Characterizing Ethereum Upgradable Smart Contracts and Their Security Implications (2024)

Xiaofan Li0009-0003-5951-1948University of Delaware316B FinTech Innovation Hub, 591 Collaboration,Jin Yang0009-0009-1706-1444Syracuse University4-206 Center for Science and TechnologySyracuseNew,Jiaqi Chen0000-0002-6368-6164Syracuse University4-206 Center for Science and TechnologySyracuseNew,Yuzhe Tang0000-0002-8911-106XSyracuse University4-206 Center for Science and TechnologySyracuseNew York13244USAytang100@syr.eduandXing Gao0009-0000-2574-029XUniversity of Delaware316B FinTech Innovation Hub, 591 Collaboration



Upgradeable smart contracts (USCs) have been widely adopted to enable modifying deployed smart contracts.While USCs bring great flexibility to developers, improper usage might introduce new security issues, potentially allowing attackers to hijack USCs and their users.In this paper, we conduct a large-scale measurement study to characterize USCs and their security implications in the wild.We summarize six commonly used USC patterns and develop a tool, USCDetector, to identify USCs without needing source code.Particularly, USCDetector collects various information such as bytecode and transaction information to construct upgrade chains for USCs and disclose potentially vulnerable ones.We evaluate USCDetector using verified smart contracts (i.e., with source code) as ground truth and show that USCDetector can achieve high accuracy with a precision of 96.26%. We then use USCDetector to conduct a large-scale study on Ethereum, covering a total of 60,251,064 smart contracts.USCDetecor constructs 10,218 upgrade chains and discloses multiple real-world USCs with potential security issues.

Ethereum, Upgradable Smart Contracts, Security

journalyear: 2024copyright: acmlicensedconference: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024; May 13–17, 2024; Singapore, Singaporebooktitle: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024 (WWW ’24), May 13–17, 2024, Singapore, Singaporedoi: 10.1145/3589334.3645640isbn: 979-8-4007-0171-9/24/05ccs: Security and privacy


Smart contracts are critical building blocks for decentralized applications (DApps) such as decentralized finance (DeFi)(Qin etal., 2022) and NFT(Das etal., 2022). As of Sep 2023, more than 61616161 million smart contracts have been deployed on Ethereum(Cloud, 2023), the largest blockchain supporting smart contracts. To enforce transparency and trust decentralization, Ethereum and many other contract-supporting blockchains adopt the immutable smart contract design. That is, a smart contract, once deployed, cannot be changed or upgraded by any centralized entities. However, immutability conflicts with various legitimate causes to upgrade a deployed smart contract, such as introducing new functional features or patching security vulnerabilities, leading to inconvenience in practice.Thus, since 2016, various design patterns for upgradable smart contracts (USCs) have been introduced on Ethereum(Barros, 2019; Mudge, 2018, 2020b, 2020a), and widely adopted by DApps(Uniswap, 2023; OpenSea, 2023).Also, many third-party libraries, such as OpenZeppelin(OpenZeppelin, 2023a), have been developed to ease and accelerate USC development and deployment.

Despite all these efforts, developing USCs is still challenging and requires developers to be trained with security awareness(Josselinfeist, 2018).Otherwise, security vulnerabilities might exist in USCs, allowing attackers to hijack USCs and further affect their users.Unfortunately, such vulnerabilities are not rare among USCs.For example, a widely adopted OpenZeppelin USC template is vulnerable to permanent state impairment that can potentially cause huge financial loss (e.g., over $50m)(Iosiro, 2021).Attackers have even successfully destroyed a USC and obtained all its ETH(uup, 2022).With more contracts integrating upgrade features, it becomes more likely that attackers target these upgradeable contracts in the future(YAcademy, 2022).

In this paper, we conduct a large-scale measurement study to characterize USCs and their security implications in the wild.We first introduce six commonly used USC patterns and their implementations.Specifically, our works cover the straightforward method (e.g., to deploy a new contract and migrate states), the Ethereum built-in method (i.e., Metamorphic contract), and four methods that decouple a contract into two sub-contracts (e.g., one immutable contract and one contract that can be modified).In addition, we present a series of security risks that could potentially cause serious consequences.Some vulnerabilities might enable off-path attackers to completely destroy target USCs (e.g., deny their service) and even hijack existing contracts.Other issues might put smart contract users into dangerous situations, such as losing assets or trading deprecated tokens.To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to systematically investigate several USC security issues on a large scale.

We develop a tool, USCDetector, to identify USCs and their security issues.Unlike previous work relying on source code analysis(BodellIII etal., 2023) and can only detect limited USC types (e.g., proxy-based(BodellIII etal., 2023)), USCDetector collects various information such as bytecode and transaction information, which are available for all contracts, to detect six types of USCs, construct their upgrade chains, and disclose potentially vulnerable ones.Thus, USCDetector can cover both unverified (i.e., without source code) and verified smart contracts.We evaluate USCDetector using a subset of verified smart contracts, and show that it can achieve high accuracy with an overall 96.26% precision.

We adopt USCDetector on Ethereum, covering a total of 60,251,064 smart contracts.USCDetecor constructs 10,218 upgrade chains with 91,959 USCs identified.Our results show some interesting observations: while the proxy-based approach is the most popular one, many developers attempt to mix different approaches to implementing USCs,which can offer more flexibility and facilitate batch processing.Moreover, USCDetector successfully discloses multiple real-world USCs with potential security issues.For example, we have identified 15 USCs lacking restrictive checks on the upgradable functions, potentially enabling anyone to hijack them.Additionally, we have discovered 118 vulnerable contracts that may completely disable USCs (e.g., become unusable forever).We have also identified tokens of many deprecated contracts are still listed in various decentralized exchanges, affecting many unaware users.


2.1. Ethereum Blockchain

Blockchain is a public database that records transactions across many nodes in a decentralized network.Ethereum is a blockchain embedded with a single canonical computer, referred to as the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)(Docs, 2023d), maintaining states that everyone on the Ethereum network agrees on.There are two types of accounts on Ethereum: (1) externally owned account (EOA) controlled by anyone with private keys, and (2) contract account controlled by code (i.e., smart contract) (Docs, 2023c).Only an EOA can initiate a transaction, which can be used to transfer ETH or change EVM states.Typically, a transaction contains various information, including a unique identifier for the transaction (transaction hash), the sender address (from), and the receiver address (to).The input is the data sent along with the transaction.Transactions are verified and added to the blockchain based on cryptographic mechanisms, and typically cannot be changed without altering all subsequent blocks.

