Car Insurance Saving Devices (2024)

The Car Insurance industry has tripped across a brilliant piece of marketing that will allow them to track the driving habits of all their customers. I believe these driver-tracking devices hook into your car’s computer system (the diagnostic port). They most likely have GPS capability and a cellular interface to send data back to your insurer. The driver tracking devicesÂtrack your driving habits, and you can see how well you are doing (online), and you get a discount for installing it on your car, which sounds lovely.

If I put on my aluminum foil hat (i.e. take a paranoid point of view), I find it interesting to hear rights and freedoms lovers (as should we all) complaining about how much information the government collects from them when folks sign up for these kinds of invasive programs without batting an eye.

Allegedly the insurance companies in Canada that have these devices claim that they will not use this data to punish drivers, and that may be the case now, but it won’t remain that way.

Car Insurance Saving Devices (1)

If I were collecting specific data about driving habits, I would start doing some analysis on the number of times drivers:

  • Slam on the brakes (yes, that data is there already, your car already tracks pressure on the brake pedal)
  • Breaks speed limits and where (do you do 120 KM/hr on highways or worse 80 km/hr in school zones), if the device has a GPS in it, how hard is it to figure this out?
  • Went to bars and drove afterwards (no, that doesn’t prove guilt, but it doesn’t paint a pretty picture either).
  • How well you maintain your car.

Am I Just Being Paranoid?

Don’t think this can happen? Haven’t you noticed all of this great “directed advertising” Google has been giving you? Data collection about you goes on pretty much all day long, and the folks collecting the data aren’t supposed to use it for nefarious reasons, but what is stopping them? Even sex toys are collecting data on folks.

Yes, I sound like a paranoid privacy nut, but in this situation, I don’t believe that these “money-saving devices” are only for “monitoring purposes”. I will pass on them until I am forced to install one (and yes, I believe that in the future, that might be the case). ÂHowever, I think it is a brilliant idea for insurance companies to understand their customers’ driving habits better.

Is this just me being paranoid?


  1. Car Insurance Saving Devices (2)

    Jim McGowanMarch 8, 2016 at 7:31 PM


    Recently received a device. The accompanioning conract states “by using this device I agree that the data collected may be sent to USA, ITALY.”
    That was news to me.


    1. Car Insurance Saving Devices (3)

      bigcajunmanMarch 9, 2016 at 5:17 AM


      Ferrari wants to collect data on your car for their F1 testing?!?


  2. Car Insurance Saving Devices (4)

    BrianFebruary 8, 2015 at 1:11 PM


    I currently use this with my car, and started in August 2014. The Automerit program with Belair Direct. I opted in since I feel I am a good, cautious driver, and the appeal of up to 25% off was, well, appealing. I will try to keep the background info short: It tracks 3 things, everything viewable online: fast acceleration, hard braking, KMs driven at high-risk times 12-4am. It even gives you the exact time these events occurred! Cool and creepy at the same time.
    I average 0-2 total events of fast acceleration/hard braking a week. Either above 12km/h or below 12km/h in one second for accelerating or braking, respectively. Usually I am at 12-14km/h when one of these happen, and they deem those as a low-severity incident. No big deal it seems, but not perfect.
    Overall I am stuck at 10% off my renewal, which should be around $1100 this August. Solid, but I feel deserving of more (but don’t we all?). It has helped me be more conscientious of both accelerating and braking, which is a good thing. It angers people behind me when I crawl off the line when the light goes green though. It will save me roughly $110, so overall, in my mind it is worth it.
    I totally agree the speed monitoring is coming and that it will probably lead to being used against us all for good and bad habits (but is this a bad thing? We all see bad drivers everywhere!). I am still skeptical why they would give me a discount to use it; the (+) and (-) data they get from me must be worth my $110 in savings. Which begs the question: what are they really doing with the data, and what are their true intentions with it?


  3. Car Insurance Saving Devices (6)

    Emily @ Simple Cheap MomFebruary 4, 2015 at 6:47 PM


    I feel like so much information about me is out there already that if I was offered a big discount on my insurance, I’d snap one of these up. I think it actually would make me a better driver.

    That being said, fashion a tin foil hat, it can’t hurt.


  4. Car Insurance Saving Devices (7)

    TawcanFebruary 4, 2015 at 2:17 PM


    Bet Crooks has very good points. I would be paranoid about installing a device that can track me as well.


