How to ask about the salary in a job interview (2024)

How to ask about salary in a job interview
  1. Avoid salary talk during the courtship phase
  2. Don't imply that money is your sole motivator
  3. Make sure you leave room for negotiation
  4. Get your figures right
  5. Present a solid case when discussing salary
  6. Don't get ahead of yourself
  7. Don't bluff
No matter how promising the opportunity, there’s no denying that salaries are a major factor whenaccepting a job offer. In fact, Robert Half research found 58% of Australian workers would reject a job offer if the salary didn’t suit. For many of us, being compensated fairly for our skills and experience impacts job satisfaction.While the impact of the interest rates took a toll on businesses, with many pausing salary increases and hiring in 2023, signs of strong economic recovery means that competition for great employees to help businesses grow is heating up again.Related:Questions to ask in an interviewAccording to research by Robert Half, seven in 10 (70%) Australian companies are willing toincrease their initial salary offeringto secure new candidates this year. Of those, 40% plan to increase salary offers for top talent only while 30% will increase salary offers for all.*While this is good news for job seekers, it’s important to broach the salary conversation with your prospective employer at the right stage and with the rightjob interviewpreparation. Failing to do so could compromise your chance of securing the role or the salary you want.If you are contemplating how to ask about the salary in a job interview, here are some factors to consider before you start discussing salaries during the interview process.How to ask about the salary in a job interview (1)
The first interview is an opportunity for your potential employer to get to know you and identify your attributes and strengths.Before starting a dialogue about yoursalary expectations, you need to display suitability for the role and be sure the job is right for you, as well as attracting the attention of the hiring managers.Related:Second interview questions to expectWaiting until the second or third interview is much wiser for discussing the salary. Once you’re confident the company is interested and they understand your value, you can lay your cards on the table.How to ask about the salary in a job interview (3)
Although opportunities for a higher salary can be a catalyst for your decision to change jobs, suggesting that it’s your biggest motivation is a grave mistake when discussing pay in an interview.Discussing salary during the initial interview, or referencing it in yourcover letterorresume, can send the message that you value dollar signs over opportunity and experience.When crafting how to ask about the salary in a job interview during your second or third interview, inquiry about it when it feels natural in the conversation and keep an open mind when listening to the response.How to ask about the salary in a job interview (4)
When you do decide to discuss wages, don't mention a specific figure – provide your preferred salary range instead.Showing that you're flexible is the first step towards negotiating a pay packet that’s viable for your employer and reflects your ambitions.To prepare, arm yourself with information by consulting colleagues in your industry and reviewing aSalary Guideto assess your market rate. If you do your research, you'll be better equipped to negotiate.Before you ask about salary in the interview, remember to put yourself in your potential employer's shoes. If you wait until you’ve proved your value as a serious prospect, you're likely to get the best result.How to ask about the salary in a job interview (5)
How to ask about the salary in a job interview (6)
Knowledge is power.Do some homework and research the latest salary trends for your city, industry and job title by reviewing compensation surveys and publications such as theRobert Half Salary Guide,and talking to colleagues and recruiters.This also allows you to adjust your expectations from your employer as well. You may think a role is worth a certain amount, but comparing it to current salary ranges in your industry will give you a taste of where you may land on the scale.Plus, it positions you in a positive light. Suggesting an outrageous salary amount without much research can reflect carelessly on you.How to ask about the salary in a job interview (7)
Salary is a representation of the value an employee brings to the company.You need to be able to talk specifically about your skills, experience and prior successes, especially those that have had measurable effects on the bottom line.This will definitely benefit you when the time comes for salary negotiation. Don’t be afraid to let your enthusiasm for the role show – your passion can be contagious.Related:Common interview questions and how to answer themHow to ask about the salary in a job interview (8)
Don’t jump the gun.If you are contemplating how to ask about the salary in a job interview, let the interviewer steer the conversation for you.Wait for the hiring manager to bring up the salary discussion and make sure you fully understand the requirements of the position before answering questions about your preferred pay.Ask prospective employers what they think would be an appropriate pay range for the position so you can avoid giving a figure that is too high or low when discussing salary.And don’t think that if you leave it up to the hiring manager to guide you to the salary talk, that it won’t happen. The topic is a necessary stage in the interview process, so be rest assured it won’t be skipped!Related:Accepting a job offerHow to ask about the salary in a job interview (9)
It’s never a good move to mislead a prospective employer about your current compensation or other higher-paying job offers in an effort to get more money.Instead, emphasise the value you can bring to the organisation when discussing salary, and be honest about your desired remuneration.Related:How to decline a job offerHow to ask about the salary in a job interview (10)
