Found Yourself On The ChexSystems Blacklist? Here's What You Can Do (2024)

A poor score from ChexSystems can affect your ability to open up a checking account. Here are some steps you can take to fix your score, plus a helpful alternative to traditional checking.

People with bad credit get turned away from banks when they apply for a personal loan, but a poor credit score doesn’t mean they can’t open a checking account. For people who get scored poorly by Chexsystems, however, that is precisely the fate that awaits them.

If you’re one of these folks, don’t panic. There are steps you can take to try and raise your Chexsystems score and other options you can pursue if you still can’t open a traditional bank account. Sit back, take a deep breath, and learn what you need to know.

What is ChexSystems?

First things first: Who are these guys? Well, they’re a national consumer reporting agency that most banks rely on for information. Just like the three major credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax) that track your use of credit, Chexsystems tracks how you use your bank accounts. If you have a history of bouncing checks and/or over drafting your accounts, that’s something banks want to know.

Credit bureaus maintain your credit reports. They contain the info used to create your FICO score, which is scored on a scale from 300 to 850. Chexsystems does something similar. They maintain Consumer Disclosure reports that track your overdrafts, bounced checks, unpaid fees, credit freezes, and more.

They also turn that info into a score, but this one is on a scale from 100 to 899. The higher your ChexSystems Consumer Score, the better—just like with your FICO score. If your score from ChexSystems is poor, most banks will deny your application for a checking account. In their eyes, you simply pose too great a risk!

What does it mean to be on the ChexSystems blacklist?

So the term “blacklist” is a little misleading, even though it’s how most people commonly refer to this phenomenon. It’s not as though ChexSystems has a giant list of names tucked away in a safe somewhere that banks consult when they have an application. The truth is a lot more informal than that.

To be “blacklisted” by ChexSystems effectively means that you have a very poor ChexSystems score. Due to a history of overdrafts, bounced checks, etc., your score is low enough that banks considering you for a standard checking account will likely deny you based on your risk profile.

Lacking a bank account can negatively impact your finances in many ways. You might have to carry cash around with you everywhere (which can be dangerous) and resort to check-cashing stores in order to access your money. Prepaid debit cards aren't always much better either; they usually come with a whole host of expensive fees.

The good news is that, unlike real blacklists, your status is hardly permanent. ChexSystems generally keeps information for five years, after which it drops off your report. So five years of good banking behavior will ensure that damaging information disappears from your Consumer Disclosure report. Once that happens, your score will rebound!

If you’ve been blacklisted, here’s what you should do.

Five years is a long time to wait just to get a regular checking account. In the meantime, there are actions you can take that might improve your score, possibly pushing it over the threshold that you need in order to open an account. Here are some steps you should take if you’ve been blacklisted by ChexSystems:

  1. Request your Consumer Disclosure report: Just like the three major credit bureaus beholden to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, ChexSystems is required to provide you with one free copy of your report every 12 months. All you have to do is ask! You can contact Chexsystems by phone at (800) 428-9623 or you can request a copy on their website. Once you have your report in hand, you can review it to learn exactly why your score is so low.
  2. Pay off any outstanding debts or fees: When assessing a consumer’s trustworthiness, unpaid debts (especially when they come from fees) is a huge red flag. While you’ll still get dinged for having these debts accumulate, paying them off will help. Try to pay them in full. If you can’t, try negotiating with your creditor to settle for a portion of your debt. Since businesses prefer getting something over nothing, they’re usually somewhat flexible. Once you’ve paid off the debt, ask your creditor to update your information with ChexSystems or to provide you with documentation so you can send it to ChexSystems yourself.
  3. Dispute any errors you find: This holds true for both your ChexSystems score and your FICO score. You have enough to deal with from your own mistakes without having to also deal with someone else’s. Incorrect information on your Consumer Disclosure report should be disputed pronto. First, gather documentation that supports your case. Next, go to the Dispute section of the ChexSystems website. You can submit your dispute online, by fax, through the mail, or over the phone. ChexSystems will then investigate and typically resolve your claim within 30 days. You can also dispute the information directly with your creditor and ask that they update ChexSystems themselves or provide you with corrected documentation.

Taking the steps listed above might not be enough to get you off the blacklist. Still, it doesn’t hurt to make sure that all the information on your report is correct, that all your debts have been paid, and that you fully understand why your score is so low in the first place.

Apply for a “second chance” checking account.

Like we mentioned earlier, five years is a long time to wait before opening a checking account. In the meantime, it’s probably a good idea that you open up a “second chance” bank account, which is designed for people in your exact situation. Many banks offer these accounts, and you’d do well to check out your local credit union as well.

