Crypto Take-Profit Strategy into Real Estate Investing (2024)

You have seen the crypto headlines and you may be thinking where can I put the profits that I have made?

Or where can I put my money that was in exchange and keep making money?

Groundfloor might be your answer. Let's learn more....

In the world of investing, there are a lot of different strategies that can be employed in order to make a profit. Some strategies are riskier than others, but each has the potential to net you a return on your investment if executed correctly. One strategy that has been gaining popularity in recent years is the crypto take-profit strategy. Here's a look at how it works and why it might be right for you. That's also discussed how to take profits and put them into real estate.

What is a Crypto Take-Profit Strategy?

In simple terms, a crypto take-profit strategy is an investment strategy whereby you buy into a cryptocurrency when the price is low and sell when the price has risen to your desired level, thus "taking profits." This strategy can be used with any type of cryptocurrency, from Bitcoin to lesser-known altcoins.

Why Use a Crypto Take-Profit Strategy?

There are several reasons why you might want to employ a crypto take-profit strategy. First and foremost, this strategy allows you to lock in profits on your investment without having to wait for the perfect time to sell (which may never come). Secondly, by using this strategy, you'll avoid the emotional side of investing, which can often lead people to either sell too early or hold onto their investment for too long. Finally, this strategy takes advantage of market cycles, which means that you'll be able to buy low and sell high on a regular basis if you stick to it.

How to Use a Crypto Take-Profit Strategy

If you're interested in using a crypto take-profit strategy, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you need to have a firm understanding of market cycles and know when is generally the best time to buy into a particular cryptocurrency. Second, you need to set realistic profit goals for each trade and have the discipline to stick to them. Finally, you need to be okay with the fact that you might not always hit your profit target and be prepared to sell at breakeven if necessary.

The crypto take-profit strategy is one that can be employed by investors to make profits on their investments without having to wait for the perfect time to sell. This strategy also allows investors to avoid emotional investing mistakes and take advantage of market cycles. Before employing this strategy, however, investors need to have a firm understanding of market cycles and be comfortable with potentially not hitting their desired profit targets on every trade.

Let's dive in further, look at real estate and look at profits.

Why Reinvesting Crypto Profits Into Real Estate is a Smart Move

If we haven't said it enough. Real estate is a tangible asset.

When you invest in real estate, you're investing in a physical asset that you can see, touch, and even live in if you choose. This is in contrast to something like cryptocurrency, which exists only as digital code. There's no doubt that crypto has made some investors very wealthy, but it's also very volatile, and there's always the possibility that it could become worthless overnight. With real estate, on the other hand, you can be fairly confident that your investment will maintain its value over the long term.

Crypto Take-Profit Strategy into Real Estate Investing (1)

You can benefit from appreciation and cash flow.

Investing in rental properties can provide you with two streams of income: appreciation and cash flow. Appreciation is the increase in value of your property over time, while cash flow is the rental income that you receive from tenants every month. While both can fluctuate somewhat depending on market conditions, they both have the potential to increase steadily over time, providing you with a built-in hedge against inflation.

There are numerous tax benefits.

Investing in real estate comes with several tax breaks that can save you money come tax time. For example, you can deduct things like mortgage interest, property taxes, repair and maintenance costs, and depreciation from your taxable income. These deductions can add up to significant savings over time, which means more money in your pocket to reinvest or enjoy however you see fit.

You can build equity and borrow against it later on.

Every mortgage payment you make builds property equity (assuming your property value doesn't decline). Equity is the portion of your property's value you own outright; it's your "skin in the game." The more equity you have, the easier it becomes to get approved for things like home equity loans and lines of credit—and since these products are often offered at very attractive interest rates, they can provide you with a source of low-cost financing for future investments.

You have more control over your investment than other options.

With most investments—stocks, bonds, mutual funds—you have very little say-so when it comes to how your money is being used. But with real estate investing, YOU are in the driver's seat. You get to decide what type of property to buy, how much to spend, who your tenants will be (if any), what rent to charge, how much (if any) repairs or renovations need to be made, etc. This high degree of control gives you a greater chance of success than if you were simply relying on someone else to grow your wealth for you. However, it's important to remember that real estate investing does require active management on your part; if you're not prepared to put in the work, it may not be the right investment for you.

Stop-loss and Take-profit Orders: How They Work and Why You Need Them

As an investor, you know that there are a lot of different factors to consider when you're buying or selling shares. Two of the most important orders that you can use to protect your investments are stop-loss and take-profit orders. We'll explain how these orders work and why you need to use them.

