How Much Money Do Amazon Sellers Make? (2024)


New Amazon sellers are earning an average of nearly $30,000 in annual profits. What does it take to start selling on Amazon, and what can new sellers do to ensure they are profitable this year? Jungle Scout’s latest report has the data.

46% of new Amazon sellers cite a desire to “be their own boss” as the top motivator to use the platform. Additionally, 42% of new sellers are looking for extra income to supplement their existing income. Many are also searching for flexibility to work from any location or to travel the world while more than a third want to feel successful or accomplished.

Whatever the reason for selling on Amazon, it’s the primary income stream for many.

So just how much can you expect to make selling on Amazon in 2023?

The team at Jungle Scout, the leading all-in-one platform for selling on Amazon, surveyed* thousands of Amazon sellers so you can learn all you need to know about getting started selling on Amazon from those who are doing it.

What we’ll reveal:

    1. How much Amazon sellers make, in sales and profits
    2. How long it takes sellers to start earning profits — and how much time and money they need to start
    3. Whether selling on Amazon will be profitable in 2023
    4. Tips from sellers to get started making money on Amazon now

Want to learn more about selling on Amazon? Check out our complete guide.

How to Sell on Amazon

Now, on to the data!

1. How much do Amazon sellers make?

Most Amazon sellers make at least $1,000 per month in sales, and some super-sellers make more than $100,000 each month in sales. 45% of Amazon sellers make $1,000 to $25,000/month, which could mean $12,000 to $300,000 in annual sales.

Though there are a number of different methods for selling on Amazon, the most common is Amazon’s Fulfillment-by-Amazon (FBA) program.

Like any other business, selling on Amazon will involve some expenses and fees for the seller. Part of makes Amazon FBA so appealing is that it simplifies this process for sellers.

Simply put, you choose a product, get it to Amazon’s warehouses, set up your Amazon listing, and Amazon takes care of the rest. Then you start seeing sales and profits.

What are the average monthly sales for Amazon sellers?

Most Amazon sellers make at least $1,000 per month in sales, and some super-sellers make more than $100,000 each month in sales.

  • 25% of Amazon sellers makes $25,000-$250,000/month, amounting to annual sales between $300,000 and $3,000,000.
  • 17% of sellers make under $500/month in sales.
Monthly salesPercent of sellers
Under $50017%
$501-$1,000 10%
$1,001 – $5,00017%
$5,001 – $10,000 12%
$10,001 – $25,000 16%
$25,001 – $50,00012%
$50,001 – $100,0008%
$100,001 – $250,0005%
$251,000 – $500,0001%

How Much Money Do Amazon Sellers Make? (1)

Selling on Amazon has been a viable way of building an ecommerce business for years, which attracts new Amazon sellers to the game. But that hasn’t limited their sales.

17% of SMB (small and medium-sized businesses) Amazon sellers have reached lifetime sales of over $100,000:

  • Under $25,000: 49%
  • $25,001-50,000: 11%
  • $50,001-100,000: 10%
  • $100,001-500,000: 8%
  • $500,001-1,000,000: 4%
  • $1,000,001-5,000,000: 5%
  • $5,000,001-10,000,000: 1%
  • $10,000,001-50,000,000: 0%

How Much Money Do Amazon Sellers Make? (2)

While sales are often a strong measure of a healthy Amazon business, they don’t paint a complete picture of how much Amazon sellers make — that is, what they take home. So let’s turn to profits.

How much do Amazon sellers profit?

The higher the profit margin, the better. Small companies often struggle to achieve profitability in their first few years, but Amazon SMB sellers see healthy profit margins.

  • Over half of sellers (55%) see profit margins higher than 15%.
  • Better still, 38% see profit margins above 20%.
  • On the other hand, 8% said their businesses are not yet profitable.
Profit margin for SMB sellersPercent of sellers
6-10% 16%
11-15% 19%
16-20% 17%
21-25% 19%
26-50% 16%
Not currently profitable8%

While profits change based on factors including sales volume and business expenses throughout the year, sellers weighed in on their total lifetime profits since they started their Amazon businesses.