2.2. Ethereum Smart Contracts

Ethereum supports the execution of smart contracts, which essentially are computer programs that can automatically execute on EVM.Every smart contract contains a collection of code (i.e., functions) and data (i.e., states) that resides at a specific address.A smart contract can be written by Solidity(Solidity, 2023) and then compiled to bytecode, which is the final code deployed on Ethereum and executed by EVM.EVM bytecode includes approximately 70 different opcodes for computations and communication with the underlying blockchain.Each opcode has two representations, a hex value and a more readable mnemonic.Specifically, the source code of smart contracts may not always be available, but the bytecode is publicly accessible on the blockchain(Web3, 2023).

Smart contracts can be created or executed with transactions.Once a contract is deployed, data can be stored in storage or memory for the function’s execution.The functions in the deployed contract can get/set data in response to incoming transactions.Typically, internal functions can only be accessed within the contract or its derived contracts, while external functions can be called from other contracts/users (Docs, 2023a).To interact with an external function, the function needs to be identified by the first four bytes of the data sent with a transaction. These first four bytes are called function selectors, which are calculated by the function name and type of parameters through Keccak hash (SHA3).

Smart contracts serve as the foundation of decentralized applications (DApps)(Docs, 2023e) such as Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)(Ethereum, 2023). DEXs are open marketplaces for exchanging tokens, which can represent different assets in Ethereum (e.g., lottery tickets, a fiat currency)(Docs, 2023b). Typically a smart contract that implements the ERC-20 standard (a standard for fungible tokens)(Vogelsteller, 2015) is referred to as a token contract.

2.3. Smart Contracts Immutability

Smart contracts are immutable once they are deployed on Ethereum. One reason is that Ethereum does not provide a built-in way to modify deployed smart contracts until the Constantinople hardfork(History, 2019).Also, transactions for interacting smart contracts are packed into blocks to form the blockchain, which is difficult to modify.While the immutability of smart contracts achieves better transparency and security in general, there are certain problematic cases.First, it is difficult to fix vulnerable contracts, whose vulnerabilities may be either caused by their own logic problems or introduced by the programming languages (e.g., Solidity (Docs, 2023g)).Second, it is difficult to add new features if the current smart contract can no longer meet the needs of users.As a result, several smart contract upgrading methods have been utilized to meet the increasing need for upgrading smart contracts.


Smart contract upgrading is to modify the code executed in an address while preserving the contract’s states.Understanding the implementation details of upgradeable smart contracts (USCs) is necessary to investigate their potential security threats.This section demystifies six commonly used upgrading patterns and their implementations.

Characterizing Ethereum Upgradable Smart Contracts and Their Security Implications (1)
Characterizing Ethereum Upgradable Smart Contracts and Their Security Implications (2)
Characterizing Ethereum Upgradable Smart Contracts and Their Security Implications (3)
Characterizing Ethereum Upgradable Smart Contracts and Their Security Implications (4)

3.1. Contract Migration

The idea of contract migration is to deploy a new smart contract with modified code (i.e., new version), which has an empty state, then migrate all states (e.g., data) from the old (i.e., old version) to the new one.Meanwhile, since the new version has a new address, other smart contracts interacting with the old version must also update to the new address, as presented in Figure0(a).From smart contract users’ perspectives, after the migration, the new version contains all users’ states (e.g., balances and addresses). Thus, users also need to switch to using the new address.For example, if the upgraded contract is a token contract, the old version should be discarded on the exchanges (e.g., Uniswap(Uniswap, 2023)), and the new version needs to be listed.

Typically, the deployer needs to make an official announcement claiming that the old version has been migrated to the new one.On Etherscan (an Ethereum blockchain explorer)(Etherscan, 2023b), only once the deployer provides such information, Etherscan will label the old contract as “Old Contract”.Since the new version and the old version are completely independent contracts, it is difficult to detect contract migration contracts.Bandara et al.(Bandara etal., 2020) conducted a study on this pattern, by searching multiple keywords such as “token”, “smart contract”, “migration” to locate web pages related to blockchain and DApp migration.Then they manually analyzed selected web pages to obtain such migration pattern.

3.2. Data Separation

Data Separation is to split a contract into two sub-contracts, with one contract including logic (e.g., code) that can be modified later and the other contract preserves states.Users interact with the logic contract, which includes the address of the data contract and uses opcodes CALL or STATICCALL to interact with it for requiring data.The difference is that STATICCALL does not allow the called function to change state on EVM.Meanwhile, the data contract needs to configure the logic contract’s address in its own state.Each time a smart contract wants to modify states, the data contract checks whether the caller contract matches its preserved logic address to protect states from being tampered with.

To upgrade, developers simply need to deploy a new logic contract, and then update the address in the data contract’s storage.As all states are stored in the data contract, there is no need to do extra operations (e.g., state migration). Since users interact with the logic contract, after the upgrade, users also need to switch to the new logic contract (Figure 0(b)).

3.3. Strategy Pattern

Strategy Pattern also divides the original smart contract into separate ones: main contract and satellite contracts (i.e., logic contracts).The main contract includes both the core business logic and states, as well as the address of the logic contract.Similar to data separation, the main contract also interacts with the logic contract to execute certain functions using opcodes CALL or STATICCALL(Docs, 2023f).

To upgrade, developers can deploy a new logic contract, and then update the new logic contract’s address in the main contract. Since the main contract preserves all states, there is no need to migrate states during the upgrade process (Figure 0(c)).Compared with data separation, the advantage is that users and other smart contracts remain interacting with the main contract and do not need to switch addresses.

3.4. Proxy Pattern

Similar to data separation, proxy pattern keeps business logic and data in separate contracts (Figure0(d)).However, in the proxy pattern, users interact with the storage contract (i.e., proxy), which preserves states including the address of the logic contract.The proxy contract delegates function calls to the logic contract using the opcode DELEGATECALL, which allows the proxy to call the logic contract, while the actual code execution happens in the context of the proxy.This means the proxy reads and writes to its own storage.It executes logic (e.g., functions) stored at the logic contract similar to calling internal functions(Docs, 2023f).