    1. Car Insurance Saving Devices (8)

      bigcajunmanFebruary 4, 2015 at 2:30 PM


      Might keep me driving old beaters, which don’t have on board computers as well 🚙


  5. Car Insurance Saving Devices (9)

    ChrisFebruary 4, 2015 at 1:37 PM


    I work for an insurance company, and at present here in Ontario, the devices can ONLY be used to give discounts, not increases – any change to insurance premiums have to be passed by the provincial legislature. As for accidents, it doesn’t matter – the system is no-fault, so even if you are speeding or plow into someone in the wrong lane, you still get your accident benefits coverage. There are some rules around this, if you are impaired for example, you lose certain benefits, but otherwise the benefits are there. Finally, like a lot of things, if you know you are being “watched” you tend to behave better – so if the device actually help you to maintain a better speed or slow down more gently etc, it will likely be to your benefit. I would be much more concerned about information that you have on facebook, google, twitter etc. as opposed to the fact that you did 85 kph in an 80 zone. Also, at the end of the day, insurance companies already use data to estimate your chances of collision (age, gender, how far you drive per year, past-convictions, postal code) so this is just somewhat more individualized. If you are a decent driver, it should help – if you are a bad driver, it may push you to become better.


      1. Car Insurance Saving Devices (11)

        ChrisFebruary 4, 2015 at 10:31 PM


        Of course they are a for profit business. By definition, an insurance company that doesn’t make a profit will soon be unable to pay out the claims it owes and will be bankrupt. It’s all a matter of balance. This is where more accurate data comes in. Insurance companies need to take in enough in premiums and investment income to pay all the claims they will have, as well as pay for operations (buildings, staff, heat, etc. etc.) Unfortunately, nobody knows how many claims will occur in a given year, or how costly they may be. Auto claims in particular can vary incredibly from year to year, so companies need to have enough in reserve to pay outstanding claims in “bad” years. The better they can match premiums to risks, the more competitive pricing can be. If they are unable to accurately predict what they need, they will err on the side of caution.


        1. Car Insurance Saving Devices (12)

          bigcajunmanFebruary 5, 2015 at 5:29 AM

          Well put, however, somehow what you just wrote seems to agree with my statement that this data will be used, and not just to lower rates.


          1. Car Insurance Saving Devices (13)

            ChrisFebruary 5, 2015 at 8:58 AM

            I think the direction is that people who use the devices will get discounts from their regular rates (assuming their driving habits are good – if not they will get no discount). In order to make up the shortfall in premiums, rates for people who will not agree to the additional data will likely start to creep up, as the unwillingness to be “tracked” will be interpreted as a negative. I don’t know that this is true, but it seems logical to me – if you are unwilling to provide the data, you are assumed to be hiding something and will be charged accordingly. It’s like life insurance – if you refuse the health tests, they will still insure you but assume you are unwell and therefore your premium will be high. If you submit your health info and you are “clear” you get a better premium. Anyway, I’m just a worker bee, so this is just my opinion based on what I have read in the industry news. (My own auto provided doesn’t use the extra data collection yet, but I think most larger companies are moving in that direction – if mine does, I’ll sign up as I’m a careful driver so have nothing to hide).


            1. Car Insurance Saving Devices (14)

              bigcajunmanFebruary 5, 2015 at 9:05 AM

              Chris, good points, and well presented, thanks. The “guilt by non-participation” (my words not yours) is an interesting angle, which I think you are spot on as a way for the insurance companies to recuperate any losses on any discounts they give to “good” drivers (I put that in quotes only because I am not sure what parameters makes for a good driver). Opinions and discussions like theses are important to get this into the public eye so Consumers (and service providers) can have a better understanding of things. 🌟


      2. Car Insurance Saving Devices (15)

        Bet CrooksFebruary 4, 2015 at 8:06 AM


        And don’t forget if there is an accident the lawyers for the victim’s side will be demanding all of the info from your on-board tattletale. And even if it doesn’t show anything directly relevant to the case, you can bet they will emphasize ANY records of bad/aggressive driving found. I’m not saying it should matter since you shouldn’t be driving badly ever and therefore being blameless should have nothing to hide, but I still wouldn’t want that additional data out there.


        1. Car Insurance Saving Devices (16)

          bigcajunmanFebruary 4, 2015 at 8:25 AM


          Excellent points. 🚗


        2. Car Insurance Saving Devices (17)

          ChrisFebruary 4, 2015 at 10:40 PM


          Bette – as to your point – your car already has a “black box” which captures all the data including your speed, braking, when airbags were deployed etc. In addition, if lawyers want to get more information, they will do so by getting forensic accident reconstruction teams out to figure out exactly what happened – all of which come at a high cost, that eventually get passed on to all consumers. So there really is no hiding anyway, you might just as well get the discount for using the company device and hopefully use it as incentive to drive more safely and avoid the accidents in the first place.


