Hideout (2024)


Hideout (1)

General data
TypeOther location


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Image Guides
  • 3 Modules
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Additional Information
    • 5.1 Hall of Fame
    • 5.2 Bitcoin Farm
    • 5.3 Gym
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 Trivia


The Hideout is initially found as an abandoned and cluttered bomb shelter without any means of sustaining life. The player can build and improve various modules to get access to extra features like crafting stations, additonal storage, a shooting range, a gym and character boosts.

Image Guides[]

Hideout (2) Hideout (3)


Hideout (4) Air Filtering Unit

Hideout (5) Bitcoin Farm

Hideout (6) Booze Generator

Hideout (7) Defective Wall

Hideout (8) Generator

Hideout (9) Gym

Hideout (10) Hall of Fame

Hideout (11) Heating

Hideout (12) Illumination

Hideout (13) Intelligence Center

Hideout (14) Lavatory

Hideout (15) Library

Hideout (16) Medstation

Hideout (17) Nutrition Unit

Hideout (18) Rest Space

Hideout (19) Scav Case

Hideout (20) Security

Hideout (21) Shooting Range

Hideout (22) Solar Power

Hideout (23) Stash

Hideout (24) Vents

Hideout (25) Water Collector

Hideout (26) Weapon Rack

Hideout (27) Workbench

Hideout (28) Christmas Tree

Air Filtering Unit
Note: This module needs an FP-100 filter absorber in order to run
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
148 Hours
Bitcoin Farm
Note: This module needs a Graphics card in order to run
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
134 Hours
250 Hours
3106 Hours
Booze Generator
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
148 Hours
Defective Wall
LevelRequirements: CurrentFunction: AdditiveConstruction Time
  • Required Task:
  • 1 Fleece fabric
  • Mop the floor for 2 mins to upgrade and reduce penalties. Effects:
    • Fuel consumption -2%
    • Energy regeneration rate +1.2 EP/hr
    • Health regeneration rate +9.1 HP/hr
    • Additional Raid EXP +2%
    • Group of skills levelling boost: Physical +2%
  • Fuel consumption +5%
  • Energy regeneration rate -3 EP/hr
  • Health regeneration rate -22.8 HP/hr
  • Additional Raid EXP -3%
  • Group of skills levelling boost: Physical -3%
12 Hours
  • Required Task:
  • 1 Fleece fabric
  • Mop the floor for 5 mins to upgrade and reduce penalties. Effects:
    • Fuel consumption -5%
    • Energy regeneration rate +3 EP/hr
    • Health regeneration rate +22.8 HP/hr
    • Additional Raid EXP +3%
    • Group of skills levelling boost: Physical +3%
  • Fuel consumption +5%
  • Energy regeneration rate -3 EP/hr
  • Health regeneration rate -22.8 HP/hr
  • Additional Raid EXP -3%
  • Group of skills levelling boost: Physical -3%
24 Hours
  • 1 Fierce Blow sledgehammer
  • Optional Task:
  • 1 Fleece fabric
  • Mop the floor for 5 mins to reduce penalties. Effects:
    • Fuel consumption -8%
    • Energy regeneration rate +4.8 EP/hr
    • Health regeneration rate +35.6 HP/hr
    • Additional Raid EXP +5%
    • Group of skills levelling boost: Physical +5%
  • Fuel consumption +5%
  • Energy regeneration rate -3 EP/hr
  • Health regeneration rate -22.8 HP/hr
  • Additional Raid EXP -3%
  • Group of skills levelling boost: Physical -3%
3 Hours
  • 1 Metal cutting scissors
  • 1 Toolset
  • Optional Task:
  • 1 Fleece fabric
  • Mop the floor for 5 mins to reduce penalties. Effects:
    • Fuel consumption -10%
    • Energy regeneration rate +6 EP/hr
    • Health regeneration rate +45.7 HP/hr
    • Additional Raid EXP +6%
    • Group of skills levelling boost: Physical +6%
  • Fuel consumption +5%
  • Energy regeneration rate -3 EP/hr
  • Health regeneration rate -22.8 HP/hr
  • Additional Raid EXP -3%
  • Group of skills levelling boost: Physical -3%
3 Hours
  • Fuel consumption -20%
  • Energy regeneration rate +12 EP/hr
  • Health regeneration rate +91.4 HP/hr
  • Additional Raid EXP +12%
  • Group of skills levelling boost: Physical +12%
12 Hours
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • Additional fuel slots +2
  • Additional fuel slots +2 (4 in total)
5 Hours
  • Additional fuel slots +2 (6 in total)
16 Hours
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • Energy regeneration rate +2.4 EP/hr
  • Energy regeneration rate +4.8 EP/hr (7.2 in total)
2 Hours
  • Energy regeneration rate +7.2 EP/hr (14.4 in total)
  • Negative effects removal rate -50%
8 Hours
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
14 Hours
Hall of Fame