In Solidity, a fallback function is executed if the called function does not match any functions in the proxy.The proxy can rewrite a custom fallback function that uses DELEGATECALL to delegate all unsupported function calls to the logic contract.While the proxy is immutable, the address of the logic contract can be replaced with the address of a new logic contract (e.g., upgrading(Docs, 2023f)).Since the proxy reads and writes to its storage using the logic stored in the logic contract, the function for updating the logic contract’s address can be placed either in the proxy or logic contract.In particular, if the function for updating the logic contract’s address is in the logic contract, this pattern is called universal upgradeable proxy standard (UUPS)(Barros, 2019; Palladino, 2020).

To perform an upgrade, developers can deploy a new logic contract with modified code, and then update the new logic contract’s address in the proxy contract. Since the proxy contract preserves all states, there is no need to migrate states during the upgrade process.

Third-party Templates. There are many third-party templates for implementing proxy-based USCs.For instance, OpenZeppelin(OpenZeppelin, 2023a) is a popular open-source framework providing upgradeable contract templates for developers, such as UUPSUpgeadeable(OpenZeppelin, 2023c) and OwnableUpgradeable(OpenZeppelin, 2023b).

3.5. Mix Pattern

Developers can mix the features of both strategy pattern and proxy pattern.It can directly call certain functions from the logic contract (via CALL or STATICCALL), and also delegate calls to the logic contracts (via DELEGATECALL).

3.6. Metamorphic Contract

On 2/28/2019, Ethereum performed Constantinople hardfork(History, 2019) starting from block 7,280,000, and introduced a new opcode CREATE2(Buterin, 2018), which can be used for upgrading.It enables developers to deploy different codes to the same address.Developers need to utilize the SELFDESTRUCT opcode to wipe out the code and states of that address, then use CREATE2 to redeploy code.In this way, the bytecode can be changed at the same address (e.g., upgrading).This contract is referred to as a Metamorphic contract(Palladino, 2020).However, this pattern has a drawback that it cannot preserve states after upgrading, as it must destroy the old contract first.


This section presents several potential security issues in existing USCs, which might be exploited by independent attackers (e.g., not the developers of target USCs) to hijack USCs.Some might become serious bugs affecting USC users.

4.1. Missing Restrictive Checks

USCs must implement restrictive checks on the upgrade functions ensuring that only contract admin can upgrade contracts.Otherwise, anyone can initiate contract upgrading and change the existing logic address to an arbitrary address.Attackers can even hijack the contract by changing the logic contract to one controlled by them.

For Metamorphic-based USCs, the first step is to call a function to destroy the Metamorphic contract by using the opcode SELFDESTRUCT.Similarly, if this function has no restrictive checks, anyone can potentially destroy this contract.Furthermore, once the old contract is destroyed, attackers can hijack the contract by redeploying a new bytecode (e.g., following the Metamorphic-based approach).

4.2. Insufficient Restrictive Implementation

For a proxy-based USC, while users should interact with the proxy, malicious users can send transactions to the logic contract directly.In general, this does not pose a threat, since the state of the logic contract does not affect the proxy.However, it will become a serious issue, if a malicious user becomes the owner of the logic contract (by initializing it), and then destroys it by calling a function containing SELFDESTRUCT.The proxy will delegate all calls to a self-destroyed logic contract, causing a denial of service (DoS).Particularly, this issue happens if the deployer has only initialized the proxy, but ignored to initialize the logic contract.The proxy contract utilizes DELEGATECALL to call the initialize function of the logic contract, which runs in the context of the proxy contract, thus leaving the logic contract uninitialized.

There are two cases to destroy the logic contract after being the owner of the logic contract. For case I, the logic contract includes a function containing SELFDESTRUCT. A malicious user can simply call this function to destroy the logic contract.For case II, the logic contract has a function containing DELEGATECALL. Then it can delegate a call to a predefined function containing SELFDESTRUCT, which can be called to destroy the logic contract.Particularly, case II mainly exists in UUPS and can cause devastating consequences.For example, the UUPS template provided by OpenZeppelin(OpenZeppelin, 2023a) includes a function upgradeToAndCall(), which introduces such a problem(Iosiro, 2021)).For UUPS-based USCs, if the logic contract is destroyed, the USC becomes unavailable forever, as the upgrade function lies in the logic contract.

4.3. Missing Checks on Logic Address

The upgrade function needs to conduct necessary logic checks on the contract address of the target logic contract.Otherwise, an upgrade may replace the existing logic contract with an arbitrary address, potentially causing irreversible consequences.For example, if an upgrade sets the new logic address to an EOA address while the upgrade function is in the logic contract (e.g., UUPS), it can make the USC completely unusable.We enumerate several issues that are likely to occur with logic addresses as follows.

4.4. Contract Version Issues

For contract migration and data separation, the old (logic) contract is replaced by a new contract, which interacts with users.Thus, after migration, the old contract should be deprecated.For example, Etherscan can publish an announcement indicating that the old version is no longer in use.

Old contract still in use after migration.This problem is that, if the old version is not self-destructed, users may not know the upgrade and still interact with the old contract, which might cause severe security issues.For example, if the old contract has security vulnerabilities, users’ assets in this contract might be in danger.

Token contracts on DEXs.If the newly deployed contract is a token-based contract, it is important to collaborate with DEXs(Ethereum, 2023) to ensure that the new contract will be listed and the previous one will be discarded. Otherwise, DEXs might still list the old tokens, and future exchange users will swap (e.g., trade) with the old tokens.


We design an analysis tool, USCDetector, to characterize USCs and investigate their potential vulnerabilities in the existing Ethereum blockchain.Unlike previous work(BodellIII etal., 2023) that only detect proxy-based USCs based on source code analysis, USCDetector identifies multiple types of USCs based on bytecode, which are always publicly accessible, and thus enable us to characterize both verified and unverified USCs in the wild.The high-level idea is that developers attempt to use common keywords (e.g., upgrade, update) in their upgrading functions(BodellIII etal., 2023), which are available in bytecode.With the help of other collectable information (e.g., transactions), we can identify USCs with high accuracy.

The overall workflow is illustrated in Figure2.USCDetector first disassembles smart contract bytecode into opcodes and extracts function selectors.Then it filters a list of USC candidates based on a set of pre-defined common upgrade function keywords.Additionally, USCDetector collects various supplementary information such as logic contract addresses and transaction information.Finally, based on all collected information, a rule-based pattern detector identifies USCs and their upgrading patterns.

