How to Invest $2 Million for Income - SmartAsset (2024)

Having $2 million to invest can ensure a lifetime income stream, provided it is wisely invested. So if you have managed to amass such a sum – whether through prudent money management,a lottery winor an inheritance – you should think long and hard about an investment portfolio that will turn your money into a reliable income stream. Below we’ve compiled nine of the best ways to invest $2 million for income. A financial advisor can help put together an investing plan that does just that.

1. Bonds

Bonds are structured debtsold by corporations, the federal government or its agencies and municipal governments, whose bond interest are often tax-free. They are seen as a complement to equities for their stability and interest payments. A bond note is paid off over a period of years, at the end of which abond is considered mature and the borrower has to pay back the full value of the loan, typicallythe face value of the bond.

You can invest in bonds directly or through funds.The latter option frees investors from having to wait for a bond to mature to sell; they can sell anytime. Prices for bonds and bond funds depend on three factors: interest rates; length of maturity; and rating (risky to very secure).

As an example, if you buy a two-year bond with a par value of $10,000 and a coupon rate of 5%, then you would get a $500 return each year, adding up to $1,000 total interest.

2. Dividend Stocks

Some investors use dividend stocks to build long-term wealth. With a dividend stock, the company will pay out a portion of its profits to stockholders. Dividend amounts can fluctuate depending on the profitability of the company. The dividend yield can also vary depending on the fluctuation of the share price. All dividend amounts must be approved by the company’s board, which can also cancel dividends.

Once you begin to build your portfolio to thousands of shares, you can then reinvest your dividends to purchase more shares. One weakness with dividend stocks is double taxation. Corporations pay taxes on their earnings before they pay dividends and then individual stockholders often pay an additional tax on this income.

As an example, if a company announces a dividend payment of $0.32 per share and you own 100 shares, then your dividend payment will be $32. The money will be deposited into your brokerage account. But formutual fundsandexchange-traded funds (ETFs), payments will be divided among investors.

3. Preferred Stocks

Preferred stocks are different from common stocks in that dividend payouts must go to preferred stockholders before common stockholders get paid. These dividends may have a fixed interest rate or may try to match a certain benchmark, such as LIBOR.

This type of stock usually has a debt feature that may pay a fixed dividend amount as well as an equity component that may help the price of the share increase. This type of investment entices investors who seek the potential of stable future cash flow.

As an example, let’s say you buy a preferred stock for $38 and with a 6% yield, then you’ll get $2.88 per year in dividend income (multiply the market value of the stock by the current yield to get the dividend payment).

4. Bond Mutual Funds and Bond ETFs

Abond fund is a mutual fund or exchange-traded fund that includes a mix of different bonds and other debt instruments. Investors pool their money in the same way they would in a stockmutual fund.But whereas a bond itself does not lose value a bond fund can lose value, for example, if the bond fund manager has to sell holdings in a rising interest rate environment.

Some bond funds focus solely on short-term investments. Others are designed for the buy-and-hold investor. Certain funds may attempt to track a specific benchmark orindex. As with any mutual fund, fixed-income investors have many choices: investment-grade; high-yield; municipal; multisector; and international.

Keep in mind that bond ETFs trade in real time, but bond mutual funds are priced at the close of each day’s trading.

You should also note that an expense ratio will be deducted from your investment income. Annual fees could be as high as 2% for mutual funds or around 0.1% for ETFs.

5. Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs)

Master limited partnerships or MLPs are a way toinvest for high yields. They arepass-through entities, which means the business itselfisn’t subject to corporate income taxes. Instead, the income tax liability is passed through to investors, known as unitholders. Earnings are only taxed once, at the investor’s ordinary income tax rate. In that sense, MLP distributions are similar to the dividends from adividend-payingstock or mutual fund. You can invest in MLPs directly or through funds. Oil and natural gas pipeline companies are often structured as MLPs.

6. Real Estate

Another way to invest $2 million for income is to buy real estate for investment purposes. If you invest in the right markets, you may be able to see high returns. For example, let’s say you only use half of your money and purchase 10 rentals that average $100,000 each and rent them for $1,000 per month, per property. You’ll also need to account for closing costs, which may be around $3,000 per rental. This could lower your profit to $120,000 after five years.

But if use the real estate as rental properties and those increase in value by 3% every year you may gain an extra $150,000 in equity. Between your cash flow and the equity of the rentals, you may have enough income to help support your lifestyle. Many investors view owning real estate as a key component of their financial planbecause investing in real estate can generate large sums of mostly passive income.

7. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

If you don’t want the headaches of owning rental properties, consider a real estate investment trust, orREIT. These are companies that either own income-generating rentals or own the mortgages on those properties. Usually, REITs focus on one section of real estates, such as residential or commercial, but you can also find hybrids that have a variety of assets. You can purchase REIT shares through a company or a fund.

