Bullying (2024)

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Bullying (1)

Bullying is a way the player can make villagers sad or angry and is present in all installments of the Animal Crossing series.


  • 1 Occurrences
    • 1.1 In New Leaf
    • 1.2 In New Horizons
  • 2 Reactions
    • 2.1 In New Leaf
      • 2.1.1 Cranky
      • 2.1.2 Jock
      • 2.1.3 Lazy
      • 2.1.4 Peppy
      • 2.1.5 Snooty
    • 2.2 In New Horizons
      • 2.2.1 Cranky
      • 2.2.2 Jock
      • 2.2.3 Lazy
      • 2.2.4 Normal
      • 2.2.5 Peppy
      • 2.2.6 Sisterly
      • 2.2.7 Smug
      • 2.2.8 Snooty
  • 3 Trivia
  • 4 Gallery
    • 4.1 Animal Crossing
    • 4.2 Wild World
    • 4.3 City Folk
    • 4.4 New Leaf
    • 4.5 New Horizons


In New Leaf[]

There are 5 ways this can be triggered in villagers:

  1. The villager is hit with a net, axe or toy hammer 3 times consecutively.
  2. The villager is pushed for 4-8 seconds straight.
  3. The villager's name is said with a megaphone very close to them.
  4. The villager falls into a pitfall.
  5. After a group conversation with another villager, a villager's mood can change to joyous, sad or angry.

In New Horizons[]

There are 4 ways this can be triggered in villagers:

  • The villager is hit with a net 3 times consecutively.
  • The villager is pushed for a long amount of time.
    • This can also be triggered if the villager is walked next to without being pushed for a long amount of time.
  • The villager falls into a pitfall.
  • After a group conversation with another villager, a villager's mood can change to joyous, sad or angry.


In New Leaf[]


  • "Hey, that hurts! What, you tryin' to start somethin'? 'Cause I will throw down if I have to!"
  • "Ouch! Hey, you did that on purpose! I'm all for joking around, but that's just taking things too far!"
  • "Ow! ...All right, look, <player name>! You need to watch where you're swinging that thing! It's dangerous! <catchphrase>!"
  • "Look, <player name>, you've been pushing me around on purpose, haven't you? Well, cut it out, <catchphrase>!"
  • Hey, hey, <player name>! What do you think you're doing exactly? Stop pushin' me around!"
  • "...<player name>! Stop pushing me! If you need to say something, just speak up!"
  • "Wahh! That's loud! And it's right in my ear!"
  • "Gahh! What the heck?! Stop scaring me!"
  • "Aiighh! Hey, loudmouth! You just yelled into my ear through a megaphone!"


  • "Ouch! What gives, <player name>?! If you wanna fight, bring it on!"
  • "Ooooooh, barbells... That was a good solid hit. You got me good..."
  • "Hey, punk! Why'd you hit me?
  • "Whoa! Why are you pushing me?! You've got a lot of nerve! What are you thinking, <player name>?!"
  • "Don't push me! What is with you? You practicing to be a sumo wrestler or something?!"
  • "Yaaaaa! Don't push me! And don't you dare tell anyone my tummy ripples like a bowl full of jelly when you push me!"
  • "Stop yelling, <player name>! You're scaring me!"
  • "Yikes! Your voice is so loud! What are you doing, <player name>?! You don't need to yell at me!"
  • "Whoa! Why the loud voice, ladybro? You made my heart skip a beat..."


  • "Why'd you hit me?! I thought we were friends, <player name>!"
  • "What the heck, <player name>? That hurt, you know! Do you get your kicks being mean to people?!"
  • "Why are you pushing me around? If it's a joke, it's not very funny..."
  • "You can't just go around pushing people around 'cause you feel like it. It's really rude, <catchphrase>."
  • "Um... You don't have to scream in my ear, you know. I can hear you just fine, <player name>.
  • "AUGH! What's the big idea, <catchphrase>? I can hear you just fine without that thing!"
  • "AUGH! My ears are ringing!"


  • "Hey! That hurts my ears! Seriously, that's awful of you!
  • "What's up with you? Don't you KNOW how awful that is, <catchphrase>?"
  • "Eeeek! That's totally awful! Why would you DO that, <catchphrase>?"
  • "Hey! You SO clearly don't want to be good friends with me. You'd better stop that, <catchphrase>!"
  • "That's seriously annoying! You DO know that, right, <catchphrase>?!"
  • "Knock it off! Why are you pushing me?! Do you think it's cute or something? Because it's NOT!"
  • "That's so irritating! Why not throw <dessert> at the back of my head, <catchphrase>?"
  • "OUCH! Why are you doing that? Cut it out already, <catchphrase>!"
  • "THAT HURTS! Why would you keep smacking me like that, <catchphrase>?"


