How to Get the Best Return on a £50k Investment (2024)

How to Get the Best Return on a £50k Investment (1)

Wondering how to invest £50000? If you’re lucky enough to come across it you may be wondering how to get the best return on £50,000 investment. There are a few key options available. Like investing in stocks and shares to putting in into a cash ISA as well as investing in buy-to-let property and many more.

What’s important to keep in mind is your financial goals. Also you need to weigh up the positives and negatives of different investment strategies. As well as the risk of losses and returns and how long you’re willing to invest.

Below we dive into some of the options for getting the best return on a £50,000 investment and why investing in a buy-to-let property might be a strategy to help you meet your financial goals.

What are the Key Things to Consider when Investing £50,000?

£50,000 is no small amount of money, and if you’re not a seasoned investor, considering how to get the best return on that investment can be confusing.

The best investment for £50000 will depend on your situation and before you make any decision, you should carefully think about your expectations and financial status.

Your main considerations before making any investment should include:

  • reviewing your current and short-term financial situation, such as whether you have debts or large expenses coming up, and how large you want to keep a nest egg for a rainy day emergency.
  • current payments and how 50k can be best put to use, for example paying off your mortgage early, adding more money to your retirement fund or renovating your home to increase its value.
  • establish your appetite for risk and capacity for loss. Would you be happy to potentially lose some of your money or do you prefer to be more conservative?

All these factors can begin to give you insight into how you can get the best return on a £50,000 investment.

It’s important to remember that investing comes with risks and rewards – so it’s always wise to diversify your portfolio in order to spread out the risk across multiple assets classes. This way, if one asset class performs poorly, other asset classes can potentially offset any losses.

How to Get the Best Return on a £50k Investment (2)

What are the Best Ways to Invest 50k in the UK?

When looking at the most popular investment strategies, there are three main options that investors consider:

  • investing your 50k in stocks and shares,
  • opening a savings account in the form of a cash ISA and
  • investing in a buy-to-let property.

The right option for you will depend on your situation, appetite for risk and priorities. It’s important to do your research, consult with a financial advisor if necessary, and carefully consider the pros and cons of each option before making a decision. By investing your 50k wisely, you can set yourself up for long-term financial success and achieve your financial goals.

Below we dive into the pros and cons of each so you can understand how to invest 50k wisely.

Investment Options for £50k

Investing £50,000 in the UK presents numerous opportunities, especially within the realm of property investment.

This section delves into the intricacies of property investments, exploring both traditional buy-to-let options and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) as viable avenues for deploying your capital. Understanding the pros and cons of each option is essential for making an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

#1 Property Investments

Property investment remains one of the most popular and potentially rewarding avenues for investors in the UK. Here’s how you can consider deploying £50,000 in this sector:

1. Buy-to-Let Investments


  • Income Generation: One of the primary attractions of buy-to-let properties is the potential for generating a steady stream of rental income alongside capital appreciation over time.
  • Control: Direct ownership of a property gives you control over your investment, allowing you to make decisions about tenants, rental rates, and property management.
  • Leverage: Buy-to-let investments enable the use of leverage through mortgages, potentially enhancing returns on the equity invested.


  • Initial Costs and Maintenance: Beyond the purchase price, property investors must account for maintenance, insurance, and potentially property management fees, which can erode profit margins.
  • Market Risk: Property values and rental demand can fluctuate due to economic conditions, affecting both your rental income and the property’s resale value.
  • Liquidity: Compared to other investment types, property is relatively illiquid, which could be a drawback if you need to access your funds quickly.

2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)


  • Accessibility: REITs offer a way to invest in property without the need for a large capital outlay or dealing with the complexities of direct property management.
  • Diversification: Investing in REITs can provide exposure to a diverse portfolio of real estate assets, spreading risk across different sectors and geographical locations.
  • Liquidity: REITs are traded on stock exchanges, offering greater liquidity than direct property investments. This means you can buy and sell shares much like stocks.


  • Market Volatility: While offering liquidity, REITs are subject to stock market volatility, which can affect the value of your investment independent of the underlying real estate performance.
  • Limited Control: Investors in REITs have no control over the properties within the portfolio, including decisions on property management and asset selection.
  • Tax Considerations: The tax treatment of REITs differs from direct property investments, with dividends taxed as income rather than capital gains, which could have implications for your overall tax strategy.

