page: The maximum dimensions allowed for an image is 2048 x 1536 pixels, with a minimum dimension of 1024 x 768 pixels. There isn't a resolution limit (just a size limit of 25MB), but we do recommend using the 2048 x 1536 size — bigger is better.

What size are real estate photos? ›

Real estate photos should be 1024 x 768 according to Stellar MLS. Other MLS systems might have different requirements and may allow larger images. You must check with your local MLS requirements in order to deliver a size that is usable by the agent and that looks good also.

What are the rules for MLS photography? ›

Front exterior photos must show the majority of the building. No signage may be visible in real estate listing photos. Brokerage signs must be blacked out or removed. No people (even people in costumes) may be visible in listing photos.

Can I reuse MLS photos? ›

MLS package: The real estate agent or client is granted Temporary Usage Rights to use those images until the property is either sold, rented, or otherwise goes off the market. If you need to re-use images for more than a single one-time listing, you will need to purchase permanent usage rights.

How do you take good realtor pictures? ›

Key elements elevate a real estate photograph: meticulous and balanced composition, strategic lighting for mood, close-ups highlighting craftsmanship, and curated staging that evokes a lifestyle. These features combine to create a photo that captivates viewers and enhances a property's appeal.

How to prepare your house for a photo shoot? ›

How to prepare your property for sales photography
  1. Make sure it's clean and tidy. ...
  2. Remove clutter… but not everything! ...
  3. Tidy up your home's exterior. ...
  4. Present the perfect kitchen. ...
  5. Showcase the rooms that make your home stand out. ...
  6. An inviting living room. ...
  7. Think size when it comes to bedrooms. ...
  8. Cleanliness is key in your bathrooms.
Jul 27, 2022

How can I make my house look good in pictures? ›

Get the outside right
  1. Choose the time of day when the front of the house is shown in a good natural light.
  2. Try to choose a clear, bright day.
  3. Move any vehicles from the outside of the property.
  4. Remove any clutter from outside the property such as bins and hoses.

How do you take professional looking pictures of your house? ›

10 real estate photography tips: A quick & easy guide for agents
  1. Remove all clutter. ...
  2. Prioritize using natural light. ...
  3. Strike the right height balance. ...
  4. Plan your shot list in advance. ...
  5. Fall in love with staging. ...
  6. Shoot using the “rule of three” ...
  7. Pay attention to white balance. ...
  8. Make sure the windows are clean.
Mar 8, 2023

How can I make my real estate pictures look better? ›

Tips for Making Real Estate Photography Look Professional
  1. Use a High-Quality Camera. A professional-grade camera will produce sharper, more detailed images than a smartphone camera. ...
  2. Ensure Proper Lighting. Lighting can make or break a photo. ...
  3. Stage the Home. ...
  4. Use a Wide-Angle Camera Lens. ...
  5. Take Multiple Shots. ...
  6. Use a Tripod.
Feb 27, 2023

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.