How much money have Amazon sellers made over time?

47% of SMB sellers have reached lifetime profits of more than $100,000 — not bad for what many start as a “side hustle” — and 12% have lifetime profits between $100,000 and $500,000.

Lifetime profits

  • Under $25,000: 23%
  • $25,000-50,000: 12%
  • $50,001-100,000: 8%
  • $100,001-500,000: 12%
  • $500,001-1,000,000: 15%
  • $1,000,001-5,000,000: 13%
  • $5,000,000-10,000,000: 3%
  • Not yet profitable: 9%
  • Don’t know: 10%

47% of Amazon SMB sellers achieve lifetime profits over $100,000

How Much Money Do Amazon Sellers Make? (3)

And for many Amazon sellers, those profits turn quickly.

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2. How long does it take to become profitable on Amazon?

Across all respondents, the majority (68%) said they were profitable within the first year of selling.

  • Profits within 3 months: 15%
  • Profits within 3-6 months: 25%
  • Profits within 6 months-1 year: 28%
  • Profits within 1-2 years: 14%
  • Profits within more than 2 years: 4%
  • Don’t know: 3%

READ MORE |How to Make Money on Amazon in 2023 – 15 Top Methods

So, how do you get started selling on Amazon? We asked sellers how much money and time they invested to get their businesses up and running.

How much do you need to start selling on Amazon?

One of the biggest hurdles for people starting to sell on Amazon is the idea that it will cost them too much money. As with many things, what you put in impacts what you get out. But that doesn’t have to mean cash — it can mean time, the necessary data to inform your decisions, or simply the will to succeed.

In fact, one quarter (25%) of Amazon sellers spent less than $1,000 to start their businesses. Overall, most sellers (58%) spent less than $5,000 to get started selling on Amazon.

  • Sellers spent less than $500: 11%
  • $500-1,000: 13%
  • $1,001-2,500: 15%
  • $2,501-5,000: 18%
  • $5,001-10,000: 19%
  • More than $10,000: 22%
  • Don’t know: 2%

What is that money spent on? Typically, initial costs include sourcing your product (including samples), Amazon fees, and promotions. (Read more about how much it costs to sell on Amazon here.)

And where does that money come from? An overwhelming number of sellers (77%) are bootstrappers, funding their entrepreneurial endeavors with their own cash. A smaller portion of sellers (37%) borrowed money from banks, family, or other lenders.

READ MORE |Amazon FBA Fees: How They Work and How to Profit as a Seller

How much time do you need to start selling on Amazon?

Overall, Amazon sellers don’t need to spend a lot of time on their Amazon businesses. Most (76%) spend fewer than 20 hours per week.

  • Fewer than 4 hours per week: 22%
  • 4-10 hours: 31%
  • 11-20 hours: 23%
  • 21-30 hours: 10%
  • 31-40 hours: 7%
  • 41-50 hours: 2%
  • 51-60 hours: 2%
  • More than 60 hours: 3%

Nearly three-quarters (71%) of sellers were also able to launch their businesses within 6 months.

In fact, you’re likely to give more time to get your business off the ground in its early stages; after they find products to sell and create their niche, many sellers simply maintain their businesses and let the income roll in.

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3. Is selling on Amazon profitable in 2023?

Nearly all sellers (85%) had planned to continue selling on Amazon in 2023, and 82% are optimistic that selling on Amazon will be a viable way to make money online in the future, compared to 63% who said the same last year.

Amazon is an industry unto itself, and it’s irrevocably tied into so many other industries that the opportunity for sellers to find a profitable niche to sell in is massive.

While 9% of SMB sellers are not yet profitable, most are already taking big Amazon money home — or using it to invest further in their businesses:

  • Amazon seller with a profit margin less than 10%: 23%
  • Profit margin 11-20%: 36%
  • Profit margin 21-50%: 35%
  • Profit margin 50+%: 3%

What does that amount to in dollars? Let’s just say it’s enough to be considered much more than “side hustle money.”

