Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (2024)

You are what you eat, they say. If that’s the case, a lot of folks in the United States are less than healthy based solely on the foods they eat.

Sadly, many American foods contain ingredients that have been linked with diseases and health conditions.While these foods are still the norm in the U.S., many countries have decided to take a pass and ban them.

Here are 20 favorite American foods that are banned in other countries.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (1)

1. Froot Loops

Banned in:France, Austria,Norway andFinland

Why it’s banned:A glance at Kellogg’s Froot Loops’ ingredients might explain why the colorful cereals of our childhood are banned in many European countries.

The American breakfast staple is packed with food dyes such as yellow 5 and red 40, which are considered harmful. Many scientificstudieslink these artificial colors with the inhibition of cell development.

The sugary cereal also contains soybean, cottonseed oil, and hydrogenated coconut — all considered dangerous and banned in the above mentioned countries.

Related Slideshow:Everything bagel ice cream and 29 more genius flavors

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (2)

2. US chicken

Banned in:European Union

Why it’s banned:Chlorine-washed chicken doesn’t sound very appetizing, does it?

In the U.S, the chicken is routinely washed in a chlorine solution before it is market ready.

This antimicrobial treatment reduces the possibility of salmonella contamination and other bacteria that can lead to foodborne illness. This is also the main reason the European Union has had a ban on American chicken since 1997.

The EU is not concerned about chlorine consumption per se. Rather, it questions why the chicken must go through deep cleaning in the first place. TheEU thinksthere should be a “high level of safety throughout the food chain, from farm to fork,”notonly cleaning the meat heavily at the end of the process to compensate for insufficient hygiene standards earlier.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (3)

3. Mountain Dew

Banned in: TheEuropean Union and Japan

Why it’s banned:We all know Mountain Dew is not the healthiest of drinks. But, if you still “do the Dew,” you might want to know the lemon-lime drink containsBrominated Vegetable Oil (BVO).

This food additive banned in Japan and the European Union contains bromine, the element found in flame retardants.

According toCDC,the consumption of bromine can lead to a number of health problems such as headaches, memory loss, and impaired balance and coordination. It’s also bad for the skin.

PepsiCo announced in 2014 that the dangerous chemical would be removed from its soft drinks. However,BVO wasn’t removed from Mountain Dew’s list of ingredients until2020.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (4)

4. US milk

Banned in:Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, and the EU

Why it’s banned:Got rBGH? That’s what Europe, Canada, and many other countries are asking about milk produced in the United States, where dairy cows are fed with a synthetic man-made growth hormone rBGH to increase milk production.

Developed by the agricultural biotech corporation Monsanto, recombinant bovine growth hormone rBGH, also known as rBST, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1993, allowing companies to produce vast amounts of cheaper milk in awful conditions at factory farms.

As one could imagine, drinking hormone-enriched milk cannot be the healthiest option.Studieshave found that cows treated with rBGH produce milk that contains elevated levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IFG-1), which can increase the risk of breast cancer and other cancer types.

Luckily, according to a2014 report by the USDA, the practice is decreasing as only 9.7 percent of U.S. dairy operations were using rbGH.

Still is highly recommended to stick with organic milk or one that says “does not contain rBGH.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (5)

5. Farmed salmon

Banned in:Austria and New Zealand

Why it’s banned:Salmon is a go-to meal for many Americans, who enjoy the meaty flavor and health benefits of the omega-3-packed fish. However, the bad news here is there is a big chance that the salmon you are eating is farmed-raised.

Around two-thirds of salmon eaten by U.S. consumers comes from farms, and the other third is wild-caught. Salmon farming has long been scrutinized by sustainability advocates because of the harsh conditions in which the fish are raised.

Farm-raised salmon are kept in crowded cages and are fed with fed processed fish feed and all kinds of dangerous chemicals like methyl mercury and dioxins. Additionally, the fish are given a lot of antibiotics and other drugs that are not safe for humans to consume.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (6)

6. Maraschino cherries

Banned in:Norway, Finland, France, Austria, the U.K

Why it’s banned:It turns out America’s favorite co*cktail garnish is actually a forbidden fruit in some countries.

Maraschino cherry, the syrupy sweet fruit, was invented during the Prohibition era to garnish virgin co*cktails. Actually, the American maraschino cherry is an imitation of aCroatian delicacymade of Marasca cherries.

