How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (2024)

This post is sponsored by Bark

As expectant first-time moms and dads, we sought out as much information as possible about milestones at every age and stage. Fast forward to the present and there’s no handbook guiding us through the tween and teen years when it comes to our kids, mobile devices, and social media.

This is uncharted territory for those of us who grew up in the age of yellow Walkmans as the must-have digital devices of our day. Even though we can’t turn back time, we can rely on smart technology created by fellow parents who make the safety of our kids their top priority.

How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (1)

One huge milestone for today’s kids is getting smartphone and if your child has a smartphone, they’re likely to be using social media. Social media is not just Instagram, Snapchat, Discord, YouTube, and other tools your kids are talking about today. It’s any website or app that connects users with other people. Even though the hot platforms shift, the need to keep our kids safe in the online and real worlds remains constant.

How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (2)

Social media is a lifeline for kids because it’s their social world outside of school but like any technology, it comes with risks and rewards. As parents, we’re well aware risks associated with social media. While we may trust our kids on their devices, it can be a scary world out there so technology tools like Bark are here to help.

Introducing Bark

How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (3)

Bark is technology that keeps children safer online and in real life. It works like a monitoring tool to help you stay on top of your kids’ online activity and communication without invading their privacy thanks to artificial intelligence that monitors over 25 social media platforms, texting, and email accounts for problematic issues such as cyberbullying, sexting, potential drug use, acts of violence, profanity, online predators, thoughts of suicide and depression, and SO much more!To know what is monitored on Android, iOS, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, WhatsApp, YouTube, and more, read What Bark Monitors on the Different Platforms.

If you’re thinking Bark sounds like a way to helicopter parent, it’s not. Just like it’s an invasion of privacy to read your child’s diary, reading every single text, DM, and social media post is too. Bark preserves the autonomy your tween and teen crave by providing alerts via text and email when an issue is detected but doesn’t reveal every sordid detail.

The alerts I getprovide my kids with more privacy than traditional spot checking their accounts does and also empower me as a parent to have the tough conversation with my kids about these very important issues.Bark alerts come with recommended next steps for how to address and deal with these issues, enabling us to havecritical conversations with our tweens and teens about these very tough topics, fostering trust and open communication.

Instead of just relying on keyword analysis, Bark uses advanced machine learning and statistical analysis to recognize potential problems as it reviews texts, photos, videos, etc.

Their sophisticated analysis engine helps keep kids safe online and in real life by extracting potential issues from connected accounts but it also helps to preserve the trust you’ve built with your kids. Kids appreciate that Bark gives them appropriate privacy and their parents can’t read everything they’re doing.

Sound like a dream come true? It is and it’s also a dream to set up. In just three quick steps, you can have Bark’s watchdog engine up and running by doing the following:

  • Sign up for an account using your email address
  • Sit down with your child to connect their social media accounts, text messages, and email
  • Wait for Bark’s watchdog engine to analyze activity on your child’s accounts

How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (4)

Bark monitors activity on your child’s accounts constantly and you’ll receive an email or text alerts if potential issues like cyberbullying, sexting, grooming, potential drug use, acts of violence, etc. are detected. As scary as is to think about these topics, it’s much scarier to be unaware.

Putting Bark to the Test

This summer my kids have spent more nights away from home than in it, enjoying unplugged adventures at camps where they’ve ditched their devices. Since my test subjects’ smartphones are switched off and gathering dust at home, I decided to connect my social accounts, email, and texts messages to Bark to see what kinds of content the watchdog engine might pick up.

How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (5)

Almost immediately I started getting alerts of potential issues both via email and text. It notified me that my Twitter account had been disconnected (the first sign of my Twitter hack!) and other issues regarding content. Note: You can change notification settings to get alerts about potential issues on email and/or text.

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Clicking on the Review Potential Issues button took me to my Parental Dashboard where 16 issues waited for my review. These issues were flagged across my accounts and included items that came in through texts on my Android phone, Instagram DMs, Twitter, email, and even photos that I had snapped with my phone’s camera.