Note: This module needs Dogtags of the opposing faction from your own kills to run
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • Ability to store 3 Dogtags and 6 small + 6 large trophies of the following items:
  • Group of skills levelling boost: Combat
  • Ability to display up to 7 favorite items on player profile
12 Hours
  • Ability to store 6 Dogtags and 12 small + 12 large trophies of the following items:
  • Group of skills levelling boost: Combat
  • Ability to display up to 7 favorite items on player profile
18 Hours
  • Ability to store 10 Dogtags and 24 small + 24 large trophies of the following items:
  • Group of skills levelling boost: Combat
  • Ability to display up to 7 favorite items on player profile
24 Hours
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • Lights up your hideout with candles.
  • Lights up your hideout with basic lights.
  • Lights up your hideout with fluorescent lights.
6 Hours
Intelligence Center
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • Scav cooldown timer -15%
  • Quest money reward boost +5%
  • Unlocks Scav Tasks from Fence
26 Hours
324 Hours
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
23 Hours
37 Hours
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • Additional raid experience +15%
  • Group of skills leveling boost: Practical +30%
54 Hours
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
23 Hours
312 Hours
Nutrition Unit
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
24 Hours
314 Hours
Rest Space
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • Negative effects removal rate -10%
  • Energy regeneration rate +3 EP/hr
  • Health regeneration rate +22.8 HP/hr
2 Hours
  • Health regeneration rate +45.7 HP/hr (68.5 HP/hr in total)
  • Maximum energy reserve +10 points
10 Hours
Scav Case
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • Scavs will try to find various items for you if you pay properly, of course.
    There are multiple Tier costs, each returning roughly the amount invested (results can vary drastically).
    Each case brings you items with found in raid status, with different rarities depending on the case selected.
    Your turnaround time is affected by your Fence reputation.
  • 2,500 Roubles - 41min 40sec turnaround - 1-3 Items
  • 15,000 Roubles - 2h 8min 20sec turnaround - 2-4 Items
  • 95,000 Roubles - 2h 15min turnaround - 2-5 Items
  • 1x Bottle of Fierce Hatchling moonshine - 4h 40min turnaround - 4-6 Items
  • 1x Intelligence folder - 5h 20min turnaround - 4-7 Items
80 Hours
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
2None3 Hours
3None17 Hours
Shooting Range
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • The ability to test out your firearms
  • Metal targets and paper targets
1 Hour
  • Ceiling targets with 3 speed levels
24 Hours
  • Group of skills levelling boost: Combat +10%
  • Popper targets and training program activated from laptop
24 Hours
Solar Power
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • Fuel consumption -50%
72 Hours
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • Owning standard game edition
  • Stash size 10x28
  • Owning "Left Behind" game edition


  • Stash size 10x38
24 Hours
  • Owning "Prepare for Escape" game edition


  • Stash size 10x48
48 Hours
  • Owning "Edge of Darkness" game edition


  • Stash size 10x68
96 hours
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
2None3 Hours
3None10 Hours
Water Collector
Note: This module needs a Water filter at Level 3 in order to run
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • Hydration regeneration rate +6 WP/hr
2 Hours
  • Hydration regeneration rate +12 WP/hr (18 WP/hr in total)
8 Hours
316 Hours
Weapon Rack
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • Ability to stash functional weapons on a new inventory space
  • Stash size 9x6 x2
  • Ability to display up to 3 favorite weapons on player profile
12 Hours
  • Ability to stash functional weapons on a new inventory space
  • Stash size 11x6 x2
  • Ability to display up to 3 favorite weapons on player profile
18 Hours
  • Ability to stash functional weapons on a new inventory space
  • Stash size 13x7 x2
  • Ability to display up to 3 favorite weapons on player profile
24 Hours
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
23 Hours
311 Hours
Christmas Tree
Note: This module only appears in the Hideout for a limited time during Christmas.
LevelRequirementsFunctionConstruction Time
  • Instant


