Comparative study interest rates 2024 | Alpian | Swiss Banking Excellence (2024)

Key findings

  • Options available to Swiss residents for growing their savings are lacklustre: The median interest rate for cash accounts in Switzerland, for adults with a capital of 100,000 CHF, is 0.0%. For saving accounts the median interest rate is 0.75%.

  • With the current inflation rate in Switzerland standing at 2.1%, it means that Swiss residents can only offset a third of the erosion of their purchasing power with the median interest rate offered by banks on saving accounts.

  • In most banks, depositing more money into savings accounts does not yield higher rewards. The median interest rates for a capital of 500,000 CHF drop to 0.56% and 0.53% for 1 Million CHF.

  • Although savings accounts generally offer better interest rates on average, the additional yield compared to cash accounts comes at a significant cost: Accessing your own capital becomes difficult.

  • Among the 136 cash and savings accounts analysed in our sample, only 5 offer interest rates higher than 1.0% without any restrictions on capital access.

  • Most banks pay interest rates annually, which limits people from fully enjoying the benefits of depositing their money with the bank.

  • From a positioning standpoint, Alpian's offering is quite distinctive: clients benefit from favorable interest rates, starting at 1% and going up to 1.50%, even for large sums. Additionally, the interest is paid on a monthly basis, and users can access their capital at any time.


Cash accounts are an essential component of personal finance, serving as the primary vehicle for managing day-to-day monetary transactions for most individuals. They enable the holder to deposit and withdraw funds and perform basic banking operations. However, one of their drawbacks is that they are not a particularly efficient tool for saving. They offer lower interest rates compared to other financial products, such as savings or investment accounts, and provide limited protection against inflation.

Savings accounts typically provide higher interest rates, but this often comes at the cost of reduced access to capital. Users' ability to withdraw their funds is usually subject to various restrictions associated with savings accounts, such as:

Additionally, the criteria to qualify for higher interest rates can vary significantly among banks, including minimum balance requirements, maximum deposit limits, time-bound offerings, and promotional interest rates applicable only to new deposits.

While savings accounts offer certain benefits, such as stable interest with limited risks, they also require foresight. Users often become aware of the true limitations and costs, such as penalty fees, only when attempting to access their capital in full, perhaps to meet unexpected expenses or to finance real estate purchases. For instance, a penalty fee of 2% can easily negate several years' worth of interest earnings.

Overview of Alpian’s offering

  • Every Alpian account comes with a multi-currency account (CHF, EUR, GBP, USD) — all connected under a single IBAN

  • The interest rates structure on CHF deposit is as follows:

  • 1% on CHF deposits up to 50’000 CHF

  • Deposits between CHF 50,001 and CHF 1,000,000 earn a 1.5% interest rate.

  • The interest rate is paid pro-rata on a monthly basis

  • Alpian’s clients have unrestricted access to their capital, with no limitations on withdrawal amounts, no required notice periods, and no penalty fees

  • As a Swiss bank, deposits are insured up to 100,000 CHF

Panel – Selection of providers

To assess our competitive standing, we focused on both Swiss banks and foreign banks operating in Switzerland that offer cash and savings accounts. Our analysis includes a wide range of financial institutions, encompassing most universal banks, cantonal banks, and neobanks active in Switzerland. We focused on basic cash accounts and basic saving accounts available to mass affluents. We excluded from our analysis:

  • Saving accounts only reserved to a specific segment of the population (young individuals or seniors for example)

  • Bonus savings accounts, as they typically impose even more restrictions on users. Our objective is to compare the default options available to Swiss residents.

In total, we surveyed 731 banks. The number of cash and saving accounts in our sample is displayed below.

Data collection method

The data was gathered on January 31st, 2024, directly from the websites of various banks and their fees and conditions brochures. It was cross-checked using Moneyland. All interest rates are shown gross, not including taxes.


