Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (2024)

Looking for the cheapest funeral insurance? On you can compare good providers of funeral insurances and see the insurers with the lowest premiums.


Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (1)

Monuta funeral insurance

  • Complete Funeral Care
  • Children Insured for Free
  • Always Adaptable to Your Wishes
  • Insurance: combinatie
  • Duration: Lifetime
  • Child included for free: Till 18 years


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25 years €9.000,00 covered

Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (2)

DELA funeral insurance

  • Funeral completely taken care of
  • State own wishes
  • Children up to 25 years old cost-effectively insured
  • Insurance: Combinatie
  • Duration: Lifetime
  • Child included for free: No


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25 years €9.000,00 covered

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Ardanta funeral insurance

  • Children up to 18 years old covered
  • Money Insurance
  • 24/7 Reachable
  • Insurance: Kapitaal
  • Duration: Till 80 years
  • Child included for free: Till 25 years

Last updated: September 5, 2023. View all providers.

What is a funeral insurance?

A funeral insurance is a form of insurance in which the costs of your cremation or funeral are covered. Think for example of the costs of the coffin, flowers and other things that come with a funeral. These costs can quickly add up. A funeral insurance takes this financial burden off your hands, so that you can be sure that your loved ones will not have to deal with unexpected costs. A funeral insurance is a very personal insurance and that is why comparing funeral insurances is so important. There are different insurers who offer a funeral insurance, but not all of them meet your wishes. To choose an insurance that best fits your wishes, it is wise to make a good comparison.

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Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (4)

How does a funeral insurance work?

Are you curious at which insurer you can contact for a cheap funeral insurance and also an excellent coverage? For this you will have to compare both the premiums and the coverages. A cheap premium for your funeral insurance is only of value at the moment that there is also a good coverage in return and both must be given attention when making a comparison. In this way you can make sure that you can eventually get a cheap funeral insurance, whereby there is still a coverage as you would like to see it.

  • You decide a predetermined amount to insure
  • You choose the type of benefit
  • You pay a premium during the term
  • The insurer pays out upon death
  • The younger you are when you take out the funeral insurance, the lower the monthly amount you will pay in premiums

What to look out for when comparing a funeral insurance?

Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (5)

Insured amount

To know what amount you want to be insured for, it is useful to consider what your wishes are for your funeral. You can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you want a funeral or cremation?
  • Which location fits your farewell service?
  • What kind of flowers and which casket?
Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (6)

Premium and term

Most funeral insurers offer different term lengths. The term length is the period in which you pay premiums to the insurer. The term length affects the premiums. The shorter the term, the cheaper the premiums.

Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (7)

Type of insurance

Which type of funeral insurance you choose depends on your personal wishes. You can choose between a capital funeral insurance, natural funeral insurance or a combination funeral insurance.

Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (8)

Terms and conditions

All funeral insurers have different conditions. Therefore, look carefully at the differences and determine which insurance best suits your wishes and what exactly falls within the coverage of the insurance.

Top 3 Funeral Insurance

Are you looking for the best funeral insurance? We have compiled a Top 3 of the best funeral insurances of 2023. We keep the Top 3 always up to date and help in making the right choice. The premiums are calculated with the date of birth: January 9, 1998.

Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (9)

Monuta funeral insurance

  • Complete Funeral Care
  • Children Insured for Free
  • Always Adaptable to Your Wishes


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25 years €9.000,00 covered

DELA funeral insurance

  • Funeral completely taken care of
  • State own wishes
  • Children up to 25 years old cost-effectively insured


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25 years €9.000,00 covered

Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (11)

Ardanta funeral insurance

  • Children up to 18 years old covered
  • Money Insurance
  • 24/7 Reachable


Not possible

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25 years €9.000,00 covered

Type of Insurance

There are different types of funeral insurance you can choose from. Check out the three funeral insurances and choose which one best suits you.


With a kapitaal funeral insurance, you decide for yourself how much you want to be insured for. This way, you have control over how much the monthly funeral premiums will be. When the insured person dies, the insured amount is paid out to the survivors. With a capital insurance, the entire funeral is arranged by the survivors. They can decide for themselves how to spend the money. A capital insurance cannot be taken out with every insurer.

  • Complete freedom in arranging the funeral
  • Allowance can also be used for other matters
  • The premium is often higher
  • Not available with all insurers


With a natura funeral insurance, no money is paid out upon death. You are insured for a fixed package of services. It is possible to expand the package of services within the options of the funeral insurer. With a natural funeral insurance, the responsibility for arranging the funeral lies with the funeral insurer, so that the relatives are relieved as much as possible.