Stop-loss orders are designed to limit your losses on security by automatically selling the security when it reaches a certain price. For example, let's say that you bought shares of XYZ stock for $10 per share. However, you're worried that the coin or stock might go down in value, so you place a stop-loss order at $9 per share. This means that if the coin or stock price falls to $9 or below, your shares will be sold automatically.

Take-profit orders work oppositely. They're designed to lock in your profits on security by automatically selling the security when it reaches a certain price. For example, let's say that you bought shares of XYZ stock for $10 per share and it has risen to $12 per share. You place a take-profit order at $11.50 per share. This means that if the stock price rises to $11.50 or above, your shares will be sold automatically.

Using stop-loss and take-profit orders is one of the best ways to protect your investments and limit your losses. These orders can help take the emotion out of investing by ensuring that you sell your shares when they reach a certain price, regardless of whether the market is going up or down

How to Use a Stop-Loss Strategy to Limit Risk

There are two main benefits of using a stop-loss strategy. First, it takes emotion out of the equation. It can be difficult to watch your investments lose value, but if you have a stop-loss in place, you know that you'll sell before things get too bad. Second, it helps you limit your losses. If ABC Corporation falls to $8 per share and is sold, you'll only lose $2 per share instead of $4 per share if you had held on to the stock.

There are also two main drawbacks to using a stop-loss strategy. First, if ABC Corporation only falls to $8.50 per share before rebounding higher, your shares will be sold even though they may have eventually recovered. Second, if the market is volatile and trades at or below your stop-loss price for just a few minutes, your shares may be sold at a lower price than you intended due to market fluctuations.

Technical Analysis for Crypto Profits: What You Need to Know

Anyone who's been following the cryptocurrency market closely over the past few years knows that there's been a lot of volatility. Prices go up, prices come crashing down. It can be tough to keep track of it all, let alone try to make sense of it. For the average investor, trying to discern whether now is a good time to buy or sell can be downright impossible.

However, there is a tool that investors can use to help them make informed decisions about when to buy and sell cryptocurrencies: technical analysis. In this blog post, we'll take a brief look at what technical analysis is and how it can be used to generate profits in the crypto market.

What is Technical Analysis?

Technical analysis is a method of evaluating investments using past price patterns and trends. The goal of technical analysis is to identify market trends and forecast future price movements. Technical analysts believe that all relevant information is reflected in the price of an asset, so there's no need to look at things like economic indicators or company financials. All you need to do is look at the price chart and make your decision accordingly.

How Can Technical Analysis Be Used in Cryptocurrency Trading?

Cryptocurrencies are notoriously volatile, which makes them ripe for technical analysis. By looking at a cryptocurrency's price history, traders can identify patterns that may indicate where the price is headed next. For example, if a particular coin has consistently bounced back after falling below a certain point, a trader may believe that this coin is undervalued and worth buying. Similarly, if a coin has consistently failed to break above a certain point, a trader may believe that this coin is overvalued and worth selling.

Of course, no one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, but by using technical analysis, traders can increase their chances of making profitable trades.

One of the most important things to understand about technical analysis is that it should never be used in isolation. In other words, don't rely on technical analysis alone to make trading decisions. Instead, use it as one tool in your overall arsenal. Combine it with other methods, such as fundamental analysis and market research, to get the best results.

When it comes to cryptocurrency trading, one of the most popular indicators is the moving average convergence divergence (MACD). The MACD is a trend-following indicator that can help you identify both bullish and bearish signals. It is calculated by subtracting the 26-period exponential moving average (EMA) from the 12-period EMA. When the MACD line crosses above the signal line, it is considered a bullish signal, while a cross below the signal line is considered bearish.

Another popular indicator is the relative strength index (RSI). The RSI measures how overbought or oversold a market is and can be used to identify potential reversals. It is calculated using a 14-period moving average of prices multiplied by 100. An RSI value above 70 indicates that a market is overbought, while an RSI value below 30 indicates that a market is oversold.

If you're like many cryptocurrency investors, you're probably wondering what to do with your profits. While there's no shortage of options, from stocks and bonds to precious metals and collectibles, one option that deserves serious consideration is reinvesting your crypto profits into real estate. Here's a closer look at why this might be a smart move.

Factors that Determine When to Take Crypto Profits

  • Look out for bearish chart patterns – If you want to make the most of market opportunities, be on the lookout for bearish trends. This could be your chance to take profits and leave with a tidy return! Keep vigilant so that you don't miss those telltale signs.

