emini news blog - Emini Trading (2024)



How FuturesWork

emini news blog - Emini Trading (1)May 4, 2023 at 6:27 AM

Futures are financial contracts that allow traders to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price at a future date. Futures are commonly used in trading stocks, indices, and commodities, and understanding how they work is essential for traders who want to participate in these markets.

In the context of stocks, futures are contracts that allow traders to buy or sell a stock at a predetermined price at a future date. These contracts are traded on futures exchanges, and they are settled in cash rather than the actual stock. Futures contracts on stocks are often used by traders who want to hedge their positions or speculate on the direction of the stock market.

For example, a trader may believe that a particular stock will rise in value in the future. They can buy a futures contract on the stock at a predetermined price, and if the stock does indeed rise in value, the trader can sell the futures contract for a profit. Conversely, if the stock falls in value, the trader can sell the futures contract at a loss.

Futures contracts on indices work in a similar way to futures on stocks, but instead of buying or selling a single stock, traders buy or sell a contract that represents a basket of stocks. For example, the S&P 500 index is a popular index of 500 large-cap stocks in the United States. Traders can buy or sell futures contracts on the S&P 500 index to speculate on the direction of the overall stock market.

In the context of commodities, futures are contracts that allow traders to buy or sell a specific commodity at a predetermined price at a future date. Commodities futures contracts are traded on commodities exchanges, and they are settled in cash or by the physical delivery of the commodity. Futures contracts on commodities are often used by traders who want to hedge their positions or speculate on the direction of the commodity market.

For example, a farmer who grows wheat may want to hedge their position by selling a futures contract on wheat at a predetermined price. If the price of wheat falls, the farmer will have locked in a price for their crop, protecting themselves from a potential loss. Conversely, if the price of wheat rises, the farmer will have missed out on potential profits, but they will have still sold their crop at a predetermined price.

Futures contracts on commodities are also used by speculators who want to profit from the volatility of the commodity markets. For example, a trader may believe that the price of gold will rise in the future. They can buy a futures contract on gold at a predetermined price, and if the price of gold does indeed rise, the trader can sell the futures contract for a profit.

In conclusion, futures are financial contracts that allow traders to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price at a future date. Futures are commonly used in trading stocks, indices, and commodities, and they are traded on futures exchanges. Understanding how futures work is essential for traders who want to participate in these markets and take advantage of the potential opportunities they offer. Whether you are a novice or experienced trader, futures can be a powerful tool in your trading arsenal.

Take our 1 Week Free Trial and you'll never look at trading the same way again.

To begin the journey and claim your 1 Week Free Trial in our Live Trading Room, visit MyTradingIQ.com. If you use TradingView, we'll enable the Indicators for you on TradingView, and other platforms, for 5 consecutive trading days. You'll have access to the Live Room 2 hours a day, full use of all of our resources, around the clock support, One on One mentoring, and much more.

Read the CFTC Risk Disclosures and CFRN Disclaimers before starting the trial. You can begin the trial any day of the week or weekend. You'll still get 5 consecutive Trading Days.

Questions? Call 949-42-EMINI or Email support@crn.net

How Futures Work

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Former Wall Street Money Manager GarrettJones

emini news blog - Emini Trading (9)May 1, 2023 at 7:50 AM

Garrett Jones joins us for 30 minutes of big picture talk and then we trade Live on the TradingView Platform for 30 minutes. Complete recap of Live Training Room, LOGIC247 Alerts, and Concierge Trade Alerts.

Take our 1 Week Free Trial and you'll never look at trading the same way again.

To begin the journey and claim your 1 Week Free Trial in our Live Trading Room, visit MyTradingIQ.com. If you use TradingView, we'll enable the Indicators for you on TradingView, and other platforms, for 5 consecutive trading days. You'll have access to the Live Room 2 hours a day, full use of all of our resources, around the clock support, One on One mentoring, and much more.