  • The premium is lower
  • You know in advance exactly what you are getting into
  • Limited choice of funeral director
  • Often, not all costs are covered by the insurance.


The combinatie funeral insurance combines the capital insurance and natural insurance. The standard services of the funeral are arranged by the funeral insurer (natural) and a amount is paid out for additional wishes (capital).

  • Disposable amount for special wishes
  • Took a lot of work out of the hands of the survivors.
  • Usually no free choice of funeral director

Why take out a funeral insurance policy?

Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (12)

Covering funeral

The costs of a funeral nowadays usually amount to an average of €11,000.

Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (13)

Funeral insurance always pays out?

After 1 or 2 years of premium payment, the full insured amount will be paid out. No matter your age.

Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (14)

Take control of your own funeral

With a funeral insurance you have control over your own funeral.

Do I need a funeral insurance?

In the Netherlands almost 75 percent of the population has a funeral insurance. Whether you need a funeral insurance depends on your financial situation. If you have insufficient savings, an insurance can help you cover all the costs of your funeral. A funeral insurance gives the assurance that there is money for a burial or cremation. Furthermore, a good reason to take out a funeral insurance can also be that you do not want your relatives to pay for your funeral.

What are the pros and cons of a funeral insurance?

The closing of a funeral insurance offers some advantages and disadvantages.


  • Your beneficiaries will not be charged for the costs of your funeral or cremation
  • After your death, your beneficiaries can immediately take care of arranging the funeral and not worry about the finances surrounding the funeral
  • You can decide for yourself how you will shape your funeral.


  • Some funeral insurers impose limited conditions
  • Investing money yourself can sometimes lead to a higher return
  • Sometimes the policy conditions can be difficult to understand

What does a funeral insurance cost?

The cost of a funeral insurance depends on various factors such as age, the amount you want to insure and the duration.

For example, someone aged 30, a funaral insurance would cost an average of 8 to 10 euros per month.

You will get this in return:

  • Coverage of approximately 8,000 euros
  • Combined Insurance (natura + 2,000 euros of freely spendable money)
  • Pay premiums for life
Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (15)

The premium applies to an insured amount of approximately 9000 euros

Funeral Insurance September 2023

20 years5,968,187,80
25 years6,709,168,83
30 years7,8310,3710,09
35 years9,2511,8911,63
40 years10,9813,8113,56
45 years13,1016,2416,02
50 years15,7319,4019,20
55 years18,9923,5623,44
60 years23,1029,1929,32
65 years28,2636,9137,96

What is the cheapest funeral insurance?

Searching for the cheapest funeral insurance can sometimes be difficult. It is important that you do not just look at the premium you have to pay each month. The monthly costs depend on several factors.

See below an overview of some cheap funeral insurance policies:

Monuta€ 9.000,-€ 8,08
Dela€ 9.000,-€ 8,56

How do I apply?

Closing a funeral insurance policy consists of a few steps. Below we have compiled a step-by-step plan that you can use when closing a funeral insurance policy.

1. Submit an application

For the application process there are a number of steps you need to go through:

  1. Choose a type of insurance
  2. Choose an insured amount or specify which services and goods you want to insure
  3. Review the policy terms and conditions and adjust them if necessary
  4. Choose a periodic payment
  5. Fill in your details
  6. Go through a short medical acceptance procedure and fill in a health form

2. Evaluation

The application is first handled by the funeral insurance. Here they look at your personal data and the completed health declaration so that you receive a medical acceptance. During the assessment, they will also look to see if there is an increased risk of death. This may be the case in the event of a terminal illness. Or if you have reached a certain age, for example.

3. Acceptance

In most cases, the application is accepted and the assessment does not pose a problem for closing the insurance.

After the assessment, the insurer can decide on four things:

  1. You are accepted for the insurance
  2. You are accepted for the insurance, but with an increased premium
  3. You are accepted for the insurance, but with a waiting period. This means that you have to wait for a certain number of years before you are eligible for coverage. In the meantime, you will still pay a premium.
  4. You are declined for the insurance.

You will receive confirmation of acceptance by email or letter.