What the American version of the sweetened cherry has extra is the artificial food dye Red #40 to give that picture-perfect touch.Red #40is one of the most widely used food dyes, as well as one of the most controversial. The dye is thought to be linked to allergies, migraine, and mental disorders in children.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (7)

7. US apples

Banned in:the European Union

Why it’s banned:While apples are supposed to keep the doctor away, that’s not exactly the case for those produced in the U.S.

American apples are treated with diphenylamine (DPA), a potentially carcinogenic compound used to keep the fruit from turning brown. It’s this chemical that gives the apples you see in the supermarket that glow.

European food safety regulatorsbannedthe fruit in 2014 because the chemicals have been linked to various cancers.

Now, how do you like them apples?

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (8)

8. Little Debbie Swiss Rolls

Banned in:Norway and Austria

Why it’s banned:Little Debbie’s smiling face isn’t welcome in some countries, as the tasty snack contains food dyes that are a big no-no.

Little Debbie’s Swiss Rolls contain artificial food color dyes yellow 5 and red 40, which are considered to be carcinogenic.

The European Union requires products with these dyes to include warning labels saying“the coloring agents may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.”Butcome, countries like Norway and Austria just outright banned the snack.

In the United States, no such warning is required.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (9)

9. US breakfast cereal brands

Banned in:Japan, the European Union

Why it’s banned:Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, but not if you are having cereals like Rice Krispies, Honey Bunches of Oats and Frosted Flakes.

These breakfast cereals brands contain Butylated hydroxytoluene, or BHT, a lab-made flavor enhancer that has carcinogenic properties. It’s banned in Japan and theEuropean Union.

A number of processed foods, such as chewing gum and frozen foods, contain this preservative.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (10)

9. Instant mashed potatoes

Banned in:the Europe Union, Japan, Australia

Why it’s banned:This one is easy. It’s mashed potatoes in a box. Of course, there is something off.

Instant Mashed Potatoes likeHungry Jackcome with a side of Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA). This preservative is also found in rubber and wax food packaging. So, it’s definitely not something you would want in your body.

Although it’s widely used in the U.S., it’s banned in Japan, Australia, and the European Union, because it has been linked with cancer.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (11)

10. US prepackaged ground beef

Banned in:the European Union

Why it’s banned:Pink slime is definitely not something you want in your burger. Yet, there is a good chance that the prepackaged ground beef you bought for your next barbecue contains pink slime.

According to an ABC News exposé from 2012, around 70% of ground beef sold in U.S. supermarkets contained pink slime – a meat by-product used as a filler in ground beef to reduce fat content.

If you are wondering “what’s the beef?” with pink slime, it is prepared with ammonia gas, an anti-microbial agent which is dangerous for consumption.

The FDA approved the pink goo for human consumption in the U.S. back in 2001.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (12)

11. Ritz Crackers

Banned in:Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Iceland, Norway and Denmark.

Why it’s banned:Ritz crackers are a must-have for any cheese board, right? Well, in Europe, you’ll have to look for a different brand as the salty snack is nowhere to be found.

Apparently, Ritz crackers contain high levels of sodium—hydrogenated cottonseed oil, a trans fat associated with cardiovascular diseases.

TheFDAhas actually deemed these types of oils to be “not generally recognized as safe,” but certain loopholes allow them to continue to be used in products.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (13)

12. US pork

Banned in:the European Union, Russia, and China

Why it’s banned:If you were wondering why pigs in the U.S. are much bigger than those in the rest of the world, ractopamine is your answer.

American pigs are givenractopamine,an animal feed additive used to speed up weight gain and increase carcass leanness in finishing swine.

The additive is linked to major health issues both in animals and humans, explaining why it is banned in more than 160 countries.

Next time you are craving some pork chops, opt for organic meat.

Related slideshow:Snickers salad & other weird desserts that are actually great

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (14)

13. Coffee-mate

Banned in:Austria, Hungary, and multiple Scandinavian countries,

Why it’s banned:Shelf-stable coffee creamer that can make your coffee taste like vanilla or caramel maybe sounds perfect, but don’t expect to find it in Europe.