  • Right mouse button in first person view will turn on a flashlight.
  • The Defective wall penalties are additive and mopping will reduce them for the current level. After upgrading the last level, the Defective wall will change into Gym with no penalties applied.
  • The Generator must be active to begin crafting in the Hideout. After the crafting has begun power can be turned off. This will increase the crafting time by more than 14 times.
    • The Lavatory does not require the generator to be active to begin crafting, and it does not increase the crafting time.
  • A list of all the possible crafts is available here: Crafts
  • Every item crafted in the Hideout will have the found in raid status.
  • Crafting items improves your Crafting skill which decreases crafting time.
  • Crafting items and upgrading hideout zones improves your Hideout management skill which in return improves bonuses, slot count, and consumption rates.
  • Every 1 fuel resource powers the Hideout for 12 minutes and 38 seconds (25 minutes and 16 seconds with the Solar Power module, also increased with the Hideout management skill up to 33 minutes and 41 seconds).
  • The Generator must be running for the Illumination module levels 2 and 3 to work properly. Otherwise, the chosen lighting source will dim and flicker.

Additional Information[]

Hall of Fame[]

The Hall of Fame gives skill leveling bonuses based on the amount and levels of stored opposing faction dogtags from your own kills. Dogtags from kills with your Scav character count too.

The dogtag bonus is equal to the sum of levels divided by 5 and multiplied by the 0.100% bonus, where the decimal number is rounded up in favor of the player starting from level 3 (levels 3-7 = 0.100% bonus, levels 8-12 = 0.200% bonus).

The bonus is also affected by Hideout management skill, resulting in an additional bonus of up to 0.150% per 5 dogtag levels.

Bitcoin Farm[]

The Bitcoin Farm produces Physical Bitcoins at a rate of 1/(145000/(1+(GC-1)*0.041225)/3600) items/hour, where GC is the number of installed Graphics cards. Production stops if there are no installed graphics cards, the power is off, or there are 3 Bitcoins awaiting collection. (5 with Elite Hideout management skill). The hour/Bitcoin rate of any given graphics card amount can be calculated with 145000/(1+(GC-1)*0.041225)/3600.

Below are two charts and a table showing the relation between the number of graphics cards and the time needed (in hours) to produce a single bitcoin, and the profit for a given number of graphics cards.

Given the assumption of Bitcoin to be around 872,000₽, the Roubles per hour can be calculated (see the table below). If you assume a graphics card price of 700,000₽, the payback time can also be calculated (The upgrade costs for the Bitcoin Farm are disregarded).

Hideout (29) Hideout (30)

Graphics cardsHoursMinutesRoubles/HourPayback time in days

(Note: Pay-Back-Time in the table does not consider fuel cost per hour (CPH), which increases Pay-Back-Time where cost per hour (CPH) is 7,900₽ for a 167,000₽ Metal fuel tank and 7,100₽ for a 90,000₽ Expeditionary fuel tank. The Solar Power module and the Hideout Management skill decrease CPH and you can craft items in other stations to offset the fuel cost. To calculate CPH, divide the fuel tank cost by the fuel tank consumption time (~21 hours 3 minutes for Metal fuel tanks and ~12 hours 38 minutes for Expeditionary fuel tank).

Earnings per graphics card grow linearly. That means every graphics card besides the first brings about 6,400₽/day of additional income, considering the above prices. It takes almost 64 days to make the same profit no matter the number of graphics cards, so the higher the number of graphics cards, the bigger the profit will be. In this context, if the wipe is more than 64 days away, it is very important to upgrade the Bitcoin farm and max out the graphics cards. If a wipe is sooner than 64 days, it's better to leave 1 graphics card in the Bitcoin farm.


To be able to start a training session you need to have at least 60 Energy and 60 Hydration. In a training session you can do up to 15 quick time events (QTE) where each successful one can randomly grant Strength or Endurance skill points based on your current skill level. For every successful QTE you lose 2 Energy and 2 Hydration, while failing a QTE you lose 4 Energy and 4 Hydration.

In order to do a QTE, you need to left-click the mouse when the shrinking hexagon hits the border of the inner hexagon, so that the border turns green. Failing to do so will result in a red border. The size of inner hexagon varies each attempt.

After the first training session you get the Hideout (31) effect for 24h where you can gain only 50% Strength and Endurance skill points in the next training session.

