How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (2024)

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Know your company's vision and values


Develop your skills and knowledge


Be proactive and flexible


Build positive relationships


Add value to your customers


Here’s what else to consider

How can you become a valuable asset to your company? This is a question that many customer service professionals ask themselves, especially if they want to advance their careers and get a promotion. Being a valuable asset means that you are not only doing your job well, but also contributing to the success and growth of your company. In this article, we will share some tips on how you can achieve this goal and stand out from the crowd.

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  • How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (3) 13

  • Jessica Fischer Client Service and Inventory at Zionsville Country Veterinary Clinic

    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (5) 4

  • How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (7) 4

How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (8) How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (9) How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (10)

1 Know your company's vision and values

One of the first steps to becoming a valuable asset is to understand your company's vision and values. What is the mission of your company? What are the core principles that guide its actions and decisions? How do you align with them? Knowing these answers will help you communicate better with your customers, colleagues, and managers, and show that you care about the bigger picture. You will also be able to identify opportunities to improve your company's processes, products, and services, and suggest solutions that align with its vision and values.

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    The first part is knowing the company’s vision and values. The second and most important part is working out how the vision and values align with your personal goals & how you can live them.Then there’s aligned behaviours that you have to exhibit.Through this, you’ll have a sense of purpose, make decisions aligned with company goals (and yours), and create value for your stakeholders (&yourself).


    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (19) 13

  • Jessica Fischer Client Service and Inventory at Zionsville Country Veterinary Clinic


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    In my experience it is best to know your company’s vision and values so that you can become a valued part of the culture. Learning and living in your companies values is important to pass that on in your relationships and work.


    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (28) 4

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    No company will say even a good work as asst because company never ever depend on one person if any one thing that he or she is a asset to companies it not true because when person reiterated or leave the that company they bring a nother person to that place.

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    Align yourself with your company's vision and values to become an invaluable contributor. Understand the mission and core principles guiding your company's actions. Communicate effectively with customers, colleagues, and managers, showcasing your commitment to the bigger picture. Identify opportunities for enhancing processes, products, and services, offering solutions in harmony with your company's vision and values. #CompanyCulture #VisionAlignment #ValuableContributor

  • Esha I.
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    I make exceptional member service a top priority, in line with our mission, "Together we serve and inspire to transform lives." I focus on building real, lasting relationships rather than just closing deals, reflecting our brand in everything I do. Creating a friendly and purposeful work environment aligns with our mission and values. My dedication to the company's vision improves communication and helps me find ways to make things better, offering solutions that match our goals. This underscores my dedication to making a positive impact and reinforcing my role as a valuable asset to our organization.


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2 Develop your skills and knowledge

Another way to become a valuable asset is to constantly develop your skills and knowledge. Customer service is a dynamic and evolving field, and you need to keep up with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices. You can do this by taking online courses, reading books and blogs, attending webinars and workshops, and seeking feedback from your peers and mentors. You can also ask for more challenging tasks, projects, or roles that will help you grow and learn new skills. By doing this, you will demonstrate your initiative, curiosity, and willingness to improve yourself and your company.

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    Continue to learn. Work hard. Help me help you. If they know your needs and wants, and you know theres. Be the hardest working person in the room. Let God do the rest and the path will surely open. It’s on you to be the decision maker. Emotional iq and reading the room is a big thing. You gotta know your audience and know it well!


    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (61) 4

  • Justin B. Compassionate Healthcare Advocate Transforming Patient Experiences
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    A practical way to become a valuable asset to your employer is by consistently seeking opportunities to enhance your skills and staying updated on industry trends. Proactively contribute ideas, show initiative, and demonstrate a strong work ethic. Additionally, strive for effective communication and collaboration with your colleagues to create a positive and productive work environment. This is in everyone’s reach!!!


    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (70) 3

  • Deepender Mishra Business Development Manager at VehicleCare with expertise in Business Relations
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    In a company, you will only be valued with work you doing or value you are adding to companies growth, developing new skills and gaining knowledge from every one leads to the betterment which will make a positive impact in one's work and making one a valuable asset to the company.