How new sellers could start making nearly $30K/year on Amazon

SMB sellers are making an average* of $11,671 in sales each month — or $140,052 in sales per year.

Considering the average profit margin of SMB sellers, 21%, new sellers are averaging $2,451 per month or $29,412 in annual profits.

And for the 38% of sellers with profit margins of 21% and higher, they could be taking home monthly profits upwards of five figures and beyond.

New Amazon sellers are earning an average profit of nearly $30K per year.

A handful of new sellers are fortunate enough to be raking in incredibly high sales — upwards of $250,000 per month — $3 million per year. While these “super sellers” are outliers from the average seller, they’re certainly aspirational.

*Weighted average calculated based on reported sales by midpoint of range, and capped at the high-end range ($250K) to prevent arbitrary projection.

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4. Takeaways from successful Amazon sellers for a profitable 2023

Countless have tried their hand at selling on Amazon. So what can you learn from those who’ve had distinct, measured success? Here are the top takeaways:

Achieve big wins in little time.

  • Nearly half of sellers (46%) launched their business on Amazon within 3 months.
  • 53% of sellers spend 10 hours per week or less working on their Amazon business.

What Amazon sellers say:

  • “Just jump in now. Perfection is the enemy of profit.”
  • “I wish I knew how important it was to start sooner. The barrier to quick trajectory seems to be higher over time.”
  • “I wish I had known where to start and where to get good information.”

Put in the effort — it will pay off.

  • 54% of sellers maintain that selling on Amazon takes some effort and is not a “get-rich-quick strategy.”
  • Most sellers are still evolving their Amazon businesses and 45% plan to add new products in the coming year.

What Amazon sellers say:

  • “I need to spend more time doing product research.”
  • “[You] need time.”
  • “More and more analytics.”

Find the right resources and tools

  • The primary factors sellers said contribute to their success selling on Amazon are having the time to commit to their business and having the necessary tools and information to help them.

What Amazon sellers say:

  • “I wish I knew the right way to launch without burning a ton of money.”
  • “I wish I knew about product research for finding ideal products.”
  • “I wish I knew about the tools for selling on Amazon.”
  • “I wish I knew which metrics are most important to keep track of.”

For more tips and resources, check these out:

  • Million Dollar Case Study
  • Sales Estimator
  • FBA Calculator

If you’re ready to start selling on Amazon, consider signing up for Jungle Scout’s Freedom Builder Bootcamp! Join Jungle Scout Founder and CEO Greg Mercer on a limited bootcamp course designed to get you up and running as a seller on Amazon.

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Between December 1, 2022 – January 3, 2023, Jungle Scout surveyed more than 2,000 Amazon sellers, including prospective and former sellers.

This article reflects responses from 715 active first- and third-party Amazon sellers earning $2 million or less in annual ecommerce revenue.

Also included in the analysis for Jungle Scout’s 2023 State of the Amazon Seller Report were sellers and brands earning over $2 million in annual revenue, respondents representing agencies that offer services to Amazon sellers and their businesses, sellers who are looking to launch a business on Amazon but have not yet started, and respondents who previously sold on Amazon.

Respondents represent 117 countries, all 20 Amazon marketplaces, and all relevant Amazon product categories. They are ages from 18 to 80+, as well as all genders and levels of education.

Sign up for Jungle Scout’s newsletter to make sure you don’t miss the report!


As an e-commerce expert with extensive knowledge of the online marketplace and specifically the dynamics of selling on Amazon, I can provide valuable insights into the content of the article. My expertise is grounded in a thorough understanding of e-commerce trends, data analysis, and the intricacies of Amazon's platform.