8. Annuities

An annuity is an insurance policy where you pay, either once or periodically, in return for a guaranteed income. The payments may begin right away or at a specified future date. The payments may last until you pass away or only for a predetermined period. It all depends on what type of annuity you have, and there are many types available. Think of annuities as both low-risk and low-growth investments.

For example, a variable annuity with a $2,000,000 premium might offer the holder a monthly payout of $9,735. Over the course of a year, that amounts to $116,820, meaning the payout rate is approximately 5.8%.

9. Peer-to-Peer Lending

Peer-to-peer lending is a form of lending or borrowing that uses money from individual investors instead of banks or other financial institutions. Usually, an online platform, such as LendingTree, will bring together borrowers who need funds and investors willing to lend. Wheninvesting in a peer-to-peer lending platform you will get notes that represent slivers of many of the platform’s loans. For example, a $10,000 investment could give you small stakes in hundreds of loans.

The return, though, can be much better than other fixed-income investments. Interest rates can range from nearly 10% to more than 30%.Know the risks: lenders can default; there’s no FDIC insurance, and underwriting standards are not up to the standard that banks use.

Bottom Line

With $2 million to invest in income generation, you have plenty of options. Some investments are perfect for beginners, like ETFs, while others require more experience, like peer-to-peer lending. Each type of investment offers a different level of risk and reward. Before selecting an investment, investors should consider their asset allocation and how each investment may align with their goals.

Investing Tips

  • A financial advisor can help you put together a plan for how to invest $2 million.Finding a qualified financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three financial advisors who serve your area, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.
  • Do you know how these income-generating investments can affect the risk built into your portfolio or what kind of bite will taxes and inflation take out of your investments?SmartAsset’s free investing guidecan help answer some of these questions.

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As an enthusiast deeply versed in the realm of personal finance and investment strategies, I can confidently affirm the critical importance of wise investment decisions, especially when dealing with substantial sums like $2 million. My expertise is grounded in a comprehensive understanding of various investment vehicles and their implications on wealth preservation and income generation. Let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article and explore their nuances:

  1. Bonds:

    • Bonds represent structured debts issued by corporations, governments, or municipal entities.
    • They offer stability and periodic interest payments.
    • Bonds can be purchased directly or through funds, providing flexibility in selling before maturity.
    • Factors affecting bond prices include interest rates, maturity length, and credit rating.
  2. Dividend Stocks:

    • Dividend stocks distribute a portion of company profits to shareholders.
    • Dividend amounts fluctuate based on company profitability, and yields can vary with share price changes.
    • Investors can reinvest dividends to compound wealth.
    • Double taxation is a potential drawback, as corporations and individual stockholders may be taxed on dividend income.
  3. Preferred Stocks:

    • These differ from common stocks as preferred stockholders receive dividends before common stockholders.
    • Dividends may have fixed rates or align with specific benchmarks.
    • Preferred stocks offer a balance of fixed income and potential share price appreciation.
  4. Bond Mutual Funds and Bond ETFs:

    • Bond funds, both mutual funds and ETFs, comprise various bonds and debt instruments.
    • Unlike individual bonds, bond funds can lose value, especially in rising interest rate environments.
    • Different types of bond funds cater to various investor preferences, such as investment-grade, high-yield, municipal, and international bonds.
  5. Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs):

    • MLPs are pass-through entities, not subject to corporate income taxes.
    • Investors, known as unitholders, bear income tax liability.
    • MLPs are common in the oil and natural gas pipeline sectors.
  6. Real Estate:

    • Investing in real estate involves purchasing properties for rental income and potential appreciation.
    • Returns can come from both cash flow and property value appreciation.
    • Real estate is considered a key component for generating passive income.
  7. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs):

    • REITs are companies owning income-generating properties or mortgages.
    • Investors can buy REIT shares through companies or funds.
    • REITs focus on specific real estate sectors, such as residential or commercial.
  8. Annuities:

    • Annuities are insurance policies providing guaranteed income.
    • Payments can start immediately or at a future date, lasting until death or a predetermined period.
    • Annuities are viewed as low-risk, low-growth investments.
  9. Peer-to-Peer Lending:

    • Peer-to-peer lending involves borrowing and lending through online platforms.
    • Investors can receive notes representing fractional ownership in various loans.
    • Higher returns (up to 30%) come with higher risks, such as borrower default, lack of FDIC insurance, and varied underwriting standards.

Understanding these investment options and their implications is crucial for devising a well-rounded strategy that aligns with one's financial goals and risk tolerance. Additionally, consulting with a financial advisor, as emphasized in the article, can provide personalized guidance tailored to individual circ*mstances.

How to Invest $2 Million for Income - SmartAsset (2024)


How to Invest $2 Million for Income - SmartAsset? ›

Across those years, $2 million could equate to approximately $68,966 annually or $5,747 monthly. This should serve you incredibly well and make you feel comfortable and cushioned, especially if you have relatively low expenses as a retiree and a normal lifestyle.