#2 Stocks and Shares

Investing in stocks and shares is one of the most common avenues for investors. An investment strategy with high potential returns, it’s also usually simple to exit an investment when you’re ready to take your money out.

Typically, over the long term, investing in stocks and shares is likely to generate higher returns when compared to leaving money in a cash ISA. However, this type of investment does come with drawbacks. There is also the potential to lose what you invest, like:

  • No guaranteed returns
  • Requires lots of expert knowledge
  • Volatile market

What You Need To Know About Stocks and Shares

Markets fluctuate and stocks go up and down in value, which can mean losses. With a longer time frame, your investments can compound and grow, but investors in stocks should be prepared for investments to fall in value every now and again. If you are not prepared to keep your money out of reach longer-term, being forced to take out money when markets are down may result in losses.

Investing in stocks and shares generally requires some specialist knowledge. While there is money to be made, there are inherent risks, especially if you have limited knowledge of the financial world.

As such, it’s important to do your research and understand the company you’re investing in before you commit your money. Learning as much as you can about the company’s financial performance, management team, and products or services offered will help you make an informed decision.

Additionally, it’s important to diversify your portfolio and spread out any potential risk by investing in different stocks and industries. This way, if one stock falters, the other investments may balance out any losses you may incur.

Taking the reins on stocks and shares yourself requires time and effort to gain background knowledge and spend time monitoring the markets. Experts with knowledge can help you to make the most of your investment and a wealth manager can do the work for you for some cost.

#3 Bonds and Fixed Income Securities

For investors with £50,000 to invest in the UK looking for lower-risk options compared to the volatile stock market or the hands-on nature of property investments, bonds and fixed income securities present a compelling choice.

These investment vehicles can provide a more predictable income stream, making them an essential part of a diversified investment portfolio. Here’s an overview of how government and corporate bonds can serve as a cornerstone for those seeking stability and income.

Government Bonds


  • Low Risk: Government bonds are considered low-risk investments because they are backed by the government’s credit, making default unlikely. This makes them an attractive option for risk-averse investors.
  • Steady Income: These bonds typically pay interest at regular intervals, offering a reliable source of income. The interest rate, or coupon rate, is determined when the bond is issued.
  • Predictability: The return on government bonds is known in advance, providing predictability in investment outcomes. Investors can calculate the exact amount of income they will receive over the life of the bond.


  • Lower Returns: The trade-off for the lower risk associated with government bonds is typically lower returns compared to stocks or real estate investments.
  • Interest Rate Sensitivity: The value of bonds can be sensitive to changes in interest rates. When interest rates rise, the value of existing bonds typically falls, and vice versa.
  • Inflation Risk: Over long periods, inflation can erode the purchasing power of the fixed income received from bonds, potentially reducing the real value of the investment.

Corporate Bonds


  • Higher Yield: Corporate bonds generally offer higher yields than government bonds to compensate for the increased risk of default by the issuing company.
  • Diversification: Investing in a variety of corporate bonds from different sectors can help diversify risk within an investment portfolio.
  • Income Generation: Like government bonds, corporate bonds provide a steady income stream through regular interest payments, appealing to investors who need predictable cash flows.


  • Credit Risk: The risk of default is higher with corporate bonds than with government bonds, especially when investing in companies with lower credit ratings.
  • Market Volatility: Corporate bond prices can be more volatile than government bonds, influenced by changes in the issuing company’s financial health and broader market conditions.
  • Liquidity Risk: Some corporate bonds may be less liquid than government bonds or equities, potentially making them harder to sell quickly at market value.

In summary, both government and corporate bonds offer a way to generate a steady income stream with lower risk compared to equities.

Government bonds are suitable for highly risk-averse investors seeking safety and predictability. In contrast, corporate bonds can offer higher returns but come with increased risks, including credit and market volatility.

Investors should consider their risk tolerance, investment goals, and the need for income when incorporating bonds and fixed income securities into their £50,000 investment strategy in the UK.

#4 Savings and Fixed Deposits

For investors in the UK with £50,000 to allocate, who prioritize capital preservation and seek a guaranteed return without exposure to market volatility, high-interest savings accounts and fixed-rate bonds stand out as particularly suitable options.