This study focuses solely on the interest rates offered on basic cash and saving accounts offered by banks active in Switzerland. We omitted bonus savings accounts, which might offer higher interest rates, to ensure a fair comparison across institutions. The aim was to evaluate the default options available to Swiss residents. Additionally, for similar reasons, we excluded private banks from our sample. This analysis does not take into account the costs associated with maintaining a banking relationship or taxes. Lastly, the findings are based on the conditions present at the time of this analysis, and interest rates are subject to change.


Interest rates: what Swiss residents can realistically expect?

The general observation we can make is that the options available to Swiss residents for growing their savings are lacklustre. The median interest rate for cash accounts in Switzerland, for adults with a capital of 100,000 CHF, is 0.0%. For saving accounts the median interest rate is 0.75%. In comparison, the current interest rates banks receive from the Swiss National Bank for sight deposit range from 1.25% to 1.75%2. With the current inflation rate in Switzerland standing at 2.1%3 , it means that Swiss residents can only offset a third of the erosion of their purchasing power with the median interest rate offered by banks on saving accounts.

While individuals can expect higher interest rates by moving their money from cash accounts to savings accounts, the increase to 0.75% comes with significant limitations. Essentially, users give up the ability to access their capital freely. Most banks set limits on the amount that can be withdrawn per month. A typical savings account offer:

  • Median interest rates ranging from 0.75% to 0.53%, depending on the capital deposited.

  • Restrictions on performing basic banking operations.

  • An average monthly withdrawal limit of around 17,000 CHF.

  • A required notice period of around 3 months for accessing larger amounts.

  • A penalty fee of 2% for emergency withdrawals.

  • Interest paid annually.

These conditions highlight the trade-offs faced by Swiss residents when choosing between cash and savings accounts. Generally, Swiss residents are not fully aware of all the fine print associated with savings accounts and often learn about them the hard way, such as when they need to access their funds for significant expenditures like purchasing a property.

Statistics – Interest rates offered on cash accounts for various deposit sizes

Comparative study interest rates 2024 |Alpian | Swiss Banking Excellence (1)

Statistics – Interest rates offered on savings accounts for various deposit sizes

Comparative study interest rates 2024 |Alpian | Swiss Banking Excellence (2)

The lack of diversity leaves Swiss resident with limited options

In our study, we discovered a startling fact: the interest rate structures and solutions offered across the board are quite standardized, not just in terms of structure but also regarding conditions. As indicated by the quartile values, most banks fall within a narrow range. This led us to ask, "What are the best conditions Swiss residents can hope for while maintaining full control over their money?" The answer was surprising: out of 73 banks, only 7 currently offer an interest rate above 0.25% without any constraints. For individuals seeking an interest rate above 1.00%, the number of options dwindles further to between 3 and 5, with Alpian being among them.

Statistics – Number of banks offering interest rates above specified thresholds without constraints on capital accessibility

Comparative study interest rates 2024 |Alpian | Swiss Banking Excellence (3)

Wealthier doesn’t mean better off, quite the opposite

An interesting observation that may contradict public perception is that wealthier individuals do not necessarily receive better conditions on their deposits.

Since most banks adopt a decreasing interest rate structure, interest rates for larger deposits tend to be lower. For instance, the median rate for a 25,000 CHF deposit is 0.75%, but it drops to 0.59% for a deposit of 500,000 CHF.

Not only are users not rewarded for increasing their capital in their account, but they also feel the impact of constraints on capital access more acutely. For example, withdrawing 25,000 CHF when the average withdrawal limit is 17,000 CHF means it will take the user two months to fully access their capital. For 500,000 CHF, using the same limits, it would take 30 months.

While this example may seem extreme, as withdrawal limits can sometimes be bypassed, notice periods and potential penalties (up to 2%) may apply, negating all the benefits of interest rates that are already modest. According to our study and as of 31st January 2023, Alpian was the only bank offering interest rates above 1.25% for deposit of 1MM CHF without constraints.