How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (7)

Clicking on the top issue gave me a peek into the content Bark had flagged on Instagram. It was a DM between me and a friend where we were talking about our vacations, including the adult beverage that she was consuming.

See Also

How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (8)

Bark also flagged a photo that was sent via text that included a drink menu because of references to alcohol. Can we just pause for a moment to appreciate that Bark scans text in images?!? That’s pretty amazing!

How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (9)

As an adult over the age of 21, the text I got from my friend with a photo of the drink menu and the fact that she was feeling a bit drunk wasn’t so concerning because I knew she was being responsible and in a safe place however, if Bark had alerted me to these things appearing on one of my kids’ accounts, that’s a different story. I would use these notifications as an opportunity to have a teachable moment and have a conversation about underage drinking.

In scrolling through the rest of the issues that needed to be reviewed, Bark notified me about drug/alcohol-related content and profanity including:

  • Instagram comments about a new taco restaurant that has tequila as part of its name
  • My retweeting of content from @AskListenLearn about how parents are the number one influence on their kids’ decision to drink or not drink alcohol
  • A recommendation of a brewery to a friend vacationing in the same place where we were earlier this summer via Instagram DMs
  • An invitation to a neighbor’s happy hour that came via text
  • A new video posted by the tech site, Engadget, featuring a Weed Panini Press

How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (10)

It also flagged this as profanity even though in the context “hard on” was said, it was anything but.

How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (11) How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (12)

Could this language have meant something more if it had been on one of my kids’ accounts? Absolutely. Such language could be indicative of sexting or grooming and falls is definitely something I’d want to know as a parent.

Bark constantly runs in the background to monitor connected accounts. Notifications are only sent if there’s an issue and you can always log into your parent dashboard to see how many messages Bark has analyzed. Every Sunday a recap email will appear in your inbox that will summarize the number of potential issues and topics to be aware of.

The email I received last Sunday looked like this:

How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (13)

Ideally, your child’s account will have an entire column of uninterrupted green checkmarks!

Bark works. Rather than sensationalize tragic stories, they collect and examine hard data from children nationwide (ages 8-17) across social media, texting, and email and the analysis is compelling. Bark has detected:

  • 3,662 grooming occurrences
  • 493,001 cyberbullying incidents
  • 152,102 mental health issues
  • 336,136 sexual content occurrences
  • 53,322 self-harm/suicide incidents
  • 566,084 drug/alcohol-related conversations

You may be shocked at these numbers and think “not my kid” but yes- your kid, your neighbor’s kid, and possibly every other kid you know. Bark just isn’t for problem kids. As parents we know that even the best kids can have momentary lapses in judgement, regardless if they’re honor roll students, athletes, gamers, or artistic theater types. Bark is for all kids!


After a month of testing Bark, I am confident in their mission to keep children safe online and in real life. Their cutting-edge technology analyzes content in a way that I haven’t ever seen a monitoring application do in the 10 years I’ve been writing about technology and digital parenting.

Is it perfect?

No, but then again, it’s designed to provide an overview about topics of concern and guide you in having important conversations with your tween or teen. It is not supposed to parent for you and replace the talks you should be having with your kids about these topics.

Bark is easy to set up, connect to your child’s many accounts, andthe ability to watchdog multiple kids and their myriad of accounts makes it must-have for every parent who has given their child a smartphone.

Bark is $99/year (or $9 per month) and is worth every penny because you can’t put a price on your kid’s safety. Sign up for Bark and get 20% off for life using my affiliate link!

For more information,

In addition to my experience, you can read what other parenting influencers had to say about using Bark with their kids:

Bark compensated me for this post and covered the cost of service for a year but all opinions are my own and based on personal experience.


How Bark Lets You Monitor Your Child's Smartphone without Invading Their Privacy (2024)


Does bark let me see text messages? ›

Bark can monitor text messages sent or received via the default text messaging apps on Android and iOS devices. This includes the Apple Messages app, the Google Messages app, and the Messages app we have pre-installed on the Bark Phone.

Can bark see everything on your phone? ›

Android Devices

Bark monitors text messages (including most deleted ones!), photos and videos, web browsing (including incognito browsing), and many installed apps for worrisome content. Some email and social media accounts are monitored by connecting the accounts to Bark with your child's login credentials.