These financial instruments are ideal for the most risk-averse investors, offering a secure place for funds while still earning some level of return. Below is an exploration of these options, including a comparison of the rates and terms typically offered by leading UK banks.

High-Interest Savings Accounts


  • Security: Funds deposited in savings accounts are secure, with protection up to £85,000 per person, per financial institution under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) in the UK.
  • Accessibility: These accounts offer easy access to funds, making them ideal for investors who may need to withdraw their money without facing penalties.
  • Flexibility: There is typically no fixed term, so you can deposit or withdraw funds as your financial situation changes.


  • Lower Interest Rates: The interest rates for savings accounts are generally lower than those available through other investment vehicles, meaning the potential for growth is limited.
  • Inflation Risk: The low interest rates may not always keep pace with inflation, potentially eroding the purchasing power of the invested capital over time.

Fixed-Rate Bonds (Fixed Deposits)


  • Higher Interest Rates: Fixed-rate bonds often offer higher interest rates compared to regular savings accounts, providing a more attractive return for those willing to lock in their funds for a specific period.
  • Guaranteed Return: The interest rate is fixed for the term of the bond, guaranteeing a known return on the investment.
  • FSCS Protection: Like savings accounts, fixed-rate bonds are usually protected up to £85,000 per person, per institution, providing a high level of security for your investment.


  • Limited Access: Funds deposited in fixed-rate bonds cannot be accessed until the end of the term without incurring penalties, reducing liquidity.
  • Interest Rate Risk: If interest rates rise after you’ve locked in a fixed rate, you could miss out on higher returns available elsewhere.

Comparison of Rates and Terms Offered by Leading UK Banks

While specific rates and terms are subject to change and vary between institutions, a general trend can be observed among leading UK banks:

  • High-Interest Savings Accounts: Interest rates can range from 0.5% to over 1.5% AER (Annual Equivalent Rate), depending on the bank and the account conditions (such as minimum balance requirements and limited withdrawals).
  • Fixed-Rate Bonds: Terms can range from one to five years, with interest rates typically increasing with the term length. Rates might vary from around 1.5% AER for a one-year bond to over 2.5% AER for a five-year term, reflecting the commitment to a longer investment period.

#5 Cash ISAs

A tax-free ISA is another option if you have 50k to invest. Cash ISAs are less risky than stocks and shares, and are considered a safer safe place to hold cash. In a high-interest savings account, there is no risk and you can generate a cash bonus of 25% from the government if you don’t take the money out for 5 years.

Different options from lifetime to stocks and share ISAs exist, however, most ISAs come with a maximum deposit limit of £20,000 per year, meaning you could not put to work the full amount of your investment all at once.

Another drawback is that it’s unlikely you’ll see massive returns by putting your money in a savings account, as appreciating assets tends to be more effective. ISAs are a good option for those who want to take little risk and have a financial strategy that doesn’t put a focus on large growth.

To sum up the pros & cons of cash ISAs:

Pros of cash ISAs:

  • Tax-free withdrawal – which means that any interest earned on your investment is not subject to income tax.
  • Highly portable/transferrable – allow you to easily move your investment between providers without incurring any penalties.
  • Lower risk – which makes them a good choice for those who prioritize safety and stability over the potential for high returns.
  • No age upper limits – which means they are accessible to a wide range of investors.
  • You can pass your ISA saving onto someone as an inheritance – which makes them a potentially valuable part of your estate planning.

Cons of cash ISAs:

  • Contribution cap – which limits the amount of money that can be invested each year.
  • No tax relief – meaning that you cannot claim any tax back on your investment.
  • Withdrawn money cannot be replenished – this means that you will lose out on the tax-free status of the withdrawn amount if you want to reinvest it.
  • Allowance can not be carried over – meaning that if you do not use it in a given tax year, you lose it.

For those who want to take minimal risk while still earning some interest on their savings, cash ISAs are an attractive option. However, they usually offer lower returns than other investment options. Therefore, comparing different options and considering whether an alternative could be more profitable in the long term is important.

How to Get the Best Return on a £50k Investment (3)

Building an Investment Portfolio with 50k in the UK

Allocating £50k among different investment options requires a strategic approach, balancing risk tolerance with financial goals to construct a portfolio that aligns with your long-term objectives. This process is crucial for maximizing returns while managing risk across various asset classes. Here’s how to approach building your investment portfolio and the importance of regular reviews and adjustments.

