How to Keep RFID Credit Cards Safe: 14 Security Tips (2024)

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Keep your card safe from thieves and scammers

Co-authored byClinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD

Last Updated: April 11, 2023ReferencesApproved

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RFID embedded cards use radio frequencies to transmit data. These cards have been in use in Europe for many years but are just coming into use in the U.S.[1] The idea is that consumers should be able to use these cards at stores and restaurants to pay for purchases without having to swipe the card through a scanner. Many people remain concerned, however, that the RFID technology may also allow thieves to use scanners to intercept the radio waves and steal the card's information.[2] While technology has made significant security improvements in the past few years, some concerns still exist.

Things You Should Know

  • Store multiple RFID cards close to each other in your wallet to make them harder to read, or carry them in your front pocket to discourage thieves.
  • Use an RFID shield wallet or protective sleeve, wrap it in foil, or store your card next to an RFID jamming card to protect its signal.
  • Distance yourself from other customers when using your card. For maximum security, only use it for at-home, online purchases.

Method 1

Method 1 of 3:

Being Careful and Changing Habits

  1. 1

    Place your RFID cards next to each other in your wallet. This can make it more difficult for thieves to read a particular card[3], but the protection is limited.

  2. 2

    Carry your RFID cards in a front pocket. If you usually carry your credit cards in a wallet in your back pocket, you are potentially more vulnerable to thieves who could step up behind you with a scanning device. If you switch the cards to a front pocket, you will tend to be more observant of people in front of you and are less likely to become a victim.[4]


  3. 3

    Be aware of other people around you when using your credit cards. Some of the newest RFID technology limits the opportunity of thieves to scan your cards to short distances and only at the time of the sale.[5] Before using your card in a store, check around you to make sure that nobody is standing within a few feet of you, and your transaction should be safe.

  4. 4

    Use your RFID cards at home for online purchases only. If you are really concerned by the RFID technology, this is a possible way to go, and you can then use other credit cards or cash to purchase things outside your home. However, identity theft through online computer use is probably a greater risk than using the RFID technology in a store.

  5. 5

    Monitor your credit card statements for usual activity or errors. This may not actually prevent thieves from stealing information from your card, but monitoring your statements regularly will help you and the credit card company identify any unauthorized purchases and can limit your potential losses.[6]Some sources say that regular monitoring of your credit card statements is actually the “best” protection against identity theft.[7]

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Method 2

Method 2 of 3:

Making and Using Shields

  1. 1

    Purchase an RFID shield wallet or sleeve for credit cards. There are several commercial products available that claim to block RFID scanners from obtaining your personal information.[8] These may be individual sleeves for your RFID cards or wallets that are lined with material to block scanners.[9][10]

  2. 2

    Purchase an RFID jamming card or device. Some companies have developed a device about the size of a credit card that sends out its own RFID signal that will disrupt scanners trying to get your credit card information.[11][12][13]

  3. 3

    Make a foil shield. This is the “low-tech” way to go, but it’s cheap and easy. Cut two pieces of paper or cardboard into the size of a credit card, wrap each piece with aluminum foil, and carry them in your wallet around your credit cards. The aluminum will disrupt most electronic signals.[14]

  4. 4

    You can also wrap each credit card in aluminum foil and place the wrapped cards in your wallet. The foil shields the card from scanners.[15]

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Method 3

Method 3 of 3:

Keeping Credit Cards Safe for Online Purchases

  1. 1

    Verify that vendors you use online are legitimate. Stick to vendors that you have used before and that you know and trust. If you have concerns, you can check with the Better Business Bureau online at or in the local area where the company has its business.

  2. 2

    Look for signs of a "secure" website. Truly secure websites use extra protection called a Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL, and the website address will begin with "https" instead of the usual "http." Additionally, a secure site will show a closed lock icon in the status bar at the bottom of the page. If you don't see the "https" address or the padlock at the bottom, you should consider using another website for your purchase.

  3. 3

    Maintain your own computer. For safer online shopping, keep your own computer free of viruses or spyware. There are software products you can purchase or download online for free that will help you keep your computer clean.[16]

  4. 4

    Limit Wi-Fi purchasing. Because anything wireless is potentially subject to hackers who find a way to intercept the radio signal, your safest method for online shopping is to use a hardwired Internet connection.

  5. 5

    Use a temporary credit card for online shopping. Many banks and credit companies will offer this service for no fee.[17] You can get a card number that is separate from your actual account, but the bank links it to your account for your bona fide purchases.

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      • Check with your bank whether it automatically sends you RFID embedded cards, just in case you're unaware you have one (or more). If you don't want one, make this clear to the bank. You may not have a choice, but it can’t hurt to ask.


        Helpful2Not Helpful0



        Helpful2Not Helpful0

      • Check your credit report regularly. The three main credit reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian, and Transunion, will provide you a free copy of your credit report once a year. If you see any discrepancies, investigate them right away and notify the reporting agency.


        Helpful2Not Helpful1

      Show More Tips

      How to Keep RFID Credit Cards Safe: 14 Security Tips (17)



      • Contact your credit card company or bank immediately if you notice any discrepancies or suspicious activity on your statements.