Creamers like Coffee Mate are generally made from sugar, stabilizers and bunch of flavorings. However, what makes the product a big no-no in several European countries are hydrogenated soybean and cottonseed oils found in this non-dairy product

Hydrogenated oils are packed with trans fats. Many studies have shown that trans fat is the worst type of fat because it raises bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.

So, take your coffee black next time.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (15)

14. Drumstick ice cream

Banned in:the European Union

Why it’s banned:Don’t expect to find Nestle’s drumstick ice cream anywhere in Europe. The product has been banned for containing a sneaky ingredient within its cone, and it’s not extra chocolate filling.

The famous ice cream treat contains carrageenan, a seaweed-derived thickening agent used to extend the shelf life of consumer products.

This food additive has been linked with inflammation and possibly cancer.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (16)

15. Skittles

Banned in:Norway and the European Union

Why it’s banned:Many of us grew up eating Skittles. But we didn’t know that while tasting the rainbow we were also eating food dyes and other harmful additives.

Artificial colors yellow 5 and yellow 6 are among the listed ingredients of the childhood-favorite snack. These food dyes are often linked with hyperactivity in children and allergic reactions. On top of the food dyes, the colorful candy contains another iffy ingredient that has led to its ban in the European Union in 2022.

Titanium dioxide is an additive used in consumer products to enhance opacity and brightness. The International Agency for Research on Cancer IARC classifiedtitanium dioxideas possibly carcinogenic to humans after studies showed the substance caused more lung tumors in rats.

As a result, Europeans from now on will be tasting the duller-hued rainbow of Smarties.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (17)

16. Hawaiian papaya

Banned in:the European union

Why it’s banned:Hawaiian Papaya was genetically engineered to resist the ringspot virus, which destroyed U.S. crops in the 1990s.

Although there are many debates about whether or not genetically engineered produce is safe, the European Union isn’t taking any chances, making genetically engineered papaya a forbidden fruit.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (18)

17. Twinkies

Banned in:​​ Norway,Finland, and Austria.

Why it’s banned:This one is not a shocker as, well. This ultra-processed sponge cake contains yellow 5 coloring to give it its distinctive golden hue.

Yellow 5 coloring has been linked to allergic reactions such as hives, itching, coughing, and vomiting.

Food dyes that contain these dyes are required to carry warning labels in the EU, but countries such as Finland, Norway, and Austria have decided not to take that risk.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (19)

18. Arby’s sourdough breakfast bread, croissant, and French toast sticks

Banned in:India, the UK, the European Union

Why it’s banned:A tasty Arby’s roast beef has tempted even those with the strongest willpower. Traveling abroad, however, will not require willpower, as many countries have banned the savory sandwiches.

Arby’s American-style bread is banned in some countries because of a toxic ingredient the fast food chain uses in its baked goods.

Azodicarbonamide, or ACA is a whitening agent that forms bubbles in foam or vinyl, to lighten and leaven the dough.

Despite concerns that it’s a carcinogen, theFDAstill permits its use in the U.S.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (20)

19. Doritos light

Banned in:Canada, the European Union

Why it’s banned:Fat-free equals guilt-free, right? Well, not exactly. Doritos light contains a fat substitute that is not good for you.

Olestrais a synthetic fat that prevents the absorption of nutrients and has been linked to symptoms like loose stools and abdominal cramping.

For this reason, Europe and Canada banned the light version of the spicy snack.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (21)

20. Stove Top stuffing

Banned in:theUnited Kingdom, Japan, and several European countries.

Why it’s banned:Kraft Stove Top stuffing is a go-to choice for a quick weeknight dinner. But, the problem is the stuffing contains a combination of beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT).

Both preservatives are suspected to be carcinogenic and impair blood clotting.

That’s why the product is banned in the United Kingdom, Japan and some European countries.

Favorite American foods that are banned in other countries - MediaFeed (2024)


What foods do we have in the US that are banned in other countries? ›

15 Foods That Are Banned In Other Countries That The US Still Sells In Stores
  • Twinkies. (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images) ...
  • Stove Top Stuffing. Shutterstock. ...
  • Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer. (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images) ...
  • Ritz Crackers. ...
  • Skittles. ...
  • US Pork. ...
  • Pre-Packaged Ground Beef. ...
  • Swiss Rolls.
Feb 6, 2023

Why is US milk banned in other countries? ›

Milk in the United States, unless marked otherwise, is treated with either rBST or rBGH, which are artificial hormones that stimulate milk production. The FDA says there is no difference in the milk produced by cows treated with the hormone, but countries like Canada and those in the European Union ban it.