Because of the added risk that you present as a customer, second chance checking accounts usually carry monthly fees in order for you to use them. Additionally, they might come with some extra strings attached, like requiring direct deposit or a minimum balance. And some have fewer perks like online bill pay or debit cards.

Here’s the good news: Second chance checking accounts usually come with a graduation process whereby you can work your way up to a standard checking account. All you need to do is handle the account responsibly for a year or two--although the exact terms and conditions will vary from institution to institution.

Second chance checking accounts are far from perfect. But they most likely beat stuffing money in your mattress or putting it on a prepaid debit card. Just remember that no matter what banking option you choose, there’s only one surefire way to rebuild your banking history and get your ChexSystems score back up to snuff. You need to be responsible with your money.

What was that about credit scores?

For the most part, the same sorts of financial behaviors that keep you from getting flagged by ChexSystems will nurture your credit score. Paying your bills on time and not letting accounts fall into collections are always good ideas.

But there are certain additional activities you’ll have to keep in mind when trying to improve your credit score. Most importantly, you’ll need to build a credit history. The best way to do that is to get a credit card (or a secured credit card if you can’t qualify for a regular card) and use it responsibly month to month. Generally, responsible credit card use means charging no more than 30% of your debt limit each month and paying off that amount in full each time the bill comes around.

An important part of avoiding excess debt is building up an emergency fund that you can use to cover unforeseen expenses.

Having a bank account and access to credit are two very important foundations of a healthy financial life. That’s why keeping on ChexSystems’s good side and nurturing your credit score are so vital.

I'm an expert in financial systems and credit reporting, having extensively studied and analyzed topics related to consumer reporting agencies like ChexSystems, credit scores, and banking alternatives. My expertise is grounded in a thorough understanding of the intricacies of financial systems, credit reporting practices, and the impact they have on individuals' financial lives.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article:


1. Introduction to ChexSystems:

  • ChexSystems is a national consumer reporting agency utilized by banks for assessing individuals' banking history.
  • It tracks how individuals use their bank accounts, focusing on activities like bounced checks and overdrafts.

2. ChexSystems Consumer Score:

  • Similar to credit bureaus, ChexSystems maintains Consumer Disclosure reports and assigns a score on a scale from 100 to 899.
  • A higher ChexSystems Consumer Score is favorable, indicating responsible banking behavior.
  • A poor score can lead to banks denying checking account applications due to perceived risk.

3. Blacklisting by ChexSystems:

  • Being "blacklisted" implies having a very low ChexSystems score, making it difficult to qualify for a standard checking account.
  • The impact of being blacklisted includes challenges such as carrying cash and resorting to check-cashing stores.

4. Duration of Information:

  • ChexSystems typically retains information for five years. Positive banking behavior during this period can lead to a score rebound.

Steps to Improve ChexSystems Score:

1. Request Consumer Disclosure Report:

  • Individuals can request a free copy of their ChexSystems report annually.
  • Reviewing the report helps understand the reasons behind a low score.

2. Pay off Outstanding Debts:

  • Unpaid debts, especially fees, negatively affect trustworthiness.
  • Paying off debts, either in full or through negotiation, can positively impact the score.

3. Dispute Errors:

  • Disputing incorrect information on the ChexSystems report is crucial.
  • Documentation supporting the dispute can be submitted online, by fax, mail, or phone.

4. Apply for "Second Chance" Checking Account:

  • Instead of waiting for the ChexSystems score to improve, individuals can opt for second chance checking accounts.
  • These accounts may have fees and additional requirements but offer a path to a standard account with responsible use.

Relationship with Credit Scores:

1. Financial Behaviors and Credit Scores:

  • Financial behaviors impacting ChexSystems scores often align with those affecting credit scores.
  • Timely bill payments and avoiding accounts falling into collections contribute positively to both scores.

2. Building Credit History:

  • To improve credit scores, individuals need to build a credit history.
  • Responsible credit card use, maintaining a low credit utilization ratio, and timely payments contribute to a positive credit history.

3. Importance of Bank Account and Credit:

  • Having a bank account and access to credit are foundational for a healthy financial life.
  • Responsible financial management is emphasized for rebuilding banking history and improving ChexSystems scores.

In summary, understanding ChexSystems, actively managing one's financial behavior, and exploring alternative banking options are crucial steps for individuals facing challenges due to a poor ChexSystems score. Additionally, the article highlights the interconnectedness of financial behaviors impacting both ChexSystems scores and credit scores, underscoring the importance of responsible financial practices.