Comparative study interest rates 2024 |Alpian | Swiss Banking Excellence (4)

Payment frequency: not Christmas every month

Another limitation that hinders Swiss residents from fully enjoying the benefits their hard-earned money could provide is the frequency of interest payments.

Typically, one must wait until the end of the year to see the interest that has been accrued. This is a curious restriction that seems more aligned with accounting industry practices than with commercial considerations.

While this may seem trivial from a bank's perspective, it is significant for users, as most of our expenses, and the interest rates associated with them (such as those on mortgages), operate on a monthly basis. Alpian was one of the few banks willing to change this standard approach.

A glimpse of hope

Our study highlights the extent of standardisation within the banking industry, as reflected in the uniform range of solutions offered to clients. With the rise of digital banking, we observed that a few players are introducing alternatives. A key finding is the blurring lines between cash and savings accounts. Modern users expect higher interest rates coupled with fewer constraints. As a result, banks that adopt innovative approaches can offer better conditions for their clients and manage their treasuries more dynamically.

Average interest rates for various deposit size per type of financial institution

Comparative study interest rates 2024 |Alpian | Swiss Banking Excellence (5)


Our findings are consistent with the following study Where Can I Earn the Most Interest? -

1 Aargauische Kantonalbank, Acrevis, AEK bank, Alpha Reintal, Alpian, Appenzeler Kantonalbank, BancaStato, Bank avera, Bank BSU, Bank EEK, Bank EKI, Bank Ganstrisch, Bank Leerau, Bank Zimmerberg, Banque cantonal du Valais, Banque cantonale du Jura, Banque Cler, Banque Migros, Banque Wir, BBO Bank (Bank Brienz Oberhasli), Banque cantonale de Genève (BCGE), Banque Cantonale Neuchâteloise (BCN), Banque cantonale vaudoise (BCV), Berner Kantonalbank, Bernerland Bank, Bezirks Sparkasse, Banca Popolare di Sondrio (BPS), CA next bank, Caisse d'épargne d'Aubonne (CEA), Cembra, CIC, Clientis, CSX, DC Bank, EKR (Ersparniskasse Rüeggisberg), Freiburger Kantonalbank, Graubündner Kantonalbank, Glarner Regionalbank, Hypo Vorarlberg, Hypothekarbank Lenzburg, Kontomat, Leihkasse Stammheim, Luzerner Kantonalbank, Neon, Nidwaldner Kantonalbank, Obwaldner Kantonalbank, Postfinance, Radicant, Raffeisen, Regiobank, Revolut, St.Galler Kantonalbank, Schaffhauser Kantonalbank, Spar- und Leihkasse Bucheggberg, SLG (Spar + Leihkasse Gürbetal), SLR bank, Spar- und Leihkasse Wynigen AG, Spar & Leihkasse, Sparhafen, Sparkasse Schwyz, Swissquote, Schwyzer Kantonalbank, Thurgauer Kantonalbank, UBS, Urner Kantonalbank, Valiant, Will be, Yuh, Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zuger Kantonalbank, Zurcher Landbank, Zuger KB, Zurcher Landbank.



Comparative study interest rates 2024 | Alpian | Swiss Banking Excellence (2024)


Will bank interest rates go up in 2024? ›

The CME FedWatch Tool shows that there is a high likelihood that the Fed could start cutting rates as soon as September. Ultimately, average savings rates will also likely begin to drop more toward the end of 2024, with some individual banks deciding to decrease rates more quickly than others.

What is the deposit rate in Switzerland? ›

Deposit Interest Rate in Switzerland decreased to 0.76 percent in July from 0.85 percent in June of 2024. Deposit Interest Rate in Switzerland averaged 2.14 percent from 1974 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 9.75 percent in September of 1981 and a record low of -0.47 percent in February of 2022.