Allocating Funds Based on Risk Tolerance and Financial Goals

  • Assess Your Risk Tolerance: Before diving into investment options, it’s essential to understand your risk tolerance. Are you comfortable with high-risk investments that offer the potential for higher returns, or do you prefer lower-risk options with more stable, predictable outcomes?
  • Define Financial Goals: Clearly outline your financial goals, including what you’re investing for (e.g., retirement, purchasing a home, education) and your time horizon. This will help determine the appropriate mix of investments.
  • Diversification: Spread your £50k across different asset classes (e.g., equities, bonds, real estate, cash savings, and alternative investments) to reduce risk. Diversification helps ensure that a decline in one sector won’t significantly impact your overall portfolio.

Allocation Strategy:

  • Conservative: For those with low risk tolerance or short-term goals, consider allocating a larger portion to fixed income securities, high-interest savings accounts, and fixed deposits.
  • Balanced: If you have a medium risk tolerance and a mid-range time horizon, balance your portfolio with a mix of equities, bonds, and perhaps some real estate investments or REITs.
  • Aggressive: For those with a high risk tolerance and long-term goals, consider allocating more towards equities, property investments, and alternative investments like venture capital or commodities for higher potential returns.

The Importance of Regular Reviews and Adjustments

  • Market Fluctuations: Financial markets are dynamic, with fluctuations influenced by economic indicators, political events, and other external factors. Regularly reviewing your portfolio helps you understand the impact of these changes on your investments.
  • Performance Assessment: Evaluating the performance of your investments against your financial goals and benchmarks is crucial. This may reveal underperforming assets that need reconsideration or rebalancing.
  • Rebalancing: Over time, some investments may outperform others, leading to an asset allocation that no longer aligns with your risk tolerance and goals. Periodic rebalancing ensures your portfolio maintains its intended asset allocation, mitigating risk and optimizing returns.
  • Life Changes: Significant life events (e.g., marriage, birth of a child, career change) can affect your financial goals and risk tolerance. Review your portfolio in light of these changes to ensure it continues to meet your needs.

Is investing in Buy-to-Let Property the Best Return on a £50,000 Investment?

For those with a 50k budget, investing in property can be a great way to put your money to use. Despite some upheaval with the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK property market has remained resilient and housing markets across the UK are expected to remain buoyant.

Here’s what experts at Savilles have to say: “With house price growth at 10.4%, 2021 was the strongest calendar year for price growth since before the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2008. House prices rose by 1.0% in December alone, according to Nationwide, and annual house price growth has now exceeded 10% in seven of the last eight months.”

By investing in property, investors set themselves up to potentially gain attractive returns from both rental income – if the property is for buy-to-let – and capital gains.

Landlords can also use the rent to cover any mortgage payments. Given the UK property market’s resilience and projected future growth, property is a lower risk strategy and has the potential to enable investors to meet their financial goals in the short and long term.

However, just like with stocks, market fluctuations occur, which can affect capital gains when it comes to selling the property. As with any rental property, landlords may experience periods when the property is unoccupied, which can mean loss of rental income if there is low demand from tenants.

Investing in property is still usually a long-term investment and unlikely to deliver fast, high returns until it comes to the sale of the property.

If you’d like to get better a look at the UK Housing Market at the moment, this article is for you!

What you Need to Know about Investing 50k in a Buy-to-Let Property

Whether this is the first property you are considering to purchase, or a second home (read more about our tips for investing in a second property ), location is key to buying a property with potential rental income and capital gains.

In certain areas of the UK, particularly in the North, you can find properties for 50k and it is possible to build a property portfolio with £50k, but investors should keep in mind extra taxes such as stamp duty and income tax on any rental income.

For those looking to get into buy-to-let property investment, this Guide is for you.

Overall, investing 50k in a buy-to-let property can be a great way to generate rental income and potentially earn capital gains over time. However, it’s important to do your research, carefully consider the costs and responsibilities involved, and seek professional advice if necessary. With the right approach, investing in property can be a lucrative and rewarding investment option.