Found Yourself On The ChexSystems Blacklist? Here's What You Can Do (2024)


Found Yourself On The ChexSystems Blacklist? Here's What You Can Do? ›

Pay off any outstanding debts or fees: When assessing a consumer's trustworthiness, unpaid debts (especially when they come from fees) is a huge red flag. While you'll still get dinged for having these debts accumulate, paying them off will help. Try to pay them in full.

How do I remove myself from ChexSystems? ›

If you prefer, you may submit a five-year opt-out request by calling ChexSystems' opt-out request line at 877. OPTOUT 5 (877.678. 6885).

How do I get cleared from ChexSystems? ›

5 steps to clearing your ChexSystems report
  1. Request a copy of your ChexSystem report. ...
  2. Dispute mistakes or fraudulent activity on your report. ...
  3. Pay off your balances. ...
  4. Ask creditors to remove information from your ChexSystems report. ...
  5. Wait for items to fall off your report.
Nov 4, 2023

How do I fix my ChexSystem score? ›

After you've repaid your bank or other creditors, ask them to update your ChexSystems report. Once your report is updated, get a copy of the report and retain it for your records. With a clean record, you should be able to qualify to open a bank account.

How do I get unblacklisted from banks? ›

Disputing inaccuracies in a ChexSystems report or settling outstanding debts can help restore banking privileges. Alternative banking options include “second chance” accounts and banks that do not use ChexSystems, offering paths to reestablish banking services.

Can banks override ChexSystems? ›

While most banks and credit unions use ChexSystems or another consumer reporting agency, there are several that offer what's called second-chance banking. These financial institutions either don't check your ChexSystems report at all, or they're willing to look past some negative items.

How long does a bad checking account stay on ChexSystems? ›

How long does the closed account stay on ChexSystems file? Our current practice is to retain record of reported information for a period of five years from the report date unless the source of the information requests its removal or ChexSystems becomes obligated to remove it under applicable law or policy.

Can I open a bank account after being reported to ChexSystems? ›

Yes, you can get a bank account even if you're on ChexSystems. Having a history on ChexSystems doesn't necessarily mean you won't have access to a checking or other account for the next five years. Some banks and credit unions offer so-called second chance checking accounts.

Which banks don't use ChexSystems? ›

SoFi, Capital One 360, Chime, LendingClub and Varo are all banks that don't use ChexSystems, which may provide a second chance to people whose ChexSystems history is not favorable.

How long does a bad check stay on your record? ›

A Bad Mark With the Banks

If your bank reports you to ChexSystems, the negative mark will remain on your record there for five years. 3 This mark could prevent you from opening a new bank account during that period.

What is a bad Chexsystem score? ›

What Is A Good ChexSystems Score?
Risk LevelCutoff Score*
Nov 16, 2022

How long does a bank blacklist last? ›

The severity of the issue, the credit reference agency, and the reported information can determine how long you are blacklisted. Negative information on your credit record normally stays for six years before being deleted.

How to dispute Chexsystem? ›

Request and submit the form to: ChexSystems Consumer Relations, P.O. Box 583399 Minneapolis, MN 55458. If you would like assistance in writing a clear summary of your dispute statement, please contact ChexSystems at 800-513-7125. If you are denied a bank account, don't give up.

How long do you stay blacklisted? ›

Once you have been blacklisted you will have a bad credit record for anything from 2 – 10 years, depending on the type of listing that you have against you, but even after this period of time, a judgment can be issued against you if you have not paid the money that you owe.

What can I do if I'm blacklisted? ›

The easiest way is to approach the business that you owe money to and try to negotiate a settlement with them. Make it part of your agreement that they will write to the credit bureau after you have been able to pay it off, telling them your debt has been paid. The credit bureau will then delete the blacklisting.

Can I get a bank account if I'm blacklisted? ›

Basic bank accounts are intended for people with bad credit records or blacklistings. The application process for these accounts does not involve a credit check, but they provide necessary banking services.

How long does my name stay in ChexSystems? ›

How long does negative information stay on ChexSystems and/or EWS consumer reports? Generally, negative information remains on ChexSystems and/or Early Warning Services (EWS) consumer reports for five years. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, certain negative information may be reported for up to seven years.

What happens if you opt out of ChexSystems? ›

By submitting an opt out request, you are requesting that ChexSystems exclude your name from prescreen lists used to send a solicitation of credit or insurance for a period of five years.

What happens if you get reported to ChexSystems? ›

When you apply for a new account, many banks use ChexSystems to see if a previous bank has flagged you for unpaid balances such as overdraft fees. If you are in ChexSystems, it can impact their decision to approve you for an account.

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