What is the savings rate in Switzerland? ›

Household Saving Rate in Switzerland decreased to 16.30 percent in 2022 from 17.50 percent in 2021. Personal Savings in Switzerland averaged 12.12 percent from 1990 until 2022, reaching an all time high of 18.70 percent in 2020 and a record low of 6.50 percent in 1992.

What is the interest rate on a Swiss bank savings account? ›

The average interest rate across all Swiss savings accounts for adults is currently 0.67 percent. But the actual annual interest rates at individual banks range between 0 and 1.8 percent. Taking a moment to compare savings accounts is worth it.

What is the interest prediction for 2024? ›

Following the August base rate cut, mortgage rates on fixed rate mortgages have been falling as lenders slashed rates. Many experts are predicting one further base rate cut in 2024 and for interest rates to fall to around 4% by the end of next year.

What is the interest rate forecast for 2024 2025? ›

Fannie Mae's August 2024 forecast (its latest at the time of writing) predicts that 2025 rates will start at 6.2% and trickle downwards by 0.1% each quarter, landing somewhere near 5.9%.

Which country has highest bank savings rate? ›

The Top Ten Savers
  1. Djibouti (84.9%) Djibouti is a small nation in the horn of Africa. ...
  2. Qatar (67.7%) ...
  3. Ireland (64.1%) ...
  4. Gabon (60.3%) ...
  5. Singapore (60.1%) ...
  6. Brunei (56.6%) ...
  7. Luxembourg (51.8%) ...
  8. Republic of the Congo (50.4%)

Should I keep my money in a Swiss bank? ›

The main benefits of Swiss bank accounts include low levels of financial risk and high levels of privacy. Swiss law prevents the bank from disclosing any information regarding an account (even its existence) without the depositor's permission, except in cases where severe criminal activity is suspected.

Why is Swiss interest rate so low? ›

Switzerland is the first advanced economy to cut interest rates following a prolonged period of high inflationary pressures, exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic's impact on global trade and Russia's war in Ukraine.

Which Swiss banks offer the highest interest rates on savings? ›

Below are the top 5 results from Moneyland with their interest rates:
  • Caisse d'Épargne d'Aubonne (CEA) - Plus savings account (2% per year!, cash withdrawal limit of CHF 10'000 per year)
  • Bank Cler - Plus savings account (1.8%, cash withdrawal limit of CHF 50'000 per year)

What is the interest rate in Switzerland 2024? ›

2023-12-1408:30 AM1.75%
2024-03-2108:30 AM1.5%
2024-06-2007:30 AM1.25%
2024-09-2607:30 AM
2 more rows

Which Swiss bank is best for foreigners? ›

Best Traditional Banks for Foreigners in Switzerland
  1. Raiffeisen Switzerland. Raiffeisen is one of Switzerland's biggest banks with around 3.6 million clients and 788 locations across the country. ...
  2. Banque Cantonale de Genève (BCGE) ...
  3. Credit Suisse Group AG.

How high will CD rates go in 2024? ›

Key takeaways. The national average rate for one-year CD rates will be at 1.15 percent APY by the end of 2024, McBride forecasts, while predicting top-yielding one-year CDs to pay a significantly higher rate of 4.25 percent APY at that time.

Can you get 6% on a CD? ›

There are two credit unions paying 6% APY on a CD: Financial Partners Credit Union and Geismar Complex Federal Credit Union. You'll have to meet certain eligibility requirements to join each of these credit unions, though. Why do some banks offer much higher CD rates than others?

Will CD rates go up in 2025? ›

Are CD Rates Expected To Rise or Fall? CD rates are expected to remain fairly tight through the end of 2024, with slight drops as we move into 2025. They aren't likely to rise much in the near future and are more likely to begin declining, although at a slow pace.

Should I lock in a CD rate now? ›

They're especially attractive when interest rates are on an upward trend. The higher your annual percentage yield (APY), the more you'll earn. Now could be a great time to lock in CD rates since they're still competitive—and since rates could start decreasing soon.

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