  • Price is stagnant – If prices remain stagnant for an extended period of time, it's a sign that you should start planning your exit strategy. Don't wait too long to make the call: market conditions can quickly change!

  • Fundamental analysis – Understanding the strategies employed by other traders is a key factor in successful market analysis. Taking time to research what investments they're making and at what level gives valuable insight into setting an effective trading plan of your own.

  • Recognize the divergence pattern – When the market shows a divergence, it's an interesting occurrence as price movements and technical indicators move in opposite directions - generally when prices decrease but are not reflected on the indicator. This can suggest that an upward trend may soon be underway!

  • Fibonacci retracement levels – By connecting the highs and lows of a given price trend, the technical analysis offers valuable insight on probable future movements. Through Fibonacci ratios, potential support or resistance levels can be determined which could shed light on whether the current trajectory holds true.

  • Geopolitical events – From wars to pandemics and political events, a myriad of external factors can affect your trading decisions. Inflationary trends, employment levels and major financial growth in countries must all be taken into consideration when you're looking at the wider market context.

  • Risk tolerance – Investing styles vary greatly among traders, but the two main categories involve those who prefer slow gains over time and those brave enough to ride the roller coaster of short-term market fluctuations. Risk tolerance is a major factor when considering which approach is best for you – it all depends on how much risk your temperament will allow!

Why Reinvesting Crypto Profits Into Real Estate is a Smart Move

If we haven't said it enough. Real estate is a tangible asset.

When you invest in real estate, you're investing in a physical asset that you can see, touch, and even live in if you choose. This is in contrast to something like cryptocurrency, which exists only as digital code. There's no doubt that crypto has made some investors very wealthy, but it's also very volatile, and there's always the possibility that it could become worthless overnight. With real estate, on the other hand, you can be fairly confident that your investment will maintain its value over the long term.

You can benefit from appreciation and cash flow.

Investing in rental properties can provide you with two streams of income: appreciation and cash flow. Appreciation is the increase in value of your property over time, while cash flow is the rental income that you receive from tenants every month. While both can fluctuate somewhat depending on market conditions, they both have the potential to increase steadily over time, providing you with a built-in hedge against inflation.

There are numerous tax benefits.

Investing in real estate comes with a number of tax breaks that can save you money come tax time. For example, you can deduct things like mortgage interest, property taxes, repair and maintenance costs, and depreciation from your taxable income. These deductions can add up to significant savings over time, which means more money in your pocket to reinvest or enjoy however you see fit.

You can build equity and borrow against it later on.

Every mortgage payment that you make builds equity in your property (assuming your property value doesn't decline). Equity is the portion of your property's value that you own outright; it's essentially your "skin in the game." The more equity you have, the easier it becomes to get approved for things like home equity loans and lines of credit—and since these products are often offered at very attractive interest rates, they can provide you with a source of low-cost financing for future investments.

You have more control over your investment than other options.

With most investments—stocks, bonds, mutual funds—you have very little say-so when it comes to how your money is being used. But with real estate investing, YOU are in the driver's seat. You get to decide what type of property to buy, how much to spend, who your tenants will be (if any), what rent to charge, how much (if any) repairs or renovations need to be made, etc. This high degree of control gives you a greater chance of success than if you were simply relying on someone else to grow your wealth for you. However, it's important to remember that real estate investing does require active management on your part; if you're not prepared to put in the work, it may not be the right investment for you.

Crypto Take-Profit Strategy into Real Estate Investing (2024)


What is the best way to take profits from crypto? ›

You can diversify your crypto earnings by carrying out both mining and trading, thereby opening up multiple sources of crypto-based income. You can use your earnings from mining as capital to actively trade. In turn, you can also use profits from trading to upgrade mining equipment and pay for related costs.

Can I invest in real estate with crypto? ›

You can purchase any real estate with Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any traded cryptocurrency. No lossy public trades, no withdrawal limits, and no searching for crypto-friendly sellers. Leverage your crypto however you want to. Buy real estate with crypto—from any seller.

Can you make $100 a day with crypto? ›

Can You Make $100 a Day With Crypto? It is possible to make $100 per day, but there is no guarantee or specific technique you can use to ensure it happens. Cryptocurrency trading, lending, staking, and investing all come with significant risks because it is such a volatile and unpredictable asset.

What is the most profitable crypto strategy? ›

Top 10 Crypto Trading Strategy Of 2024
  • HODL Trading. ...
  • Arbitrage Trading. ...
  • Dollar-cost Averaging. ...
  • Scalping. ...
  • Swing Trading. ...
  • News-based Trading. ...
  • Long-Term Position Trading. ...
  • Day Trading. Day trading is a trading approach that involves buying and selling financial assets on the same day to profit from short-term price fluctuations.