4. Pay premium

Once you are insured, you will pay premiums to the insurer. This can usually be done monthly, annually or in one payment (purchase price)

How much premium you pay is dependent on:

  • The type of policy,
  • Your age
  • The duration
  • The policy terms.

The older you are, the greater the chance of death and the higher the premium you must pay. If you suffer from a terminal illness or chronic condition, this often affects the premium you pay.

What to look for when comparing a funeral insurance?

The premium you will have to pay for your funeral insurance will be determined by your age, but also by the amount you wish to insure yourself for. The more expensive you expect your funeral to be, the more premium you will have to pay for it. Insurers usually offer multiple options for taking out a funeral insurance, so your wishes will certainly be met. When taking out funeral insurance, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

1. Insured amount

To know how much coverage you want to have for your funeral, it is useful to consider what your wishes are for your funeral. You can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you want a funeral or cremation?
  • Which location suits your farewell service?
  • What kind of flowers?
  • Which coffin?
  • How many people do you want to have present?

If you roughly know this, an estimation can be made of the amount that you should be insured for. Always check the small print, to prevent unexpected costs.

2. Type of insurance

Which type of funeral insurance you choose depends on your personal wishes. You can choose a capital funeral insurance, natural funeral insurance or a combination funeral insurance.

3. Premium and term

Most funeral insurers allow you to choose from different terms. The term is the period in which you pay premiums to the insurer. The term affects the premium. The shorter the term, the cheaper the premium.

4. Terms and conditions and extras

All funeral insurers have different conditions and extras. Therefore, look carefully at the differences and determine which insurance best suits your wishes and what exactly falls within the scope of the insurance. Insurers of, among other things, cheap funeral insurance mainly differ from each other because they handle slightly different conditions for the funeral insurance that become clear when comparing a funeral insurance.

Due to inflation and price fluctuations within the funeral industry, the price is now different than 30 years ago. It can therefore be wise to make your allowance value-stable. With a value-stable insurance, the allowance that the beneficiaries receive increases, so that they can never become uninsured.

Different funeral insurers

In the Netherlands, thirteen funeral insurers are active. The insurers all offer different funeral insurance packages and have different rates. Below is an overview of some well-known funeral insurers with the maximum age to take out insurance.

InsurerMaximum age taking out insurance

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What is a value based insurance?

Due to inflation and price fluctuations within the funeral industry, the price is now different than 30 years ago. Therefore, it can be wise to make your payout value-stable. With a value-stable insurance, the payout that the heirs receive increases, so they can never become uninsured.

Is it wise to take out a funeral insurance policy?

It depends on your personal situation whether it is wise to take out a funeral insurance. Funeral insurances can be a good manager to cover the costs of your funeral, but it is important to consider the options and the pros and cons of each insurance. Additionally, it is also important to take into account your financial situation. If you are considering taking out a funeral insurance, comparing funeral insurances is a wise choice.

What is the best funeral insurance?

It is difficult to say which funeral insurance is the best. Your best option is to compare different providers and see which one best fits your needs. When comparing, pay attention to the comprehensive coverage, the compensation, the costs and the customer service. Also note that not all insurers provide free coverage for children up to 18 years old. There are differences in the rules that insurers apply to insure children.

When to take out a funeral insurance?

It is recommended to take out a funeral insurance when you are younger than 60 years old. In this way you can be more cost-effective and support your family financially if needed in your old age. It is also important to take out an insurance before you become seriously ill, as most insurers do not provide coverage if you already have an existing condition.

What is a natura sommen-insurance

Thenatura sommen-insuranceis comparable to a capital insurance. The difference is that with a natura sum funeral insurance a sum of money is paid out that can only be spent on funeral-related services and products.

Can I take out a funeral insurance in case of illness or disability?

When you are ill or disabled, it can be difficult to take out a funeral insurance. Funeral insurances don’t have an acceptance obligation and can refuse people with an illness or disability. However, there are also funeral insurances without a medical check-up, which allow everyone. As an alternative, you can also open a separate bank account to save money for your funeral.

Funeral Insurance Netherlands | Calculate premiums & compare! (2024)


How much does a funeral cost in the Netherlands? ›

In the Netherlands, the cost of an average funeral can be between 6.500 and 11.000 euros. This is not an amount of money everyone can just cough up whenever a family member passes away.

How are funeral costs calculated? ›

Funeral costs include basic services fee for the funeral director and staff, charges for other services and merchandise, and cash advances.