How to Get the Best Return on a £50k Investment (4)

Where to Invest in Buy-to-Let Property with a £50,000 Investment

When it comes to investing 50k in the UK property market, there are a number of areas that savvy investors may want to consider. The key is to look for locations that offer a combination of low house prices, strong potential for capital gains, and a growing rental market due to increasing tenant demand. Here are some of the top areas in the UK to look at:


A Liverpool investment property can offer some impressive returns and there are properties available for 50K. With relatively low house prices and high rental demand, the city continues to remain one-to-watch by property investors.

A mini housing boom in 2021 saw a 6.3% rise in house prices compared to the previous 12 months and in the next five years, property prices are expected to rise by 13.1%.

If inventors consider property in the right area, they can also take advantage of the city’s growing rental demand from tenants, particularly its student sector which produces a pipeline of 30,000 graduates per year. Currently, average rental yields sit at around 5.0%, one of the highest in the country.

Read more about investing in property in Liverpool.


With growth potential, relatively cheap property, high tenant demand and strong yields, Bradford is an up-and-coming destination in the North that property investors shouldn’t ignore.

The Average value of property prices in the BD1 area currently stands at £69,988. Bradford was recently named in the top 10 best buy-to-let areas in the UK, and some properties in the BD1 area can offer between 8 – 10% rental yields.

Read more about what makes Bradford an attractive place to invest in property.


With relatively affordable house prices, strong capital growth potential and attractive rental yields, now is a great time to invest in property in Nottingham. Student rental property is in high demand and can be a lucrative investment.

Private investors have been attracted by high yields and low vacancy rates, and the fact that many of these students stay on in the city after graduation, contributing a pipeline of talent to the city’s economy and providing additional rental opportunities.

Find out more about what makes Nottingham an attractive buy-to-let property destination.


Rental yields are a key consideration for any property investor, and Birmingham’s rental yields offer a strong return on investment sitting at 5.4 – 6 %, comparable to destinations like Liverpool. B4 postcode areas near the city’s east side can reach up to 11%.

Since 2019, rents in Birmingham have grown by 28% and are set to grow by 10% over the next four years. The affordability of housing makes the city particularly appealing for first-time investors due to lower initial costs – Birmingham is one of the UK’s most affordable places to invest in property relative to its size.

Find out more about investing in property in Birmingham.


The average house price in Leeds is around £267,740 which is an 10% increase from the previous year.

Leeds currently offers some of the highest rental yields in the country at around 4.29 %. Apartments in particular can mean investors can expect to see decent property growth in the coming years.

Find out more about investing in Leeds property.

Of course, these are just a few examples of the many locations across the UK that may be of interest to buy-to-let investors. It’s important to do your research and consider a range of factors, such as local property markets, population demographics, and economic trends, when making investment decisions.

If you want to learn more about the Best Buy-to-Let Areas in the UK, we’ve got the article for you.

Expert Tips and Strategies

Investing £50k wisely in the UK requires not just a solid understanding of various investment options but also a strategic approach informed by expert advice. Here are some invaluable tips and strategies from financial experts on how to maximize the potential of your £50k investment, alongside common pitfalls to avoid and advice on staying informed about market changes.

Advice from Financial Experts

  • Start with a Clear Plan: Before making any investment, have a clear understanding of your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment timeline. This plan will guide your investment decisions and help you stay focused on your long-term objectives.
  • Diversify Your Portfolio: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversification across different asset classes can reduce risk and improve the potential for returns. Consider a mix of stocks, bonds, property, and alternative investments tailored to your risk profile.
  • Consider Tax Implications: Be aware of the tax consequences of your investments. Utilize tax-efficient vehicles like ISAs or pensions to maximize your returns. Understanding the impact of capital gains tax, dividend tax, and any other relevant taxes is crucial.
  • Reinvest Your Earnings: Compounding can significantly boost your investment returns over time. Consider reinvesting dividends and interest payments to capitalize on this powerful effect.
  • Stay Liquid: Ensure you have enough liquidity in your portfolio. While it’s important to invest for growth, having accessible funds for emergencies or short-term needs is equally important.
  • Use Technology to Your Advantage: Leverage financial technology tools and platforms for better investment management and market analysis. Robo-advisors, investment apps, and online platforms can provide valuable insights and simplify the investment process.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Chasing High Returns Without Assessing Risk: High returns often come with high risk. Understand the risk profile of any investment and ensure it aligns with your risk tolerance.
  • Ignoring Fees: Investment fees can eat into your returns over time. Be mindful of management fees, transaction fees, and any other charges associated with your investments.
  • Emotional Investing: Avoid making investment decisions based on emotions. Market fluctuations can be unsettling, but it’s important to remain focused on your long-term goals and not react impulsively to short-term market movements.
  • Neglecting to Review and Rebalance: Regularly review your investment portfolio to ensure it remains aligned with your goals. Rebalance as necessary to maintain your desired asset allocation.