Read the CFTC Risk Disclosures and CFRN Disclaimers before starting the trial. You can begin the trial any day of the week or weekend. You'll still get 5 consecutive Trading Days.

Questions? Call 949-42-EMINI or Email support@crn.net

Former Wall Street Money Manager Garrett Jones

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The Importance Of Using Multiple TimeFrames

emini news blog - Emini Trading (16)April 28, 2023 at 8:59 AM

Day trading is a popular form of trading that involves buying and selling securities within the same trading day. It is a fast-paced and exciting activity that requires a high level of skill and expertise. One of the most important skills that day traders need to develop is the ability to understand multiple time frames.

Understanding multiple time frames is essential for day traders because it allows them to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the market and make more informed trading decisions. When analyzing the market, day traders look at different time frames, including daily, hourly, and even minute-by-minute charts. Each time frame provides valuable information about the market and can help day traders make better trading decisions.

The daily chart is the most important time frame for day traders because it provides a big picture view of the market. Day traders use the daily chart to identify trends and major support and resistance levels. By analyzing the daily chart, day traders can determine the overall direction of the market and make trading decisions accordingly.

The hourly chart is the next time frame that day traders look at. It provides a more detailed view of the market and allows day traders to identify intraday trends and key support and resistance levels. By analyzing the hourly chart, day traders can get a better understanding of the short-term movements in the market and make more accurate trading decisions.

Finally, day traders also analyze minute-by-minute charts to get a real-time view of the market. This time frame allows day traders to identify short-term trends and make quick trading decisions. Minute-by-minute charts are especially important for day traders who engage in scalping, a trading strategy that involves buying and selling securities within seconds or minutes.

Understanding multiple time frames is important for day traders because it allows them to see the market from different perspectives. By analyzing different time frames, day traders can get a more comprehensive view of the market and make better trading decisions. For example, if the daily chart shows an uptrend, but the hourly chart shows a downtrend, day traders may decide to wait for a clearer trend to emerge before entering a trade.

Bottom line, understanding multiple time frames is essential for day traders who want to be successful in the market. By analyzing different time frames, day traders can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the market and make more informed trading decisions. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced day trader, mastering the skill of analyzing multiple time frames is crucial for your success.

You Must Learn To Use Multiple Time Frames



Why New Day Traders Don't Need To LearnEverything

emini news blog - Emini Trading (22)April 27, 2023 at 8:01 AM

Day Trading can be an exciting and potentially lucrative activity. With the rise of online trading platforms, more and more people are getting interested in learning how to trade stocks, options, futures, and currencies. However, new day traders often make the mistake of trying to learn everything there is to know about markets. This approach can be overwhelming and counterproductive, as it can lead to information overload and analysis paralysis. Instead, it is better to simply focus on one thing and learn to do that one thing very well.

Why do new day traders try to learn everything?

New day traders are often eager to learn as much as possible about markets because they believe that knowledge is power. They think that the more they know, the better they will be able to trade. They also believe that by learning about different markets and trading strategies, they will be able to diversify their trading portfolio and reduce their risk. Moreover, new day traders are often drawn to the promise of quick profits and the glamour of the trading lifestyle, which can lead them to overestimate their abilities and underestimate the complexity of the markets.

Why is it better to focus on one thing?

Focusing on one thing, such as a particular market or trading strategy, has several advantages. First, it allows the trader to develop a deep understanding of the market or strategy, which can help them make better decisions and avoid costly mistakes. Second, it allows the trader to develop a trading plan that is tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, which can increase their confidence and consistency. Third, it allows the trader to track their progress and evaluate their performance objectively, which can help them improve over time.

How to choose what to focus on?

Choosing what to focus on can be a daunting task, especially for new day traders who are not familiar with the markets. However, there are a few guidelines that can help. First, consider your interests and strengths. If you have a background in finance, for example, you may be more comfortable trading stocks than currencies. If you are good at analyzing charts, you may be more interested in technical analysis than fundamental analysis. Second, consider your resources. If you have limited time or capital, you may want to focus on a market or strategy that is less complex and requires less research. Third, consider your goals. If you are looking for quick profits, you may want to focus on short-term trading strategies. If you are looking for long-term growth, you may want to focus on value investing.