How do crypto millionaires cash out? ›

How to cash out your crypto or Bitcoin
  1. Use an exchange to sell crypto. ...
  2. Use your broker to sell crypto. ...
  3. Go with a peer-to-peer trade. ...
  4. Cash out at a Bitcoin ATM. ...
  5. Trade one crypto for another and then cash out. ...
  6. Bottom line.
Feb 9, 2024

What is the best percentage to take profit in crypto? ›

Most experienced crypto traders aim for at least 50% profit margin. You can aim for 100% profit margin, or even higher. If, for instance, your investment increases by 100%, it would be alluring to see where it goes. However, be aware that crypto market is volatile and if price climbs to new highs fast.

Can I use crypto gains to buy a house? ›

Crypto is volatile, and lenders see it as part of the same category as other non-cash assets like precious metals, stock shares, or valuable goods. If you own any of these things and you want to use them for real estate purchases, there's one important step you need to take: convert them to cash.

Can I pay off my house with crypto? ›

The mortgage was originally written in US dollars. Therefore, mortgage lenders expect you to pay your mortgage in US dollars as well. Just as you cannot show up at the bank with a bunch of gold bars or shares of Apple stock to pay your mortgage, you cannot pay your mortgage using Bitcoin, either.

Are people buying houses with crypto? ›

The short answer is yes—and we've got the home listings taking bitcoin offers to prove it. Since owning the digital currency doesn't come with a field guide to your purchasing power, we got the scoop from several real estate agents from around the country who are seasoned in bitcoin and crypto-backed deals.

Can you make $1000 a month with crypto? ›

Crypto has created life-changing wealth for many people. But passive income from crypto is possible even on a smaller scale. With the right strategies, you can realistically earn an extra $1,000 per month in passive crypto income.

How to make passive income with crypto? ›

Crypto Passive Income: 8 Ways to Earn (2024)
  1. Cryptocurrency interest rewards.
  2. Dividend earning tokens.
  3. Staking.
  4. Crypto lending.
  5. Play-to-earn games.
  6. Crypto affiliate programs.
  7. Yield farming.
  8. Cryptocurrency mining.

Do people make a living day trading crypto? ›

Capital Requirements

To make a living from trading crypto, you must have enough capital to not only generate sufficient daily profits but also withstand losses. Starting with a small amount of money and expecting to live off trading alone is unrealistic for most people.

What is the best crypto to become a millionaire? ›

Bitcoin. Bitcoin accounts for nearly one-half of the total, with 85,400 millionaires. That's a stunning increase of 111% on a year-over-year basis. And it gets even better than that, because there are also 156 Bitcoin centi-millionaires (those with wealth of $100 million or greater), as well as 11 Bitcoin billionaires.

Which coin is best for daily profit? ›

Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, remains a top choice for many day traders. With its large trading volumes, high liquidity, and well-established market, Bitcoin offers numerous opportunities to profit from short-term price movements.

Which crypto for quick profit? ›

BNB is known for its volatility. The price of the crypto keeps fluctuating, which offers traders an opportunity to gain profit from short-term price movement, but it also means that it might also be a risky investment. BNB is known to be a relatively stable crypto in the market.

What is the best way to withdraw crypto profits? ›

To withdraw money from crypto to your bank account, first, sell your cryptocurrency on a crypto exchange that supports fiat currency withdrawals (like Mudrex). Link your bank account to the exchange, initiate a withdrawal request, and the converted funds should arrive in your bank account within a few business days.

What is the fastest way to get money out of cryptocurrency? ›

One of the easiest ways to cash out crypto is through a centralized exchange. They offer a user-friendly interface and are a straightforward way to buy and sell Bitcoin for cash. Another easy method is crypto debit cards. They let you make daily purchases using crypto without conducting exchanges.

Should I cash out my crypto profit? ›

The decision whether to cash out crypto or Bitcoin depends on your financial goals and market conditions. You may want to lock in gains, cut or harvest losses for taxes, or simply use your digital assets in the real world.

What is the best cash out strategy for crypto? ›

Crypto Exit Strategy: 14 Ideas to Maximize Your Investment
  • Hold For At Least A Year.
  • Borrow Using Aave Or Compound.
  • Use A Combination Of Borrowing And Holding For A Better Tax Rate.
  • Take A Write-off Loss… ...
  • Set Up A Charitable Remainder Trust.
  • Take Advantage Of Opportunity Zones.
Jun 28, 2024

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.