Does bark monitor incognito mode? ›

Bark also monitors web browser activity, including private mode on browsers including Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.

Does bark monitor the parents phone? ›

While Bark can scan content at any time on Android, it can't do the same on iOS. It's only able to monitor text messages, photos, and videos by manually scanning the device each time it's connected to the same network as a desktop device with the Bark for Parents app installed and running.

Can the bark app see pictures? ›

On the Bark Premium subscription plan, Bark analyzes images and videos saved on your child's iOS, Android, Amazon, or Chromebook device. It can also analyze images and videos associated with text messages, emails, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and some social media!

What app allows me to read my child's text messages? ›

SaferText is a breakthrough child safety tool that allows you to see your child or teen's text messages, web browsing history, phone call history and phone contacts.

What can the bark app not see? ›

Does Bark Kids app monitor texts? The Bark Kids app only does web filtering & screen time — it does not monitor text messages. The Bark Desktop App is what allows you to monitor text messages and more on iOS devices.

What is better bark or Life360? ›

Bark provides a ton more options to help keep kids safe online. Don't get us wrong — Life360 is great for location tracking and accident alerts. But Bark gives parents and families the ability to: Manage screen time.

Can a child delete the bark app? ›

Bark can't be deleted, even if the device is factory reset. Parents can discuss which apps their children can use, and then approve installation of only the apps they wish. Kids are protected by using the Bark Phone's tools to block spam and strangers from communicating through the device.

Does bark monitor when not on wifi? ›

Yes! You can manage screen time and filter websites for phones and tablets with the Bark app for Android or iOS, whether your child's device is connected to a Wi-Fi network or is using cellular data.

Can my parents see if I use incognito? ›

Yes, incognito mode does leave a data trail. It doesn't hide your browsing activity from your ISP, employer, or other websites. They can see your browsing history, location, and any personal data you may be sharing along the way. Incognito mode hides your activity only from other people who share your device.

How can I monitor my child's phone without them knowing? ›

Track My Child's Phone Without Them Knowing Using Android Device Manager. In case you need to monitor your child's Android-operated device, consider using Android Device Manager (AMD). It's a built-in tool by Google that allows tracking someone else's GPS location.

How can I monitor my child's cell phone activity? ›

How Can I Monitor My Child's Screen Time? You can monitor your child's screen time with third-party apps like Qustodio, Norton Family, or Net Nanny. Another option is to use the built-in parental controls on your device. iOS has Screen Time, and Android has Family Link.

How do I monitor my child's phone? ›

Set up parental controls

You can use Family Link to monitor content, set screen time limits, and even see their child's location when they have their device with them (parents can manage their device through the Family Link app on Android and iOS).

Can I see my child's location on bark app? ›

No more having to open a map app to see where your kid is — our family location sharing app will automatically alert you when they arrive at or leave a location you've set! No matter what you want to use Bark's family location sharing features for, you can rest assured that you'll be kept in the loop.

Can I get my child's text messages sent to my phone? ›

You can get your child's text messages sent to your phone via text forwarding on your iPhone or parental control app. AirDroid Parental Control app runs on Android.

Is mSpy better than bark? ›

Bark vs mSpy: Which is the better parental control app? Bark's content monitoring, website blocking, and screen time features offer more comprehensive protection. Plus, mSpy requires you to jailbreak your child's phone, while Bark does not.

What is the best app to control a child's phone? ›

Best 7 Parental Control Apps of 2023
  • Best for Older Kids: Bark.
  • Most Comprehensive: Qustodio.
  • Best for Time Monitoring: FamilyTime.
  • Best Budget: Google Family Link.
  • Best for Younger Kids: Canopy.
  • Best for Real-Time Monitoring: Net Nanny.
  • Best for Location Tracking: Life360.

Why is bark not monitoring? ›

Security application installed: We have found that there are some security apps that may affect Bark's monitoring frequency, so try uninstalling, removing, or disabling those apps to see if they help address your Android monitoring issues.