How to learn to do one thing very well?

Learning to do one thing very well requires dedication, discipline, and patience. Here are a few tips:

Start with the basics. Before you can master a particular market or strategy, you need to understand the fundamentals. Read books, watch videos, and take online courses to learn the terminology, concepts, and principles.

Practice, practice, practice. The only way to get better at something is to do it. Use a demo account or paper trade to practice your skills without risking real money.

Keep a trading journal. Write down your trades, your thought process, and your emotions. This can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and improve your decision-making.

Get feedback. Join a trading community or find a mentor who can provide feedback on your trades and help you improve your skills.

Bottom Line

New day traders often make the mistake of trying to learn everything there is to know about markets. However, this approach can be overwhelming and counterproductive. Instead, it is better to simply focus on one thing and learn to do that one thing very well. By developing a deep understanding of a particular market or trading strategy, traders can increase their confidence, consistency, and profitability over time.

Take our 1 Week Free Trial and you'll never look at trading the same way again.

To begin the journey and claim your 1 Week Free Trial in our Live Trading Room, visit MyTradingIQ.com. If you use TradingView, we'll enable the Indicators for you on TradingView, and other platforms, for 5 consecutive trading days. You'll have access to the Live Room 2 hours a day, full use of all of our resources, around the clock support, One on One mentoring, and much more.

Read the CFTC Risk Disclosures and CFRN Disclaimers before starting the trial. You can begin the trial any day of the week or weekend. You'll still get 5 consecutive Trading Days.

Questions? Call 949-42-EMINI or Email support@crn.net

Why New Day Traders Don't Need To Learn Everything

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What If The US Dollar Loses World Reserve CurrencyStatus?

emini news blog - Emini Trading (30)April 25, 2023 at 8:34 AM

The US Dollar has long held its position as the world's reserve currency, a title that has granted it considerable power and influence in the global economy. However, if the dollar were to lose its status as the reserve currency, the repercussions would be significant and far-reaching, affecting everything from international trade to geopolitical power structures.

The Reserve Currency Status

Before we explore the potential consequences of the US Dollar losing its reserve currency status, it's important to understand what this term means. A reserve currency is a currency that other countries hold in significant quantities as part of their foreign exchange reserves. These reserves are held to facilitate international trade, investments, and financial transactions.

The US Dollar has been the dominant reserve currency since the end of World War II, thanks in part to the United States' political and economic dominance at that time. The dollar's status as the reserve currency has given the US a significant amount of power and influence over the global economy, as well as allowing the country to run large trade deficits without facing significant consequences.

The Consequences of Losing Reserve Currency Status

If the US Dollar were to lose its reserve currency status, there would be a number of significant consequences, including:

1) A Weaker US Economy: The US economy is currently heavily reliant on the US Dollar's status as the world's reserve currency. Losing this status would result in a decline in demand for the dollar, which could lead to a depreciation of its value. This would make imports more expensive and reduce the purchasing power of US consumers, leading to inflation and potentially a recession.

2) A Shift in Global Power: The US's position as a superpower is closely tied to the US Dollar's reserve currency status. Losing this status would reduce the country's ability to influence global affairs, particularly in relation to economic matters. This could result in a shift in global power away from the US and towards other countries, particularly China.

3) A Reordering of International Trade: The US Dollar's status as the reserve currency has facilitated international trade for decades. Losing this status could result in a shift away from the dollar in international transactions, potentially leading to new trade blocs and economic alliances forming that exclude the US.

4) A Rise in the Cost of Borrowing: As the reserve currency, the US Dollar benefits from lower borrowing costs. Losing this status could result in higher borrowing costs for the US government, which could make it more difficult to finance the country's debt and could result in higher interest rates for consumers.