Characterizing Ethereum Upgradable Smart Contracts and Their Security Implications (5)

5.1. Bytecode Collector

The bytecode collector first uses an Ethereum RPC (Remote Procedure Call) service(ChainList, 2023) to collect smart contract bytecode.Then we disassemble bytecode into opcodes using an npm package truffle-code-utils(Truffle, 2018), and further utilize abi-decode-functions(Abi-decoder, 2018) to extract functions selectors.Particularly, a smart contract’s bytecode first compares the function selector in the transaction’s input to all function selectors in the smart contract, and then jumps to the matching function for execution.abi-decode-functions extracts function selectors based on such patterns (i.e., match and jump) using pre-defined templates.However, we find that it only covers a subset of templates so some function selectors might be missed.We thus extend it to include more common patterns.

The above method can extract most function selectors from the immutable contract of USCs (e.g., proxy contract in the proxy pattern, main contract in the strategy pattern, and data contract in the data separation).However, it cannot extract function selectors of the logic contract in the strategy pattern.Particularly, the main contract can use the PUSH4 opcode to push a 4-byte function selector onto the stack, and then use the opcode CALL to call that function whose logic is implemented in the logic contract.In other words, the function selector included in the main contract actually represents a function in the logic contract.We also extend the abi-decode-functions tool to handle such cases.

Finally, the bytecode collector also extracts various opcodes (e.g., SELFDESTRUCT) and other function related information (e.g., fallback function) for pattern detection (Section5.4).Table4 in AppendixA lists the detailed description.

5.2. Common Upgrade Function Keywords.

Our idea is to construct and apply a set of keywords that are commonly used in upgrade functions to filter function selectors. Obviously, the quality of such a dataset is critical for USC detection accuracy.We first analyze the Ethereum mainnet dataset(BodellIII etal., 2023), which contains 2,295 unique (3,822 in total) proxy-based USCs.From a total of 9,842 upgrade functions, we extract 111 unique upgrade functions, and find most of them can be divided into groups containing five keywords: set (570), upgrade (8,548), update (229), change (88), and replace (22).We then query these keywords on the Ethereum Signature Database(Database, 2023), which contains 4-byte signatures of functions in EVM.The Ethereum signature database returns all functions including selected keywords and their corresponding 4-byte signatures.However, functions containing keywords cannot ensure they are upgrade functions.For example, setUserData(address,uint256,uint256) is clearly not used for upgrading.Thus, we only keep the functions containing meaningful and related words, such as contract, implementation, and logic, etc.We also include some function names that we manuallycollect online, such as enableModule from Gnosis Safe Contracts(Foundation, 2023).

5.3. Supplementary Data Collector.

We further collect various information in addition to bytecode to assist USC detection.

Logic Contract Collector.In proxy-based USCs, particularly UUPS, the upgrade function exists in the logic contract, instead of the proxy contract.We then utilize an RPC (evm-proxy-detection) to collect the logic contract’s address of smart contracts that contain DELEGATECALL opcode (e.g., potential proxy-based USCs).Such addresses are further fed to the Bytecode Collector to process their bytecode.

Call Trace Collector.Metamorphic-based USCs need to destroy the old contract (i.e., using the SELFDESTRUCT opcode) and then redeploy new bytecode using the CREATE2 opcode to that address.Thus, to identify metamorphic-based USCs, we need to collect the call traces of the transaction that creates a new contract, and then detect if the contract is indeed created by CREATE2 in that call traces.Particularly, we first request Etherscan API(Etherscan, 2023a) to obtain the creators and transaction hashes of smart contracts that contain SELFDESTRUCT.Then we use transaction hashes to request Openchain API(Openchain, 2023) to obtain call traces.Finally, we parse the opcodes and input them into the detector.

Etherscan Crawler.We also crawl various information from Etherscan websites for all contracts that are labeled as “Old Contract”.As mentioned in Section3.1, the “Old Contract” is labeled by Etherscan when the deployer provides the addresses of both the old and new contracts and a link to an official announcement regarding the contract migration(Center, 2023).The crawler then collects all related information.

Transaction Analyzer.We further collect all transactions whose input contains upgrade functions (which are potential USCs’ upgrade transactions).Specifically, we collect them by querying Bigquery(Cloud, 2018) that uses ethereum-etl(ETL, 2023) to extract data from the Ethereum blockchain every day.Then we use ethereum-input-data-decoder(input-data decoder, 2022) to decode the transactions’ input and extract function selectors and arguments.

5.4. Rule-based Pattern Detector

Based on the characteristics of different USC patterns, we develop a rule-based pattern detector to identify them.The detailed rules and notations are listed in Table5 in Appendix5.Specifically, the proxy pattern must have (1) both DELEGATECALL and the fallback function exist in the proxy contract; and (2) an upgrade function in either the proxy or logic contract (i.e., UUPS).We first use three criteria for detecting strategy pattern and data separation: (1) the existence of upgrade functions; (2) CALL or STATICCALL used; and (3) particular external functions.We further distinguish these two patterns using transaction information: strategy-based USCs call logic contracts, while data separation USCs are called by logic contracts.For Metamorphic contracts, we check whether SELFDESTRUCT exists and CREATE2 is in the call trace.If contracts meet the rules for both proxy-based and strategy-based, we mark them as mix patterns.Finally, it is difficult to identify the contract migration pattern at the bytecode level. Therefore, we select all contracts labeled with the “Old Contract” label on Etherscan and remove contracts that are identified as other patterns (e.g., data separation).

Proxy Pattern244697.60%
Data Separation43295.55%
Strategy Pattern70297.22%
The Rest of Data or Strategy3081595.35%
Mix Pattern50394.33%
Metamorphic Contract70100%

5.5. Upgrade Chain Constructor

Finally, we construct contract upgrade chains for USCs that have already performed upgrades.The upgrade chain for contract migration is straightforward: we simply concatenate contracts based on Etherscan labels.For other patterns, to perform an upgrade, an EOA must initiate a transaction to the contract that needs an upgrade. We thus rely on collected transaction information to build the chain.For example, upgrading metamorphic contracts is to redeploy new bytecode on the same address. We then chain detected metamorphic contracts with the same address.With the upgrade chain, we further check multiple security issues (details in Section7).