How much premium is for burial insurance? ›

The average cost for a burial insurance policy is approximately $50-$100 monthly for roughly $10,000 in coverage. Multiple factors determine the net price, including your exact age, health, tobacco usage (if any), the type of policy, state of residence, and how much coverage you buy.

Which type of insurance would most often pay for funeral expenses? ›

Burial insurance covers the cost of your funeral and/or cremation expenses after you pass away. It can also be used at the beneficiary's discretion to pay off debts including any medical bills, mortgage loans, or credit card bills.

What is the average cost of a funeral in NL? ›

According to a recent survey, the average cost of a funeral in Newfoundland and Labrador is around $7,775, based on the most common purchases involved with a tradition funeral, such as a casket and burial plot etc.

What is the most expensive part of a funeral? ›

The most expensive part of a funeral is typically the basic services fee of a funeral home. The median cost of basic services fees is about $2,300. If you choose a traditional funeral and burial, your highest cost will likely be a metal casket.

Is $10,000 enough for a funeral? ›

Most funerals and burial arrangements in the United States cost between $7,000 and $10,000. There is nothing wrong with an expensive funeral if that's what the family wants. But many families that might prefer a simple, dignified ceremony end up with something lavish and costly.

Is $20,000 enough for a funeral? ›

There are different tiers of caskets, coffins, flowers, memorial stones, cemetery plots, and other miscellaneous services that can easily take a $7,000 funeral to $25,000 or more. You can expect the total cost of your funeral to range between $5,000 - $25,000, depending on the services your family chooses to go with.

What is the cheapest funeral option? ›

Direct cremation is simple and inexpensive. Direct cremation is an equally efficient and less expensive way to take care of your loved one's remains after a sudden passing. Your loved one is picked up from their place of passing, the necessary documents are processed, and the remains are taken to the crematorium.

What is the best insurance for funeral expenses? ›

Best burial life insurance policies for 2024
  • State Farm: Best for customer satisfaction.
  • AARP/New York Life: Best for low consumer complaints.
  • American Family: Best for bundling.
  • Ethos: Best for instant coverage.
  • Mutual of Omaha: Best for accessibility.
Jul 1, 2024

Is burial insurance worth it for seniors? ›

In fact, burial insurance is a type of life insurance that can provide the financial resources to cover your final expenses. Plus, it could cover outstanding debts that you leave behind, such as credit card debt and medical bills.

What is the best funeral plan? ›

For burials, the Money Saving Expert suggests you may want to consider Dignity and Co-op Funeralcare as both guarantee the cost of the burial. For cremation, Dignity, Plan with Grace and Affordable Funerals guarantee your cremation costs and offer a wide range of plans.

What is the disadvantage of funeral insurance? ›

It may not be enough to cover all your funeral costs: A burial insurance policy does not contractually stipulate what your final wishes are or the net cost. Instead, the policy only provides a quick cash payout to your family so they can pay for your funeral.

What does burial insurance not cover? ›

Unlike traditional term, whole life, and universal life policies, burial insurance is specifically designed to cover one-time and short-term expenses. It isn't meant to replace income or cover large expenses like purchasing a home or paying for college. It isn't a type of retirement plan or investment either.

Can you pay monthly for a funeral? ›

You can pay for a funeral plan in monthly instalments or a lump sum if you would prefer. Choosing a monthly funeral plan allows you to spread the cost of your funeral over a duration that suits you and your budget.

What is the Dutch culture of funerals? ›

The Dutch culture remains that funerals can take place anywhere according to the deceased's wishes, however, funerals are often an 'invite only' event, with the family of the deceased advising the attendees how and when they should participate in the funeral.

What to do when someone dies in the Netherlands? ›

The common procedure when someone passes away in the Netherlands, is that a funeral director or undertaker (begrafenisondernemer) will assist the family in making arrangements. This will include picking a date for the service, reporting the death to the municipality, but also taking care of the body.

What is the death benefit in the Netherlands? ›

A death grant is a lump-sum payment equal to one month's gross AOW pension. The death grant is paid to the surviving partner. If the deceased is not your partner, it is paid to the deceased's children under the age of 18 or the person with whom the deceased shared a household until the day of death.

How much does the average person spend on a funeral? ›

Funeral Expenses in California

On average, a funeral in California typically ranges from $7,000 to $12,000 or more. This comprehensive figure encompasses crucial elements like the acquisition of a casket, embalming services, and professional fees.

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