  • "Hey! I hope you're just clumsy and not straight-up mean. It's not nice to plonk someone like that."
  • "Hey! Bonk me with that thing again, <player name>, and I'll show you how to actually use it!"
  • "Whoa, excuse YOU! Just what do you think you're doing?
  • "<player name>! I thought you had better manners than this.
  • "Hey! Watch where you're going!"
  • "Hey! Have you ever heard of a thing called "personal space"?
  • "Ahhh! You scared me, <player name>."
  • "Wow, I can barely hear you. Can you TRY TALKING LOUDER? <catchphrase>..."
  • "Whoa! Message received loud and clear...on the moon. You don't need to shout so loudly!"

In New Horizons[]


  • "Listen up, pal. You gotta watch where you're goin'! Bumpin' into folks like that ain't cute!
  • "<name>. You're bumpin' into me on purpose. Stop it. I ain't gonna ask twice."
  • "What is your problem?! Stop gettin' all up in my space and bumpin' into me, kiddo! If you got somethin' to say...SAY IT!"
  • "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm walkin' here!"
  • "Enough with that! YOU TRYIN' TO MAKE ME RAISE MY VOICE?!"
  • "GAH! That hurts! What'd I ever do to you?!"
  • "Kiddo, I am just not in the mood for this right now..."
  • "OW! What are you playin' at, buddy? You think my head's a bug? Learn how to swing that thing before you go wreckin' someone else's hairdo! It's dangerous!"


  • "Whoa! Too close! Back off a bit there, <catchphrase>."
  • "Hey, buddy, you know you hit me with that thing, right? Come on, <name>, <catchphrase>... Don't be like that!"
  • "Stop it, <name>! I am NOT a bug and I will NOT be squished!"
  • "Whatcha doing, <name>? If you're after a(n) <sport> throw down or whatever, there are better ways to get my attention!"
  • "Yeowch! Whatever you're training for, count me out, <catchphrase>."
  • "Hey, now! You need a proper punching bag for training, and I am NOT a proper punching bag!"
  • "Is that the best you can do, <name>? 'Cause your best ain't very nice!"
  • "Stop it! You should be more careful around me, <name>! Get careless around my rock-hard abs, and you could hurt yourself."


  • "H...hey now. You could hurt somebody doing that. Just talk to me instead of shoving me around!"
  • "Huhhhh? Why are you shoving me?"
  • "If shoving is your idea of playing, well, it's too rough for me."
  • "Oh, um...you don't have to push. Is something up, <name>?"
  • "Ugh, quit shoving me! It's real annoying!"
  • "Hey, knock it off! You're being real annoying!"
  • "Owww... Why'd you do that?"
  • "Y...you...you hit me?! Oooowwww..."
  • "Aaaah! Why would you do that?! Do you hate me, <name>?"
  • "Knock it off! That's just real bad to do. So don't do it to folks!"
  • "Wh...what are you doing?! That hurt, <name>! Knock it off!"


  • "What's gotten into you? You need to give me some space, <catchphrase>!"
  • "Hey, it hurts when you push me around like that, <catchphrase>!"
  • "I don't like being pushed around. <catchphrase>, that really hurt!
  • "Please, <name>... Settle down, <catchphrase>!"
  • "Quit shoving me, <name>. It's rude, <catchphrase>!"
  • "Ow! Oh, that hurt... Wait- <name>? What’s up with you, <catchphrase>?"
  • "Hey, <name>! Why would you just hit me like that, <catchphrase>?"
  • "<name>, stop that! <catchphrase>, what got into you?"
  • "<name>, was that on purpose? <catchphrase>, it hurt!"
  • "<name>? You know better, <catchphrase>..."
  • "Hey, what's... What're you doing, <name>? This isn't like you, <catchphrase>!"