5.6. USCDetector Evaluation

The Smart Contract Sanctuary project(Ortner and Eskandari, 2023) is a project including verified Ethereum smart contracts on Etherscan.As of March 22, 2023, this dataset contains 320,080 verified smart contracts, with source code available.We input this list into USCDetector and have identified 8,653 USCs, with 2,517 proxy-based USCs, 7 Metamorphic contracts, and 568 mix pattern USCs.In addition, there are 5,746 USCs using data separation or strategy pattern.Among them, we further utilize transaction information to separate them.Since not all USCs have performed upgrades (i.e., have upgrade transactions), we detect 468 data separation and 988 strategy pattern USCs.

To evaluate the accuracy, we randomly select and manually verify 750 smart contracts including all patterns based on their source code and decompiled code.The result of random sampling is listed in Table1.Overall, we are able to achieve 96.26% precision, with only a few false positives.We then randomly select 100 smart contracts from those identified as non-USCs by USCDetector. By examining those contracts, we identified one false negative, which is caused by the exclusion of the upgrading function in our Common Upgrade Function dataset.AppendixA further presents an evaluation of false negatives using the dataset from Proxy Hunting(BodellIII etal., 2023).It is worth noting that our list of upgrade functions is not obtained from this dataset, indicating that our methodology has the potential to accurately detect unknown USCs without their source code.


We utilize USCDetector to detect smart contracts collected from Bigquery(Cloud, 2023), which has exported 60,251,064 smart contracts (date: 6/5/2023) from the Ethereum blockchain.We first group smart contracts based on their bytecode, so that smart contracts in each group have identical bytecode.We take the smart contract with the earliest creation time from each group as the representative for further analysis.

In the total of 964,585 groups, we have identified 27,420 groups, with1,938,727individual USCs (column“Raw” in Table2).We find that proxy-based pattern dominates existing upgradable methods, with 1,866,904 USCs from 4,964 groups.However, most of them are dominated by one group, namely OwnableDelegateProxy(OwnableDelegateProxy, 2018), which includes 1,546,462 USCs.This group was created by the smart contract WyvernProxyRegistry(OpenSea, 2018), which is maintained by OpenSea(OpenSea, 2023), a popular NFT market.WyvernProxyRegistry creates a proxy contract for each seller on OpenSea (i.e., the seller owns the contract) for executing sellers’ actions.Obviously, this group of proxies is not for business logic upgrading. In addition to this specific group, there are several other groups adopting a similar approach. In these groups, USCs are created by another smart contract (i.e., a contract factory), instead of an EOA account. The main purpose of a contract factory is to allow DApps (or DeFi) users to generate smart contracts (e.g., create their own tokens (Academy, 2023)).In the following analysis (e.g., the numbers presented in Column “Number” in Table2), we exclude the smart contracts created by a factory smart contract as a practice of deduplication.

Table 2. USC Breakdown.PatternsRawNumberETHTrans.Proxy Pattern1,866,90443,650736K51MData Separation1,0241,0241311MStrategy Pattern2,4442,444280K7.7MThe Rest of Data or Strategy40,54939,3407K11.3MMix Pattern23,7251,4202.8K5.7MMetamorphic Contract3,0973,09768.53.3MContract Migration98498441016MTotal1,938,72791,9591.025M96M

Characterizing Ethereum Upgradable Smart Contracts and Their Security Implications (6)

Characterizing Ethereum Upgradable Smart Contracts and Their Security Implications (7)

Basic Characterization.Table2 shows the detailed breakdown of each pattern.We also present the aggregated ETH and transaction volumes.The most popular is the proxy pattern, with 43,650 contracts containing more than 736k ETH and 51M transactions.One possible reason is the wide adoption of third-party templates (e.g., Openzeppelin(OpenZeppelin, 2023a)), which provide open source contract libraries for developing smart contracts.Figure4 presents the number of different patterns of USCs over time. The blue line indicates that data separation and strategy pattern were the main upgrade methods until the proxy method (green) was introduced.The Metamorphic contract comes after February 2019, and is not popular due to its drawback mentioned in Section3.

Upgrade Chains.In total, we have constructed 4,692 upgrade chains for proxy-based USCs, 4,337 for strategy-based or data separation patterns, 201 for mix pattern, 110 for metamorphic-based USCs, and 878 for contract migration.Figure4 shows the CDF of upgrade chains.Most of them have conducted less than 20 upgrades, while the longest chain contains 92 upgrades.Also, 89.1% of the contract migration approach have only 1 upgrade, which is reasonable as contract migration essentially is to deploy a new contract.

We also find that many upgrades are conducted by different owners (i.e., owner change): there are 185 proxy-based, 97 strategy/data separation, and 52 mix-pattern USCs.

Mix Pattern Demystified.We detect 23,725 (Raw) mix-based USCs, which combine features of both strategy and proxy patterns.We find that there are different ways to implement the mix pattern.One popular way (20,591) utilizes an upgradeable intermediate contract.The main (proxy) contract can CALL the intermediate contract to get the return address for the logic contract.Then, the main contract can delegate calls to the logic contract using the returned address.In this way, the main contract does not preserve the actual address of the logic contract.When performing an upgrade, developers simply modify the logic contract’s address in the intermediate contract.It does not require any operations on the main contract for upgrading.Thus, it enables uniform upgrades across multiple USCs that share a logic contract.

Another popular approach (704) is similar: the main contract preservers the logic contract’s address, and also contains the upgrade function.When upgrade, the main contract first CALL the logic contract to see if a new logic address is returned. If yes, the main contract updates the new logic address, and then delegate the call to the new one.

Hierarchy Upgrade. Interestingly, we find some developers utilize strategy-based USCs to further upgrade multiple proxy-based USCs.For example, a proxy-based USC already contains an upgrade function (in the proxy contract) that can upgrade its logic contracts.Then, the developers utilize a strategy-based main contract to directly CALL the upgrade function in the proxy contract to upgrade its logic contract.The advantage is that, developers can utilize one main contract to manage multiple proxy contracts.USCDetector finds 1,349 such strategy-based USCs, and 2,628 proxy-based USCs were upgraded in this way.


This section presents the security issues related to upgrades.We first introduce the methods for identifying them. We also manually verify them based on decompiled code.

Disclosure. We have followed the approach of Proxy Hunting(BodellIII etal., 2023) to disclose the vulnerabilities by sending email alerts to contract creators via EthMail(ETHMail, 2023). We have also manually searched their personal social media information to report corresponding issues.