First and foremost, the article highlights the increasing trend of new Amazon sellers earning significant profits, with an average of nearly $30,000 annually. This data is sourced from Jungle Scout, a leading platform for Amazon sellers, which conducted a comprehensive survey of over 2,000 Amazon sellers between December 1, 2022, and January 3, 2023.

The motivations for individuals entering the Amazon marketplace are diverse, with 46% citing a desire to "be their own boss" and 42% looking for extra income. Flexibility in work location and the aspiration for success are additional factors driving new sellers to the platform.

The article delves into key concepts and statistics related to Amazon sellers' earnings, timelines for profitability, initial investments, and the overall viability of selling on Amazon in 2023:

  1. Earnings of Amazon Sellers:

    • The majority of Amazon sellers make at least $1,000 per month in sales.
    • Super-sellers, constituting a percentage, make over $100,000 each month in sales.
    • Different income brackets are detailed, ranging from under $500 to over $250,000 per month.
  2. Profit Margins:

    • Over half of sellers (55%) report profit margins higher than 15%, with 38% exceeding 20%.
    • A breakdown of profit margins, ranging from 1-5% to over 50%, is provided.
  3. Timeline to Profitability:

    • A significant proportion (68%) of sellers claim to be profitable within the first year, with various timelines specified.
    • Notably, 15% achieve profits within 3 months, showcasing the potential for quick returns.
  4. Initial Investments:

    • The article addresses the misconception that selling on Amazon requires substantial upfront costs.
    • A quarter of sellers spent less than $1,000 to start their businesses, with the majority (58%) investing less than $5,000.
  5. Time Commitment:

    • Most Amazon sellers (76%) spend fewer than 20 hours per week on their businesses.
    • A breakdown of weekly time commitments illustrates the manageable workload for the majority of sellers.
  6. Profitability in 2023:

    • A high percentage (85%) of sellers plan to continue selling on Amazon in 2023, indicating confidence in the platform's ongoing profitability.
    • Seller optimism about the future profitability of Amazon has increased from 63% to 82% compared to the previous year.
  7. Tips for Success:

    • Insights from successful sellers include the importance of quick action, acknowledging effort as a crucial factor, and the significance of resources and tools.
    • Recommendations include not waiting for perfection, dedicating time to the business, and utilizing the right tools for success.

The data presented in the article is not only informative but also actionable for individuals considering or already involved in selling on Amazon. It provides a comprehensive overview of the landscape, offering valuable benchmarks and insights to optimize strategies for success on the platform.

How Much Money Do Amazon Sellers Make? (2024)


How Much Money Do Amazon Sellers Make? ›

How much do Amazon

Amazon, Inc., doing business as Amazon (/ˈæməzɒn/, AM-ə-zon; UK also /ˈæməzən/, AM-ə-zən), is an American multinational technology company, engaged in e-commerce, cloud computing, online advertising, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. › wiki › Amazon_(company)
sellers make? Most Amazon sellers make at least $1,000 per month in sales, and some super-sellers make more than $100,000 each month in sales. 40% of Amazon sellers make $1,000 to $25,000/month, which could mean $12,000 to $300,000 in annual sales.

What is the success rate for Amazon sellers? ›

Around 46% of Amazon sellers can achieve an average success rate of 11-25% with 64% likely to become profitable within 12 months, making it a viable opportunity for those looking to sell on the platform.

What is a good profit margin for Amazon sellers? ›

The average Amazon seller profit margin is around 15-20%. Generally, if your profit margin exceeds 25%, that means your business is doing very well. If you're making less than 8% in profit margin, you must take care of improving it.

Is it hard to be successful selling on Amazon? ›

Yes, Amazon is competitive. It takes a decent amount of time and money to start, and contrary to popular belief, it isn't a set-it-and-forget-it type of venture. Navigating an Amazon FBA business requires learning, perseverance, and hard work.

How much profit does Amazon take from sellers? ›

For most businesses, Amazon charges all sellers 15% of the product's selling price on each product sold, regardless of the ecommerce fulfillment method. Outside of the seller fee, Amazon FBA charges two main types of fees: fulfillment fees and inventory storage fees.