    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (79) 3

  • Halie Cox An uphill battle is still a journey to the top.
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    While it’s frowned upon to work off the clock, I personally like doing research in my own field or on my own company in my free time just to keep up with what is happening around me. This allows for knowledge on what your employer is looking for from you, and how you can achieve your goals.


    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (88) 2

  • Ramon Vazquez Loss Control Rep | Certified Notary Signing Agent
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    Enhancing skills and knowledge is key in customer service. Stay abreast of trends and tech through courses, reading, webinars, and feedback. Tackling challenging roles demonstrates initiative and aids personal and company growth.


    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (97) 1

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3 Be proactive and flexible

A valuable asset is someone who is proactive and flexible. This means that you don't wait for instructions or problems to arise, but instead, you anticipate them and take action. You also adapt to changing situations and customer needs, and find creative ways to overcome obstacles and deliver results. For example, you can monitor customer feedback, analyze data, and identify patterns and issues that need attention. You can also propose new ideas, strategies, or tools that will enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. You can also be flexible by working well with different teams, departments, or clients, and adjusting your style and approach accordingly.

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    As a customer service person you can choose to play a massive role in helping things improve, especially when a company has a culture of proactive, continued improvement internally. As a member of the team who will deal with customers heavily, you have a unique chance to see how customers feel from talking to them directly; to hear exactly what they like and don't like. Report that information internally and create systems to keep track of that data. A company that wants to improve sustainably will encourage feedback loops, led by its customer service team, that allow real time information on how customers feel about the overall service delivery.Better service as a result of this means more money in - and that's valuable.


    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (106) 4

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    Being proactive and flexible is key to being a valuable asset. Anticipate challenges and take initiative, proactively addressing issues. Adapt to changing customer needs, find creative solutions, and deliver results. Monitor feedback, analyze data, and propose ideas to enhance satisfaction. Work seamlessly with diverse teams, adjusting your approach to foster collaboration. Your proactive and flexible approach makes you an invaluable contributor. #ProactiveMindset #Adaptability #ValuableAsset

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    The best way to not only be a good customer service team member but for your team to ALSO see that is by being vocal and proactively taking on tasks, bring up when you see progressive software that might benefit the workplace, get to know your team and who does what so when you need a cup of sugar from your neighbor you know where to find them!

  • Esha I.
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    To be an asset, it's important to be proactive and adaptable. This means taking the initiative and adjusting to changes and customer needs creatively. Keep an eye on customer feedback, analyze data for improvement, and suggest new ideas for customer satisfaction. Network, collaborate and connect with different departments and stakeholders, adjusting your approach for effective communication and problem-solving. Have a clear understanding of the necessary changes.

  • Rishabh Thakur Customer service manager|| Retails assets operations || Fitness enthusiastic ||
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    Absolutely, being proactive involves taking initiative and seeking opportunities for growth. Flexibility allows you to adapt to changing circ*mstances and embrace new challenges, fostering a dynamic and resilient skill set.


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4 Build positive relationships

A valuable asset is someone who builds positive relationships with everyone they interact with. This includes your customers, colleagues, managers, and partners. You can do this by being respectful, courteous, empathetic, and supportive. You can also communicate clearly, listen actively, and collaborate effectively. You can also show appreciation, recognition, and gratitude for the work and contributions of others. By doing this, you will foster trust, rapport, and teamwork, and create a positive and productive work environment.

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  • Hassnain Khan Senior Technical Associate, HP Inc
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    Building positive relationships is essential for becoming a valuable asset to your company. Strong interpersonal connections contribute to a positive work environment, collaboration, and overall team success. It is an ongoing process that requires time, effort, and authenticity. By consistently demonstrating qualities such as Empathy, Trust and Positive attitude, you can become a valuable asset to your company and contribute to a positive and collaborative work environment.