7.1. Missing Restrictive Checks

If a USC misses restrictive checks, an unauthorized user might be able to upgrade this contract.Based on our collected upgrade chains, we extract USCs that were upgraded by multiple different owners, and further keep USCs if there is an owner who only upgrades the contract once.We then manually check their upgrade functions’ decompiled code to confirm the missing of restrictive checks.

For metamorphic-based USCs, we check the upgrade chains of metamorphic contracts and locate functions containing SELFDESTRUCT from decompiled code.Then we check if these functions have or miss restrictive checks.

Results. We find that the issue exists in mix pattern (2 USCs), Strategy Pattern (2 USCs), and Metamorphic Contract (11 USCs).In total, these USCs have 29 upgrades and attract 59,387 transactions.List1 in AppendixA presents a real-world example derived from DApp LANDProxy(Decentraland, 2023).Additionally, we find that many transactions attempt but fail to upgrade USCs: these upgrading transactions are not initialized by the owner(s) performing upgrades.Although these transactions fail due to restrictive checks, they indicate that attackers potentially have started to hijack vulnerable USCs.

7.2. Insufficient Restrictive Implementation.

To identify potentially vulnerable logic contracts in proxy-based USCs, we first extract logic contracts that contain SELFDESTRUCT for case I, and UUPS-based logic contracts for case II.Then, we query the states of these logic contracts on Oko(decompiler, 2023), which is an Ethereum explorer listing states of all smart contracts.We mark USCs that do not have any state as potentially vulnerable, as it indicates that these logic contracts have not performed any initialization.

Finally, we manually verify whether there is an initialization function that can declare contract ownership in a logic contract from their decompiled code.Specifically, for case I, if there is such a function in a logic contract, this logic contract is vulnerable as it also includes SELFDESTRUCT.For case II, we consider a logic contract is vulnerable if it contains the function upgradeToAndCall and can be called directly (OpenZeppelin has disabled this function to be called through active proxy after UUPS template version 4.3.2(OpenZeppelin, 2021)).

Results.For case I, we find 1 vulnerable UUPS-based USC and 51 vulnerable normal proxy-based USCs (i.e., the upgrade function lies in the proxy).For case II, we detect 66 vulnerable USCs.In total, these vulnerable contracts own $6,350.09 assets (e.g., ETH and tokens), and 12 USCs still have recent transactions on 9/2023.Note that vulnerabilities in UUPS can completely disable USC (i.e., its proxy contract becomes unusable forever).Listings2 and3 in AppendixA present vulnerable UUPS-based examples of both cases.

7.3. Missing Checks on Logic Address

We utilize the addressing information from upgrade chains to detect logic address issues (e.g., same address, empty contract, EOA, and zero address).Particularly, for empty contracts and EOA, we can not automatically distinguish them. Thus, we manually check the lists with a history of upgrades to non-contracts to classify them.

For detecting non-upgradeable logic addresses in UUPS, we collect all logic addresses from our identified UUPS list, and input them to the Pattern Detector again without enabling rule detection.We then filter logic addresses that contain no upgrade function and conduct manual verification.

Results.We find that these issues are prevalent across all patterns except Metamorphic contracts.Table3 presents the detailed number.The most common problem is successive upgrades to the same address, with a total number of 304.These consecutive transactions are often separated by only a few seconds, suggesting that it might be the same upgrade but committed multiple times, causing a waste of gas.For example, one proxy-based USC(MVHQ, 2022) has upgraded four times in a row using the same logic address.Also, zero addresses, EOA, and empty contracts are quite common.Particularly, as mentioned in Section4, setting the logic address to a non-contract address does not affect other functions in the strategy pattern and data separation.Instead, in the proxy and mix patterns, this can cause denial-of-service threats. Figure5 in Appendix3 presents a real-world example that the logic address is an EOA.In total, these USCs contain over 11.4M transactions with about 226K ETH.

We further explore whether these USCs have corrected their logical addresses later.We find that 35 proxies’ logic contracts are still EOA accounts, containing more than $1.5K assets. Particularly,one of them holds an asset of$1.4K.Even worse, the logic addresses of 15 proxy contracts are actually set to phish accounts (flagged as “Phish” by Etherscan) and 12 of them still have transactions.Additionally, one proxy has encountered a malicious transaction from a phishing account, so the creator has set the logic address to zero.One proxy’s logic address points to a contract that contains no functions or states.

Addr.Addr.ContractAddr. in UUPS
Proxy Pattern1609523215
Data Separation161300
Strategy Pattern871112000
The Rest of Data or Strategy19162800
Mix Pattern222200

7.4. Contract Version Issues

Old contract still in use after migration.From our constructed upgrade chains of migration-based USCs, we extract their upgrading reasons from Etherscan announcements.As some contracts might use both old and new versions, we only target contracts that explicitly mention that the old version is no longer in use.Then, we utilize Etherscan to observe if there are still transactions after the new contracts have been created.For data separation, we check the usage of old logic contracts after a new logic contract is deployed.

For contract migration, we find that 16 old contracts explicitly state that they are no longer in use. However, 10 of them are still interacted with users after publishing their migration announcements, generating a total of 908 transactions.For data separation, we detect 21 USCs that have performed upgrades, but users are still interacting with their old logic contracts, generating a total of 253 transactions.These results demonstrate that contract migration and data separation are not trivial: users might continue interacting with the old contracts after a successful upgrade.

Token contracts on DEXs.Token lists(Uniswap, 2020) is a community-led new standard for creating ERC20 token lists, containing lists from many DEXs like Uniswap and CoinMarketCap(CoinMarketCap, 2023).From the token list, we pick lists of tokens that have been updated recently, and utilize upgrade chains to check whether old contracts are still listed in these token lists.

Among 878 constructed upgrade chains (contract migration),11 have both old and new token contracts listed in at least one DEX;45 have their old and new token contracts listed in different DEXs;50 have their old token contracts listed in one of the DEXs, but without listing their new token contracts, indicating that old token contracts have not been replaced yet.Particularly, one old token contract has 21,275 holders, much more than its new token contract (only 3,794 holders).The results indicate that many old tokens are still listed on DEXs, and thus users may swap these old tokens.


Smart Contract Upgrades.USCs have attracted many research efforts(Meisami and BodellIII, 2023; Antonino etal., 2022; Rodler etal., 2021) on understanding their characteristics.For example, Antonino et al. proposed a framework(Antonino etal., 2022) to introduce a trusted deployer to vet smart contracts’ creation and upgrade.Rodler et al. designed EVMPatch(Rodler etal., 2021) to rewrite the bytecode of exploited smart contracts and deploy them as upgradeable proxy contracts.Our work focuses on characterizing existing mainstream smart contract upgrading patterns and their security implications.