Always try to negotiateIf you’re offered a salary that doesn’t meet your expectations, it’s okay to request additional compensation. Employers may start at the lower end of their salary range, leaving room to move.Think beyond the pay packetBe sure to look at the full picture when evaluating a job offer. The job you love could offer a generous benefits package or opportunities to learn and grow with the company, which may compensate for a lower starting salary. Nicole Gorton, workplace expert and director at Robert Half echoes the value of benefits and how it can be part of compensation negotiation.“Benefits can be an important differentiator for employees when it comes to accepting a job offer and looking to work elsewhere, particularly when the salary isn’t spot on. As well as providing value for employees by financially offsetting some of their work-related costs, perks and benefits also provide value for employers who may not be in the position to offer increased salaries.”“Benefits have gained in importance over the years with many employers having increased their offerings as a way to attract and retain top talent. Companies, however, can’t be complacent and need to regularly review their remuneration policy to meet the modern needs of employees with hybrid or remote working benefits being high on the wish list in today’s market.”Get it in writingBefore accepting a job offer, make sure that you get an offer in writing stating the salary. It’s never a good idea to formallyaccept a job offerwithout seeing it in writing.How to ask about the salary in a job interview (11)
When it comes time to discuss salary during the job interview, knowing how to frame your questions will help you get a better outcome from the conversation.What to say:Begin by expressing your genuine interest in the role and the company.Instead of directly asking for a number, focus on your qualifications and the value you bring. "Based on my [experience/skills/achievements], I believe my contributions would be worth between X amount and Y amount."Offer a range that reflects your research and experience based on industry standards and salaries for similar roles in your sector. For example: "I'm very excited about this opportunity and would like to discuss compensation further. Based on my research and experience, I believe a salary range of [X to Y] would be appropriate for this role."Instead of just focusing on base salary, inquire about the total compensation package, including bonuses, stock options, benefits, and other perks.Emphasise your willingness to discuss and negotiate the salary to reach a mutually agreeable outcome. For example: "I'm open to discussing salary and finding a mutually agreeable solution that aligns with my experience and the value I can bring to the company."If the interviewer doesn't bring up salary, you can politely say, "I'm very interested in this opportunity, and I'd like to discuss compensation at the appropriate time."It is equally important to know what NOT to say to avoid jading your first impressions in the eyes of the hiring manager.What NOT to say:Avoid asking about salary in the initial stages of the interview process. Wait until the employer expresses a strong interest in you.Don’t be the first to mention a number. Let the hiring manager initiate the salary discussion. This gives you more negotiating power and allows you to think about your answer rather than how to bring it up.Don’t lowball yourself due to lack of research. Aim high while remaining realistic.Avoid ultimatums or threats. Maintain a professional and collaborative tone throughout the negotiation.Don’t lie about your salary history. Be honest about your current or past salary, but focus on your future value and potential contributions.How to ask about the salary in a job interview (12)
If during the job interview you receive an offer, here are some considerations to keep in mind when you respond:Express your gratitudeConsider your experience, qualifications, and the value you will bring to the company. This information will serve as the basis for your counteroffer if necessary.The hiring manager may not immediately agree to your counteroffer. Prepare responses to potential objections, such as budget constraints or company policy. Emphasise your value proposition and be prepared to compromise on certain aspects.Negotiation takes time. Be patient and allow the employer to consider your request. Maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout the process.Know when to walk away. If the employer is unwilling to meet your needs or the negotiation reaches an impasse, don't be afraid to walk away. It's better to decline an offer that undervalues your worth than to accept a job you're unhappy with.*SOURCE: INDEPENDENT SURVEY COMMISSIONED BY ROBERT HALF AMONG 1,000 OFFICE WORKERS IN AUSTRALIAHow to ask about the salary in a job interview (13)
When is the appropriate time to bring up salary in a job interview?If not discussed already, the appropriate time to bring up salary in a job interview is generally after the interviewer expresses a strong interest in hiring you or toward the end of the interview process when you have a good sense of the role and responsibilities.Should I mention salary expectations in my cover letter or resume?No. It's best to avoid mentioning salary expectations in your cover letter or resume unless the job posting specifically requests it.How do I respond if the interviewer asks about my salary expectations early in the interview?"I'm very excited about this opportunity and would like to discuss compensation further once I have more information on the role and responsibilities. Are you able to tell me more about what is required in this role?”"I'm flexible with salary and would like to understand the full scope of the role and responsibilities before discussing compensation. Could you tell me more about the day-to-day tasks and expectations for this position?""Before discussing specific numbers, could you share the typical salary range for someone with my experience and qualifications in this type of role at your company?"What are the signs that it's a good time to discuss salary during an interview?The interviewer expresses strong interest in youThe conversation turns to your future roleThe interview asks about your salary expectationsThe interview process is reaching the endYou have discussed all other aspects of the jobIs it better to wait for the employer to bring up salary first?Yes. To play it safe, let the employer bring up the topic. But, the optimal approach depends on the specific situation and your comfort level.How to ask about the salary in a job interview (14)
How to ask about the salary in a job interview (2024)


