Getting Started with IBC Transfers (2024)

Experience the Interchain Magic with Keplr

Getting Started with IBC Transfers (2)

⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️

IBC Transfers or Fungible Token Transfer (ICS-20) are based on a standard (ICS) under active and rapid development.
I recommend that users approach this Keplr feature only after careful research and awareness of the risks associated with its improper use.
Please note that Chainapsis discourages users from sending mainnet tokens to zones other than the mainnet chains available here and does not take any liability related to the potential loss of funds due to the improper usage of the Interchain Transfers service.
I personally encourage users to play with IBC Transaction sending the equivalent of few cents each time:


If you are swapping on Emeris/Osmosis before using Keplr [Interchain Transfer] you have to send the obtained tokens back to their native chain via Emeris/Osmosis. Check the MINI-FAQ below and in case of doubts reach out to the support.
Don’t send tokens via [Interchain Transfer] directly to a CEX: this can cause in most cases the loss of the funds
Keplr automatically saves the channel selected the first time, so it is essential to remember to change it if this channel is no longer among the suggested ones. Your funds are not lost in this case! However, you may have your tokens locked for hours before a developer unlocks them.
Mintscan may not be always updated and consequently, you may experience downtimes even with channels that are shown in green [available].

🐇 Cosmos Hub | $ATOM
🐇 IRIS Hub | $IRIS
🐇 |$CRO
🐇 Akash | $AKT
🐇 Osmosis| $OSMO & $ION
🐇 Persistence | $XPRT
🐇 Regen Network| $REGEN
🐇 Sentinel | $DVPN
🐇 Starname| $IOV
🐇 Sifchain| $ROWAN
🐇 Certik ($CTK)
🐇 IXO ($IXO)

This tutorial will take Cosmos Hub and Osmosis as sample cases, but the process is applicable for all chains actively connected via IBC. Read more about how to find the right channel ID for your favorite chains in the Mini-FAQ available at the end of this Tutorial.

  • Download (or update) Keplr Wallet Extension from the Chrome Store.
    Note: the Firefox extension is a note scam!
    Download your Keplr Extension only from official links!
  • If this is your first time with Keplr, set up your extension creating a new account, linking your Ledger, or importing your account via mnemonic phrase (Here you can find the full tutorial).
  • Check that you have enough $ATOM/$OSMO in the [available balance] in your Cosmos Hub & Osmosis accounts.
    [Available balance] means liquid tokens: they cannot be staked, unbonding, in the process of being disseminated as rewards, or in a LP (liquidity pool).
  • Make sure to have ready your Cosmos/Osmosis mainnet addresses.
  • On your Keplr Extension, select [Cosmos] in the Network Selection drop-down.
  • In the [IBC Transfer] section, click on [Transfer].
  • Once you display the [Select Chain] field, click on [New IBC Transfer Channel]
  • You can now add a new IBC Channel to your Keplr Extension:
    on [Destination Chain] select [Osmosis] and write on [Destination Chain Channel ID] [channel-141]*. To finalize the operation, click on [Save].
    *Keplr automatically saves the channel selected the first time, so it’s essential to remember to change it if this channel is no longer among the suggested ones on Mintscan.

• If you write the wrong number on the [Destination Chain Channel ID], Keplr will reject the operation with the warning [Failed to fetch the channel].
• To find the correct channel ID please follow the instructions available on the MINI-FAQ below, section [How can I find the right channel IDs for each chain to perform Interchain Transfers?]
• Remember that you must write the channel ID in lower case (i.e. channel-X)

  • Once back in the [IBC Transaction] section of your sending address, enter your mainnet Osmosis address (osmosxxxxxxx...) in the [Recipient] field, a MEMO (Optional), and click on [Next] to proceed.
  • Now enter the number of ATOM you’d like to send to Osmosis on the [Amount] field, select the preferred transaction fee then click [Submit].
    I suggest using [Average] or [High] fees at this time.
  • On the transaction confirmation page, you can review the details of your transaction. Click on [Approve] to confirm.

⚛️ Congratulations & Welcome to the IBC Gang! ⚛️

• IBC transactions may take more time than the average internal transaction but never exceed 5 min.
If more than five minutes have passed and the tokens are not visible in the destination address, please refer to the MINI-FAQ below.
• Don’t send tokens via [Interchain Transfer] directly to a CEX: this can cause in most cases the loss of the funds.
• Don’t send LP tokens to other Hubs.
• Don’t use Keplr Interchain Transfers if you’re swapping tokens via Emeris, please use the Emeris UI.