        Helpful13Not Helpful7


      Things You'll Need

        • Aluminum foil
        • Cardboard
        • Scissors

      More References (8)


      About This Article

      How to Keep RFID Credit Cards Safe: 14 Security Tips (32)

      Co-authored by:

      Doctor of Law, University of Wisconsin-Madison

      This article was co-authored by Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD. Clinton M. Sandvick worked as a civil litigator in California for over 7 years. He received his JD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998 and his PhD in American History from the University of Oregon in 2013. This article has been viewed 298,243 times.

      74 votes - 96%

      Co-authors: 16

      Updated: April 11, 2023


      Categories: Credit Cards

      Article SummaryX

      To keep your RFID credit cards safe, keep your card in an RFID shield wallet or sleeve to block RFID scanners from reading your personal information. If you don’t have one of these sleeves, try putting several RFID cards together in your wallet to make it harder for the scanner to isolate an individual card. Even if you prefer to keep your card in your pocket, you can reduce the risk of having it scanned by carrying it in your front pocket, rather than your back pocket. For tips from our Legal co-author on how to make your own shield out of aluminum foil, read on!

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        Jan 14, 2017

        "Confirms what I thought might work, using tin foil, to protect an RFID Credit Card chip while carrying it in an..." more

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      How to Keep RFID Credit Cards Safe: 14 Security Tips (2024)


      Is RFID blocking necessary 2023? ›

      In conclusion, in 2023, the importance of RFID protection in wallets cannot be overstated. As technology advances and contactless payment methods become more prevalent, the risk of RFID fraud is only increasing.

      Do RFID card sleeves really work? ›

      RFID sleeves and wallets still block any signals from these cards. So, in the unlikely event someone gets so close they can read your card, you'll still have protection.

      Does aluminum foil work to block RFID? ›

      Is it possible to do RFID blocking with aluminum foil? Yes, it is possible successfully block RFID with aluminum foil. It can work by simply wrapping it around your cards or wallet. In fact, many people actually use aluminum foil around their cards' as a homemade, cheap RFID blocker.

      What blocks RFID scanners? ›

      In conclusion, there are several materials that can block RFID signals, including metal, water, concrete, leather, Faraday cages, and RFID-blocking materials.

      How serious is RFID blocking? ›

      Is RFID blocking really necessary? No. In most cases, it's not necessary because a thief would have to get very close to your card with no obstructions to steal from it. Still, it's important to secure your financial information, especially online.

      Can RFID wallets go through airport security? ›

      Some people are also concerned about going through airport security with their RFID wallets. Since you're usually required to remove your wallet from your pockets anyway, there's no need to be concerned about an RFID wallet causing a problem. It should pass through the X-Ray scanner just fine!

      Do RFID-blocking wallets mess up my cards? ›

      After multiple studies, there is no evidence that RFID-blocking wallets can damage credit cards. They are passive blockers, more like a shield or a Faraday cage for your cards. These wallets have been tested on both chip and stripe cards, and neither have shown any adverse effects.

      Does RFID stop shoplifting? ›

      RFID technology can be used to prevent theft in a retail environment. These systems use plastic security tags that clip a radio frequency identification chip directly onto an item. Then, when the item is passed near a detector, it triggers an alarm and alerts store staff.

      What common materials can block RFID? ›

      Materials like nickel, aluminum, copper, and carbon fiber create RFID blocking effects due to their natural conductive properties. Compared to other materials, carbon fiber is extremely thin and lightweight, making it an ideal choice for complete protection with minimal added bulk.

      Will a magnet stop RFID? ›

      Will strong magnets affect or disable these devices? No. RFID chips send out a radio signal, which is not affected by permanent magnets. While RFID devices can be powered by a changing magnetic field (by electromagnetic induction), they can not be scrambled, erased or blocked with a strong permanent magnet.

      What kills RFID? ›

      To kill a tag, you need to overload it with energy and blow its circuits. These circuits are tiny, so even static electricity from your finger can blow them, as long as you are able to touch the chip directly.

      How close does someone have to be to scan your credit card? ›

      Although banks claim that RFID chips on cards are encrypted to protect information, it's been proven that scanners—either homemade or easily bought—can swipe the cardholder's name and number. (A cell-phone-sized RFID reader powered at 30 dBm (decibels per milliwatt) can pick up card information from 10 feet away.

      Can a credit card be scanned while in your wallet? ›

      Yes, if you have a contactless card with an RFID chip, the data can be read from it.

      What is the future of RFID technology? ›

      In the future, RFID solutions will have more sensor fusions. Sensor fusion means that solutions will include other sensors besides RFID tags, like UHF RFID sensors to measure humidity, temperature, Bluetooth location and sensors, time of flight sensors, etc.

      What are the future trends of RFID? ›

      According to the IDTechEx analysis "RFID Forecasts, Players and Opportunities 2023-2033", 39.3 billion passive RFID tags will be sold in 2023, up from 33 billion in 2022, indicating a double-digit growth rate. Most of this growth is because of passive UHF RFID tags.

      Is RFID still relevant? ›

      And while RFID technology has been around since the 1940s, it is anything but useless. In fact, RFID is still widely implemented and is probably more useful to the supply chain industry than most people may realize

      What technology will replace RFID? ›

      Ultra-Wide Band (UWB)

      In contrast to Ultra Wide Band technology, RFID is not able to provide such high accuracy since it can only detect the presence of people or objects in the room. UWB helps to solve tasks of tracking objects and increases the level of labor protection.

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      Author: Rubie Ullrich

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      Name: Rubie Ullrich

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      Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.