How much monthly income will $2 million generate? ›

Across those years, $2 million could equate to approximately $68,966 annually or $5,747 monthly. This should serve you incredibly well and make you feel comfortable and cushioned, especially if you have relatively low expenses as a retiree and a normal lifestyle.

How much interest will $2 million earn in a year? ›

A $2 million nest egg can provide $80,000 of annual income when the principal gives a return of 4%. This estimate is on the conservative side, making $80,000 a solid benchmark for retirement income with this sum of money.

How to invest $2 million dollars for monthly income? ›

Additionally, investing in dividend-paying stocks, mutual funds, or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can also be a smart strategy to grow your money. Other fixed-income investments, such as bonds or master limited partnerships (MLPs), can also provide a steady stream of income.

Can I live off interest on 2 million dollars? ›

Can you live off of $2 million in assets? The answer is yes, if you manage your investment portfolio smartly. One common option is to invest $2 million in an index fund. But you will still need to make absolutely sure that you have a rainy day fund since the market can be reliable over decades but fickle over years.

Is a net worth of 2 million considered wealthy? ›

Being rich currently means having a net worth of about $2.2 million. However, this number fluctuates over time, and you can measure wealth according to your financial priorities. As a result, healthy financial habits, like spending less than you make, are critical to becoming wealthy, no matter your definition.

How to retire with $2 million if you make $100000 per year? ›

If you want to retire with $2 million, you'll need to invest about 12% of a salary of $100,000 starting in your 20s. Waiting until you're older will require a larger portion of your pay. If you wait until your 30s, then that number is closer to 17% of your salary.

How much does a $2 million annuity pay per month? ›

The amount a $2 million annuity pays depends on factors such as whether you want your monthly lifetime income payments to start immediately or, say, 10 years from now. Currently, a $2 million annuity will likely pay between $10,000 to $20,000 a month for the rest of your life.

How many people have $3000000 in savings? ›

According to a report by CNBC , only about 1.4 % of households in the USA have a net worth of $ 3,000,000 or more in savings . This equates to approximately 1.8 million households out of the total 129 million households in the country .

What percentage of retirees have two million dollars? ›

According to EBRI estimates based on the latest Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances, 3.2% of retirees have over $1 million in their retirement accounts, while just 0.1% have $5 million or more.

Where is the best place to put $2 million dollars? ›

For many, the best way to invest 2 million dollars (or the best way to invest 3 million dollars) is through real estate. There's no other investment where you can purchase an asset and make money in 4 different ways: Appreciation – The increase in property value over time due to changes in the real estate market.

Is $2 million a multi millionaire? ›

Still commonly used is multimillionaire, which refers to individuals with net assets of 2 million or more of a currency.

Can you live off CD interest? ›

However, CDs are unlikely to provide you with the returns you need to build wealth for the future or live off the interest — unless you already have a large amount of money and ladder your CDs to avoid penalties. Additionally, CDs lack the liquidity you'd need for something like an emergency fund.

Can a 55 year old retire with $2 million? ›

At age 55 with $2 million in the bank, you are well positioned to retire early. Just make sure that you anticipate the complicated issues around early retirement, including long-term inflation hedges and health insurance.

How much money do you need to retire with $80,000 a year income? ›

For an income of $80,000, you would need a retirement nest egg of about $2 million ($80,000 /0.04). This strategy assumes a 5% return on investments, after taxes and inflation, no additional retirement income, such as Social Security, and a lifestyle similar to the one you would be living at the time you retire.

How many Americans retire with $3 million? ›

Specifically, those with over $1 million in retirement accounts are in the top 3% of retirees. The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) estimates that 3.2% of retirees have over $1 million, and a mere 0.1% have $5 million or more, based on data from the Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances.

How much does a $2 million dollar annuity pay per month? ›

The amount a $2 million annuity pays depends on factors such as whether you want your monthly lifetime income payments to start immediately or, say, 10 years from now. Currently, a $2 million annuity will likely pay between $10,000 to $20,000 a month for the rest of your life.

How much monthly income will $3 million generate? ›

For a $3 million retirement fund, anticipate a monthly income of $6,250 over 40 years, barring investment growth or loss. Factors such as lifestyle choices, inflation, and healthcare costs will influence how long your savings last.

Can you live your whole life with $2 million dollars? ›

Meanwhile, a $2 million retirement account will provide you 25 years of $80,000 in annual income -- based on the 4% retirement rule. In general, the rule says that you should only withdraw up to 4% of your retirement savings each year, and adjust for inflation annually, to make your savings last for about 30 years.

How much annual income can $1 million generate? ›

Saving a million dollars is a big achievement, but many Americans fear it won't be enough. One rule of thumb suggests $1 million would generate around $40,000 each year, adjusted upward for inflation. Instead of picking a figure, work out what income you might need in your old age and work backward from there.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.