5) A Change in Investment Flows: The US's position as the world's reserve currency has made it an attractive destination for foreign investment. Losing this status could result in a decline in foreign investment in the US, which could lead to a slowdown in economic growth.

What Could Cause the Dollar to Lose Its Reserve Currency Status?

There are a number of factors that could lead to the US Dollar losing its reserve currency status. One of the most significant is a decline in the US's economic and political power, which could reduce the demand for the dollar. Another factor is the rise of alternative currencies, particularly the Chinese Yuan, which is increasingly being used in international transactions.

Bottom Line

The US Dollar's status as the world's reserve currency has granted the US significant power and influence over the global economy. Losing this status would have significant consequences, including a weaker US economy, a shift in global power, and a reordering of international trade. While it is not clear when or if the US Dollar will lose its reserve currency status, it is important for policymakers to consider the potential consequences and take steps to mitigate them.

Take our 1 Week Free Trial and you'll never look at trading the same way again.

To begin the journey and claim your 1 Week Free Trial in our Live Trading Room, visit MyTradingIQ.com. If you use TradingView, we'll enable the Indicators for you on TradingView and other platforms for 5 consecutive trading days. You'll have access to the Live Room 2 hours a day, full use of all of our resources, around the clock support, one on one mentoring, and much more.

Read the CFTC Risk Disclosures and CFRN Disclaimers before starting the trial. You can begin the trial any day of the week or weekend. You'll still get 5 consecutive Trading Days.

What If The US Dollar Loses World Reserve Currency Status?

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Common Scams New Traders Fail Prey To /TradingView

emini news blog - Emini Trading (38)April 22, 2023 at 9:04 AM

As more and more people turn to trading as a means of making money, the number of scams aimed at new traders has increased significantly. These scams are designed to take advantage of people who are new to trading and do not have the experience or knowledge to recognize the signs of a scam. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common scams that new traders fall prey to.

Pump and Dump Scams
Pump and dump scams are one of the oldest and most common scams in the trading world. In a pump and dump scam, a group of traders or a single individual artificially inflates the price of a stock by spreading false information about the company. Once the price reaches a certain level, the scammers sell their shares, causing the price to crash, and leaving other investors with a loss.

Trading Signal Scams
Trading signal scams are another common scam that new traders fall prey to. These scams promise to provide traders with profitable trading signals that they can use to make money. However, the reality is that these signals are often unreliable, and traders end up losing money instead of making a profit.

Fake Trading Platforms
Fake trading platforms are another common scam that new traders fall prey to. These platforms promise to provide traders with a secure and reliable platform to trade on. However, the reality is that these platforms are often fraudulent and designed to steal money from traders. Some of these platforms may even ask for personal information, such as credit card details, which can be used for identity theft.

Investment Scams
Investment scams are another common scam that new traders fall prey to. These scams promise to provide investors with high returns on their investment in a short period of time. However, the reality is that these investments are often fraudulent, and investors end up losing their money.

Forex Scams
Forex scams are another common scam that new traders fall prey to. These scams promise to provide traders with high returns on their investment in the foreign exchange market. However, the reality is that these returns are often exaggerated, and traders end up losing their money.

There are so many scams out there that are designed to take advantage of new traders it can be difficult to keep track of them all. These scams can be very convincing, and it can be difficult for new traders to recognize them. The best way to avoid falling prey to these scams is to do your research, only invest in legitimate trading platforms and investments, become a member of a vibrant trustworthy trading community. Always be wary of any promises of high returns with little to no risk. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Take our 1 Week Free Trial and you'll never look at trading the same way again.

To begin the journey and claim your 1 Week Free Trial in our Live Trading Room, visit MyTradingIQ.com. If you use TradingView, we'll enable the Indicators for you on TradingView and other platforms for 5 consecutive trading days. You'll have access to the Live Room 2 hours a day, full use of all of our resources, around the clock support, one on one mentoring, and much more.