Staying Informed About Market Changes

  • Follow Reputable Financial News Sources: Keep up-to-date with financial news and market trends through trusted financial news outlets and analysis reports.
  • Engage with Financial Communities: Join investment forums, attend webinars, and participate in workshops to gain insights from other investors and industry experts.
  • Consult with a Financial Advisor: An experienced financial advisor can provide personalized advice, help you navigate market changes, and adjust your investment strategy as needed.
  • Educate Yourself: Continuously educate yourself on investment principles, financial markets, and economic indicators. Knowledge is key to making informed investment decisions.


We’ve outlined some of the best ways to invest 50k and if you’re wondering how to get the best return on a £50,000 investment, stocks and shares, cash ISAs and investing in buy-to-let property are all options to consider. Investing in a buy-to-let property is generally lower risk and gives you an appreciating asset as well as potential rental income. The key is to carefully consider the right areas of the UK for your property investment. To find out more about how to build a property portfolio with 50k, get in touch with our experts today.

How to Get the Best Return on a £50k Investment (2024)


How to Get the Best Return on a £50k Investment? ›

You can still buy some quality companies at premium valuations. And, as long as Wall Street holds up the premium valuation, they could return solid returns over the next decade. Turning $50k to $1 million is possible if you periodically put more money into these millionaire-maker stocks and the stars align for them.

Can you turn 50k into a million? ›

You can still buy some quality companies at premium valuations. And, as long as Wall Street holds up the premium valuation, they could return solid returns over the next decade. Turning $50k to $1 million is possible if you periodically put more money into these millionaire-maker stocks and the stars align for them.

Is 7% return on investment realistic? ›

Tack on things like fees and taxes, and even 7% is probably a relatively high long-term return assumption for a portfolio, especially based on market forecasts today. Had you been invested in a balanced portfolio, your return after considering volatility and inflation would have been closer to 5%.

What gives the highest return on investment? ›

The U.S. stock market is considered to offer the highest investment returns over time. Higher returns, however, come with higher risk. Stock prices typically are more volatile than bond prices.

How much will $50,000 make in a high-yield savings account? ›

How much of a difference does this make? If you deposit $50,000 into a traditional savings account with a 0.46%, you'll earn just $230 in total interest after one year. But if you deposit that amount into a high-yield savings account with a 5.32% APY,* your one-year interest soars to over $2,660.

How much money do I need to invest to make $1000 a month? ›

A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

What is the 3 5 7 rule of investing? ›

The 3-5-7 rule is a simple approach to managing your trades. Here's how it works: as your trade gains value, you take profits at three different levels—3%, 5%, and 7%. This method helps you lock in profits gradually, instead of waiting and hoping for a bigger win that might never come.

How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

How much interest will $50,000 earn in a year? ›

The interest you can earn on $50,000 in one year can range from $2,125 to $3,000 depending on the interest rate.

How much will I earn if I invest 50000? ›

Considering 9% returns, an investment of Rs 50,000 can fetch you Rs 2,80,220 in fd in 20 years. Many people even ensure to use the FD Calculator to correctly estimate how much they can earn after a certain time period based on the ROI.

How much interest can I make on 50k? ›

How much interest will I earn on £50,000? With £50,000 in Oxbury Bank's easy access account paying 4.87%, you could earn £2,435.00 over a year, or £202.92 per month.

How much does a $50,000 CD make in a year? ›

As reported by the FDIC, the average annual percentage yield (APY) for a one-year certificate of deposit (CD) is 1.85%. If you invest $50,000 in a one-year CD with this APY, you will earn $925 in interest by the end of the term. However, you can find financial institutions offering CDs with as much as 6.00% APY.

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Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.