    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (147) 3

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    Building positive relationships is integral to being a valuable asset. Be respectful, empathetic, and supportive in interactions with customers, colleagues, and partners. Communicate clearly, listen actively, and collaborate effectively to foster trust and teamwork. Show appreciation for others' contributions, creating a positive work environment. Your commitment to positive relationships enhances collaboration and contributes to a thriving workplace. #PositiveConnections #Teamwork #ValuableAsset


    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (156) 1

  • Esha I.
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    Cultivate respect, courtesy, empathy, and support in your interactions. Emphasize effective communication, active listening, and collaboration. As a valuable asset, focus on building positive relationships with members, colleagues, leaders, and partners. Additionally, express appreciation for everyone, whether they're colleagues, managers, or executives. Recognize and acknowledge contributions and achievements, showing gratitude to cultivate trust, rapport, and teamwork. This approach contributes to a positive and productive work environment.


    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (165) 1

  • Emma Sarraga Business Relations Manager, Disney Springs
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    Building meaningful relationships is important in any job you will have but maintaining those relationships is even more crucial. Make sure to have a common goal, clearly communicate what you want and understand what they want, and maintain communication fairly consistently.

  • Kristian Argel Tolete Operations Manager at Alorica
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    Positive Relationships, may it be with level-entry peers or higher-positioned person, is a vital part of earning and gaining people’s trust. Positive relationship is not just complimenting one’s appearance, but also means engaging them towards a healthy and hostile-free working environment. Empowering individuals and enforcing open door policy is one great way to build Positive Relationships with your co-workers.


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5 Add value to your customers

A valuable asset is someone who adds value to their customers. This means that you go beyond meeting their expectations, and instead, you exceed them. You can do this by providing personalized, timely, and professional service. You can also offer additional information, advice, or resources that will help your customers solve their problems, achieve their goals, or improve their situations. You can also follow up with your customers, ask for feedback, and implement changes based on their suggestions. By doing this, you will increase customer satisfaction, retention, and referrals, and generate more revenue and growth for your company.

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    Become indispensable by adding value to your customers. Exceed expectations with personalized, timely, and professional service. Offer additional information, advice, or resources to help customers solve problems or achieve goals. Follow up, ask for feedback, and implement changes based on suggestions to boost satisfaction, retention, and referrals. #CustomerValue #IndispensableAsset #ServiceExcellence


    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (190) 1

  • Rishabh Thakur Customer service manager|| Retails assets operations || Fitness enthusiastic ||
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    To add value to customers, understand their needs, provide exceptional service, personalize offerings, offer educational content, give exclusive perks, be transparent, anticipate needs, continuously improve based on feedback, prioritize efficiency and convenience, surprise and delight occasionally, foster community engagement, embrace environmental and social responsibility, provide customer education programs, demonstrate flexibility, and maintain regular communication. These strategies collectively enhance customer experiences, fostering satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Daniel Miller Senior Underwriter at Rivian Financial Services/Fisker Finance and sole proprietor of Asgard Exotics
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    Companies don't exist without customers. Regardless of what our black and white procedures may say, there are almost always exceptions to be made. Always do right by the customer and it won't go unnoticed.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Mamoshoeshoe Tjantji Call Centre Agent at Vodacom
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    I have to possess the following skills to become a valuable asset to my company1. Be proactive: Take initiative by identifying problems or opportunities for improvement and coming up with innovative solutions. Seek out new challenges or responsibilities that align with your skills and interests.2. Foster positive relationships: Build strong relationships with your colleagues, supervisors, and clients. Show empathy, listen actively, and collaborate effectively. A positive attitude goes a long way in creating a pleasant and productive work environment.3. Take on leadership roles: If opportunities arise, step up and take on leadership responsibilities. Showcase your ability to lead, motivate, and inspire others towards achieving goals.


    How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (215) How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (216) 2

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    One thing that’s helped me is cultivating specialized expertise by mastering the skills required for my desired role. Actively pursue ongoing knowledge acquisition and training to deepen and expand your proficiency.