      3. Car Insurance Saving Devices (18)

        BFebruary 4, 2015 at 8:00 AM


        I don’t think you are being paranoid enough…


        1. Car Insurance Saving Devices (19)

          bigcajunmanFebruary 4, 2015 at 8:24 AM


          You mean I need a better Aluminum Foil hat? 🙂


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      Car Insurance Saving Devices (2024)


      How do you answer insurance questions? ›

      Think deeply about the exact question the agent asked, and only provide that specific information. Never admit to fault. Never admit to even being partially at fault. Never admit that you are uninjured.

      How can you reduce your insurance policy payment driver's ed? ›

      Take a Driver's Ed Class

      Exactly how much you save depends on your insurer, but it can be as much as 10 percent. While the cost of a driver's ed class isn't cheap, it's a one-time expense. Once you take the class, you'll get the discount every year so it's worth it in the long run.

      Why do car insurance companies ask so many questions? ›

      Avoiding Fraud. Insurance fraud is a significant concern for the industry. By asking questions, companies can verify the accuracy of their claims and prevent fraudulent activities. This ultimately keeps costs down for honest policyholders.

      What happens if you don't have enough money for insurance? ›

      Immediate Financial Consequences

      Although your insurance provider might offer you a few days grace period to send funds over, chances are if you've missed a payment, sooner or later you'll be paying for it. Failing to pay your insurance can result in a surcharge or daily fee until your payment is made in full.

      What is insurance best answer? ›

      Insurance is a contract, represented by a policy, in which a policyholder receives financial protection or reimbursem*nt against losses from an insurance company.

      What type of things can reduce a driver's insurance premium? ›

      Some of the most impactful ways to lower your car insurance include qualifying for multiple discounts, avoiding accidents, and changing your coverage.

      How can you reduce your insurance policy payment answer? ›

      Here are some ways to save on car insurance1
      1. Increase your deductible.
      2. Check for discounts you qualify for.
      3. Compare auto insurance quotes.
      4. Maintain a good driving record.
      5. Participate in a safe driving program.
      6. Take a defensive driving course.
      7. Explore payment options.
      8. Improve your credit score.

      Why do insurance companies ask for pictures of your car? ›

      If you need a photo inspection during the claims process: A photo inspection required during the claims process will help to determine your insurance payout by creating a record of claimed damage and eliminating pre-existing damage from your claim.

      What is the leading question in insurance? ›

      For example, if you wanted clients to sign up for an insurance plan, you could craft a leading question like: “When would you like to sign up for our insurance plan?” The aforementioned question subtly prompts the client to decide on the insurance plan, which would most likely be in your favor.

      Why am I getting high car insurance quotes? ›

      Why Is My Car Insurance So High? Your car insurance may be expensive because of your driving history, location, vehicle or credit history. Recent insurance claims and violations can increase your rates for three to five years. On the other hand, it's possible you also just have a more expensive car insurance company.

      What if insurance doesn't give you enough money? ›

      Negotiating with the insurance company should be your first step in trying to get a larger insurance settlement. However, it may not be successful, and you should be prepared for that outcome. You may need to take your case to court if you cannot negotiate a settlement.

      What happens if you don t have enough money to pay car insurance? ›

      You Won't Be Covered

      Depending on the state, you may legally be required to have minimum coverage for bodily injury and property damage liability. In some states, you may also need uninsured/underinsured coverage. Drivers whose insurance doesn't meet state requirements may incur heavy fines and penalties.

      Do you ever stop paying for insurance? ›

      If you miss a monthly premium payment

      Your health insurance company could end your coverage if you fall behind on your monthly premiums. A short period after your monthly health insurance payment is due to pay all owed premiums to avoid losing coverage.

      What is the simplest way to explain insurance? ›

      Insurance is a contract between you (or a business) and an insurance company to help protect you and your loved ones from financial loss due to an unexpected event, like an accident, illness, natural disaster, or other unexpected circ*mstances.

      What are the five principles of insurance answer? ›

      In the insurance world there are six basic principles that must be met, ie insurable interest, Utmost good faith, proximate cause, indemnity, subrogation and contribution. The right to insure arising out of a financial relationship, between the insured to the insured and legally recognized.

      What should you say in an insurance statement? ›

      Stick to what you know for sure and be clear and concise in your answers. If you do not know the answer to a question, say so, rather than guessing or making assumptions. “I can't be sure, but I'll bet the other driver was on the phone” is classic speculation that is best left out of a statement.

      What should I say in an insurance interview? ›

      Sample Answer: I've always been interested in helping people and making sure that they are protected. Insurance is a great way to do that. I want to help people understand how insurance works and why it's important to have it.

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      Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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      Name: Horacio Brakus JD

      Birthday: 1999-08-21

      Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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