After the second training session you get the Hideout (32) effect where you gain 0 skill points for both skills.

When failing a QTE, there is a 10% chance to get a Hideout (33) and stop the session.


  • Trivia[]

    • Hideout (53)

      Comically large toothpaste added for the 2022 April fools event

  • Hideout (2024)


    What does our hideout mean? ›

    Meaning of hideout in English

    a secret place where someone can go when the person does not want to be found by other people: We made our hideout under the bushes. (Definition of hideout from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

    What is an example of hideout? ›

    IPA guide. Other forms: hideouts. A hideout is a secret place where someone can take refuge. Criminals or outlaws often lie low in a hideout to avoid being found by the police. A car thief might use his grandmother's apartment as a hideout to avoid detection.

    Where exactly is Hideout Festival? ›

    How To Get To Hideout. The festival is located on the Island of Pag, which is on the west coast of Croatia. The festival organisers work hard to make the festival accessible by transport, so you have many options to get to the festival. Flight The most common way of getting to the festival is by plane.

    What is the dictionary meaning of hideout? ›

    noun. a hiding place, esp a remote place used by outlaws, etc; hideaway.

    What is the synonym of hideout? ›

    hideout (noun as in hiding place) Strongest matches. hideaway refuge sanctuary shelter.

    What does our hideaway mean? ›

    a place to which a person can retreat for safety, privacy, relaxation, or seclusion; refuge: His hideaway is in the mountains.

    What is the meaning of personal hideout? ›

    : a place of refuge, retreat, or concealment. a criminal's secret hideout.

    What is a secret hiding place called? ›

    secret place. hiding place (noun as in refuge) Strongest matches. asylum fortress haven hideaway hideout protection resort retreat sanctuary security shelter stronghold.

    What is a hideout house? ›

    Hideout House is a refuge for a quiet, close knit family of four. Hideout House is their antidote to the busy world outside, offering a protected and comforting place they can call home. Designed for family life, the approach is a practical one.

    Where do people stay at Hideout? ›

    hideout festival
    • Hotel Boskinac. Novalja, Croatia. Show Prices.
    • Pansion Villa Bok. Novalja, Croatia. Show Prices.
    • Pension Jugo. Novalja, Croatia. Show Prices.
    • Joel Hotel. Novalja, Croatia. Show Prices.
    • Camping Strasko. Novalja, Croatia. ...
    • Villa Ani Novalja. Novalja, Croatia. ...
    • Hotel Marta & Tona. Novalja, Croatia. ...
    • B&B Tonka. Novalja, Croatia.
    Nov 16, 2017

    What to pack for hideout? ›

    The average temperature during Hideout is around 25oC – 33oC. Please ensure you drink plenty of fluids, apply plenty of sunscreen, bring sunglasses and perhaps a hat to protect you from the sun.

    How much does hideout cost? ›

    An unforgettable experience that won't break the bank. We know that now more than ever, festivals need to be affordable. Hideout tickets started from £129 + BF this year, and we also offer payment plans - secure your ticket with a deposit of just £50, and then pay the rest off in monthly instalments.

    What do you call a hiding place? ›

    A hiding place is a place where someone or something can be hidden, or where they are hiding. Synonyms: hideout, shelter, den, hideaway More Synonyms of hiding place.

    What is a synonym for the word hideaway? ›

    hideaway (noun as in escape) Strongest matches. hideout lair refuge. Strong matches. den hermitage nest retreat.

    What is the meaning of hideaway home? ›

    : a hidden place : a place where someone goes to be alone. The resort is a perfect romantic hideaway for young couples.

    How do you use hideout in a sentence? ›

    He is understood to have moved since to a mountain hideout, where he is leading the guerrilla war. Sitting in a mountain hideout, we agreed that a trek over the peaks was preferable to being hunted from the skies. That is how it will look from the President's underground hideout.

    What is the meaning of hidden hideout? ›

    : a place of refuge, retreat, or concealment. a criminal's secret hideout.

    What is the meaning of secret hideaway? ›

    A hideaway is a place where you go to hide or to get away from other people.

    What does hiding out mean? ›

    Meaning of hide out in English

    to stay somewhere where you cannot be found: Criminals often hide out in these empty apartments. Hiding and disguising.

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    Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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    Author information

    Name: Moshe Kshlerin

    Birthday: 1994-01-25

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    Job: District Education Designer

    Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

    Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.