Why are Ritz crackers banned in other countries? ›

As of 2003, every country that has banned Ritz crackers has done so because the ingredients include trans fats such as partially hydrogenated soybean and cottonseed oils.

Why are Pillsbury biscuits banned in other countries? ›

Coffee Mate, Ritz crackers and Pillsbury biscuits are banned in Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Denmark, Norway and Iceland for trans fats -- which have been proven to increase the risk of heart disease.

What American foods are not sold in Europe? ›

The following are some of the foods that are legal in the U.S. but have been banned by other countries.
  • Gatorade. ...
  • Farm-Raised Salmon. ...
  • Wheat Thins. ...
  • Little Debbie Swiss Rolls. ...
  • Coffee Mate Creamer. ...
  • Ritz Crackers. ...
  • Frosted Flakes. ...
  • Maraschino Cherries.
Mar 31, 2023

Why is Gatorade banned in Europe? ›

Skittles, Pop-Tarts, Gatorade and those yummy Little Debbie's products are banned in the European Union because contain dyes like yellow 5, yellow 6 and red 40. The EU banned these artificial colors after their scientific research indicated they could be harmful to health, especially to young children.

Are Oreos being banned? ›

Are Americans at risk of losing access to dozens of their favorite snack foods? That's what one viral image being shared across Facebook claims.

Why are pop-tarts banned in Europe? ›

Countries belonging to the E.U. have taken the step to ban specific food dyes in consumables sold due to health concerns stemming from these additives. Pop-Tarts contain artificial food dyes, such as Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6, which, barring a handful of exceptions, aren't allowed in products sold there.

Is coffee creamer banned in other countries? ›

Coffee-mate Creamer

Coffee-mate may just be the quintessential creamer in the States. Abroad is a different story though. In countries like Denmark, Hungary, Austria, and Norway, you won't be enjoying your morning cup of java with your best mate.

Are Doritos banned in other countries? ›

Doritos light

Doritos Light, and other low-fat iterations of chips and snacks made with the FDA-approved calorie-free, fat-free, cholesterol-free Olestra have been banned in Canada and the European Union.

Why is American food so unhealthy compared to other countries? ›

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the average American diet consists of excess salt, saturated fat, refined grains, calories from solid fats and added sugars. Americans also eat fewer vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy products and oils than recommended.

What US candy is banned in other countries? ›

Skittles contain Yellow 5, Yellow 6, and Red 40. These dyes are linked to hyperactivity in children, migraines, and hives. The supposed effects have led to products containing the dyes to have warning labels. The dyes are outright banned in Austria and Norway; Skittles themselves are banned in the EU.

Are twizzlers banned in Europe? ›

That's right: in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, it's illegal for shops to sell Mountain Dew, Jolly Ranchers, Twizzlers, Lemonheads, and some other candies that are familiar to Americans.

Why are drumsticks ice cream banned? ›

Drumstick ice cream

The product has been banned for containing a sneaky ingredient within its cone, and it's not extra chocolate filling. The famous ice cream treat contains carrageenan, a seaweed-derived thickening agent used to extend the shelf life of consumer products.

What foods does America have that other countries don't? ›

Top 8 American Foods Banned in Other Countries
  • Instant Stuffing and Mashed Potatoes. Making stuffing with Kraft Stove Top Stuffing takes a mere five minutes. ...
  • Skittles. ...
  • Twinkies and Little Debbie Swiss Rolls. ...
  • Pillsbury Biscuits. ...
  • Bread with Potassium Bromate. ...
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup. ...
  • American Pork. ...
  • Chlorinated Chicken.
Aug 15, 2023

Is US meat banned in other countries? ›

The European Union (E.U.) has long been aware of the potential dangers of consuming beef treated with synthetic hormones. In fact, back in 1989 the E.U. banned the import of U.S. beef due to concerns over the use of these hormones. In recent years, other countries have also begun to take notice and take action.

What food is not allowed into us? ›

Prohibited or restricted items may include meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, plants, seeds, soil and products made from animal or plant materials. For generally allowed food items please visit USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.