Customer Service How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (225)

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How can you become a valuable asset to your company? (2024)


How can you become a valuable asset to your company? ›

This includes their knowledge, expertise, abilities, skill sets, and experience. These are all invaluable and intangible assets for securing a future for the company.

What makes you a valuable asset to a company? ›

This includes their knowledge, expertise, abilities, skill sets, and experience. These are all invaluable and intangible assets for securing a future for the company.

How do you say I would be a great asset to the company? ›

"I'm impressed with the culture of productivity and passion for the products and services you provide. I know I can be a valuable resource to your company by helping you optimize your operational processes.At my last company, I helped streamline office processes that helped significantly boost productivity.

How can a good manager prove to be a valuable asset for an organization? ›

9 Quality traits of a good manager
  • They align organizational purpose with team goals. ...
  • They bring out the best in their team. ...
  • They set clear goals and expectations. ...
  • They demonstrate empathy with their team. ...
  • They leverage the latest technology. ...
  • They set up the team for success. ...
  • They delegate tasks effectively.
Apr 12, 2024

Can a person be an asset to a company? ›

People are not assets like tangible fixed assets such as equipment. People cannot be owned. People do not depreciate. If they are assets, people are intangible assets.

How are you valuable to your company? ›

Showing initiative and demonstrating problem-solving skills, efficiency and adaptability, for example, can make you a prized asset to your company. In this article, we look at three approaches that you can use to add value to your role – and to make yourself indispensable in the process!

What is an organization's most valued asset? ›

The Most Valuable Asset In an Organization Is People

Any business needs to protect it's most valuable assets.

What do you feel is your greatest asset for an organization? ›

Valuing your employees as your most important assets starts with good planning and making careful hiring decisions. Every new employee can affect the success of your organization — for better or worse. Take each hire seriously and treat each new employee as the asset they can be.

How do you spot a poor manager? ›

7 traits and characteristics that can make someone a bad boss
  1. Poor communication. A bad boss or a bad manager is likely to be a poor communicator. ...
  2. Clear favoritism. ...
  3. Not open to feedback. ...
  4. Unsupportive. ...
  5. Taking all the credit. ...
  6. Poor boundaries. ...
  7. Lack of desire to manage. ...
  8. Create a safe space for feedback.

How do I make myself an asset to my company? ›

A valuable asset is someone who builds positive relationships with everyone they interact with. This includes your customers, colleagues, managers, and partners. You can do this by being respectful, courteous, empathetic, and supportive. You can also communicate clearly, listen actively, and collaborate effectively.

Can you say a person is a valuable asset? ›

If you answered “People are our most valuable asset”, you are correct. Far from being valued for a profound commitment to company goals, or being rewarded for making meaningful progress, many of a company's most “valuable assets” — its employees — are sidelined when it comes to reward, recognition or even equality.

What does it mean to be an asset for a company? ›

In business terms, an asset is a resource of value that you own or lease that helps you run your business. These resources can be tangible items such as computers and petty cash, or non-physical things such as goodwill, reputation and brand.

How do you answer what assets do you bring to the company? ›

You can answer “If I am hired, I can contribute my enthusiasm, dedication, and hard work to the team. I am a fast learner and have a strong work ethic. I am also a team player and can work well with others. I am confident that I can bring a positive attitude and energy to the workplace”.

What does you are your most valuable asset? ›

I have news for you: The most valuable asset you own at this stage of your life is your spirit. It's not your retirement money, not the equity in your home, but the attitude and energy you bring to the job of planning your future. How you think about yourself today and how you envision your future are everything.

How can a good leader prove to be a valuable asset for an organization? ›

Successful leaders have a clear mission for their team, create a supportive culture, seek employee feedback and value good communication. Their employees feel free to raise issues that interfere with the mission and to share ideas to help the team achieve its goals.

What am I good at that might be valuable to an employer? ›

The top 5 skills employers look for include:
  • Critical thinking and problem solving.
  • Teamwork and collaboration.
  • Professionalism and strong work ethic.
  • Oral and written communications skills.
  • Leadership.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.