Read the CFTC Risk Disclosures and CFRN Disclaimers before starting the trial. You can begin the trial any day of the week or weekend. You'll still get 5 consecutive Trading Days.

Common Scams New Traders Fall Prey To / TradingView

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Why Professional Traders Still Rely On Support AndResistance

emini news blog - Emini Trading (45)April 21, 2023 at 7:27 AM

In the world of trading, there is a constant stream of new tools, strategies, and indicators that promise to provide traders with an edge in the market. However, despite this constant influx of new ideas and techniques, professional traders continue to rely heavily on the tried and tested concept of Support and Resistance.

Support and Resistance are two of the most fundamental concepts in technical analysis, which is the study of market action through the use of charts and indicators. Support refers to a price level below which a particular asset is unlikely to fall, while Resistance refers to a price level above which an asset is unlikely to rise.

There are several reasons why professional traders continue to rely on Support and Resistance, even in a world where people tend to be infatuated with the latest and greatest magical indicator.

Firstly, Support and Resistance levels are based on the underlying psychology of market participants. Support levels occur when buyers are willing to step in and purchase an asset, believing that it is undervalued at that price. Resistance levels occur when sellers are willing to step in and sell an asset, believing that it is overvalued at that price.

These levels are based on the collective behavior of market participants, which is often driven by emotions such as fear, greed, and uncertainty. As such, Support and Resistance levels tend to be more reliable than indicators that are based on mathematical formulas or algorithms, which may not always take into account the underlying psychology of the market.

Secondly, Support and Resistance levels are easily identifiable on a chart, which makes them accessible to traders of all skill levels. Even novice traders can learn how to identify Support and Resistance levels and incorporate them into their trading strategy.

In contrast, some of the latest indicators and strategies can be complex and require a significant amount of time and effort to understand and implement effectively. This can be a barrier to entry for many traders, especially those who are just starting out.

Finally, Support and Resistance levels are versatile and can be used in a variety of trading strategies. They can be used to identify potential entry and exit points, as well as to set stop-loss and take-profit levels.

For example, if a trader identifies a Support level on a chart, they may place a buy order near that level, with a stop-loss order just below it. This allows them to limit their potential losses if the market moves against them.

Alternatively, if a trader identifies a Resistance level on a chart, they may place a sell order near that level, with a stop-loss order just above it. This allows them to limit their potential losses if the market moves against them.

While there is no shortage of new and innovative trading tools and strategies, professional traders continue to rely heavily on the concept of Support and Resistance. These levels are based on the underlying psychology of the market and are easily identifiable on a chart, making them accessible to traders of all skill levels. Moreover, they are versatile and can be used in a variety of trading strategies. As such, Support and Resistance are likely to remain a cornerstone of technical analysis for many years to come.

Take our 1 Week Free Trial and you'll never look at trading the same way again.

To begin the journey and claim your 1 Week Free Trial in our Live Trading Room, visit MyTradingIQ.com. If you use TradingView, we'll enable the Indicators for you on TradingView and other platforms for 5 consecutive trading days. You'll have access to the Live Room 2 hours a day, full use of all of our resources, around the clock support, one on one mentoring, and much more.

Read the CFTC Risk Disclosures and CFRN Disclaimers before starting the trial. You can begin the trial any day of the week or weekend. You'll still get 5 consecutive Trading Days.

Why Professional Traders Still Rely On Support And Resistance

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The Hunt For The Holy Grail /TradingView

emini news blog - Emini Trading (54)April 20, 2023 at 6:50 AM

Trading can be a highly rewarding and lucrative activity, but it requires a significant amount of skill, discipline, and knowledge to succeed. Unfortunately, many new traders enter the market with unrealistic expectations, hoping to find a magical solution that will guarantee their success. They often refer to this as the "holy grail" of trading, the one strategy or technique that will lead to consistent profits without any effort or risk. However, the truth is that such a thing does not exist in the world of trading, and there are several logical reasons why.