How to ask about the salary in a job interview? ›

For example: "I'm very excited about this opportunity and would like to discuss compensation further. Based on my research and experience, I believe a salary range of [X to Y] would be appropriate for this role."

How to politely ask about salary in an interview? ›

Other ways to ask about salary in an interview include: Can you tell me what you've budgeted for this position? I'm really excited about this job, but I want to make sure we're on the same page in terms of compensation. What is the salary range for this role?

How do you politely ask for your salary? ›

If you're asking about salary, use the word “compensation” rather than “money and ask for a range rather than a specific number. Likewise, if you want to find out about work-life balance, it may be more useful to approach the topic in terms of “office culture.”

How do you ask for expected salary? ›

Here is the process you can follow for answering the salary expectation question:
  1. Research the average salary. ...
  2. Consider your existing pay. ...
  3. Consider perks and benefits. ...
  4. Make adjustments for cost of living. ...
  5. Ask for additional details (optional) ...
  6. Ask for more time (optional) ...
  7. Provide a range. ...
  8. Justify your salary expectation.
May 31, 2024

How do you ask a candidate for salary in an interview? ›

In the initial screening interview, the recruiter should ask, “What salary range are you expecting for this position?” If your candidate states a number that's within your budget, your reply should be, “That's within our range.” Then move on to discussing aspects of the job and the interview process.

Is it OK to ask a interviewee about salary? ›

You need timing and tact

By the second interview, it's usually acceptable to ask about compensation, but tact is key. Express your interest in the job and the strengths you would bring to it before asking for the salary range.

How do you ask for salary when offered a job? ›

Here are a few tips to help you prepare for salary negotiation:
  1. Start by evaluating what you have to offer. ...
  2. Research the market average. ...
  3. Prepare your talking points. ...
  4. Schedule a time to discuss. ...
  5. Rehearse with a trusted friend. ...
  6. Be confident. ...
  7. Lead with gratitude. ...
  8. Ask for the top of your range.
Sep 9, 2024

How do you ask for salary confidently? ›

Here are seven things to consider while you are meeting with your manager to ask for more money:
  1. Be confident and positive. Walk into the room with confidence and good posture. ...
  2. Ask questions. ...
  3. Prove your value. ...
  4. Start the salary discussion. ...
  5. Keep it professional. ...
  6. Use smart negotiation techniques. ...
  7. Listen and ask questions.
Aug 15, 2024

What is your salary expectations' best answer? ›

Considering my level of experience and the responsibilities associated with the position, I would anticipate a salary range of [insert range]. However, I am also interested in the overall compensation package, which includes benefits, bonuses, and opportunities for growth.

How much should I ask for salary for a new job? ›

Strive for agreement and harmony in your negotiation and that you appreciate their offer and that you are negotiating to benefit both the company and you. Overall, we recommend that you start with a figure that's no more than 10-20% above the initial salary.

How do you say salary expectations politely? ›

Example answers

I'm very interested in this position, and I believe that salary is just one important factor to consider when evaluating a job offer.” “I've provided a salary range of $80,000 to $90,000, but I'm open to discussing this further based on the overall compensation package and other factors.

How to answer what salary are you looking for? ›

Consider giving a salary range, not a number

If a job post asks applicants to state their expected salary when applying for the position, then give a range — not a specific figure — you're comfortable with. Answers like “Negotiable” might work, but they can also make you look evasive.

How do you politely say the salary is too low? ›

I'm really excited about the company and the role. I want to be upfront with you that the salary is lower than I was expecting based on my skills and experience. I'd like to be at a number more like $X. I'm really interested in this opportunity and would love to make this work with you.”

How to ask for your salary politely sample? ›

Salary Request Email Example

I have shown perseverance and determination in achieving the company's objectives.I am writing this letter to bring it to your attention that the salary for November 2021 has not been credited as mentioned in the contract after my promotion to team leader last month.

What do you say when asking for salary in an interview? ›

Or you could say something like "I'll accept a salary that is comparable to the current market based on my experience." You're welcome. You could also ask, "Based on my resume, can you give me a ballpark figure of what you might offer, and I'll tell you if that is something I would accept."

How to politely ask for salary range email? ›

I am very excited about the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] and believe my skills and experiences make me a great fit for the role. Before we proceed further, could you please provide the salary range for this position? This information will help me ensure that my expectations are aligned with your budget.

How to ask for pending salary politely? ›

I am writing to bring to your attention a matter concerning the release of my salary for the month of [Month]. As of [current date], my salary has not been credited to my account. I understand that unforeseen circ*mstances may cause delays in processing, but I rely on my salary to meet my financial commitments.

How do you ask for salary expectations after an interview? ›

If a recruiter asks about your salary expectations a week after your third interview, it usually indicates you're a strong candidate and they are considering making an offer, aiming to ensure your compensation expectations align with their budget.

How to ask for compensation politely? ›

I am writing to request compensation for [state the reason for compensation]. The incident occurred on [date] and has caused me [state how you were affected]. I have incurred [state the amount of money you spent, if applicable], and I would appreciate your assistance in reimbursing me for these expenses.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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