Is it realistic to make money selling on Amazon? ›

Selling on Amazon can be a very lucrative business for many — more than the average side hustle. 19% of Amazon sellers surpass $10,000 in average monthly sales. 30% of Amazon sellers report sales above $5,000/month. 31% of sellers make under $500/month in sales when first starting out.

How many Amazon sellers make over $100k? ›

Let's take a look at how these members of the Amazon community did in 2021. 350,000 Amazon sellers had over $100,000 in sales. 210,000 Amazon sellers had over $250,000 in sales. 125,000 Amazon sellers had over $500,000 in sales.

What are the most profitable products to sell on Amazon? ›

In general, the following categories have sales potential on Amazon:
  • Electronics.
  • Toys & Games.
  • Camera & Photo.
  • Video Games.
  • Pet Supplies.
  • Home & Kitchen.
  • Books: consistently some of the best selling items, especially ebooks sold via the Kindle store.
  • Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry.
Feb 10, 2024

How to maximize profits selling on Amazon? ›

How to Improve Profit Margins on Amazon
  1. Sell high-quality products. Sell products that are in demand and have a high-profit margin. ...
  2. Use Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) ...
  3. Track your sales data. ...
  4. Look at your costs. ...
  5. Reduce shipping costs. ...
  6. Price your products competitively. ...
  7. Use auto-replenishment. ...
  8. Increase your sales velocity.

What are the odds of making money on Amazon? ›

Most sellers make at least $1,000 per month in sales, and some super-sellers are making more than $100,000 each month! This is what you should know about selling on Amazon. According to statistics, 50% of store owners on Amazon make $1,000 – $25,000/month, which could mean $12,000 to $300,000 in annual sales.

Is reselling on Amazon hard? ›

Starting to resell on Amazon might seem challenging at first, but with the right approach, you can earn from $100 to thousands of dollars a month. The key is ensuring that the difference between your purchase price and the sale price is large enough for you to make a profit.

How long does it take for Amazon to become profitable? ›

When did Amazon first become profitable? According to Ycharts and GlobalData, Amazon first became a profitable company in 2003, when it reported an annual net income of $35 million. Its profitability run came to a halt in 2012, when it reported its first loss of the new decade.

What percentage of Amazon sellers are successful? ›

According to TrueProfit, 46% of Amazon sellers achieve an average Amazon FBA success rate of 11-25%. Moreover, 64% of Amazon sellers become profitable within 12 months.

What is the monthly fee for an Amazon seller? ›

Amazon's Professional seller account costs $39.99 each month. With that fee comes the following perks: No per-item fee for products when they're sold. Inventory management with feeds, spreadsheets and reports.

How much does it cost to sell on Amazon for beginners? ›

We offer two selling plans so you can choose the right package of tools and services for the right price. The Individual selling plan costs $0.99 per sale. The Professional selling plan costs $39.99 per month, no matter how many items you sell.

Is it hard to get approved for Amazon seller? ›

Amazon tends to reject applications coming from new sellers. Building up credibility on Amazon takes some time, so it's a good idea to start from ungated categories and work your way up. You're going to have a much better chance of success if you apply using items from well-known brands.

How hard is it to become an Amazon best seller? ›

Getting an Amazon bestseller badge is easy! All you need is the highest sales velocity in the category you sell. That's not the entire story! Amazon puts customers first, and won't recommend products that customers may have an unsatisfactory experience with.

Is Amazon still a good place to sell? ›

TL;DR: Yes, Amazon has the best opportunity for quickly growing an eCommerce business, it is harder now than it used to be to successfully launch a product. But, launching on Amazon is exponentially easier than launching your own eCommerce store.

Is it easy to be an Amazon seller? ›

The process is actually easier than you might think. You don't need to be authorized or certified to sell on their platform. Anyone can do it. This guide will walk you through all the requirements and steps you'll have to take to find success.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.