First and foremost, the financial markets are highly complex and dynamic, driven by a wide range of economic, political, and social factors that are constantly changing. This means that no single strategy or technique can work consistently in all market conditions. For example, a strategy that works well in a bullish market may fail miserably in a bearish one. Similarly, a technique that is effective for trading stocks may not work for forex or commodities. Therefore, traders must adapt their strategies to the current market conditions and constantly evolve their approach as the market evolves.

Secondly, the financial markets are highly competitive, with millions of traders around the world all vying for the same opportunities. This means that any strategy or technique that is widely known and used will quickly lose its effectiveness as more and more traders adopt it. In fact, some traders may even use the same strategy to manipulate the market, making it even more difficult for others to profit from it. Therefore, traders must be creative and innovative in their approach, constantly seeking new and unique opportunities that others may not be aware of.

Thirdly, trading involves a significant amount of risk, and there is no way to completely eliminate it. No matter how effective a trading strategy may seem, there is always the potential for unexpected events or market movements that can lead to significant losses. Therefore, traders must always be prepared for the worst-case scenario and have a solid risk management plan in place.

Finally, trading requires a significant amount of skill and experience to be successful. This is not something that can be learned overnight or through a single strategy or technique. It takes time, practice, and patience to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the markets effectively. Therefore, traders must be willing to invest in their education and training and be prepared to learn from their mistakes.

In conclusion, while the idea of a "holy grail" of trading may be appealing, the reality is that no such thing exists in the world of trading. The financial markets are highly complex, dynamic, and competitive, and there is no single strategy or technique that can guarantee success. Instead, traders must be adaptable, innovative, and constantly evolving their approach to the markets. They must also be prepared for the risks involved and invest in their education and training to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the long run.

Our Methodology and Indicators do not claim to be the "Holy Grail" of trading. Fully aware of the pitfalls new traders face, we created a single rule set complete with very simple Indicators that are geared to simply teach a new trader "How to Trade". Once you learn our strategy, how to read the charts, and how our Indicators show you the next high probability move, you can trade any market or any time frame without knowing what will happen next in the markets. No one, not man or machine can know with certainty what will happen next. Many new traders blow out their accounts searching for something that simply can not exist. It is possible however to know with a great degree of certainty what the next high probability move will be. Armed with this knowledge you will still get stopped out. Every Professional Trader understands that getting "stopped out" is as much a part of trading as breathing is a part of life. For this reason, we also teach aggressive risk management. Take our 1 Week Free Trial and you'll never look at trading the same way again.

To begin the journey and claim your 1 Week Free Trial in our Live Trading Room, visit MyTradingIQ.com. If you use TradingView, we'll enable the Indicators for you on TradingView and other platforms for 5 consecutive trading days. You'll have access to the Live Room 2 hours a day, full use of all of our resources, around the clock support, one on one mentoring, and much more.

Read the CFTC Risk Disclosures and CFRN Disclaimers before starting the trial. You can begin the trial any day of the week or weekend. You'll still get 5 consecutive Trading Days.

The Hunt For The Holy Grail / TradingView

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Why Futures Are Better Than Stocks OrOptions

emini news blog - Emini Trading (61)April 19, 2023 at 11:39 AM

In today's dynamic and volatile financial markets, investors are often looking for ways to maximize their returns while minimizing risk. While stocks and options have traditionally been the go-to investment vehicles for most investors, futures trading is gaining in popularity due to its numerous benefits over these other methods.

Futures trading is a type of derivative investment that involves making a contractual agreement to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price and time in the future. The underlying assets can be commodities, currencies, or financial instruments such as stock indexes or interest rates.

One of the key advantages of futures trading is that it offers greater leverage than stocks or options. With futures, traders can control a large amount of an asset with a relatively small initial investment. This allows investors to amplify their potential profits, although it also increases the risk of losses if the market moves against them.