One closely related work is Proxy Hunting(BodellIII etal., 2023), which focuses on security issues of proxy-based USCs from contracts’ source code.Instead, our work covers more USCs patterns (e.g., data separation and strategy pattern) on unverified smart contracts (i.e., without source code). We also investigate several security issues that have not been studied by previous literature.Finally, there are two works on detecting metamorphic contracts using opcode CREATE2(Blau, 2022; Fröwis and Böhme, 2022).Our work further utilizes transaction call traces to check whether CREATE2 is used to create smart contracts.

Smart Contract Security Analysis.Extensive research efforts have been conducted on analyzing various security issues (e.g., reentrancy vulnerabilities) of smart contracts(ConsenSys, 2023; Nikolić etal., 2018; So etal., 2020; Xue etal., 2022; Bose etal., 2022; Rodler etal., 2019; Permenev etal., 2020) at both the source code level(Stephens etal., 2021; Wang etal., 2019; Duan etal., 2022; Chen, 2020; Xue etal., 2020; Torres etal., 2021; Jiang etal., 2018; Torres etal., 2018; Tikhomirov etal., 2018; Frank etal., 2020; Grech etal., 2018; Grossman etal., 2017; Liu etal., 2018; Nguyen etal., 2020) and bytecode level(Luu etal., 2016; Rodler etal., 2021; Chen etal., 2021b; Shi etal., 2022; Chen etal., 2021a; Choi etal., 2021; FerreiraTorres etal., 2022; Zhang etal., 2020; Krupp and Rossow, 2018).For example, Wang et al. developed NPChecker(Wang etal., 2019) to detect nondeterministic vulnerabilities in smart contracts.DefectChecker(Chen etal., 2021b) is introduced to detect smart contracts’ defects from bytecode.Different from previous efforts, our work focuses on uncovering existing USCs that have security issues at the bytecode level.


This paper presents a large-scale measurement study on USCs and their potential security issues.We have developed USCDetector to identify six types of USC without needing source code.Particularly, USCDetector collects various information such as bytecode and transaction information to construct upgradechains for USCs and disclose potentially vulnerable ones.USCDetector can achieve 96.26% precisionon our collected ground truth data with verified smart contracts.We have used USCDetector to analyze 60,251,064 smart contracts, and discovered multiple real-world USCs that have potential security issues.


We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments.Xiaofan Li and Xing Gao are partially supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) grants CNS-2054657 and CNS-2317830.Jin Yang, Jiaqi Chen, and Yuzhe Tang are partially supported by NSF grants CNS-2139801, CNS-1815814, DGE2104532, and two Ethereum Foundation academic grants.



CALLCALLCall a method in another contract.
DELEGATECALLDCALLCall a method in another contract
using the storage of current contract.
Call a method in another contract
STATICCALLSCALLwithout state changes.
SELFDESTRUCTSDESDestroy the contract.
Fallback function will be called when a non-
FallbackFBKexistent function is called on the current contract.
Functions{Func}A set of functions belong to current contract.
A set of functions that current contract calls
Other Functions{OFunc}another contract.
Proxy Pattern Upg({Func}proxy{Func}logic)DCALLFBK𝑈𝑝𝑔subscript𝐹𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑥𝑦subscript𝐹𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑐𝐷𝐶𝐴𝐿𝐿𝐹𝐵𝐾Upg\in(\{Func\}_{proxy}\lor\{Func\}_{logic})\land DCALL\land FBKitalic_U italic_p italic_g ∈ ( { italic_F italic_u italic_n italic_c } start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_p italic_r italic_o italic_x italic_y end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∨ { italic_F italic_u italic_n italic_c } start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_l italic_o italic_g italic_i italic_c end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) ∧ italic_D italic_C italic_A italic_L italic_L ∧ italic_F italic_B italic_K
Strategy Pattern Upg{Func}main(CALLSCALL){OFunc}main𝑈𝑝𝑔subscript𝐹𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛𝐶𝐴𝐿𝐿𝑆𝐶𝐴𝐿𝐿subscript𝑂𝐹𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛Upg\in\{Func\}_{main}\land(CALL\lor SCALL)\land\{OFunc\}_{main}italic_U italic_p italic_g ∈ { italic_F italic_u italic_n italic_c } start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_m italic_a italic_i italic_n end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∧ ( italic_C italic_A italic_L italic_L ∨ italic_S italic_C italic_A italic_L italic_L ) ∧ { italic_O italic_F italic_u italic_n italic_c } start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_m italic_a italic_i italic_n end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
Data Separation Upg{Func}dataRulestrategy𝑈𝑝𝑔subscript𝐹𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑅𝑢𝑙subscript𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑔𝑦Upg\in\{Func\}_{data}\lor Rule_{strategy}italic_U italic_p italic_g ∈ { italic_F italic_u italic_n italic_c } start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_d italic_a italic_t italic_a end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∨ italic_R italic_u italic_l italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_s italic_t italic_r italic_a italic_t italic_e italic_g italic_y end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
Mix Pattern RuleproxyRulestrategy𝑅𝑢𝑙subscript𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑥𝑦𝑅𝑢𝑙subscript𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑔𝑦Rule_{proxy}\land Rule_{strategy}italic_R italic_u italic_l italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_p italic_r italic_o italic_x italic_y end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∧ italic_R italic_u italic_l italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_s italic_t italic_r italic_a italic_t italic_e italic_g italic_y end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
Metamorphic Contract SDESCREATE2CallTracetx_create𝑆𝐷𝐸𝑆𝐶𝑅𝐸𝐴𝑇𝐸2𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑐subscript𝑒𝑡𝑥_𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒SDES\land CREATE2\in CallTrace_{tx\_create}italic_S italic_D italic_E italic_S ∧ italic_C italic_R italic_E italic_A italic_T italic_E 2 ∈ italic_C italic_a italic_l italic_l italic_T italic_r italic_a italic_c italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t italic_x _ italic_c italic_r italic_e italic_a italic_t italic_e end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
Contract Migration AddroldAnnouncementAddrnew𝐴𝑑𝑑subscript𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑑𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝐴𝑑𝑑subscript𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑤Addr_{old}\land Announcement\land Addr_{new}italic_A italic_d italic_d italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o italic_l italic_d end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∧ italic_A italic_n italic_n italic_o italic_u italic_n italic_c italic_e italic_m italic_e italic_n italic_t ∧ italic_A italic_d italic_d italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_n italic_e italic_w end_POSTSUBSCRIPT

I. USCDetector Details


Upg𝑈𝑝𝑔Upgitalic_U italic_p italic_g

: Upgrade Function.