Which is better bark or Famisafe? ›

Famisafe provides some monitoring capability, but only for 9 apps on Android and just one for iOS. Comparing Bark vs Famisafe, it's clear that Bark provides more comprehensive protection and requires less work from parents.

What is better bark or circle? ›

Which is better? Circle or Bark Home? Both have similar features (filtering, screen time controls, app usage, etc.). Circle is slightly stronger on screen time controls, but Bark Home is much stronger on blocking the bad stuff (explicit content).

What is better than bark app? ›

Best parental control apps
  • Bark. : Best overall.
  • MMGuardian. : Best contact monitoring.
  • Qustodio. : Best free version.
  • FamilyTime. : Most management tools.
  • SentryPC. : Best for full access.

Why is the Bark app bad? ›

There are apps where parents can secretly spy on their kids phones without their child knowing like the app Bark, Bark is where a parent can secretly go through your Snapchat messages your iPhone Messages (even the ones you delete) your videos your photos, and more.

Can parents turn off private browsing? ›

Parental Control

Enabling web content filtering can block adult sites and keep web history even with private browsing enabled. Disabling the main web browser on a mobile device and switching to a kid-safe browser is another option. These types of browsers often come with a report of all browsing history.

Can parents disable private browsing? ›

Private Browsing on Android and Apple tablets and smartphones cannot be disabled. Android devices often come installed with Google's Chrome browser. (Which includes Incognito browsing). And iPhones, iPads and iPods use Safari.

Can my parents see what I search on WiFi? ›

Fear not! Your parents can't see your internet history on the internet bill. There are certain things your Internet Service Provider (ISP) may tell them through other avenues, but they can't get your internet browsing history from the internet bill.

Can I sync my child's phone to mine? ›

How do I sync my daughters phone to mine? If you're a parent, you can find your child's Android device location in Family Link once device location sharing is turned on. Open the Family Link app . If you have multiple children, select which ones you want to turn on location sharing for.

How do I mirror my child's iPhone? ›

Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad and go to [Your Name] > Family Sharing. Tap Add Family Member and choose to Create a Child Account. Then follow the onscreen prompts to create an Apple ID for your child.

Is there a completely free parental control app? ›

Google Family Link is a first-option parent control app available for free. Its many features are well integrated with the android operating system. Some of its features include app monitoring and management, location, phone usage habit, and lock the device.

What is Turbo Spy? ›

About TurboSpy

Keep your children safe while on their phones and employees productive on their company-issued devices with the Turbo Spy & Monitoring App. View texts, GPS location, emails, photos, videos, social media messages, and more from an Android phone, iPhone, or iPad.

Can I see my child's text messages on family link? ›

View Text Message with Google Family Link. Google family link can allow you to see your kid's text messages, SMS text, and social media texts and block some activities.

How can I monitor my child's phone without them knowing for free? ›

Yes, you can see everything on your child's phone without them knowing. You need to monitor their phone discreetly with a phone monitoring app. However, not all monitoring apps are discreet and invisible. Hence, you should use an app like AirDroid Parental Monitoring app that works in stealth mode.

How can I see everything on my child's phone free? ›

[2023] Top 10 Free Parental Control Apps for Android
  1. AirDroid Parental Control App.
  2. Qustodio Parental Control Software.
  3. Norton Family Parental Monitoring App.
  4. Google Family Link.
  5. KidLogger Phone Monitoring App for Parents.
  6. IvyMobile AppLock Cell Phone Parental Controls.
  7. Kaspersky Safe Kids Cell Phone Monitoring for Parents.

What age should your parents stop checking your phone? ›

When you give a kid a device will determine how long a parent is going to be monitoring them, though not all parents agree on when they should give up control. As we showed in our previous survey coverage, parents tend to agree that they have to monitor kids up to about age 10.

How can I monitor my child's text messages on iPhone without them knowing? ›

mSpy is simply the best app for parents to monitor the text messages of their kids without giving them a clue.

How can I see everything on my child's phone? ›

You can monitor your child's screen time with third-party apps like Qustodio, Norton Family, or Net Nanny. Another option is to use the built-in parental controls on your device.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.