I will perform this process assuming that we have already performed the first transaction from Cosmos Hub to Osmosis.
Since Keplr automatically recognizes the channel ID needed to send the tokens back, we will therefore not have to do the process of entering the channel ID again to perform Osmosis > Cosmos Hub Interchain Transfers.

If this is your first transaction from Osmosis to the Cosmos Hub, follow the tutorial as described in the previous section, taking care to fill in the [New IBC Transfer Channel] section by selecting [Cosmos] and writing [channel-0].

All IBC Hubs have their own channel ID and knowing this channel ID is necessary to perform the IBC transaction. There may also be backchannels opened by developers for testing purposes, but for the safety of your funds, I strongly discourage sending Mainnet tokens to chains other than the ones listed in this tutorial as Mainnets & [green] channel IDs. See the MINI-FAQ below for more.

  • On your Keplr Extension, select [Osmosis] in the Network Selection drop-down.
  • In the [IBC Transfer] section, click on [Transfer].
    Please use the [IBC Transfer] rather than clicking on the token itself (i.e. ATOM/COSMOS CHANNEL-0) as clicking on the token will only allow you to send the [IBC] ATOM to another Osmosis address via local chain transaction, rather than sending the tokens back to the Cosmos Hub via Interchain Transfer.
  • You can notice now that by clicking in the [Destination Chain — Select Chain] field, [Cosmos] appears automatically.
  • Enter your Cosmos Hub address (cosmosxxxxxxx...) in the [Recipient] field, a MEMO (Optional), and click on [Next] to proceed.
  • Now, enter the amount of $ATOM you‘d like to send back to Cosmos Hub in the [Amount] field, select the preferred transaction Fee and click on [Submit].
    You can select the entire amount of $ATOM available by clicking on [Balance]
  • On the transaction confirmation screen, you can view the details of your transaction. Select [Approve] to confirm the transaction.
    The transaction will be completed at the moment the spinning circle will disappear from the section [IBC Transfer] of your Keplr Extension.
  • Can I perform Interchain transactions to addresses not linked to a Keplr wallet?
    Yes, but the address MUST be a non-custodial wallet account and the receiver will be able to see/manage the tokens only by importing his/her account into Keplr.
  • Can I successfully perform Interchain Transfers to Exchanges?
    NO, if you perform an IBC transfer with an Exchange address as the destination your funds will be lost.
    Please send first the tokens to their own mainnet and then from there send them via local chain transaction to the exchange.
  • Can I send Osmosis and Emeris/Gravity DEX LP tokens via [Interchain Transfer]?
    No, and please don’t try.
  • Are channel IDs the same for every chain?
    No, every chain has its own channel (or even multiple channels per chain): please don’t try to use different paths from the one available on Mintscan in the section [IBC Relayers].
  • How can I find the right channel IDs for each chain to perform Interchain Transfers?
    Go to the [IBC Relayers] section of the starting chain:
    Cosmos Hub, IRISnet,, Akashnet, Osmosis, Persistence, Sentinel, Starname, Sifchain.
    To find the right channel ID (which must be written in lower case channel-[number]) you just have to click on the chain to which you want to send your tokens and look for the channel indicated in green: the number of the channel ID will be the one on the left! For example, the channel-id to send from Cosmos Hub to Osmosis is channel-141, but the channel-id to send from Osmosis to the Cosmos Hub is channel-0.
    • If there are no green channels please wait because there is a risk that the relays that connect your starting chain with that zone are temporarily inactive.
    • Regen Network isn’t available on Mintscan but you can check the open channels from the destination chain if needed. Same goes for Certik.
  • When other mainnet chains will be available to perform IBC Transfers?
    Terra, IXO, Sommelier, and few others are almost ready: stay updated by following or Cosmos social media platforms (Twitter, Telegram, Reddit) to not miss any news!
  • How many fees does it cost to make an IBC transfer?
    Just a few cents!
  • How long does a transfer take to complete?
    It depends on the current status of the network and relayer, but should not exceed 1 minute.
    If the funds still have not arrived after 5 minutes, please check the status of the transaction (failed, successful) on Mintscan by pasting in the search bar on the top of the website the mainnet address from which you sent the tokens.
  • How can I know if the transfer was successful?
    You can check the status of the operation via block explorer that supports IBC Transfers, such as Mintscan:
    Copy the mainnet address from which you make the send (i.e. cosmosxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) by clicking on it on Keplr Extension.