{Func}proxysubscript𝐹𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑥𝑦\{Func\}_{proxy}{ italic_F italic_u italic_n italic_c } start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_p italic_r italic_o italic_x italic_y end_POSTSUBSCRIPT

: A set of functions belong to proxy.

{OFunc}mainsubscript𝑂𝐹𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛\{OFunc\}_{main}{ italic_O italic_F italic_u italic_n italic_c } start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_m italic_a italic_i italic_n end_POSTSUBSCRIPT

: A set of functions that the main contract calls the logic contract.

Rulestrategy𝑅𝑢𝑙subscript𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑔𝑦Rule_{strategy}italic_R italic_u italic_l italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_s italic_t italic_r italic_a italic_t italic_e italic_g italic_y end_POSTSUBSCRIPT

: The rule for detecting strategy pattern.

CallTracetx_create𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑐subscript𝑒𝑡𝑥_𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒CallTrace_{tx\_create}italic_C italic_a italic_l italic_l italic_T italic_r italic_a italic_c italic_e start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t italic_x _ italic_c italic_r italic_e italic_a italic_t italic_e end_POSTSUBSCRIPT

: The call traces of the transaction that creates the contract.

Addrold𝐴𝑑𝑑subscript𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑑Addr_{old}italic_A italic_d italic_d italic_r start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o italic_l italic_d end_POSTSUBSCRIPT

: The address of the old contract.

Announcement𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡Announcementitalic_A italic_n italic_n italic_o italic_u italic_n italic_c italic_e italic_m italic_e italic_n italic_t

: The upgrade announcement obtained from Etherscan.


Proxy Pattern Rule requires (1) DELEGATECALL, (2)fallback function, and (3) the upgrade function must exist either in the proxy or logic contract.

Strategy Pattern Rule requires three elements to exist in the main contract at the same time. These elements are the upgrade function, CALL or STATICCALL (or both of them), and the functions that the main calls the logic contract.

Data Separation Rule requires the upgrade function to exist in the data contract. If the data contract calls functions of other contracts, it then has the same features as the strategy pattern.

Mix Pattern Rule requires that both the proxy’s rule and strategy’s rule must be satisfied.

Metamorphic Contract Rule requires SELFDESTRUCT to exist in the contract, while the call trace of the transaction that creates the contract must contain CREATE2.

Contract Migration Rule requires the address of the old contract, and announcement, and the address of the new contract must exist in the records we obtain from Etherscan at the same time.

II. False Negative Evaluation Using Dataset from(BodellIII etal., 2023)

We evaluate USCDetector using a subset of the dataset from Proxy Hunting (BodellIII etal., 2023), including 775 smart contracts.The TP, FP, TN, and FN are 673, 1, 94, and 7, respectively.Particularly, for 2 out of 7 FNs, our dataset missed the upgrading functions. For the rest 5, the logic contract address is hardcoded in the source code of the proxy contract.Our approach cannot obtain it from the RPC and cause the FN.In particular, there are two reasons to only use a subset of their dataset:(1) As mentioned in their paper, Proxy Hunting cannot detect USCs if the source code of the logic contract is not available, while our approach relying on bytecode can.(2) We find that inconsistency between source code and bytecode exists in some cases. Basically, the source code provided by the developer at an address does not exactly match the bytecode deployed at that address.The reason could be that the developer attempts to provide all relevant source code to verify a smart contract, while the deployed contract is only part of it.For example, the contract CoreLibrary(CoreLibrary, 2021) is the deployed contract and does not have any upgrading function.However, the source code provided by the developer at this address also includes the code for AdminUpgradeabilityProxy (which is a proxy-based USC) and its dependent contracts.We thus excluded these contracts in our evaluation.

III. Additional Listings of Vulnerable Examples

List1 presents a simplified version of a Mix Pattern contract that has no restrictive check on contract admin, derived from a real-world DApp LANDProxy(Decentraland, 2023).There is no admin check on the upgrade function, and thus anyone can overwrite the logic address (Line 3).











Listing2 presents a case I example. It lists the decompiled code of a simplified version of a (unverified) vulnerable UUPS-based logic contract.There is a function initialize (Line 8) that can be called directly.This function can declare the owner of the contract (Line 9).Since this contract has no state, its ownership can be obtained by calling the initialize function.Attackers can further call the destruct (Line 4) function to destroy this contract, disabling its proxy contract and withdrawing all the ETHs (Line 7).










Listing3 presents a case II example: a simplified version of a UUPS-based logic contract.It does not contain SELFDESTRUCT opcode, but can still be destroyed through the function upgradeToAndCall.The upgrade mechanism is implemented correctly for the proxy: only the owner can perform upgrades (Line 10).However, the upgradeToAndCall function can be directly called by the logic contract owner.An attacker can call the function initialize (Line 3) to take ownership of the logic contract, and further destroy it by calling the function upgradeToAndCall (Line 10).

Particularly, the _upgradeToAndCallSecure function includes a rollback test to validate that the new logic address also has an upgrade function (Line 29).However, this test can be bypassed by performing twice upgrades: first by resetting the rollbackTesting value (Line 28) and then by calling _upgradeToAndCallSecure function to a function containing SELFDESTRUCT in the upgrading logic contract (Line 26).This would destroy the logic contract and cause the proxy’s DELEGATECALL to point to a self-destructed logic contract.





































IV. Additional Figures of Vulnerable Examples

Figure5 presents a real-world example of proxy-based USC. Figure4(a) shows a transaction from a proxy’s admin to initialize the proxy contract.As the function initialize is supposed to exist in the logic contract, the proxy contract simply delegates the call to the logic contract (Figure4(b)).However, the logic address is actually an EOA.Thus, the initialize was not executed and eventually has no state change.

Characterizing Ethereum Upgradable Smart Contracts and Their Security Implications (8)
Characterizing Ethereum Upgradable Smart Contracts and Their Security Implications (9)
Characterizing Ethereum Upgradable Smart Contracts and Their Security Implications (2024)
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