Another significant advantage of futures trading is the ability to trade around the clock. Unlike stocks, which are only traded during market hours, futures can be bought and sold 24 hours a day, five days a week. This provides traders with more opportunities to capitalize on market movements and respond to breaking news or events that can impact the markets.

Futures trading also offers greater liquidity than stocks or options. Since futures contracts are standardized and traded on regulated exchanges, there is a large pool of buyers and sellers. This makes it easier for traders to enter and exit positions quickly and at fair prices, without the need for negotiation or finding a willing counterparty.

Additionally, futures trading allows for greater price transparency and more accurate price discovery. Because futures are traded on exchanges with central clearing, prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand in the market, rather than by individual transactions negotiated between buyers and sellers. This makes it easier for traders to get an accurate and real-time view of market sentiment and make informed investment decisions.

Another advantage of futures trading is that it allows investors to hedge against price fluctuations in other investments. For example, if an investor owns a portfolio of stocks, they could buy futures contracts on a stock index as a way to offset potential losses if the market declines. This can provide a level of insurance and reduce overall portfolio risk.

Finally, futures trading offers tax advantages over other investment vehicles. In the United States, futures contracts are subject to a lower tax rate than stocks or options. This can result in significant tax savings for investors, especially those who engage in frequent trading.

In conclusion, while stocks and options have long been the primary investment vehicles for most investors, futures trading offers a number of compelling benefits that make it an attractive option for those looking to maximize their returns while minimizing risk. From greater leverage and liquidity to 24/7 trading and tax advantages, futures trading is a powerful tool that investors should consider adding to their investment arsenal. However, as with any investment, it's important to do your research, understand the risks involved, and have a solid trading plan in place before getting started.

Take a 1 Week Free Trial in our Live Trading Room by going to My Trading IQ. During the trial we'll enable our Indicators on the TradingView platform and other platforms as well.

Read the CFTC Risk Disclosures and CFRN Disclaimer before taking the trial.

Why Futures Are Better Than Stocks Or Options

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Is Your Broker Trading AgainstYou?

emini news blog - Emini Trading (71)April 18, 2023 at 7:49 AM

As a trader, one of the biggest challenges you will face is choosing the right broker.

While there are many reputable and trustworthy brokers out there, there are also some who engage in shady practices that can put your trading account at risk. One of the most controversial practices is trading against their clients, also known as "counterparty trading." In this article, we will explore why some brokers trade against their clients and the potential risks involved.

Firstly, it's important to understand that brokers who trade against their clients do so because it's profitable for them. These brokers essentially take the other side of their clients' trades, meaning that when the client loses money, the broker profits. This creates an inherent conflict of interest, as the broker's profits come at the expense of their clients.

Another reason some brokers trade against their clients is that it allows them to offer tighter spreads and lower commissions. By trading against their clients, brokers can effectively act as market makers, providing liquidity and filling orders on the other side of trades. This can be beneficial for clients in some cases, as it allows for faster execution and lower transaction costs. However, it also means that the broker has more control over the pricing and execution of trades, which can be manipulated to their advantage.

One of the biggest risks associated with brokers who trade against their clients is the potential for price manipulation. Since these brokers effectively control the prices at which trades are executed, they can sometimes adjust prices to their advantage. For example, they may widen spreads or artificially manipulate prices to stop out traders' positions or trigger margin calls, resulting in significant losses for the client.

Another risk is that brokers who trade against their clients may have less of an incentive to provide quality trading conditions and execution. This can lead to issues like re-quotes, slippage, and order rejection, which can be frustrating and costly for traders.

It's worth noting that not all brokers who trade against their clients are necessarily "bad actors." In some cases, it may be a necessary part of their business model, and they may take steps to mitigate the risks and conflicts of interest involved. For example, they may offer negative balance protection or guarantee order execution, even if it means taking a loss themselves.

Ultimately, the decision to trade with a broker who trades against their clients is up to you. It's important to do your research and choose a reputable broker with a track record of fair and transparent practices. Look for brokers who are regulated by respected authorities, offer negative balance protection, and have a history of treating their clients fairly. By taking the time to do your due diligence, you can minimize the risks associated with trading with a broker who trades against their clients.