    Paste the mainnet address in the Mintscan search bar on the top of the website.
    Once Mintscan has loaded the page related to your address, scroll down to the [Transactions] section and look for the specific transaction: next to it you will find the tag [IBC Transfer] in purple and [Success] in green or [Fail] in red depending on whether the transaction was successful or not.
    If the transaction failed scroll down to read how to troubleshoot.
    If the transaction has the tag [Success], click on the transaction hash (series of numbers and letters in blue above the word [IBC Transfer]) and open the transaction tab.
    Scroll down to the [Receiver] field and click on the mainnet address there (which should correspond to the mainnet address you wanted to send the tokens to).
    This will open the page for that specific mainnet address: scroll down and check that the corresponding transaction has the tags [IBC Received] and [Success].
    In the destination address page the transaction will be displayed with another transaction hash and if you are sending tokens other than the native ones of the mainnet itself, Mintscan will show 0 in the token details. If this is the case, you can read about the sent IBC tokens by clicking on the transaction hash, which will open the transaction details tab ‘from the perspective’ of the destination address.
  • What should I do if the transaction has failed?
    Please try again after at least 5–10 minutes.
    If the problem persists, please try to check what the bottleneck might be by consulting the FAQ.
    Close to the beginning of the Osmosis epoch at 5PM UTC you may experience congestion, if this is the case please wait a bit longer.
  • What should I do if the transaction was successful but the funds have not arrived?
    If you were using Emeris features such as [Swap]
    If you swapped or did other operations on Emeris and then sent the resulting tokens out from the Cosmos Hub via Keplr [Interchain Transfer], your tokens are probably displayed on Keplr Extension destination mainnet menú as [X Token](X CHAIN — CHANNEL-X) format in the [Tokens] part.
    To unlock them please perform an interchain transfer in reverse using the same channel: Keplr should have saved the channel you used previously, if this is not the case look for the channel ID as described in [How can I find the right channel IDs for each chain to perform Interchain Transfers?].
    Once your tokens are returned to the sending address, use Emeris to perform the operation and send the tokens out of the hub.
    To perform the reverse operation to return the tokens to the sending address you must have mainnet tokens available at the destination address to pay the transaction fees
    . [Available balance] means liquid tokens: they cannot be staked, unbonding, in the process of being disseminated as rewards, or in a LP (liquidity pool).
    If you didn’t use Emeris
    If the transaction is shown as successful but the funds do not arrive at the destination chain within an hour of the execution, first do a hard refresh of Keplr, to make sure it is not due to local congestion or a missed update of the user interface. You can find the step-by-step process in Keplr’s FAQ.
    If that doesn’t solve the problem, please ask the team for support and refrain from performing any further operations on the same chain, as this is a sign of a possible relayer down.
    You can find how to effectively notify them in the section below.
  • What information do I need to provide to receive support?
    The hash of the transaction you want to receive assistance with, including a brief explanation of what you were trying to do and what you did right before.
    It is particularly relevant to note whether you performed transactions via Emeris/Osmosis or whether you interacted with a centralized exchange.
  • Where can I find the transaction hash?
    You can check the transaction hash via block explorer that supports IBC Transfers, such as Mintscan:
    Copy the mainnet address from which you make the send (i.e. cosmosxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) by clicking on it on Keplr Extension.
    Paste the mainnet address in the Mintscan search bar on the top of the website.
    Once Mintscan has loaded the page related to your address, scroll down to the [Transactions] section and look for the specific transaction.
    Once you have found the transaction for which you wish to receive assistance, please click on the series of numbers and letters in blue above the words [IBC Transfer] for that specific transaction: this will open a page with all the essential information to provide you with assistance, so copy the link and provide it to the support team.
Getting Started with IBC Transfers (2024)


How long do IBC transactions take? ›

IBC Bank offers wire transfer services at any branch. Wire transfers provide same or next day availability of funds domestically and internationally.