  • "Hey. HEY! <name>! Why do you have to be shoving me around? KNOCK IT OFF!"
  • "Hey! HEY! Stop your shoving! Watch out! Geez, if you want an autograph, like...JUST ASK!"
  • "Ohmigosh! HANG ON! I know you're totes in a hurry, but that doesn't mean you can just push me around!"
  • "Haaang on! You think it's cool to act like that? Ohmigosh. So totally rude!"
  • "Uh. <name>?! What in the whole wide world is wrong with you? If we've got probs, talk to me!"
  • "What in the what was THAT for, <name>?! How DARE you do that to a talented, hyper smart, super cute, soon-to-be-ultra-famous pop star like me?!"
  • "Hey! <name>! What the heck was all that about?! Fair warning! I took three karate classes when I was a kid, so I’m basically a master of self-defense!"
  • "Ugh, what are you doing? Keep swinging that thing around and someone's going to get hurt!"
  • "Hey! <name>, what did you go and do that for, you grody fish fossil?!"


  • "Hey, what gives, <catchphrase>? If you need me to move, try askin'."
  • "You little punk! I expected better from you, but I guess THAT was a mistake, <catchphrase>."
  • "Uh, did you not see me? Or are we going to have a problem?"
  • "What is this? What's happening? Have you considered talking to me like a normal person instead?"
  • "What's the big idea?! If that's your idea of a joke, it's not funny! I'm sure you just got carried away, but THINK next time! Yeesh!"
  • "Don't think I didn't see that! Some advice for next time you take a swing at me—I swing back, <catchphrase>!"
  • "Whoa! Watch where you swing!"
  • "C'mon now. Quit fooling around!"


  • "Whoa! Bold move, <name>!"
  • "Hey, if we're gonna do this kind of interpretive dance, we gotta choreograph it. Don't get me wrong—I'm into it. I just need some actual dance steps, <catchphrase>."
  • "Hey, whoa, <catchphrase>! You're a little too close! I like my personal space like I like my coffee—ostentatiously oversized!"
  • "Oh! Was I in your way? Trick question! I wasn't! Watch where you're going next time!"
  • "Well! That tells me a lot about you, <name>. I can't say I like getting shoved out of the way, but I sure do respect it."
  • "Whoa! What was that? If you're gonna hit me, at least give me a heads-up. Or, y'know... just DON'T hit me!"
  • "Uh, can you NOT right now? Use your words, <name>!"
  • "Hey, I'm not really a fan of that. Can you knock it off?"
  • "Sweet sassy <drink>... STOP THAT! I don't like it! I never will! Get a new hobby or something! Yeesh..."


  • "I BEG YOUR PARDON! What kind of person pushes a lady like that?"
  • "What?! Hey! Stop it! I don't like to be pushed around! Why on earth do you do the things you do?"
  • "What in the world are you doing? Stop pushing me around this instant, <name>! You rude thing you! If you need something from me, use your words!"
  • "EXCUSE you, <name>! Stop that shoving right now! I do NOT like that!"
  • "Well, I am just shocked and appalled! You're normally so nice! What has come over you, <name>?!"
  • "Oh, would you just GROW UP?! You need to find a healthier way to burn off that extra energy! There are better ways to get my attention...MUCH BETTER WAYS!"
  • "Aww, what is wrong with you? And here I thought you were so nice and respectable."
  • "Could you PLEASE not do that? I have no patience for that kind of immature behavior."


  • In New Leaf, if a villager is hit with a net or a toy hammer while sitting on a bench, they will display the shocked emote instead of getting sad or angry.
  • In the Gamecube version, If the player bullies a Peppy villager and then talks to her at least three times; there's a chance she'll forgive the player.
  • Apologizing to villagers after bullying them was introduced in New Horizons. This can make them happy. After talking to them while they are happy, they will reveal to you that they think they are close friends with you.
  • In New Horizons, if a villager is pushed for an extended period of time while sitting down, then they will stand up.
  • In New Horizons, if a villager is hit three times when they are sitting down, they will stand up from where they were sitting if they become sad or angry.


Animal Crossing[]

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Wild World[]

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City Folk[]

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New Leaf[]

Bullying (2)

A villager after being hit with a net.

Bullying (3)

A villager after being pushed.

Bullying (4)

A villager after being scared with a megaphone.

Bullying (5)

A villager after being hit with a toy hammer.

Bullying (6)

A villager after changing mood to sad.

New Horizons[]

Bullying (7)

Pushing a jock villager too much in New Horizons.

Bullying (8)

Hitting a cranky villager with a net in New Horizons.

Bullying (9)

Hitting a Cranky Villager with a net (second time) in New Horizons.

Bullying (10)

Pushing a snooty villager too much in New Horizons.

Bullying (11)

Lolly after being hit with a net.

Bullying (12)

Ankha after being hit with a net.

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Bullying (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.