Take a 1 Week Free Trial at My Trading IQ. You'll have access to everything our Lifetime Members have, including 2 hours of Live Training every trading day, One on One Mentoring, around the clock support, we'll even enable our Indicators for you on TradingView and provide a demo account with Daniels Trading. Since we're talking about Brokers in this broadcast, you should talk with the one Broker we've trusted since 2008 - Burton Schlichter. You can speak with him directly at 866-928-3310.

Read all CFTC Risk Disclosures and CFRN Disclaimers before taking the Free Trial.

Is Your Broker Trading Against You?

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Entry: Buy orders from either the 38% or 62% Fibonacci retracement of the intraday range. Stop loss: Stop loss orders are best placed beneath the 50% or 78% Fibonacci retracement level. Profit target: Aligning a 1:3 or 1:4 risk to reward is ideal for a trend trade, given adequate time for the position to gain value.

What is ES trading? ›

With ES futures, you can take positions on S&P 500 performance electronically. Capitalize on the around-the-clock liquidity of E-mini S&P 500 futures (ES), one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to gain market exposure to the S&P 500 Index, a key indicator of the stock market's health.

What is the 3 E strategy? ›

To create opportunities for exceptional engagement, leaders are asked to engage with the three E's: Empathize, Empower and Enthuse. Leaders empathize with their reports by listening to their voices and understanding their perspectives on tasks and projects.

What are the best hours to trade es? ›

THE OBVIOUS ANSWER is to trade during the hours of highest volume. Between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm ET, institutional trading increases while investors are looking to finalize their positions, whether buying or selling, prior to the stock market close at 4:00 pm ET.

Why trade es instead of SPX? ›

ES: Open nearly 24/7, ES futures offer the ultimate flexibility to respond to global events at any hour. Night owls and early birds, rejoice! SPX: Reflecting the market during standard hours, SPX derivatives are for those who operate on the rhythm of the traditional trading day.

How much money do I need to trade ES futures? ›

To apply for futures trading approval, your account must have: Margin approval (check your margin approval) An account minimum of $1,500 (required for margin accounts.) A minimum net liquidation value (NLV) of $25,000 to trade futures in an IRA.

What is scalping strategy for ES futures? ›

Scalping Strategies for the ES

By definition, scalping is a short-term strategy in which small profits are taken repeatedly to secure market share. With a scalping methodology, a quantifiable edge is applied over time, with risk and reward being kept on a tight leash.

How to trade E-mini futures example? ›

The contract size of an E-mini is the value of the contract based on the price of the futures contract times a contract-specific multiplier. The E-mini S&P 500 has a contract size of $50 times the value of the S&P 500. 2 So, if the S&P 500 is trading at 2,580, the value of the contract would be $129,000 ($50 x 2,580).

Can you make money trading E-mini futures? ›

So, though it may be technically possible to make a living trading E-mini futures from scalping or swing trading the E-mini S&Ps, several considerations must be made. Among them are trade-related efficiencies, margin requirements, and market state.

How many E-mini contracts can I trade? ›

How Many E-mini Contracts Can I Trade? Theoretically, you can trade as many E-mini contracts as your account balance allows you. Because E-mini contracts are traded on margin ($500/contract) you can trade more contracts with less money.

How does E-mini trading work? ›

How do E-Mini S&P 500 Futures Work? An S&P 500 E-Mini is a contract between buyers and sellers who agree to exchange money based on the performance of the S&P 500. If a buyer goes long on the S&P, her contracts increase in value as the index rises, or decrease as it drops.

What is the E-mini S&P 500 trading strategy? ›

E-mini S&P 500 Swing Trading Strategies

Swing trading involves holding an open position in the market for several days to two weeks in an attempt to secure market share. The risk exposure of such strategies is enhanced, but so is the potential for profitability.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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