How does an IBC work? ›

IBC/TAO functions via smart contracts employed on each of the chains, and connected via IBC. Information is sent between the chains as data packets via a permissionless relay layer. The packets are delivered to the destination chain one time, in the same order in which they were sent.

How do you send an ATOM from Osmosis to cosmos? ›

Send ATOM to your Keplr wallet. If you're sending from a CEX you will need to send ATOM to your Cosmos address on Keplr. Once sent to Cosmos, go to Assets on Osmosis and click Deposit ATOM to send from Cosmos to Osmosis.

Can I transfer money from IBC to another bank? ›

Can I transfer funds to other financial institutions that I have accounts with? Yes, as long as the other account is under your name. In My IBC Bank Online, you would have to do this through Bill Payments and Transfers.

Does IBC allow ACH transfer? ›

One of the fastest, most economical ways to convert your receivables into cash is with IBC Bank's Automated Clearing House (ACH) service. ACH debits eliminate the paper associated with accounts receivable functions by electronically transferring funds from your customers' accounts to your IBC account.

What are the rules of Osmosis? ›

1: Osmosis: In osmosis, water always moves from an area of higher water concentration to one of lower concentration. In the diagram shown, the solute cannot pass through the selectively permeable membrane, but the water can.

Why do clients need help with their transfers? ›

Clients that typically require help with transferring include those who are weak or paralyzed, have recently had surgeries, or are injured. The most common hospital transfers include bed to wheelchair transfer, wheelchair to bed, bed to stretcher, and vice versa.

How does Osmosis really work? ›

In biology, osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a solution with a high concentration of water molecules to a solution with a lower concentration of water molecules, through a cell's partially permeable membrane.

What is the difference between an IBC and an LLC? ›

These two types of entities are virtually identical as a practical matter. The IBC is owned by shareholders and controlled by directors and officers, whereas the LLC is owned by members and controlled by managers.

What requires IBC approval? ›

NIH Guidelines require IBC review for any genetic engineering research, including gene therapy research, that receives NIH funding or takes place at sites receiving NIH funding. This means any funding—even $1 of NIH funds for the site or the study means the study must be reviewed by an IBC.

What are the 4 pillars of IBC? ›

The IBC provides for four pillars under its ecosystem to protect, safeguard and implement the provisions of law and practices in respect of corporate insolvency resolution and liquidation processes, namely, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI), Adjudicating Authority (AA), Information Utility (IU) and ...

What is the minimum staking for Osmosis? ›

Is there a minimum and maximum amount to stake for Osmosis? There is a minimum staking amount of 1 OSMO to validate blocks and a 0.1 OSMO transaction fee to delegate your stake.

What wallets work with Osmosis? ›

Currently, staking is available using the Keplr mobile app that can sync with Chrome accounts, and the Keplr web-based wallet, accessible via the Keplr wallet homepage or the Osmosis application.

Do I need Osmo to trade on Osmosis? ›

Osmosis is a proof of stake blockchain, which means validator nodes must have a certain amount of OSMO staked to confirm transaction blocks.

How do I transfer all my money from one bank to another? ›

You can use an ACH transfer to move money between your own bank accounts at different banks, or send money directly to another person's bank account. You can also use ACH to receive money, such as a paycheck from an employer, or pay bills. ACH transfers typically take one to five business days to process.

How do I transfer money to someone else's bank account? ›

There are several ways to do that electronically, each with its own advantages.
  1. Use a money-transfer app.
  2. Consider a bank-to-bank transfer.
  3. Set up a wire transfer.
  4. Request your bank send a check.

How can I transfer money to another bank account directly? ›

This is known as an “internal transfer.” Go to your bank's website or mobile app and look for options to transfer funds. You'll usually be able to set up a one-time or recurring transfer between connected accounts, and most internal transfers settle immediately or within one business day.

What is the difference between ACH and wire transfer? ›

What Is the Difference Between ACH and Wire Transfers? An ACH transfer is completed through a clearing house and can be used to process direct payments or direct deposits. Wire transfers allow for the movement of money from one bank account to another, typically for a fee.

Are ACH transfers reported to IRS? ›

The IRS doesn't count ACH transfers as cash, so they are not reported.

How do bank transfers work? ›

A wire transfer is a method of transmitting money electronically between people or businesses in which no physical money is exchanged. The sender is the one who provides all the instructions for the transfer, which may include the recipient's name, bank, account number, amount, and sometimes a pickup location.

What are the 3 things needed for osmosis? ›

Therefore, for osmosis to occur, the membrane must be permeable to water, but impermeable to the solute, and the concentration of the solute must be different on the two sides of the membrane.

What are the 3 types of osmosis? ›

The three types of osmotic conditions include- hypertonic, isotonic, and hypotonic.

What are 3 examples of osmosis? ›

when you keep raisin in water and the raisin gets puffed. Movement of salt-water in animal cell across our cell membrane. Plants take water and mineral from roots with the help of Osmosis. If you are there in a bath tub or in water for long your finger gets pruned.

What should I say for reason for transfer? ›

Reasons For Transferring Jobs Within Your Company
  • Greater opportunity for advancement. Some occupations offer limited paths for advancement. ...
  • Change locations. ...
  • Manage internal conflict. ...
  • Acquire new skills. ...
  • Advance your career. ...
  • Avoid having to job search. ...
  • Maintain accrued benefits. ...
  • Zero in on a position.
Apr 25, 2022

What is a good reason to ask for a transfer? ›

Some good reasons for a transfer request are that you're relocating but want to stay with the company, that you have a desire to move to a different role, or that you dislike your boss or team but want to stay with the company.

What is a good reason for transfer? ›

Perhaps you are looking for a new role, with additional challenges and responsibilities. Or maybe you are eager to relocate for personal reasons, such as a spouse's job move, an educational opportunity, or a family illness.

Is osmosis worth buying? ›

Osmosis videos give you that drone vision over important clinical conditions. They are lucid but basic. It's advised you learn more from standard textbooks atleast for the conditions common in your country. Overall, it's reliable and helpful.

Can humans drink reverse osmosis water? ›

There is virtually no tried-and-tested evidence to suggest that reverse osmosis water is harmful to your health. If you eat a balanced diet and do not suffer from conditions like severe acid reflux or gastrointestinal ulcers, drinking reverse osmosis water will have no impact on your overall health and wellbeing.

How successful is IBC? ›

The IBC has undoubtedly revived India's insolvency regime. Not only has it been successful in combating the growing threat of NPAs, but it has also benefited the economy in a variety of nuanced ways, including improving credit discipline.

Is IBC mandatory? ›

Yes. IBC oversight is required for ANY use of biohazardous materials regardless of their use in research or teaching activities.

What are 3 disadvantages of an LLC? ›

Disadvantages of creating an LLC
  • Cost: An LLC usually costs more to form and maintain than a sole proprietorship or general partnership. States charge an initial formation fee. ...
  • Transferable ownership. Ownership in an LLC is often harder to transfer than with a corporation.

How many community members must be on an IBC? ›

An IBC must consist of at least five members. There is no limit on the maximum number of members. Details on committee membership requirements may be found in Section IV-B-2-a of the NIH Guidelines.

What is the difference between IRB and IBC? ›

IRBs are tasked with protecting the rights and welfare of research subjects. IBCs, however, seek to protect study personnel, the community and the environment from exposure to engineered genetic material and other biohazardous agents. An IBC may also advise the IRB in assessing potential risks to the study subjects.

What types of biological materials need to be registered and approved by the IBC? ›

Materials that Require IBC Approval
  • Biohazardous and Potentially Infectious Materials. ...
  • Recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid materials. ...
  • Use of Animals. ...
  • Tissue Culture/Cell Lines. ...
  • Select and Biological Toxins.

How long does it take for a transaction to be processed? ›

Credit card transactions typically take 48 hours to settle. An authorization is issued immediately; however, it takes 48 hours for the money to be moved.

How long do transactions take to show up? ›

Usually, a pending charge will show on your account until the transaction is processed and the funds are transferred to the merchant. This could typically take up to three days but may stretch longer depending on the merchant and the type of transaction.

How long does it take for a transaction to complete? ›

A credit card transaction is generally pending for one to five business days. Bank of America says a pending transaction on debit cards can take three to five business days to post. The time depends, to some extent, on how the debit card is used.

How long does it take for a transaction to be made? ›

Your specific bank transfer time will vary depending on a range of factors, including fraud prevention, different currencies, different time zones, and bank holidays/weekends. In general, the bank transfer time will be around one to five working days.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.